How to disable viruses on your phone. Methods to clean your Android device from viruses automatically or manually

There are different ways to remove malicious code that got into a gadget with any application or through a browser from the Internet. Sometimes it is enough to install a simple free mobile antivirus and clean the system with it, sometimes these actions do not lead to the expected result. We will tell you further how to remove a virus from Android in various ways that are safe for your device.

Finding and removing malware using an antivirus

This is the easiest way to clean your phone from malicious code, but it helps in no more than 40% of infection cases. Nevertheless, work on restoring the system’s functionality should begin with it. Let's list the most effective ones:

This simple method does not always allow you to get rid of the malicious utility. Sometimes it is simply not detected by the scanner, sometimes an already deleted application manages to recover spontaneously. In some cases, certain functions on your smartphone may continue to be unavailable after cleaning. When such problems occur, it often helps to switch the gadget to safe mode and scan it with an antivirus utility.

Removing malicious code in safe mode

Most programs in this operating mode do not interfere with the operation of scanners. Therefore, we will describe how to remove a virus or Trojan from Android in Safe Mode, because by switching to it, you can get rid of malware from an Android phone in a much larger number of cases. But for this you need to know what to do to switch to safe mode on a device with OS version 4.0 and higher:

  1. Press and hold the “Power” button on the device until the shutdown window appears;
  2. Keep your finger on the “Disable device” touch button in this window until you are prompted to switch the gadget to the desired mode, press “Ok”.

If your device is controlled by an Android version lower than 4.0, then the procedure for switching to Safe Mode will be different:

  1. Turn off the device completely and then press the power button again;
  2. When the company logo is displayed, hold down the volume up and down rockers at the same time until the OS fully loads.

After switching to safe mode, download one of the antiviruses mentioned above and scan the gadget. After this, to switch to normal operating mode, reboot the device.

Removing malicious code via PC or laptop

You can “catch” a Trojan on Android through a browser. We will describe how to remove it from the system. Sometimes installing a mobile security application and scanning the OS with it, even in safe mode, does not remove the malware. In this case, the problem can be solved using a desktop utility by scanning the gadget through a computer. The system is cleaned as follows:

All that remains is to run a scan, after which a powerful desktop application with a huge database will most likely be able to find Trojans that have entered the device and remove the virus from the phone.

Most mobile browsers are not equipped with ad blocking modules, so when using them, there is a high probability of accidentally clicking on a graphic banner, which will download a virus file without your noticing. After this, when the device is operating, advertising banners may appear at the most unexpected moment.

In this case, you can remove the virus from a tablet or smartphone manually using the Android Commander application (, which exchanges files between the PC and the gadget.

However, this will require root rights and USB debugging enabled on the phone (To enable the option, go to the “Settings” section of your device, then “System” and “Developer Options”).

  1. Connect your Android device to your computer as a storage device.
  2. Run Android Commander on your laptop or PC as administrator. Using this application, you can manage, among other things, system files of the mobile OS that regular Windows Explorer does not see.
  3. Among the system directories, find the folder with executable files (with the APK extension), delete the infected file or move it to a computer disk, where you can remove the virus from the file using any specialized scanner.

If the virus cannot be removed

If it is impossible to solve the problem using the methods described, we will consider how to remove viruses by flashing the system. In this case, user data will be deleted along with all the malware, so this method is the most radical. Let's describe the Hard Reset procedure using Samsung devices as an example.

How to remove viruses from Android via a computer if the phone does not perform certain actions after infection?

Android is a rapidly developing operating system for smartphones and tablet personal computers.

Due to its prevalence and flexible security requirements, OS users are often attacked by virus software.

There are the following main types of infections on the OS "":

  • malware embedded in installed programs;
  • ransomware viruses.

Removing a Trojan via a computer

Does not require superuser rights, so you can easily get rid of all malware in one removal process.

A Trojan for Android is an infection that infects a device through a browser.

The task of such sores is to remember all user data entered and saved (passwords, logins, email addresses, mobile numbers, bank card numbers and other data).

