When will Bixby be released in Russian? Bixby Voice: How to turn on Bixby voice before anyone else

Samsung finally launched Bixby worldwide today. The voice assistant can now be used by Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ owners in more than 200 countries. We will now walk you through the process of setting up Bixby on the Galaxy S8.

The official announcement from Samsung took place this morning, but Bixby is already starting to gradually roll out and the first reports have appeared from countries where Bixby is already working.

Press the Bixby button on your smartphone to see if it's already available to you. You may need to update the Bixby app from Galaxy Apps if you haven't already. Before doing this, be sure to sign in to your Samsung account.

Bixby will greet you with a welcome screen live on your device. The screen will appear when you press the Bixby button. Bixby voice guides you through the setup process.

Step 1. Choose language. Bixby Voice only supports US English and South Korean. Samsung plans to add other languages ​​in the future, but for now only two are available.

Step 2: Follow the instructions provided by Bixby Voice as you explore different ways to interact with the assistant.

Step 3: Help Bixby recognize your voice by providing some samples. You just need to speak a few sentences at a constant speed loudly and clearly.

Step 5: Teach Bixby your pronunciation by speaking five sentences.

Enough. You can spend hour after hour wandering through the menu, hoping to stumble upon interesting settings. Another option is to read a guide online about what settings are needed first.

  1. Setting up navigation buttons

    Samsung follows the trends of the times and offers soft navigation buttons on the screen. This means that they can be customized. By default, the button layout is the same as on other Samsung smartphones: on the left is the application overview button, on the right is the Back button. You can swap them, just like on other Android smartphones. This is done at the address Settings > Display > Navigation Bar And. Here you can change the background color of the navigation bar. You also need to know that the Home button is pressure sensitive. It works even when the screen is off. At the bottom of the navigation bar menu, you can set the sensitivity of this button.

  2. Turn Hello Bixby on or off

    Samsung's Bixby digital assistant isn't very smart yet, so there's no point in using it at the moment. When you press the button on the side of the case, a screen called Hello Bixby appears. The screen is to the left of the main home screen. It resembles the Google Now screen, but not as high quality. You can customize it to show more useful information. By default, there are not particularly useful things here, like random Giphy animations and suggested themes from the Samsung store. If you don't want to see Bixby on your screen, you can enter edit mode by long-pressing an empty space on that screen and turning on the switch at the top of the Bixby panel.

  3. Removing icon frames

    The icons on the Samsung home screen are square with rounded corners; when installing third-party applications, they get the same icons with white borders. This provides consistency in the interface, but not everyone likes it. To get rid of frames, open Settings > Display > Icon frames. Set it to "Icons only".

  4. Reorganizing the application list

    By default, the organization of the application list is custom, and to put it simply, it is difficult to find anything here. You need to change the arrangement of elements to alphabetical, to do this you need to open the list of applications, click on the menu button and select sorting. Unlike previous versions of Samsung home screens, apps will remain in alphabetical order even when new ones are installed.

  5. Fast unlocking using iris scanner

    Samsung has placed the fingerprint scanner in an awkward spot on the back of the case next to the camera, where it's hard to reach with your finger. For this reason, you need to become familiar with an iris scanner. It works very reliably, you can make it even more convenient with a few tricks. You can add your own iris in the section Settings > Lock screen and security > Iris scanner. Make sure that unlocking with this scanner is enabled so that you can unlock your smartphone just by looking at it. Activate the switch "Unlock with iris" when the screen is on. In this mode, you don't need to swipe the lock screen to enter eye scanning mode. You just need to wake up the device by looking at it, after which it will immediately be unlocked.

  6. Selecting screen calibration mode

    They have several screen calibration modes. The default is Adaptive mode, which includes color sliders to change as desired by the user. Some owners of these smartphones find their screens too red; this can be changed using these sliders. There are also AMOLED photo, AMOLED cinema and basic modes. Basic offers the most accurate colors of the sRGB specification, adaptive has an expanded color range.

  7. Change default volume controls

    When you press the volume control, the default ringer volume changes. However, how often should it be changed? It is much more useful to change the volume of audio and video; you can assign these settings to the volume control. Open Settings > Sound and vibration. There is an option here called Default Sound Control. Click on it and install "Media".

  8. Setting up the Always On Display

    The Samsung Always On Display screen will show you basic information about your smartphone without having to turn on the screen. This feature increases battery consumption, so you need to either disable it completely or configure it to reduce power consumption. Open Settings > Lock screen and security > Always On Display. You can set different styles of clocks, calendars, photos, set the minimum Edge clock. Despite the name, the Always On Display doesn't always have to be on. There is a toggle at the bottom of the settings screen "Always show". Disable it and you can set a schedule for turning this screen on and off.

  9. Editing the Edge screen

    There's no flat version of the Galaxy S8, so you'll have to get familiar with the Edge's side display. This is a small panel on the right side of the screen that displays various shortcuts and tools that you can scroll through. You can customize what you see on the Edge Screen by clicking the gear icon at the bottom or opening Settings > Display > Edge Display. You can disable this screen if you don't intend to use it, but it's best to try setting it up first. There are more than a dozen panels that are disabled by default, including the clipboard manager and weather. Click the menu button in the upper right corner of the window to change the layout of panels and edit the Edge handle. It can be made larger, smaller, more transparent and changed location.

