What kind of greeting can you come up with? The most interesting greeting for YouTube

The question of how to come up with a greeting for YouTube often arises for novice video bloggers. If you want the channel to have its own style and be different from similar ones in the chosen niche, the original “hello!” must be present. This is a piece of content that will help build your reputation as a creative blogger.

How to come up with an original greeting for YouTube

When drafting, follow simple rules:

  • The phrase should carry a positive charge. The exception is a depressing channel aimed at the appropriate audience. Don’t be surprised: there is enough such content being created to be considered a separate category.
  • The greeting should not copy more famous bloggers. The exception is phrases that are considered templates and are used by most video creators.
  • The opening phrase should not be too abstruse or put visitors in a stupor - the audience does not like that. The exception is channels for intellectuals, talking about inventions and other achievements of science.

It is worth noting that the introductory message does not have to be read out loud. This could be text added to the video or animation - a cat waving its paw in the corner of the screen. A blogger who makes videos on some video game and does not show his face in the frame can superimpose an image of a character waving his hand at the camera onto the voice greeting.

Another interesting option is a spoiler of what exactly the video will be about. For example, in a review of the movie The Revenant, you might use the phrase “Hello, Survivors!” In this case, each video will have a unique introductory phrase, which will have to be invented anew each time.

YouTube greeting list

As examples, we will look at several options from popular bloggers.

  • “Heya hey, YppiPlay is with you” or “Heya hey, this is Ivongai” is a rhyming phrase that plays on the name of the channel, the name and nickname of the presenter.
  • “Bonjour, bunnies, start liking!” – both a greeting and a call to evaluate the video.
  • “Hello, dear friend!” – personal appeal to each viewer personally.
  • “Hello, guys and animals!” – suitable for a children's channel talking about animals.
  • “Pur-pur, kittens!” - a cozy appeal, suitable for a girl, but not suitable for a guy.
  • “Paki-pack, these are cool life hacks!” – a humorous introduction for a thematic channel.

If nothing comes to mind and creating a greeting baffles you, you can use the universal scheme - say hello and introduce yourself. For example: “Hello, this is...”, or “Hello, you are on the channel...”.

And finally, it is worth noting that the greeting is an important, but not the main part of the content. At the start, after registering, creating a design and uploading the first videos, it is more important to communicate with the first visitors by adding replies to comments. Take advantage of this opportunity while it exists - when the number of comments increases tenfold, you simply will not have time to respond to them.

Today we will tell you how to correctly name a YouTube channel for a girl so that it becomes popular and the name is remembered. Using this technique, you are guaranteed to come up with a cool name.

The very first thing we will start with is determining the topic of your future videos. A YouTube channel should have one focus so that subscribers remember you better. If you haven’t yet come up with an idea for your videos, we recommend reading about it.

The idea and topic of the video is the first step in creating a correct and effective title. Before moving on to the next step, let's find out what basic criteria a name should have.

What should the channel name be?

Remember that the name is what people “meet” you by, but in order to gain popularity, you must record interesting and useful videos.

Channel name criteria:

  • short name (one, rarely – 2 words);
  • should be understandable and easy to remember;
  • containing meaning (should reveal the idea).

There are thousands, tens of thousands, or even more channels on YouTube, so your name should be short, precise, and clear.

Your name can be a title

Often combining your name with the idea of ​​a channel, you can come up with an interesting name. This option is especially suitable for girls. You can change your first or last name to an English synonym, for example or.

If 2 girls are going to create their own channel, it is possible to indicate names or nicknames. In this case, there may be more than 2 words. But if they reveal the meaning of your videos, then this method can exist. Titles could be: “Cooking with Ksyusha and Nastya”, “Two blondes/brunettes”, “Little Ivanova sisters” and so on.

Examples of names for a YouTube channel

So we get to our examples. Feel free to take them, just check first if there is already such a name on YouTube. You can also change one of the parts and you will get a unique nickname.

  • Lisa Little
  • I-Sabina
  • MiniBaby
  • FunGirlSpeaks
  • VikkiTop
  • EvaVideoblogger
  • KseniaAndYou
  • TwoBlondesRussia
  • 2BrunetteMoscow
  • CookingYouCity
  • SveTanTV
  • JN-Super
  • GirlReviewsShopping
  • Lizych TV
  • Polina and Anya – speak
  • School – Funny Memories
  • Anny Miller

Don’t rush to choose your name, because it will be with you for a long time, and maybe it will make you popular on YouTube. Think, invent and create!

Composing music can be compared to painting a picture

Dmitry Kuznetsov welcomes you to the Dikiy.net label website!

Every person has a business that he likes or that he is predisposed to. I, Dmitry Kuznetsov, wish absolutely everyone to find their favorite activity and enjoy it all their lives. The pages of this site present materials from my musical project D.K.Y, released under the record label Dikiy.net.

Since 1994 I have been involved in musical art and every time I discover something new for myself. Creativity is a divine gift to people. An infinite number of sound shades, multiplied by the imagination and mood of the composer, gives birth to new musical works every time. Music fits into the rhythm of our lives and is often associated with some significant events; it caresses our ears in times of joy and sadness and inspires us to new achievements. Bringing some unique musical touches into the mood of listeners gives them the opportunity to look at ordinary things from a different angle. The goal of the D.K.Y project is to add special colors to the world of sounds while shaping the musical culture of the present and future.

