Firmware ainol novo 7 aurora 2. The tailor will sew

Today there will be no long introductions and we will just quietly and peacefully continue to kill and bring to mind our computing frame for opening a beer - Ainol NOVO 7 Aurora II!

Having tried and learned the essence of different firmwares, such as: CyanogenMod, Feiyu, Open Kang Project, I finally made my non-vital choice on custom ParanoidAndroid 3+ based on Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2! Why on her? BECAUSE! But if you’re a little more accommodating guy, with it our “Aurora” finally learned to shoot properly (fast + smooth operation in the menu) in contrast to the stock (official) firmware + the sensor began to respond very responsively to the pressure of your fingers!!! And of course, for some it will be a big plus to have the latest firmware and be, as they say, ON TREND. Naturally, like all our blue balls, brothers and sisters, this firmware is far from a gift, and I will mention its disadvantages a little lower at the end of this wonderful idea! Let's immediately get down to the most interesting part - the process of flashing our beloved Ainol NOVO 7 Aurora II.

And according to the stupid tradition that says that “we are out of business” - DEAR PEOPLE, THE ADMINISTRATION OF THIS SITE AND IN PARTICULAR THE AUTHOR OF THIS ARTICLE, DO NOT SYMPATHY WITH YOU IN ANY WAY IN ANY WAY IN THE POSSIBLE SCALE OF YOUR TABLET! For more detailed information- sign up for a consultation with a local psychotherapist!

LET'S GO! To flash the AURORA firmware, you will need the files that were collected and packaged with such tender love in 1 archive - a microSD card, preferably 2GB FAT32 (my tablet personally does not see 4GB!)

A small addition, I’m aware that there are a LOT of articles on the web that cover the mystery of flashing this tablet’s firmware, but... What’s better than my article/idea? It's simple! I'm chewing the whole process to the point of indecent disgrace! In addition, I personally tried to do all this on my tablet!

The process itself:

In our coveted PA3+ archive we see the TeamWin recovery archive version (be sure to unpack it and put it in the root microSD cards, formatted in FAT32.)

Also, transfer all other files from the archive to the root of the microSD card (without unpacking their archives!!!).

Charge your tablet at least 80%-90% or connect it stupidly Charger into HIM!

Turn off your smart frame.

Press the "Volume -" button and, without releasing it, the "Power" button - the TeamWin recovery flasher will load.

The sequence of your finger presses (TeamWin menu is fully touchscreen):

1 - “Wipe” - “Cache”, put your finger on the slider (the circle with the arrow) and without releasing it (the finger), pull the slider to the right all the way - the magic has begun! Well, this is completely straight forward for the stupid ones who don’t understand why and how. We do the same with the other points.
2 - "Wipe" - "Dalvik Cache"
3 - "Wipe" - "Factory Reset"

4 - pa_elf2-3.69-20130727 - the firmware itself!
5 - gapps-jb-20130301-amlogic - Google goodies!
6 - aurora2-pa-compatibility-1.2.4 - compatibility patch with your tablet!
7 - pa-20130331-sdmount-fix - fixes the correct mounting of the SD card!

Once the installation is complete, reboot your rectangular martyr by selecting "Reboot" - "System".

If you did everything according to the instructions, your prize will be a WORKING TABLET ainol novo 7 aurora II and the ParanoidAndroid 3+ firmware now running on it!

And now a little about the disadvantages: there is no CAMERA widget - (no problem, download the same Skype and you will have it), although I personally don’t need a camera on this tablet!

And it seems like EVERYTHING!

But, otherwise there are only advantages: slightly better reception of the WI-FI signal (in order to radically improve the signal of the would-be antenna of the would-be device, you need to disassemble this tablet and insert foil or resolder the stock “line” sticking out of the Wi-Fi module and in general this is completely other story...), ROOT rights, all sorts of small tweaks to the OS itself (but not significantly changing its appearance in the end), (and again) as I wrote above, the most significant advantages are the very fast operation of the operating system itself and an extremely responsive sensor (on the official firmware all this is somehow more sluggish and it worked slowly)!!! and I completely forgot the BIGGEST PLUS - the completely missing Ketai software that I absolutely hate!

Another ainol novo 7 firmware To Be Continued? Let's see!

P.S. I flash any tablets/mobiles (branded/Chinese) FOR MONEY in Moscow. After unsuccessful firmware, it is in a “brick” state. I also update the OS of your Android device to newer firmware or upgrade it to custom firmware! For questions about PAID firmware, write to me by email - [email protected] AND YES, I DO NOT GIVE/CONSULT FREE ADVICE! (I IGNORE SUCH LETTERS)! ARE YOU THOUGHT TO ASK FOR MONEY? - EMAIL ME.

