Samsung nx mini 9mm system camera. Samsung NX Mini: answering reader questions

Samsung has released another camera for socially active citizens with very impressive characteristics: 20 megapixels, 6 fps, ISO 160-12800, shutter speed up to 1/6000s, interchangeable lenses - and all this in a miniature body, closer in size to a smartphone, rather than to the camera.

In reality, everything turned out to be not as optimistic as on the manufacturer’s website. However, it is worth noting that autofocus is relatively fast by the standards of mirrorless cameras. Possessing touch screen, the camera also allows you to point at an area of ​​the image to focus, which is great when there's a lot on the screen. This is definitely better than the focus area selection found on larger cameras. On the other hand, the screen is the only viewfinder; there is no eyepiece in the NX mini. So, in bright sunshine, you have to guess what is in the frame and what is not. The display can also tilt vertically 180 degrees for self-portraits, while the camera turns on and goes into “portrait retouching” mode, which automatically improves the skin, as in numerous filters for Photoshop. Compared to other cameras, the Samsung NX mini does this very well.

The kit includes either a 9mm prime or a 9-27mm zoom (analogous to 18-55mm on 35mm cameras). Considering the size of the sensor, which is small - 7 times smaller than the FX sensor on Nikon, one of the problems is noise at high ISOs. A high ISO here can be considered any value above 160. It is curious that at ISO 160 the noise reduction is not yet noticeable, but at ISO 200 it is already rampant, so much so that 20 megapixels are down the drain, every single one of them. Unfortunately, the noise reduction does not turn off and significantly reduces the detail of the picture. Almost all your photos will be affected by this effect, since according to statistics, most photos are taken in low light. The noise reduction work is clearly visible at 100% crop, this is an example at ISO 1600:

Honestly, with good optics, even on a 12-megapixel camera, the detail will be higher. But the noise was overcome.

The standard zoom lens looks stylish, but is inconvenient to use. Firstly, to start working, you need to put it into working condition by turning it from the locking position to the 9mm mark or further. Secondly, the surface of the lens is absolutely smooth and there is nothing for your fingers to catch on, so turning it is inconvenient. In addition, it is not always possible to understand by touch whether you have turned the lens or not. Needless to say, with such a system you will not be able to take the camera out of your bag with one hand and quickly take a picture. Almost any operation requires manipulation with both hands, so in an emergency you will not be able to quickly take a photo. In this regard, I recommend taking lenses in which you don’t need to turn anything.

There is one more note regarding ergonomics - the power button is indistinguishable from the Wi-Fi button to the touch, you always have to watch where you are pressing. Sometimes I even manage to press the camera shutter button instead of the shutter button; although the shutter release is larger, the button itself is just as inexpressive and hard to see.

Wi-Fi is a different story. The idea itself is very good, and I have been waiting for this on cameras for a long time.

But specifically on the Samsung NX mini this is done in such a way that it is completely impossible to use. To upload a photo via Wi-Fi somewhere, you first need to complete the quest from the menu and settings. Initially, integration with social networks was supposed, but my attempts ended after an unsuccessful connection to Dropbox. I was never able to download photos from the camera, and the application interface itself looked like a WAP page from 2002:

Although the Samsung NX mini does not have a standard flash shoe, it does have a built-in flash, which is only suitable as a fill flash when you are shooting against the light. Unfortunately, I was unable to use the built-in flash as a signal for the large Yongnuo YN-560III. Yongnuo only worked when the built-in Samsung flash was in second-curtain sync mode, and for some reason not always. That is, sometimes it worked, but most often it didn’t.

You can even get a rainbow bunny like the one at the bottom of the frame:

This will be enough for an inexperienced client, but for my taste the color rendition in the NX mini is not very good. In standard settings, the picture is too faded and lacks contrast for my taste. And if you turn on bright colors, the photo begins to give off an acidic feel. This is easy to see if you compare it with the colors produced by the Nikon D7100, with which I photographed approximately the same thing under the same conditions.

