Television for 1 ruble. Home Internet beeline for a ruble per month

The mobile operator Beeline has prepared a small surprise for subscribers - home Internet and television for 1 ruble per month. True, for this you need to connect one of the "All in One" tariffs with a subscription fee of a similar mobile communication "All for".

It looks something like this: the “All for 500” tariff will cost you 500 rubles per month, and the “All in One for 501” tariff will cost you 501 rubles per month, but in addition to the “All for 500” mobile tariff plan, you will receive home Internet up to 15 Mbps, 25 mobile TV channels. There is no home TV in the minimum tariff plans, and the speed of home Internet is “not very good”.

But in the “All in One for 1201” tariff plan, you will also receive home Internet up to 100 Mbps, 25 mobile TV channels and 120 home TV channels.

Tariff plans "All in one" for the Moscow region.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the tariffs "All in one" for Moscow and the Moscow region.

You can find out the tariff plans of your region on the official Beeline website.

If you have any questions about the All in One tariff plans, call technical support at the phone number +7 800 700-80-00 .

Home Internet and TV from Beeline for 1 ruble - what's the catch?

More or less rich Internet is available only on more expensive All-in-One tariff plans. Home Internet 15 or 30 megabits per second is already the last century, well, or the last decade. Also, home TV only appears on more expensive tariff plans.

Payment for all services is made from a single account. For 1 ruble, only those services that are described in the offer are provided. For other connected services, you will have to pay extra.

If you change your mobile plan, this will disable the All in One plan and you will have to pay for all individual services. That is, there will be no more home Internet and TV for 1 ruble.

The biggest advantage is that if earlier you paid, say, 500 rubles a month for 550 minutes, 300 SMS and 5 GB of mobile Internet traffic (this is the “All for 500” tariff), now for the same 500 rubles you will receive all the same plus unlimited home Internet at a speed of 15 Mbps and 25 mobile TV channels.

There is, however, one subtlety: you will have to pay not 500 rubles, but 501, because from the point of view of legislation, home Internet is a separate service and cannot be provided completely free of charge, but you need to take at least a ruble.

The package "All for 800" relies on home Internet at a speed of 30 Mbps, the package "All for 1200" - already at a speed of 100 Mbps, as well as 120 home television channels, and the package for 1800 rubles - the same and a free Wi-Fi router. Here are the prices for Moscow, and in the regions free Internet is given already on tariffs with a subscription fee of 300 rubles per month.

Recall that the minutes and gigabytes included in the older packages can be divided into the whole family.

How beneficial is it?

New packages will be promoted under the slogan "1 ruble - and no more!", that is, with an emphasis on the fact that the Internet and television will be available almost free of charge. Accordingly, this will save a couple of hundred rubles a month on these services, and not only for active users of mobile communications: even "silent people" who spend 100-200 rubles a month on cellular communications, it makes sense to switch to a more expensive tariff and get more traffic, because 15-megabit Internet access in Moscow costs at least 300 rubles a month, and the complex will be more profitable.

Offers from other operators will also be more expensive. For example, in MTS for 450 rubles a month you will receive 500 minutes, 500 SMS and 3 GB of mobile Internet, plus for 300 rubles you will get 20 Mbps home: a total of 750 versus 501.

Or, for example, for 900 rubles a month you will receive 1100 minutes, 1100 SMS and 5 GB of mobile Internet from MTS, plus 390 rubles for 40-megabit Internet, and in Beeline for 801 rubles - 1000 minutes, 500 SMS, 7 GB of mobile Internet and 30 Mbps home.

Moreover, even if you choose a mobile connection from the most profitable operator in Moscow - Tele2 - which will give you 1000 minutes, 1000 messages and 10 GB of mobile Internet for 599 rubles, taking into account the cost of home Internet (300-400 rubles for 30 Mbps in depending on the provider), monthly expenses will still be more than in Beeline.

In addition, the Beeline offer is convenient due to the “one-stop shop” principle: you pay for all services to one operator, replenishing your “mobile” account, managing services in a single personal account, etc.

What's the catch here?

Therefore, at first, Beeline will survive from the market of competing providers (or buy them for next to nothing), and then will be able to dictate terms to the market, and not adapt to it. And then it will be possible to cover up the “freebie”: where are you going, subscribers? However, it is unlikely that MTS and MegaFon will sit idly by - it is in their interests to present an adequate response until a mass exodus to Beeline begins.

