How accurate are wrist blood pressure monitors? Rules for measuring pressure with a tonometer on the wrist and a review of the best device models

Friends, a huge hello to everyone.

Today I want to invite you to a conversation about how to correctly measure blood pressure with an electronic tonometer. The following prompted me to write this article. In our country, according to statistics, more people die every year from hypertensive crises and strokes than, for example, from the same cancer or AIDS. But these deaths could be hundreds of times less if people start monitoring their blood pressure by purchasing an electronic tonometer at the pharmacy, because this device is so easy to use that even a child can handle it. However, even those who have such a tonometer use it from time to time, believing that it is lying, because with repeated measurements the numbers are completely different. I assure you, my dears, electronic blood pressure monitors do not lie, the whole point is that we handle them incorrectly. And in today’s article I want to tell you how to act correctly and how not to, so let’s get started.

How to correctly measure pressure with an electronic tonometer - a list of important conditions

First, let's look at the list of important conditions related to how to correctly measure blood pressure with an electronic tonometer, regardless of the location of the cuff and the type of device. Indeed, without observing the rules described below, even the most accurate and verified device will turn out to be a liar. So here are the rules:

  1. You need to measure pressure in calm conditions, slowly, at a comfortable room temperature, when the undressed person is not cold, and the room is easy and free to breathe.
  2. If before measuring your blood pressure you were actively moving, cold, or, conversely, overheated, then first stay calm for 10-15 minutes, return to normal, catch your breath and calm your heart, and only then proceed with the procedure.
  3. From the arm or leg on which the cuff will be placed, you need to remove all clothing, as well as remove any jewelry (watches, bracelets and rings) to ensure the freest possible flow of blood through the vessels.
  4. While operating the device, you must try to completely relax, do not cough, do not talk, and, if possible, do not move or force your breathing.
  5. And, if you are going to find out the data of your hell, measure them in a room where there is no active magnetic field from devices such as a microwave oven, computer, refrigerator, electric kettle and the like, because the electronic tonometer under their influence easily gets confused and shows false data.

These rules apply to measuring blood pressure with both a conventional shoulder and small wrist tonometer. Now let's look at how to correctly measure the pressure on the shoulder, wrist and leg.

How to correctly measure pressure with an automatic electronic tonometer on the shoulder

Since we most often measure blood pressure in the upper arm, let's start there. Here's how to do it correctly:

  1. We sit down in such a way that the hand on which we will measure the pressure is at the same level as the heart and at the same time is as relaxed as possible. In these cases, I either sit at the table, and place the device and hand on the tabletop, or sit on the bed, leaning my back on the wall, and placing a high pillow on my knees, where I place my hand. By the way, right-handers should measure their blood pressure on their left hand, and left-handers on their right.
  1. We put the cuff on the shoulder so that the junction of the hose with the cuff lies on the center of the elbow bend. And so that the cuff does not unfasten and sits comfortably on the hand, its length should be at least 30 cm and width 12-14 cm. The tension of the cuff should be such that you can slip your index or middle finger under its lower edge. And most importantly, try to fasten the cuff smoothly without folds or distortions, this can be seen from its slightly diagonal direction when wrapping, because the cuff tends to repeat the cone-shaped shape of the hand.

Having completed the above manipulations, press the button and within a couple of minutes we get the result. As you can see, everything is very simple. If you doubt the honesty of your tonometer and want to measure your pressure again, do not rush to do it right away. Turn off the device, wait 10-15 minutes, just sitting quietly in place, and then repeat the procedure.

By the way, when measuring again, the numbers may differ by several units in one direction or another, and the tonometer is not to blame. It’s just that we are all living people, our emotional state, body position and thoughts in the head change every now and then, which, of course, affects the blood vessels and the pressure in them. In addition, these indicators also depend on the activity of cardiac biorhythms, according to these phenomena, read the link, and then return to learn the intricacies of using the wrist apparatus.

How to correctly measure blood pressure with an electronic tonometer on the wrist

Now let's look at how to correctly measure the pressure on your wrist. The masses believe that wrist meters lie shamelessly and are only suitable for young and healthy people. I think that such conclusions were led by the fact that wristbands are much more sensitive than their shoulder straps, and you need to be able to handle them competently. Let's look at these important rules first to measure in a sitting position, and then in a lying position.

How to correctly measure blood pressure with a tonometer on the wrist while sitting and lying down

So, if you decide to measure your blood pressure with a wrist tonometer while sitting, then this is how to do it correctly:

  1. We sit down at a desk or dining table on a chair with a high back, which is comfortable to lean on.
  2. The hand on which we will measure the pressure is freed from clothing and all accessories (watches, rings and bracelets) and placed on the tabletop with the palm facing up.
  3. We put the tonometer on the wrist area with the screen facing up and fasten it in such a way that it tightly clasps the hand, but at the same time does not squeeze it.
  4. Then we place the hand with the tonometer on the middle of the shoulder of the other hand, which will be approximately equal to the level of the heart. Please note that the shoulder refers to the part of the arm located between the shoulder and elbow joints, and not what is considered a shoulder in the common sense.
  5. Having placed the hand with the tonometer in the indicated position, press the start button with the fingers of the other hand and quickly move the hand under the elbow to maintain the hand with the device in a relaxed state. For greater convenience, place your supporting hand with your elbow on the tabletop.
  6. And after the cuff is completely deflated, we remove the device from the hand and see what it shows.

Attention, while the tonometer is working, try to sit still, do not cough, do not talk and breathe at a natural rhythm. The wrist device is very sensitive; at the slightest movement it will detect changes in the bloodstream, and from this the numbers can turn out to be much higher than they actually are.

By the way, to simplify this whole process, it is recommended to measure blood pressure with a pulse tonometer while lying down. To do this you need:

  1. Place the tonometer on your wrist, as when measuring in a sitting position.
  2. Lie on your back on a bed or sofa, extend your arm with the tonometer along your body, palm up, placing a low pillow under it. This way the tonometer will rise to the level of the heart, and the readings will be more accurate.
  3. With your free hand, press the “start” button on the tonometer and wait until the device completes the measurement and releases the air from the cuff.

