How to enable push notifications on mobile devices? How to disable browser push notifications.

The iPhone 6, 6 plus, 7 and 7 plus and X phones that run on the new io8-12 systems have a very useful push notification function about any events: be it the receipt of a new letter, SMS message, calendar events, execution time tasks, messages from any social network and much more.

The Notification Center allows for very flexible configuration of alerts: it is possible to disable all notifications at once or each one individually. We will describe how to do this further.

To turn off all push notifications, you simply need to activate the Do Not Disturb mode on your phone.

This is done like this:

Open the “Settings” menu - then select “Do not disturb” - and activate this mode with the “manual” slider. But do not forget that with such activation you will also block information about incoming calls! Therefore, in the “call allowance” menu, select who you will receive calls from, even if the “Do not disturb” mode is activated. There you can also set the operating time of the mode. For example, I activate this mode on weekdays from 0 a.m. to 7 a.m. so that all sorts of radishes don’t disturb my sleep;)

iOS from Apple is


How to disable push notifications from individual iPhone programs and applications

Everything here is also very simple: “Settings” - “Notification Center” - and select the application from which we do not want to receive notifications - “tap on this application” and select - “Reminder style” - “No”. This way you will completely turn off notifications from this application.

We hope that this short and simple instruction helped you and unnecessary notifications will not bother you at the most inconvenient moments. Thank you for your attention.

Modern technologies do not stand still, including operating systems. With each new update, they receive more and more tools and useful features. Therefore, many users often ask various questions about this or that option. For example, a push message. What is this anyway? Why is it needed? We will talk about this below.

What it is

Many personal computer users are familiar with such things as notifications from the system or antivirus program that notify you of a problem. Such alerts usually appear in the lower right corner of the screen. These are the very first push messages. Later, developers of mobile operating systems transferred this idea to mobile devices. This is how the push message was created. a short notification that usually appears at the top of the screen of a tablet or smartphone.

Who sends messages

Naturally, applications. They notify the user about a particular event, fact or problem. For example, games most often report the appearance of new promotions or replenishment of the player’s energy. The user himself decides which applications can send push messages and which cannot. Setting up these notifications is not as difficult as it might seem.


So, push messages (we’ve already figured it out a little about what it is) are most often now used on mobile platforms. Which ones exactly? First of all, on Android, which is the most popular mobile operating system today. By the way, it was the Android developer who was the first to introduce push messages. What does this mean? It was the owners of tablets and smartphones running a mobile phone that were the first to experience the beauty of instant notifications from applications.

Apple and iOS

As for the famous American “apple” brand, they are not far behind their competitors. A year after the introduction of instant notifications on Android, Apple also launched this useful option on iOS 3.0. It is noteworthy that a little later, the company’s specialists implemented it on the OS X operating system. That is, all Apple laptops (MacBooks) can also receive instant notifications in the notification area. For example, from social networks. This is convenient because you can reply to messages to friends or track the latest news on your page without going into the application. And this is often used on mobile devices.

Wap push messages

This is also one of the types of notifications. But their main difference from instant messages from applications is that these messages contain links to various Internet resources. Having opened such a notification, the operating system prompts you to select a browser with which you can open the page. Unless, of course, the user has previously defined some browser as the default one. By default, in this case, all links from wap push messages are opened in it. Many companies that send newsletters to their customers have already switched to this notification method. Which is convenient both for users who do not need to read text, and for senders, who thus increase their client base and views on the site.

Apple. How to enable push?

Having appreciated the beauty of instant notifications, many are wondering how exactly to enable them. It is not so difficult. So, how to enable push notifications on iPhone, iPad, iPod? It's quite simple. First you need to enter the settings (gear icon on the device desktop). Then scroll to the area where all installed applications are displayed. After selecting the one you need, the settings of the selected program will be displayed on the right side of the screen. There is always an area where you can choose a notification method. Opposite push, you need to scroll until it changes its color to green. Additionally, you can set the sound settings so that notifications are not only displayed on the screen, but also emit a signal that can be heard if the device, for example, is in your pocket. Notably, all push notifications can be viewed by swiping down from the top of the screen. This is relevant when there are a lot of notifications from various applications, and the user does not have time to read them for some reason. You can disable push notifications in the same way as enable them. All manipulations are performed from the notification center, which is located in the settings.