Removing a Trojan from a computer is very simple.

Follow the instructions:

  • Open your antivirus and select scanning individual files and folders;
  • In the drop-down menu, select the connected or folder;
  • Wait until the scan is completed and delete the folder with the program that is identified by the defender as malicious.

Removing embedded viruses

Signs that your device contains a virus that is built into one of the installed programs:

  • Even when disabled, the program consumes a large amount of device RAM;
  • Application malfunctions. Due to the built-in virus, the program may not perform some functions;
  • Mobile antivirus recognizes the utility as an infection.

Removal occurs in two ways: using the device itself or from a computer.

To remove a virus using only a smartphone, download a reliable antivirus from the official store, scan the system with it and remove the infected program found.

If the mobile defender does not find any abnormalities in the operation of the program, you should use a computer.

Dr antivirus must be pre-installed on your PC. Web, NOD32 or - these defenders operate the largest updated database of viruses not only for PCs, but also for smartphones and tablets.

Install the Android Commander program on your PC - it allows you to manage all installed programs on your device.

Remember! Never download apps from unknown sources. According to statistics, about 90% of such programs contain a built-in virus. Download all games and applications only from the official source - the application storeGooglee.

Cleaning a smartphone from a banner virus

These types of infections can be caught while working with the browser.

If you don't have an ad blocker installed on your phone, there is a high probability of clicking on one of the banners, which will silently download a virus to your device.

In the future, when working with the phone, advertising banners will pop up.

Removal occurs as follows:

  1. Scan your device using a computer antivirus;
  2. Remove any malicious content found;
  3. Go to the folder with your smartphone data;
  4. Using Android Commander, delete all cache and download data from your browser app.

Getting rid of ransomware viruses

Ransomware viruses block your work. To unlock the device, they require the user to send a certain amount to an online wallet.

Most of this malware can be removed without paying any fees. Follow the instructions:

  • Connect your phone to your computer;
  • Load Recovery mode on your smartphone or tablet. To do this, hold down the power and volume up button for 10 seconds;

This information will allow you to keep your phone in working order even if it is infected with virus software. Also, timely removal of the virus will protect user files from infection.

Rice. No. 1. Viruses on Android

1. What is a virus in Android OS?

Over the past two years, viruses for the Android platform have been introduced into 80 percent of devices. Even special antivirus software cannot always detect a new type of malware.

Looking for an antivirus program for your smartphone? List and description of the best antiviruses

There are several types of viruses that users may encounter:

  • Trojan. This type of virus can distribute or collect information. Also, some Trojans have the ability to gain unauthorized access even to encrypted user data;
  • Viruses that spread advertising. Banners offering you products or services may appear at any time, even if there is no Internet connection;
  • Viruses that block the functionality of the operating system. This type of malware is the most dangerous. The virus restricts the user's access to the device's functions, requiring the user to restore operation by sending a paid SMS message;
  • Third-party software that binds to the browser installed on the device. As a result, users will constantly be redirected to advertising pages.

Malicious software on Android can be easily removed from a tablet or smartphone. This can be done even by a user whose phone does not have root rights. All you need is to recognize the virus in time, determine its type and remove it.

Rice. No. 2. Viruses on mobile devices are by no means harmless

2. How to recognize and remove a Trojan using an antivirus?

The user may not even be aware that a Trojan or spyware is installed on his phone. As a rule, these types of software are installed on the device along with other programs that are downloaded from unofficial sources.

Symptoms of a device being infected may include an excessively high mobile phone bill, abnormal Internet traffic consumption, installed third-party programs, slowdown and freezing of the device. The battery can also drain very quickly.

You can identify and remove a virus as follows:

  • Scan your phone memory with special antivirus software. The most popular antiviruses for Android are Dr. Web, CM Security, Mobile Security, Avast, 360 Security;

Rice. No. 3. Antiviruses on Google Play

Remember! You must download the antivirus only from the official Google Play store. Otherwise, you may end up with an additional Trojan on your phone.

  • Perform manual removal. Using the phone itself.

