How to add saved firefox bookmarks. Where are bookmarks stored in Mozilla?

Good day to everyone, dear friends, acquaintances, readers, admirers and other individuals. Today, as you understand from the title, we’ll talk about where bookmarks are stored in Mozilla Firefox.

The fact is that lately they have been especially often asking in which folder the bookmarks of this browser live and how to restore them using this knowledge, otherwise the system has been reinstalled, and they forgot to save everything from the mozilla in advance.

I’ll tell you in detail how to find chanterelle bookmarks, and at the same time I’ll show you a universal way to find them, as well as the folder where the profiles (settings, etc.) of this browser are located.

Let's get started.

Finding and saving Mozilla FireFox bookmarks

Mozilla bookmarks are stored in the following paths. It is slightly different for each OS type. Attention, in some versions of Firefox it may be difficult to find the file, then use the method at the end of the article.

In case of Windows XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\ Username\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ profile name\bookmarks.html

In case of Windows Vista/7/8/10:

C:\Users\username\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\profile name\

Here we need all the files from the folder, not the bookmarks.html file. This way we will completely restore the profile, and not just the file with bookmarks. Visually, the bookmarks folder looks like this:

Accordingly, in order to get old bookmarks in the new system, you need to replace one file with another in the same folder and you will be able to save the coveted bookmarks.

Where are bookmarks stored in mozilla firefox - a more universal way

Click "Start - Run" (or press the Win+R key combination on your keyboard) or just "Start" (if you have it with a search bar at the bottom right away), where we enter the following:

Which will immediately open a folder with a billboard (profile), where everything you need will be located, i.e. you won’t have to search for the folder yourself in many clicks.

If you can’t find bookmarks, then do this

Well, in general, if nothing helps and you cannot find the file, then simply press the Alt button in the browser (launched) until the menu appears at the top:

There, select "Bookmarks - Show all bookmarks" and in the menu that appears, select "Import and backups -> Export bookmarks to HTML file":

Then save the bookmarks.html file to the location you need. You can restore bookmarks in the same way, but by selecting the “Import bookmarks to HTML file” option.

Perhaps that’s all, let’s move on to the afterword.


That's all, business.

If something doesn’t work out, then, as always, write in the comments or using the feedback form.

Always happy to help;)

Bookmarks or bookmarks are favorite tabs that you save in your browser in order to quickly and easily find the Internet pages you like. Over time, each user accumulates a whole library of such bookmarks. This collection turns into quite a great value, which is a shame to lose. In this article, we will tell you how to correctly transfer your favorite tabs from one device to another within the Mozilla browser, as well as from the Mozilla Firefox browser to another browser.

In addition, you will receive useful information on how to easily backup your favorite tabs (bookmarks) in Mozilla. And there is a separate article on how to sort or.

I’ll please you right away: by following the instructions in this article, you will save all your favorite tabs when transferring from one browser to another. Both those that you transfer and those that already exist in another browser will be saved.

Let's look at two transfer options:

  1. When you need to transfer bookmarks from one computer to another. At the same time, Firefox is installed on both computers.
  2. When you need to transfer bookmarks to another browser. Let's say Chrome.

How to transfer bookmarks from Firefox to another computer

Attention! Whatever you do with your favorite tabs, I highly recommend that you first make a backup copy from which you can then easily restore the original state. About creating a backup copy below.

When might you need to transfer bookmarks to another computer? Let's say you purchased a laptop and installed your usual Mozilla on it. Or another case, you wanted to install your favorite browser on your office computer. But what is a browser without bookmarks?!

Meanwhile, transferring everything is very simple. This is done in three steps:

  • The first step is to create a backup file of your Firefox browser bookmarks.
  • The second step is to transfer the file to another computer.
  • The third step is to restore Firefox browser bookmarks from a backup file.

Attention! When transferring bookmarks to another computer in this way, It is assumed that there are no bookmarks saved in the Mozilla browser on the second computer. Because when we make such a transfer, all favorite tabs, if they exist, will be completely replaced by new ones. That is, old bookmarks will simply be deleted.

Great, you say, but what should you do if there are already some bookmarks in the Firefox browser on another device and you need to save them. That is, we are talking about combine all favorite tabs. At the end of the article I’ll tell you about this. How to add bookmarks from one Firefox browser to another browser. So, let's take it in order.

