How long are files stored in the recycle bin? Using the Recycle Bin in Windows

How to delete files and folders from your computer’s hard drive and removable media. What is the Recycle Bin on a computer?

Everyone, without exception, had to use a trash can, where used papers and other rubbish are thrown.

What happens in this case? A person rids himself of unnecessary things by throwing them in the trash, but, if necessary, he can use them take advantage again, taking them back out of the trash can, unless of course the cleaning lady had time to throw the contents in the trash.

Simply put, the trash can acts as an intermediate buffer where unnecessary things are temporarily stored and can be removed from there at any time while they are there.

There is also an analogue of a trash can in a computer, which is called “Trash”. By default, all deleted folders and files are moved to the Recycle Bin, from where they can be extracted or permanently deleted if desired.

IN reality everything looks a little different. The operating system (OS) does not perform any physical deletion of files either on hard drives or on removable media.

IN relevant In directories and plaques, only notes are made that the files have not been deleted, and other information data can be recorded on the released clusters.

If you no longer make a new recording, then it is quite possible to recover deleted files, both on hard drives and on removable media. In the latter case, this happens using special recovery utilities. Deleted information on hard drives is being restored via Cart.

It should also be noted that:

1 . Hackers often hide malicious programs in the Recycle Bin and a system folder on a logical drive called System Volume Information. It is quite difficult to extract them from there, since the OS prevents the deletion of system folders. In addition, anti-virus programs cannot always detect them.

However, you can remove such programs in other ways, for example, using various utilities such as KILLDISK or completely resetting the logical drive. In the freed up space, you need to create a logical disk again, and then format it.

In such cases, viruses are permanently removed from the logical drive; for this you do not even need to use various anti-virus programs. The Trash folder, as well as the System Volume Information folder, will be created automatically by the OS.

2. On removable media that is connected to the computer via a USB interface or inserted on a sled, trash folders are created when files are deleted.

Menu items in this folder Edit, View, ? are standard. Basic commands for working with a folder Basket grouped in menu File. Consider these commands:

- Restore- this command restores selected objects;

- Empty trash- this command physically removes all objects from the recycle bin (i.e. from a special directory).

- Delete- this command physically removes an object from the recycle bin (i.e. from a special directory).

Create a text file.

To create a text file in Windows, you need to follow these steps:

Select the drive on which you want to create the file. Go to it.

Select the folder in which the file will be created. Enter it.

Create Text Document. An icon will appear in the current window with an active input field for the name of the text file. By default, the file is already given a name - Text Document, but you can enter any other name (Fig. 3. 10) and press the key Enter.

Clicking on a file that is a document brings up the application that created the document. Therefore, you can now enter the program with a mouse click Notebook(a basic text editor) and type the required text. When exiting the program Notebook you must save the changes made. To do this, you need to refer to the menu items File Save(Fig. 3.11).

Creating a folder.

To create a new folder in Windows, you must follow these steps:

Select the drive on which the folder will be created. Go to it.

Select the folder in which the new folder will be created. Enter it.

Right-click and select command from the context menu Create a folder. A folder named new folder. As when creating a file, you can enter any other name (Fig. 3. 12) and click Enter.

Rice. 3. 12 - Creating a new folder

You can create a new folder or text document by following the commands in the main menu File Create Folder or File Create Text Document.

Search for a file.

On the menu File there is a team Find, with which you can search for the required file (group of files) or folder. The same command can be called from Windows main menu(see below) by selecting the command Start Find Files and Folders. The file search window is shown in Fig. 3.13.

If the name of the file you are looking for is known, then it should be typed in the text field Name, otherwise you can specify part of the name. Windows will find the file you need or display all files that have the specified characters in their names. In addition, you can use special wildcard characters * and ? when searching. (for details see section 2.2) to search for files of a certain type. To reuse a previously defined search term, you can click the arrow to the right of the text field Name, and select one of the elements from the drop-down list.