That's it, you can look at the readings, they must be correct. And if there is an error, it will be only by 2-3 units, which is completely insignificant. Or let someone close to you press the tonometer button, and you will remain in a relaxed state, which will only improve the accuracy of the measurement. As you can see, the wristband is not a liar at all, and besides, it is so small that it can easily even fit into a lady’s bag. This allows you to take the device with you and use it anywhere and at any time.

Which hand is used to measure blood pressure?

I have not seen any clear instructions on this matter, so I think that you should measure the pressure on the arm on which you are personally comfortable. I saw a recommendation that for a right-handed person it is better to do this on the left hand, and for a left-handed person on the right. From another source I received instructions that you first need to measure the pressure on both arms and compare the results, and then select the limb that showed a higher result, and in the future always put the cuff on it.

By the way, I noticed that the readings on my right and left hands differ by 5 units. In the medical literature I saw a warning that the difference can reach up to 10 units, which is considered quite normal. For myself, I chose to measure the pressure on my left hand, because it’s more convenient for me. And now I want to tell you how to correctly measure pressure with an electronic tonometer on your leg, and explain who needs it and when.

How to use an automatic electronic tonometer when measuring pressure on the leg, and who needs it

Yes, friends, I was also very surprised when I learned about such an unusual option. As it turns out, it is used for people suffering from vascular diseases of the lower extremities, such as, for example:

  • Obliterating endarteritis;
  • Angeopathy of the arteries of the legs;
  • Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, etc.

Most often, such measurements are made in a hospital or clinic using an ultrasound electronic tonometer. Their goal is to understand whether blood flow in the legs is impaired compared to other parts of the body and, if so, how deep the impairment is. To understand this, simultaneous measurement of blood pressure is carried out on the shoulder and on the lower leg, and then the ratio of the upper (systolic) pressure on the leg to the same value on the arm is calculated, and the resulting number serves as the answer to the task.

For example, the pressure on the arm is 120 to 80, and on the leg 130 to 80 (the lower pressure is always the same in both places, but the upper pressure can vary by 10-15 units in one direction or another). We divide 130 (systole on the leg) by 120 (systole on the arm) and get the answer equal to 1.08. A result from 0.9 to 1.4 is considered normal. A result below 0.8 indicates the onset of the development of the disease, and a result from 0.4 and below indicates a deplorable condition of the blood vessels of the legs.

For home monitoring in such patients, it is quite possible to use a conventional electronic tonometer with a shoulder cuff. First, we measure the pressure on the hand and write down the result on a piece of paper so that we don’t forget. Then we place the patient on his stomach, put a cuff on his shin so that the place where the hose is attached to the cuff lies exactly in the center of the popliteal fossa, and measure the pressure here. And, having received the result, we carry out the calculation as described above.

A small nuance, the length of the cuff for such an analysis should be 35-40 centimeters, so that it is enough to wrap the shin. Well, it is advisable to have an assistant nearby, because you will agree that it is not very convenient to attach the tonometer to your leg and press the button while lying on your stomach.

That, my dears, is all about how to correctly measure blood pressure with an electronic tonometer. I hope my article was useful to you or at least interesting. I wrote how to reduce high blood pressure, if you need this information, be sure to read it. All questions, additions and suggestions, if you have them, write in the comments and please share this article on in social networks with your friends. And I say goodbye until new posts, with love, your Tatyana Surkova.

  1. Taisiya

    We always have an electronic blood pressure monitor on the coffee table. My husband has a heart condition and, on the doctor’s recommendation, he needs to measure his blood pressure every day. Now he has been managing without my help for a long time. In general, an electronic tonometer is very convenient, since you can measure your blood pressure yourself, which cannot be done with an old mechanical tonometer.

  2. Catherine

    My parents always have a tonometer in a visible place in the living room. When we come to visit them, we immediately go to measure our blood pressure. Lately, we have been increasingly thinking about purchasing a blood pressure monitor for ourselves. A very necessary and useful thing, I believe, should be in every home.

  3. Marina

    And I wondered, is it possible to measure blood pressure while lying down? The doctor said it was possible. But here’s a paradox: the pressure in a sitting and lying position is very different. In this case, which one should we focus on?

  4. Tatiana Surkova

    It’s difficult for me to give you any unambiguous advice on how much the sitting values ​​differ from the lying values, and who you are, hypertensive or hypotensive, and also at what hours of the morning, afternoon and evening do you measure your blood pressure? If you are hypertensive, then I think it is better to focus on higher readings, and if you are hypotensive, on lower ones. In general, it’s better to consult your doctor to see what he says. And yet, I recommend that you still choose whether to measure your blood pressure while sitting or lying down and always take pressure measurements in the selected position. This will make it much easier for you to control yourself.

  5. Tatiana Surkova

    Yes, Katyusha, be sure to get your own device so that you can measure your blood pressure whenever you need it. And your parents are great, they take care of their health, if only everyone did the same.

  6. Tatiana Surkova

    Taya, you know, this fall I was in the cardiocenter, and in my room there was a woman who measured her own blood pressure with a mechanical device. She is a nurse by profession, she worked all her life in a hospital, so it’s not difficult for her. In general, I agree with you, electronic tonometers are much more convenient in this regard, especially since they remember the last 30 measurements. I still want to buy a tonometer with a speech output, after the measurement it says the result, but I can’t get around to it yet, so I use the silent one, and I ask my family to watch the results.

  7. Galina Nagornaya

    I’m still a young girl here and therefore I live without a blood pressure monitor at the age of 60... but my parents with an automatic blood pressure monitor, in my deep conviction, even sleep with him in an embrace! And everyone has their own, otherwise they would argue. But, thank God, I brought them out of hypertensive crises, and now I worry less about blood pressure - after all, both are 85 years old!

  8. Tatiana Surkova

    Gala, well, you’re an activist, an athlete, a beauty, why do you need to measure your blood pressure (I laugh). And parents, if it makes them feel better, let them sleep with blood pressure monitors in their arms, as long as everything is fine with them; not every person manages to live to such an age and be active. Although, with a daughter like you, a lot is possible.