Android gadgets

Most mobile device users are familiar with them, so for many it is no secret how exactly to enable push notifications. Android allows you to send an instant message from almost every application. There are, of course, exceptions, but this depends not so much on the system itself as on the program developers. Or due to the fact that an old version of the application was installed, which simply did not have this option yet. Having opened the desired program, the user needs to go to the settings (most often they are displayed in the form of three horizontal stripes or a gear), go to the part where notifications are described. This is where push messages are enabled or disabled.

Is this really necessary?

Many users do not want to receive a lot of notifications from minor and not the most popular applications. Therefore, you can simply turn off push messages in the settings so that they do not bother you. But in useful and popular applications, on the contrary, turn it on. Thus, notifications from social networks, email programs, and some games are most often in demand.

When visiting new sites, a small window sometimes appears in the upper left corner of the browser asking for permission to deliver certain notifications to you.

If the user has once approved the receipt of such notifications, later in the task area of ​​​​the computer or mobile device he will periodically observe the appearance of small windows with a message that new publications have appeared on these sites.

These are the so-called push notifications, also known as web-push - a modern tool for Internet marketers. And the most convenient means of informing users who want to keep abreast of events that interest them.

Push notifications what are they?

Push notifications are short pop-up notifications that appear on the screen of a regular computer or mobile phone and inform about important events and updates.

When you click on a push notification that has arrived to the user, site news immediately opens in the window, and users are among the first to get acquainted with the information just posted on the network. And sometimes it is important to be among the first users who have useful information.

Rice. 1. What Push Notifications Look Like

Push notifications on websites are enabled by website owners, and users can manage push notifications through their browser settings. If the webmaster has not enabled push on the site, then the user does not have the opportunity (or need) to use, configure, etc.

What are the benefits of push notifications over other methods of delivering up-to-date information? How to manage such an information tool in desktop browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or similar ones? Let's look at these questions below.

Benefits of push notifications

The benefits of implementing push notifications on websites for their owners, that is, for webmasters, are obvious. The fact is that few communication tools can ensure 90% delivery of messages to the user and almost 50% .

But what benefits does the reader of this or that site receive?

Push notifications may be more convenient for some users than subscribing to site updates via E-mail. Messages coming from different sites do not accumulate in the mailbox and do not complicate access to personal correspondence.

If at the moment the user does not have time to read the news, then by clicking on the push notification, he can open the page in the browser window and leave it until a convenient moment. Or send it to a deferred reading service like Pocket or Readability.

One of the disadvantages of subscribing to website news by E-mail is the accumulation of letters about new articles in the user's mailbox. With push notifications there will be no overflow in the mail.

If the site is not sufficiently protected from hacking, it may happen that the database of site subscribers falls into the hands of scammers, who first of all organize a attack on this database (the so-called spam attack). Then every email owner from this database receives such fraudulent spam emails. It is believed that with push notifications in this regard, users are more reliably protected: no one else, except the creators of the sites of interest, will be able to disturb users, no matter who hacks anything on such sites.

Push notifications and RSS feed

In terms of protection against spam, web-push is similar to another means of delivering the latest information published on a particular site - RSS feed. The latter even benefits in that it stores a history of messages about publications from sites to which you have an RSS subscription. While pop-up notifications disappear forever after a few seconds.

But using RSS news feeds requires the user to take independent actions: he needs to find the subscription button on each site (and it does not have a standard location) and enter the channel address into the RSS reader. If such a reader does not exist in the user’s browser, it still needs to be organized separately, for example, by installing an extension, selecting a web service, or resorting to using the appropriate program.

Push notifications pop up on their own and offer to subscribe, and their implementation is provided by the standard functionality of almost any modern browser.

Setting up push notifications in Google Chrome

The implementation of pop-up notifications in Google Chrome and browsers built on the same Blink engine (for example,) offers the user a completely open subscription format that does not require him to make any choice.

A push request in Google Chrome contains two functional buttons:

  1. “Allow” to approve the delivery of messages (1 in Fig. 2) and
  2. “Block” to add the site to the list of blocked ones (2 in Fig. 2).

In the latter case, on subsequent visits to such a site, requests will no longer appear.