In addition to photos, the NX mini can shoot FullHD video, but keep in mind that autofocus will wander around as helplessly as on DSLRs, and in manual focus mode you will have nothing to turn on the lens - the focus is adjusted using the buttons on the back of the camera very slowly and with large jerks. Therefore, I would immediately forget about the video.

Another myth about the rate of fire. 6 frames per second is a really serious request. But keep in mind that like any other mirrorless camera, the NX mini will not be able to adjust the focus between frames, so you won’t be able to shoot anything fast-moving and in focus in this mode. The question arises why such a rate of fire is needed at all, even if you don’t really photograph the child. Any, even the simplest SLR camera will cope with this task much better, without having such impressive characteristics.

It is worth noting that Samsung NX mini supports cards microSD memory and it charges via micro USB, which is a big plus, saving you from the need to carry additional charging device. The built-in battery is enough for a whole day, unlike.

It is surprising that Samsung itself has much better color rendition of the Galaxy S4 smartphone camera than the NX mini camera. They say the camera on the Galaxy S5 is even better, but I haven't had a chance to test it yet.

Video shooting with a camera

Of course, it’s a pity that Samsung has stopped developing new models of video cameras, focusing entirely on the camera market and the smartphone sector. Previous Samsung video cameras differed from products from other brands primarily in their low cost. But not only. If you think back carefully, you can note several truly unique models that used innovations like back-illuminated matrices, had a progressive method of recording at high frame rates, amazingly combined the functions of video and photo cameras, or used an unusual design with left-handers in mind.

After all these successes, limiting ourselves only to cameras is a shame, really. Developments that were used in video cameras often cannot be used in a camera; the formatter will not allow it. And the tasks that a camera faces are fundamentally different from the tasks of a video camera. As a result, we have an unfortunate situation where video shooting is only one of the functions of the camera, and far from the main one.

Design, technical characteristics

The miniature body of the camera in question is made of rough plastic; we received a white copy. The thickness of the body would make it possible to fit the device in the breast pocket of a summer shirt, but this is unlikely to be possible - the removable lens included in the kit triples this size of the camera.

The camera's flip-out display rotates 180 degrees, allowing you to shoot in self-portrait mode, where the camera takes a photo automatically when it detects a smile or wink. Such cute amateur photographic things that relate only to the photographic mode and work only in it. For video recording, such a screen can be useful simply because it greatly simplifies the installation of a device for stationary video recording (for example, in the corner of a room). However, the existing limitation on the duration of continuous video recording puts an end to such use of the camera.

The length of the existing lens, after being brought into working condition, doubles; this lens does not have a zoom drive - the focal length is changed manually by rotating the ring.

The shooting and its parameters are controlled using microscopic, or there is no other way to say it, mechanical buttons located on the panel to the right of the display. The fact that the existing display is touch-sensitive makes the task much easier. Thanks to this, many functions have been transferred to virtual icon buttons located around the perimeter of the display.

All camera interfaces are combined under one hinged cover - the battery socket, which is locked with a sliding plastic latch, a micro USB port, a micro HDMI port, and a slot for a micro SD/SDHC/SDXC memory card.

It is not possible to measure the life of the supplied battery, since the camera has a familiar limitation on the duration of continuous video recording, which is 29 minutes 59 seconds.

Basic specifications camera are shown in the following table:

Lens Samsung NX-M 9 - 27 mm F3.5 - 5.6 ED OIS (Samsung NX-M mount)
focal length
aperture range

zoom ratio

optical stabilizer

Yes, two modes

Camera Samsung NX mini

image sensor

BSI CMOS 1″ (13.2x8.8 mm), 20.9 MP (eff. 20.5 MP)

Dimensions, weight
  • 100 x 62 x 23 mm without lens
  • approx. 196 g with battery without lens
Time continuous recordings from the included battery

N/A (recording duration limit 29 min. 59 sec.)


micro SD/SDHC/SDXC memory card

Video formatsin the text of the article
  • Micro-HDMI
  • Micro-USB 2.0
  • Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11b/g/n, 2.4 GHz
Other characteristics
  • touch rotating LCD display 3" 921000 dots
  • optical image stabilizer in the lens
  • work from network adapter
average price
according to Yandex.Market
according to Yandex.Market


You can clearly imagine the difference in detail and character of the picture that different recording modes provide using the following still frames and original videos. The camera saves video in an MP4 container, and the codec is regular AVC with AAC audio.

