How to turn off the fucking amigo. How to completely remove Amigo from your computer

, Opera or the same Microsoft Edge. However, according to statistics, it is installed on 82% of devices. Why such big numbers? The fact is that Amigo is installed along with various programs, when downloading files from the network and in other cases when the user, unwillingly, allows its installation on his computer.

Step-by-step instructions for completely removing the Amigo browser

Since the Amigo browser, although it takes up little space on a Windows 10 computer, users often want to remove it. In order to remove this program in Windows 10, you should follow these steps.

  • Right-click on the Start icon and select Control Panel.
  • A new window will open. Select the “Programs and Features” section.

  • In the list of installed programs, you need to find the Amigo browser, select it and click on the “Delete” button.

IMPORTANT! Amigo is installed along with Mail.Ru services, so to completely remove the browser, you should remove them too.

  • Then we confirm the choice of action and wait for the uninstallation to complete.

This is the easiest way to completely remove Amigo from your computer on Windows 10. However, users often notice that the browser appears again. The fact is that in the hidden folder “AppData”, “Local”, “Mail.Ru” a file is stored that is responsible for loading new components. It needs to be removed. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Enable the display of hidden files and folders on a Windows computer
  • Launch Task Manager and go to the “Processes” tab. Here we find the process “MailRuUpdater.exe”. Right-click on it and select “Open file storage location.” As soon as the folder with the file opens, click on this file again and select “End process”. Then you need to go to the “Startup” tab and also remove the “MailRuUpdater.exe” file from there.

  • After completing these steps, you need to restart your PC.

It is important to note that after completely uninstalling the program, it is worth running CCleaner and removing the remains of the application on your Windows 10 computer.

Today I will show you how to remove the Amigo browser in Windows 10. But first, let’s figure out where it comes from. Be very careful when installing suspicious applications. In the screenshot we see the application installation window, on which by default there are checkboxes to install additional junk along with this application. To remove them, you first had to click on the third checkbox from the top - only after that they will become active. At this step, most inexperienced users make the mistake of clicking download and not paying attention to the advertisements below.

Usually, if you forget to remove them, the Amigo browser and many different programs from Mail will be installed in the kit, which you are guaranteed not to like.

That's it, the Amigo browser has been successfully removed from your computer in Windows 10. But if you have the Amigo dreams browser, then most likely more applications from Mail were installed with it and you will need to remove the remnants of these applications.

How to remove remaining junk from Mail

Now you know how to completely remove amigo browser on a Windows 10 computer.

How to remove amigo Windows 10 using Revo Uninstaller utility

  • Launch the Revo Uninstaller utility.
  • We will be able to view all programs installed on the computer.
  • Select the program you need to remove and remove it. Next, we scan the system and remove tails from the program.

There are many utilities for removing tails from programs.


When installing programs, be very careful, carefully read what they offer you and what you agree with - usually you can refuse unwanted programs at the installation stage. In this article, you learned how to deal with this annoying Amigo and saw how to completely remove Amigo on Windows 10. I hope this article was useful to you.

Owners of personal computers sometimes encounter programs unknown to them, suddenly discovering them on their desktops. Such intrusions into the user environment cannot but be alarming. Everyone wants to be sure that their computer’s RAM is not clogged with junk, which is why it is so important to know how to remove unknown software completely, including all its components. Most often, the role of suspicious software is the Amigo browser, which has the miraculous ability to appear on a PC “out of nowhere.”

What is the Amigo browser and how does it appear on computers and laptops

The popular Russian Amigo browser from is positioned as incredibly convenient, with quick access to major social networks and music services, instant notifications and other important additions. However, it gained fame not for its functionality, but due to intrusive marketing.

Not all users are ready for the surprise of an unfamiliar browser appearing on a PC - many find it suspicious.

In fact, deliberately used this particular distribution method in order to quickly popularize the browser and convey its usefulness to the masses.

As a rule, Amigo is installed along with pirated software. Such cooperation is beneficial for illegal suppliers, since unlicensed software is difficult to monetize. The opinions of users and their negativity towards Mail.Group are taken into account little. The worst thing is that Amigo does not come with an uninstaller, and this makes the process of uninstalling the browser much more difficult.

To free your computer from annoying software, you will have to work a little.

How to remove the browser virus from your computer completely and forever

It doesn't matter how you got the Amigo browser. If you decide to get rid of it, it is worth remembering that removal using conventional methods may not bring the desired result.

The developers made sure that the application independently restored its components after uninstallation. Read the entire instructions to the end, and you can be sure that you have completely gotten rid of the unwanted program.

The Amigo browser itself is safe, that is, it does not harm the computer. It only spreads in a way that is uncharacteristic of regular software, and therefore arouses suspicion and negativity.

Uninstalling the main components using standard Microsoft Windows tools

Remove basic browser components like this:

Removing all remaining components

After uninstalling the main components, you need to clean up the remains, because Mail.Ru Updater remains open - the update installation process, which will re-download Amigo and install it.

To completely remove the browser, follow these steps:

  • Removing a file from Startup
  • for Windows XP and 7 - press the Win+R key combination and enter msconfig in the command line, then go to the “Startup” tab. Next, delete the file as usual.

How to get rid of the annoying Amigo application: video

Is it possible to avoid installing such programs that “clog” your computer?

To further protect yourself from such virus software, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid using unlicensed software. This is the most banal advice, but by following it, you will reduce the risk of third-party programs appearing on your computer.
  2. When installing programs of unknown origin, carefully read the information on each screen. Often in such windows there are additional options, custom installation, where checkboxes indicate items where the user consents to downloading unwanted software.

Some particularly advanced pirates (including the distributors of the Amigo browser) have made the process of refusing installation even more difficult. You can cancel the download on the website where the main program is downloaded. Additional options must be unchecked before downloading the software for installation.

Installing programs is easy, but getting rid of unnecessary software loaded “on top” can be quite difficult. Therefore, it is better to spend a few minutes reading the information when installing a file than to spend several days cleaning your PC from third-party applications and all kinds of viruses.

If you become the “lucky” owner of the famous Amigo browser, then over time, most likely, you will decide to delete it. Some attempts to remove this software may not solve anything, since the browser appears again out of nowhere. If you haven’t even installed it, it can get onto your computer from a completely different program. Let's take a look how to remove Amigo browser from PC.

This instruction will consist of two parts: removing Amigo from installed programs and removing the remnants of this browser.

Removing Amigo from installed programs

First of all, we need to go to the Control Panel and open Programs and Features. To do this, right-click on the Start button and select Control Panel,

Find and select Programs and Features.

Now find our browser in the list and click “Delete”.

After these steps, the browser will be removed, but in fact it will not be completely uninstalled. The Updater process will remain, and therefore it can again install Amigo on its own without your consent. Our goal is to remove it too.

Removing browser remnants

Let's go to the task manager:
If you have Windows 7, then press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del, then select Task Manager;
If Windows 8 or 10, then press Win + X and select the appropriate item.

We are interested in the “Processes” tab, where you can find the MailRuUpdater.exe process. To find it, right-click on it and select “Open file location”

The folder has opened, now let's go back to the task manager and end the MailRuUpdater.exe process. When the process is completed, go to the open folder with MailRuUpdater and delete it.

The final stage is to remove this file from Windows startup. Press the Win + R key combination and enter the msconfig command. We need Autoload. Now click "Disable"

After restarting your computer, the Amigo browser will not bother you, since we have completely removed it.

To prevent such unnecessary programs from being installed on your computer, carefully install applications in which unwanted software is included.

Hello to all those who visited the blog site, a blog dedicated to useful tips for Internet users, as well as for those who want to understand computers and software. Today we will talk about how to remove “Amigo” from your computer.

Using the Internet teaches us to be careful about the software we use every day. When installing software, they are most often guided by the advice of friends and acquaintances, and only then by advertising. However, there are situations when unwanted programs are often added to downloaded files. One of these programs could be a browser." Amigo».

The program is not a virus, but it becomes the default browser and you have to waste time to return the settings. Having discovered it on your computer, the thought arises of removing unnecessary software. This task may not be as simple as expected.

The following often happens - the user uninstalls the browser through the “uninstall.exe” file in the root folder of the program. After this, most programs do not “return without asking” on their own. In the situation with Amigo, the result may be different - after a while, the browser shortcut reappears in the taskbar. It should be understood that in this situation standard methods will not bring the desired result. Removing the program itself is only half the battle, the second part is to delete the browser recovery file, the so-called “Updater”. He is responsible for restoring the browser after standard deletion.

Step-by-step removal of "Amigo". Standard program removal

In the taskbar, select the “Start” menu, then find the “Control Panel” menu. In the list there will be a section “Add and Remove Programs” (in some versions of Windows it is called “Programs and Features”), go to it. For Windows 8 and 8.1, you need to open the sliding panel on the right, and then the “Settings” item. All programs installed on the PC are displayed here.

More experienced users enter this menu by typing the combination “Windows” + R on the keyboard, then enter the command “appwiz.cpl”.

Having found the program shortcut, select it with the left mouse button. After this, the standard uninstall program “s” is launched. Having confirmed the deletion and waited for it to complete, the task is completed - the browser is deleted. After standard uninstallation, it is advisable to protect yourself from its spontaneous restoration.

Step two. Removing “Updater”

"Amigo" is a product of "Mail.u", so for complete removal it is necessary to find the residual files of the program. Type the combination “Ctrl + Alt + Delete” and select the “Task Manager” menu. For “Windows 8”, type “Windows + X”, then the corresponding section. Having launched the “Task Manager”, click on the processes tab and look for “MailRuUpdater.exe”. Right-click on the selected line from the list and select the first item at the top - “Open file storage location.”

A new window will open with the root folder of the file location, minimize it and return to the “Task Manager”. The folder with the file “MailRuUpdater.exe” was found, but this file is currently in use and the system will not allow it to be deleted. Select the same process and press the “Delete” button and confirm the completion of the work. We return to the window with the file storage folder and simply delete it. Most of the journey is already behind us.

Step three. Removing “Updater” from the startup menu

The final step will be to remove the “MailRuUpdater.exe” file from the startup menu. For “Windows 7” press the “Windows + R” keys; in “Windows 8” this menu is located in the “Task Manager” itself (you can remove a program from startup by calling the context menu on the selected program by left-clicking). After typing the combination, enter the “msconfig” command.

A new window will pop up called “System Configuration”, open the “Startup” tab in it (We discussed what startup is in). Finds the same “MailRuUpdater”, left-click and select “Remove from startup”. This action is required, because when you restart the PC, the system will look for the startup file. Accordingly, if it doesn’t find it, it will download it on its own. After this, all that remains is to restart the computer and make sure the result is positive.
