Large quadcopters and their types. Types of quadcopters: main types, types and purposes

This article is intended for people who are determined to join the UAV operator community, but are not very familiar with the quadcopter market. Such a person is often lost from the abundance of offers; his choice is complicated by the mass of technical terms present in descriptions, articles and recommendations. We will try to talk about the features of different types of aircraft in simple words, and also draw your attention to the best models of the current marketing year, thus easing the pain of choosing a quadcopter.

A starting point

First of all, you need to decide on the purpose of the purchase. It's one thing to give your child a radio-controlled flying toy, but quite another to purchase one. aerial camera or a racing drone. If in the first case it is necessary to focus on safety indicators, then the main criterion for choosing a racing model is its dynamic characteristics, and the consumer qualities of a quadcopter for aerial filming largely depend on the parameters of its flight camera and on-board controller. An important role is played by the size of the model, its technical equipment, initial flight readiness and price/quality ratio.

What are RTF, BNF and ARF

Descriptions of quadcopters often contain mysterious English abbreviations RTF, BNF and ARF, which can cause confusion and bewilderment in a potential buyer. In fact, everything is very simple here.

  • The term RTF stands for Ready to fly. RTF devices do not require assembly or configuration. Preparing for flight involves charging and connecting the battery, sometimes requiring the installation of propellers and landing gear. These operations are quite simple, described in detail in the attached instructions and do not require special knowledge and skills. All aircraft for beginners belong to this class.
  • BNF stands for Bind and fly. BNF quadcopters also do not require assembly, but are supplied without control equipment. The BNF kit assumes that the consumer already has a remote control compatible with this model. BNF class devices are purchased by more experienced pilots who want to update their own fleet of machines from their favorite manufacturer.
  • The abbreviation ARF (Almost ready to fly or Almost ready for summer) indicates that you are buying a kit for assembly. The ARF definition is broad and may be missing critical components (motors, flight controller, battery, etc.). Before purchasing, you must carefully read the description of the specific kit. However, this delivery is unlikely to interest novice pilots.

What should the user focus on when choosing a model?


The class of a multicopter is determined by the distance between the axes of diagonally located motors (in millimeters). Thus, for 250 class quadcopters, the distance between the motors will be approximately 250 mm. Typically, dimensions are rounded to the nearest side with an accuracy of 50 mm.

All aircraft can be roughly divided into three main classes.

  • Nano and mini copters (up to 200 mm inclusive). These models can be considered radio-controlled toys. They are very cheap and good for beginners. Devices of this class easily fit in a pocket or briefcase and are used for flying in enclosed spaces. Some of them (Syma X11C, Hubsan H111D Nano Q4, Blade Inductrix FPV) have a built-in camera that allows you to gain basic aerial photography skills. There is no need to talk about the high quality of the video material.
  • Medium-sized copters are the most popular on the market. Such models are equipped with either a specially designed video camera or a gimbal (almost always motorized) with a high-quality camera. The spatial orientation of the most advanced of them is supported, and to control the flight the pilot can use not only the remote control, but also his own mobile device. Such devices have a wide selection of intelligent modes and are capable of flying in windy weather. Among the most famous and affordable are Syma X8HW, Hubsan H501S X4 or Cheerson CX-35. The most popular racing drones from Walkera also fall into this class.
  • The largest quadcopters (from 700 mm) have a solid carrying capacity. They are designed for commercial delivery of goods or installation of heavy professional video equipment.


There are two types of electric motors installed on quadcopters - and. Commutator motors are used on small and cheap models. Their weak point is the use of carbon brushes, which have reduced wear resistance and cause sparking. Brushless electric motors do not have such a unit. They are very reliable and are able to change their rotation speed over a very wide range. These engines are designed for more expensive and heavier UAVs.


Quadcopter flight time and range

Very important parameters are the time and range of the controlled flight. Modern drones have an average time in the air on one battery charge of 5-10 minutes. A continuous flight of 25-30 minutes is considered an outstanding result. Drones with long flight durations include 3DR Solo (20 minutes), GoPro Karma (25 minutes), DJI Mavic Pro (27 minutes) and various modifications of DJI Phantom 4 (28-30 minutes). It is usually recommended to purchase several extra batteries and a charger that has multiple connection points.