1920x1080 25p
16 Mbit/s
1280×720 25p
11 Mbit/s

Download videoDownload video
640×480 25p
5 Mbit/s
320×240 25p
1 Mbit/s

Download videoDownload video

At first glance at the still frames, and even more so at the videos, it seems that they were shot with the camera we recently reviewed. Indeed, these test shots of both cameras were made simultaneously, but we didn’t mess anything up - these videos were shot with a Samsung NX mini camera. You can even make a preliminary conclusion: the video processing algorithm in both cameras is the same. There are common signs, and the main ones are a kind of downscaling of the image obtained from a multi-megapixel matrix, together with the characteristic skipping of lines, which leads to the loss of sections in inclined lines.

It is not difficult to understand the resolution of the device; during visual testing it reaches 900 conventional TV lines horizontally.

When measuring using non-visual methods based on mathematical calculations, the result depends on how to interpret them, what amount of sharpness is considered ideal, standard.

This graph is plotted using the brightness component (Y-axis). It is believed that a curve showing resolution above the Nyquist frequency (X-axis) actually represents a useless signal that has no relation to resolution.

The lens equipped with the camera in question is equipped with a dual-mode optical image stabilizer. Almost all of our attempts to find a stabilizer in cameras that would be suitable for reportage video shooting (shooting handheld, in motion, in cramped conditions, in the absence of the possibility of staging, etc.) failed. It seems that this time will be no exception. At least, there are no prerequisites that would hint at a different outcome.

So it is - again, a typical camera stabilizer, distinguished by its good ability to hold the frame without shaking and “sticking” only in the absence of global movement. Simply put, such a stabilizer dampens only the slight tremors of the photographer’s hands to create a clear photograph. This can be seen more clearly when using the small zoom that the lens provides.

To view in a larger size, click the Original size button

The mentioned camera, the video of which is extremely reminiscent of the video of the camera in question, suffered from one serious ailment: its autofocus is too nervous (perhaps this behavior is due to a larger matrix than in the camera in question). Fortunately, the NX mini has much more adequate autofocus. Which, although it “jumps” without any particular need, does it to a much lesser extent. Rather, it doesn’t “jump,” but seems to “breathe,” every few seconds as if checking to see if another object has appeared in the frame that can be focused on.

To view in a larger size, click the Original size button

Another feature of camera autofocus is that it is not as willing to focus on close objects, unlike infinity. Of course, it’s also a matter of the camera’s rather narrow depth of field.

To view in a larger size, click the Original size button

Another important difference from the recently reviewed NX3300 camera is the sound that the autofocus mechanism makes. If the NX 3300 model sang its electronic songs loudly, then the NX mini in question allows for a barely audible chirping, which actually merges with silence.

Rolling shutter level (for more details, see the material ) that the device in question allows is average, and corresponds to the matrix used in the camera. This matrix, although multi-megapixel, turns out to be fast enough to prevent the annoying jelly effect. But, of course, the tilt of the verticals when shooting the corresponding scenes will be guaranteed:

To view in a larger size, click the Original size button

The following point is always nice to note: software Almost all modern video cameras and cameras allow the amateur not to think about the correct exposure and white balance values. Either automatic settings or a preset selected for the occasion - you cannot see the difference no matter how hard you try. In good natural light conditions, shooting with fully automatic settings is a much more reliable way to get good quality than painstaking settings with a high risk of making mistakes.