Text field Folder is intended to indicate in which folders to look for the desired file. Here you can enter the full path to the corresponding folder, select an item from the drop-down list arrow, or click on the button Review, select the desired folder from the presented directory tree. If you want files to be searched not only in the specified folder, but also inside its subfolders, you can click the checkbox View subfolders.

To limit the search, you can specify a time period. To do this, go to the tab Date of change, which searches for files modified between two specific dates or within the last few days or months.

Using the tab Additionally You can further narrow your search by specifying the file type in the drop-down list Type, which lists the registered file types. There is a text field in the same tab Search text. You can specify multiple words separated by a space. This will search for files that contain these words in this order. In field Size indicates the size of the searched file. You can search for files of a given size, files larger than a given size, and files smaller than a given size by selecting the appropriate value from the drop-down list.

When setting the search criteria is completed, you must click the button Find. The dialog box will enlarge to display the search results. With files in the window Find you can work like with any other files in the environment Windows(open, view, move, etc.).

If no file matching the specified criteria is found, a message is displayed - The search has not given any results.

Button Reset is intended to cancel previously established criteria.

File attributes.

Each file on the disk can be assigned an attribute (sign) indicating the properties of the file. There are four such attributes:

- h (hidden), hidden. To view hidden files, you need to set a special viewing mode using the command Folder properties from menu item Service, tab View.

- r (read only), only for reading. If this attribute is assigned to a file, the file is protected from modification and deletion.

- s (system), systemic. This attribute indicates that the file belongs to the main files of the MS DOS operating system.

- a (archiv), archive. This attribute is assigned to all files.

To view, assign, cancel attributes to a file, directory or group of files, you must select them and, right-click, select the command Properties(see Fig. 3.14). In the dialog box that appears, you can remove and set file attributes.

Sorting files.

To organize files in the window, right-click and select Arrange icons, then select one of the submenu commands that determines the sorting order (by name, by type, by size, by creation date, automatically).

WINDOWS main menu.

Main menu- a menu that opens when you press a button Start(Fig. 3.15). It serves as a starting point for many activities carried out in Windows actions. Using the main menu, you can launch programs, configure Windows, search for files and folders, access Help, stop working on the computer. By providing immediate access to all these functions, the main menu helps keep your desktop tidy without cluttering it with unnecessary objects. In addition, the main menu can be opened at any time, for example, while an application is running.

Alternative ways to open the main menu are:

Pressing a key combination Ctrl-Esc.

Pressing a special key with an icon Windows.

All main menu items, with the exception of those at the top, are standard and have the following meaning:

- Programs- provide access to a hierarchical submenu, which mainly contains commands for launching system software and applications installed on the computer.

- Documentation- provides access to a submenu, which is formed from the most recently opened documents.

- Settings- provides access to the submenu for setting up basic Windows functions; this submenu contains three standard items Control Panel, Printers, Taskbar.

- Search (Find)- provides access to a submenu with which you can search for the required objects.

- Reference- provides access to the help system.

- Execute- used to directly launch applications, as well as to open documents.

- Shutdown- designed to shut down work on the computer (Fig. 3.16), restart Windows, change the operating mode on the computer (YOU CAN TURN OFF THE COMPUTER USING ONLY THIS MODE).

At the top of the main menu, the user can place the programs he most often uses, and this will eliminate the need to expand several nested submenus.

Rice. 3. 16 - Shut down Windows

Explorer program.

Windows Explorer is a program that contains all the necessary tools for working with the computer file system. It allows you to save, rename, delete, move, copy, and place files correctly so that they can be quickly found if necessary. To run the program Conductor just run the command Start Programs Explorer. If on the list Programs no menu item Conductor, you need to find the application Explorer.exe and run it for execution. Program icon Conductor looks like that:

Program Conductor opens in a standard window Windows(Fig. 3.20), and the information part of the window, unlike most windows Windows, is divided into two parts ("panels"):

- left "panel"- allows you to view the directory tree (folder nesting structure and hierarchy) of the entire computer;

- right "panel"- provides viewing of the contents of the folder highlighted in the left "panel".