Instructions for flashing the Chinese tablet Ainol NOVO7 Aurora (Elf) new firmware or just getting Root. The process of flashing a tablet is no different from similar actions for flashing the firmware of the entire line of tablets Ainol NOVO 7

Necessary programs and drivers for flashing the Chinese tablet Ainol NOVO 7 Aurora (Elf) Android SDK Tools - download Firmware program LiveSuit 1.07. Download from here. Drivers for LiveSuit - LiveSuit_Drivers.7z (1.36 MB) USB Drivers " PDA Net Version 3.25"Windows 7/Vista/XP 32x/64x - download Utility for firmware and backup Novo7Tool. Download CWM_ICS_Aurora_Elf_Script.7z

The process of flashing the Ainol NOVO 7 Aurora tablet to new firmware

Download the program for flashing the tablet - LiveSuit 1.07 and install it on your PC

– Download the necessary firmware (I suggest you use the original rooted firmware), copy it to the root of drive C or a folder with a short name and without Russian characters;
– We charge the tablet until it is fully charged, we don’t want the tablet to turn off at the most inopportune moment and turn into a “brick”;
– We take out the memory card from the tablet and proceed directly to the firmware:
1. launch LiveSuit;
2. agree to install an unsigned driver, answer “No” to a couple of short questions, then temporarily disable the anti-virus program.
3. open the firmware file;
4. turn off Novo7;

For Aurora:
5.Hold down the “Return” button and connect the USB cable to the PC while holding the “Return” button, and then quickly press the “Power” button 5 times, holding down “Return” until the update interface appears;
6. The installation of new equipment should begin, now we can release the “Return” button.

For Elf:
For Elf, you need to press the “Properties” button (three bars) on the rocker with the house.;
5. Press the side with three stripes on the rocker (Properties) and hold (Properties), connect the cable and quickly press the “On” button 5-7 times;
6. When a window with a question appears, release the button, click Yes, another window pops up, also click Yes, and the firmware will begin;

The notorious Ainol Novo 7 Aurora ended up in my hands. It seems to me that this device is not for everyone. I'll try to argue.

In our hands is not for boredom

The device arrived to me in the same configuration and in the same packaging as the author on Habré, with the exception of the miniHDMI adapter - for some reason it was not there. But it turned out to be a brutally stinking leatherette cover, which could certainly be used as a biological weapon.

However, this did not sadden me at all. From a pile of cardboard boxes, this apparatus emerged:

And let the reader not judge me for the quality of the photo, because my wife deprived me of a camera this weekend, and I have to shoot with a shitty Nokia 5800, which is not particularly high quality.

Mostly, buyers complain about poorly glued protective film and immediately tear it off. For me, on the contrary, the film was pasted quite well, but in places it was a little worn.

The hardware component of the “Chinese” captivates with its decency:

  • Seven-inch bright IPS screen with a resolution of 1024x600 with an honest five-finger multi-touch.
  • 1Gb DDR3.
  • Stone AllWinner A10 1GHz.
  • Flash memory for firmware and user data is 8 gigs in size, of which I got 6.
  • Mali 400 MP1 graphics.
  • Of the wireless interfaces on board WiFi, the box says 802.11b/g/n.
  • Integrated multimedia includes a 2 MP front camera, built-in microphone and built-in speaker.
  • In addition, there is a MicroSD slot, a 3.5 mm headphone jack, MiniUSB and mini HDMI on board.

The body is not so brave - it consists of a durable bottom cover, where a plastic screen cover is stuck on with chewing gum. When you press on the corners, the chewing gum sags, which is not very pleasant - the edges of the screen “walk” under your hands.

But the software part turned out to be useless. Due to lack of resources and inability, I won’t show you a screenshot from the original firmware, but:

  • Skype didn't work at all. I tried the version from the Market/Google Play, I tried some clever mod that had more settings than my Linux version, but all in vain. The interlocutor saw a lilac striped rag instead of my surprised face and heard a dog barking instead of my voice.
  • I don't know why, but the sensitivity of the touchscreen was on par with an ironing board. At first I was embarrassed by the notorious cellophane on the screen and thought about tearing it off.
  • The ROM contains Chinese software for communication in protocols unknown to me, and a number of useful applications and useless toys. All this stuff was not deleted, not updated, and was not subject to localization.
  • Google market offers very few programs for this tablet with out-of-the-box parameters.

The tailor will sew

I assumed that buying a Chinese tablet was akin to buying a self-assembled computer at the local “computer center”. This business always starts with fiddling with the hardware and ends with fiddling with the software. The situation is almost the same here.

On 4pda, craftsmen re-arrange the wires and cover them with chewing gum with improvised G-Sensor materials, after which, according to the statements of the participants, the touchscreen and position sensor become simply magical. I decided to do without this, since I did not find a single objective reason to do such things. But it was definitely worth changing the firmware.