To view in a larger size, click the Original size button

In most cases, the same can be said for shooting in low light levels. Even if there are several light sources with different temperatures and brightness in the frame, the camera’s automation selects such exposure values ​​so as not to brighten the picture beyond a reasonable limit, to prevent the appearance of annoying noise, and not to reduce the shutter speed to those photographic values ​​that are incompatible with video shooting.

Automatic settingsScene mode
"Indoor Party"
Scene mode

ISO 400ISO 800

ISO 1600ISO 3200

The size of photographs taken by the camera can reach 5472x3648 pixels. Their quality can be judged by the following pictures:

And just like the NX-3300, there is no endless continuous shooting capability. The only difference is that the NX-3300 does not allow you to shoot longer than 20 minutes, while our camera allows you to shoot for 30 minutes.

Another feature reminiscent of the NX-3300: truncated HDMI. Which does not allow you to receive a direct video signal, but is intended only for viewing material previously recorded on a memory card.

Due to HDMI not working, we are not able to capture the camera display, so we have to photograph it. It is noteworthy that the video settings section is limited to only five items. This, of course, is not enough for shooting - you have to use the settings found in the photo settings section. Unfortunately, most of these photo settings do not work when shooting video, which the user is not always aware of.

The wireless adapter in the camera is used in six application modes:

  • MobileLink is a tool for exchanging files between a camera and a smartphone; for it to work you will need to install
  • Remote Viewfinder - viewing live video from the camera, controlling the camera and some of its parameters
  • AutoShare - receiving pictures directly to your smartphone when taking photos
  • Group Share is a type of AutoShare with the ability to simultaneously connect up to four smartphones to the camera
  • Baby Monitor - the name reveals the essence of the function. The application is required to work. The camera is connected directly to the router, and the smartphone is also connected to it, after which video surveillance is carried out in real time. After three minutes of broadcasting, the video stream is interrupted and the camera switches to audio capture mode. When the silence is broken, the camera will immediately notify the smartphone or tablet and resume broadcasting the video signal.

When you connect the camera to a PC via USB, a virtual startup disk will appear among the devices, which contains a link to the i-Launcher application. The latest version of the application is downloaded and installed on the PC.

This application allows you to update the firmware and also activates automatic copying of content from the camera to a specified folder.

A separate section implements Samsung Link technology, consisting of the “Web storage” and “Nearby devices” functions. The first function allows you to save content from the camera directly to the Samsung Link online storage, the second provides the ability to search and view pictures and videos on DLNA-enabled devices located on a given local network (for example, a TV). The camera also has an advanced ability to automatically send pictures taken via E-mail and to some social media. Video ,Video

This shooting showed good sensitivity of the device in illumination of 20 lux (artificial lighting with incandescent lamps of 300 W in a room of 25 sq.m.), however, the frame is noticeably noisy. To avoid this noise, it is advisable to switch from automatic to manual settings and lower the ISO to 800, as a result of which the noise will disappear, but the frame will also become much darker. We have already studied the resolution of the camera; it amounts to 900 conventional TV lines horizontally, which is quite good for a camera.

The world's thinnest and lightest interchangeable lens camera (in the compact system camera category as of April 2014). The NX mini's durable magnesium body with a leather-textured finish is sure to impress. This is the very epitome of elegance.

The NX mini makes taking self-portraits easy and fun. Just wink at the camera and get a finished photo in two seconds. No need to press the shutter button. But you must smile.

With the NX mini's wide-angle lenses (9mm and 9-27mm), you can take stunning photos, whether you're self-portrait or photographing anything else in your life.

The NX mini's large 1-inch, 20.5-megapixel BSI CMOS sensor delivers exceptionally high resolution, capturing every detail in natural-looking colors.

Samsung Photo Beam lets you share photos with a simple tap on another device. Just touch your Smart Camera to any smartphone with NFC function, and the image will be automatically transferred to the smartphone. It is so simple!

NX mini shoots Full HD video in 1080/30p H.264 format at 30 frames per second and elaboration of the smallest image details. H.264 allows you to record more video than MPEG4, so you can capture more interesting scenes.