  9. Olga Orlova

    My son has had high blood pressure since childhood. Now everything seems to be restored, I started playing sports and it’s gotten better. I had to buy a blood pressure monitor, although I don’t even know how to use it. Sometimes I have to measure the pressure, I ask one of the children.

  10. Elena Kasatova

    It’s interesting about left-handers and right-handers... and although I didn’t know about this, I measure the pressure on my left hand and I’m right-handed. But I proceeded from the fact that the left one is closer to the heart, which means it is more correct. Yes, electronic blood pressure monitors have become a part of our lives and it is very convenient.

  11. Tatiana Surkova

    Yes, I myself learned about such an arrangement with hands for right-handers and left-handers a long time ago and was surprised. I also measure on the left myself, and I’m also right-handed. By the way, I used to have an electronic tonometer with a speech output; at the beginning of the measurement, it said in a pleasant female voice what needed to be done for the correct result, and then gave out this same result out loud. Since I have no vision, this tonometer was very convenient for me, but it only lasted 2 years and was irreparably broken. Now I dream of acquiring such a speaking device again, but such models are expensive.

  12. Tatiana Surkova

    Well, Olya, do you think it’s easier to measure blood pressure with an electronic tonometer, or do you have a mechanical one? It’s difficult for me to use a mechanical one, I can’t slowly let air out of the cuff, I open the tap a little, and everything blows out at once.

  13. Natalia

    Thank you Tanyusha, useful article. I learned some subtleties about the seemingly easy task of measuring blood pressure. Now I will do it correctly. And you are a great fellow, smart and a fighter.
    There is no website. I just wrote from the heart, because... I am impressed by your work and you yourself.

  14. Tatiana Surkova

    And thank you, Natasha, for your kind words, they inspire you and give you strength to move on, I will be sincerely glad if you come to my blog again. But blood pressure is such a thing that you have to monitor it from the age of 30, from personal life I know that then you won’t miss serious illnesses. I often see how people mess with this seemingly simple process, so I decided to write this article, whoever wants to, will read it and be fully armed.

  15. Irina

    Tatyana, I re-read the article again. It turns out I did one thing wrong - I measured my blood pressure on the table where my laptop is. I didn’t even know that this couldn’t be done. And if it is disconnected from the network, is it possible?

  16. Tatiana Surkova

    Yes, Irina, if you turn it off from the network, then you can, so it won’t have any effect. Well, you should turn off the laptop itself at this time, or leave it if you don’t want to turn it off.

  17. Irina

    Thank you very much, Tatyana, for your article. I read it very timely (my husband was undergoing a medical examination at work to determine his professional suitability and it turned out that his blood pressure was not good, but he had never measured it or thought about it). I learned a lot of new things for myself: it turns out that when we position the cuff incorrectly, it measures the pressure next to the microwave oven, computer and refrigerator.
    When he comes home from work today, we’ll work on the mistakes.

  18. Elvira

    Thank you for the article. Late last night my husband felt bad. Now everything is fine - we coped
    1. I found your video on YouTube “How to distinguish a heart attack from intercostal neuralgia using only your own palm.”
    2. I went to your blog and
    3. I struggled with the electronic tonometer for a long time, but I found the necessary information “by accident” on your blog
    4. I am fascinated by you and especially by your style, just a modern Turgenevsky.
    In five years of surfing the Internet, this is the first time I’ve left a comment. And I sit decently (both for work and for myself, both in Russian and in English)
    Everything is great and professional! I'm with you!

  19. Tatiana Surkova

    Hello Elvira. Thank you for such a heartfelt comment, you really inspired me. I am sincerely glad that everything turned out okay with your husband, God grant him and you good health, take care of each other. You know, when I started writing this blog, I set myself two tasks: to realize myself as a doctor, and to talk to the reader in such a way that everything was as clear to him as possible, because in hospitals and clinics you can’t ask doctors from snow in a blizzard, otherwise what is the answer to the exciting question. Judging by what you just wrote to me, my tasks are being completed well, although I personally think that I practically can’t write, I’m just trying to convey my thoughts in simple words, and only you, my readers, can judge whether I’m doing it well or badly. Thank you again for your kind and invigorating words addressed to me and my blog, I will always be glad to see your visits, stop by again.

  20. Tatiana Surkova

    Oh, Irina, you are not alone in these mistakes, 95% of the population make this mistake. And all because practically no one tells anyone about the correct measurement of pressure, neither in clinics nor in hospitals, but it should be. Well, now you understand everything and will measure your blood pressure correctly, and let your blood pressure always be normal.

  21. Elvira

    I would like to write to Tanyusha, but... as a medical worker I have sincere respect, and a question to the point: Tatyana, what is the best way to relieve attacks of intercostal neuralgia and preferably non-drug treatment? Maybe there are effective massage techniques that a non-professional can master? . Thank you for the gift to the comment, and unexpected, and pleasant, and professional - accessible, simple, effective.

  22. Tatiana Surkova

    Hello Elvira, thank you for your kind words, they are so pleasant and warm my soul. As for intercostal neuralgia, in the first 2 days you need to limit the movement of the chest as much as possible, ensure a minimum of movements and improve blood flow. This is achieved in the following ways. To limit the movement of the chest, we take a long elastic bandage, or a fairly long linen towel, ask the patient to exhale completely and hold his breath, and while he is not breathing, we tightly bandage the chest. Now the person will breathe with shallow breaths, which will limit movement in the affected ribs and relieve the patient from pain. To minimize movements, simply put the poor thing in bed, and on his healthy side, and you can put a heating pad or warm sand on the patient, so the muscles will relax more, and the pinched nerve will be released, which will relieve the patient from pain. After 3-4 hours, the bandage must be removed so that the muscles do not become lazy and relax beyond measure. And to prevent the pain from returning, place a Kuznetsov or Lyapko applicator, or, in general, any prickly rug available in the house, under the sore spot. This action will speed up the blood, remove the pain effect and speed up recovery. In general, I recommend lying on the applicator and for prevention, for example, after waking up in the morning, 15-20 minutes is enough. If you don’t have time in the morning, then use the applicator before bed in the same time mode, by the way, it will also help you fall asleep, with the Lyapko applicator I just switch off in 5 minutes and sleep like a baby. Good health to you.

