Link service. Uploading reports in electronic form Uploading regulated reporting 1s 7.7

Need to document this information arose as a result of a failure of the frontal lobes, especially in the subject area of ​​filing a VAT return. The note will be useful
especially for spoiled users of 1C Enterprise 8, where there are no such difficulties when working with regulated reporting.

So, suppose we need to generate and upload a VAT return for the 3rd quarter of 2010

Let's move on to: Reports - regulated - Tax reporting - VAT.
The report has a title page, 7 sections and 2 appendices. fill in the required pages and indicators. Unloading is carried out using the Unloading reporting data processing (formats version 4, version 5). let's launch it. In the list of reports for downloading by double click you can go to desired page report. This opens the “Select report section” window.

About the most common problem with downloading tax reporting from 1C Accounting 7.7.

If the program produces errors like:

The indicator in Section 2\Line 040\Column 3 is not filled in.
The indicator in Appendix 1 to Section 3\Line 030 is not completed.
The indicator in Appendix 1 to Section 3\Line 040 contains an incorrect value: the length of the indicator value must be at least 10.
The indicator in Appendix 1 to Section 3\ Line 050 contains an incorrect value: the length of the indicator value must be at least 10.
The indicator in the checkpoint is not filled in.

What to do if the regulated report from 1C:Accounting 7.7 is not downloaded?

The 1C program supports several options for filling out the report, which are selected using the Option button. As a rule, an error in unloading is that the necessary indicators are left blank. This especially applies to cases of uploading 1C reporting pages, the completion of which is not implied during upload. In other words, we created report pages but didn't populate them.

To avoid errors, immediately before uploading, go through each page of the report, click on the Option button and make sure that unnecessary pages do not have options.
If a list of options for filling out the report opens, select the item<удалить текущий>, close the page and refuse to save the report . This is how you can delete report pages created by mistake.

The general rule is to save only those sections that we plan to fill. To help us, at the root of the list of regulated reports there is processing Maintenance of saved reporting data. This service allows you to track which pages are created for each report. From here you can navigate to the desired section and, if necessary, delete it.

Where are completed regulatory reports stored?

C:\Program Files\1Cv77\1SBDemo\ExtForms\01028561.77\6 301001.02\1152017.10\31120100.rvs

  • C:\Program Files\1Cv77\1SBDemo - infobase directory;
  • 01028561.77, 6301001.02 - TIN and KPP of the organization (in this case from the demonstration base);
  • 1152017.10 - report code designation
  • 31120100.rvs - report file with rvs extension
Since the metrics are stored separately, there is no problem in overwriting external ert report files. If you need to re-download a set of regulated reports, this can be done provided that the composition of the report indicators has not changed. Home 1C:Accounting 8 Regulated reporting

Uploading reports to in electronic format

Regulated reports, for which regulatory documents provide for downloading in electronic form, can be downloaded electronically.

Before uploading, the prepared report is automatically checked for completeness and correctness in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. If any requirements are not met, an information message is displayed on the screen. From the message, you can go directly to an incorrectly filled or blank report cell.

Integration with the Sprinter software package

The Sprinter software package from Taxcom allows you to submit tax returns to the tax authorities, financial statements and other documents necessary for the calculation and payment of taxes and fees, in electronic form without duplicating them on paper. In this case, regular Internet access is used. Reports received by the tax office using paperless technology have legal force. A taxpayer who has submitted documents electronically is considered to have submitted the reports and is exempt from duplicating them on paper.

If software package(PC) "Sprinter" is installed on the user's computer, the user is given the opportunity to transfer files for downloading accounting and tax reporting data to the "Sprinter" software package for subsequent transfer to the tax authority in which the organization is registered as a subscriber of the reporting transmission system via communication channels.

The system allows you to upload reports from 1C conveniently and quickly. To do this, it is proposed to install special add-ons in the 1C program in which reporting is generated.

Please note that the transfer of reporting from 1C to SBS++ is implemented only for version 7.7. Transferring reports from 1C programs version 8.0 is not yet possible. Check the version of the 1C program you have installed.

As a result, in 1C, in the reporting data upload window, a setting will appear for uploading data to " SBS++Electronic reporting":

Rice. 14-11 – Setting up uploading 1C reporting data

The necessary add-ons are installed automatically during system installation." SBS++Electronic reporting" (details in chapter " Installation and launch"). If necessary, add-ons can be installed in 1C at any time, you just need to use the special command " Add-ons for 1C" ("Main menu/Service") and indicate the databases for which you want to install add-ons:

Rice. 14-12 – Installing add-ons for 1C

The location of 1C information bases installed on your computer or server is determined automatically.

After installing new forms of regulated reporting in 1C or updating them, you need to reinstall add-ons for 1C.

