The phone is charging. Poor battery charging: looking for reasons and solutions

Phone or tablet not charging? We have some tips and tricks in store for this case.

During the entire time it stays with its owner, a smartphone can throw out different numbers, but one of the most common problems is related to the fact that it suddenly refuses to charge. And there are many reasons for this behavior, some of which we highlight in this article. And also tips that are worth trying before going to a service center and paying money for repairs.

Problems with accessories that prevent your phone from charging

When identifying a problem, the first thing you need to do is check the most likely causes of the problem. A few tips below are quite simple, can be done quickly and without any auxiliary tools.

Inspect the charger cable

The charger cable is usually the cheapest and most fragile part. It can become unusable if it is twisted or bent too much. Therefore, it is worth trying to use a different cable that is definitely not damaged.

For example, borrow from a friend or work colleague if you don’t have a spare at home.

And then you just need to connect this cable to the charger, then to the phone and see if it is charging or not. If not, then the problem is not with the cable, but with something else.

Check the power supply

Likewise, it would be a good idea to check the charger. Again, to check we use another, one hundred percent working power supply and look at the result.

If you discover that the problem is with the cable or charger, you can always purchase inexpensive new options, including online.

Perhaps the case is too big

For those who have recently purchased a protective case for their smartphone, you need to make sure that the cable fits tightly into the connector.

Sometimes a large case will cause the charging cable to become dislodged so much that the connection breaks and charging stops. It very rarely happens that the problem is in the case, but it doesn’t hurt to check this option.

Common problems in Android that interfere with charging

So, we checked: it’s not the cable, the charger or the case. Then let's check the device itself.

If your smartphone won't charge after being left idle for a long time with an empty battery, it may need a little shake-up. You should try quickly inserting and unplugging the charger plug from the socket several times. Sometimes it helps.

You can also look at the manufacturer’s website or support forum, perhaps there you can find some working option or combination of actions that solves this problem.

Clean the contacts in the connector

Over time, the connector on the phone becomes clogged with small debris, dust and dirt. A high concentration of these unwanted guests can lead to charging problems. To clean the contacts, just blow thoroughly inside the connector.

If dirt doesn’t want to leave the cozy nest of your smartphone just like that, you can clean the connector with a vacuum cleaner or a straightened paper clip, the main thing is to do it very carefully in both cases. To clean the vacuum cleaner safely, turn off the device and use a plastic funnel to avoid accidentally scratching your phone.

You can also use a folded piece of paper with a sharp edge that you can stick into the slot to help tidy it up.

Update software

Not often, but sometimes due to an operating system update, charging problems or errors in battery power management occur.

If the OS on the smartphone is very recent, and around the same time a problem with charging appeared, perhaps these events are related.

In this case, you may need to roll back to a previous version of the operating system; the problem is that this is not possible on every device.

But instead, it is better to check if another update has been released for the smartphone. New software usually fixes problems that existed in the past.

  1. To update the system on Android, open “Settings”, go to the “Software Update” section and select “Update”.
  2. iPhone users have a slightly different path: “Settings” → “General” → “Software Update”.

Change battery

This is not possible on most modern phones because the battery is built into the body. But if your phone or tablet has a replaceable battery, then you should replace it with a new one.

Over time, batteries naturally degrade and cannot store as much electricity as they once could. This usually happens over a long period of time, but in some cases it can happen out of the blue. In order not to waste money on buying a new one, it would be wiser to take a suitable working battery from friends or acquaintances.

You can also go to the store, explain the situation and ask for the battery to be checked.

Is it time to buy a new phone?

For those who don’t want to bother at all with finding the cause of the problem, there are only two options left. Either take the gadget to a service center (if the warranty is still valid, we take it to the seller from whom we bought it), or replace the smartphone with a new one.

Obviously, the last option is the most expensive, but if the device has already worked for a decent period of time and has recently started to malfunction, then why not replace your old one with a younger device?

Good time!