The Samsung NX mini camera allows you to take pictures at sensitivity values ​​up to ISO 25600, i.e. almost in the dark. This means that when you shoot without a flash in a dimly lit room or outdoors in the evening, you will get bright, contrasty and clear images, virtually undamaged by noise and image blur.

The NX M mount gives you the freedom to choose high-quality lenses from Samsung's wide range of NX lenses. Improve your craft with the stunning NX Series lenses.

The NX mini's battery lasts up to 650 photos or 190 minutes of video on a single charge (9mm lens, CIPA standard)*. Conventional batteries simply can't compare. Stop worrying and keep shooting.

Monitor your baby from another room using the Home Monitor app installed on your smartphone. If your baby suddenly wakes up or cries, the NX mini camera will send a notification to your smartphone.

The NX mini comes with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5, a photo editor that lets you edit your photos and videos and add special effects to them. Edit, crop, enhance quality and add special effects.

Samsung has expanded the lineup their digital cameras, presenting new system NX Mini. So far it only has one camera and a pair of lenses, but the results of the shooting suggest that the story will continue, and it will be interesting.

Miniature size is one of the main trump cards of the Samsung NX Mini. Even with a 3x zoom lens, the camera will fit comfortably in a spacious jacket pocket, let alone a bag. Weight is approximately 200 grams, what else is required from a device for every day?

The design is eclectic - the silver top of the case hints at retro, fashionable in certain circles, the rest of the details are pure digital classics. There are five colors to choose from, including formal black and elegant white.

On the front panel there is a Samsung NX-M mount, an autofocus illuminator lamp (disabled through the menu) and a built-in flash.

The package also includes an on-camera flash; it is installed in a socket on the top edge of the body and secured with a screw. Unfortunately, the direction of the light flow cannot be changed: the design is not rotatable. When using an external flash, the internal flash turns off automatically.

Nearby there are three buttons - settings wireless communication, power on and release.

Under the cover on the right side of the case there is a slot for a microSD memory card, a Micro-USB connector and an HDMI output.

The battery is removable, but it is charged in the camera; the package includes a USB kit: cable and network adapter. From one charge (2330 mAh) the device can take up to 650 frames - the result is excellent for mirrorless models.

The camera can shoot and charge at the same time, so the question of the number of frames rather comes down to the capacity of your power bank.

The LCD screen is rotating, touchscreen, its diagonal is three inches, and the number of image elements is a little over four hundred and sixty thousand. Capacitive technology, accuracy and responsiveness are excellent.

There is only one degree of freedom, but the design is optimized for self-portraits. If you rotate the screen 180°, the camera will automatically change the settings: it will turn on face detection in the frame and a timer.

On the rear panel there is a five-way joystick (it is used to enter exposure compensation, select autofocus modes, drive modes and display information on the display), as well as five hardware buttons, incl. to record video.


The 13.2 x 8.8 mm (one-inch diagonal) sensor produces 21-megapixel footage that can be saved in RAW format. Sensitivity ranges from ISO 160 to 12800, expandable from ISO 100 to 25600.

The electronic shutter speed range is from 30 seconds to 1/16000, there is manual focusing. The flash is synchronized at shutter speeds up to 1/200, there is a choice between the first and second “curtains”, which allows, for example, to take beautiful photos of moving objects with a blurred trail.

The controls are optimized for working with the screen, it is well thought out: almost all parameters can be changed in one menu.

Program and priority, as well as manual exposure setting modes are available. For beginners there is a fully automatic mode. There is also a set of presets for shooting in different situations, for example, macro or silhouette and “computational” modes - HDR, panorama, portrait auto-enhancement, etc.

In self-portrait mode, the camera recognizes a wink as a signal to take a photo.

The contrast autofocus system deserves praise for its ability to achieve focus even in very low light, giving odds to many SLR cameras with phase sensors, although its speed is not record-breaking.