On slatedroid, I lazily read 50 pages from the end of a 92-page forum thread, trying to decide for myself what the hell firmware to install. The only thing I immediately and definitely decided on was that I wanted pure, almost virgin Android from Chinese software. This meant that the tablet would have to be flashed with Essential Clean ROM authored by a friend with the nickname android-kun.

The situation is actually ambiguous. From the forum I came away with a strong opinion that there is no firmware that would suit everyone. Somewhere there is no support for one or another 3G modem, somewhere recharging via USB does not work, somewhere ad-hoc does not work.

I thought for a long time and decided to upgrade to Essential Clean ROM 1.1a. In the list of changes, the author claims - and I confirm this - that he has improved the multi-touch and brought it to a very comfortable level, implemented USB charging, and another car and a small cart of goodies await the one who installs this firmware. That's where I put it.

This solved all the problems - the Chinese software disappeared, Skype from the Market started working, a lot of software became available, and goodies like a decent multi-touch and root access appeared.

Ad-hoc and Aurora Novo 7

I had a cunning plan - to make my Nokia 5800 distribute 3g Internet via Wi-Fi. The result would be an ad-hoc network, by logging into which it would be possible to profit from the connection without external, unkosher “whistles” sticking out. So, this plan failed miserably, since out of the entire flow of slatedroid visitors, the ad-hoc mode worked for only one participant.

All the devices in my house were connected to the created network, except for the ill-fated tablet. He honestly tried to be like everyone else, but he couldn’t even connect, although he could see the network.

The firmware is rooted, I quickly found the terminal and also enabled root access in ES Explorer, set up wpa_supplicant.conf (I’m no stranger to it, after Debian), randomly slipped in binaries from a different firmware version, but all in vain.

There is an opinion on the forum that ad-hoc conflicts with the WiFi Direct function, so for the former to work, the latter must be absent. In other words, if you want ad-hoc, you need to install Essential Clean ROM 1.0a. But it doesn't charge via USB! I couldn’t make a choice for a long time, but in the end I decided to bet 1.1a- I still need recharging from USB, and I really like the chic touchscreen from 1.1a. Yes, and one more thing - Nokia “ate” the entire battery in 3 hours from WiFi distribution, which suggests that such a solution is of little value in principle.

Let's sum it up

I became the owner of an 8-gigabyte seven-inch Ainol Aurora Novo 7 running on Essential Clean ROM 1.1a firmware. The tablet works quickly, the interface is smooth, not the slightest slowdown, excellent bright screen, excellent sensitive multi-touch. By fooling Google Play/Market, the range of programs that can be installed on this tablet is limited mainly only by the user’s imagination (after flashing the firmware, the tablet appears as Samsung Galaxy SII). The tablet sings and dances for 6-8 hours of active use with Wi-Fi.

Of the obvious disadvantages for me:

  1. The protective cover of the screen, which is held on by chewing gum, is a little disappointing. Although, I suspect most users will not care about this fact.
  2. Charging from USB is slow, literally 1% per hour. And I wouldn't say that from network adapter it just “rushes”, although it happens much faster.
  3. When calling via Skype, the speaker literally screams into the microphone, creating a wild echo effect. Thus, you can only make video/audio calls using headphones.
  4. Despite point 3, “outside” the sound of the built-in speaker is quite quiet, and is only suitable for voicing the croaking of keystrokes on the on-screen keyboard.

However, I expected anything from a tablet from the Middle Kingdom, and the result is quite good.

There is an excessive number of body movements to bring the tablet to perfection, so it can be recommended for purchase by greedy advanced users. If you don't belong to them, you won't like him.

For those who decided to repeat the feat

  • The tablet was ordered on AliExpress.
  • Link to all versions of Essential Clean Rom
  • Instructions for flashing firmware on (I installed it via CWM recovery).
    An important point - after flashing the firmware via CWM recovery, you should clear the caches (Data/Davlik) and battery history. This is not in the instructions, but it would be nice to do this so as not to collect glitches and garbage from the previous firmware.

Is a continuation model range 7 inch tablets from Chinese manufacturer Ainol. At an affordable price, it is a fairly powerful tablet with a dual-core Amlogic8726-M6 Cortex-A9 Dual Core processor (1.5 GHz). Despite the fact that most owners of this wonderful device use it on their native firmware, there are people who prefer to reflash custom firmware. Also, quite often you have to refer to the firmware when restoring the device. In this topic I will tell you how to flash the original firmware.

Attention!!! Save all necessary data in advance. During the firmware process, data will be lost.

The firmware process is quite simple. First, prepare a microSD card:

  1. format in FAT32
  2. We decide on the firmware version you need. It's not advisable to downgrade an existing version, so don't bother looking into the settings.
  3. Next, take one of the official firmwares

Be careful, during the firmware process, due to inexperience or coincidence, the device can easily be reduced to a “brick” state and then you will have to contact a service center to restore it.