1 Create a backup file of Firefox browser bookmarks

In the upper right part of the working window of your Mozilla browser, click on the star icon. In the window that opens, select the very last menu item “Show all bookmarks”. These actions can be replaced by pressing the hot keys Ctrl+Shift+B.

Show all bookmarks

A window called “Library” will open separately from the browser. In the library menu we are interested in the “Import and backups” button. Click it. In the drop-down list, select the line “Create a backup copy...”.

After that, in the Windows Explorer that opens, select the folder in which the file will be saved and click “Save.” By default, the file name is assigned in this format: “bookmarks-yyyy-mm-dd”. The current date is used as the date format yyyy-mm-dd. From this file you can always restore Firefox bookmarks to the corresponding date. In addition, the convenience of such a file name is that you will always know exactly when you last made a backup.

The file is ready, now you need to transfer it to another computer.

2 Transfer a file to another computer

I think everything is clear here. The file obtained as a result of export can be sent by mail, it can be transferred literally “physically” using a flash drive or any drive, via cloud storage.

3 Restoring bookmarks in the Firefox browser from a backup file

Now, in the second Firefox browser, where we want to transfer everything, we need to do all the same steps as in the first one, when we created a backup copy of our favorite bookmarks from the browser to a file. The only difference is that in the drop-down list you now need to select the “Restore backup from” option. There will be two fundamentally different possibilities.

  1. Restore the backup from the list of copies that Mozila saved independently.
  2. Select the file from which we want to restore bookmarks manually.

Moreover, if you have never backed up your bookmarks on another computer, in another Mozilla browser, then, of course, you will not have any options other than “Select file”. Actually, this is exactly the option we need. After all, we don’t just restore, we transfer bookmarks from Firefox to another computer. Press sequentially:

  1. Import and backups.
  2. Restore backup from
  3. Select a file.

The last click will be on the “Open file” button. Voila! All bookmarks have been transferred to another computer.

Now let's look at the second option, when you need to transfer bookmarks from Firefox to another browser.

How to Transfer Bookmarks from Firefox to Chrome

2 Transfer the created file to another computer

There is no need to explain anything here.

3 Import bookmarks from an HTML file into the Chrome browser

Open the Chrome browser.

  1. In the upper right corner of the working window, click the three vertical dots.
  2. Select “Bookmarks” from the menu list that opens.
  3. Another menu list will appear, click “Import bookmarks and settings.”

In the window that opens, by default, import bookmarks from Microsoft Edge is set. (Whoever doubts it, of course, it is necessary to make it as easy as possible for users to switch from the main competitor). Select the last item from the drop-down list. “HTML file with bookmarks” and specify the path to the file.

Click the long-awaited “Import” button. All bookmarks from the file will be transferred to the Chrome browser, to the “Import Completed” folder. Click "Done". Here you can also switch the “Show bookmarks bar” switch to the “on” position. This only affects the display of the bookmarks bar at the top of the browser, just below the browser's address bar. Toggle display of bookmarks on or off You can change your browser settings at any time.

Transfer bookmarks from Firefox to Chrome when the browsers are on the same computer

Perhaps the simplest option. Open Chrome. Next, find the “Import bookmarks and settings” item in the menu

Now, select Mozilla Firefox from the menu, and then click “Import”. All bookmarks will be transferred. Just as in the case of transfer from an HTML file, bookmarks will be placed in the “Import Completed” folder.

Now one more small nuance.

How to find bookmarks transferred from Firefox

I repeat once again, Chrome does not delete the bookmarks that you have created in it. A folder with the original name “Import Complete” is created for imported bookmarks.

If Chrome already has many different bookmarks or folders with them, then this newly created folder may not fit in the bookmarks bar, which is displayed under the address bar. It's OK. You will find it using the Dispatcher. You can open it either by pressing Ctrl+Shift+O or using the menu:

  1. Click the vertical three dots in the top right corner of Chrome.
  2. Select Bookmarks.
  3. Now, click “Bookmark Manager”.

There is a search in the manager, “Search in bookmarks”. Good for those who try to save the entire Internet in their browser. So either use it, or, if there are not many folders, just look through them in the list. Here, in the bookmark manager, you can easily.

In this simple way, you can transfer bookmarks from Firefox to another computer and to another browser.

Finally, the last task.

How to add bookmarks (merge) from one Firefox browser to another

Now, based on all previous knowledge, this is quite easy to do. In order for new bookmarks from one Mozilla to be added to other bookmarks in another, you just need to use another browser as a clipboard or intermediary, as you wish. We will use Chrome, for this we practiced with it throughout the article.