  23. Alla

    But I didn’t know about right-handers and left-handers. and I always measure on my right hand, even though I’m right-handed. We'll have to watch. Thank you very much for your advice.

  24. Lisa

    Tatiana, greetings! It was interesting to learn several points from this article. For some reason, I didn’t even think that other electrical appliances could affect the quality of measurements. Now I will know about this (sometimes, for fun, I measure my blood pressure, although I know that it rarely rises above 110/65.)
    There is an electronic tonometer on the shelf in the room and I think that even young people (around 30) should monitor their blood pressure - it happens that a person suffers from headaches or other unpleasant symptoms, but he doesn’t even know what it could be associated with unstable blood pressure.
    Health to everyone!

  25. Tatiana Surkova

    Lizonka, we can only be happy for you, your blood pressure is 110 over 65, this means that your blood vessels are clean and your heart is working like a clock. And yes, you are absolutely right, you should be monitoring your blood pressure from the age of 30, and measure it before you decide to put any painkiller pill in your mouth, in case your head hurts due to pressure, and simple baralgin will not help.

Both young and old people need to periodically monitor their blood pressure. And cardiovascular diseases are not always a companion to old age.

It is very convenient, quick and easy to find out your pulse and blood pressure using a tonometer on your wrist.

Compared to the classic device, which is mounted on the shoulder and has a built-in stethoscope, a wrist tonometer has a more compact size. In addition to the fact that such a meter performs its main function - it determines blood pressure, and with its help you can determine the pulse rate.

Some models have advanced functionality: they are able to save data for the last several measurements, and also have stress level sensors, comparative tables for determining deviations from the norm and indicators.

Pros of a wrist tonometer:

  • Portability. The meter, which is only slightly larger in size than a wrist watch, can be easily carried with you and used on the road.
  • Accuracy indicators.
  • Possibility of comparison data and determining the dynamics of changes.

Disadvantages of a wrist tonometer:

  • Cuff length. The bracelet of the device, as a rule, has a length not exceeding 21 cm. Therefore, it is quite difficult for overweight people, children or those with very wide wrists to use such a meter.
  • Age limit. Since the walls of the blood vessels located in the wrist area become less elastic with age, a tonometer on the wrist is not particularly suitable for older people - the measurement accuracy will be low.

Another feature of the device is that when taking readings, the arm with the device should be bent at the elbow and be at the level of the heart.

What to look for and how to choose

In order not to be mistaken in choosing an electronic or manual wrist blood pressure monitor and to determine which model is best for you, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Focus and functionality. For older people, pregnant women, children or athletes, they differ in their range of functions.
  • Guarantee period. Any device has its own warranty period, but for manufacturers of higher quality models it is no less, and sometimes even more than 5 years. If the warranty period specified by the manufacturer is 1-2 years or less, then you should refuse such a purchase.
  • Cuff length. If you have a non-standard wrist width, then this fact should be taken into account first.
  • Measurement error. Available for every meter. Its value is indicated in the description or passport of the device.
  • Price. It depends largely on what additional functions the meter has. If you only need it to periodically monitor indicators, then you can abandon unnecessary “bells and whistles” and choose an inexpensive device.

If you plan to take measurements outside the home most of the time, then you need to choose one that can run on batteries or rechargeable batteries.

Possible additional functions

Important features that may be found in wrist pressure monitors include the following:

  • Combination of automatic and mechanical operating principle. Some budget models have the ability to independently adjust pressure levels.
  • Number of cells in memory. This function is responsible for the device's ability to remember measurement data. The larger the memory capacity, the easier it will be to track the dynamics of changes in indicators.

    This function is indispensable for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

  • Intelligent assistants and systems. It is sometimes difficult for older people to learn how to use various equipment. To avoid complications, some models can be configured with voice assistance.
  • Availability of clock, alarm clock, calendar. Not always necessary and important functions, but for those who, due to circumstances, must constantly monitor their pulse and are also away from home, they can come in handy.
  • Indicators. Indicators of arrhythmia, correct hand position during measurements, motion sensors - all this is responsible for the accuracy of the data. If you do something wrong when taking readings, you will be immediately notified about this by a special signal.

How to use correctly: instructions for use

How to correctly measure blood pressure with a portable tonometer on the wrist? The usage algorithm is simple and is as follows:

  1. You need to remove the device from the packaging and turn it on.
  2. Place it on the wrist of your left hand, tighten the cuff tightly so that it is tightly pressed to the wrist and does not twist. It is more convenient to measure pressure by turning the display towards the inside of your arm.
  3. Place your bent left hand to the middle of your chest (where your heart is).
  4. Wait a while. As a rule, many models give a sound signal that measurements have been taken and recorded. The waiting time is usually no more than 30 seconds.
  5. Record the readings and remove the cuff.

There is nothing complicated about using a wrist meter. If the meter has a semi-automatic mode, then you need to increase the pressure manually (there will be a special button for this).

What do doctors say about wrist blood pressure monitors? Watch the video:

Review of the best models

OMRON R5 Prestige

Not the most budget model, but at the same time has many additional features. It is fully automatic and has a memory of up to 180 measurements. Standard length cuff – up to 21.5 cm.

It determines the accuracy of measurements, and if an error occurs during the measurement process, the meter will independently cancel all indicators and will take measurements until the result is accurate and stable.

Average price in Russia – from 5700 to 6900 rubles.

AND UB-202

Applies to medium-sized devices price category, among the additional functions in it are presence of WHO scale and arrhythmia indicator. This wrist automatic blood pressure monitor has a memory of up to 90 measurements.

The standard cuff length is up to 21.5 cm. Compared to other models, it is one of the lightest - 102 g. The manufacturer positions its product as mobile and compact, suitable for young people who lead an active image.

Average price in Russia – from 2300 to 3500 rubles.


It is semi-automatic, that is The cuff pressure inflation rate is manually adjusted. Such a device is budgetary and has no additional functions other than simultaneous indication of arterial parameters and pulse.