This happens: you look at the smartphone screen and see that there is 50% charge left (in your thoughts: oh well, I’ll charge it later). And now you are about to make a call, and your smartphone notifies you that there is 5% left, and you urgently need to connect the charger.

You connect it, but... nothing happens, the phone does not charge. The law of meanness is that it is at this moment that you need to make an important call (and more than one) ...

What I mean by all this is that if you pay attention in advance to various “signs” in our lives, you can prevent many problems (including those with your phone).

In general, in this article I want to look at several of the most popular reasons why you may encounter such a misfortune. In any case, before taking your phone to a service center, it would be a good idea to conduct your own mini-diagnostics (in some cases it is possible to save a certain amount of money $) ...

To help!

Why might my phone not charge...

Reason #1: the micro USB connector began to loosen over time

This is perhaps one of the most popular causes of this problem! The fact is that the micro USB connector on the phone is under serious load: something is regularly connected/disconnected to it. After six months or a year, even with fairly careful use of the phone, this connector may begin to play (i.e., not provide a tight contact).

Try carefully removing the cable from the micro USB and connecting it again: if charging appears for a moment and disappears again, there is a high probability that it is time to replace the connector.

Addition! Also, dust, grains of sand, and various debris often get into the connector. Try blowing out the connector with compressed air (for example, you can use special cans of compressed air) and carefully clean it with a soft toothbrush (moistened with alcohol). Carry out the operation with the device turned off!

Many people get out of the situation in a rather interesting way: they connect the charger and put some book or notepad on the plug.

But all these are temporary measures, and over time the connector will become even more loose (or become unusable altogether) (and at the most inopportune moment)).

Therefore, it is highly advisable to replace it. If you don’t have independent soldering experience, it’s better to contact the service.

Reason #2: cable/charger integrity violation

Also, from frequent wear and bending, the cable (and the charger itself) often fails. It is very advisable to double-check them, for example, by connecting them to another phone.

I note that the cable may look intact on the outside, but the copper strands inside may be broken. Many novice users are deceived by this.

By the way, as an option, instead of a charger, you can connect your phone to the USB port of your computer/laptop and see if it will charge.

Reason #3: battery wear (swelling)

Pay attention to your phone battery as well. If you have been using the device for several years, the battery may simply be worn out (just estimate the charging/discharging time).

If the phone is collapsible: look at the appearance of the battery. It is not uncommon to notice small bulges (swelling, see example below) on batteries. And this is not good...


If your battery is swollen, starts to heat up, etc., I highly recommend replacing it. Don't forget about safety precautions (do not heat it, do not pierce it, do not knock, etc.), because A battery in a phone is quite a dangerous thing if you violate the operating technique (and do not take timely measures when the first symptoms appear).

Reason #4: taped contacts (if the device is new)

If you bought a new phone, unpacked it, turned it on... and nothing happens, then pay attention to the battery contacts. For safety reasons, they are often sealed with a barely noticeable piece of tape during transportation. (or what is it called correctly?) . For an example, see the photo below.

Reason #5: temperature violation

Most phones are designed to operate in temperatures between +1°C and +35°C (+45°C). Depends mainly on the type of battery installed in the device.

So, when using a phone, for example, in the cold winter (when it’s -20°C outside), the device often runs out of charge in the blink of an eye. Many also try to charge it in rooms with such low temperatures (which is not good).

All this can lead to device failure. By the way, I already had an article on low temperatures on my blog, I recommend it...

To help!

In the cold, your phone drains quickly. What to do, how to increase its operating time in the cold -

Many users, when charging a mobile device, continue to use it very actively: games, Wi-Fi, videos, etc. As a result of this, the battery may easily not charge, because all energy is spent on current tasks.

The solution is simple: leave the phone alone while charging. Moreover, modern phones charge quite quickly.


By the way, by connecting the phone to the “native” charger, it will charge faster than from the computer’s USB port.