So, we do it like this:

  1. Moving favorite tabs from first Mozillas in Chrome. See above: How to transfer bookmarks from Firefox to Chrome.
  2. Importing bookmarks from Chrome into second Mozilla, the one on another device, to the bookmarks of which you need to add content first.

I'll move straight to the second step.

Using the hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+B open the Firefox library

At the next stage, we can select only those positions that we need by checking the boxes. I chose only “Bookmarks”, because I don’t need other data.

Actually, that's all. Then click the “Done” button. And you will have bookmarks from chrome in a separate folder, which is called: “From Google Chrome”. By the way, you can rename it, for example, “Bookmarks from Firefox from another computer...” or something similar.

Transferring a profile to Firefox to a disk, flash drive or hard drive is necessary to save user settings in the browser after reinstalling it, formatting the system partition, or installing the operating system. This procedure is also necessary when transferring Firefox data to another computer (for example, bookmarks, passwords, browsing history, etc.).

In this article, you will learn how to transfer a profile to Firefox in various ways, how to separately import and export bookmarks, and also how to change its location on the disk (place it on a different partition of the hard drive).

Profile structure

The profile folder is generated automatically by the browser. Its name consists of Latin letters and numbers. It stores information about user settings. Here are just some of the elements found in the profile that are necessary to restore the created Mozilla Firefox configuration:

  • places.sqlite - bookmarks, history of visited pages and downloaded files;
  • bookmarkbackups - reserve of saved bookmarks;
  • key3.db, logins.json - credentials (passwords and logins);
  • permissions.sqlite, content-prefs.sqlite - specialized Firefox settings (set scale, font size, resolution of pop-up windows for individual sites);
  • search.json.mozlz4 - specified search engines;
  • persdict.dat - additional words (browser dictionary);
  • formhistory.sqlite - data for auto-filling fields;
  • cookies.sqlite - cookies;
  • extensions folder - connected extensions;
  • cert8.db - settings of security certificates for secure network connections;
  • secmod.db - database of security modules;
  • mimeTypes.rdf - a set of browser actions for certain file types (for example, downloading, viewing PDF files);
  • pluginreg.dat - MIME types of installed plugins;
  • sessionstore.js - saved Internet session (open tabs, windows);
  • xulstore.json - toolbar settings;
  • prefs.js - options changed by the user.

How to access?

There are two ways to open the directory with profile settings:

Method No. 1: using the FF option

1. Click the Menu icon at the top right (three stripes icon).

2. In the window that pops up, under the block of icons, click “question mark”.

3. In the list, click “Information...”.

4. In the loaded tab, click “Open...”.

5. The contents of the profile folder will appear in the system window.

If you want to view all available profiles, in the address bar of the window, click on the “Profiles” location path. The OS Explorer will “rise” one level in the hierarchy.

Method number 2: through the Start menu

1. Select “Start” in the taskbar.

2. In the search bar, type:

3. A directory icon will appear in Start. Click it to view the contents.

Backup and Restore

Method #1: manually

1. Open the directory with profiles.

2. Close the browser: click the “cross” at the top left.

3. Right-click on the profile that you want to reserve for later restoration. In the menu, click "Copy".

4. Transfer the copy to another folder on the hard drive (preferably not to the system partition) or to the desktop: right-click on an empty space, click “Paste”.

5. Open the profile in which you want to place the created copy (on another PC, in a newly installed FF distribution, etc.).

6. Select all the elements in it (files and folders): select any object by clicking the mouse and pressing Ctrl + A.

7. Right-click on the highlighted list. In the menu, run the “Delete” command.

8. Open the previously copied folder (profile copy).

9. Copy its contents:

  • select all elements;
  • Right-click the menu and click Copy.

10. Go to the cleaned folder in the FF directory.

11. Right-click and click the “Insert” command in the list.

Note. If the folder has the same name as the backup folder, go up to the Profiles directory, and then click “Insert” and confirm replacing the entire folder.

12. Now that the data has been transferred, launch FF.

Method No. 2: automatically - in the MozBackup program

Mozbackup is a program that performs automatic recovery of user data in FF at the level of individual items. Frees the user from having to manually transfer the profile folder. Recommended for use primarily by novice users.

To use it, follow this guide:

Download and installation

1. Download the offsite -

2. Click the “Download” section.

Note. Anchors marked “no install” for downloading a portable version of the program.