As for the controlled flight range, the range of this parameter is very wide and depends not only on the battery capacity, but also on the power and noise immunity of the control equipment. Small aircraft have a range of no more than several tens of meters. Medium-sized quadcopters can fly several hundred meters. The company's latest models demonstrate an absolutely outstanding range DJI Innovations(Inspire 2, Phantom 4 Pro and Phantom 4 Advanced). Their flight range reaches 7000 meters.

Camera and gimbal

If the use of a quadcopter involves first-person flights or video shooting, special attention must be paid to the characteristics of the on-board camera and gimbal. For first-person flights, aircraft with a built-in camera are quite suitable. Not only racing drones, but also some small and ultra-small class models have such capabilities. To obtain high-quality material, you will need a good action camera mounted on a motorized and stabilized gimbal.

In this market segment, the latest models of the DJI brand stand out. Among the best developments of this company one cannot fail to mention the Phantom 4 Pro, Phantom 4 Advanced, Inspire 2 and the folding model Mavic Pro. All of the listed devices have cameras on board with a resolution of 12.7 to 24 megapixels and a wide selection of shooting modes. DJI Inspire 2 is equipped with two cameras - built-in and gimbal.

Some users want to use their drone solely for taking photos in . For them, we can recommend the cheap JJRC H37 Elfie or the expensive Zerotech Dobby foldable quadcopter.

It is also possible to purchase a quadcopter without a camera.

Automatic functions and smart modes

For beginners, automatic flight modes play a vital role. The most important of them are auto-return, the drone’s ability to take off and land on its own, and Headless mode.

  • 1. How it works
  • 2. Scope of application
  • 3. Camera
  • 4. Flight performance
  • 5. Accessories
  • 6. Functionality
  • 7. Price
  • 8. Conclusions

The first unmanned aerial vehicles were used in military operations and rescue work. The gradual development of miniaturization made it possible to fit enormous functionality into the quadcopter body, which became the impetus for the drone boom among ordinary buyers.

In this article you will learn how to choose a quadcopter that suits your needs. Below we will look at several main factors for choosing a UAV depending on the scenarios for its use - racing, video shooting or just recreational flights.

How it works

The quadcopter copies the operating principle of a helicopter. A lightweight body with electronic filling rises vertically into the air with the thrust of four screws on brushed or brushless motors. The operation of the automation is controlled by the flight controller, which transmits a signal to the transmitter (control panel), which is in the hands of the pilot.

Most advanced copters can also lift useful weight such as a camera, body kit or light cargo. The operating time of a drone is strictly limited by the capacity of its battery and rarely exceeds 20-30 minutes on a single battery charge. Manufacturers of such devices are trying to find a middle ground between weight, battery and price of the UAV.

The variety of drone models can confuse an inexperienced buyer. The price of drones varies from several tens of dollars to several thousand. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, let's define the main criteria for choosing a quadcopter:

  • Scope of application;
  • Camera;
  • Flight qualities;
  • Accessories;
  • Functional;
  • Price.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Scope of application

Do you want to please your child with an interesting toy? Take a closer look at mini quadcopters under $100. They have the necessary minimum of flight functions and are as simple as possible to operate. Due to its small size and weight, such a device is quite difficult to break. Suitable models are (review via link) or Hubsan X4.

But the choice of video recording device is limited only by your budget and experience. In the absence of the latter, it is not recommended to buy an expensive UAV; it is much more rational to learn to fly on the same budget devices and then switch to more expensive ones. To begin with, any quadcopter that can carry a third-party action camera is perfect for you - as an option, either. This way you won't be limited in the quality of the video you record. It will not be amiss to have a stabilization gimbal as well as an automatic point-following function, which will allow you to fully concentrate on video shooting.

For professional photography, you can choose one of the best models from a world-famous manufacturer.

Separately, there are models intended for independent modifications. This includes . The flight controller of this drone is open source. The functionality of the X350 PRO can be modified at your own discretion by programming the controller and installing third-party parts. Naturally, this fun is not for beginners.