If you have a Beeline mobile connection, but the Internet is from another provider, make sure that there is Beeline Internet in your house at all. If yes, then by calling the call center you need to leave a request for connection and wait for the installers. Keep in mind that you may need a powerful router as in many areas, an encrypted VPN connection is used, and cheap models in this mode often overheat and freeze. True, the operator is gradually transferring everyone to PPPoE.

Prices for any product or service always tend to rise, rarely where you will meet a manufacturer who would offer a product for a penny price. But the stereotype is broken and the Beeline company is to blame for this, the Internet for 1 ruble per month is a service that is gaining more and more popularity. And now you will know why.

Or maybe it's a promotional offer?

Yes, such a question immediately arises and one gets the impression that this is another lure for customers in order to attract more attention from them, and that after the end of the action everything will return to normal. But do not rush to conclusions, because now you will see that this is all - a really profitable offer, the validity of which is not limited.

For 1 rub. subscribers receive at their disposal from 5 GB of mobile Internet, from 550 minutes of calls to local numbers, unlimited calls to Beeline subscribers throughout the Russian Federation, from 300 messages to all local users, as well as the ability to connect Internet and home television.

How do you like it all? Tempting? We think so! In addition, the offer is not limited to this, and further we will tell you what other surprises Beeline has prepared for you.

Who can connect Home Internet and TV for 1 rub.?

In order to take advantage of Beeline's super offer "Home Internet and TV for 1 ruble" you just need to be connected to a certain tariff plan from the tariff line "Everything!".

Click on photo to enlarge

According to the conditions, there are only 4 of them:

  • "All in One for 501";
  • "All in one for 801";
  • "All in one for 1201";
  • And "All in One for 1801".

Suitable packages

As the cost of the All-in-One package increases, so does the number of options that it includes. Internet for 1 ruble is present in all 4 products, but you can purchase 126 TV channels for your home by connecting to any of the last two tariffs. In the latest tariff plan, a modem is a free bonus, with which all your household members will have the opportunity to join the network.

Important! An additional bonus on each tariff is the presence of mobile television (25 channels). Also, by connecting to these packages, the subscriber has the opportunity to share services with other network users.

The advantage of connecting tariff plans with Internet and TV for 1 ruble

You don't have to be a great mathematician to calculate how much savings this proposal will bring. After all, if you connect the services of providing home Internet and television separately, you will have to pay up to 700 rubles per month. How much is the cable or digital television? Calculate for yourself: how much will the monthly payment for all this be?

And in the Beeline offer, the subscriber receives a huge mobile Internet traffic, a large number of SMS and calls, and at the same time spends only 1 ruble on household whims. In addition, in the tariff with a monthly fee of 1801 rubles, the company provides free wifi router, with which the Internet will be available to other devices.

The higher the monthly fee, the more profitable the tariff plan becomes, because the number of services for mobile communications and the speed of Internet traffic are growing. And another advantage is the connection of a single account for the family.

Service connection: how to do it?

Only the company's specialists can help you in this matter, since it is not possible to switch to the “All in One” tariff package on your own.

But don't despair by calling hotline by phone 8 800 700 8000 , Beeline operators will tell you in detail how to connect the Internet and television for 1 ruble. In addition, you can leave a request on the company's website by filling out a form in which you indicate your last name, middle name and contact phone number. A specialist will contact you and tell you about your next steps.

It will be helpful to look at:

Attention! For subscribers of other networks, the company offers a hassle-free transition to Beeline with the preservation of the number and the connection of home Internet and TV without a monthly fee, subject to the activation of the All in One tariff plan.

What is the point for the company and for subscribers?

Beeline is a large telecom operator that has strong competitors. With this offer, she wants to attract the attention of more users and make them loyal buyers of her services. And as the reviews show, she did it well.

As for the consumers themselves, for them the offer in the first place is a great saving of both money and time. After all, paying for several mobile numbers, home Internet and TV in the aggregate will take a tidy sum and along with this there will be a need to spend time on the entire process of paying for Internet, TV and telephone (sometimes even in several instances, if all three services are consumed from different sources) .

And using such an offer, the client will issue a single account for the whole family and only one payment per month will be enough.

