Create an account on YouTube. How to create another Google account

To create a channel on YouTube video hosting, you need a Google account; if you have not yet registered with Google, then let's start with this.

Creating a Google Account

In any way (search in Yandex, typing in the address bar, etc.) go to the main page of the Google search engine and click the Login button. In my case, instead of clicking next, I will select “Other options” - “Create an account”.

Filling out personal information when registering with Google

Create or indicate a real username, enter and confirm a password, fill in the date, month and year of birth (you can not use your own), indicate gender, country and mobile phone number, you can specify a spare email address (just in case), indicate the country again residence and click the “Next” button.

Completing your Google registration

We agree to the privacy policy and Terms of Use by scrolling and clicking on the “I Accept” button. If your browser prompts you to save your password, then save it if you are at your computer. You will be congratulated with your new email address, registered with Google, click the "Continue" button.

Creating a YouTube channel

In the search bar, enter the name YouTube or YouTube (whichever is easier), go to the site at the top right and click “Log in” to YouTube. In the "Log in as..." pop-up window, click "Create channel".

For the first time, we’ll just add a description of the channel; we’ll deal with the rest of the settings and design in the following articles and videos. Do not miss!

This video shows how to register on YouTube and how to create your own channel:

Watch the video: - YouTube channel design, change the description, add channel keywords and confirm the channel

Watch the video: - How to work with YouTube - beginning, content, video editing

Watch the video: - A workbench for recording videos on your YouTube channel. Become a shooting pro at home

Watch the video: - Record screen for video on YouTube channel. How to shoot videos for a channel

There are practically no users left who have not heard of YouTube. A huge number of people visit it every day to learn something new, have fun, or add their own material. Most of the videos can be watched without any registration, so for those who occasionally visit this video hosting site, registration is not so necessary.

However, if the resource is visited quite often, then it may be useful. A user with his account will be able to exchange comments with other people, save your favorite videos to your page, subscribe to interesting channels and always be the first to know when new material appears.

How to register on YouTube

To get started you will need to go to official site YouTube. In the upper right corner button will be available enter, you need to click on it.

The login menu will appear, but since there is no profile yet, should be pressed to create an account, which is located just below the main field. After this, a larger registration field will open.

Everything here is quite simple, you need to enter your first and last name, come up with a password, indicate your date of birth, country and accept the agreement. The main problem There may be a lack of a Google mailbox. If it exists, then you just need to enter it in the appropriate field, but if not, you will have to click on the link below and register it as well. After clicking the next button, a letter will be sent to the specified email address, so you will need to go to your email address and follow the link sent.

After this, the user will be taken to checkout page. Here you can add your avatar, change its display, and also create a channel for uploading videos.

At this point, registration can be considered complete. Now the user can use the full functionality of video hosting, and they also receive all possibilities available Google accounts, you can create documents, use cloud storage or a special social network from Google.

How to log in to YouTube

If you already have a profile, there are not many actions left to take. To get started you will need go to hosting, here it is important to go only to the site itself, there are many fake sites that are very similar, users enter their data into them and lose their accounts. After entering the site, just click on login in the upper right corner and enter all your data. After this, all options will become available.

Basic profile and account settings

After initial registration, you may need more detailed setup all options, so this section will list the important options and give instructions on how to handle them. In order to get to the desired item, click on your avatar in the upper left corner and select settings.

In chapter " Account» you can change your profile settings.

The “” section will allow you to link your Twitter account to YouTube, after which you can check off those events that will be automatically published on this social network.

In the "" section, you can change the privacy settings of your profile; you can choose what will be shown to other users and what will remain inaccessible.

In the "" section, you can enable or disable notifications about certain events.

In chapter " Playback"You can set the default parameters; in case of bad Internet, you can choose a worse quality, and if there is an excellent connection, set the maximum quality.

In the "" section, the user will be able to see all connected TVs or add new ones. To do this, you just need to go to the desired application on your TV and follow further instructions.

» allows you to manage confirmation of purchases on YouTube

How to create your own channel

There are no particular difficulties in creating a channel. To begin with, you will need log in to your account on YouTube, then you need to go to the left side and click on “ My channel", after this a window will appear in which you just have to click on Create channel.

In fact, the creation of the channel can be considered complete. In the future, all you have to do is add a video, you can also rename it, change themes and designs, you can create playlists on your channel so that later other people or you can watch the video clips.

If the user plans to make money from this, then there is even more work to be done; there will be a need for competent marketing, a specific channel theme and some kind of feature that will distinguish it from everyone else.

Can't sign in to your Google account? Go to the account recovery page and answer the questions there, following the advice in this article.

If you are unable to verify that you are the owner of the account, create a new one.

Why can't I log into my old account?

If we are not sure that the account belongs to you, we do not provide access to it for security reasons.

These tips will help you restore access.

I want to close an account to which I have lost access

This can only be done after you enter it.

How to create another Google account

Strengthen your Google Account security

If you notice suspicious activity on your account, use the instructions in this article.

Enable saving passwords

This feature is available in browsers and other programs. You can:

  • Purchase and install a password manager

Notify your contacts about the change of address

Share your new email address with your family, friends and colleagues.