Also keep in mind that not all quadcopters are ready to fly immediately after purchase. Pay attention to the mark on the UAV box:

  • RTF - the device is completely ready for flight. You can send it into the air after a few simple settings. Choice for beginners;
    ARF - The drone requires assembly before launch. Often such models are upgraded with third-party components. Radio amateur or professional level;
  • BNF - such a drone is synchronized with a third-party control panel. Buy if you already have some experience in this area.


Photography equipment is the most sought-after drone accessory. Its characteristics vary in a huge range from simple 0.3 MP modules in micromodels, to 4K good professional cameras in expensive quadcopters.

For an amateur selfie from a height, a drone with a built-in lens is quite enough. The quality of the photo or video, of course, cannot be compared with flagship models, but it will not hurt the wallet of a novice pilot. The closest example is Syma X5HC or .

If you are considering which quadcopter to choose for aerial photography, pay attention to the Xiaomi Mi Drone. The device costs no more than $500, but it can shoot colorful videos in 4K. The older version of Mi Drone carries on board a gimbal with a standard 16-megapixel camera.

Some of the quadcopters are equipped with Wi-Fi modules for broadcasting video to the pilot’s smartphone in real time. You can control such a drone in FPV (first person view) mode. This makes piloting easier in general and opens up new dimensions of entertainment with 3D glasses.

Flight performance

The main parameters here are speed, maneuverability, flight range and battery life. They all depend on the weight of the equipment, the power of the motors and radios. Most amateur drones fly up to 200 meters from the transmitter with a small useful body kit.

Micro models, like the Hubsan X4, have little resistance to wind gusts. They cannot fly fast or far. Their autonomy is also very limited - no more than 5-10 minutes in the air. This is enough for a children's toy, but for more serious tasks it is worth choosing larger quadcopters.

In the mid-price segment, the battery life of drones can reach 20 minutes. To extend this period, you can purchase several spare batteries so as not to wait for each battery to be charged. Models with high thrust motors can be upgraded with additional batteries, but this will negatively affect their maneuverability and speed.

Racing drones deserve special mention. As a rule, these are massive UAVs with a strong body and extremely high speed (over 90 km/h). Such quadcopters are used at amateur radio competitions or air shows.

When choosing a copter, give preference to those models that exchange signals with the remote control at a frequency of 2.4 or 5.8 GHz. In this case, in city conditions, the control of the device will not be interfered with by signals from other devices.


High-quality filming from a drone is impossible without a gimbal. It automatically stabilizes the camera angle along three axes. Using such equipment, you can avoid shaking, distortion and interference when shooting. Please note that the suspension will negatively affect the flight characteristics of the device due to an increase in its weight, but in comparison with its advantages this disadvantage is insignificant.

Beginner pilots often have difficulty landing a quadcopter. A sudden change in thrust can turn it over, thereby damaging the blades. This option is thought out in advance by manufacturers who equip their devices with screw protection. The plastic frame can preserve the propellers and extend the life of the drone.

Advanced models have a Wi-Fi extender in their arsenal. It extends the transmission radius of video broadcast from the UAV camera. With this accessory you can watch footage in real time at a distance of up to one kilometer.


Mid-price devices are equipped with GPS sensors, gyroscopes and automatic piloting systems. They can take off and land at the take-off starting point with the press of a button. A useful feature for a beginner, but should be used with caution. The drone may not notice obstacles during takeoff (wires, tree branches, etc.), which will lead to undesirable consequences.

Additional features also include:

  • Flight behind the target - the device follows the marked object, filming it until the next command is received;
  • Following a smartphone – the quadcopter records the coordinates of the smartphone (or transmitter), and then moves behind it;
  • Flight by points - the quadcopter moves along a given trajectory automatically, allowing the user to fully concentrate on shooting;
  • Hovering in place – the drone is fixed motionless at one point and maintains altitude;
  • Multiple Speed ​​Modes – The pilot can change the flight mode for better speed or control.

It would be a good idea to make sure that Headless Mode is available. Drones with this feature are controlled regardless of their orientation relative to the pilot. If Headless Mode is not present, the front and back of the drone are indicated by LED lighting.