  10. Improve multitasking by docking windows

    The Galaxy S8 runs on , so it uses the standard Android multi-window system. Samsung added something of its own to it, namely the Snap Window function. You'll find the pin button next to the split-screen button on the app cards in the multitasking interface. Clicking on it allows you to select an application that will remain on top of the screen, while the lower part will be used by another application. This is ideal for watching videos that will take up little space and continue to work even when out of focus.

  11. Change brightness

    The screen brightness slider can be opened in quick settings, but there is an option to get to it even faster. Open the Quick Settings panel and click on the arrow next to the brightness slider. Set the Brightness switch at the top and click Done. The brightness slider will now appear under the first row of settings at the top of the notification panel.

  12. Dual Audio via Bluetooth

    The Galaxy S8 is the first smartphone to support Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity, which brings with it an interesting trick. You can stream audio to two different Bluetooth devices at the same time, but first you need to find the setting for this. Open Settings > Connections > Bluetooth > Menu > Dual Audio. Once you enable this feature, you will be able to connect a second Bluetooth device to your smartphone. They will receive the same sound, but with a slight delay from the second device.

  13. Using Smart Select

    Samsung has put a lot of emphasis on content selection on Galaxy Note screens, and now this selection and cropping tool is available on the Galaxy S8. You can access it through the Edge screen, to which you need to add the Smart Select panel. It can be used to select a square or circular section of the screen instead of taking a screenshot of the entire screen. Then the selected area can be scanned to recognize the text on it. You can make an animated GIF or attach a cut-out portion of the screen to a floating window. It is most convenient to use this feature with a stylus.

  14. Activating the download accelerator

    The download accelerator is a feature that Samsung has been promoting for years. However, it is hidden deep in the menu and is not easy to find. This feature won't hurt either. It links LTE and Wi-Fi connections, allowing you to download files larger than 30MB at faster speeds. Naturally, this is convenient if only you have unlimited mobile Internet. If so, open Settings > Connections > More connection settings > Download accelerator.

  15. Full screen app settings

    The Galaxy S8 has almost no bezels around the screen, which has an unusual 18.5:9 aspect ratio. This means that some games and applications will display strangely and may have black bars on the sides. The device tries to guess what settings you need to set, but you can independently switch between displaying the application in full screen and standard. You need to open the multitasking screen and click on the button in the lower right corner of the application card. There is also a complete list of applications and their screen modes in the section Settings > Display > Full screen apps. Go to this menu and set applications to work without having to open each of them.

  16. Setting Energy Saver

    There are several methods on the Galaxy S8, all of which are located inside the settings. Open Settings > Device maintenance > Battery. There are medium and maximum energy saving modes, each of which can be customized. Select the desired mode and press "Tune" upstairs. You can set screen resolution, brightness, CPU usage limits, enable or disable background processing, etc. To activate the energy saving mode, press the button "Apply" instead of "Tune". Medium power saving mode is available in quick settings. There is an advanced section that is accessible through the menu button in the upper right corner. Here you can set up monitoring of application energy consumption, increase or decrease the length of time before the application goes into sleep state.

  17. Storing data in a secure folder

    We all store personal data on our smartphones, so Samsung offers to hide it. The function is called "Secure Folder" and setting it up will take a few seconds. Select an unlocking method and wait for the encrypted container to be created. A secure folder can store files, applications with individual data in them. There may even be a camera application inside the safe folder and all the photos taken by it will be saved here. This is the perfect place to store data that no one else should see.

After months of waiting, the voice assistant Bixby Voice has started arriving on smartphones around the world. In an attempt to compete with assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa and Cortana, Samsung actually did a good job with Bixby. In fact, when it comes to performing complex actions in apps, Bixby is even more convincing than its competitors. To further strengthen its position, Samsung also introduced Bixby Page, which is very similar to the Google Now page on the home screen. It's a shame that Bixby's voice recognition only works with a few languages ​​- currently English (in its American version) and Korean. On the other hand, Google Assistant still comes pre-installed on these devices. That is, the user always has the opportunity to use only Google Assistant by disabling Bixby. Today we will show you how you can disable Bixby Voice as well as Bixby Page on Samsung Galaxy S8 or .

How to turn off Bixby Voice?

So, if you want to use Bixby Voice, you can either hold down the Bixby button and say “Hi, Bixby,” or access the assistant from the Bixby Cards page. But if you want to disable it, do the following actions:

How do I disable the Bixby page?

As mentioned earlier, the Bixby page is similar to what you get from Google Now Cards. In essence, it's not a bad thing, and the more you use it, the more useful things you discover in it. However, if you want to turn it off, press and hold on your device's home screen until the Bixby home page appears. Disable this page using switch in the upper right corner. This is all. You will no longer see the Bixby page on your Home screen.

