We transfer money from PayPal to QIWI wallet. Exchange Paypal to Qiwi - the most favorable exchange rate What currencies can I exchange PayPal for

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Today, many people keep their money on the Internet and earn money. And there are many reasons for this. Development of online stores, the possibility of paying for various services with electronic money. However, due to the presence of several systems electronic money quite often there is a need to exchange money between them. Especially popular is paypal to qiwi exchange. PayPal is especially common in Western countries, with the United States, and Russian-speaking citizens use the Qiwi system.

Our service provides information about all the most profitable exchangers that offer paypal to qiwi exchange. The undoubted advantage of our site is the complete security of the transaction, all exchangers are checked for honesty and will not be lost after the transfer of your funds. They have been tested for a long time in many ways, and we can responsibly declare - paypal to qiwi exchange will be fast, simple and secure.

We provide reliable data about each exchange office in real time, now you do not need to check each service separately and regret the lost profit, that maybe the exchange rate was more profitable on another site. Our service has collected all the data in one place and presented them in the most user-friendly way.

In addition, on our service you can view and leave a review about any existing exchanger, with a large number of negative reviews, we will exclude it from monitoring. If you cannot commit paypal to qiwi exchange due to the lack or insufficient amount of the required currency - just use our convenient notifier, which will automatically notify the specified E-mail of the receipt of the required amount of currency.

The siren will come in handy in many situations:
- you want to commit paypal to qiwi exchange, but the current rate does not suit you;
- the rate is good, but the reserve of the required currency is not enough;
- the required direction of buying/selling currency is temporarily closed;
- It is necessary to control the current exchange rates.

Often there are situations when direct exchange between payment systems is prohibited, then you can use the "Double exchange" service, which will show the possibility of purchasing the required currency in a particular payment system at the minimum rate through an intermediate service.

For each client, we provide the best conditions, so you can be sure that the currency exchange operation will take place at the minimum rate, quickly and reliably. With us, your money will arrive on time!

Since this payment system was developed for US users and service providers, it has its own unique features and does not work with all payment systems. For example, you cannot directly exchange PayPal for WebMoney or Qiwi title units. However, there are ways, and quite simple ones.

One of the rather important questions is what is the commission when transferring funds to PayPal. You can learn more about this on the official website of PayPal. However, in addition to this, there are other issues that require a more detailed analysis. For example, the question of how to exchange WebMoney for PayPal can take a lot of time in the learning process. Be that as it may, when making a transfer in this case, you will need to explore options where external resources and exchangers are involved.

Another prominent representative of payment services that uses exclusively external resources for exchange with PayPal is Payza. There are different ways to exchange Payza title units for PP. However, the easiest option is to use an exchanger.

Even such a moment as exchanging PayPal for Perfect Money has its own nuances. For example, there is only one way to directly transfer between these electronic payment systems. But its possibility implies the fulfillment of certain requirements. These requirements consist in the use of an intermediary site - the so-called online exchanger.

Russian payment systems

The situation with Russian payments is presented in a more favorable light - here the transfer can be carried out even in several direct ways within the service itself. For example, a procedure such as a transfer from PayPal to Yandex.Money can be performed in three ways. And these are only intra-system methods, in addition to which there are also various intermediaries and specialized Internet sites.

The most commonly used methods include plastic cards as well as other virtual accounts. But the main feature of this bundle of payments is the use of a specialized Yandex.Money card, which opens up wide opportunities for maneuvers.

In addition, you can use the Single Wallet as an intermediary. Of course, this is not the easiest, fastest, and most importantly profitable way, but situations can be different, and therefore even a more complex option sometimes turns out to be the only suitable one.

But with QIWI, everything is even more interesting. Here it is possible to bind one service to another, which greatly simplifies the interaction between systems and makes it possible to perform the same actions using much simpler methods. For example, using a plastic or virtual Qiwi Visa card.