How to choose the right quadcopter based on your budget? Financial expenses will not end after purchasing a UAV. The first item on the receipt, right after the device itself, is spare screws. The basic kit will soon be used up due to falls and collisions. The second item is a spare battery. 15 minutes of flight is clearly not enough for a two-hour wait to charge the battery.

In extreme cases, you will have to pay for repairs. No one is immune from damage to the body, engines or electronic components. We recommend choosing only high-quality components from official manufacturers' stores.


A quadcopter for beginners is not only an entertaining toy, but also an opportunity to try themselves in a new field of activity, which in the future can become a means of earning money (a drone with an action camera makes it possible to get breathtaking footage from a bird’s eye view). And in any case, purchasing even a cheap drone with basic functionality will give you a lot of positive emotions.

If you already have experience in electronics, try building a UAV yourself. Aliexpress has a ton of component parts for construction kits. You may have to spend several months on the whole process, but it will pay off in valuable experience.

You can find many interesting drone models in our ratings: “” and “”.

Today we will tell you how to choose the right quadcopter, what to look for when purchasing, and how to properly activate and operate the drone. Let's answer the question that torments many: Can you fly or not on quadcopters? In 2018, a lot of new products will appear among unmanned aerial vehicles, and in order not to get confused in all this, let’s break down all the nuances associated with quadcopters. Let's start right away with the question of flying. It is officially prohibited to fly quadcopters within the city. This especially applies to places with large crowds of people. It is not recommended to fly in parks, squares, or near buildings and structures. Choose places to fly where there are no people. This can be fields or any open areas with good visibility and preferably without trees. Registration of quadcopters is now actively promoted, but even if you have registered a model, this does not mean that you can immediately go to the park and fly. In essence, this registration does not give anything. You still need to fly carefully only in open areas.

Where to start choosing?

The most important thing is to understand for what purpose you are buying a quadcopter. The answer would seem to be simple: “to fly.” But you can fly in different ways, and the models are controlled by different people. These can be children, adults, experienced pilots and finally those who, in principle, have never flown them. You can fly outside or at home. Once you have decided on the main issues described above, it is worth studying in more detail what types of quadcopters there are.

Types of quadcopters and configuration types

The type of quadcopter is a conventional concept that to some extent divides models according to operating conditions and capabilities. There are several main types, these are quadcopters: for, with,. Drones for beginners, in turn, can be equipped with a camera and at the same time small in size. There are only three drone configurations. These are RTF, BNF and ARF.
RTF(Ready To Fly) is a complete package. In other words, you don't need to buy anything extra to start flying. Such models are always delivered assembled. Your task is to take the copter out of the box, be sure to read the instructions before flying, and only after that learn to fly. Despite the fact that the package is complete, usually there are no batteries for the remote control in the box.
BNF(Bind and Fly) - practically the same as RTF, but such configurations do not provide for the presence of equipment. You need to buy the remote control yourself and attach it to the quadcopter. It is worth noting that beginners absolutely do not need such equipment. These models are bought mainly by those who already have one, two or more copters.
ARF(Almost Ready to Fly) – quadcopters marked ARF are supplied unassembled. And most importantly, they usually come without motors, batteries, controllers, and so on. The list of what needs to be purchased can always be found in the product card. These models are only purchased by experienced pilots who want to build a drone from scratch.

Quadcopter sizes

There are 3 main groups into which quadcopters fall based on their size. These are nano and mini quadcopters, quadcopters 200-250 sizes and quadcopters 350+ sizes. All groups have a large selection of models to suit every taste.

Nano and mini quadcopters

Nano and mini quadcopters are models primarily intended for indoor flights. They are small in size, very maneuverable and lightweight. Most mini quadcopters have a camera, so you can not only fly around your apartment, but also shoot video. The models have propeller protection, which will keep the propellers intact.

Medium sized quadcopters

Medium-sized quadcopters, from 200 to 350 millimeters in diameter, can fly both indoors and outdoors. This is a very popular size. Among the medium-sized models, there are both budget and professional drones. These models may have GPS navigation installed for a smoother flight, various functions and optional parts. We can assume that this size is the most popular among beginners and those who like to travel and shoot video with a quadcopter.

Large quadcopters

These include multicopters with 6 rotors. Such models are capable of carrying a weight of up to 4 kg on board. They are used as a base for installing expensive SLR cameras and shooting video. These models are used mainly for professional purposes.