As you can see, the little one can do almost everything a photographer needs. Now the system has only two lenses - a three-fold optically stabilized zoom with a focal length approximately equivalent to 24-70 mm with an aperture of 3.5-5.6, as well as a 24/3.5 “pancake”, with which the camera fits into a jacket pocket . When the system was announced, a lens with a focal length of approximately 46 mm and an aperture of 1.8 was promised.

The crop factor of the NX-M system is x2.7. The installation of all NX system lenses via a proprietary adapter is officially supported.

The camera records Full HD video at up to 30 fps. On the big screen the picture looks good, detailed and vibrant. Thanks to the Multi Motion function, the device can make videos in the Time-laps style, choosing to accelerate time by five, ten and twenty times.

Since Samsung NX Mini is equipped with a wireless communication module, the device can be controlled remotely from a smartphone/tablet. The Samsung Remote Viewfinder app is available for Android and iOS platforms.

The camera creates its own Wi-Fi network, so no router is required. The NFC chip simplifies connection with suitably equipped mobile devices.

Through a convenient on-screen menu, you can change the basic shooting parameters, and select the focus point by touching the image.

To save battery power, the camera screen turns off quickly.

However, remote control is not everything. The footage can be sent by email, automatically transferred to your computer, uploaded to Dropbox, Picasa or Flickr, and posted on social networks.

Samsung NX Mini is capable of working as a network security camera, for example, for a child left in the bedroom. It is enough to install the Baby Monitor mobile application and connect the device to a wireless network, providing stationary power for long-term operation.

The broadcast is carried out in real time; if necessary, you can turn on the AF illuminator from your smartphone. If the camera “hears” the sound that appears (the child woke up and cried), then a notification will appear on the smartphone.

Image quality

There is a prejudice that small matrices are not serious. But the Samsung NX Mini is willing to bet. Files for independent close study are available at this link.

Shots taken outdoors in normal lighting are vibrant and juicy. White balance is determined correctly in most situations. The 20-megapixel matrix allows you to significantly reduce the image when used, be it printing or screen viewing; accordingly, artifacts that are visible at 100% scale (let me remind you, this is how images are viewed, as a rule, only by the author) will be simply invisible.

No wonder, now all devices can do this. However, it is worth increasing the sensitivity and the situation will change.

When I first looked at the photos taken at ISO 6400 and 12800, I thought that I had made a mistake and did not change the sensitivity. The results, especially considering the size of the matrix, are amazing.

On the left is a fragment of a file from a Samsung NX Mini, on the right is from a DSLR camera with an APS-C matrix (the price is about twice as much as the NX Mini, 2013 model), ISO 6400, zoom 100%.

And these are the results of shooting at ISO 12800. Impressive? It is clear that directly comparing an ultra-compact camera with interchangeable lenses with a DSLR, even APS-C, is incorrect: this different devices, with differing usage patterns. But the examples given clearly demonstrate the success of Samsung engineers and programmers.

This is a smaller version of the file, shot at ISO 12800. This is what a print of the appropriate size will look like. The device, even in JPEG, provides results suitable for amateur printing on the 13 x 18 centimeter format with minimal processing; in difficult cases, of course, it is better to have a RAW file.

Speaking of RAW. Files from NX Mini demonstrate excellent resistance to underexposure and overexposure. Here's an example of a processed shot taken in low light at ISO 200, underexposed by three stops. In Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you can extract a lot of information from a very dark image and still have noise at an acceptable level. This property helps when shooting high-contrast scenes, when you have to make a conscious choice between using HDR technology (which is not always possible) or leaving the extraction of detail from “incorrectly” exposed areas to the post-processing stage.

In conclusion, another example. The shot was taken in low light, at ISO 6400, overexposed by three stops of exposure. Typically, such overexposure is detrimental to the yellow color even in cameras with an APS-C matrix, but with simple manipulations in Photoshop, the yellow (and at the same time blue) colors were restored to an acceptable level. The ability to extract useful information from overexposed areas is especially useful when shooting winter landscapes, where dark objects account for a small portion of the frame area, but the detail in them is important to the photographer.