Consideration of such an issue as transferring money from PayPal to QIWI will allow you to choose exactly those options for executing exchange operations that are the most relevant at the moment. And if you consider that there is plenty to choose from, then knowing the subtleties can save not only time, but also virtual savings.

The most deeply hidden payment system settings in the interface. The developers thought that account verification would not be a very popular feature, since the procedure is not needed for payments with an attached credit card. Hiding from prying eyes in the PayPal conversion settings PayPal is associated with the income of the payment service. The currency conversion fee is the second most important source of filling the company's budget.

What you need to know about conversion

Currency conversion is a service that is enabled by default on each account and is automatically provided by the payment system during foreign transactions. The conversion rate will always be extortionate for customers and the most profitable for PayPal - you can lose a few percent of the payment amount.

The service is convenient because it allows you not to waste time and not bother with additional calculations. The amount lost during exchanges can be significant for the user's wallet.

To earn more money, PayPal must convert all incoming funds into the base currency of the account. Even if the user does not use a ruble account at all, and the incoming payment is in dollars, they will be immediately converted into rubles. During the next purchase on Ebay, rubles are re-converted into dollars or euros at the expense of the client. Users do not notice how money is lost due to meaningless currency exchanges.

According to user reviews, the commission can increase up to 7%, and in some cases up to 10%. It’s one thing when the commission goes up to $1 when buying for $10 (it’s clear that unfair requisitions, but you can tolerate it), and another thing when you have to pay an extra $100 commission when buying for $1000, which you didn’t even suspect about.

To avoid unnecessary conversion operations and prohibit the financial system from inflating the purchase price by up to 110%, you need to set up the account currency.

How to set the main account currency

If users use as a means of storing money, rubles are not suitable at all. The last crisis in the country showed that the ruble can depreciate twice in a month, so it is better to keep your savings in dollars or euros. To make this possible, you must set the appropriate parameters immediately after creating account.

Guide on how to set up the main account currency:

  1. After logging into your account, you need to open the "Account" tab.
  2. In the section that opens, you need to find the hyperlink "Currency Management".
  1. In the menu that opens, you can set the US dollar as the main account currency. Just select it and click "Make Primary".
  1. How to exchange for the money of another country, if neither dollars nor rubles suit you as the main ones: in the drop-down list "Select another currency", select the desired one and click "Add".
  1. The system will notify you about the opening of the balance in the new currency.
  1. You can select it and make it basic.

By choosing the base currency of the account in which most transactions are carried out on the client's account, you can greatly reduce the cost of meaningless reverse conversions. PayPal no longer converts euros credited to the account into rubles.

When paying in European online stores, euros will be spent immediately, and not rubles, which are automatically converted at an unfavorable rate.

exchange process

When a user makes a purchase in a foreign online store, the money is withdrawn from the plastic card attached to the account. Since sellers usually accept payments in dollars or euros, rubles taken from the buyer's card must be converted into the seller's currency. The PayPal exchange is carried out automatically at the internal rate, and the seller receives the money in the preferred currency. For the hassle of exchanging, the system removes a percentage, due to which the total cost of the purchase can increase significantly.

Reasons for a duplicate exchange:

  1. A Russian bank card with a foreign currency account is attached to the PayPal account. By law, the bank is required to first sell rubles to the cardholder, and then dollars will be bought for these rubles for a transaction on PayPal. All payments within the country must be made in rubles. The national currency cannot be removed from this chain, as it is illegal.
  2. The currency of the card will not match the merchant's currency. The currency for billing in MasterCard is euro, and in VISA - dollars. When paying with a VISA card in European stores, a conversion of the ruble-dollar-euro type can be carried out. When paying with MasterCard plastic in American stores, you can run into a conversion such as rubles-euro-dollars.

Of course, 90% of users are unaware of the “surprises” of banking systems and the payment platform. When noticeable amounts of money are debited for no reason, you have to understand the principles of conversion and learn how to disable PayPal double conversion.

