Laser thermometer: principle of operation. Laser remote thermometer (photo)

There are difficult days in every child's life. And, as a rule, they are associated with various ailments. Caring parents strive to identify the causes of their baby’s painful condition as soon as possible, and a thermometer can help them with this. It is he who will reliably determine the presence or absence of temperature, and also show its value.

There are several types of thermometers on sale, in particular mercury, digital, and infrared devices. But which thermometer is best suited for measuring a child's body temperature? After all, each thermometer has a certain set of not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Let’s try to figure this out and choose the best option for baby’s thermometry.

Mercury thermometer

Perhaps this is the model that can be found in any home medicine cabinet. The mercury thermometer acquired an almost modern appearance in the middle of the 18th century, and, apparently, it will not lose its position for a long time.

Its popularity is explained by the fact that it is easy to use, very accurate - the measurement error is limited to 0.1 °C, and is also accessible to all segments of the population. You can buy a mercury device for an average of 15-75 rubles, while domestic models are cheaper than their imported “brothers”.

It has a mercury thermometer and a number of other advantages. With careful handling and proper storage, it has a very long service life. Such a device consists of a glass flask and a capillary that contains mercury, so there is simply nothing to break there. The thermometer must be replaced only if breaks appear in the mercury column.

Also, one of the advantages of a mercury device is the ease of disinfection: it cannot only be boiled, like other thermometers. The speed and ease of disinfection are quite a strong argument in favor of the mercury model, since any thermometer must be processed after each temperature measurement.

Among other things, a mercury thermometer has the versatility of measuring temperature: axillary (under the armpit), oral, rectal. Although if we choose a thermometer directly for the child, then the last two methods of measuring temperature are not acceptable. When measuring orally, the baby may damage the fragile glass structure; with rectal - there is a possibility that the tip of the thermometer will break off and remain in the body. In both cases, the child’s health will be significantly harmed.

Now let's turn to the disadvantages of mercury models. Firstly, a mercury thermometer has a fragile body that requires special care when handling. If a glass structure is damaged, there is a danger not only of injury from fragments, but also of mercury poisoning. Secondly, measuring temperature with a mercury device takes quite a long time - more than five minutes. It is often quite difficult for a baby to sit in one place, especially with a thermometer under his arm, for such a period of time. The child begins to scream and struggle, and, as a result, the thermometer may show the wrong temperature.

Digital or electronic thermometer

The operating principle of this model is quite simple: a special sensitive sensor is built into the design of the thermometer, which determines body temperature. After this, the measurement result is displayed digitally on the screen.

There are several types of electronic thermometers on sale: universal and dummy thermometers. Let's take a closer look at these models.

Universal electronic thermometer

Such a device has all the advantages characteristic of a mercury thermometer. The electronic thermometer is easy to use: it will notify you with a sound signal that the temperature measurement process is complete. Thermometer time averages one to two minutes. The fastest models are able to determine temperature in tens of seconds. However, there are also such devices, when using which it is necessary to continue measurements for a certain period of time specified in the instructions, even after a sound signal.

You can also purchase a universal digital thermometer at a very affordable price. The simplest model will cost about 100-150 rubles. Thermometers equipped with additional functions (we will talk about them below) are more expensive: for such models you will have to pay from 700 to 1000 rubles.

Digital thermometers also allow you to measure temperature in any way. At the same time, an electronic thermometer is safer than a mercury thermometer. When taking oral thermometry with a digital device, there is no danger associated with mercury models: they do not contain mercury and cannot be broken. In addition, for rectal temperature measurement there are thermometers with a soft flexible body. Although there is still a possibility that the tip itself, in which the sensitive sensor is built-in, will break off, it is still much less than when using a mercury thermometer.

As mentioned above, electronic devices can be equipped with a number of additional functions that sometimes prove useful. In particular, automatic saving of the obtained measurement result: some models can store several recent results in memory. In addition, there are waterproof models that can measure water temperature; Some digital thermometers can also act as a room thermometer.

By the way, on sale you can find special models of electronic thermometers designed specifically for children. They are distinguished by their bright design, wide range of colors, and variety of patterns. Such thermometers can turn the process of measuring temperature into a fun game.