4. Run the downloaded file and complete the installation.

Creating a backup

1. Click the utility shortcut. Click Next.

2. Make sure that the “Backup a profile” mode is enabled in the “Operation” block.

3. Click “Browse”, set the backup directory.

4. Select “Next” to proceed.

5. In the Question window:

  • click “Yes” if you want to block access to the file with a password, and enter the key;
  • Click "No" if you don't need a password.

6. Select the data you want to copy. Place “birds” near them.

7. When the reservation is complete, click “Finish”.

Recovering from a file

1. Close your browser, open MozBackup.

2. Turn on the “Restore a profile” mode.

3. Specify the path to the backup copy (Browse button).

4. Select the items to recover.

5. Confirm the launch of the operation: click “Yes” in the “Question” request.

Method #3: copy to Firefox account

The method allows you to store a backup on the FF developers' server and use it to transfer user settings to PCs and mobile devices.

To use it, do this:

1. In the browser, click: Tools → Settings.

2. Open the “Synchronization” subsection.

3. Click “Create an account”.

4. Enter your email, login password (at least 8 characters long), and your age.

5. Click “Create...”.

6. Confirm entering synchronization mode.

7. Indicate which data needs to be backed up and which does not. By default, everything is checked (tabs, history, passwords, etc.). Click "Save...".

8. In the specified e-mail, open the notification from Firefox and use the link to confirm.

9. To restore the profile, go again: Tools → Settings → Synchronization.

10. Log in to your account: click Login, enter your login (e-mail) and password.

Transferring a profile to another section

Sometimes, for security reasons and to save free space on drive C, it becomes necessary to move a user profile from the default directory to an alternative storage (folder) located on another partition or hard drive.

This add-on is performed as follows:
1. Create a folder to store your profile.

For example: e:\profile\firefox\

Where "e:" is the drive partition letter.

2. Copy the contents of the profile folder in the browser (see instructions for manual backup).

3. Paste the copied data into the prepared empty folder.

4. Specify the path to the new storage location in your browser using one of the methods described below:

Method number 1: add-on in a shortcut

1. Right-click on the browser shortcut located on your desktop (which you use to launch). Open the Properties panel.

2. In the “Object” line, add the key to the existing entry (path to the executable file):

Profile "d:\profile\firefox"

The quotes indicate the path to the new repository.

Method number 2: changing initialization

1. In the Start line, enter - %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini

2. Click on the profiles.ini file icon that appears. By default, it opens in the Notepad application.

3. Edit it:

Replace the line Path=Profiles/xxxxx.default with Path=d:\profile\firefox.

Where "d:\profile\firefox" is the path to the profile folder.

In the line IsRelative=1, replace the value “1” with “0”.

4. Save the option changes. In the Notepad menu, click File → Save (or Save As...).

After transferring the profile, all data and settings will be saved in the specified folder.

Transferring bookmarks

1. In the menu, click: Log → Show entire log.

2. In the Log panel, open the “Import and...” drop-down list and select “Export... to...”. Specify the directory for the bookmark file.

Accordingly, to restore or transfer bookmarks, for example, from Chrome to Firefox in HTML format, go to the log again, to “Import and ...” and click the “Import ...” option. Then specify the path to a copy of your bookmarks and download it. A collection of links will appear in the sidebar with your saved URLs.

Restoring a profile allows you to significantly save time during the individual process of reinstalling the system and installing it on another PC. Choose any of the described methods and create a backup copy of your profile folder right now. And then you probably won’t lose sight of the selection of your favorite sites, connected add-ons, network settings, and history of pages visited.

Firefox bookmarks are a web link to your favorite/frequently visited web page. Using bookmarks, you can navigate between your favorite websites in one click. If you haven’t had time to finish reading the news on some Internet resource, then by adding it to your bookmarks, you can easily return to it at any time. Bookmarks are convenient because you don’t need to remember the exact name of the site, type it into the search bar every time and look for it in a huge list of similar ones. By launching an Internet browser, you can instantly get to the required page, provided that it has already been previously added to the useful notes section.

How to save bookmarks in Mozilla

The process of saving footnotes to the necessary Internet portals is carried out by one click on the icon in the shape of a five-pointed star in the quick access menu or by using the “Ctrl + D” key combination on the keyboard. By default, it is without fill, but if the page is in saved bookmarks, then it changes its color to blue.

By clicking the save icon, the user can change the name of their note and also change the save directory. There is also a reverse action in this menu - deleting an unnecessary note.