Now that you know how to disable Bixby Voice and Bixby Cards, you can use some other voice assistant, or perhaps do without one at all, on your Samsung device. We have provided the simplest ways by which you can disable Bixby Voice and Bixby Page on the Samsung Galaxy S8 or Note 8. We are interested in your opinion about this voice assistant: do you use it, are you satisfied with its work, have you already disabled Bixby or are you going to use our instructions to do this? Share information and leave your questions in the comments.

Bixby is a smart assistant for the Galaxy S8 and S8+ that appears to be Samsung's answer to similar virtual reality products currently on the market, but it's hard to say how the competition will play out due to the unfinished work on it.

The fact is that despite the fact that the Galaxy S8 has already been officially unveiled, Samsung hinted in a press release before the unveiling that its product still needs improvement. She announced that she will continue to work on her assistant until the S8 line hits stores, and likely for a long time to come. In the future, the company plans to integrate it into its other smart devices.

Despite doubts about how Bixby will perform in the real world, on paper it has some exceptional qualities. First of all, it is easy access. The intelligent assistant has a dedicated button on the left side of the S8, by pressing which the consumer can call it or say the phrase - Bixby.

It's also accessible through the camera app and is capable of speaking 52 languages, as opposed to Siri's 21.

Samsung's intelligent assistant is structured into three parts called Voice, Vision and Home.

Let's take a closer look at them.

Bixby Voice

Bixby Voice is very close to popular virtual voice assistants. But unlike Siri, Alexa and Cortana, which focus on using web resources to answer questions, it emphasizes internal qualities. According to Samsung, “everything done with touch can be done with voice.” The company intends to one day allow consumers to use their device fully through Bixby, which appears to be a daunting task that is far from being achieved.

Samsung's voice assistant works for the first time with phone, messaging, camera, settings, and contacts functions. The consumer is able to use voice commands to display photos, receive incoming mail, and make calls.

Bixby Vision

It is an augmented reality video camera with image recognition capabilities similar to Google Goggles, which consumers are likely to use to identify the products they purchase. For example, he can point to a bottle of wine to find its price and other neat details like recommended food pairings. Samsung has announced collaborations with Pinterest and Amazon, among other partners, to expand the reach of its assistant.

In addition to shopping, the consumer can also use Vision to distinguish between nearby objects, such as flowers and trees. At the unveiling of the S8, another use case was demonstrated where a consumer took a photo of a landmark and an assistant provided historical information about it, as well as recommendations for a local restaurant.

Bixby Home

Bixby Home is a vertical bar of "invitations" for things like weather, control of smart home devices, news and fitness tracking. It also links to third-party apps like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

As you can see, on paper, all the capabilities of the new voice assistant from Samsung are truly impressive. It will be especially cool if the South Korean giant really keeps its word and constantly improves this function. For now, Samsung has no doubt about Bixby's success. And this is very good - the product has every chance to become better

Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant have a new analogue. Samsung today announced the release of Bixby, a personal assistant that comes with the Samsung Galaxy S8 and Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus. Here are seven things we currently know about this mysterious assistant.

Only on the Galaxy S8... for now.

Bixby will debut on the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus, and Bixby integration with more Samsung products is expected in the near future. Those who own older Galaxy phones will need to update the OS to get Bixby.

Launching Bixby is very easy.

There are several options for opening Bixby. On the left side of the Galaxy S8, just below the volume buttons, is a dedicated Bixby button.

A short press on this button launches Bixby and you can issue a command, or a long press to open Bixby Home. The third way to access Bixby is through the camera app.

You can also summon Bixby using your voice with the wake phrase: "Bixby!"

There is also Bixby Home.

The Flipboard information stream is gone, replaced by Bixby Home on the Galaxy S8. Swiping from the right on the Home screen brings up a stream of information, from smart reminders for tasks you usually do on your phone to news and weather. Third-party apps like Facebook or Uber can also display their information cards in Bixby Home.

Voice commands mimic touch commands.

When you use your voice to interact with Bixby, it will accept commands such as "Set screen brightness to 50 percent" or "Show photos I took in Moscow."

At launch, Bixby only has a "handful" of apps available.

At the moment, Bixby will only work in Samsung applications, and then only in a limited number of them. Samsung says only that a "handful" of apps will be supported at launch, but doesn't provide an exact list or number of apps.

The company has committed to regularly updating Bixby and adding more apps and features over time.

During the presentation, Samsung showed a screenshot and sent it as an attachment to a text message using Bixby. The company also announced that Bixby will work with Google Play Music.

Bixby can control the camera.

Using the camera app on the Galaxy S8, Bixby Vision can perform six tasks:
  • Product search.
  • Identification of places and landmarks.
  • Text translation.
  • Search for similar images.
  • Reading QR code and barcode.
Simply pick up your phone, wait for Bixby to scan an object or landmark, and tap the corresponding button at the bottom of the display.

There is still a lot unknown to the public.

Answering questions about how old a celebrity is is not something you can ask Bixby yet, and Samsung isn't yet ready to say when that will be possible.

For now, you'll have to rely on Google Assistant (just press the home button and hold for a couple of seconds) to get answers to simple questions or learn facts.