However, universal digital thermometers are not without their drawbacks. Firstly, when measuring temperature, you must strictly follow the instructions: the thermometer must fit snugly to the body. Otherwise, it may detect the temperature incorrectly. The measurement inaccuracy can reach 0.5 °C, usually towards the underestimation. Secondly, electronic devices require periodic battery replacement. Typically, the batteries included with purchase last for several years. However, it is not known exactly when they will run out of charge, so it is advisable to keep a spare set of batteries at home.

A significant disadvantage of a digital thermometer, if we purchase it for a child, is that some cheap models that do not have a waterproof case cannot be properly disinfected or even simply washed. Such thermometers can only be wiped with a dry cloth.

Dummy thermometer

This model is a type of electronic thermometer designed for little ones. This thermometer is a regular pacifier with a built-in heat-sensitive sensor. To take the temperature, the baby must suck on a pacifier for three to five minutes. After the sensor measures the temperature, a sound signal will sound, and the thermometry result will be displayed on the display built into the pacifier mouthpiece.

This model of electronic device is convenient to use. A baby who is accustomed to a regular pacifier will not even notice that his temperature is being measured, because he will be busy with something that is familiar to him.

However, a pacifier thermometer is completely unsuitable for a child who does not suck on a “regular” pacifier. In addition, the measurement results will not be accurate if the child has a stuffy nose, if the tongue is not pressed tightly enough to the pacifier, or if the baby is crying. And a pacifier thermometer will not last very long: after all, such a model is only suitable for the time when the child sucks a pacifier, and this is unlikely to last more than two and a half years.

Infrared thermometer

Infrared thermometers, which are actually a type of electronic thermometer, are the most expensive. Depending on the manufacturer and the set of additional functions, an infrared device will cost an average of 1100-2000 rubles. Although you can find models for 5,000 rubles. Like regular digital thermometers, infrared thermometers are capable of storing memory for the last few measurements, notifying with an audible signal about the end of thermometry, and showing room temperature. Also, some models are equipped with replaceable tips, allowing you to completely solve the problem of hygiene.

Infrared thermometers also have other advantages: shock-resistant housing, backlit display, which allows you to view measurement results even in the dark.

So how does an infrared thermometer work? The technology used in such devices allows you to read data from the infrared radiation of the body emanating from the eardrum or from the frontotemporal region. Accordingly, depending on the location of measurement, such models can be ear and frontal.

Ear infrared thermometer

A sensitive measuring element built into the body of such a device will measure the temperature at the eardrum from 8 to 16 times (depending on the model) in one or two seconds and display the highest reading.

The ear device is equipped with a soft tip that will prevent it from being inserted too deep into the ear.

However, this model is unlikely to be suitable for a baby, since the tip is too large for his tiny ear.

Forehead infrared thermometer

But such a thermometer is suitable for all children, without exception. To measure your temperature, you just need to run a thermometer across your forehead in the temple area. The result will be ready in one to five seconds.

Non-contact forehead thermometers are also commercially available. They, as the name suggests, do not even need to touch the skin: you just need to hold such a thermometer in the frontotemporal region at a distance of 2-2.5 cm from the body. To measure the temperature with a contactless device, you don’t even have to wake up your child!

Nevertheless, even such seemingly “ideal” thermometers for a baby are not without drawbacks. The most significant of them is the measurement error, which can exceed 0.3-0.5 °C. So, an ear thermometer will show an inaccurate result if the child has inflammation of the middle ear. Unreliability of measurement will be observed when taking thermometry in a screaming or crying baby.

When choosing an ear model, you need to know that there have been cases of damage to the eardrum due to careless handling of thermometers of this type.

Temperature indicator

Such a device is a strip with heat-sensitive elements, which is applied to the forehead and after 15-20 seconds produces a result. The simplest models only show whether the temperature is elevated or not. Other indicators determine the presence of temperature without indicating tenths. If the temperature is elevated, the numbers 37, 38, 39, 40 are displayed.

Measuring the temperature using such an indicator is necessary to verify its presence or absence. Although experienced parents can do this by simply touching their child’s forehead with their lips. If the temperature is still elevated, you need to use a real thermometer to find out exactly what temperature your baby has.

As for the price of a temperature indicator, purchasing the most expensive of them will cost about 100 rubles.