There is a third option: clicking on the cross in the request window allows you to postpone making a decision (3 in Fig. 3). The site will not be blocked, and after a while such a request will appear in the upper left corner of the Chrome window again.

Rice. 2. What a push notification request looks like in Google Chrome

Setting up push notifications in Mozilla

In Mozilla Firefox (and other browsers based on the same Gecko engine), the web push request form is designed more cleverly than in Google Chrome, or rather, to incline the user to a specific choice.

  1. The “Allow notifications” button (1 in Fig. 3) is emphasized by color indication,
  2. and as an alternative, it is contrasted with the deferred decision button “Not now” (2 in Fig. 3).

The “Never Allow” notification blocking button (4 in Fig. 3) is designed smaller and is hidden inside the “Not Now” button (3 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. What a push notification request looks like in Mozille Firefox

Allowed and blocked push notifications are not synchronized with browser profiles. After installing a new operating system, when moving to another computer, and even after reinstalling the browser itself and clearing its remains during uninstallation, you need to start all over again - respond to site requests again, form a database of permissions and blocking for push notifications from scratch.

Unsubscribing from web-push and blocking them

An excessive number of pop-up messages can become annoying to the user over time. In addition, our interests may change.

In such cases, how can you unsubscribe from irrelevant sites or completely disable the delivery of push notifications by your browser? And how, on the contrary, can you unblock sites that were mistakenly blocked when a request appears?

You've probably noticed that when you visit websites, some browsers display a service message asking the user for permission to show him notifications. These are so-called web-push notifications, the authors’ goal of which is to attract visitors to their website.

Many agree, but then they begin to get bored with this service. What can you do to disable such notifications if you have already subscribed to them? How can I prevent similar subscription offers from appearing again and again on subsequent visits to certain websites? Let's look at the options.

It is worth noting that before Facebook, domestic online stores, news portals, mobile operators, advertising agencies, brand pages and even some websites of government agencies asked me for similar permission. Where I have not yet noticed such requests is on porn resources.

As a result, the user begins to receive notifications in the form of clickable windows with a picture and text. When you click on this window, the user follows a link to the site that he previously allowed to send him notifications. For what?

Prompt information about top news, promotions, and anything else, but most often this is advertising information.

The boom in the implementation of this tool in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet, in my opinion, is caused by the fact that the service, which provides the ability to send web-push notifications, made it free after a short beta testing. And away we go.

The massive introduction of the new tool prompted me to write instructions on how to unsubscribe from such notifications, as well as give a brief summary of the effectiveness of such a tool for an advertiser, and whether it is worth connecting such a popular tool now.

How to unsubscribe? (information from open sources, including from the pages of the Push mailing services themselves)

How to unsubscribe from push notifications in Google Chrome

Method 1. When receiving a message.

Once you see the push notification, right-click on it to open a drop-down menu.

Click Turn Off Notifications.

Method 2. Through the notification icon.

If you have an accumulation of unread notifications, a bell appears in the tray. When you click on it, the push notification control panel opens.

In the panel, you can view all missed notifications, set the “do not disturb” mode, or completely disable push messages. To do this, just uncheck the boxes from sites from which you no longer want to receive notifications.

Method 3. Through managing notifications in the Google Chrome browser

Go to the browser menu and select “Settings”

In the window that opens, select the subscriptions you want to unsubscribe from and delete them.

How to unsubscribe from push notifications in Safari.

We follow the path: Safari -> Settings -> Notifications. And turn off everything unnecessary. Here you can also set preferences for notification delivery: do not disturb mode, delivery time, etc. To do this, go to the Notification Preferences menu.

I would like to note that we connected this service to the company’s website, where until recently I was engaged in digital direction, at the beginning of the year. That is, I saw times when this tool was not in BETA testing, was paid and not so widespread.

Indeed, a base of more than 10 thousand subscribers was gathered quite quickly, and the very first test newsletter showed that the conversion into traffic to the site was higher than that of a classic E-mail newsletter.

Users actually click on windows and go to websites.

Obviously, as soon as a sufficient number of pages and digital managers join the service, it will become paid. At the same time, you most likely will not be able to transfer your subscriber base to another service. Hats off to my colleagues from Sendpulse.