It becomes possible to simultaneously work with files and folders on the left and right sides of the window.

Appearance of the program window Conductor depends on the settings set by the user. You make these settings (manipulating the status bar and toolbar, changing how files and folders are displayed, sorting, and changing other viewing options) just as you would in any other standard window Windows.

The user can control the width of the left and right "panes" of Explorer using the mouse. For example, you can make the left "pane" wider if there is not enough space in it in order to display a hierarchical view of the file structure. To do this, you need to place the mouse pointer on the strip separating the panels (in this case, it will take the form of a double arrow), and, holding down the left mouse button, drag the strip in the desired direction (left or right).

In the right "panel" of your window Conductor displays the contents of the folder highlighted in the left "pane". If, for example, you select the disk icon on the left WITH:, its contents will be displayed on the right. For discharge You need to left-click on the desired folder or use the up and down arrow keys.

Rice. 3.20 - Fragment of working with the Explorer program

Maybe disclose And hide individual branches hierarchical tree. If there is a "+" sign next to the folder icon on the left side of the window, it means there are others inside that folder. To view them, you need to click on the "+" sign or double-click on this folder. After this, the “+” sign will turn into “-”, and the folders contained inside will be displayed on the screen. Some of them may also contain folders within themselves. By repeating the same steps, you can view their contents. To hide folders inside another folder, you need to click the minus sign next to it or double-click. In Fig. 3.20 you can see that the folder My computer contains other folders inside, but they are hidden. Folder My Documents is open to view its contents, and the folder Basket contains no subfolders at all.

Managing folders and files (copying, moving, renaming, creating folders and files) in the program Conductor carried out by methods that are used when working in the environment Windows and were described above.

Any user, working on a computer, creates files and folders. After a while, some of them are no longer needed. In ordinary life, people throw away all unnecessary things in special garbage containers. On a computer, in the Windows operating system, this is done Trash folder , it is intended only for storing deleted objects.

Why, you ask, store garbage? Yes, because novice computer users and not only them often accidentally delete necessary files and folders. And then they are indignant that ... it just disappeared somewhere or was thrown away and came to its senses - it will come in handy later. Situations are different. The Recycle Bin will help you recover deleted information. If you are determined to get rid of the accumulated digital garbage, then empty the Trash.

Note! You can only restore from the Recycle Bin those items that were deleted directly from the computer. If you deleted files (folders) from a flash drive, CD/DVD disk or floppy disk, they will not be restored from the Recycle Bin because they are physically erased from the removable media. Information from the disk will be lost forever, but you can try to recover it from a flash drive using specialized programs.

Let's take a closer look at how to use it in Windows Recycle Bin.

The folder icon is located on the Desktop, it looks like a regular waste paper basket. It may look different, it depends on the theme you have installed. Moreover, the icon for an empty Trash differs from a filled one.

The Trash folder itself, the icon of which we see on the Desktop is usually located in the hard drive. It's called Recycler, it's hidden, system-based, and each disk has its own. In Windows 7 the folder is named $Recycle.Bin.

In Windows, a certain part of the hard drive is allocated to the Recycle Bin, usually 10% of the total volume. If your computer has several disks or disk partitions (C, D, E), 10% (by default) will be allocated for each of them. If the deleted information on the disk exceeds the allotted space, the oldest data in the Recycle Bin will be automatically deleted in order to meet the operating system-defined quota.

When a large volume is deleted at once (a game, a program, a folder with several dozen movies), the weight of which exceeds the size of the Recycle Bin, the objects will be deleted without the possibility of their recovery. The system always warns about this (read carefully what is written in the dialog boxes).

How to set up Recycle Bin in Windows?

