How to control aircraft in world of warships. Playing Aircraft Carriers in World of Warships: Basics of Control, Attack and Defense

How to control an aircraft carrier in battle

The tactical component of an aircraft carrier is carrying out airstrikes at long distances and detecting the enemy at the very beginning of the battle. Since the aircraft carrier does not have sufficient artillery weapons, it is pointless to sail straight towards the enemy. It is necessary to place the aircraft carrier as far as possible on the battle map. Although the ship has significant air defense forces, it is better to request cover from allied ships. Fast destroyers, breaking through to your ship, will be able to cause great damage to it and will make it impossible for aircraft to take off from the ship's deck.

Controlling an aircraft carrier as a ship is no different from controlling other ships. Having selected an aircraft carrier, we switch to the “top” combat mode. Click LMB in the desired square of the battlefield and freely hit the road. But it is much more effective to use complex routes for movement. This can confuse the enemy if he detects you. To build a route for a ship, you need to hold down the Shift key and indicate on the map the points through which the aircraft carrier’s path will pass.

How to fly planes in World of Warships

The main armament of an aircraft carrier is the air squads located on it. Air squads are divided according to the types of aircraft they carry: fighters, bombers, torpedo bombers.

Torpedo throwing and bombing by aircraft follow a similar principle. There are two modes of attack by bombers and torpedo bombers: automatic and manual.

In automatic mode, by selecting a group of aircraft and pointing the LMB at the intended target, they will go to attack the ship. At the same time, a dotted line around the target will indicate an area in which aircraft will constantly attack the target. The arrow that appears indicates the direction in which the torpedo bombers will head towards the target. The approach course can be changed by right-clicking on the arrow and dragging it around the circle. The bar that appears indicates the expected course of the torpedoes and their spread. The automatic attack option is not only suitable for beginners. If the aircraft carrier is under enemy fire, then this attack option is the fastest.

When attacking in manual mode, you need to select a group of torpedo bombers or bombers and, while holding down the Alt key, select a drop zone. With such an attack, you will be able to take into account the enemy’s maneuvers, since with automatic reset only speed is taken into account and the ability to maneuver is not taken into account. Also, during such an attack, it is necessary to calculate the anticipation of the launch of torpedoes or bombs, taking into account the speed of the enemy’s movement and the point of approach of the aircraft to the target.

Controlling fighters in World of Warships

A group of fighters is used to detect the enemy and conduct air battles with his aircraft. There are several tasks for fighters. In order for fighters to accompany allied ships, you need to select a group of fighters and point the LMB on the ally.

In order for fighters to guard bombers and torpedo bombers, it is necessary to select a group of fighters and point the LCP to the allied group of aircraft. In this case, fighters will engage in battle only when the enemy attacks bombers or torpedo bombers.

For direct air combat, you need to select a group of fighters and point the LMB at the enemy squadron.

Then you've come to the right place!

You will learn important features and nuances of controlling this ship and can easily master the class.

This class of ships in WoWs has the greatest combat potential.

It can be called completely special, since its controls are noticeably different from other ships presented in the game.

From this article you will learn:


Although the aircraft carrier has the greatest potential, it is nevertheless the most vulnerable due to weak armor.

It has air groups, formidable deadly weapons, which more than compensates for the lack of serious artillery installations.

If the player carefully thinks through tactical moves, then the combat ship is capable of smashing any enemy ships to smithereens.

So, to start controlling the aircraft carrier class, press “1” on the keyboard. A map opens in front of you at the top, on which you can set the ship’s routes.

You can do this in any order by using the “Shift” key and marking control points.

We can begin. Therefore, we are learning how to properly control an aircraft carrier.

How to manage air groups?

Now you need to activate the ship, use key 3 or 2. We begin control (key 4 or 3). Then we move on to activating air groups, if we need to use bombers, we use the 5 key, torpedo bombers - 4 or 3.

After activating what is necessary, we set the aircraft carrier’s trajectory of movement. To set goals, you need to left-click on the playing field.

Want to hit multiple targets at once? Click on the designated objects with the mouse while holding down the Shift key.

At the same time, it is important to take care of air units; this is a guarantee of greater success in a naval battle.

If the entire air group is used, other reserve equipment is used, but do not forget that the reserve weapons have limitations.

Air group attack in World of Warships

This can be done simply by pressing keys 5, 4, 3, 2 and selecting the required types of air group. After this, an attack is made on enemy ships.

When aimed at enemy ships, the active zone of action of the shells begins to be highlighted in green.

If it is necessary to change the direction of attacks, you need to drag the hover icon along the contours of the circle.

For the most accurate aiming, use Alt. This manual mode allows you to specify torpedo drop locations.

Careful planning of moves

You want to win the game, right? In World of Warships, constant movement is important, and at the same time you must try not to be noticed by your opponent.

A ship of the class is completely helpless if it collides with a destroyer or cruiser.

That’s why it’s so important to think through the entire strategy before the battle, and even better, discuss the moves with the players from the team.

Ideally, if the ships are comrades, they will guard the ship. This will provide significant benefits to the entire clan at once.

It is important that enemy shells do not hit the armor; this is the most vulnerable side of an aircraft carrier. Also beware of landmines that survive fires and prevent air groups from being used until they are extinguished.

How to manage?

The task is not easy, requiring not only skill, but also experience. The control interface includes many buttons on the keyboard.

If necessary, click “help” by pressing Esc or F1 and see which control buttons are used for what.

The position of the vessel on the map is visible by pressing the space bar.

Aircraft carrier– the most extraordinary representative of the class of heavy ships in the game. It does not have serious artillery installations, but it does have deadly weapons - air groups.