Remote control system for child's body temperature

It is a radio signal temperature monitor consisting of two devices. The first of them is a mini-sensor, which is attached to the baby’s diaper or underwear using a special strap. The second is the reception unit, which is located with the parents.

The sensor measures body temperature every 10 seconds and sends the results to the parent unit. If the child's temperature reaches alarming values, the unit will notify parents with acoustic and visual signals.

Such a remote thermometer allows you to carry out thermometry unnoticed by the child and without the direct participation of adults. If the baby is seriously ill and continuous monitoring of his temperature is required, a remote thermometer will do the job perfectly.

Prices for such models are in the range of 3200-3900 rubles.

Having considered Various types thermometers, we were able to make sure that all of them are not without shortcomings. Which model should you choose? To quickly and without unnecessary nerves determine the presence or absence of temperature, electronic and infrared thermometers and thermal strips can be an ideal option. But in order to determine its value with maximum accuracy, you still have to use the good old mercury model. In addition, a doctor called to your home will ask you to measure your temperature with a mercury thermometer. Tested by personal experience.

Unfortunately, everyone has had to deal with such a nuisance as fever. Since childhood, we have become accustomed to having a thermometer under our armpits. But try measuring the temperature of a small child in this way, who is squirming, waving his arms and in no way wants to sit in his mother’s arms. A miracle of technology comes to the aid of parents - an electronic thermometer, or even a completely magical remedy - infrared. And this is where the problem arises. A lot of money has been paid, a miracle of technology is available, the temperature is obvious :-(, but the readings of the thermometer do not fit in any way. Defective? Most likely not, it’s just that electronic thermometers have their own specifics and simple rules for measuring temperature. So, how to measure temperature correctly : rectally, under the arm, in the mouth, on the forehead, taking into account the specifics of modern thermometers.

How to measure temperature correctly

How to measure temperature correctly with a mercury thermometer.

A mercury thermometer is fraught with danger due to the mercury contained in it. Therefore, more and more people are abandoning such thermometers in favor of electronic ones. However, for now, mercury thermometers remain the most popular in Russia. A mercury thermometer can be used to measure the temperature of the armpit and mouth. Mercury thermometer not recommended for rectal temperature measurement(in the rectum) due to its fragility. The most common way to measure temperature is under the armpit. This method is considered the least accurate. In addition, as a rule, in the left axillary fossa the temperature can be 0.1 - 0.3 0 C higher than in the right :) How to measure armpit temperature correctly.
  1. Wipe the armpit thoroughly with a napkin so that when measuring the temperature, the thermometer does not cool down due to the evaporation of sweat.
  2. Place the thermometer so that the entire mercury reservoir is in contact with the body on all sides at the deepest point of the armpit and does not move while the temperature is being measured.
  3. Press your shoulder and elbow against your body so that the armpit is covered and the thermometer does not move.
  4. The time for measuring body temperature in the armpit is 7-10 minutes.
How to correctly measure the temperature in your mouth. This method of measuring temperature contraindicated children under 5 years of age, people with increased excitability and mentally ill people. It is impossible to measure temperature correctly if the patient has oral diseases and/or nasal breathing disorder. In addition, the temperature in the oral cavity is affected by recent food and drink intake, and smoking. The temperature will change with rapid breathing; every 10 additional breathing movements per minute reduce the temperature in the mouth by approximately 0.5 0 C.
  1. If you have removable dentures, they must be removed.
  2. Place the tip of the thermometer under the tongue to the right or left of the frenulum.
  3. The mouth must be kept tightly closed to prevent cold air from entering.
  4. The time for measuring body temperature in the oral cavity is 3-5 minutes.

How to correctly measure temperature with an electronic thermometer.