Reason #7: Software glitches

In some cases, if the software malfunctions, the phone may stop responding to connecting the charger (some devices have special battery protection).

Be that as it may, if all of the above does not help, try rebooting your device first (and if this doesn’t help, then reset your phone / so-called Hard Reset).

To reboot the phone: just hold down the power button for 3-5 seconds. Next, select "Restart" or "Reboot" from the menu (see examples below).

Restart (English menu in smartphone)

As for resetting: this topic is quite extensive. I recommend that you first read the article, the link to which is given below. (Important! When resetting, all data will be deleted from the phone, make a backup in advance)

To help!

How to reset Android settings to factory settings (i.e. delete all data from your phone, tablet) -

Additions are welcome...

All the best!

Over the past 20 years, phones have become an integral part of our lives. Not every home may have a TV, but every family member has a smartphone. Even small first-graders usually have a means of communication for emergency calls. The gadget performs various functions: from the ability to make calls to a music player and e-reader. Therefore, a person whose phone stops charging finds himself in a state of mild panic. We have collected various reasons why your phone won't charge and ways to solve these problems yourself.

It sounds very stupid, but sometimes it is this side that really lets you down. And it will be very disappointing, after disassembling the phone and trying all the options, to suddenly realize that the problem was with the socket. Therefore, first of all, try moving the charger to a different outlet.

Faulty wire

Very often the problem lies in the charger itself. They are not as durable as we would like, and constant use of the cord greatly shortens its life. This usually doesn't happen suddenly. First, you start to notice that the phone only charges in a certain position. You begin to twist the charger, fix it in a bent state to get the desired charge. But at some point the cord stops working completely.

First of all, check that your power cord is working properly. If your phone is a standard Android, then finding a cord is not a problem. You can go to any communication store and ask to check the gadget. Usually such requests are not refused, because you will buy a new cord in the same store.

Attention: if your mobile phone is one of those models where there is access to the battery, then it is tempting to connect the wires directly to the battery. In an emergency, this method will work. Simply cut off the adapter, strip the wires, and connect them to the battery contact. But such experiments damage the battery itself; it stops holding a charge. Then you will have to buy not only a charger, but also a new battery. Therefore, do not resort to this method.

Clogged contacts

The problem may be contamination or oxidation of the contacts. To solve the oxidation problem you will need alcohol and a thin brush. Lightly wet the brush with alcohol and carefully clean the connector. It is more convenient to remove dirt and dust from the connector using a thin needle or toothpick. Just be very careful not to damage the connector.

Power adapter failure

If your phone won't charge when plugged in, try checking the power adapter (the small box that plugs into an outlet). If it is too hot or, conversely, cold, this may be an indirect sign of a breakdown. Connect your phone to your computer via a USB cable. If it starts charging, the problem is with the adapter. Go to any hardware store and buy a new one that matches the model of your device.

Faulty charging connector

It happens that the phone shows that it is charging, but the charge still “melts before our eyes.” Even if you connected it to the network or power bank.

If everything is absolutely fine with the cord, the reason may lie in a faulty connector. This problem also manifests itself gradually. Usually it was not possible to put the device on charge right away; we had to move the charger a little in the area of ​​the connector. The cause of the breakdown is usually careless use of the phone. At risk are people who like to leave their smartphone charging but continue to use it. Also, the cause of this problem may be the age of the mobile or simply a poor-quality connector. Cheap chargers also greatly loosen the connector socket and dislodge the contacts.

You can try to solve this problem yourself.

  1. Turn off your device. Remove the battery if possible.
  2. Take a small thin object (toothpick or needle).
  3. Insert the pin into the USB port and pull the small fastener up. This should be done very lightly and as carefully as possible.
  4. Insert the battery. Check if your phone is charging.

If you couldn’t fix it yourself, then use the services of a specialist. The problem is solved quite quickly and inexpensively. After repairs, try to charge your phone less often. Try to charge your phone fully once a day.

