A program to set a computer password. How to set a password on a computer: tips for users

Setting an access password is the basis of any security system. If more than one person has access to the desktop, security issues arise personal life, business information, protecting system settings from unwanted interference.

So, how to set a password on your computer? Depending on the operating system, modifications to the motherboard, there may even be several passwords at different levels of entry to the computer.

Setting a password on Windows XP, Windows 7, 8 and 10

Let's say this is the situation. The computer is used by several people, including small children or simply irresponsible individuals. Then not only personal data, but also all installed programs need protection.

You wouldn’t want to find yourself in a situation where you urgently need to print a document, you start your PC, and someone has deleted your favorite word processor. A new installation will take precious time.

Or the opposite situation. In addition to you, the computer is used by someone who likes to experiment with downloading and installing new programs from the Internet. What are the consequences of such a hobby?

You can catch a serious virus, a ransomware banner, and even completely destroy the operating system. To protect against all these accidents, users of the same desktop are assigned different accounts and different levels of system control.

For example, the Administrator has the rights to do absolutely everything on the computer. Less authorized users are assigned lower-level rights, from which they can only use a certain set of programs and their documents. Such a user cannot change anything in the system.

Assigning User Accounts

  1. Click Start
  2. Find Control Panel
  3. Go to User Accounts
  4. Create or change an account and give it a password

If you are responsible for the computer, assign rights to each partner according to their level computer literacy and mental maturity.

Windows 10 now has another way to change your password. You need to open “Start”, then “Settings”, then “Accounts”. If you already have an account, but it does not have a password, you can add a password on the “Login Options” tab. You can also change your old password to a new one.

What to do if your password is lost?

There are several options:

  • Completely reinstall the operating system. This is the last resort.
  • You can simply log in to safe mode and reconfigure everything. To do this, press the F8 button before starting to boot the computer. A menu of login methods will open. Select a secure login. Next, according to the previous algorithm, set up scientific records and set a new password.


Even more powerful security protection. The computer will request a password even before the operating system starts loading. No newcomer will be able to get inside here anymore.

There is nothing complicated about installing on the BIOS either. As the computer starts to boot, press Del or F2 several times and the BIOS settings will open. Find the Security or BIOS Setting Password item – this may vary depending on the system.

Now set the password and save the new settings with the F10 button. What to do if you have lost your password to enter the BIOS? This issue can be resolved even more simply. Disconnect the computer from the electrical outlet, open system unit and remove the small battery on the motherboard for a while. As a result, the Bios installation will return to factory settings.

How to set a password on a mobile computer

What if you want to protect your Android tablet from prying eyes? There is nothing complicated here either.

  1. Tap your finger on the gear sign and you will be taken to Settings.
  2. Look down point by point. Seek Security. Enter Security Settings.
  3. There you will find approximately the same settings as on Windows XP - installing scientific records, encrypting login to the device with a password.
  4. Follow these steps, and after that, every time you start the tablet, you will have to enter the access password.

How to reset the password on an Android device in this case? There are 2 ways:

  1. Enter the password incorrectly 5 times. A window will appear asking you to enter your Google account credentials. After entering them, you can recover your password. If you don’t even know this data, then you’ll have to take the second path.
  2. You will have to do a complete rollback of the entire system to factory settings. Read the description in the article

Don't be afraid that after reinstalling the system, all your favorite applications will disappear. Login to your account Google entry, and the system will automatically tell you which applications were installed in Google Play. The truth is that it will be costly for your Internet traffic.

How to set a password on iPad

  • Open Computer Settings.
  • Find the item Basic - General.
  • Select PasscodeLock.
  • Now assign a password.
  • Turn the password into action – Turn Passcode On. And don't forget to remember or write down your new password!

To protect your computer from unwanted users, it is better to take care of creating a strong and complex password that you must enter every time you log in. This is especially effective when you need to restrict access to children, curious friends or colleagues on your work computer. In Windows, there are two options for setting a password on your computer: one of them is simpler and faster, and the other involves installing a code in the BIOS, which in itself is difficult if you are an inexperienced user. Try to understand both methods and choose the one that suits you most, or install two codes at once for greater system reliability.

