Promsvyazbank does not see etoken jacarta. What to do if the hardware key for egais is not detected? Where to get the password to unlock the KazToken key

Questions and answers




How can I add a new account for a company? I get an error: this BIN already exists?


How to switch between contracts? 4

SWIFT file with Kazakh font 5 cannot be loaded

The payment order is not sent to the bank? 5

The login button is not displayed. 5

When logging in I get an error: List (0)file 6

Where to download installation programs and manuals. 6

When logging in, I get an error: no token found or incorrect password. 7

The system freezes when signing documents. 7

How to find a document in the system. 8

When saving documents, an error occurs: 3(4,5,6….) characters out of 6(7,8,9…) were parsed 9

A foreign currency transfer is rejected with an error: account currency not found RUB 9

Where can I get the password to unlock the KazToken key. 9

How to work in system 10

Username not entered 10

Error on forms 10

How to contact us 11

How can I add a new account for a company? I get an error: this BIN already exists?

When creating a Payments document

Create a new payment In the IIN/BIN field, enter the IIN/BIN of an existing beneficiary and click the icon


From the directory of beneficiaries, the data of the beneficiary selected by IIN/BIN is inserted.

Change the beneficiary account, check to save the beneficiary, fill out all fields and save the payment.

Several identical beneficiaries with different current accounts will be stored in the beneficiary database

    How to switch between contracts? Go to the Directories tab..

Click on the form

Selecting a contract

SWIFT file with Kazakh font cannot be loaded

You need to check how other sites load. If there is no download, you need to contact your Internet provider. If all other sites load normally and the problem is only with loading BTA-Online, you need to find out from your communication provider whether there are restrictions on sites with the SSL encryption protocol.

The payment order is not sent to the bank?

You signed and sent the payment order to the bank via the BTA-Online system, but more than an hour has passed, and the status of the payment order remains “For sending”. There may have been a communication failure. You need to call the account manager to check the status of the payment and find out the reason for the delay. But perhaps you specified the value date for the next business day. If the payment is budget or intra-bank (i.e. the beneficiary is also serviced by BTA Bank), then the system will not upload this payment to the Bank until the value date indicated on the payment.

The login button is not displayed.

    The Java program is not installed - you need to install the software according to the User Guide for setting up a workstation to start working in the BTA Online system.

    Several versions of the Java program are installed - you need to uninstall all versions of the software and install the one recommended by Oracle according to the User Guide for setting up a workstation to start working in the BTA Online system.

    The Java program is not installed correctly - you need to reinstall the software according to the User Guide for setting up the workplace to start working in the BTA Online system.

    The Java program is installed (64 bits) - you need to reinstall the software according to the User Guide for setting up a workstation to start working in the BTA Online system in Java (32 bits)

    The Java program settings have not been completed - you need to complete the settings in accordance with the User Guide for setting up the workplace to start working in the BTA Online system.

    The user has OS 7/8 64 bits - it is necessary to copy the file according to the User Guide for setting up the workplace to start working in the BTA Online system.

When logging in I get an error: List (0)file

    You need to move the key to another USB port and restart the browser.

    The key is not installed in the USB port.

    There may be a problem with the functionality of the key (this happens if the key is JavaToken), you need to check the display of data in Tumar according to the User Guide for setting up the workplace to start working in the BTA Online system.

If the data is not displayed, you can additionally install the native key driver and check its functionality.

If the key is not recognized by the native driver, you must replace the key by contacting the account manager at RKO.

Where to download installation programs and manuals.

      Installation programs and manuals can be downloaded from the bank’s official website

      When logging in, I get an error: no token found or incorrect password.

The password entered is incorrect The token is not connected to the USB port)

      The token does not work (see question

When logging in I get an error: List (0)file

The profile in the Tumar software is not configured correctly; the setup must be performed in accordance with the User Guide for setting up the workplace to start working in the BTA Online system.

The system freezes when signing documents.

The Java program settings have not been completed - you need to complete the settings in accordance with the User Guide for setting up the workplace to start working in the BTA Online system.

How to find a document in the system.

You need to go to the Payment Archive Documents form.

Set the input data for the search and click the “Find” button

When saving documents, an error appears: 3(4,5,6….) characters out of 6(7,8,9…) were parsed

The payment amount has an integer and a fractional part and is written separated by a comma. It is necessary to write through the dot sign.

A foreign currency transfer is rejected with an error: account currency RUB not found

The currency of the beneficiary's account is indicated as RUB, and must correspond to the currency of your write-off account, i.e. RUR. Change the beneficiary's account currency.

Where can I get the password to unlock the KazToken key.

To obtain the KazToken key unlock password, you must contact the account manager at RKO. How to work in the system

To familiarize yourself with the functionality of the system, you need to download the User Guide from the official website of the bank

Username not entered

Login is not done through the IE browser.

The IE browser version 10 is installed, you need to make the settings according to the User Guide for setting up the workplace to start working in the BTA Online system.

To do this, in the browser menu bar, go to Tools - Internet Options - General tab, Options button - Browsing history.

