Territorial Federal State Statistics Service. Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

Management needs Russian Federation, the media, the research community, entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens are satisfied with information from Rosstat, which was created for the purpose of maintaining statistical records of socio-economic processes in the country. The state statistics bodies, to which the central administrative apparatus and branches belong, publish the results of their activities on the website of this service.

General information about using the Rosstat website

For everyone interested in Rosstat company statistics, the official website offers grouped information.

GKS.RU website of official statistics

By logging into the site, the user has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the basics of the activities of the Federal State Statistics Service, the essence of which is disclosed on the Home tab. Also, if you need to obtain information about the geographical location of any of the territorial bodies of Rosstat, the map of branches located on home page with digital designation.

The “About Rosstat” tab makes it possible to obtain information about the structure of this body, powers, features of its activities, the work of territorial bodies and subordinate organizations. In this section, the user can obtain information about independent examinations and administrative reforms, and international cooperation. Available brief information regarding the history of the emergence and development of state statistics bodies. A separate section in this section is devoted to frequently asked questions that help find answers to the topics that most concern citizens.

Rosstat news feed

If interested in the news of the Rosstat organization, the official website provides such a section as News, in which the user has the opportunity to familiarize himself with announcements of official events, view photo galleries and video materials, and learn something new from the world of statistics. The news feed is constantly updated with current data. Here you can also find electronic publications of the main statistical yearbooks of the Russian Federation.

Official statistics data

Statistics Sections

The user can see the results of statistical observations and calculation materials of the Federal State Statistics Service in the “Official Statistics” section of the official Rosstat website. This Rosstat section covers statistical data concerning:

  • the state of the national accounts of the Russian Federation;
  • demographic situation in the country;
  • state of the employment market for a certain period;
  • data regarding the development of business activities in the state;
  • performance indicators of the Russian economy;
  • the level of technological improvement of individual sectors of the national economy;
  • general development of science and information technology;
  • activities of the state and public organizations;
  • pricing policy in the state;
  • financial well-being of business entities and the country as a whole;
  • foreign trade indicators;
  • environmental conditions.

All of the above sections on the official Rosstat website are regularly updated with up-to-date information and fresh figures. The bulk of the data is presented in tabular form, which greatly facilitates perception.

This section of the site also contains information regarding the methodology for carrying out statistical calculations, so that each user can calculate the indicator of interest independently.

Other sections

Among other things, the user on the main page of the Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the main government procurements, view the composition of the statistical community and their contact information.

State procurements

For the attention of users, Rosstat information is also provided on the official website, published in the media mass media, including interviews, speeches, results of the business journalism club.

A separate section of the official website includes the scientific and information journal “Questions of Statistics”, which publishes the work of famous foreign and Russian economists and young scientists.

Statistics questions

This journal belongs to the Higher Attestation Commission list of leading peer-reviewed scientific and educational journals and publications. The pages of the magazine talk about current topics relating to the methodology and organization of foreign and domestic statistics. Available Email, to which you can send your questions about statistical information, as well as a link to the journal’s website.

In general, Rosstat is the official website of the Federal Statistical Service with a very convenient interface, with the help of which even novice PC users can easily find the information they need.

The main task of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) is to meet the needs of government authorities, the media, the population, the scientific community, commercial organizations and entrepreneurs, and international organizations for diverse, objective and complete statistical information. To solve this problem, there is a system of state statistics, which includes the central apparatus at the federal level and territorial bodies of Rosstat, located in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which employ more than 23,000 workers.

Managment structure

2018: Pavel Malkov is the new head of Rosstat

On December 24, 2018, it was announced the appointment of Pavel Malkov as head of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) instead of Alexander Surinov, who headed the department for 9 years. Read more.

2011: Structure

Below is the management structure in Rosstat as of 2011.

Information Systems

2018: Half a billion for the census

The state allocated 484.6 million rubles. for the development of a system for preparing, conducting, processing materials and obtaining results of the All-Russian population census in 2018.

This amount appears as the starting price of the contract in the tender of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), launched on March 16, 2018. Applications from applicants will be accepted until April 6, 2018.