An electronic thermometer is less dangerous than a mercury thermometer and is more convenient to use because it requires less time to obtain readings. It can be used to measure temperature under the armpit, in the mouth and rectally. Temperature in the armpit and mouth measured according to the same rules as with a mercury thermometer, with the exception of the measurement time.
  1. The measurement time depends on the thermometer model. The instructions usually indicate that body temperature must be measured before the signal. On average it is from 30 seconds to 1 minute. BUT!
  2. There is one caveat! The signal of many electronic thermometers is designed to measure rectal temperature. To obtain an adequate result from such a thermometer, you must hold it under your armpit for 5 minutes and ignore the signal.
  3. When the thermometer is positioned correctly, the temperature in the mouth is measured before the signal.
How to measure temperature rectally. The rectum has a stable temperature that is as close as possible to the temperature of the internal organs, therefore this method of measuring temperature is one of the most accurate. You cannot measure body temperature rectally in case of stool retention or diarrhea, or in the presence of diseases of the rectum (proctitis, hemorrhoids, etc.)
  1. Before insertion into the rectum, the tip of the thermometer should be lubricated with Vaseline or oil.
  2. The adult patient is positioned on his side, and the small child is placed on his stomach.
  3. Turn on the thermometer, wait until the starting indicator is established (for more details, see the instructions for the specific model).
  4. The thermometer is smoothly inserted into the rectum to a depth of 2-3 cm.
  5. After insertion, the thermometer is held between the straightened middle and index fingers. The buttocks should fit tightly against one another to eliminate the influence of cold air.
  6. You cannot insert the thermometer abruptly, firmly fix it in the rectum, or move while measuring body temperature.
  7. The time for measuring body temperature in the rectum is 1-2 minutes, or until the sound signal.
After measuring the temperature in the rectum, the thermometer must be placed in a disinfectant solution, and after disinfection, stored separately from other thermometers.

How to measure temperature correctly infrared thermometer.

Measuring temperature with an infrared thermometer differs significantly from the usual methods described above. An infrared thermometer is designed to measure body temperature on the forehead; in addition, most models are adapted to measure temperature in the ear. Infrared thermometers have the shortest measurement time, so they are very convenient for measuring body temperature in young children. Measuring body temperature on the forehead. Often, in order to determine whether the temperature has risen, we place our hand on our forehead. With an infrared thermometer, you can get a digital reading of what you feel in your palm.
  1. Wipe off perspiration from your forehead if your forehead is damp, so that when measuring the temperature, sweat evaporation does not cool your forehead.
  2. Turn on the thermometer and wait until the starting indicator is established (for more details, see the instructions for the specific model).
  3. Place the thermometer on your left temple so that the surface of the thermometer is in full contact with your forehead.
  4. Press the button and, holding it pressed (unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for a particular model), swipe from the left temple to the right. Make sure that the measuring surface does not come off your forehead.
  5. Release the button and wait for the end of measurement signal.
  6. After the signal, the thermometer can be removed from the temple and the measurement results can be viewed.
  7. The entire measurement cycle, including preparing the thermometer, will take you a few seconds.
Measuring body temperature in the ear.
This measurement method can be considered the most accurate. In the ear, the temperature of the eardrum, protected from external temperature factors by the bend of the ear canal, is measured. It is because of this bend that most often they get a result that does not correspond to reality, because they take readings not from the eardrum, but from the curved ear canal. Also, the cause of inaccurate measurements may be sulfur plug. Although crying, anxiety, rapid breathing and the presence of sulfur masses do not affect the measurement result. When measured correctly, the following temperature is considered normal:
  • armpit 36.3 - 36.9 0 C;
  • on the forehead 36.3 - 36.9 0 C;
  • in the mouth 36.8 - 37.3 0 C;
  • rectal 37.3 - 37.7 0 C;
  • in the ear 37.3 - 37.7 0 C.
The temperature in the mouth is usually 0.5 degrees lower than the rectal temperature (measured in the rectum) and 0.5 degrees higher than the temperature under the armpit. The temperature in the ear is equal to or slightly higher than the rectal temperature. Now you are savvy and can measure the temperature correctly! If the article was useful, click on one of the social buttons. It’s not difficult for you, but it’s nice for me :)

A person’s temperature is a factor that reflects the state of his health, so it should be inquired about as soon as possible. Each first aid kit should contain a special accessory for these purposes. The non-contact thermometer has taken a leading position among similar devices. Therefore, you should pay attention to it and seriously think about purchasing. To choose a quality accessory, you need to familiarize yourself with the main types of these devices.

Features of an infrared thermometer

A person's temperature is measured by this thermometer using a special element that reacts to infrared radiation emanating from the body. This is how all the necessary information is read. You can find out the result by paying attention to the liquid crystal display. This is a relatively new medical device, but it has already attracted the attention of consumers.