How to contact us


For Clients – users of the BTA Online system

A Call-Center was organized to provide consulting services.

Hello everyone, today I want to tell you about my three-day battle with the problem that Etoken is not visible in the PKI Client. The story is this: our company is introducing encryption of letters and for this purpose certificates for encrypting and signing letters were issued by our Certification Center (). The certificates were issued on Etoken and they installed fine for everyone, but he refused to see the accountant. Next I will describe the solution to the problem.

The accountant's workplace had a huge amount of special accounting software. There were already 3 root tokens connected to the computer. This is what the PKI management console looked like. We see 3 empty readers, but in the end they are not empty, but as it turns out, they were root tokens that simply could not be detected by the PKI client.

This is what the eToken properties looked like. We see 3 empty devices.

The first thing you need to do is add the number of simultaneously working keys, this is done like this. Right-click on Devices and select Manage Reader Devices

and increase the number of hardware readers.

After this action, you need to reboot and the token should be determined. If you are undecided, read on :)

In the event viewer you may find an error like this.

Smart card reader 'Aladin Token JC0' rejected IOCTL GET_STATE: The I/O operation was aborted due to the end of the command stream

This miracle most often pops up for two reasons: the drivers were installed crookedly and the registry needs to be removed and rearranged or edited.

To reinstall, you need to uninstall PKI Client and download PKI Client and then reinstall it. Let me remind you that when installing the Etoken client, all Etokens must be disconnected from the computer. After installation, the token should light up and Windows should install drivers for it and identify it. If you are undecided, try turning off all unnecessary tokens and leaving only that one. If that doesn't help, edit the registry. Open the registry editor. Go to the branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais

right click on it and select permissions

And set full Creator-Owner rights

Reboot should work. If it doesn’t appear, write to me and we’ll think about it together. This is how the problem that Etoken is not visible in the PKI Client is simply solved.

I looked for this problem, but it cannot be avoided. The problem only occurs when I try to make an ajax call. The system will return the error Could not verify the provided CSRF token because your session was not found.

Based on Spring MVC and CSRF Integration, I need to enable @EnableWebSecurity to solve this problem if I use Java Config, but if you are using XML, you need to use this:

@RestController public class CsrfController ( @RequestMapping("/csrf") public CsrfToken csrf(CsrfToken token) ( return token; ) )

And I'm not sure how to use the class above.

The question is how to use the above class, if this is really the solution or is there any solution that I can use?

This is my XML security configuration file;

Additionally, I am using a system like CA Siteminder which will validate the user based on header information without a login form.

To work correctly in the EGAIS system, you need to gain access to the organization’s personal account on the official website. Already at this stage, many users encounter serious problems. One of them is that the EGAIS website does not see the key.

Most likely reasons

There may be several reasons for this problem to occur. Most often, the token cannot be found due to technical problems with the computer, lack of drivers or necessary add-ons. How to solve each of these problems?

Invalid media inserted

Many entrepreneurs confuse the jacarta key with an electronic signature for filing declarations with the FSRAR, and try to log into their personal account using the latter. There are several ways to check whether you inserted the correct media.

  • Examine the electronic signature certificate issued by the certification center. It must indicate the serial number of the type JC-xxxxxxxxx and the media type Jacarta PKI/GOST.
  • open Jacarta Unified Client. If the flash card is detected, but the connected tokens are not displayed in the program window, you are probably using the wrong media.

If you haven't purchased egais yet, where can you get jacarta with an electronic signature? Contact the certification center in your region that is authorized to sell CEPs of this type.

The driver for the egais hardware key is not installed

Perhaps you are trying to use egais key, driver which has not yet been installed. When you connect to jacarta for the first time, the main programs are automatically installed. This is a standard procedure for any new flash card and takes from 1 to 5 minutes.

After installation is complete, a notification indicating successful completion appears in the lower right corner.

Do not try to log into your personal account before the drivers appear - your computer has not yet established a connection with the electronic signature at this moment!

"Unified Jacarta Client" is not installed

The program was released by the token developer and is required to be installed. You can download it and other drivers for secure media on the website of the Aladdin - RD token manufacturer.

USB port doesn't work

There are two solutions:

  • Insert the token into another port and run the scan again;
  • check that the USB port is working properly.

To check, connect any other working flash card to USB. If it is also not detected, then the problem is in USB. Contact your organization's technical specialist or repair person.

When the Jacarta media is correctly inserted into the computer, an indicator on its case lights up. Depending on the model, it may be green or orange. If the indicator is off, then the key cannot be found by egais because it is not connected.

The Rutoken EDS 2.0 add-on is disabled

When you try to log in, a message about the Rutoken web authentication library add-on may appear at the bottom of the browser screen. This software is provided by FSRAR, is safe and is necessary for correct operation of the site. To run, click “allow” in the pop-up window, and then repeat the check again.

How to use the EGAIS hardware key correctly?

So, the first problems are solved, and you have successfully logged into your personal account. How to avoid repetition of such situations? Insert the EPC only for work and do not use it at other times to prevent the media from overheating. Before starting work, always check the indicator - it signals that the token is working correctly.