Operating system problems

Due to a failed update or malicious viruses, your phone may stop showing that it is charging. These problems are solved differently in different operating systems.


  1. Use programs to optimize system operation (CCleaner, Clean Master, Smart Manager).
  2. Install an antivirus and scan your device for viruses.
  3. Reset the system to factory settings. To do this, find the “Settings” menu item on your phone.

Find "Backup & Reset".

Then select Factory Reset.

If the problem was in the operating system, then the last method will definitely help. Just don't forget to transfer all important data to the flash card.


  1. Force restart your iPhone. To do this, you need to simultaneously hold down the Home and Power buttons for about 30 seconds.
  2. If the problem occurs after the update, you can simply cancel them. To do this, connect your device to your computer. Open iTunes and make a backup.

Windows Phone

  1. Reboot your phone.
  2. Try turning off the device and charging it for 20 minutes while it is turned off.

Battery fault

If your phone won't charge, then the problem may be with the battery. Like any thing, it has its own service life. It is especially shortened if the mobile gets wet or falls. If it is possible to take out the battery and examine it, then be sure to do so. Pay attention to whether the battery has any deformation, swelling or bending. This is a sign that the battery is not working.

If the battery is non-removable, then there is another way to check for defects. Place your smartphone on the table and try to rotate it around its axis. A swollen battery will cause the phone to spin vigorously.

When buying a new battery, try to buy an original one from the manufacturer. They cost more, but the quality is much better than third-party developments.

Problem with the controller

If you have checked everything you could and the phone is not charging, then most likely the problem lies in a broken controller. It is he who is responsible for ensuring that the phone is charged. You won’t be able to identify the problem yourself, much less fix it. It is better to contact a specialist who can accurately determine the cause of the breakdown and fix it.

The phone has become such a part of our lives that without it you feel like you have no hands. But if your phone has stopped charging, this is not a reason to despair. Replacing a battery, connector, or charger is quite quick and inexpensive. It’s much worse when, for example, the screen glass of a gadget breaks. That's where the repair can cost as much as buying a new phone. Here the problem is local in nature and is solved very quickly.

It often happens that the phone does not charge, and this problem occurs on both old and new phones.

There are also situations when charging occurs, but very poorly, slowly, up to a day.

Why such problems arise and what to do to solve them will be discussed further.

Problem #1. Broken cable

Often, USB cables burn out, break at bends, or simply stop transmitting a signal.

Therefore, the first thing to do if the battery does not charge is simply check the charger cable.

If, for example, a defect is found on it, which is shown in Figure No. 1, you can try to manually press one end to the other or wrap the break with electrical tape.

You can also try taking a toothpick or a regular match and literally picking at the inside of the USB tip in those places shown in Figure 2 with arrows.

You can take a regular painting brush for this and walk it along the inner surface of the tip.

It is quite possible that the reason is that there is dust or some kind of debris inside.

No. 2. USB cable tip

To rule out this option, you need to try charging using a different charging cable. You may have to buy a new charger.

If the problem does not go away, then the problem does not depend on charging.

Problem #2. Phone connector

There is only one way to eliminate this option - charge the battery outside the phone itself.

For this purpose, there are special separate devices for charging batteries. An example of this is shown in Figure 4.

The same can be done using another phone that uses the same one. You can also use a homemade charger. It's very easy to make.

This could be two simple wires connected to the battery terminal (shown by the red arrow in Figure No. 5). You can attach them even with the most ordinary electrical tape.

The video at the end of the article explains this method in more detail.

Problem #3. Bad battery

Rechargeable batteries tend to fail after long periods of use. Therefore, you can install another battery and try to charge the phone again.

You can simply remove the battery and put it back in. There are times when this helps too.

Important! When you open the phone, feel the battery - it is quite possible that there are some irregularities, bulges or other deformations on it. This means that there is no point in trying to restore the battery - corrosion begins to do its job.

Then you definitely need to buy a new one, because otherwise other metal parts will begin to corrode.