How to create a Google account. Step-by-step instructions for registering a YouTube channel Reviewed by on Jun 26 Rating: 4.5

Hello, dear friends!

Today I will share with you step-by-step instructions on how to create a Google account and register on YouTube.

I really like Google's tools because... they are convenient, transparent and easy to use.

How to create an account on Google. Registration on YouTube

Let's first figure out why you need to create a Google account to register a YouTube channel. A Google account allows you to access all Google products with one login and password.

Those. Google has created a single account to log into many of its services (gmail, youtube, calendar, disk, maps, play, etc.), which is very convenient for users.

Personally, I actively use Google search, the google chrome browser, calendar, mail, maps, disk and, of course, youtube (YouTube). and I will teach you how to use all these tools.

So, let's move on to registration.

For those who love videos, I have prepared a 4-minute video instruction.

And for those who like text and pictures, read below.

Step #1. Follow this link

Enter your details in the registration form and click next.

If you want to have full functionality for all services, enter your phone number.

Step #2. Add your photo or logo.

This is not necessary, but if you want more subscribers and more recognition, then be sure to do so.

The photo is added to a single account and will be reflected in all Google services.

Step #3. Write down your username and password in a safe place.

This may seem funny, but most beginners have a problem with losing passwords. Therefore, I recommend having a separate notebook + a separate file on your computer where you will write down all logins and passwords.

Step #4. Login to YouTube channel.

To do this, select Youtube in the upper right corner and in the window that opens, again in the upper right corner, click the “Login” button

Congratulations! Now you have your own video channel and you can add videos, write comments on videos, like and subscribe to other YouTube channels.

Even unregistered visitors can watch videos and use YouTube services, but if you want to become part of the largest community in the world, then you need your own account......

In this article, we will learn the easiest way to register an account on YouTube, as well as what advantages this will give you. ↓↓↓

Benefits of your own account

View videos, organize and $$$ — YouTube opens up unlimited possibilities for you………

To get started you must— register on the service and log in. This will take you no more than 5 minutes., and the procedure itself is completely free

Let's find out what advantages will open before you after registration:

  1. Create your channel. All registered users can launch their own project, where videos will be published, which can later be monetized. You can also conduct online broadcasts, communicate with subscribers and much more.
  1. Save the most interesting videos. Thanks to the built-in functionality, you can create playlists, save your favorite videos and much more.
  1. Comment and rate. After registration, you will be able to express your opinion about the video, as well as influence its rating and position in internal search. You can give negative (dislikes) or positive (likes) ratings.
  1. Subscribe and communicate. After registration, you can watch the most interesting projects and all you need to do is subscribe. Receive notifications about new videos, communicate with other users - all this is possible on YouTube.
  1. Customize YouTube for yourself. New selections based on your interests will appear regularly on the main page. You can easily delete a video or channel that you don't like.

How to register?: all methods

Since YouTube came under the auspices of Google, the service has improved markedly. A simple registration procedure, integration into other services, as well as the opportunity to earn money through $$$

1) Register with Google to log in to YouTube

If you already have a Google account, you can sign in to YouTube using this information.

After this, you need to provide registration information in Russian:

  • first and last name;
  • login (will be used to log in);
  • password;
  • date of birth and gender;
  • mobile phone;
  • we confirm the data.

After you register, you should go to YouTube and click on the “Login” button.

Login may occur automatically or you will need to provide basic information (username and password).


There are many questions about how to register on YouTube as easily as possible. ( It is advisable to create your own account without Google ) . Indeed, previously every user had to register on YouTube without fail. Unfortunately, this feature is currently disabled and you will need to have a Google account !!!

2) Create a new channel onYouTubeabsolutely free

If you want to make your own contribution to the development of YouTube, acquire an army of fans and earn good money, then for these purposes you will need your own channel.

With its help you can organize broadcasts and publish various videos

To create such a project you need to complete the following steps:

  • log into your account and select “Create a channel” in the panel on the right;
  • You can also click on the “Upload video” item and the system will prompt you to create a channel;
  • fill out the form and confirm creation.

You can create almost any number of channels within one or more Google accounts.

If you already have one channel on YouTube, then the registration procedure looks like this:

Answers to popular questions:

In this section, we will discuss the most popular questions regarding registering a channel on YouTube. Here you can get a clear and meaningful answer

Question 1 - Is it possible to create a YouTube account for a child? ???

Unfortunately, you cannot create a separate account for a child, but YouTube is currently developing a separate service for children.

As a way out, you can set your preferences on YouTube:

  1. clear the list of unwanted projects
  2. And set safe mode.

Question 2 - How to register an account on YouTube through Yandex ???

There is also no such function on YouTube, since Google and Yandex are, at least, competitors !!!

At the moment, Yandex services are not integrated into YouTube, so there is no point in further discussion.

Question 3 - Error entering username ???

→ If an error occurs during the process of filling out registration data, it is most often due to the fact that a user with such data is already on the service.

You just need to change your username

Question 4 - Why indicate your date of birth? ???

At the moment, the service cannot be used by persons under 13 years of age, and if you are under 18 years old, then you won’t be able to monetize your project !!!