Benefits of Infrared Display

  1. The temperature is determined in the fastest mode. In order to show the research result, the device takes only a few seconds. Usually the timing is different, but most often a non-contact thermometer takes 30 seconds.
  2. This thermometer comes with a variety of tips. They are easy to remove when there is a need for washing or disinfection. You can purchase additional accessories for the device yourself.
  3. The peculiarity of these thermometers is that they do not come into contact with the human body. Even the youngest children can easily measure their temperature while sleeping, which makes this procedure easier and significantly faster. Also, no stressful situations are created.
  4. The device is safe for the environment and people. It does not contain mercury or glass, as they are not needed for the operation of the device.
  5. Using a non-contact thermometer, it becomes possible to find out not only body temperature, but also measure this parameter air or water.

Precision in temperature measurement

A non-contact thermometer has several disadvantages, which make it inconvenient to take measurements. There may be slight deviations in the setting of values, which can unnecessarily frighten or reassure a person. Each patient, however, can ensure the accuracy of the results. To do this, the person whose temperature is measured must sit up straight and make as few movements as possible. This aspect is difficult for young children. That is why it is advisable to measure their temperature while sleeping.

Manufacturers officially allow an error of 0.4 degrees, which is a relatively small value, but in some cases this can be a decisive factor. It is necessary to take into account possible deviations only if the patient makes active movements.

Types of infrared thermometers

An ear thermometer is designed to check temperature using the hearing organ. The kit should come with special attachments. You should check that they are soft, as this is the only way to ensure comfortable temperature measurement.

Some manufacturers decide to equip such thermometers with a whole set of accessories with all the required parts. They are necessary to protect the membrane of the functional tip, as well as to prevent damage to the eardrums. In most cases, these devices show maximum accuracy, however, in case of inflammation of the middle ear, they are not recommended for use, since an inaccurate result may be shown. If such a situation arises, you need to choose a different type of infrared non-contact thermometer.

Any other model of the device allows you to make accurate measurements by moving the thermometer to your forehead or temple. Immediately after performing these actions, the results are displayed on the display. A non-contact thermometer is great for newborns, as the most accurate results can be obtained while the baby is sleeping, without disturbing him.

Sensitec non-contact thermometer

This is a popular manufacturing company of this type measuring equipment. The non-contact thermometer NF 3101 has several features.

  1. The temperature is captured within 32-42 degrees.
  2. Measurements can be taken at a distance from 5 cm to 15 cm from the skin, which is the optimal indicator.
  3. Results can often be seen within half a second.
  4. The device automatically stores up to 32 recent measurement results in memory, which helps not only to keep statistics of the patient’s condition, but also to report the temperature at a doctor’s appointment without any hesitation.
  5. If the device is inactive for more than 7 seconds, it automatically turns off.

This device is new to the modern thermometer market, but it has already gained popularity due to its practicality. It requires two AA batteries to operate. The weight of the device is convenient for any person, as it is within the record 170 g. If a high temperature is detected, a sound signal is sent, allowing you to learn about changes as quickly as possible. The display is backlit, which means it can be used even in the dark, so there is no inconvenience. It is allowed to measure the temperature of any surfaces. A functional device can determine degrees as accurately as possible not only for the human body, but also for other objects.

Thermometer Well

The non-contact thermometer WF 5000 can be used for both the forehead and ears. Temperature is usually measured by holding a thermometer to the ears or temples. The time from bringing the thermometer to the object to receiving the results is 3-4 seconds. The result is as accurate as possible, the likelihood of small deviations is minimal.

This device is best suited for small children, as it is not capable of scaring or disturbing the baby. A special mechanism that carries out scanning acts from different sides at once, which allows you to evaluate the readings obtained from several areas of the body surface. This way the exact value is revealed. The device shows the maximum temperature that was recorded. This thermometer remembers the last measurement. To be able to view this information, you must first turn off the device and then hold down the power button for a while. It should be noted that in each specific case you need to evaluate all the advantages and choose the optimal non-contact thermometer for measuring temperature.

Consumer Opinions

Many buyers praise infrared thermometers, especially highlighting the products of certain brands. In this matter, everyone has their own preferences, but everyone agrees that the price corresponds to the quality, which is especially true for infrared models. Children respond well to measuring temperature using these devices, since they do not have to keep the thermometer with them for a long time, but simply wait a few seconds.