Let's take a closer look at how to scan a device using the example of the most popular antivirus in the app store - Dr. Web. To get started, download and install the utility on your device.

Then follow the instructions below:

  • Launch the application. Open the “Scanner” window;
  • Next, select “Full device scan”;
  • Wait for the process to complete;
  • If viruses are found, their number will be displayed next to the “Threats detected:...” field.
  • Open the window with the detected malware and remove each component separately by clicking on the additional options button (picture below).

Check for viruses regularly. 1-2 scans per week will be enough.

It is also recommended to check programs immediately after installing them. Using an antivirus, you can remove Trojans, banner viruses and software that binds to the browser and other applications on your phone or tablet.

You can read about other antivirus programs for devices on the Android platform in our article.

Here is a list of good antiviruses that we recommend for use:

  • Security Master - Antivirus, VPN, AppLock, Booster (in addition to antivirus functions, this program also has a VPN and a device accelerator);

3. Several ways to manually remove a virus from a device

If you encounter a more serious type of malicious utility and cannot fix the problem using a regular antivirus, you must remove it manually. After removing the pest using an antivirus, do advertising banners still appear?

In this case, follow the following removal instructions:

  • Turn off wifi and data transfer over the mobile network on your phone;
  • Take out the SIM card;
  • Remove all previously installed programs;
  • Uninstall the browser and install it again. Use only the version of the application that is available in the Play Store;
  • Also format the connected memory cards;
  • Reboot your device.

To remove a ransomware virus that has blocked all actions, use the following instructions:

  • Turn off your smartphone;
  • Remove your mobile operator card from your device. Do this immediately after you discover the ransomware virus. Otherwise, a large amount of money may be debited from the account;
  • Do not remove the memory card from your phone; it may also be infected with a virus. To completely remove ransomware, you will have to clear all information, including installed programs and personal user data;
  • Reset your device to factory settings using the Volume Up, Power button, and Home button combination. Hold them down for 5-10 seconds until a window appears with the text as shown in the figure below.

Rice. No. 5. Text indicating that the reset has begun

  • Move the cursor down the list using the side volume keys. Stop the cursor at the Factory reset line, as shown in the figure below;

Rice. No. 6. The line "Factory reset"

  • Press the power key to begin the reset process.

Rice. No. 7. Reset process

  • Select the recovery option, which will delete all user data;

Rice. No. 8. Recovery options

  • The procedure can take from 3 to 20 minutes. After it is completed, the device will start on its own. You will be prompted to set up your device again (the normal settings process as after purchase).

Rice. No. 9. Suggestion to reconfigure the device

Read about removing viruses from different operating systems.

Thematic video:

Virus, how did you get here? These are the emotions that are caused by a malicious application getting onto your device, and at this moment, “How?” is not important, what is important is “What to do next?” In reality, there are not that many infected devices, and not because they all stop functioning normally, but because of the good standard protection from Google. A few days ago we already discussed how to avoid a virus getting on your smartphone, however, if a previously unknown creature nevertheless penetrated the vastness of the system’s program code, you should definitely resort to our advice.

However, before we begin, let’s determine for ourselves the main reasons for the appearance of the virus; however, it would be more correct to say it’s a malicious application, because, in reality, you cannot harm your smartphone by clicking on a web link. A device can only become infected by installing an infected application, and it is not necessary that it only includes a virus, the application will perform its functions, and along with it a program code will penetrate your system, which will steal, destroy and fill everything in its path with garbage .

Keep your head up

First of all, reassure yourself: for many this is a strong moral blow, the word “virus” causes anxiety in any non-professional, after all, everyone has heard about the capabilities of such “creatures”, and, indeed, they are not so stupid, nevertheless, you should not give up , come to your senses, assess the situation and act - the enemy is always defeated.