Purpose of the system

Reviewed here automated system Rosstat is officially intended to prepare, conduct, process information about the population and obtain the results of all-Russian population censuses, including trial censuses and even so-called microcensuses.

As stated in the tender documents, the system is a single software and hardware complex that combines tools for performing work at the stages of preparation, conduct, and processing of census information, including scanning and recognition of machine-readable forms, data entry via the Internet tablet computers and smartphones, carrying out coding and formal logical control, creating a census database, obtaining final tables, as well as “other operations necessary to monitor all stages of the census,” the authors of the procurement note.

Scope of work

It follows from the tender documents that the future contractor will have to develop the software already existing in the system to update the list of addresses written in it, prepare software for collecting the necessary data, to organize the collection of information about the population, to “implement methods for supplementing and analyzing statistical data on the population of Russia in based on geoanalytical data in the preparation and conduct of the 2020 census, etc.

2017: Connection to SMEV and provision of company reports to banks

On December 25, 2017, it became known about Rosstat’s plans to disclose company reports to banks around the clock. This innovation is intended to make it easier for businesses to obtain loans, experts believe, but at the same time they fear that failures will occur in the system due to high load.

2000-2002: 2002 Census IT system. Scandal of the year

In 2000, trial population censuses were conducted in Moscow and the Moscow region. and Vladivostok. According to specialists from the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, during trial censuses they studied the market and looked closely at companies that could provide suitable systems for data processing.

This online guide offers links to sites that contain statistical information about Russia and foreign countries. It can be especially useful for those who are looking for data archives, monitoring the dynamics of social and economic changes, and comparing indicators of different regions of the country and the world.

Federal State Statistics Service
The site contains official statistical information on all aspects of social life, information and analytical materials characterizing various aspects of the economy and social life of the country. Here you can find the full texts of the yearbook "Russia in Figures" (archive since 2001)

Federal State Statistics Service for the Arkhangelsk Region
The site contains statistical indicators in various areas of socio-economic development of the region: economic statistics, living standards of the population, environmental indicators, demographic situation and much more. There are statistical data for the Northwestern Federal District.

Reference and analytical web resource of the State Statistics Committee. Contains a large amount of information: tables with data and text publications, statistical news on a variety of issues of social and economic life, environmental problems, criminology, etc.

Multistat. Multifunctional statistical portal
Web resource of the Main Interregional Center for Processing and Dissemination of Statistical Information of the State Statistics Committee. All information presented on the portal has official status. A significant amount of data is available free of charge - see the "Resources" section (Macroeconomics, Regional Economics of Russia, Russia and Foreign Countries). Access to official statistical collections and spreadsheets can be obtained for a fee.

Database of statistical data of Russian cities, regions and federal districts. The Gradoteka information base is constantly updated and supplemented. The data is presented in the form of infographics.

Database of indicators of socio-economic development of Russia
Macroeconomic indicators of Russia on the website of the Institute for Comprehensive Strategic Studies. Data archive since 2002

Economic statistics
Main current economic indicators of Russia. Data reviews and forecasts on the Economic Expert Group website.

Foreign Economic Server of Russia
Main indicators of Russian foreign trade based on official sources and analytical data. Geographical and commodity structures of foreign trade. World trade. Conditions of world commodity markets. World prices. Russia's place in the structure of world trade

"University information system RUSSIA: databases"
Operational statistics, forecasts. Archive of macroeconomic indicators since 1995. Information on the expenditure of budget funds by government agencies of Russia.

Budgets of Russian regions
The database contains information for several years on the structure of income and consumable parts regional budgets.

Demoscope Weekly
Demographic statistical information on the website of the electronic bulletin "Population and Society". Data about Russia and foreign countries.

Statistics of Russian education
Section of the portal "Russian Education". Contains a variety of statistical information, including statistics on levels of education, Unified State Examination statistics, regional data, international comparisons, statistical materials for the media.

Legal statistics portal
The information and analytical portal of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation contains information on the state of crime in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the country as a whole, comparisons of Russia with other countries of the world on a number of key indicators characterizing the criminal situation.

The World Factbook (in English)
An annual directory of countries around the world published by the CIA. Simply select the desired country in the "Select a country of location" window - and you will get access to extensive background information about it: map, flag, geographic and demographic data, information about political and legislative systems, participation in international organizations, basic economic statistics and etc.