A successful strategy and well-thought-out tactics can turn opposing ships into pieces. Now let's talk about how to play an aircraft carrier in World of Warships.

Features of aircraft carrier control

First of all, press the “1” key on the keyboard. A top view of the map will open. Here you can set a specific route that the ship will follow. If there is a need to set an arbitrary route, hold down the “Shift” key and mark all control points on the map.

Features of air group management

To get started play on an aircraft carrier in World of Warships– you must press the “2”, “3” and “4” keys on the keyboard.
  • To activate the fighter, press “2” or “3”;
  • Torpedo bombers are controlled using the “3” or “4” keys;
  • Calling bombers – key “5”.

Once the desired air group is activated, you should set a trajectory for the aircraft. To do this, left-click on the playing field and mark the targets on the map. If there is a need to lay out an expanded route in order to hit several targets, hold down the “Shift” key and left-click on all strategic objects.

In order to carry out successful attacks on enemy ships, it is necessary to take care of every combat air unit. If the entire air group is lost, you can use reserve equipment. However, this must be done wisely. After all, the emergency supply of aircraft is limited.

How to properly attack enemy ships with air groups?

In order to attack an enemy ship, you must select the desired type of air group by pressing the “2”, “3”, “4” or “5” keys.

Attack by torpedo bombers

Select a group of torpedo bombers by pressing the appropriate key. After this, move the cursor over the opponent’s ship and press the left mouse button. As a result, the active zone of torpedoes will be highlighted in green. The direction of the attack is easy to change; to do this, simply drag the icon along the outline of the circle.

If more precise aiming is required, then press the “Alt” key. In this mode, you can manually specify the torpedo drop location.

Bomber attack

We call the air group of the required type. And mark the goals on the map. The entire procedure is similar to the previous class of aircraft. Therefore, no difficulty will arise.

In order to start winning regularly and stay afloat for as long as possible, you must always be in the shadows, invisible. This is very important, because an aircraft carrier is absolutely helpless when detected by enemy cruisers and destroyers. This requires discussing in detail the tactical and strategic aspects of the upcoming battle with other members of your team.

They are considered the most extraordinary class of technology. They are deprived of main-caliber guns, but they carry weapons on their decks that can send any ship in the game to the bottom in one go - entire air groups, represented by fighter and strike aircraft. This is a self-sufficient class of equipment, capable of performing a wide range of tasks: sinking enemy ships, covering allied equipment from enemy aircraft, providing light anywhere on the map.

Control Features

Many players who play on an aircraft carrier for the first time draw parallels with another formidable weapon from World of Tanks - self-propelled guns. But this opinion is erroneous, and it is based only on the similarity in the picture that the artilleryman and the aircraft pilot see in front of him. In other aspects, only differences appear that make the gameplay on aircraft carriers unique and exciting.

Buttons 1 to 9 on the keyboard are used to control the aircraft carrier itself and its air groups. As the level increases, the number of air groups will increase, which will require proper microcontrol skills from the air operator. All the necessary control commands are displayed in the interface, so figuring out which button to press is not difficult.

As a rule, an aircraft carrier is given a route for its movement. By holding down the Shift key, you can mark up to 5 control points. A general rule for all classes of ships: movement is life. Of course, sometimes it is useful to hide behind an island for a while, or even for the entire battle. But be prepared for the fact that if a destroyer approaches you unnoticed, the chances of survival are close to zero.

We attack correctly: fighters, torpedo bombers, bombers

Based on the title, it already becomes clear that the aircraft carrier carries 3 types of winged equipment. It is necessary to attack enemy ships with torpedo bombers and bombers, and cover your air groups and allied ships with fighters. All three types of aircraft perform reconnaissance functions, highlighting ships on the battle screen and mini-map. Details about the attack of each type of aircraft.

Attack by torpedo bombers

The priority target of aircraft carriers is battleships. They are slow, clumsy, and their air defense weapons are ineffective in most cases. The hardest thing to attack is destroyers, because... they are small, fast and the most maneuverable in the game.

For all aviation, two types of attack are implemented.

Standard – designed for quickly mastering the game on an aircraft carrier. Select a group of torpedo bombers and left-click on the enemy ship. As a result, a green torpedo movement zone is displayed on the screen. To adjust the direction of the attack, you need to drag the icon along the outline of the circle.

Alternative attack - used for precise aiming. In this mode, you need to manually specify the torpedo release sector by holding down the “Alt” button. This type of attack is more difficult, but the effectiveness is significantly higher.

Bomber attack

The procedure is similar to the previous class of aircraft in both conventional and alternative bomb-dropping modes. To increase the chance of hitting the target, you should place a green bomb release sector along the attacked ship.

Fighter attack

Air targets can be attacked by simply pressing LMB on an enemy air group, as well as through “Alt”. In the second case, a green sector of fighter movement will appear on the screen. Air groups that find themselves in the affected area suffer heavy losses, both enemy and allied.

Keep in mind that each class of ship has a point of no return, after which it will be impossible to cancel or correct the attack. The supply of air groups is also limited, so you should not approach ships with a high level of air defense.

Aircraft carrier protective equipment

An aircraft carrier can defend itself from enemy air groups not only with fighters, but also with air defense guns. Their effectiveness varies depending on the ship’s level, and starting from level 8, aircraft carriers have access to the “Defensive Fire” consumable, which increases the effectiveness of air defense and also disrupts the targeting of air groups.

In some cases, an anti-mine caliber (MMC) can protect against destroyers. You shouldn't count on it too much, because... The effectiveness of the auxiliary caliber is low, so a ship can be destroyed with a secondary gun only if it has a small reserve of hit points left.