If the phone does not have any curved decorative elements on the case, you can simply put it on the table and unscrew it.

If it twists, it means the battery is swollen and this causes some bulges to appear on the back cover.

A swollen battery looks as shown in Figure 6. Of course, it may not reach such a critical state, but if the swelling process has already begun, then it will not end.

But what if the problem is not so obvious and the problem is in the software? Let's look further.

Problem #4. Software

It is quite possible that some programs on Android cause the phone to first take a long time to charge, and then stop charging altogether.

To exclude this option, you need to do the following:

  1. Disable all programs and services, including geolocation and everything else when charging.
  2. Install programs to optimize the operation of smartphones. This could be, for example, Smart Manager and many others. They allow you to reduce the load on systems from different programs.
  3. Roll back the system to its original state or to the latest update. Depending on the phone manufacturer, this is done differently. In most cases, the Recovery utility helps.
  4. Reflash the phone. Often, amateur firmware leads to incorrect operation of some smartphone services; the solution to the problem is a simple flashing.

Problem #5. The need to calibrate the battery

Smartphone users often encounter smaller problems.

For example, the phone may be charging, but very slowly, or the device shows charging incorrectly, does not show it at all, and the like.

In such cases, calibrating the battery helps. This is done using four simple steps, namely:

  • Step 1. We completely discharge the phone until it turns itself off, and when you try to turn it on, it turns off immediately.

No. 7. Completely dead phone

  • Step 2. Remove the battery from the phone and keep them separate for a few minutes.

No. 8. The process of removing from the phone

  • Step 3. Reinsert the battery.
  • Step 4. Put your phone on charge. There is no need to turn on the device!

No. 9. Phone on charge

  • Step 5. Remove the battery again without turning on the device, and reinsert it. After this, you can turn on your smartphone and use it.

If all else fails, you just need to take the phone to a service center or to a store that repairs phones.

Of course, you will have to pay, but this will allow you to find out exactly the cause of the breakdown and fix it.

These and other ways to solve the problem with a phone not charging are shown in the video below.

The phone is not charging, what should I do?

Solving the problem with a phone that has stopped charging from the charger.

Each of us has encountered a situation where a smartphone refuses to charge. Is it possible to solve this problem at home or will I have to take the phone to a service center? Let's find out!

Reasons why your phone won't charge.

First of all, it is necessary to answer the main question: what exactly happens to the smartphone while charging? As a rule, the most common situations are when the phone does not respond to charging at all, or the charging is on, but the phone does not charge, or it charges, but does it very slowly. So, first, let's look at the main reasons why the phone does not charge at all.

Checking the socket/USB cable/adapter.

If we want to solve the problem, then we need to consider various options, and we need to start with the simplest one. First of all, you should check the serviceability of the outlet. You can do this with a multimeter; if you don’t have one at hand, then simply try to charge the phone from another outlet. If charging started, then it was the problem.

The second most common problem why the phone won't charge is a faulty USB cable. It is the cables that most often become unusable - they burn out and break at bend points. Replace it. Did not help? Then we check the adapter in a manner similar to the previous one.
It should be noted that in some cases it happens that the charging is working properly, but the phone does not charge. The reason is simple - the charger does not match the phone. In this case, we advise you to take either a native charger or a similar one with a similar amperage. For reference, battery capacity is measured in mAh, and chargers are available at 1A, 1.5A and higher. Try both options. One of them will definitely suit you.

For example, if Sony Xperia phone won't charge, then you may need to charge at two amps. This information is usually written on the packaging of the phone or on the charger itself. Sony phones may not charge only because there is insufficient current and the electronics are blocking such a charger.

At this stage, as a rule, it becomes clear whether the reason for the lack of charging is in the charger or in the smartphone itself.

The phone stopped charging due to the USB connector.

If the problem is in the USB port, then there are only 2 options - either regular cleaning of the contacts will help you (for this you will need a paint brush and a toothpick), or just replacing the USB connector (which can be done at any repair shops).