Disable conversion inside PP

As soon as the user finds out why they are withdrawing up to 10% of the transaction amount, they immediately want to change the conversion method by any means. This is not difficult to do, but you need to know where the desired section is located in the wallet interface.

Guide on how to change the conversion with your own hands:

  1. In the settings section, which opens with a gear icon, you need to open the "Manage pre-approved payments" hyperlink.
  1. On the left, under the block with recommended sellers, there will be a link to manage automatic payments.
  1. In the settings menu that opens, you will be prompted to set available funding sources.
  1. Opposite the attached plastic card is the desired function - "Conversion Options".
  1. In the menu that opens, you will be offered two ways to convert the currency. To turn off PayPal's predatory conversion, you need to check the box that bills in the currency specified in the seller's invoice.

Now PayPal does not have the right to exchange transactions with the user's money. All exchanges will be carried out only by the client's bank. For Russians, all currency transactions will be made at the rate of the Central Bank on the day of payment.

An important point: the exchange conditions have been changed only for a specific card, and not for the entire account. The next bank card attached to the account will again have PayPal as the base conversion center, and not the bank. It is impossible to completely change the conditions for an account, so you have to keep in mind the conditions for each of the cards. Before making particularly expensive purchases or large transfers, it is always advisable to check the conditions on the card that will be used as a source of financing.

Which conversion option is more profitable

Despite the fact that in most cases the conversion through a bank is more profitable, sometimes there are opposite situations. Of course, with small sums of purchases, this is not critical, but sometimes very expensive purchases are made at auctions: antiques, jewelry, cars. When conducting a transaction, you want to be 100% sure that the money is spent most effective way, and there are no overpayments that are easy to avoid.

Before a big deal, you need to do a little research. First you need to call the bank and clarify at what rate the conversion into foreign currency will be carried out and what amount in rubles will be needed.

They check the rate in PayPal, compare the data and choose the most profitable option. For such calculations, the platform has a special function "Converter".

Where is the commission lower?

The converter allows:

  • determine the profitability of the exchange;
  • see how the exchange will be carried out;
  • find out the course of the system;
  • understand how to transfer dollars to rubles on PayPal.

The tool is located in the “Account” section, which is already familiar to the user, by clicking on the currency management link.

  • PayPal commission for transfer in dollars;
  • the cost of goods or services in any currency;
  • the amount to be sent, in the currency of the country of the recipient of the transfer;
  • the cost of transferring part or all of the balance in one currency to another currency during the conversion.

In the drop-down list "From" you should select the currency in which the money is on the user's account. The "To" drop-down list indicates the currency in which the seller or recipient of the money transfer should receive the money. The "Amount" window contains how much money the seller should receive in the currency of his country. The "Calculate" command will display the result on the screen. If a bank employee said a smaller amount, it is better to use the services of a bank.

It is recommended to use a calculator before each major transfer or purchase, which will allow you to accurately select the amount in rubles and avoid unexpected overpayments. Comparing the calculations with the bank commission for currency exchange, you can always find the most profitable solution.

Possible difficulties and solutions

Based on personal experience and feedback on the Web, a list of the most common problems when using the payment platform and how to fix them has been compiled:

  1. Even after disabling conversion within PayPal, sometimes the platform resets client settings on its own, starts again to carry out exchange operations and rip off an inflated commission. It is impossible to protect yourself from resetting the settings. Technical support staff simply apologize and advise to continue to be more careful. Refunds for unnecessary conversion are almost impossible to achieve. All that remains is to go to the account settings at least once a week and check which conversion center and which base currency of the account are set.
  2. For some cards, there is no option to select a currency exchange center, which may be due to bank problems, currency fluctuations (as with the ruble during the last crisis), or unknown reasons that PayPal does not want to disclose. The problem may resolve itself over time, or you will have to attach a plastic card from another bank to your account. It is almost impossible to solve the problem by correspondence or calls to the technical support line.
  3. There are situations when it is not possible to attach bank plastic to a PayPal account, and you need to replenish your account for a purchase or transfer. An online exchanger can help out. For example, on the site www.bestchange.net dozens of exchangers are listed where you can exchange any electronic money for PayPal. The site contains only trustworthy exchange offices with a good and long history of transactions. To complete an exchange transaction, you will need to specify the required amount in PayPal currency, indicate an email box that acts as an account number at the same time, and make a payment. The ordered amount will be sent to the user's PayPal account as a regular transfer to a friend.
  1. PayPal has a transaction fee, which is usually paid by the party receiving the money, that is, the seller. However, cunning sellers can disable the system percentage payment in the settings: the sending party, that is, the buyer, will have to pay the fee. If, without noticing the catch, you pay such an account, you will not be able to return the money. Before paying invoices, you should make sure that there are no hidden payments that the client did not count on.
  2. If the user has already attached a dollar card of a Russian bank to the account, which is completely unprofitable, there are two ways: you can simply not use it and additionally attach a ruble card, untie the dollar card so that the plastic has nothing to do with PayPal.

In contact with

When making purchases on the Internet, you often need to exchange PayPal for QIWI : transferring funds between systems is especially relevant for Russian users, since in our country most Internet sites prefer to work with the second system.

PayPal and QIWI collaboration

Before we figure out how to link QIWI to a PayPal account, let's look at the essence of these payment systems. PayPal is one of the most popular and trusted systems in the world. When doing business with foreign partners, making purchases via the Internet, it is convenient to pay bills through a PayPal account. This service allows exchange operations using 25 world currencies.

In recent years, QIWI and PayPal have been working closely together. Thanks to the development of their partnership, it became possible to quickly transfer funds from one system to another.

Getting started with services

To link QIWI to PayPal, you first need to register in these systems. In QIWI, when registering an account, you will need to enter a number mobile phone.

The system creates a virtual card. To be able to link it to PayPal, you must select QIWI Visa Card, QIWI Visa Plastic. Other cards cannot be linked to PayPal.

Linking to your QIWI Visa Plastic account will be easier. All data for this operation are indicated on the map. For a linked QIWI Visa Card, you will need to combine two parts of the data. The first half is indicated in the SMS (upon receipt), and the second - in the QIWI account (section "Bank cards").

Registering with PayPal

The interface of the international PayPal system is convenient (translated into Russian). If the account will not be used for business settlements, you should set its type to "Personal".

After clicking "Get Started", you must fill in the fields with mandatory information. This increases the security of using the system. The account is linked to the user's email address. When settling with buyers or suppliers, it is enough to send the address of your mailbox to the counterparty.

When filling in the data, you must carefully reread the information. If mistakes are made in the user's last name or first name, it will be extremely problematic to correct them. To confirm your personal data, you will have to provide the site administration with utility bills certified by a lawyer or a marriage certificate.

After entering the required data, the account owner proceeds to the fields at the bottom of the form with information about the user's cards. Here, data about the QIWI Visa Card received during registration is added. You can provide this information after registration.

Map binding

$1.95 will be charged from the linked QIWI card. They will be transferred to your PayPal account. You will find a 4-digit code on your card account statement. Enter it in the appropriate field.

After confirming the QIWI card, you will receive a notification about the successful completion of the operation.

Conversion settings

After successful registration, an exchanger is set up that allows you to convert PayPal RUB to QIWI RUB and vice versa. The conversion can be done by PayPal itself. In doing so, it will apply its rates set at the date of the transaction. If the user does not want to exchange his funds in this way, he can convert the currency using the MasterCard or Visa system. In this case, the invoice will be issued in the seller's currency. This is beneficial if transactions are carried out exclusively in rubles.