Capable of storing up to 30 measurements. The standard cuff length is up to 21.5 cm, but its minimum value, unlike other models, is 12.5 cm. The device can also be used by teenagers. Operates only on batteries.

Average price in Russia – from 1500 to 2200 rubles.

Average prices, frequently asked questions and answers

  • When is the best time to take readings with a wrist tonometer?

    Blood pressure should be measured in a comfortable environment, 1-2 hours after eating, drinking alcohol or smoking. The cuff should be placed on the left arm.

  • Which is better to choose a wrist blood pressure monitor: semi-automatic or automatic?

    There is no fundamental difference, but if maximum simplicity and speed of measurements are important to you, then choose automatic.

  • What is the advantage of such a wrist device compared to the same mechanical shoulder device?

    It is not always convenient to use a mechanical device yourself, because only a doctor can accurately take readings. In addition, it is not suitable for people with poor hearing. This meter is small in size and much easier to use: it will do everything for you.

The simpler the tonometer, and the fewer additional functions it has, the cheaper the device will certainly be. The most inexpensive models can cost about 1,500 rubles, while the cost of the most expensive ones can exceed 6,000-7,000 rubles. On average, a high-quality and functional device will cost about 3000-3500 rubles.

To summarize the above, we can say that wrist tonometer is a very useful and necessary thing. If you are not one of those who cannot use such a device due to age or certain physical characteristics, then you can safely purchase it - it certainly will not lie idle.

People prone to hypertension are advised to monitor their blood pressure by regularly measuring it with a tonometer. There are mechanical, automatic and semi-automatic devices. Automatic blood pressure monitors – The best decision for pensioners, as well as all those who often have to resort to measurements. The device independently inflates the cuff and determines the readings. Cost of tonometers of this type higher than semi-automatic and mechanical analogues.

Automatic devices are equipped additional options. This could be an arrhythmia diagnosis or an intelligent logic system for correctly determining pressure even with an irregular or weak pulse by calculating the average. A person who has never encountered the choice of a blood pressure monitor may be confused when purchasing. That is why we have compiled a rating of the best automatic blood pressure monitors for you.

Best Inexpensive Automatic Wrist Blood Pressure Monitors

Automatic wrist blood pressure monitors are very convenient in terms of compact size and light weight. You can take them with you to work or on trips. To measure pressure, you do not need to take off your clothes - the tonometer is easily and quickly fixed on the wrist. Devices of this type are recommended for overweight people and athletes with pumped up biceps - in these cases, it is not always possible to fasten the shoulder cuff. But in case of senile atherosclerosis, it is better not to use wrist tonometers - the results may be incorrect. If you're sure this is the device you need, check out these three successful models.


The best combination of moderate cost and good quality
A country: Japan (assembled in Indonesia)
Average price: 2,190 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Compact, stylish and easy-to-use model with an intelligent control system. Recognizes arrhythmia and, if the pulse is unstable, takes three measurements, calculating the average. The cuff is comfortable, there is no pain during blood pressure measurement. The tonometer is designed for two users and switches quickly and easily. Up to 30 last measurements are stored in memory.

According to user reviews, checking with a mechanical tonometer confirms the accuracy of the measurements. The device is compact - it is convenient to use it on the road or take it with you to work. Some people like that the accuracy of the indicators does not depend on arrhythmia. Among the shortcomings, users indicate a very small font and a non-Russian menu, which creates difficulties when using the device by older people. Otherwise, this is a reliable and accurate model at a low price.

2 AND UB-202

Best selling blood pressure monitor
A country:
Average price: 2,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Inexpensive but functional model of wrist tonometer. In addition to the main function (blood pressure measurement), it gives users many opportunities - there is a log of the latest measurements of 90 cells, an arrhythmia indication, and a WHO scale to easily determine whether the pressure is normal. There is intelligent control, an average value mode for several measurements. The “Guest” mode is activated, in which measurements are not recorded in the log. The manufacturer provides a ten-year warranty on the device.

Most reviews about the device are positive. Users like the accuracy of measurement, compactness, and the inclusion of a convenient carrying case. The one-button operation is very simple, but at the same time there are many options for continuous pressure monitoring. Many additionally note the comfortable shape of the cuff - it does not tighten the arm and does not cause pain even with strong inflation. This is one of the most popular and best-selling models.

Criteria for choosing a tonometer

To choose the best option when purchasing, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basics of choosing a tonometer for home use. There are 5 main principles:

  1. Number of users - if several people plan to use the device, it is better to buy tonometers with a memory function and the ability to simultaneously keep two logs.
  2. Arrhythmia - people with heart rhythm disorders are recommended to purchase devices with an intelligent measurement function.
  3. Age – for young and middle-aged people, you can purchase both a shoulder and wrist tonometer. For the elderly - only the shoulder. With age, the vessels of the wrist joint wear out, the elasticity of their walls decreases, bones appear, and joint diseases (arthrosis) occur. Therefore, when measuring blood pressure at the wrist, the readings may be inaccurate.
  4. Arm size – for slender people, blood pressure monitors with a standard cuff are suitable. For overweight people, it is better to choose larger cuffs.
  5. Place of use - depending on where the device will be used, you should choose between compact wrist devices powered by AAA batteries (for the road) and standard home use models powered by the mains.

Pharmacies offer tonometers from a variety of companies. If you want to choose a truly high-quality device, we recommend paying attention to four main brands: AND (Japan), Omron (Japan), Beurer (Germany) and Microlife (Switzerland).

1 Omron R1

Price quality. High measurement accuracy
A country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 2,100 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

One of the simplest but most reliable models with an intelligent control system. Fixed on the wrist, it has a minimal error in measuring blood pressure and pulse - 3 mm Hg. Art. and 5% respectively. It has a very compact size, fits comfortably on your hand, and runs on two “little finger” batteries.

In reviews, many users write about the accuracy of the tonometer readings (comparison with measurements made by a mechanical device), ease of use, and low cost. Like all Omron blood pressure monitors, this model is popular and trusted by customers. The simplicity and versatility of the device is of considerable importance in this regard - there are no unnecessary options, a standard cuff suits most users. Some note large numbers and only one button - the best option for older people.