Well, now it becomes clear to everyone that such an offer is beneficial to both parties. And now we bring to your attention the reviews of users who have already taken advantage of the advantageous offer from Beeline "Internet and home TV for 1 ruble".

The Beeline operator, in addition to cellular services, offers a number of other opportunities for subscribers from various regions of the country. For example, at the disposal of any client home internet and television. In addition to such a wide range of services, service prices are also very favorable. Especially interesting is the offer to use television and home Internet for only 1 ruble per month.

What is the point?

Service at Beeline for 1 ruble per month is not another lure, but a very real offer from a federal operator. This package is a modification of the well-known and popular tariffs of the "All" line. Customers are given the opportunity to use the available services of the operator and at the same time save significantly.

Important! For a monthly fee of only 1 ruble, the subscriber really gets high-speed Internet and access to Beeline TV. Of course, this only applies to package terms of service, that is, if a person uses one of the family's tariffs.

These rates include:

  1. Unlimited within the network in the country.
  2. Minutes for calls 550-3000 per month.
  3. Text message packages from 300 to 3000.
  4. Mobile Internet from 5 to 15 GB.
  5. Mobile TV - 25 channels. High quality images and interesting channels will help you diversify your leisure time anytime and anywhere.
  6. Different number of sims, from 1 to 5.
  7. Home Internet at speeds from 15 to 100 Mbps. In addition to impressive mobile Internet packages, you can count on fairly fast access to the network from any home device, and the number of connected ones does not matter.
  8. The most expensive option has a router included. For other tariffs, the possibility of preferential purchase is available. The essence of the benefit is buying a router in installments for 2 years with a monthly payment of 100 rubles.
  9. Home television - 125 channels. But it does not work for all options, but only for the two most expensive ones.

You need to pay in different packages: 301, 501, 801, 1201 or 1801 rubles per month. The cheapest tariff is not available in Moscow, it is only for other regions of the country. The most expensive one is available only in the capital.

Benefits of Using a Consolidated Tariff

Beeline "For 1 ruble" is a real advantageous opportunity that is provided to existing subscribers who wish to be served by this particular operator. Among the clear benefits:

  1. You only need to pay one bill for the considered services. At the same time, it is convenient to control it through Personal Area.
  2. Wholesale is cheaper - and the considered tariff confirms this. Of course, the more services included, the more expensive the package offer, but in any case, it remains profitable.
  3. You can connect several numbers to almost every tariff plan, this does not affect the total cost of the package. At the same time, it will be possible to get real savings for the family budget if households are served at the same tariff.
  4. There is a choice. You do not always need a lot of Internet, SMS, minutes for talking. There are many options for this comprehensive offer and everyone can choose the one that suits them best.
  5. Mobile or home Internet can be distributed to other devices, which is convenient if there are several users.
  6. Transparency and clarity - services are easy to control through the Personal Account, where full details are available for all package options.

The most important advantage is the uniqueness of the offer and the favorable price for the complex of all required services. Other operators do not offer such offers. In addition, the coverage of the federal operator is almost universal, and the quality of communication is at its best. This is very important, because such an impressive package can be organized by another operator, but not everyone can guarantee that every subscriber can use it.

What is the operator's trick?

In fact, many Russians, having heard that you can get television and the Internet for 1 ruble, did not immediately believe, taking into account the prices for such services, and began to look for a catch. I want to disappoint the most skeptical people right away - there is no catch. The only condition is that you need to be a Beeline subscriber and use one of the family's tariffs, which one is up to you. The price range is wide and depends on the subscriber's connection region and his requests for the operator's services.

It is also possible to connect up to 5 numbers on separate packages, but you will need to pay separately for this - 150 rubles.

Important! The main task of Beeline when introducing such a package service that is beneficial for customers is to attract even more attention to itself and, accordingly, to get even more customers.

How to use the Internet and TV for 1 ruble?

It is extremely easy to get such a profitable opportunity, you need to follow the following steps:

The main condition for the provision of the favorable package services under consideration is the timely payment of the mandatory payment.

The benefit of the "All in One" offer is very clear, and subscribers are in a hurry to use the convenient conditions. At the moment, the tariff is active, but it is not known how long Beeline will be so generous. The most important thing is that the considered tariffs have no tricks and hidden fees - everything is extremely clear and easy.