How to password protect a computer: the standard method

This option is perfect if you are protecting your personal computer from ordinary users who will not bother with password reset methods. In addition, you will always have a small hint available to you in case you forget the code. Other accounts on the computer will lose access to your personal folder and will not be able to view your documents, photos and other files.

  • Go to the Start menu and then to “Control Panel”.
  • Sort by category in the upper right corner of the screen. This will make it easier for you to find the item you need. Click on the line “User Accounts and Family Safety”.

  • In the window that opens, click on “User Accounts”.

  • Now you will see your settings account. If you need to set a password for it, then click “Create a password for your account,” and if for another user’s account, then “Manage another account.”

  • Enter a password twice that you will not forget and no one will guess about it. At the bottom you can find a field to enter a hint. Enter a word there that will make you think of a password.

  • You can change your password at any time by clicking on the “Change your password” item.

How to password protect a computer through BIOS

You will need this method if you need to protect your network from a skillful teenager who has already reset your Windows password more than once. Try setting the code in the BIOS.

  • To do this, you need to carefully read the instructions on the screen while the operating system boots.
  • As a rule, you enter the BIOS by pressing F7 or F11, but these buttons differ on all computers.
  • After entering the BIOS, find the “Set User Password” item and enter the code.
  • Restart your computer.

This password cannot be reset without switches on the motherboard. Your computer is now securely protected. Don't forget it under any circumstances.

How to temporarily password protect your computer

There is another method that allows accounts to use the computer temporarily and then blocks access. This is very convenient for restraining children.

  • Go to Control Panel, and then to the “User Accounts and Family Safety” section.
  • Enter the “Parental Control” subsection.

  • Here you can manage a particular account, for example, a guest account.

  • Switch the checkbox to the “Enable using current settings” line.

  • Select the setting you want to block. For now, consider the “Time Limit” item.

  • You are offered a convenient schedule. Mark with blue marks those hours when you can use the computer without a password.

  • Once the schedule is set, click “Ok”.

  • You can also select the programs that you can use.
  • This type of parental control gives you confidence in your child if he or she uses the computer too often.

The price of information is high. Often an order of magnitude higher than the price of its carrier - personal computer or laptop. And valuable information needs to be protected. How to make sure that another person, especially an attacker, cannot get to her?

The first line of defense is simple but effective: password-protecting the login to the operating system. For many this is an obstacle, but there are also those who can easily overcome it. The second line of defense is setting a password on the BIOS and . Only a few people can hack it, and sometimes it is completely impossible. Do you want to turn your PC into a reliable bastion? Today I will tell you how to set a password on your computer so as not to be afraid that someone will violate the confidentiality of your data.

How to set a password on a computer

Setting up password protection for logging into Windows

Windows 7

To block access to the system by strangers, launch the control panel and enter “ user accounts».

While in the account management section, click " Create your account password».

Write the passphrase and confirmation in the next window. Additionally, we will create a reminder hint that will appear on the screen after a failed login. Let's save the setting and exit. All.

Windows 8.1 and 10

In “Eight” and “Ten”, password protection is set through the system application “ Options».

To get into it on Windows 8, open the Charms panel and click “ Options».

Let's find the section " Accounts" and go to " Login Options».

In Windows 10 application " Options"launched from the menu " Start».

Further steps in Windows 8.1 and 10 are the same.

Let's go through the section " Accounts" V " Login Options" and click under the word " Password» button « Add».

In the next window, we will set a passphrase, repeat it again and write a hint - everything is like in Windows 7.

In addition to the passphrase, to log into Windows 8 and 10 you can use a PIN code (it is tied not to an account, but to a device instance) and a graphic password-picture.

To set a PIN code, click the button next to it “ Add».

To create a graphical picture password, go to the section of the same name.

Let's select an image - any picture that is stored on the computer.

After loading, click " Use this picture"and draw 3 simple figures on it - something that will be easily remembered and definitely will not be forgotten. Repeat the drawing 3 times and click the save button.

We password-protect the hard drive and access to the BIOS

Before proceeding with further operations, write down the pre-created passphrase on an external medium (preferably on paper) and store it in a safe place. Please note that BitLocker encryption is virtually unbreakable!