It often happens that a huge amount of dust and dirt gets into the USB connector, so you should try to clean the charging port with a regular paint brush. Use a toothpick to “lift” the small fastener inside the USB port. Everything must be done very carefully!

Quite often, cleaning the contacts allows you to restore normal operation and the phone begins to charge as if nothing had happened.

But, if nothing worked for you at home, then in this case you will have to take the phone to a service center. For example, if you have Samsung Galaxy phone won't charge, then the service center will very easily find spare parts for it, such as a MicroUSB connector or battery, but if you Alcatel phone won't charge or Philips, then in this case the search for spare parts may be delayed or you will even have to buy them in Chinese online stores.

Software problems.

If your Android phone does not charge, the reason for this may be either incorrectly installed programs or a failure in the system itself.

In this case, you will need to reset the settings to factory settings or completely flash the phone. You can reset the settings through the menu.
For example, if you have Huawei phone won't charge and you would like to reset the settings, then to do this you need to do the following: go to the menu - advanced settings-restore and reset-reset settings. If desired, you can back up your data.

Most Android phones provide the ability to reset settings through “three buttons” - this means simultaneously pressing the volume rocker up and down + the power key.
For example, to reset a Samsung device, you need to press and hold three buttons: power key + Home key + volume rocker up.

If this option also does not suit you, then the problem is definitely the battery.

Charging is in progress, but the phone battery does not charge.

Remember how long have you been using your smartphone? We love our expensive phones so much, and we really want eternal life for them, but alas, batteries also tend to age. Over time, even the strongest batteries stop holding a charge. This is because lithium-ion batteries, which are now used in most smartphones, have a lifespan, which is determined by the number of full discharge cycles (to 0%). Legitimate advice: to extend the life of a lithium-ion battery, try to charge your smartphone more often and prevent the battery from being completely discharged.

Sometimes, problems with the battery are even visible visually. If some kind of deformation occurs or the battery is swollen, this will also affect the appearance of the phone. For example, not only the outer cover of the phone may be deformed, but even the screen may be slightly squeezed out.

Monitor such changes carefully, otherwise they may lead to more dire consequences than simply being unable to charge.

The phone takes a long time to charge.

This problem occurs no less often. It may occur due to the fact that the device is running some energy-intensive applications that consume energy faster than the smartphone charges. These include “heavy games”, as well as enabled Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, geolocation, etc. So, if your phone is charging slowly, just turn it off before charging.

We also do not recommend charging your phone from the USB port of a computer or laptop; usually they are supplied with no more than 500 mA, which is clearly not enough for normal charging of phones. Of course, most phones will charge from the USB port, but extremely slowly, and some phones will not accept such charging at all.

The phone shows the wrong charge percentage.

If the phone takes a long time to charge, then it is not always the case that the applications are running. Sometimes situations arise when your operating system does not correctly remember the energy consumption mode, which causes errors in battery management. How to understand this?

Yes, very simple. The most important sign is a quickly discharging battery (and the smartphone turns off when the charge is already 20-30%) and very slow charging of the smartphone. In this case, do not rush to run to the store for a new battery. Try to calibrate it first.

To calibrate the battery, perform five complete charge/discharge cycles of the phone. That is, when the phone runs out of charge and turns off on its own, you need to charge it until the required maximum mAh is reached. After the last fifth full charge cycle, disconnect the charger, remove the battery, reinsert it after 10-20 seconds and perform a hard reset (as described above).

But sometimes the problem may not be the battery itself. For example, if you have Meizu phone won't charge, while showing one percent charge, then in fact the phone is charging, but the only thing is that a software glitch has occurred. In this case, you will need to completely turn off the phone and turn it on again. And the problem with 1% on the Meizu phone will be solved.

If none of the methods helped you solve the problem, then most likely you won’t be able to solve it at home at all. We advise you to contact a service center to have your phone repaired.