The best inexpensive automatic shoulder blood pressure monitors

Standard shoulder blood pressure monitors are not as compact or lightweight. To measure blood pressure, you will have to take off your shirt and take a comfortable body position, placing the device at heart level. But shoulder models have a big advantage - they show greater measurement accuracy than wrist models. Many of them also have a wider range of options. We recommend paying attention to the three most successful models.

3 B.WELL A-23

Best price
Country: China
Average price: RUB 1,979.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Very easy to use and functional model at a low cost. The cuff size is universal - 22-36 cm, the error in blood pressure readings is no more than 3 mm Hg. Art. Powered by four AA batteries, it connects to a landline network using the included adapter. The range of options is quite wide - the device records arrhythmia, calculates the average value of three measurements, and shows whether the pressure is normal on the WHO scale. An excellent option for elderly couples - the tonometer is designed for two users and stores up to 60 measurements in memory.

Users speak well of this tonometer. They consider the main advantages to be ease of use, availability network adapter, large amount of memory, ability to switch between users. Large numbers and the WHO scale help older people better understand the obtained indicators.

2 Omron M2 Classic

Rich functionality at an affordable price
A country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 2,850 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Another successful model, fixed on the shoulder, from the famous company Omron. It features a universal cuff size - 22-42 cm, and arrhythmia indication. The device's memory stores the last 60 measurements. The device is simple in functionality, but very reliable. According to users, the service life of the tonometer is longer compared to devices from lesser-known brands. The device runs on four AA batteries.

Users cite accuracy, ease of use, and reliability as the advantages of the device. The model is perfect for older people who find it difficult to understand modern complex electronics. The only drawback of the tonometer is the lack of a power adapter in the kit. But if necessary, it can be purchased separately.

Useful options of modern tonometers

Modern automatic tonometers are equipped with options that allow you to achieve extreme measurement accuracy and increase the comfort of using the device. Let's look at some additional features that are worth paying attention to:

  • The WHO scale is a convenient feature for beginners. Using color indicators, the user determines whether their pressure readings correspond to the norm.
  • Intelligent control (Intellisense system) is an extremely useful feature that will help minimize the likelihood of errors in the presence of arrhythmia. Found on expensive devices.
  • MAM technology – calculates the average value based on the results of the last 3 measurements. Necessary for calculating more accurate blood pressure readings.
  • Memory function – allows you to store data on the latest measurements, makes it possible to keep a history of blood pressure measurements.
  • Separate measurement logs for two users. Excellent if the device is used by several people. For example, an elderly couple.

1 A&D UA 668

Extremely simple controls
A country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 2,400 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A high-quality tonometer with a standard “shoulder” design. It has an increased cuff size of 22-32 cm. The cuff is painless and does not cause significant discomfort during measurement. Powered by four AA batteries. The last thirty measurements are stored in memory. There is a multiple measurement mode with calculation of the average value. Control is carried out with just one button, which simplifies the use of the device by older people.

The model is very popular primarily because of its availability in pharmacies. Many note the convenience, low cost of the tonometer, ease of operation, and the ability to view the history of recent measurements. But reviews about it on the Internet are not only positive - some users point out a large error in pressure readings compared to measurements with a conventional mechanical tonometer. But this can happen due to weak batteries. There’s just one more minus – the kit does not include a network adapter.

The best automatic blood pressure monitors with connection to a smartphone

Automatic blood pressure monitors connected to a smartphone are modern devices, ensuring the transfer of blood pressure readings to the phone through special programs. Users note the ease of handling these tonometers and the ability to build a graph. By saving values ​​and creating a visual diagram of pressure changes, it is easier to assess your health and record measurement results.


Large cuff size, compact, light weight
Country: China
Average price: 8,490 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Automatic tonometer with standard fixation on the shoulder. There is no screen, all data is transferred to a smartphone on the Android/iOS platform. The connection takes place via Bluetooth. The latest results are automatically saved in the device’s memory – up to 120 measurements. It runs on battery power and can connect to a landline network, but does not come with an AC adapter. The cuff size is increased – 22-42 cm.

Among the advantages, users note the very light weight of the device - only 135 grams. They also like the ability to view the latest measurements. Judging by the reviews, the device is quite reliable and accurate - deviations when compared with the readings of a mechanical tonometer are insignificant.

2 A&D UA-911BT-C

Painless cuff. Ability to save data to smartphone and website
Country: Japan
Average price: 3,720 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

An automatic tonometer with an LCD screen duplicates readings via Bluetooth to a smartphone with an Android or iOS platform. To do this, you need to download the A&D Connect application for mobile devices. It is also possible to save data in personal account on the official site. The lightweight device (300g) features a pain-free cuff that uses an internal cylindrical rubber bladder. This helps distribute pressure evenly throughout the arm and eliminates pain during inflation of the cuff.

A special feature of the model is also power supply, both from the mains and from the battery, thanks to which it will be possible to take measurements in any conditions. Control occurs with one button, which is especially appreciated by users. Other advantages are 30 memory cells, automatic memory of the last measurement, arrhythmia indication.

1 Qardio QardioArm

Transfer data to Android/iOS smartphone. Dual measurement method and arrhythmia indication
Country: China
Average price: 9,600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The Quardio automatic blood pressure monitor does not have a screen. The practical device redirects all information via Bluetooth and a special application to a connected smartphone on the Android or iOS platform.

Users note ease of use - easy setup, data storage, ability to build graphs. The tonometer is powered by batteries, so measurements can be taken anywhere, even in the absence of electricity.

The device is distinguished by a dual measurement method, an arrhythmia indication, a pulse measurement function, and automatic saving of the latest readings. The device memory is designed for two users. Reviews talk about the compactness (68*38*140 mm) and lightness (310 g) of the device, thanks to which you can always take it with you.

The best automatic blood pressure monitors with dual measurement method

Automatic blood pressure monitors with dual measurement function are characterized by increased accuracy and stability. They use two measurement methods at once - the oscillometric method and the Korotkoff method. The first is based on determining the amplitude of the blood pressure pulse, and the second is on recording acoustic noise in the area of ​​​​the compressed artery. The combined approach helps provide up-to-date data while eliminating erroneous readings.