Samsung engineers were able to create a very small camera with interchangeable lenses. It looks great and is easy to use. Despite its dimensions (both body and matrix), this is a very serious tool, capable of realizing a wide range of creative ideas in the right hands.

If you want to buy a lightweight, compact device for every day, be sure to include the NX Mini in your list of candidates for purchase. It will confidently beat any smartphone in competitions for image quality in difficult conditions, and if you choose a package with a zoom lens, then it’s better for the smartphone to become a partner - a remote viewfinder, stopping the competition.

Also included is a fully functional, Creative Cloud-free version of the best cross-platform digital photo management and editing app.

Based on price/performance/features ratio, the Samsung NX Mini earns an Editor's Choice: Best Buy in the ultra-compact interchangeable lens camera category.

Samsung NX mini kit 9-27mm
Notify when on sale
Camera category Compact camera with interchangeable lens
Size 13.2×8.8 mm
Number of megapixels 21
Maximum frame size 5472×3648
Interchangeable lens + (Samsung NX-M)
Maximum aperture 3,5-5,6
Optical zoom 3x
ISO sensitivity auto, 160-12800
Shutter speed range, sec 30-1/16000
Modes: Shutter/Aperture Priority/Manual +/+/+
Manual focus +
White balance
Continuous shooting, frames/sec. 6
Exposure compensation, EV +/-3, 1/3
Exposure metering
Built-in flash modes
File types JPEG, RAW
1920×1080 (30fps)
Video format AVCHD, MP4
Live View (for DSLRs)
3\", 460800 """""""""""""""""""""" """" "" "
Rotating screen +
depends on the lens
External flash socket
Built-in microphone +
Memory cards SD (SDHC, SDXC)
Interface USB 2.0, Mini HDMI
Nutrition Li-Ion battery
Charger +
Dimensions, (W × H × D) 10x62x23
Weight 196
Additionally Wi-Fi, NFC
Interchangeable lens + (Samsung NX-M) Focal length, 35mm equivalent 24-75 Maximum aperture f/3.5-5.6 Optical zoom 3x Minimum focusing distance, m (normal mode) 0,25 ISO sensitivity auto, 160-12800 Minimum shutter speed, sec 30-1/16000 Manual focus + White balance auto, 7 presets, manual Continuous shooting, frames/sec. 6 Exposure compensation, EV +/-3, 1/3 Exposure metering Center metering, matrix, spot, center-weighted Built-in flash modes auto, forced fire, slow sync, flash off, second curtain sync, red-eye reduction File types JPEG, RAW Max. frame size; frames/sec. (fps) 1920x1080 (30fps) Video format AVCHD, MP4 Viewfinder - LCD screen (diagonal in inches; number of pixels) 3", 460800 Screen (rotating or folding) + Live View (for DSLR and mirrorless) - Image stabilization system depends on the lens External flash socket - Built-in microphone + Memory cards SD (SDHC, SDXC) Interface USB 2.0, Mini HDMI WiFi + Nutrition Li-Ion battery Charger + Dimensions, mm 10x62x23 Weight, g 196 Additionally Wi-Fi, NFC link color black battery model (marking) B740

Samsung NX mini interface

The menu here is almost the same as that of the NX300 or NX30, only slightly trimmed down. The touch display allows you to set the focus point by touching your finger and release the shutter in the same way. The display can display a histogram and electronic horizon.


When developing the NX mini, Samsung discovered a completely new sensor format. The inch matrix (13.2x8.8 mm) has not yet been used in any of the Samsung cameras. A resolution of 20 megapixels in this case looks overpriced. To improve sensitivity, a CMOS sensor with back-illumination technology is used. The extended ISO adjustment range is 100-25600, while the upper limit can be set at up to ISO 3200. I was especially pleased with the ability to set the minimum shutter speed in the range from 1/2000 s to 1 s. The camera tends to set longer shutter speeds rather than raise the ISO, which is not always convenient. However, you can always set these parameters manually. Samsung NX mini offers three settings for the aspect ratio of the frame - 3:2, 16:9 and 1:1. The maximum frame resolution is 5472x3648.