You can view saved bookmarks by clicking on the following icon or “Ctrl+Shift+B”.

In order to save Internet bookmarks from the Mozilla web search engine on a personal computer, you need to perform an export operation. You can find out how to do it by reading the article “”. This article also describes how to restore bookmarks in Mozilla.

Where are bookmarks stored in Mozilla Firefox?

All actions regarding changes to the Firefox web browser, such as installing plugins, saving user personal data and adding bookmarks, are saved in a service folder called “Profile”. This folder is saved separately from the main search engine documents; this is done for reliability so that the user does not lose their data when deleting or reinstalling the browser.

To find your profile you need the following:

  • Launch the Internet browser Mozilla Firefox;
  • Open the browser engineering menu;
  • Click on the icon located at the very bottom of the menu window with the image of a question mark.

The help menu opens. Here we select the “Problem Solving Information” option.

You are then presented with a new page called “Problem Solving Information.” Here, in the application data, you need to find the “Profile Folder” item, opposite this item, select the button to open the folder.

In the folder that opens, containing the current changes made by the user in the Mozilla search engine.

Another way to get to this folder without launching a web browser is as follows.

To do this, you need to click the “Start” button in the Windows menu and enter the path to the folder “%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\” in the search window. Then select the very first folder with the English word “default”.

You will see the same folder that you opened through the browser.

Be extremely careful when manipulating information in this folder. Since, by carelessly deleting some objects, you can ruin the performance of the Firefox search engine and permanently lose some important data.

I answer the reader’s question: “Where are all the bookmarks stored in Mozilla? How to copy bookmarks from Mozilla all at once, in a list, into a separate document, for example in word.. Do you really need to copy each one separately? Mozilla often throws errors and I have to restore tabs.”

To begin with, I offer 3 ways to find all your bookmarks in Mozilla.

1st way to find bookmarks in Mozila(Fig. 1).

Click on the orange button that says Firefox. Move the mouse cursor to the inscription “Bookmarks”.

Rice. 1 Bookmarks menu in Mozilla

In the window that appears, we see a list of all your bookmarks. You need to click on the “Show all bookmarks” link to go to Mozilla’s “Library” (Fig. 3).

2nd way to find bookmarks in Mozilla.

As can be seen in Fig. 1, opposite the inscription “Show all bookmarks” there is a hotkey combination: Ctrl+Shift+B. This means that when you enter Mozilla, you can first press Ctrl, then, without releasing Ctrl, press Shift and, while holding Ctrl and Shift, press the English letter “B”. As a result, the Mozilla Library window will appear (Fig. 3).

To see all your previously saved bookmarks in Mozilla, you need to click on the “Bookmarks Menu” link in the left “Library” window (Fig. 3).

3rd way to find bookmarks in Mozilla.

Click on the “Bookmarks” icon (number 1 in Fig. 2). In the window that appears, click on the inscription “Show all bookmarks” (number 2 in Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 Mozilla Bookmark Icon

As a result of any of the three above methods, we get to the Mozilla Library (Fig. 3):

Rice. 3 Export_import Mozilla Bookmarks

To copy bookmarks from Mozilla, click on the “Import and backups” link (indicated by number 1 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 4 Export Mozilla Bookmarks file

In Fig. 4 as an example, I save bookmarks from Mozilla to the Desktop, the file name will be bookmarks.html. You can select any folder and give the file a different name (that is, not bookmarks).

Click on the “Save” button (Fig. 4) and that’s all, a file with bookmarks from Mozilla has been created. By clicking on this file, you can see all your bookmarks from Mozilla. In this case, you do not need to install any programs to view bookmarks.

How to restore bookmarks copied earlier?

If necessary, you can do the reverse procedure - restore bookmarks from a previously created file with Mozilla bookmarks. To do this, click on the “Import bookmarks from HTML file” button (number 3 in Fig. 3). The “Import bookmarks file” window will appear (similar to the window in Fig. 3). In this window we find the file with Mozilla bookmarks, click on the “Open” button and we will see all the bookmarks previously saved in this file.

How to delete an unnecessary bookmark or several bookmarks?

To delete an unnecessary bookmark, you need to select it, right-click on the selected bookmark and in the window that appears, click on the “Delete” link.

If you select one bookmark and, while pressing the SHIFT key, select another bookmark, then a list of bookmarks will be selected, in order, one after the other. You can right-click on the selected list and click “Delete” in the menu that appears. As a result, the selected list of bookmarks will be deleted.