You can change the Trash settings to suit your needs; to do this, click on the Trash icon and select Properties. If you rarely empty your Recycle Bin for fear of losing information that might be useful, you can increase the size of your Recycle Bin. If you throw everything away consciously, reduce the volume, you can also disable the confirmation request during deletion, even enable the option to delete files without placing them in the Trash.

If your computer (for XP) has one hard drive that is not partitioned, you will see only one tab - Global. If there are other hard drives or partitions, you will see tabs for each of them. In Windows 7, the General tab.
In XP, turning on the radio button (click on the circle) Independent disk configuration will allow you to configure the Recycle Bin for each disk (partition) separately.

In the Local disks tabs, their own settings will become active. Accordingly, when the Unified parameters for all disks radio button is turned on, the disk settings will be inactive.

In Windows 7, by clicking LMB, select the disk in the Recycle Bin Location group, in the The free disk size is given in gigabytes. Specify the size of the Recycle Bin for the selected disk in the Maximum size field (given in megabytes). Units of measurement were discussed in the article about.

In both operating systems, you can disable the request to confirm deletion by clicking on the lower one and unchecking it. You can refuse to work with the Recycle Bin altogether; to do this, click on the checkbox and check the box “Destroy files after deletion without placing them in the Recycle Bin.” In this case, the system will always prompt you to confirm permanent deletion. When this feature is enabled, the Disk Cleanup button in the Disk Properties dialog box will disappear.

After completing the settings, do not forget to click the Apply or OK buttons. The Apply button allows you to save changes to the settings without closing the dialog box and move on to the settings in the next tab. After completing all the settings, you can click OK and close the dialog box.

To empty a filled Trash, right-click on its icon and select the line with the Empty Trash command. You will see a window asking whether you really want to delete a group of files, make a decision and click OK (or No, if you are not sure that you will definitely no longer need the files in the Recycle Bin).

The contents of the Recycle Bin can be deleted in another way: click on the Recycle Bin icon, the Recycle Bin folder will open in a regular window, then File - Empty Recycle Bin or in the list of typical tasks (window area on the left - tasks for the Recycle Bin) click on the line Empty Recycle Bin.
If you need to delete not all, but individual folders and files, you need to select them, then right-click on any of the selected objects and select the Delete command.

The Recycle Bin needs to be emptied as often as possible; deleted files take up disk space while in our wonderful package Windows Recycle Bin.

It was not called a basket by chance. By analogy with an ordinary trash can, discarded garbage (your folders and files) is temporarily stored in it, and if you mistakenly delete a desired object, you can always rummage through it, find the mistakenly deleted object and restore it back.

You can restore information from the Recycle Bin only if it was deleted directly from your computer’s hard drive. Deleted files and folders from others (CD/DVD disks, floppy disks, flash drives) do not go into the recycle bin and, accordingly, cannot be restored from the recycle bin, because are completely erased.

How does the Recycle Bin work in Windows?

As stated above, the recycle bin is a special system folder created when installing the operating system in the root of each local disk. Those. The number of folders your hard drive is divided into is the number of folders that will be created for the recycle bin. This folder belongs to the system objects category and is hidden from view by default in . For the average user, it is enough to point to this folder and, as a rule, located on . The icon is stylized to look like an ordinary trash can and is the same for all local drives, i.e. By opening the Recycle Bin by double-clicking on the icon, you will see the deleted files from all drives.

Like any trash can, the Recycle Bin in Windows also has a size. Initially, after installing the operating system, 10% of the total local disk space is allocated for the recycle bin. For example, you have only one local drive C, for which the entire volume of 500GB is allocated. In this case, the size of the basket will be 50GB. If your hard drive is divided into 4 disks of 125GB, then a 1.25GB basket will be created for each disk.

If the Recycle Bin is completely full, then when you move files and folders to the Recycle Bin, the oldest objects in it will be permanently deleted to make room for new “garbage”. If a large amount of information is deleted at once, exceeding the entire size of the Recycle Bin, the information being deleted will be erased without being placed in the Recycle Bin, which Windows will warn you about using a dialog box. The size of the basket can be adjusted up or down.