Features of non-contact thermometers

The most convenient infrared thermometers are sold at a fairly high price, starting from about 3,000 rubles. This is one of the main disadvantages of such devices. However, ordinary thermometers measure temperature for 5 minutes, so any non-contact thermometer is rated very highly by user reviews. They note that Special attention You need to pay attention to the accuracy of the indicators when measuring temperature. Sometimes they deviate, but the difference in values ​​does not exceed 0.4 degrees. If the results are controversial, you can re-measure the temperature.

To choose the most convenient non-contact thermometer for children, you need to evaluate the main indicators and compare the characteristics with the age of the child. You should also pay attention to the type of device. You need an infrared non-contact thermometer that is easiest for specific people to use. Silent devices are suitable for small children, while adults may need devices with a sound signal, especially if they plan to measure not only body temperature, but also a similar indicator for other objects.

“Magic” numbers 36.6°C! This is the body temperature of a healthy person. We owe these data to the German physician Wunderlich, who lived in the 19th century, who measured the temperature of 25 thousand healthy people. He did this with a mercury thermometer - one of the most popular today. It is inexpensive and accurately determines the temperature. But, of course, it has its drawbacks. Mercury thermometers break, causing tiny balls of poisonous mercury to scatter across the floor.

Comes to the aid of parents modern science. New devices for measuring body temperature are appearing like mushrooms after rain. How to navigate this diversity? What to choose?

Mercury thermometers have been replaced by electronic and non-contact ones, but both have their pros and cons

Types of modern thermometers and their differences

The first thermometer, or rather thermoscope, appeared in the 16th century. Galileo is considered its inventor. Of course, modern models have come a long way from their predecessors. The various models produced by industrial enterprises also differ in appearance, and in accuracy, and even in principle of operation. Each is good for specific purposes, and to choose the best one, you need to understand the variety of existing options.

Mercury and mercury-free classic thermometer

The easiest to use, familiar and inexpensive is mercury. He has been familiar to all of us since childhood. Its advantages include high accuracy and price.

A mercury thermometer is a sealed glass flask with a narrow spout containing mercury. The flask can be arranged as follows:

  • a capillary runs upward from the capsule with mercury, under which a plate with divisions is placed;
  • 2nd option - the divisions are applied to the flask itself, into which the capillary is sealed.

The latter option is somewhat more reliable, since there is no risk of the scale shifting relative to the capillary with mercury. This thermometer is placed in the armpit; maximum heating of the device to body temperature will be achieved within 10 minutes.

Mercury is a liquid metal that is a strong poison. Because of this, there are certain restrictions when using the product. For example, it is not advisable to insert a thermometer into your mouth. It is also dangerous to measure a baby's temperature by inserting the device into the anus. The fragility of glass and the possibility of toxic metal entering the body make such measurements unsafe.

If a thermometer breaks outside the human body, small balls of mercury will scatter over a considerable distance. The vapors they emit are harmful to the body, so you should collect all the remains of the thermometer. It is advisable to hand them over to a specialized collection point, but if this is not possible, wrap them in several layers of plastic film and take them out of the room.

Mercury is collected with a brush, sweeping it into a paper bag. Then wipe the surface with damp filter paper. The easiest way to remove it from the cracks is with polished copper wire. The surface cleaned in this way should be washed with a solution of “Whiteness” diluted in a ratio of 1:5 with water.

To avoid mercury-related troubles, you can purchase a mercury-free classic thermometer. Instead of dangerous metals, it uses harmless alloys, for example, galinstan, which is an alloy of gallium, indium and tin.

The mercury thermometer must be purchased in a full protective shell

A good option would be to purchase a mercury thermometer in a full protective shell. It will not allow glass and mercury to spread throughout the room, even if the thermometer breaks.


Children's electronic thermometers– an undeniable step forward compared to mercury. Their main advantage is absolute safety. This thermometer does not contain any toxic substances and is made of soft plastic, which eliminates the possibility of breaking it and being injured by fragments.

And it will take much less time to measure the temperature: if the mercury one shows the final result in 10 minutes, then the electronic one will need only 2 minutes. The measurement result will be displayed in a special window in digital form, which will make it easy to view the instrument readings. The error in measuring temperature does not exceed 0.1 degrees, so it can be neglected.

