Program for converting pdf to word online. How to convert PDF to Word for editing

Home distinctive feature PDF files, which has led to the wide popularity of this text file format in recent years, is that PDF documents look the same on all devices running different operating systems. Currently, this format of text-graphic files is used for publishing electronic versions books, glossy magazines, scientific and other documents. As long as you only use PDF files to view the information they contain, you won't have any problems with them.

Difficulties begin when you need to edit something in a PDF file, or use the information contained in it in your documents. It is for this reason that users often look for ways to convert PDF to Word format. Consider the simplest and most accessible of them.

How to Convert PDF to Word for Free
Free and easy way PDF translation in Word is to simply copy the entire text or parts of it from a PDF file and paste it into the created Word file. In order to copy all the text to a rhinestone in a PDF file, you can use the keyboard shortcut ctrl + A. However, if the file is large enough, then the computing resources of the computer may not be enough for such an operation. In this case, copy the text piece by piece.

Another free way to translate PDF to Word can be to use cloud storage from Google. It performs the transformation as follows:
After the download is complete, you can open it on your computer to check how well it was converted and start editing it.

How to translate PDF to Word online
There are also a large number of services that translate PDF files into Word online. For example:

They all work on the same principle. You upload your PDF file to them, it is converted on the service side, and after the process is completed, you are given a link to download the resulting Word document.

For example, how does the conversion work on the site
Converting files online is very convenient, as it does not require any additional software to be installed on your computer. software.

Programs for converting PDF to Word
As a rule, all online services have their own restrictions on the size of the file uploaded to them. If your PDF file is large, then you still need to convert it on your computer using the appropriate software. One of the programs of this class is free utility UniPDF. To use it to convert PDF to Word, do the following:
Of course, UniPDF is not the only program for converting PDF files. There is a large selection of others, both paid and free programs of this kind.

How to convert PDF to Word in FineReader
It is most difficult to translate PDF to Word when the original text on the pages in the PDF file is saved as digital snapshots. In this case, only optical text recognition using ABBYY FineReader or similar programs can help. To use FinerReader to translate PDF to Word, you need to go through the following steps:
In addition to those considered, there are still a great many different ways and programs for converting PDF to Word format. But none of them will do it perfectly, since such a transformation was not originally envisaged and its quality will be different for different programs and services.

The need to convert a PDF document to text file Microsoft Word, whether DOC or DOCX, can occur in many cases and for various reasons. Someone needs this for work, someone for personal purposes, but the essence is often the same - you need to convert the PDF into a document suitable for editing and compatible with the generally accepted office standard - the MS Office package. At the same time, it is highly desirable to preserve its original formatting. All this can be done with the help of what was previously known as Adobe Reader.

Downloading this program, as well as installing it, has certain subtleties and nuances, all of which are described in detail in the instructions on our website, so in this article we will immediately begin to solve the main task - converting PDF to Word.

Over the years of its existence, the Adobe Acrobat program has improved significantly. If earlier it was just a nice tool for reading, now it has many useful features in its arsenal, including the one we need so much.

Note: after you install Adobe Acrobat DC on your computer, in all programs included in the package Microsoft Office, a separate tab will appear on the toolbar - ACROBAT. In it you will find the necessary tools for working with PDF documents.

1. Open the PDF file you want to convert in Adobe Acrobat.

2. Select an item "Export PDF" located in the right pane of the program.

3. Select the desired format (in our case it is Microsoft Word) and then select "Word Document" or "Word Document 97 - 2003", depending on which Office generation file you want to get as an output.

4. If necessary, configure the export settings by clicking on the gear next to the item "Word Document".

5. Click on the button "Export".

6. Specify a file name (optional).

7. Done, the file has been converted.

Adobe Acrobat automatically recognizes text on pages, moreover, this program can be used to translate a scanned document into Word format. By the way, it equally well recognizes not only text, but also pictures when exporting, making them suitable for editing (rotation, resizing, etc.) directly in the Microsoft Word environment.