Unique GeraWatch professional technology
Country: Germany
Average price: 4,790 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The tonometer uses the unique GeraWatch professional technology. The computer microprocessor accurately recognizes the presence of cardiovascular diseases and provides accurate blood pressure and pulse readings. The accuracy of the readings is also ensured by the double measurement method. Via USB, the tonometer can be connected to a computer to transfer and organize measurement results.

In terms of other characteristics, the tonometer is similar to other modern automatic models. It can be used by two people; the last 50 measurements are recorded in the device’s memory. There is a WHO scale showing pressure deviations from the norm. Users respond positively to the tonometer, pointing out its modernity, functionality, accuracy, and ease of use. Some people consider the only drawback to be the lack of a network adapter in the kit.

2 Tensoval Duo control

Minimum percentage of error. Comfort Air technology and 60 memory cells
Country: Germany
Average price: 3,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Tensoval automatic tonometer has established itself as a highly accurate device. The error in measuring pressure does not exceed 3 mm Hg. Art. thanks to the double measurement method. Comfort Air technology provides convenient, accurate and gentle blood pressure measurement without causing discomfort.

The device memory is designed for two users and is represented by 60 cells. The device is connected to a laptop or computer via USB. This allows you to transfer results from the tonometer using special program analyze information, build graphs of changes in readings.

One button operation ensures simplicity and ease of use. Additional functions of the device include automatic memory of the last measurement, arrhythmia indication, and the ability to determine average values ​​in multiple measurements mode.

1 Omron HBP-1100

Better measurement accuracy. Fits five cuffs of different sizes
A country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 10,590 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Automatic blood pressure monitor Omron is the leader in the rating. The dual measurement method ensures the accuracy of the resulting data, which is displayed on the LCD screen. A unique feature of the model is the ability to use five different-sized cuffs. The tonometer remembers the results of the last measurement and is equipped with the option of detecting body movement. The arrhythmia detection function records changes in heart rate.

The device runs on batteries and mains. The package includes one own battery and adapter. The cuff is fixed on the shoulder. Before a new measurement procedure, the device informs the patient that the result has been successfully reset. The tonometer is intended for adults and children aged 3 years and older. Can be used by medical professionals in official medical institutions, suitable for home use.

The best blood pressure monitors with a large memory capacity

If you need to constantly monitor your blood pressure and monitor its changes throughout the day, week, month, you need to choose tonometer models that remember the latest measurements. The number of cells in individual instruments can reach 500. But usually a memory that stores about 200 measurements with date and time is sufficient. This data can be used at any time to create a graph for a more accurate diagnosis. We have selected for you three models with the maximum memory capacity.


Best memory capacity – remembers up to 500 last measurements
Country: Germany
Average price: 6,140 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

An automatic “shoulder” tonometer model with a storage function for up to 500 last measurements. It is possible to connect to a smartphone on the Android/iOS platform. The model is designed for use by two people; when measuring by a third person, you can turn on the “Guest” mode so that unnecessary data is not saved in the device’s memory. A multi-measurement mode is also provided, there is an indication of arrhythmia, a WHO scale showing whether the pressure corresponds to or deviates from the norm.

Users' opinions about the device differ. Many people note high quality its assembly, wide functionality. But at the same time, they write about the difficulty of synchronizing with a smartphone and the uncomfortable rigid cuff. Some believe that the quality of the tonometer does not correspond to its high cost. This model was included in the rating due to the largest amount of memory.


Synchronization with smartphone. 200 memory cells
Country: Japan
Average price: 11,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The memory capacity of this model is 200 cells. The tonometer is designed for two users, so the memory can be doubled - each of them has 200 measurements stored in the device’s memory. Useful options include the ability to synchronize with a smartphone, a multiple measurement mode with calculation of the average value, and arrhythmia indication. The cuff is large - 22-42 cm. The measurement method is standard - the cuff is fixed on the shoulder.

Omron tonometers are trusted by users and always deserve positive reviews. Reviews for this model write about high measurement accuracy, large memory capacity, and the ability to synchronize with a smartphone. Users like the wide functionality and ease of use. One of the disadvantages is the lack of a network adapter in the kit.


Excellent build quality. Convenient to take with you on the road
Country: China
Average price: 2,680 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Despite being made in China, the model is quite popular and is considered to be of high quality and accurate. It has 200 memory cells - this is exactly how many measurements are stored by the device. A very compact device on the wrist - it runs on two little batteries and weighs only 130 grams. Otherwise, the functionality is not rich - it is limited to arrhythmia indication.

In reviews, users note the high build quality of the product, its accuracy, and convenience. The deviations compared to the measurement result with a shoulder tonometer are insignificant. The device is very convenient to take with you on the road. The functionality is small, but it is sufficient for monitoring blood pressure. In the category of models with large memory capacity, it has the lowest cost.

Online store 120-80 presents a wide selection of automatic wrist blood pressure monitors. This device will help its owner not only monitor the pulse, but also measure blood pressure at any time. Thanks to the large display, even people with poor vision can easily see the result shown by the wrist tonometer.

On the pages of our online store, you can choose a device for measuring wrist pressure from different brands: Omron; B.Well; A Nissei; Little Doctor; Microlife; Hartmann; Tensoval.

You can buy a wrist blood pressure monitor in the 120-80 online store in just a couple of clicks! If you find it difficult to decide on a model or brand, just contact our specialists and they will help you make a useful and profitable purchase. The cost of a wrist tonometer in our store catalogs varies, it all depends on the brand, country of manufacture and set of functions.

Benefits of wrist tonometers

Each wrist tonometer is very compact, which allows you to take it with you on the road, transport it to any distance, or simply carry it in your bag every day. These devices are capable of measuring blood pressure, pulse rate, and showing their deviations from the norm. Thanks to special technology, they can detect irregular heartbeats and alert the person in time. Wrist blood pressure monitors have memory and can store up to one hundred blood pressure and pulse measurements. If you suddenly make a mistake during measurement, the device will notify the user about this using a special signal. This device will monitor a person’s condition for diseases of the cardiovascular system, save all data, which will allow tracking the dynamics in the treatment of vascular and heart diseases.