Some additional functions are not so necessary, but they make using the device more comfortable. These include a sound signal when a patient has an elevated temperature, and the ability to save the previous result in the thermometer’s memory. For those who are closer and dearer to the Fahrenheit scale, it is possible to switch to another system of units.

An electronic thermometer runs on batteries, and in order for it to serve its owner correctly and provide reliable information, the batteries must be changed on time. However, this has to be done once every few years, and many models are equipped with a self-shut-off function, which saves energy.


Another interesting solution is an infrared (IR) thermometer, which allows you to determine the temperature by thermal radiation. Initially, such devices were used only for industrial purposes, but their advantages in everyday life are undeniable.

The measurement time is about 10 seconds, which is very convenient for impatient kids. The result is displayed in digital form. An infrared thermometer for a newborn is one of the most convenient. However, such thermometers are quite expensive.


The most convenient way to measure temperature is with a non-contact thermometer. It is a type of infrared, characterized in that the measurement occurs remotely. Externally, the device resembles a thick felt-tip pen. At the end there is a lens that focuses the thermal radiation emanating from the body.

The device must be turned on and allowed to go into operating mode, after which it will take 2 seconds to measure the temperature.

The most convenient way to measure temperature is with a non-contact thermometer

The cost of non-contact thermometers is quite high, but it is compensated by a number of advantages:

  • measurements are taken at a distance of 3 cm from the body, which allows it to be used to monitor the condition of the baby even during sleep;
  • the device can measure not only body temperature, but also baby food, water in the bath and even the air in the room;
  • the measurement speed allows the device to be used in public places: schools, kindergartens and other places where children gather;
  • color and sound indication of elevated temperature eliminates the possibility of error;
  • the device is hygienic and does not require cleaning after use;
  • Battery charge indication allows you to replace the battery in time.


The most modern and radical way to monitor a child’s temperature is a remote measurement system. True, it is not cheap.

To use it, you need to attach a sensor to the baby’s clothes that will measure the child’s body temperature every 10-15 seconds. The obtained result is transmitted via a radio signal to a monitor located separately (for example, in another room).

The system allows for continuous monitoring of the baby's condition. It also has a number of other advantages:

  • the thermometer takes measurements regularly, without annoying children;
  • there is no need to constantly monitor the operation of the device;
  • The thermometer is very accurate;
  • parents will be notified of changes in body temperature by sound and light signals;
  • The thermometer does not pose a danger to the child.

Other types

There are other types of children's thermometers that do not provide such accurate data as those listed above, but allow timely detection of the first signs of the disease. These include nipple thermometers that have a shape that is familiar to a small patient. Strip thermometers that change color as body temperature changes are also convenient.

A pacifier thermometer is a very convenient temperature measuring device, but it is quite unreliable

For industrial measurements, laser thermometers are used to accurately select the point at which the temperature should be determined. In everyday life, such devices are not widely used, since extraneous interference can reduce the accuracy of the readings. In addition, measuring body temperature at a distance of 3-10 m at home is not required.

How to choose the right thermometer for infants and older children?

Having understood the principles of operation of thermometers, you can make the right choice, which is based on the following criteria:

  1. Child's age. A dummy thermometer is suitable for a baby. A frequently ill child, in addition to any type of thermometer, should purchase an indicator strip so as not to miss the onset of the disease. Children of any age should choose a device made from safe materials.
  2. Price plays a significant role in choosing a model. The cheapest ones are mercury or alcohol thermometers, but they are not safe or durable. If you purchase one thermometer for the whole family, you should consider removing it for the service life of the device.
  3. Convenience and ease of use are especially important when choosing measuring instrument for a child. The most difficult thing is to measure the temperature of a newborn (see also:). It's worth paying a higher price to save yourself the hassle.

Rating of the best models of devices for measuring body temperature in children

What thermometers are the best? Rating of devices from different manufacturers:

  1. AND DT - inexpensive thermometers from Japan, assembled in China. Represented by electronic and infrared devices. The price of the first is about 300 rubles, the second is 4 times more expensive. The manufacturer guarantees their performance for a year.
  2. B-Well - devices made in Switzerland, presented in a wide range. Simple electronic options for adults cost a little more than 100 rubles. Similar devices for children have an attractive, bright design. There are also rectal, nipple-shaped, infrared for the forehead and non-contact ones, which have a high price and a service life of 2 years.
  3. Sensitec from the Netherlands are represented by contact and non-contact infrared thermometers. They operate in 2 modes, have a backlit screen, and notify about high temperatures.
  4. Omron comes from Japan. This popular brand in our country is represented by several types of electronic thermometers, differing in functions and price. The company also produces infrared ear thermometers, ideal for newborns.