National statistical agencies / Statistical Agencies. International Organizations (in English)
Links to state statistical organizations of foreign countries and international statistical organizations.

Databases of international statistics and indices (in English)
The sources of the presented statistical data are large international organizations, including the UN, IMF, World Bank, and WTO. International and national statistical databases cover almost all aspects of global development.

UN Unified Data Access System / UN data (in English)
Since its inception, the United Nations has been collecting statistical information from Member States on various topics. UNdata united the databases of the UN and a number of international organizations. The UN Statistics Division created this online project in 2005 to provide free access to global statistics. The innovative design allows users to access a large number of UN databases, either by browsing indicator series or by searching using keywords. Numerous databases, tables and glossaries cover a wide range of topics: agriculture, education, employment, energy, environment, health, HIV/AIDS, human resource development, industry, information and
communication technologies, national accounts, population, refugees, tourism, trade, etc.

Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS
The site contains tables and articles on the main socio-economic indicators of the CIS countries (macroeconomic and financial indicators, information on population and employment, data on the production of main types of industrial and agricultural products, prices, domestic trade, foreign economic activity, national currency exchange rates, income and expenses population, social living conditions of the population, state of the environment, etc.). Data for various periods, analytical materials and reports are presented.

Statistics on the International Information Portal BARENTSINFO (in English)
Links to statistical web resources of the countries of the Barents Euro-Arctic region (Finland, Norway, Sweden, Russia)

Statistical portal of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (in English)
Statistics from countries around the world on a wide range of indicators of economic and social development.

Data and statistics on the World Health Organization website (in English)
Regularly updated statistics. About 600 population health indicators in the WHO European Region. National statistics.

UN Millennium Development Goal Indicators
The official UN website provides data on more than 60 indicators, typically related to quality and standard of living. The studies and data are the result of the work of an Inter-Agency Expert Group coordinated by the UN Statistics Division.

Statistics on social development of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) / Human Development Report (in English)
Access statistics from the Human Development Report (HDR) and materials to help you better understand the data. Here you can also find information about the Human Development Index, links to other reference materials, and information resources on human development statistics.

Here you can find data and create the necessary tables using over 1000 types of indicators on education, literacy, science and technology, culture and communication.

NationMaster(in English)
Source statistics from sources such as the CIA World Factbook, UN and OECD, and easily compare data across countries using maps and graphs.

The State Statistics Service is a federal body belonging to executive departments. Its main task is the formation of official statistical information, which reflects the social, economic, demographic and environmental situation of the state. In addition, Rosstat exercises control and supervision in the field of state statistics.

Rosstat official website - Home page

The whole life of the country in numbers

All information about the state in numbers can be found on the official website of Rosstat, the structure of which is quite simple and understandable. At the top there are sections that tell in detail about the activities of the department. By hovering your cursor over one of the sections, you will see several subtopics at once.

Rosstat official website - Sections

For example, in Official Statistics you will see such titles as national accounts, population, employment and wages, entrepreneurship and others.

Rosstat official website - Section Official Statistics

But that’s not all, in the Population subtopic you can choose any of the presented social institutions: demography, standard of living, education, healthcare, etc. Let's choose, for example, demography, here again you have to make a choice between the size and natural movement of the population, marriages (divorces) and migration. By clicking on the required column, you receive a regulatory table that reflects all the information on the topic.

Rosstat official website – Demography

Official statistics

Just below these sections, on the main page of the Rosstat official website, the main news is posted. So, here you can find information about the average salary in the country, the level of GDP, and the population of Russia. Below are links to events held by Rosstat. The list includes the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 2016, the population census in the Crimean Federal District, the microcensus of the population in 2015, etc. By following the links, you can find documents regulating this activity and the results, if any.

Rosstat official website - Official statistics

The section of official statistics on the official website of Rosstat looks quite interesting, where the most important information about the state is collected. By the way, the topic “Efficiency of the Russian Economy” contains information, including about agriculture, where land resources are an important indicator. Those who want to get acquainted with this topic in more detail should go to where land records are kept.

Rosstat official website - Efficiency of the Russian economy

Rosstat official website: gks.ru