In the case when you do not need to export the entire PDF file, and you only need a separate fragment or fragments, you can simply select this text in Adobe Acrobat, copy it by clicking ctrl+c, and then paste into Word by clicking ctrl+v. The text layout (indents, paragraphs, headings) will remain the same as in the source, but the font size may need to be adjusted.

That's all, now you know how to convert PDF to Word. As you can see, nothing complicated, especially if you have such useful program like Adobe Acrobat.

Thanks to the PDF format, we always see the same document wherever we open it. If Microsoft Office documents can look different even in different versions of the office, then I generally keep silent about the presence of fonts in the system. However, PDF is almost impossible to edit, so many users ask the question - how to translate a PDF document into Word with minimal loss and, if possible, without installing third-party programs.

Why do we love Microsoft Word? - Of course, for its ease of use ... now I will tell you how to convert a document from PDF to Word without using third-party programs in a couple of clicks!

I think everyone knows that PDF is the brainchild of Adobe (as well as Flash Player) and native programs for working with this format are Acrobat DC and Acrobat Reader DC. All of them can easily convert PFD to Word, but Acrobat DC costs money, while Acrobar Reader needs paid subscription… therefore, we will not consider these options - there are alternative options(albeit a little longer, but without cracks and activators)

However, if you already have Acrobat installed (not Acrobat Reader), then it's stupid not to use it - you can convert PDF to Word in the "Export" menu

How to open a PDF file in Word

The easiest way to convert PDF to editable Word is to open the document we need in MS Word itself. Of course, the final version is quite often very different from the original one, but if the point of the conversion was to pull out the text, then the option is definitely working.

On the Word ribbon, click the "File" button

In the action menu that opens, select "Open" and "Browse", where in the explorer you need to specify where our PDF file is located.

A pipets will appear which wide window (which will not fit on every screen) with a warning that the final document may look completely different from what the author intended. Please note that the original PDF file will remain untouched. Click the "OK" button

Of course, the open version in Word, to put it mildly, is a little different from my original document, but it is now possible to pull text information out of the document - otherwise why would we need to distill it into doc? You can also view the document in Acrobat.

As you can see, Word itself is quite good at converting PDF into a digestible format for editing, and there is nothing complicated about it - it opened and waited, the output is editable text.

How to convert a document from PDF to Word (Google Docs)

If you are still ignoring Google Docs... then you are probably not aware of the possibilities of the service and, in particular, of converting PDF to a Word document. The conversion process is divided into two stages:

  1. Create a document from our PDF file in Google Docs
  2. Export it to Word

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated - even the presence of MS Word on a computer is not necessary ... everything happens online (and sometimes users have OpenOffice installed instead of Word and the first option cannot be implemented)

Opening Google Drive (of course you must have a Google account) and in the upper left corner we find the button "Create"

In the menu that opens, we say that we need to create a document from a file (Upload files) ... well, then in the window that opens, select our PDF file that needs to be converted to doc.

After we uploaded our PDF file to Google Disk, right-click on it and select "Open with" "Google Docs" in the menu that appears.

We wait until the document opens and in the menu ribbon click "File" "Download as" "Microsoft Word" - and choose where to save the converted file.

The most common Word document will be loaded onto the computer, with which we already know how to work. Of course, the paperwork can suffer so severely ... well, what did you expect ?!


As you can see, there is nothing difficult in translating a PDF document into Word. Of course, with a high degree of probability we will lose part of the document design, but there is nothing to be done about it. By the way, if the PDF document stitched from scanned pictures, then it makes no sense to open it in Word - to get the text out of it, you need to use OCR programs like FineReader.

PDF electronic documents are read-only. You won’t be able to simply take and edit such a document - for this you will have to install special software, for example, bulky and expensive Adobe Acrobat. Individual elements of a PDF file can also be edited in Word 2013 and 2016. But what about those who use earlier versions of this editor?

No, you don't have to install or update anything, there are better ways. Today we'll talk about how to convert PDF to Word using free online services.


If you try to open a PDF file in Word 2010 in the usual way, you will most likely see “crazy” instead of text and pictures:

This is a mess. To bring the document into a normal form, we “feed” it to the first online converter of our review - PDFtoDOC.