Right-click on the Trash icon to open the context menu and select “ Properties" The properties window that opens will allow you to see the size of the recycle bin for each disk and set a new size or configure the removal of objects bypassing the recycle bin, which is not recommended, because If you mistakenly delete a file or folder, it will be impossible to restore it. After setting new values, you need to click on the “ Apply" and close the window by pressing the button " OK».

It should be noted that the increase in the volume of the recycle bin occurs at the expense of the usable size of the local disk. Conversely, as the volume of the basket decreases, the usable size of the disk increases.

If you are sure that you will not need the contents of the basket, you can empty it. To do this, right-click on the recycle bin icon to open the context menu and select “” Empty trash" The operating system will warn you that the objects will be permanently deleted and ask for confirmation.

After cleaning, the icon will appear as an empty trash can.

To restore files and folders from the Recycle Bin, you need to double-click on its icon. The contents of the Recycle Bin will open in the Windows File Explorer window, where you can find the item you want. Left-click to select the file or folder to restore and click the "" button Restore object" in the top bar of Explorer.

The second recovery method is to right-click on the desired object to call up the context menu, in which select “ Restore»

What to do if the Recycle Bin icon disappears from the desktop?

Occasionally it happens that in the event of any actions by the user or incorrect operation of system programs, the trash icon disappears from the desktop. In this case, do not panic, you just need to right-click on an empty space on the desktop to bring up a menu in which to select the item “ Personalization" In the window that opens, select on the left and click on the link “ Changing desktop icons».

In the next window, check the box “ Basket" As a result of these actions, the trash icon will again appear on the desktop.


Hi all. Today's lesson will focus on the Recycle Bin, located on the desktop of the Windows operating system and installed by default in all versions of this system.
Also today I am going to briefly explain how to recover previously deleted data from the Recycle Bin, how to increase its size to delete large files, such as movies or games, then storing these files inside the Recycle Bin itself and the ability to restore them.

What is a basket?

This is a special storage for all deleted files, it was invented so that these files can be easily restored, so don’t rush to remove it from your desktop, now I will explain to you all its usefulness.

Let's say you completely accidentally deleted an important document; using the Recycle Bin you won't have much trouble recovering it, but without it all the files would be deleted forever. No, of course, they can be restored using a special program Handy Recovery, but when restoring in this way you need to be as careful as possible so as not to mess up. However, even in this case, no one will give you guarantees that they will not be damaged.

How to increase the cart size?

If the file being deleted is too large, for example, it is a movie, then the size of the recycle bin will not be enough and you will have to delete this movie permanently, i.e., without the possibility of recovery.
You can get out of this situation like this: click on the right mouse button, select “properties” in the context menu and in the window that opens, set the maximum file size in Megabytes. By default, it will be 2999 megabytes, increase the size as much as you want, the only limitation you can have is the size of the local drive C, on which the recycle bin is located.

How to recover files?

As I already said, using the recycle bin you can get your files back without any problems. All you need to do is go into it, find the accidentally deleted file, double-click on it with the left mouse button and click on the “recover” button. But again, this can only be done if you deleted it using the context menu. What if you press shift+delete? Then you will have to restore it using the method described above.

How to empty the trash?

Well, if you need to empty it, then go into it and click on the “empty trash” button (as marked in the figure) or right-click on its shortcut and select the same item.

And finally, I’ll add that if you don’t empty the recycle bin regularly, then gradually you will have to start cleaning the entire computer, that is, removing various garbage.

That's all, from this guide you learned a lot of interesting things about the recycle bin; it turns out that it has a number of advantages, the main one of which is the recovery of deleted files. Again, I repeat, do not rush to remove it from your desktop, you will still need it. I hope you enjoyed this article and will click on one of the social media buttons. Now, I think we can finish. I think you understand what a recycle bin is on a computer and how to empty it. All the best.