Almost the same can be said about BIOS passwords, especially if you have a laptop. The majority of laptops, except the most budget ones, store them separately from other settings - in non-volatile EEPROM memory, and (by disconnecting the battery or moving the Clear_CMOS jumper) will not help here. Most often, this data has to be reset by rewriting it on the programmer.

Using BitLocker

First, a few words about what BitLocker is. This is a system component of Windows 7, 8 and 10, which allows you to encrypt information both on the entire drive and in a separate section. After encryption, the disk can be used as usual.

In starter, home and professional editions of Windows 7, in Windows 8 Core and home Windows versions 10 BitLocker is missing. If this is not your case, move on.

  • Let's go to the folder " Computer" and open the context menu of the section that needs to be protected. Click " Turn onBitLocker».

  • In the next window, note “ Use a password to unlock the drive", enter the passphrase and click " Further».

  • We will indicate where to save the recovery key, which will be useful if access problems arise.

  • Select the encryption area (the entire disk or just the occupied space).

  • And finally, click " Start encryption».

We password-protect the BIOS

BIOS password protection will block access to the BIOS Setup utility itself and prevent unauthorized loading of the operating system. It is installed very simply:

  • Let's load BIOS Setup (for those who don't know, this should be done immediately after turning on the computer). Which key is intended for this is indicated at the bottom of the motherboard splash screen.

  • Moving by pressing the arrow buttons, we will go to the section “ Security" The options we need are called “ Change Supervisor Password" And " Change User Password" The first sets the password for the administrator, who has access to all BIOS settings, the second - for the user, who can only view them and change something minor, like the time and date.
  • Let's enter " EnterNewPassword» invented code (maximum 8 characters).
  • To save and exit, press F10.

If your version of BIOS Setup looks a little different - like in the screenshot below, then you don’t need to go anywhere. Options « Supervisor Password" And " User Password" are located in the right half of the main window.

In graphical versions of BIOS - UEFI, which in recent years has been equipped with all desktop motherboards, the option to set a password can be anywhere. For Gigabyte products, for example, it is located in the “ System" Parameter " Set" in my example means that the protection is activated.

Now a few words about how to set a password in the BIOS. This measure provides the maximum degree of protection, but at the same time it is the most dangerous. A forgotten code cannot be recovered by any means. It is stored in the disk controller's persistent memory and in the protected service sector. Since this data is verified, even replacing the controller will not help to remove the blocking.

The option for password-protecting disks is also located in the “ Security" and is called " SetHDDPassword" However, it is not present in all BIOS versions. If you don't have it, it means it's not supported.

Password protection of information is a useful thing, but sometimes excessive. Once again, if you don't want to protect your data from yourself, keep reminder passwords like the apple of your eye, especially when experimenting with BitLocker and BIOS.

Greetings, friends. will be the topic of our today's episode. This article can also be used if you were looking for information how to put a password on a computer.

Surely each of you has thought about the issue of protecting your information. So, now we will set a password on our computer in two operating systems Windows systems XP and Window 7. In the last issue I talked about .

Set a password

If you work in an office or similar place where there are a lot of computers and people, then there is probably important and valuable information there. There are several ways to protect it, one of them is to set a password on required file, document, folder, or the entire computer as a whole.

In this article we will look in detail at all the details of how to quickly and correctly set a password on a computer. Perhaps in the future I will publish information on how to set a password for a specific file or folder.

There are people who know how to set a password on a computer, but there are also those who do not know it. I decided to publish this article especially for them. Not everyone likes to read; for some, it is easier or more enjoyable to absorb material in video format. For those, I posted two video lessons on how to do this.

If you want to protect your computer from viruses, I recommend installing a good antivirus, for example.

Well, let's start setting a password on the computer.

How to set a password on a computer in Windows XP

This is a simple procedure that anyone can do using these recommendations.

As usual, the first thing, of course, is to turn on our computer. Go to the Start menu.

Go to the Control Panel. Find User Accounts.

All users who are on this computer appear in front of us. In my case, there are two of them, User and Guest, but there is also a third Administrator account, which can be hidden, keep this in mind.