To upload a PDF file to the site, click the button of the same name or drag it to the field highlighted in the screenshot. After 5-20 minutes (sometimes longer - it depends on the file size), you can take the finished result. To do this, click on the button Download” that appears below the document, or “ Download All". The service can convert up to 20 files at the same time.

The result of converting a PDF document containing graphics, text, drawings and tables (schematic diagram) to DOC format did not disappoint me. Yes, there were some distortions. The fonts have become larger than in the original, and as a result, individual groups of words have shifted slightly, but the overall structure and readability of the scheme have been completely preserved:

Converting to DOCX format (on the next tab) gave the same result - no better and no worse. The only difference is that the size of the final file turned out to be 5 times smaller.

The disadvantage of the service, which I noted for myself, is that the download is too slow. The 30 MB Word file took about 10 minutes to download to my computer.


To web service SmallPDF, I liked it more than the previous one. The same circuit was processed about 2 times faster and loaded back in seconds. The structure of the document, as in the first case, remained unchanged, but there were fewer distortions in it.

Using SmallPDF is also very easy:

  • Upload or drag and drop a PDF file onto the highlighted field. By the way, the service supports uploading documents from Dropbox and Google Drive.
  • Press " Convert».
  • Download the result to your computer or save it to your Dropbox or Google Drive.

Of the shortcomings of SmallPDF, only two are worth noting. The first is the restriction free version two downloads per hour (unlimited subscription costs $4-6 per month). The second is saving the result only in DOCX format.

Google Docs

Those who are accustomed to Google services, such as Google Drive and Docs, can also use them to convert PDF documents to Word (DOCX only). This option is good because it does not impose restrictions on either the number or size of files, or the time of use, however, in terms of the quality of the conversion, it is much inferior to both predecessors. The built-in editor does a good job of processing PDFs that contain only solid text. It does not accept lists, tables, graphs, figures and other elements of structure and formatting.

The procedure for converting PDF to Word is as follows:

  • Sign in to account Google.
  • Open the contents of your Google Drive in the browser, find the desired PDF document, right-click on it and select " To open with» – « Googledocs».
  • If you are outdated by what you see on the screen, go to the menu " File» of the Google Docs editor, select « Download as" And " MicrosoftWord (DOCX)».

That's the whole conversion.

Convert Free

To web service ConvertonlineFree converts PDFs to both DOC and DOCX formats. Processes files one at a time. The source should not weigh more than 50 Mb. Immediately after the conversion, which lasts 3-15 minutes, sends the result to the folder " Downloads» browser.

In terms of functionality, Convert Online Free suited me quite well, but what happened after processing the scheme, the very one that I used to test other services, did not please me. Some of the pages turned out to be in portrait orientation (in the original, everything was in landscape), the right side turned out to be empty in many places, and the text that should have been there moved to the next sheet.

Standard Converter

Last online resource - standardconverter, converts PDF format to DOC only. There is no information about restrictions on the size and number of uploaded files here - this is a plus. Processing the experimental circuit took about the same time as the others - this is also not bad, but the result was even worse than Convert Online Free.

The original formatting is only partially preserved. 2 or 3 pages remained in their original form, the rest of the program tore them “on the British flag” and smeared them over several sheets.

Perhaps, Standard Converter, like Google Docs, should be used to process simpler documents.

According to the test results, PDF to DOC and SmallPDF did the best job. In second place is Convert Online Free, and third place is shared by Google Docs and Standard Converter. However, it is probably not worth judging by one document about the work of the service as a whole. Try them for yourself - your results may not be the same as mine.

Good day to all, my dear readers. Today I would like to tell you how to convert a PDF file to Word for text editing using free online services and more. As you remember, in one of the recent topics I told. In fact, it turned out to be very simple, it was enough to do it with the help of a Word. Well, what if you need to do the opposite? Let's get a look.

copying from adobe reader

I remember when I was still studying at the institute, I was looking for abstracts. Once I found the topic I needed, downloaded the abstract, but it turned out to be in PDF format. I did not know how to isolate the text from there, since it was not even copied. I had to rewrite by hand. Oh, and this is an unpleasant occupation, I want to tell you. And only then I learned how to copy the contents into Word. Now, of course, you can copy right away.

To do this, open your pdf document in the program, and by holding the left mouse button, select the content. Well, if you want to select all the content, then press CTRL+A. Well, now we right-click on the selected text and select "Copy".

Now we open our Word and just paste what we have selected. Well, you understand that you need to right-click and select "Paste". Something like that.


But to be honest, when I want to transfer from one format to another, I use the smallpdf service. I like it more than the others, and it works the best. I tried a lot of online and offline programs, but some programs copied the content as pictures, not as text, or even converted with errors, or the whole structure went astray.

Let's go to the site and we will immediately see the possibilities of this service. As you can see, there are a whole bunch of possibilities here. You can not only translate from pdf to word, but vice versa. You can also translate photos, excel documents, presentations, compress, merge, etc. But we will see the whole process using the example of translating from pdf to docx. I think my step-by-step instruction will help you even if you are a beginner in this matter.

There is of course a limitation in this service. You can only convert 2 documents per hour, but in my opinion this is enough for normal use. But if you need it all the time, then acquiring a license is not so expensive. The license costs $6 for a month of use, or $4 for a month, provided that you pay at once for a year.

But this service is really worth it. It's the best one I've seen and is free to use. The structure does not go astray, gap to gap. But if you have some kind of online service that converts documents perfectly and for free, then please share. I always like to see something new, especially if it's something worthwhile.

I just tried about 8 different converters for exactly this need, and not one of them worked as clearly as smallpdf. Even the online-convert that I talked about let me down in this regard.

PDF to DOCX online service

Another great online converter that does its job of converting from PDF to other files. Moreover, it can convert online to two Word formats: DOC (for office version 2003 and below) and DOX (starting from office 2007).

Go to site and click on the "Download" button. After that, select up to 20 PDF documents and wait for the conversion to take place.

When everything is ready, point to the received document and click "Download". There will be an automatic download, after which you can open the document in Word format and edit it further.

The service is very simple and convenient. Its plus is that there are no extra bells and whistles, so anyone can deal with it.

Online PDF to Word Converter

Of course, I cannot leave aside the PDF to Word service, which can also easily convert a PDF file to Word so that you can edit the text.

In just a few seconds, a message will come to your mail, in which there will be a link to the converted file in Word format. Click on the link, and after downloading, open the document to make sure everything went well, and you can safely edit it.

There is also a separate program that will work directly on your computer and convert files directly, that is, without sending them to e-mail. True, this program is paid, but if you are interested, you can try it for free for 14 days.

Extract PDF

The last one for today would like a simple online extract pdf application, which does not translate directly into Word, but gives you bare text.

To get started, visit the website. and click on the button "Choose file", then select any pdf document and click "Start".

After that, you will be transferred to a separate page, where you will need to select the "Text" tab. You will see a separate form with ready-made text that you can copy and paste into a word document.

Of course, this method is not the most convenient, but it can also come in handy, especially if you do not need all the material, but only a piece of it.

OCR programs

But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to translate pdf file in word with the ability to edit text. If a PDF was originally formed from scanned documents, then in essence it is no longer text, but an image. In this case, you will have to use one of the programs with the possibility of optical recognition and editing.

The most popular and probably functional of these programs is ABBYY Fine Reader. Unfortunately, it is paid, but people still manage to download broken versions from torrents and similar sites.

There is nothing difficult to use. You will just need to open the PDF file and click on the button "Recognize", or select this item when opening the program.

If the text was not handwritten, then the program will recognize it for you, but sometimes the quality and formatting just go down the drain, that you want to drop everything and write everything yourself manually.

Fine Reader online

But Fine Reader decided to gain fame in the online space and created their own web service for converting and recognition. Of course, it is not free, but after registration you will have the opportunity to recognize and translate into Word up to 15 pages per month for free.

It's easy to use. It is enough to select the source pdf file with the scanned text, then select the language and format of the output document, for example docx. And then it's a matter of technology.

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.