Recognize and delete

Your main goal is to destroy malicious code. If you notice something unusual in the behavior of your smartphone, for example: an unreasonable increase in memory, both RAM and ROM, strange running processes, posts on Facebook that you have not written before - any strange behavior should alert you. First of all, remember what nearby programs you have installed and are there any suspicious ones among them? If yes, delete without thinking. However, this is the easiest way.
The best option is to turn off your device immediately after suspicious activity. Next, go to Google Play via your computer and analyze all known antivirus programs, read reviews, and ask for advice from professionals. Then turn on your device again and download the selected antivirus application, scan and determine the presence of a virus.

Protect your data

To protect yourself from the loss of bank card data, personal accounts, try to change passwords for VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook, and other sites that are important to you, this will help you avoid becoming a victim of criminals. Whatever you say, their key goal is to make a profit.

Reset settings

If the antivirus does not find any malware, but the phone continues to behave strangely, a full reset of the settings will help you: all your data, including music and photos, on the advice of colleagues from androidcentral transfer it to your computer or transfer it to Google Drive, then use our reset tool.

Do you have Root?

Some of you are probably familiar with Root access, firmware, and custom recovery. For these users, everything is much simpler, because they can simply change the firmware, having first done a full reset through recovery, including battery statistics and so on, just to be sure.
What methods of fighting viruses do you use?

Today, Android OS is positioned as one of the most popular operating systems - more than 70% of devices around the world run on it.

The reason is its accessibility: the manufacturer uses open source code to “sharpen” it for numerous gadgets and makes it possible to independently change the appearance of the shell, flash a smartphone, receive it, and so on.

These desires for personalization were eventually taken advantage of by attackers, resulting in a huge number of malware injected into open source code, transferring the reins of the device into the wrong hands.

How to get a virus?

Android is considered a fairly secure operating system. It’s not for nothing that smart people came up with Google Play - most of all software is filtered for viruses, which protects the user from unauthorized use. By lifting the ban on installation from unknown sources, you can manually give dubious applications access to the device system.

Basically, most malware enters the system by downloading software from third-party file hosting services, for example, when a smartphone owner tries to purchase a paid application or program for free that is not on Google Play. You can also “catch” a virus when entering a phone number on various sites: this way you will end up in the attackers’ database, after which messages with strange links will begin to arrive on the phone, after clicking on which the malware will automatically be downloaded to the device and harm its owner.

What viruses are there?

Classic Trojans. Old as the world, but still functioning successfully. Their main purpose is to steal user personal data: contacts, personal correspondence, logins/passwords for websites and bank card numbers. You can earn such a misfortune both through a dubious application, and by following a short link from familiar SMS messages like “You have received a photo, look here.”

Recently, such viruses are increasingly designed to hack applications like Mobile Banking, since this gives attackers the opportunity to transfer all the victim’s money to their account.

Viruses that make it possible to obtain root rights. The moment a smartphone is infected with this virus, attackers gain administrative rights. From this moment on, they have access to any remote actions with the device: sending SMS on behalf of the user, making calls, managing the operation of the device, installing software, all access codes, passwords, and so on.

Sending paid SMS messages. At one time they were very popular on file-sharing sites containing free applications. As soon as the owner of the device downloads the program, messages are automatically sent from his number to paid short numbers. Or, as an option, subscriptions are automatically issued for some non-existent content, for the imaginary use of which the owner of the device pays from 20 to 60 rubles. daily.

As a rule, until the reason for the rapid loss of funds is established, the user will have time to lose a decent amount.

"Eavesdropping Viruses". This kind of software is designed to record all the user’s telephone conversations; some subtypes are configured to selectively extract important information from these conversations: phone numbers, bank accounts and credit cards, logins, passwords and other confidential information.

Advertising application modules. Probably everyone has noticed, when working with some applications, an intrusive advertising banner that suddenly pops up in the middle of the screen. In some cases, when you click on it, the creator receives a certain amount from the user's account. For the most part, such an action is one-time and does not entail a regular loss of funds, although sometimes the owner of a smartphone receives a package of parallel viruses.

How not to catch a virus?

To protect against a variety of malware, owners of Android-based smartphones should avoid installing software from unverified sources, use antivirus programs, and simply be prudent regularly.