You are on dikiy.net

One of the most famous video hosting sites in the world, YouTube, is visited by many people every day, uploading new videos and watching existing ones. Therefore, it is no coincidence that this website is used by most marketers. Surely, you yourself have seen more than once how on the first page of a search engine, especially in the Google search engine, videos were displayed instead of text results. Google loves YouTube, and you can’t argue with that; this Internet service can be a great way to attract your target audience.

Why do you need a product video review?

For your online store, this means providing your business with a new marketing tool that can remotely influence consumer choice.

What is video editing?

Video editing is the process of processing footage, giving it a certain look as a result of combining or removing individual fragments of the original recordings. If you need, welcome to our studio!

  1. Create a video channel on YouTube so that viewers can watch your videos regularly.
  2. Have fun and enjoy the shooting process!
  3. Familiarize yourself with the rules for tagging and use them.
  4. Be honest with yourself and your viewers, don't try to deceive them. The deception will soon be revealed, and you will not be patted on the head.
  5. Your video should be exciting, funny, intriguing and such that viewers want to watch it to the end.
  6. Don't make overtly flashy ads, be subtle in your marketing campaign.
  7. The video must contain only reliable information; lies are not acceptable.
  8. Make the video start or end with your logo to create recognition.
  9. Practice in front of a mirror, friends and family. Gain experience, and your videos will get better every time.
  10. Always thank those who showed you respect and sympathy.
  11. The duration of one average video should be no more than 3 minutes. During this time, you must manage to reveal the topic and hook the viewer.
  12. If people leave negative comments on your videos, ignore them or try to respond rationally, without using insults or getting personal.
  13. Feel free to delete openly rude and obscene comments, criticism is good, but it should be constructive. There is no point in littering your vlog with garbage.
  14. When setting up a channel, indicate its type so that viewers immediately understand what they are encountering.
  15. You can upload multiple videos at once, so go ahead!
  16. Attract search engines by using a keyword in the video title.
  17. Occasionally invite new characters to appear in the video. This will somewhat dilute and update your videos.
  18. The shooting process should be lively, interesting, exciting. Don't be boring, but be active!
  19. Create a bright beginning in each of your videos so that your viewer will remember you.
  20. Maintain the same style and color scheme in all videos.
  21. Use YouTube analytics tools to track your subscriber activity.
  22. The sound quality in the video should also be high, make sure that the voice in the video sounds loud and clear.
  23. You can use comment moderation and only post reviews that you like, but having bad reviews is also a good thing.
  24. The video resolution should be as high as possible.
  25. Use various sites like Yahoo Video to maximize your audience.
  26. Post the video on your official website, or create a short announcement post on your blog with a link to YouTube.
  27. The video must contain your website logo in one of the corners. Some kind of marking won't hurt him.
  28. Make a bright, catchy title for the user for each video.
  29. Do not use music in your videos that you do not have the right to use. This may result in your video being blocked soon.
  30. Be sure to professionally process the video using high-quality editing.
  31. Focus on the result, on meeting the needs of your viewers, and not just to shoot and post a video.
  32. Try to stick to a schedule when publishing videos, this is necessary so that viewers follow the updates and don’t miss anything.
  33. Periodically use new props when shooting videos, interesting costumes, accessories and various funny things.
  34. Always inform your subscribers about the arrival of new videos, both on the channel itself and on the website and pages on social networks.
  35. Write several scripts in advance, you should have plenty of time so that you don’t have to hastily come up with a script or even improvise
  36. Set a specific goal for yourself: what you want to achieve from users by creating and posting videos.
  37. Correctly select the central picture that will reflect the content of the video, the so-called thumbnail. Of course, you can choose a still frame, or you can create such a picture separately using some special effects and inserts.
  38. Sometimes you can upload video in real time using a webcam, this is how unique webinars are created.
  39. When creating videos, you should definitely use a good camera and other quality equipment.
  40. Ask your followers to leave reviews and comments. Reviews will attract new subscribers and have a positive impact on search results.
  41. Don't worry if all your videos don't become popular instantly. All will be! Just be patient.
  42. Distribute your videos on other people's pages and communities on social networks.
  43. Make a series of videos about a common theme and analyze how viewers react to them.
  44. When filming a video, don’t be constrained and tense, your task is to interest and be convincing, your lack of self-confidence will only harm you.
  45. Follow the preferences of your target audience, do not try to chase a new hare without finally getting the first one.
  46. Create viral, catchy videos, and notify about their publication on the channel on social networks: Twitter, VKontakte, Google Plus, Facebook, Digg, etc.
  47. Try to use the word “video” in the title of the video, since this is the word that users most often “drive” into the search engine.
  48. In addition to your company logo, attach a contact method to the video, for example, a link to email and Skype.
  49. Frequently watch the video releases of your competitors, learn the best, and weed out the bad.
  50. Make jokes, but behave with dignity! Profanity is the lot of illiteracy.

YouTube is one of the most visited sites, and if you use it wisely, you will soon gain new subscribers. The main thing here is to create a high-quality viral video. By the way, you can order such a video and many other videos of various types from our company! If you are wondering: "