It is up to the parents to decide which version of the children's thermometer is better. Mercury ones beat, and those running on batteries can fail at the last moment if the charge runs out.

For each age, a different option is better suited: for a newborn - ear; for a mobile, active baby - non-contact. For those who are able to sit quietly for 10 minutes, the classic one is also suitable.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

More recently, infrared non-contact thermometers appeared in Russia, which accurately measure the temperature of the body and even an object.

A thermometer is a must-have item in a home first aid kit. An increase in body temperature shows us that inflammatory processes are occurring in the body or that viruses and bacteria are present in the body.

An infrared non-contact thermometer is especially suitable for children and for determining the temperature of milk in a bottle; you can also determine the temperature of the water in the bathroom before bathing your baby. In general, there are many ways to use it...

What is an infrared non-contact thermometer?

Traditionally, we use mercury thermometers to measure temperature through the armpit, mouth, or rectally. Moreover, you need to hold it for at least 5 minutes, which children really don’t like. It is very problematic to persuade a child to hold a thermometer for several minutes, and it is basically impossible for an infant!

And the most unpleasant thing is that most thermometers are made of fragile glass, which can lead to its splitting and evaporation of mercury, which is very dangerous to health!

By the way, mercury thermometers have long been banned in many European countries.

Advantages of an infrared non-contact thermometer:

  1. Instant temperature measurement in just 1 second
  2. Non-contact measurement
  3. Absolutely safe
  4. Versatile to use
  5. Accuracy of measurements

What experts say about the infrared non-contact thermometer:

Which infrared non-contact thermometer is better to choose?

Termatiks DT-8809C thermometer is the latest medical device that allows
instantly and with maximum accuracy find out the temperature of a body or inanimate object. This is a contactless device with a comfortable handle, which makes it possible to receive information even
in cases where it is not possible to touch the object under study. It is equipped with an LCD display on which the data obtained as a result of measurements is displayed. The developers equipped the device with a special high temperature signal. Also, the owner of a Termatiks thermometer can choose in which system the measurements will be made - Celsius or Fahrenheit. The device makes it possible to save examination results so that they can later be used to obtain a dynamic picture.

Moreover, this new product runs on two AA batteries and weighs only 170 grams. Equipped with a high temperature alarm. The device display is backlit, so you can use it even in the dark. It will be possible to measure not only the temperature of the body, but also of other surfaces.

— Ability to measure temperature from 0 to 60 degrees.
— The permissible distance for measurement is from 5 to 15 centimeters.
— The measurement speed is half a second.
— Automatic data saving (remembers up to 32 last measurements).
— Shutdown after 7 seconds of inactivity.

12 month warranty.

Reviews from customers of the infrared non-contact thermometer:

Characteristics of infrared non-contact thermometer:

In pharmacies, an infrared non-contact thermometer is expensive, about 5,000 rubles and more. This is due to the high markup of the pharmacies themselves in order to recoup the expensive rent. We recommend ordering an infrared non-contact thermometer via the Internet from trusted websites.

The price on the official website including the discount is 2250 rubles. This is a good price for this device.

Although a mercury thermometer is considered the most accurate, it is also the most dangerous!

If you correctly set up the calibration of an infrared non-contact thermometer (and this is not difficult), then it will show 99.9% accuracy.

An infrared non-contact thermometer is a step into the future, a safe choice for a loving mother!

The backlight color of the infrared non-contact thermometer will show you the type of body temperature

You can measure the temperature using an infrared non-contact thermometer at a distance of 5 - 15 cm, which will allow you not to wake up the baby whose temperature needs to be measured. The device has a modern chip built into it that automatically and accurately measures temperature.

The infrared non-contact thermometer has a convenient design that has changed over the years and has become just that thanks to many reviews about the product. It has a pleasant-touch handle that fits comfortably in any hand.

Thanks to the absence physical contact You will completely eliminate infections.

You can measure body temperature even in the dark, thanks to the bright backlight of the display.