Here you can change your account, create a new one, and change user logins.

In order to set a password, you need to select the desired account under which you work on this computer and simply click on it.

IN in this example I go to User, you may have something different. For example User, your name or any other name. In the next window we have the option to change the name, create a password, change the image, change the account type and more.

We go to the Create a password for your account tab. If you cannot think of a password, then use the training tips - Create a secure password.

Here you need to enter a new password and confirm it.

There is an option to create a password hint, which you can use if you suddenly lose or forget your password.

After you have come up with a password and entered it into the password confirmation, you need to click on the Create password button.

In the next window we will be asked to make our files and folders personal. If you do not want other people who use this computer to have access to your documents, then you can block access to them. To do this, click Yes, make them private.

If you want to remove the password, then you must also go to user accounts, select the desired account and click on the remove password tab.

Well, that’s basically the whole simple procedure for setting a password for your computer in the Windows XP operating system. I also recommend watching a short video lesson. If you have forgotten, lost, or simply cannot remember your computer password, you can use the article.

How to set a password on a Windows XP computer

Creating a password in Windows 7

This instruction is almost no different from how to set a password on Windows XP, the only thing is that the interface (appearance) is slightly different.

Go to Start >>> Control Panel.

Go to User Accounts and Family Safety.

Click on User Accounts or Change Windows Password.

Go to Create your account password.

We write a new password and confirm it.

You can also write a password hint.

In order to change your password, you need to click on Change your password.

If you want to remove your password, go to Remove your password.

Well, it’s not difficult, really, you just need to know where to go and what to change.

How to set a password on Windows computer 7

A few words in conclusion

Today I showed you how to set a password on a computer in two operating systems Windows XP and Windows 7. I advise you to set strong passwords to protect your information.

Perhaps you have or have any questions related to setting a password on your computer, you can ask them below in the comments to this article, or also use the form with me.

Thank you for reading me on

People have long used various tricks to protect their personal data. Locks, safes with passwords, safe deposit boxes and, of course, network storage allow you to save all the necessary information away from prying eyes. But a computer can also tell a lot about the person interacting with it. Of course, if you are the only PC user, there is no need to worry about the safety of your data. But what to do with a work computer that many employees have access to? The easiest way to solve the problem of “easily accessible” information is to set a password for your account. How to set a password on a computer?

Before you begin solving the problem, create a password that only you can know. Many people use their bank card PIN as a password. You should not include a large number of letters and numbers in your password. The password should be both short and complex. If you decide to put a password on your computer in order to limit children’s access to it, then do not indicate the year or date of birth of the child as a pass, since such a password is entered first by them.

In order to set a password on your computer, you will need to open the Control Panel through the Start menu.

After that, in the upper right corner, select “Small icons” from the drop-down list. Click on the “User Accounts” tab.

Your profile name and status will be displayed. Click the "Create a password for your account" link.

Enter the new password twice in the appropriate boxes and click “Create Password”.

If you are worried about being unconscious, you can set a hint for your password. But keep in mind that the hint will be visible to all users trying to enter the password. For example, you specified your bank card PIN code as your password. Indicate the “PIN code” in the hint and, if you forget it, the entered word will tell you the essence of your password.

At any time, you can change the password set on your computer or remove it altogether. Just click on the “Change your password” or “Delete ...” button, respectively. When you delete your account password, you will be required to enter your current password.

It would seem that the answer to the question of how to set a password to log into a computer is quite simple. But many users have problems both with installing the pass and with its subsequent entry. When entering your password, be sure to take into account the layout. Undoubtedly, it is better to use a digital password, because when entering it, it does not matter which keyboard layout is active. Never write your password down on a piece of paper or leave it near the computer or under the keyboard. In this case, there is no point in password-protecting the system, since the password is in an easily accessible place.

Experienced users know that it is impossible to protect your computer from hacking in this way, since passwords can be easily reset using bootable flash drives within a couple of minutes. Enough to save special program on a flash drive, insert it into the computer and boot the PC. But at least by installing a pass, you will protect your computer from “ordinary” users who will spend a long time trying out the password and eventually give up on this idea. We recommend watching the following video on how to install a password on your account:
