How to set date and time on Android. Setting a clock on the Android screen How to make a double clock on Android

Although the time and date on your computer are set during installation of the operating system and synchronized over the Internet, there may be times when these settings must be set manually.

There are two ways to get to the date and time settings: using the control panel and using the time indicator located in the .

Let's look at these two methods using Windows 7 as an example, as the most common system at the time of writing. Setting the time and/or date in Windows systems 8 and Windows 10 happens similarly.

Set the time and date on your computer using the Windows Control Panel

Left-click on the " Start"call , in which we select the item " Control Panel».

In the panel that opens, switch the viewing mode to the “ Large icons» for ease of finding the desired setting item.

In the control panel on the left we find what we need “ date and time"and left-click on it to open the settings window.

In the window that opens, you can set your time zone or proceed to setting the time by clicking on the " Change date and time" In the next window, you can set the time by direct input from or using the up or down arrows. Set the date in the calendar field by selecting the day and month with the cursor. After completing the installation, close the installation windows by clicking on the buttons " OK" And " Apply».

Set the date and time on your computer using the clock in the notification panel

It's more quick way installations. Here, to open the settings window, you only need two mouse clicks. The first click on the clock indicator in the notification panel will open a calendar window with a clock, in which you need to click on the line “ Changing date and time settings».

As a result, we will be taken to the previously discussed settings window, where we will set the time and date according to the instructions given above.

Additional date and time settings on your computer

Settings windows have tabs for additional installations, where you can set the time display for different time zones. To do this, click on the tab “ Additional hours", check the box next to " Show these hours", select time zones and confirm with the buttons " Apply" And " OK" Now, when you click on the clock indicator, a window will be shown with the time in the time zones you have set.

Tab " Internet time» allows you to enable or disable clock reconciliation with the exact time server. Click on the button " Change settings"We will open the time setting window via the Internet. A checked checkbox indicates that the time on the computer is checked against the exact time server. It is recommended not to disable this function.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about setting the time and date on a computer.


Straight out of the box, the Galaxy S8 is configured in typical Samsung fashion. For example, the screen resolution is reduced and the navigation buttons are rearranged (compared to other Android devices).

Luckily, you can customize your new smartphone the way you want, with just a few taps. Here are 14 settings you should change ASAP.

Use all pixels.

Although the S8 line's key selling point is its super-sharp QHD (2960x1440) display, Samsung is selling the S8 and S8 Plus with a resolution reduced to FHD+ (2220x1080).

Change the resolution to QHD by going to Settings > Display > Screen Resolution. Move the slider to the right, click "Apply".

Sleep better at night...maybe.

With official support for night mode in Android Nougat Samsung has introduced a feature that removes blue light from the display for a set time. Apparently it helps you sleep better by working its magic on your brain. Or something like that.
Enable Blue Light Filter (Samsung's name for the feature) in Settings > Display > Blue Light Filter. It's best to let your phone do the heavy lifting, so I suggest using Scheduled On and Sunset to Sunrise to have the filter automatically turn on and off as you get closer to bedtime.

Do not disturb.

When it comes to getting a better night's sleep, Do Not Disturb is a must-have option.

Turn on Do Not Disturb to turn off notifications and calls in Settings > Sounds & Vibration > Do Not Disturb.

Set up scheduled downtime and add any exceptions.

Avoid application frameworks.

In an attempt to create a consistent style for app icons, Samsung has started adding frames to icons. While some may appreciate this look, I suspect many users would prefer to keep app icons single.

Go to Settings > Display > Icons and select Icons only.

Set "always on screen" to your liking.

When your device is locked and idle, the screen will remain in a low power state. Time, date, music control buttons and application notifications remain on the screen.

However, you can edit and change the appearance of the lock screen, or get rid of this feature entirely if you wish.

Go to Settings > Lock screen & security > Always on Display.

Here you can change the clock's layout, add colors and a background image, and set a schedule for when you want the feature to turn off, such as when you're sleeping.

Adding widgets to the lock screen.

FaceWidgets is a strange name, that's understandable. What's unclear is what FaceWidgets are.

These widgets are always displayed on the display after double-clicking on the clock. You can scroll through each FaceWidget to control music playback, view your schedule, and view upcoming alarms.

The last two widgets are disabled by default, but can be enabled by going to Settings > Lock screen & security > Information and FaceWidgets > FaceWidgets.

Whether to use the entire screen or not.

Due to the S8's taller display and the need for app developers to make some adjustments to make use of the entire screen, Samsung has included an option to force apps to either use the entire display or stay at the standard size.

Change the settings for each app in Settings > Display > Full Screen Apps.

A list of all the apps installed on your device will appear with a toggle to enable or disable full screen for each one. If you set up apps to run in full screen mode, be aware that some apps won't launch if this option is enabled (Dark Sky is a typical instance of this full screen mode problem).

Setting up access to Samsung Pay.

If you are like me and find yourself running Samsung Pay When you take your phone out of your pocket, you'll be happy to hear that you can change when the label on your payment cards is active.

Open Samsung Pay and tap the three-dot menu button, then select Settings > Use Favorite Cards.

Fingerprint gestures.

A hidden feature that's sure to quickly become popular is the ability to turn the fingerprint sensor into a trackpad. Swipe down on touch screen will display the notification panel, and swiping up launches Samsung Pay when you're looking at the home screen.

To enable any gesture, go to Settings > Advanced Features > Fingerprint Sensor Gestures.

Enable multi-window.

For all Android devices Nougat long pressing the recent apps button should launch multi-window mode. By default, this feature is disabled on Samsung, but it will take a couple of seconds to enable.

Go to Settings > Advanced Features > Multi Window.

Another option you'll find in the multi-window settings is pop-up window, which allows you to place a floating app window on your S8's screen.

Skip the lock screen.

By using Smart functions Google's Lock, which unlocks your S8 when you're at home, eliminates the need for fingerprint scanning or PIN re-entry.

However, you still have an extra step to wake up your phone and swipe the lock screen.

With the pressure-sensitive Home button, you can enable a feature that skips the lock screen after pressing hard on the Home button.

Go to Settings > Display > Navigation Bar. Enable Home Button Unlock.

Rearrange navigation buttons.

Samsung has always rearranged the back and recent apps buttons on its devices compared to what Google does on Nexus and Pixel phones, as well as almost all competing Android phone makers.

If you have always used a Samsung device, you will not feel the difference and can ignore this advice. Those coming from another Android device, go to Settings > Display > Navigation Bar > Button Layout.

Application tray or not?

Some Android devices come without an app tray, so all app icons are placed on the home screen, just like on the iPhone. Samsung now gives you this same option, although the default setting is to see the app tray.

To ditch the app tray, press and hold on the Home screen for a couple of seconds, then tap Settings > Home Screen Layout.

Where is the "application" button?

She's missing. Starting with the S8, you have to swipe up or down on the screen to see the app tray. Swipe up or down on the screen to return to your home screen.

For those who don't like the new method, you can bring back the apps button. Long press on the home screen, then tap Settings > Apps > Show apps button.


The clock icon is available in all versions of the Windows operating system. Standard, it is not always convenient to view, especially if the user has vision problems. But at any time you can set the picture you like with the image of a clock. Windows Features allow you to do this within a few seconds. The seventh version of the operating system is especially convenient in this regard.

The remarkable thing about Windows 7 is that in its settings there is already a small supply of various gadget applications with a clock image. To install them on your computer, you need to right-click anywhere on the desktop. Then in the window that opens, select “Gadgets”. Open it and go to the “Clock” section by double-clicking on the corresponding icon.

After this, an additional clock icon will appear on your desktop. If the default image option does not suit you, replace it with a more suitable one. To do this, move your mouse to the image of the clock, click on the wrench that appears on the right and go to the “Options” section. Here you can set the basic settings of this element and change the picture. To do this, click one by one on the side arrows in the gadget window and select the image you like.

If the options presented by Windows 7 do not suit you, you can use an online search on the Russified Microsoft website or on any other Internet service. For example, a lot useful programs, including for installing a clock image on the desktop, is available on the Softportal website. Open the page at the address below, select the application you like, download and install it on your computer. Launch the program and use it.

Video on the topic


  • Softportal
  • set clock to desktop

Nowadays, many different watch models have been created. Perhaps some people are so frightened by how certain mechanisms work that even they are a problem. But all clocks now work on approximately the same principle. So far they are classified mainly into two types - mechanical and electronic. Let's remember how to set the time on such a watch.



On mechanical watches there is always a special “wheel” with which it is installed. If this is a manual mechanical watch, then pull it out a little and turn the hands clockwise to the numbers you need. If the clock shows seconds, then you can set the time more accurately using either a TV, that is, synchronize your clock with the clock of the radio station, for this you need to wait for the announcement. After right time has been selected, the “wheel” must be inserted back exactly at the moment the time signal is transmitted.


Many people think that setting the time on an electronic watch is like figuring out a computer. In fact, such devices have a special menu and you can set the time in it. You just need a button that is responsible for the time, and press it, following the instructions from. Usually, when you press a button that is responsible for the time, the numbers start flashing, then it’s time to start. You need to press a button, and the numbers will sequentially replace each other, set the time and press the special button again (see the instructions), fix it.


Pull the wheel towards you until you hear a slight click. Don't force yourself, do everything carefully.

Rotate the wheel to set the exact time.

Push the wheel back into the groove by lightly pressing it. Do not move the arrows.

If necessary, wind the clock mechanism. To do this, quickly and carefully rotate the same wheel to the side, without needing to remove it from the groove. Please note that you do not need to start it until the spring is fully stretched; 6–8 partial turns are enough.

Conventional electronic watches have two standard buttons: a menu button and a status change button. Press one button - the number expressing the hour begins to blink. Use the second button to increase/decrease this value.

If your watch has more buttons, use the instructions. But most likely, two of them will be for calling the menu and changing the value, and the rest, for example, for calling , month and year (which can also be changed), for starting the stopwatch, and so on.
Again, if there are instructions, you will be able to configure all available options.


Mode - switches to a stopwatch - then to an alarm clock... ... in alarm mode Start - adds one to the counter, Reset - switches the counters between hours - minutes... Mode - returns to clock mode again...

Helpful advice

The date is set in the same way as the time, and the stopwatch most often does not need settings. Exist Digital Watch, which have a number of additional functions. In order to decide on them, you must first figure out how to set the date and time on the watch and then deal with the other functions.


Many personal computer users are thinking about displaying a clock on the desktop, because... Looking at the time on a small clock that is located in the system tray is at least inconvenient. In addition, by walking past the computer and looking at the monitor, you can find out what time it is.

You will need


If you are using operating systems Windows Vista or Windows Seven, you can use the clock that is in the gadget library. To open this panel, right-click on free space desktop, in the window that opens, select the “Clock” gadget. To place a clock on your desktop, right-click on the clock face and select “Add.” You can also simply drag this clock onto your desktop by grabbing it with the left mouse button.

As soon as the long-awaited clock appears on your desktop, you can customize it. This gadget includes 8 clock display options; you can choose a clock with a second hand. Change the watch face display settings to suit your needs. You can place several clocks on your desktop and give them different names, such as “London”, “Paris” and “New York”. You can remove the clock image from your desktop in the same way: open the gadget library and transfer it back.

If you're using Windows XP or other operating systems that predate Windows XP, try creating a creative clock using the Desktop Clock program. This utility has the following operating principle: instead of the usual clock, you get a non-standard display of an analog clock on the desktop (desktop shortcuts are grouped into arrows). So you end up with a watch made up of shortcuts.

After starting the program, the main window will open, go to the “Chronometer” tab and click the “Enable” button. A clock will work on the desktop, which will be accompanied by walkers. Of course, the usual arrangement of shortcuts will be confused, but this is where the creativity of this program lies.

In the program settings you can set your own values, because... one user will have fewer shortcuts, while another user may have twice as many.

Video on the topic

Any watch can stop - mechanical and quartz, and electronic. But it is not always possible to navigate by the heavenly bodies, and even then only approximately. So, how can you find out more precisely how much?

You will need

  • - telephone;
  • - computer or communicator;
  • - Internet connection;
  • - radio or TV.


Call the local time service in your city using a landline phone. An answering machine will tell you the information. The service is free and accessible. The number for this service can be found in the telephone directory. You can also make a call to this number from your telephone. In this case, the connection will be paid according to your tariff plan.

Make a call to someone you know (if you don’t have a telephone service or don’t want to go there). Apologize, briefly explain your situation and ask what time it is. If you behave correctly, your friend will willingly give you information for free. The disadvantage of this method is that the information obtained is often approximate. Moreover, it is not advisable to ask such questions at night. Awakened people tend to exaggerate in anger, and friendships can end.

Establish an Internet connection. Go to any website that shows accurate time. On such sites you can find out the current time not only in your area, but also in any other city. To do this, just enter the name of the locality you are interested in in the request field.

Turn on the radio. Most radio stations regularly inform their listeners of the current time with varying degrees of accuracy. If the degree of accuracy of the selected one does not suit you, switch to another wave.

Turn on the TV. TV screenshowing the exact time, as a rule, precede news broadcasts. But also TV channels that constantly show informers with the exact current time. Look for them on the air.

Go out of your apartment onto the street and ask one of the passers-by what time it is. Be extremely polite and friendly. When you receive an answer, thank them. The information may or may not be accurate.

Go to the home of someone you know and ask them for the current time if you haven’t met any passers-by or are simply afraid of strangers. This method safe at suitable times of day for visits. At night, such treatment can end in disaster. An awakened person will probably tell you the current time, but very approximately. In this case, the possibility of brute physical force cannot be ruled out.

Video on the topic


  • Yandex. Time in 2018

On Moscow time all regions are oriented. Geographically, it is located in the third time zone from Greenwich. Due to the extension of our country from west to east, all regions are divided into 9 time zones: Kaliningrad, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Yakutsk, Vladivostok and Magadan.


Until 2011, there was a transition to winter time. Now it has been abolished, and throughout the country it is the same time all year round. If you are going on a long journey across the vast expanses of our country, take care to change the clock hands when crossing zones. Then you won’t get confused and will be on time everywhere.

Turn on any radio station, for example, “Mayak”. It reports the exact time in Moscow hourly. If you live in a remote country, find out what time zone you have. Next, carry out primitive arithmetic operations, and you can easily find out what time it is in Moscow.

Knowing exactly will allow you to arrive on time to various meetings and business meetings, which will certainly have a positive impact on your reputation. Always carry a watch with you. They will not only inform you about the current time, but will also give you appearance more solidity and confidence. Under no circumstances should you use your mobile phone in public to find out what time it is. This may give some people a negative impression of you, which will then be extremely difficult to change.

Every evening the final results are published on all central TV channels. At the very beginning of the release, when you see a graphic splash screen in the form of a clock, you can find out the exact Moscow time. If you want to know the exact time, synchronize the clock on your personal computer with a server on the Internet. Then, at any time of the day or night, just by turning on your computer, you can immediately find out the time in Moscow.


  • how to find out what time it is

The taskbar on the Desktop helps speed up the user's access to various computer resources. In addition, it is quite informative. The developers have provided for many needs that may arise during the work process. Along with other icons in the notification area, there is a clock on the taskbar. If they are not working as expected, you can correct the time display in a few steps.


If you don't see the clock on the taskbar, set it to appear. Through the “Start” menu, call up “Control Panel”, in the “Appearance and Themes” category, select the “Taskbar and Start Menu” icon. Another way: right-click on any free space on the taskbar and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu. A new dialog box will open.

In the dialog box that opens, go to the “Taskbar” tab and select the “Show clock” field in the “Notification Area” group. Click on the “Apply” button for the new settings to take effect, and close the taskbar properties window by clicking on the OK button or the [x] icon in the upper right corner of the window.

Call the Date and Time component. To do this, double-click with the left mouse button on the clock icon in the notification area on the taskbar. Another option: through the “Start” menu, open “Control Panel” and select the “Date and Time” icon in the “Date, time, language and regional settings” category by left-clicking on it.

To correct the time displayed on the watch face, in the "Properties: Date and Time" window, open the "Date and Time" tab. In the right part of the window, double-click the left mouse button to select the hours, minutes or seconds field and enter the value you need. Click on the "Apply" button.

To keep the clock on your computer aligned with the time displayed on the Internet, go to the Internet Time tab. In the “Synchronize with an Internet time server” field, check the box. Select the server whose time your computer should check against and click on the “Update Now” button.

Wait for the synchronization operation to complete. If it was successful, once a week the time on your computer clock will be checked against the time on the Internet. Synchronization is only possible when your computer is connected to the Internet.

On the Time Zone tab, use the drop-down list to specify your time zone. The data in the drop-down list is focused on GTM (Greenwich Mean Time), that is, on the time of the meridian passing where the Royal Observatory Greenwich was previously located. After selecting the desired time zone, click on the “Apply” button.

On the same tab, pay attention to the field “Automatic transition to daylight saving time and back.” The marker in the specified field allows the computer to independently add one hour to the current time (or subtract it) on certain days of the year. Since the territory Russian Federation Daylight saving time was canceled, the need for this function disappeared. Remove the marker from the field and click on the “Apply” button.

The Windows operating system is equipped with a function to display the time and date. You can see these options in the lower right corner of your desktop. If for any reason your computer shows the wrong time, you will need to adjust your clock.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet access.


In the window that appears, set the correct year and month using the drop-down lists in the “Date and Time” tab. This tab can be opened in the settings window. Select today's day in the table of days of the week by left-clicking on it.

In the time setting field, highlight the minute indicator in the right section (“Time”) of this tab. Set the exact number of minutes using the navigation keys (up and down). You can also enter the numbers you want using the keyboard or click the arrows to the right of the input field. Set the correct number of seconds and hours in the same way.

If your computer is part of a domain in local network, its clock can be synchronized with the time of the server of the given domain. Then the “Internet Time” tab will appear in the date and time properties settings panel. If the tab is available, click it to synchronize your computer clock with the server time.

Make a mark at the top edge of the tab (in the corresponding checkbox), and select an available time server in the drop-down list. If what you need is not in the list, you can enter it manually using the keyboard.

Clocks can be completely different - mechanical or electronic, wrist or wall, large or very small. In any case, they must show their owner the exact time.


If you are setting the time to , pull out the watch winding wheel, which is located on the side of , until you hear a second click. Please note that this action must be performed when the second hand is at the number twelve.

Start rotating the wheel so that the hand moves clockwise until the required time is reached.

Set the hand so that it shows five minutes more than the actual time.

Move the arrow back slightly to a position that will point to real time.

Return the winding wheel to its original position. Please note that at this moment the second hand should start moving.

Start rotating the head counterclockwise (that is, towards you). Set the required time parameters in this way.

Return the crown to its original position until it clicks, thus setting the second hand in motion.

I came across the question of how to set the time on my computer when switching to winter time mode. For me, then still a complete “newbie” on the Internet, this was a problem. As it turned out, this issue can be resolved easily and simply in a few minutes.
Let's look at 2 ways to set the time on a Windows 7 computer.
In others operating systems Windows adjustment happens according to the same scheme.

Set the date and time on your computer from the notification panel using the time indicator.

In the lower right corner of the computer monitor, by left-clicking on the date and time, a window appears containing information about the current date and time. Click on the triangles on the sides of the calendar and see the date of interest for any month.
To change the time settings, click on the “Change date and time settings” tab and the following settings window will open. Here, by clicking on the “Date and Time” tab, we make the necessary changes.
If the time of your region of residence differs from the time of Moscow, then by clicking on the “Change time zone” tab, select your time zone.
For those who have a transition to summer and winter time, I recommend checking the “Automatic transition to summer time and back” checkbox.
In the “Internet Time” tab, by clicking the “Change Settings” function, you can set the Internet time. To do this, check the “Synchronize with an Internet time server” checkbox and click “Update now.”
Then the correct time is automatically set, which will be adjusted in the future without your participation. This simplifies your work and you don’t need to be distracted by manually changing the time. Don’t forget to click on the “OK” button after each change of parameters.

Set the time on your computer from the control panel

By clicking the "Start" button at the bottom left of the monitor, select the "Control Panel" tab.
In the window that opens, in the upper right corner, select the “Large icons” view and open, by clicking the mouse button, “Date and time”.
Next, we make settings similar to those indicated above.
This is how easy and simple it is to set the date and time on your computer.
Great job!

If no changes have been made to the Android device, then the date and time will be set automatically, synchronizing with a mobile operator. These settings can be changed, which we will discuss below.

Setting the date and time manually

If the time is on android doesn't sync, then you can make the following changes manually:

We are interested in changes that can be made manually, so check mark automatic update remove and move on to settings. It is worth noting that as long as the phone is synchronized with a mobile operator, the points for changing the information we are interested in will be not available.

Let's consider available items. The first two points allow you to use automatic synchronization, i.e. The smartphone itself will receive data from mobile operator and will constantly check them.

If you uncheck these items, the following 3 settings will become available: installation date, time, and time zone.

The hour format allows you to set display style time: in 12 hour or 24 hour format.

Well last point will allow you to change display dates everywhere on your smartphone.

For manual remove changes first two checkbox and click sequentially on the items for setting the data of interest. In the window that appears, just set the numbers we need and save the changes.

Automatic synchronization

As mentioned above, on Android you can use automatic synchronization.

To do this, go to the same menu that we mentioned above and checking presence of checkboxes for auto-sync. You don't need to do anything else; after a while the information will automatically change.

Except standard method there is another one - install a special application. You can find such programs in the play market.

For example, here is the popular application ClockSync.

To use it, go to Google Market and enter in the search ClockSync.

Open the found link and launch installation process.

After installation let's go in in the application, click on ellipsis above. In the menu that opens, select auto-sync.

There is no need to perform any further actions; after a while, the date and time will be synchronized and will be periodically checked with the server. Internet access is required for the application to work.