Generating reports in 1C

In the 1C program, electronic reporting is generated in the following configurations: " 1c accounting", "1C: Taxpayer", "Complex configuration". In all configurations, the principles for generating electronic reporting are the same.

To generate a report:

1. Open the 1C program and go to “Main menu/Reports/ Regulated". A window opens" Regulated reports" with a list of reports that can be submitted electronically:

Rice. 14-13 – List of regulated reporting

2. In the list of reports, open the corresponding folder and then select and open (<Enter>) the report you want to create.

3. After this, a window opens with a list of sections that the form of this report contains.

Rice. 14-14 – List of tax reporting

Open each section sequentially and enter the data. A form window with fields for data entry appears as soon as you open the section. Once the form is completed, save the information.

In the same way, generate all the reports that you submit in a given tax period in electronic form. After all the reports have been generated, proceed to their uploading to SbiS++.

Transfer of reporting to SBS++

After the necessary reports have been generated in 1C, you can proceed to transfer them to " SBS++ Electronic reporting".

In the 1C program in the window " Uploading reporting data" (Fig. 14-11):

1. Select the forms that you want to transfer to SBiS++.

2. Select the period for which forms are downloaded.

3. Check the " to the program "SbiS++ Electronic reporting".

4. Using the " button Review"Indicate the location of the directory with the SBiS++ program.

5. Returning to the data upload window, click " Download reporting data".

6. Reports are uploaded to electronic reporting files. The process report is displayed in the message window in 1C.

Rice. 14-15 – Report on uploading reports to files

As soon as the uploading of reports is completed, SBIS++ is launched and loading of reports into SBS++ begins.

In this case the following messages may appear:


In the programs "1C: Accounting 8" and "1C: Accounting KORP" edition 3.0, starting from version 3.0.48, the ability to download a regulated report from an electronic submission file has been implemented. 1C experts told BUKH.1C how to use this opportunity.

You can create or open a regulated report from an electronic submission file as follows:

  • by transferring data from regulated reports between 1C:Enterprise platform configurations;
  • by loading data from files generated by other accounting programs or services, including transferring an archive of sent reports from programs and/or services of specialized telecom operators.

Report loading mechanism

The mechanism is intended for organizations with a branch structure and separate divisions that use various application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise platform: programs of versions 7.7 and regulated reports of programs of versions 8.X, containing the “Regulated Reporting” subsystem.

The mechanism allows you to load data from XML files of electronic submissions into regulated reports for the Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund, Rosstat and other regulatory authorities.

For example, if a report is generated in another 1C program or in a third-party program, a file is generated when the report is uploaded. This file is the basis for the report loading mechanism.

Capabilities of the report loading mechanism

  • loading data into an existing regulated report;
  • creating a new report from the upload file;
  • in the downloaded report, the change in the reporting period is within acceptable limits (not earlier than 2015);
  • in the downloaded report, select another organization;
  • editing the downloaded file;
  • sending a report via 1C-Reporting.

How to download a report

1. Creating a new report from the upload file in the Report Log

In the Report Log when you click on the button Download select Report form.

Then in the window that appears, find the folder with the saved file and open it.

The report file window will open. The program will automatically detect Report type, Report period, Document type and Organization.

In the window you can select:

  • another organization (or add a new one);
  • another period or set a period in the report for which the report period has not been loaded (missing in the upload file);
  • type of document (primary\corrective).

To open the report screen form, click the button Load and close.

What to pay attention to

1. There is no way to decrypt the data.

Cause: Data obtained directly from the accounting program must be decrypted.

There is no solution due to the lack of initial accounting data.

Cause: indicators are loaded in their original form, without distortion through automatic calculation.

Solution: Open Report Settings and uncheck the box Disable automatic calculation of calculated cells.

The downloaded report can, if necessary, be adjusted, checked, downloaded and sent to the regulatory authority via 1C-Reporting.

2. Loading data into an existing regulated report

If you need to load data into an open report, use the button Download on the top panel of the open report.


  1. If you try to download a file that does not correspond to the type of open report or its reporting period, a message will be displayed stating that downloading is impossible.
  2. It is not possible to load data from a file with an electronic presentation format different from that approved for this report form.
  3. If data is loaded into an existing report and the process fails due to an inappropriate format, the previous completion of the report is not changed.
  4. When you load a file into an open report, the data in the existing report is cleared and the data from the upload file is loaded.

The remaining actions are similar to those specified in paragraph “ Creating a new report from the upload file in the Report Log."

For such a complex report consisting of several download files, such as a VAT Declaration, it is necessary to download all electronic submission files.

In the upload window, use the button to add files Add.

Each downloaded file can be opened.

After pressing the button Load and close in the VAT return, sections from all downloaded electronic submission files are filled in and the procedure for checking counterparties by the Federal Tax Service service is launched.
