After replacing the iPhone 5 display. Reasons and solutions why the iPhone does not turn on

Like any other smartphone, unpleasant situations can also happen with the iPhone. They are associated with both the software and the mechanical part of the device.

In this article, we will look at different types of problems that a user may encounter and suggest ways to solve them.


In this case, the following “symptoms” appear:

Why do they appear? This is primarily due to:

  1. attempts to independently conduct Jailbreak (opening the system);
  2. clogging the smartphone with a large number of applications that require access to the network, which leads to overload of the operating system;
  3. loss of the password, leading to the device being locked.

Solving these problems is quite simple - entrust the Jailbreak to professionals or restore the device after it, remove unnecessary applications or disable their network access, and recover the password.


They may appear in the following cases:

In most cases, the malfunction is directly related to a damaged screen or case, which allows you to simply replace these parts. If your phone is exposed to moisture or dirty (connectors, buttons, touchscreen, speakers), simple drying or cleaning can help.

With damage to the motherboard and processor, the situation is much more complicated - their problems can be eliminated only by completely replacing these parts. Below we will talk about other cases related to mechanical damage to the iPhone.

Power controller

One of the common problems is related to the power controller - a small part, the breakdown of which leads to a rapid loss of charge. Before the user can blink, the phone is completely dead. The first thing you can try is to replace the battery, but this is only one of the possible options for this situation.

First, let's make sure that the problem is really a faulty power controller.

The following signs must be present:

Attention! Repairing this part is a rather painstaking process that requires special skills. If you have any of the above symptoms, we recommend contacting a service center.

Water ingress

Getting your device into water is one of the main fears of smartphone owners. What to do if your iPhone falls into water and won’t turn on?

In such a situation, it is necessary to act without delay:

Voltage drops

Are you worried about your smartphone quickly draining? This may also be due to improper power supply, especially if a non-original charger is used. This can cause irreparable damage to the battery and lead to voltage surges that can cause the smartphone to burn out.

To avoid unnecessary costs for repairing the system board and battery, we recommend replacing the charger with an original one.

Battery is old

The iPhone battery, of course, does not last forever. Over time, the device begins to discharge faster and even turn off completely. There is only one thing that can help here - replacing the battery.

To extend battery life, pay attention to the following tips:

  • always charge your smartphone to 100%, avoid frequent short-term charging;
  • use the original charger;
  • do not reboot your phone with unnecessary applications - their operation also affects the aging of the battery.


iPhone won't turn on

iPhone won't turn on - one of the most frightening situations for users. What are its reasons? This will be discussed further.

Due to a broken charging connector

This case is associated with the inability to charge the device. This is a very common breakdown that occurs when the charging connector is critically dirty. Also, the connector may simply break if you try to charge your phone carelessly.

You can try to solve this problem yourself by cleaning the connector, but this is not always possible at home. In case of severe contamination, the best solution would be to contact a specialist.

After the firmware

This problem occurs directly during the firmware, when the phone suddenly turns off.

There can be two explanations for this:

In any of these cases, there is no need to panic - new device firmware will help.

After falling from a height

The reason why problems occur if the user drops the phone is quite clear. Most often, it lies in the disconnection of one of the cables leading to the battery, screen or power button.

With a strong impact, even more serious problems could arise - a solder failure on the system board or a breakdown of one of the microcircuits. If you have the necessary skills, you can try to fix the problem yourself by unscrewing your smartphone and connecting the problematic cable. If not, you will have to contact the service center.

After replacing the display

Another common problem. It is mainly caused by incorrect assembly or problems with the cable leading to the screen. You can fix the problem yourself by disassembling the case and checking the problematic cable, or with the help of a specialist.

After factory reset

If your iPhone does not turn on after resetting the settings, the following procedure may help:

When charging

Device shutdowns when charging are most often associated with battery problems or non-original charging. This may also be due to a breakdown of the power controller, which we already discussed above.

After jailbreak

Device freezing after jailbreak is another common problem.

You can solve it as follows:

After reboot

What should I do if the phone does not start after a reboot and only vibrates? A forced reboot will help in this case. To do this, just hold down the Home and Power buttons for a few seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

Attention! A force reboot does not delete any data from the device. You can do it even if the screen goes dark and the buttons do not respond to pressing.


Apple lights up on iPhone and won't turn on

This problem occurs after pressing the “Power” button. It is often called a “white apple” because the device gets stuck on the company logo when booting up. A forced reboot (holding down the power and Home buttons) most often does not work in this case. What to do?

The solution is quite simple:

  1. turn off the smartphone using a forced restart (press and hold “Home” and “Power”), wait until it turns on;
  2. If the problem repeats and the device is stuck on the logo again, update the phone software.

Important! We also cannot rule out the possibility that the problem was caused by an application. In this case, removing it will help.

We looked at the most common problems that cause the iPhone to stop turning on. We hope that our step-by-step instructions helped to get rid of problems and restore the functionality of the device.


The delicate touchscreen mechanism sometimes gives unexpected failures. This can happen either spontaneously or after manipulation. Let's look in detail at why the sensor on the iPhone 5, 5s lags, and what to do in such cases.


Most users encounter problems managing their device after replacing the screen in an unqualified center. Poor workmanship and non-original parts lead to the fact that the phone perceives presses distorted, has an insensitive zone, acts spontaneously or does not respond to touches at all.

The sensor on the iPhone 5, 5s can start to fail due to a number of other factors:

  • after the fall, microcracks have formed, dust and moisture enter;
  • the protective glass or film is installed incorrectly;
  • contact with liquid that reduces the sensitivity of the sensor;
  • natural wear and tear, abrasions on the display that distort the operation of the touchscreen in one area;
  • software update failure;
  • the program is incompatible with iOS or the current version;
  • malfunction of internal structures caused by power surges.

Note! The device does not have a cooling system. CPU overheating is one of the reasonswhy does the touchscreen work poorly?. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight on the gadget and, if you notice any unnatural heating during charging or use, immediately contact a specialist.

DIY repair

When the screen on an iPhone 5 or 5s is glitchy, the owner can take a number of actions to improve performance:

  1. Reboot your system. To do this, hold down the "Home" or power button for 10-15 seconds.
  2. Remove the protective covering and thoroughly clean the touch screen surface.
  3. Silicone cases delight with their bright design, but not always with quality. You should remove the purchased protection and check its functionality.
  4. If screen problems are caused by software problems, return the device to factory settings or perform a system rollback to remove the result of an incorrect update. Please note that all data from the memory will be deleted: before starting, you should transfer the information to your PC.

If none of the measures help, a professional will solve the problem.

Where to go for help

Our service center is open to all owners of Apple products. A specialist will replace the screen and microcircuits if:

  • the device is filled with water;
  • undergone preliminary repairs;
  • dull when pressed after a fall;
  • The lower part of the display does not work after overheating.

Important! Professional tools are used to replace the screen matrix and display controller. Repairing requires skill and dexterity. It is impossible to do it yourself at home.

Ordering professional diagnostics and repair of iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s in St. Petersburg is cheaper than purchasing a new device or changing the motherboard.

Problems with the operation of the iPhone screen are often associated with damage to the device and require specialist consultation. Thanks to the high-quality assembly and good components used in the manufacture of Apple devices, there are practically no breakdowns without reason in this phone. Therefore, if the screen of the iPhone 6s, 6, 4, 4S, 5, 5C, 5S, 5S+, etc. does not work, you should check the device case and the display itself for damage.

How to identify the problem

If you cannot find any visible cause of the display malfunction, and there are no damages or scratches, then you need to pay attention to the hardware of the phone. If pressing the device buttons does not affect the operation of the screen in any way, then this may be due to several factors:

    • the battery is completely discharged;
    • problems with the phone OS;
    • The device firmware is damaged due to the installation of unlicensed software.

These are some of the most common situations that lead to display malfunction. In some cases, you can solve them on your own.

How to fix black screen on iPhone

You can try to restore the functionality of your Apple device yourself using the following steps:

      • 1. If you frequently use your mobile phone at low temperatures, the device may simply stop working, since the conditions for proper use of the iPhone 6, 4, 4S, 5, 5C, 5S, 5S+, etc. were violated. You need to warm the Apple equipment to room temperature and try turn it on.
      • 2. Another common reason for the screen not responding to button presses is a completely discharged battery. To correct this situation, you need to connect the phone to the charger and allow at least 15 minutes to recharge.
      • 3. To force launch iOS on an Apple phone, you need to simultaneously press and hold the Power and Home buttons. This combination will help start the device, even if there are problems with the iPhone software.
      • 4. Try to activate the display by switching the silent mode key several times. This method is relevant in cases where all the previous tips did not help. This method does not always work, but sometimes such manipulations can “bring the phone back to life.”

If, after carrying out all the steps described above, the screen on the iPhone still does not turn on, then you should contact the Macsave service center for help, where they will be able to find the cause of the problem and fix it in a short time.

Topic of the question*~ Karina ~ 12/23/2017

Hello. I have such a problem. They disassembled the iPhone 5s, after that they reassembled it and the screen stopped working, it won’t turn on.. But the phone itself works because when you call it there are beeps.. I sent it in for repair, they told me that it cannot be repaired because In the assembly, the bolts were mixed up and the chip was damaged.. I still hope to fix it since there is a lot of important data. I never made backup copies, because I never thought that such a situation could arise. The phone is not connected to ICloud (updated iOS, they asked for a password, but I forgot about it and put it off until later)
What should I do? I really hope that you will help me. I’m from another city.

Macsave Center Answer: Karina, good afternoon!
Unfortunately, we cannot help you unlock your phone.

The iPhone line is the most popular phones in the world, breaking all sales records. After purchase they become favorites. Agree, it will be unpleasant if one fine day your most beloved and expensive gadget stops turning on.

How to turn on iPhone 5s if it won't turn on? The solution to this problem will be discussed below.

Causes and solutions

Causes of malfunctionthere can be many, but the most common:

Problems with the power controller

The power controller is an element that is responsible for charging and correct operation of the device’s battery. The reason for failure may be a low-quality charger (a cheap Chinese counterfeit of the original iPhone charger), the phone being dropped, or water getting inside.

The most interesting thing is that the failure of the power controller can be similar in symptoms to a battery failure, so many people buy a new battery. Imagine their surprise when the phone does not work even with a new battery! So, before doing anything, we strongly advise you to take the device to a service center, where they will determine the exact cause of the breakdown.

If the controller does break down, it needs to be carefully re-soldered. It’s better not to try on your own; you might damage the board, and it’s not cheap, especially for the iPhone 5s.

Video: iPhone 5s repair

Water ingress

If you manage to drop your phone in water or some other liquid, experts recommend immediately putting the smartphone in a plastic bag or container, and then transferring the container with the phone to the nearest service center as quickly as possible. If the gadget stops turning on after getting wet, then the chances of it being repaired are minimal.

If there is no service center nearby, then do the following:

  1. immediately turn off the phone and take it to the service center without turning it on;
  2. check the moisture indicator. It is located in the headphone jack. If water gets inside, the color of the indicator will change from white to red;
  3. If you notice that the indicators are red, immediately remove the battery from the phone. To do everything correctly, we recommend watching training videos from professionals on the Internet.

If everything is done on time and correctly, then the chances of restoring your favorite phone increase significantly.

Photo: location of the humidity indicator in the iPhone 5s

It is worth saying that after the water it will no longer be possible to profitably resell the phone, except to an ignorant person.

Voltage drops

Apple technology is very demanding on the quality of the incoming current; accordingly, their chargers are made in a special way and have a complex design and operating principle. If you charge it with a non-original device, then even a small voltage surge can damage your smartphone.

Photo: original iPhone 5s charger

When the voltage drops, the power controller mentioned above suffers. It can be replaced, the cost, thank God, is small, but an unpleasant aftertaste remains, and you don’t want to part with your favorite gadget for a long time.

The battery is old

A failed battery is another reason why the iPhone 5s won’t turn on. This happens rarely so far, since the phone went on sale relatively recently, but the further, the more often phone owners are faced with this problem. There is only one way out - replace the battery, you can’t do anything with it.

Photo: original iPhone 5s battery

We recommend buying a new battery exclusively from a licensed Apple service center, this way you can insure yourself against buying a counterfeit. Before purchasing, be sure to take your phone for diagnostics to determine whether the problem is really in the battery. In official service centers, diagnostics are free.

If the battery, after charging, holds a charge less and less, and one day the device simply does not turn on, then the problem is 99% in the battery.

iPhone 5s won't turn on

There can be many reasons why the phone won’t turn on, and all of them relate not only to our today’s hero, the iPhone 5S.

Won't turn on due to broken charging connector

If the phone is discharged and does not turn on when charging, or does not react at all to connecting the cable, then most likely there is a problem with the socket. It breaks very rarely, but it gets clogged all the time. Those who just bought an iPhone 5S have not yet encountered this problem, but there is still more to come.

The connector becomes heavily clogged with dirt, fluff, and other debris, as a result of which the clogs block the charging and connector contacts and they no longer touch.

Photo: example of how the charging cable connector can be dirty

You can also clean the connector with a regular toothpick, but it is not advisable; if you are careless, you can damage the contacts, and then you will have to replace the connector altogether, and this is already a considerable amount of money.

A can of compressed air would be much better, but since you only need to clean one phone, no one will buy it, except perhaps service centers. By the way, some service centers can clean the sockets with compressed air for a thank you; they value regular customers and want to have more of them.

It is also worth noting that if you charge with a non-original charger, it can deform the socket, after which standard charging will not work correctly.

After car charging

The problem is that some people don’t know how to choose the right car charger for their iPhone. People are trying to save money, so they buy the cheapest options, which are not always of at least average quality.

After using a low-quality charger, the following may fail:

  1. battery;
  2. charging connector;
  3. power controller;
  4. specific power supply circuit.

As you can see, small savings on a charger can result in a decent amount of repairs.

If your phone stops turning on after using a low-quality car charger, there is nothing left to do but take it to a service center. There is no point in trying to determine the breakdown yourself, or, moreover, to repair the smartphone, since with inexperienced hands you can render the phone unusable.

After the firmware

iPhone is a very complex piece of technology; we do not recommend reflashing it yourself under any circumstances. If you make even a small mistake, you could end up with a phone that never rings again, or that never turns on again.

There are a lot of reasons why the iPhone 5S does not turn on after flashing, but the most common are three:

  1. The Nor Flash chip is broken. It is responsible for the normal operation of the GSM module. Without this chip, the smartphone will not make calls, since the settings of all operators in the country are saved in it. The problem is solved by replacing the microcircuit at a service center;
  2. The NAND Flash chip has failed. She is responsible for the safety of personal data, that is, programs, notes, contacts, photos, music, and so on. It can be solved, like the previous problem, by replacing the microcircuit at a service center.
  3. Incorrectly installed firmware. Take your phone to an official service center and have them install a normal, working and stable version of iOS.

Unsuccessful updates can also be attributed to this section.

Video: Short circuit detection method

After the fall

If your phone does not turn on after being dropped from a great height, take it to a specialist. There is no way to do this without diagnostics. If external damage does not have such a strong impact on operation, then internal damage is quite capable of completely destroying the phone.

The most popular internal failures when an iPhone 5S is dropped:

  1. damage to the printed circuit board;
  2. disconnection or damage to the cable.

In the first case, you cannot do without a specialist. Repairing a printed circuit board is very complicated; it is almost impossible for an ignorant person to get the necessary parts. As for the cable, it is enough to order an analogue of the damaged one and replace it. There is nothing complicated, you don’t even need to solder anything. In some cases, you can just put it in place and everything will work.

The most important thing is to watch the corresponding master classes on the Internet before disassembling the phone, otherwise some elements may be seriously damaged.

After replacing the display

If the display is changed at a service center, then everything should be fine, but if you change it at home, on your own and without much experience working with Apple phones, then a problem can await you at any second. Something is slightly caught, and that’s it; when you try to turn it on, a “surprise” may await you.

iPhone 5s won't turn on, apple lights up

If, when you turn on your smartphone, it gives you the branded “apple” and does not want to boot further, this means only one thing – the firmware has failed. It is worth noting that in this case all your personal data from the phone will be lost. To prevent this from happening in the future, we advise you to constantly update your backups. If the apple is on fire, your data is lost. This is to put it briefly.

There is only one solution - take it to a service center to restore the firmware.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what problem happens to your beloved iPhone 5s, immediately take it to a service center! Do not try to fix the problem yourself, otherwise there is a high chance that you will have to buy a new phone.

Even if the breakdown seems insignificant, you should not take the risk, because the amount you plan to save may increase significantly to eliminate the breakdown after your repair.

Restoring conductive paths on iPhone 6 Plus (broken sleeves).

I received an iPhone 6 Plus repair with a diagnosis of “Won’t turn on.” After examining the appearance of the display, it became clear that the display had been replaced with a display of not very good quality - the glass had peeled off from the plastic frame.

An autopsy showed that as a result of unqualified repairs, the board was damaged in 2 places under two “sleeves” into which the bolts securing the display cable cover are screwed.

Traces of bolt penetration are visible in the photo

The difficulty of the upcoming restoration of the board also lay in the fact that the sleeves, when screwing long bolts into them, lifted and tore several layers of the board

The story is the same with the second sleeve.

We begin to restore the conductive paths - we clean layer by layer until we find the last layer damaged by the bolt. In this case, it is necessary to save all the tracks on the associated layers of the board.

Finally we get to the last damaged layer, on which the imprint of the bolt is visible. Unfortunately, this is not the entire area that in this example of work needed to be cleaned and restored. Photos are shown for a general understanding of the extent of damage.

After restoring all the damaged tracks, the iPhone started up, but without the display backlight. As a result of the bolt closing the tracks, the backlight chip failed, which also had to be replaced. In addition, the backlight module on the display itself has failed and needs to be replaced or a new display module installed.

After many hours of procedures to restore the iPhone 6 Plus board, the device was completely restored with full functionality. The areas where microscopic work was carried out were filled with ultraviolet glue to prevent external influence on the restored tracks.