To configure the conversion, go to Personal Area. Here select "Profile". In this tab, open the link "My funds". It is in the left column. In this section, select "My pre-approved payments". Next, set the available funding sources. In this section, specify the conversion option.

Top up your PayPal account via QIWI

To start working with the system, you need to fund your PayPal account through an attached and verified card. This is a simple operation. If you need to pay a supplier invoice via PayPal, a QIWI account will be used. All calculations will be performed almost automatically.

First, check your card account. It must contain sufficient funds. During the transaction, PayPal will act as an intermediary between the QIWI service account and the seller to whom the funds are intended. In this case, you will not need to transfer currency to your account. When paying for goods and services, the supplier will not have access to the data on the customer's bank card. He will only be able to see the email number. The anonymity of transactions increases the security of payment systems.


You can transfer funds between PayPal and QIWI using an exchanger. This option has both advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects of the exchanger include the speed of transactions. After all, you do not need to order a plastic or virtual card, wait for its delivery, and also link to your PayPal account. The disadvantage of this method is the payment of a commission for the transaction.

To carry out the operation, go to the exchanger's website and select the appropriate command.

In the tabs that open, select a direction money transfer. Enter all required data.

When applying, the transfer will be completed in 2 days. These are the standard terms that the service requires to complete the exchange.

After filling in all the lines in the form, you need to get the details. The user specifies them when creating a payment in the QIWI system.

You need to pay for the application to the nearest penny.

After the payment is made, it is required to notify the operator about the successful completion of the transaction. He will call the customer and check all the data. After confirming the user information, the funds will be transferred in the required direction.

To transfer funds from a PayPal account to a QIWI card account, citizens of our country are forced to use an exchanger. Such a transaction is not performed directly. The user has the opportunity to first transfer funds from PayPal to a US bank account, and then withdraw them to a QIWI wallet. However, this is a rather complicated procedure.

The exchanger presented above is considered the preferred option.

Knowing whether it is possible to link a QIWI wallet to PayPal and how to do it, each user will be able to make transfers between payment systems. Linking a QIWI card to the PayPal system will help pay for goods, services and accept transfers from foreign counterparties.

Below is a video with a step-by-step guide to transfer funds from PayPal to QIWI.

Any of the exchange points listed in the table provides the service of exchanging PayPal dollars → WebMoney VMZ in automatic or manual mode. When choosing an exchange office, also pay attention to the labels that are sometimes indicated next to the names of exchangers. To quickly go to the site of the exchange point, click once on the line of the exchanger. If it so happened that after going to the exchange site you did not find the possibility of implementing the exchange, immediately contact its operator. Various failures and malfunctions of the system are possible, when it is impossible to make an automatic exchange for, but a manual money exchange is available. If you still cannot exchange Pay Pal USD for Web Money USD, we recommend that you write to us about this situation. Only with your help we will be able to take the necessary measures in time: we will determine the cause of the problem, or we will disable this exchange office from the table.

Do not forget that when you go to the websites of exchange points from our monitoring, PP → WMZ rates can be more profitable than when entering the URL of the exchanger manually. If you have never changed money in this way and today is your first visit to our monitoring system, just use the special instructions from the FAQ section.

To correctly calculate the amount you receive or give away, use the Calculator. You can always study in detail the Statistics of reserves and rates. If the exchange rates provided by our service are not beneficial to you at the moment, you can use the Notification service, with which you can set your currency exchange parameters and receive a message by e-mail or Telegram at the moment when such a rate appears . If the exchangers are not shown, you can, at any time, use the Double exchange and find the best option for two exchanges using a transit currency.

Reliability of exchange offices

Each of the exchangers present on our site has been carefully checked before being added, while the BestChange team continuously monitors the proper fulfillment of their obligations. The use of monitoring allows you to increase the security of financial transactions in exchange offices. When choosing an exchange office, please pay attention to the reviews of other users, the amount of reserves and the current status of the exchanger on our monitoring.