It is important to note that this is simply an ideal option for older people: rapid air injection; signaling results; measuring pressure without the help of others; large screen; low cost; data storage, etc.

In the 120-80 online store, you can order wrist blood pressure monitors at different prices from the world's best brands!

Irina Zakharova

Many have already noticed pressure meters in pharmacies that are worn on the wrists, but not everyone has yet decided to purchase such a tonometer. This unusual gadget has a number of advantages compared to the usual shoulder meter.

In any case, before purchasing this or that device, it is worth understanding the principle of its operation and the list of pros and cons.

Wrist electronic tonometer

The electronic wrist tonometer differs from the usual one in that it measures the pressure in the human wrist. This device is much more compact than the usual shoulder-mounted ones, takes up little space and is suitable for use outside the home. It is very convenient to measure blood pressure with this tonometer anywhere: at work, while traveling, or just while walking.

Hypertensive patients, pregnant women or people with diabetes (and other people for whom it is important to constantly know their blood pressure) can take a portable tonometer with them in a special bag-case. It won't take up much space, but will always allow you to know your performance. In addition to pressure, the wristband will help you find out the value of your pulse after playing sports or experiencing stress.

Almost all models, in addition to the wire for connecting to the network, come with a set of batteries. Thanks to this, the device can be taken with you on trips where there is no way to charge it.

Operating principle of the device

An electronic wrist tonometer provides information about blood pressure. The measurements are based on the oscillometric method of obtaining information, which is then processed by special sensors and displays the result on the display. Air enters the cuff, under the pressure of which the radial vein is compressed. When it weakens, indicators are measured.

Wrist meters are suitable for people up to 40-45 years old. In older age, thickening of the walls of blood vessels and atherosclerotic changes occur, which prevent accurate readings of blood pressure inside these vessels. Therefore, older customers are often advised to purchase more conventional shoulder blood pressure monitors.

This pressure measuring device is not suitable for everyone; it has its limitations. The maximum cuff size for such devices is 21 centimeters, so it is not suitable for people with full arms. Before purchasing, be sure to find out the length of the cuff, or even better, try it on your wrist.

How to measure wrist pressure correctly

You can often read about wrist tonometers that they do not show accurate measurement values, greatly overestimate, and most often underestimate the real blood pressure value. Such a deficiency can become life-threatening for a person with hypertension. The exact values ​​of the upper and lower pressure influence the nature of further measures to reduce it.

To obtain accurate blood pressure data using a portable device, you must follow the operating instructions.

Be sure to rest for at least 15 minutes before using the device. This does not mean that you should stop any of your actions, you just need to calm down if your body has previously been subjected to stress (running, climbing floors, physical exercise, nervous shock).

Pressure measurements are carried out on the left hand, placing the tonometer tightly on the wrist. The cuff should not compress this area too much, but it should not be allowed to dangle freely either. It is more convenient when the display is turned towards the inside of the hand. Be sure to bend your arm at the elbow and position it so that the tonometer is at heart level. If it is placed lower, the readings will be overestimated, and if raised above the middle of the chest, the readings will be underestimated.

Turn on the device and wait a while while it measures pressure. After receiving the result, a sound signal will sound. The determined values ​​can be stored in the memory of the tonometer if it has the corresponding function.

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantages of a portable wrist blood pressure monitor include:

  • compact dimensions, slightly larger than a wristwatch;
  • can be used anywhere thanks to the presence of batteries or a rechargeable battery;
  • heart rate measurement;
  • availability of additional functions;
  • There are models designed for people with low vision (they have a large display and large numbers on it) or with poor hearing (voice message function).

The disadvantages include:

  • age restrictions;
  • small cuff size;
  • inaccurate readings due to violation of operating rules, arrhythmia or low batteries.

The cost of such a device cannot be attributed to pros or cons. There are inexpensive models from well-known manufacturers that will not cause damage. family budget and will serve for a long time. But if you choose a device equipped with many additional functions, then you need to be prepared to pay a significant amount.

Device characteristics

Wrist tonometers are automatic devices for measuring blood pressure. In addition to the fact that they measure upper, lower pressure and pulse, some manufacturers equip their devices with additional functions. Such models can:

  • identify deviations in heart rate, which will be indicated using a special arrhythmia indicator;
  • remember the values ​​of the last few measurements, which is necessary for people with cardiovascular diseases to constantly monitor the dynamics of changes in values;
  • show time and date, set alarm;
  • have a voice assistant available that will tell you how to use the equipment correctly.

Popular models

The warranty period for a good quality wrist pressure monitor cannot be less than 2 years.

Well-known manufacturers most often provide a guarantee of 5 years or more on their products. Therefore, you should not save money by choosing devices of dubious quality from unknown manufacturers. The most popular models of wrist tonometers are:

  • Omron R5 Prestige is one of the most expensive models in this class, it has additional functions, including the ability to detect errors in the measurement process and store up to 180 results in memory.
  • Medisana BW 300 Connect is another expensive device with a rechargeable battery and a power cord that can transmit information to a smartphone.
  • Omron R2 - the device is capable of storing the latest data and has an arrhythmia indicator in the form of a heart.
  • AND UB-202 is a lightweight tonometer that shows the presence of arrhythmia and has a WHO scale, thanks to which it is determined whether the obtained values ​​are within the normal range or not.
  • AND UB 402 - is able to give accurate readings regardless of age, since it is equipped with ultra-sensitive sensors.

  • Nissei WS-1000 is a budget model that has no extraneous functions and remembers up to 30 values.
  • B.Well PRO 39 is an inexpensive tonometer without unnecessary functions.

These models and manufacturers are the most famous in our country and are trusted by customers. Finding the listed tonometers at your nearest pharmacy will not be difficult.

For travelers and hypertensive patients, purchasing a device for measuring pressure on the wrist becomes a real salvation. If such a tonometer is used correctly, it will show accurate values ​​and will last no less than a similar shoulder-type device.