The performance of the camera was also a pleasant surprise. Within a second after pressing the power button, the camera is ready to use. In our case, however, time was also spent extending the lens. The continuous shooting rate is 6 frames per second in full resolution with continuous autofocus. By lowering the resolution to 5 megapixels and disabling autofocus, you can achieve a shooting rate of 30 frames per second. At the same time, performance is severely limited by the shallow buffer. After a dozen frames in JPEG format, the continuous shooting process seriously slows down. Here the Samsung NX mini is definitely inferior to the Nikon 1 J4. On the other hand, the rate of fire and buffer depth are important for reporters, not for the target audience of a budget mirrorless camera.

Autofocusing is carried out according to the contrast principle with 35 points. We recommend leaving the AF assist lamp on to avoid problems with focusing in low light. There are no complaints about the autofocus speed, but in the twilight the camera focuses very uncertainly. The test images in the next section of the article will show an example of a night city landscape, and in this case the camera focused only on the second or third attempt. As already mentioned, manual focusing is implemented using the navigation keys. In this case, the focus peaking function is not provided; there is only an increase in the frame fragment by five and eight times.

It is natural that such a thin camera has an exclusively electronic shutter, thanks to which the minimum shutter speed is 1/16000 s. However, the electronic shutter has one unpleasant feature in the form of stripes in the image when shooting in artificial lighting conditions at shutter speeds shorter than about 1/200 s. The same situation was observed in Panasonic Lumix GM1.

Image stabilization falls on the shoulders of the lens. Of the three available NX-M mount lenses, only the included zoom has a built-in stabilizer. We must give it credit in this regard, given its ultra-small dimensions.

Samsung NX mini is the first time in our memory when a camera is not only equipped with a built-in flash, but also equipped with an additional, more powerful flash. The optional flash, however, is not much more powerful than the built-in one. Its guide number is 7 m at ISO 160. An external stereo microphone can also be installed in the same connector. Note also that both the built-in and external flashes can fire on the front and rear curtains, which is usually unusual for cameras of this level.

The camera does not shine with additional modes and in general it is assumed that most of the time you will be shooting in automatic mode. In this mode, it is possible to shoot exclusively in JPEG format without any intervention in the exposure settings. We used the camera in this mode half the time and, admittedly, it turned out to work quite well. Samsung NX mini can shoot panoramas and stitch together HDR images, but multiple exposures and time-lapse shooting are not provided. In Smart mode, various shooting scenes and retouching tools are available; artistic filters are available only through the main menu.

If there's one thing the NX mini is strong at, it's its wireless functionality. It belongs to the Smart Camera 3.0 series, like the older NX30 mirrorless camera. This means that the set of possibilities here is the same. In addition, the camera is equipped with an NFC sensor for quick communication with mobile devices and transferring pictures with one touch. We are finally convinced that Samsung is the leader in terms of wireless capabilities today.

To use the wireless arsenal, you need to install the free Samsung Smart Camera App, which supports Android and iOS. The camera can be controlled remotely, and the screen of a smartphone or tablet acts as a viewfinder. The application also allows you to copy pictures from the camera, and in the menu of the camera itself there is a function for sending content to several devices at once. The camera can also communicate via a wireless router with your home network and transfer pictures directly to your PC. The function of sending pictures by email and social networks, including VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, as well as the Samsung Link cloud service, is also available.

We tried the video nanny mode on the Samsung NX30, and now we played nanny again. This mode allows you to remotely turn on the camera as needed and keep an eye on your child on the smartphone display. To do this, however, both the camera and smartphone must be connected to your home wireless network. The function is especially convenient for large cottages, country houses and other situations where the child may be quite far from his parents. In this case, the camera reacts to the baby’s crying and sends a notification to the smartphone. Screenshots of the Samsung Smart Camera App and Home Monitor are shown below.