Motors on quadcopters

Quadcopter engines come in two types. These are collector and brushless. The former are considered less durable due to their design, or rather carbon brushes. These brushes have an indefinite lifespan. I can work for a very long time, but they can also fail just as quickly. There is a myth that commutator motors “are very bad.” Nothing like this. These motors last quite a long time, and cases of rapid breakdowns are very rare. Brushless motors, unlike brushed motors, do not have such counters, and during normal operation they practically do not fail. Usually, for such engines, more modern Li-Po batteries are used, which have lower weight and, accordingly, higher efficiency


In terms of speed characteristics, the models do not have strict limits. Many drones are capable of flying at low speeds and reaching speeds of up to 130 km per hour. The highest speeds are achieved by racing-class quadcopters with brushless systems and Li-Po 6S batteries.

Range and flight time of the quadcopter

One of the most important indicators is range and flight time. The smallest drones, due to their size, are not able to carry heavy and capacious batteries. The flight time of such models is 5-7 minutes. Larger models feel much better in this regard. In fact, the flight time is limited only by the size of the battery box and the carrying capacity. For example, most DJI drones fly for up to 30 minutes on a single charge. There are models from Hubsan that fly for up to 40 minutes.
The flight range depends on the signal quality and the technology used for control. Among the RTF models, DJI quadcopters such as Phantom 4 Pro, Inspire 2, Mavic Pro and so on can fly the farthest. These drones are capable of flying 7 kilometers from the take-off point.

Camera, stabilization, gimbal

Another important characteristic and function of a quadcopter is the camera. Now it’s hard to imagine a drone without a camera. You need a camera anyway. On expensive quadcopters, a gimbal should be installed instead of a good camera. This is a design that allows you to smooth out the picture if the copter shakes. The highest quality images are provided by cameras with a three-axis gimbal. The best cameras are now being produced for DJI quadcopters. Today, using drones from this company, you can shoot full-length films. The main parameter of any camera is resolution. Moreover, it is the resolution of video shooting, since taking photographs is a secondary task. There are several standard resolutions 720P, 1080P, 1440P, 2K, 4K. The frame rate can be 20, 24, 30, 60. These are the most common parameters. The higher the frame rate per second, the smoother the picture looks.

Quadcopter functions and modes

This is a large and separate topic that we covered on the catalog page. If you are interested in studying in detail all the possible functions that drones have, follow the link to the catalog. At the bottom of the page you will find a lot of useful information. Let us briefly list the names of all these functions.

GPS in quadcopter
Follow Me
Headless Mode
Point of Interest
Altitude hold
Auto take-off and auto landing

Would you like to see the city from a bird's eye view, take spectacular photos and videos, or simply fly a drone? Quadcopters today are used not only for aerial photography, but also for search and rescue operations and even for cargo delivery, not to mention the fact that they are a cool toy for any child and most adults. It would seem that drones have appeared on the public market quite recently, and their range is already amazing. How to choose a quadcopter that will satisfy all your needs? What must be taken into account when purchasing this miracle of technology? We answer all questions in detail, and our rating of the best quadcopters will be a bonus for readers.

First of all, it's worth decide for what purpose you need a drone. If this happens toy as a gift for a child, then you can look towards inexpensive and easy-to-use devices with a minimum of functions. If you plan to do it using a drone Photo and video, then you need a quadcopter with a camera or the ability to install one. If you need high-quality shooting, it is better to choose a drone with a maximum carrying capacity so that it can withstand a DSLR camera. There is another category racing drones. Naturally, all of these drones will have different feature sets and different prices.

Number of screws

Drones are often called multicopters. The prefix “multi” in this word can change to a number, which depends on number of screws:

The last two types of devices are used mainly by professionals, when carrying out important filming and for delivering goods. They have an increased load capacity, can rise to great heights, and if one of the engines fails, the landing will still be soft - the quadcopter will simply fall.


Depending on the size, copters can be divided into three main types:

Quadcopter with or without camera?

Maybe, the most important question that everyone asks themselves when choosing a quadcopter, is a matter of needing a camera. It is clear that using the camera on board the drone you can take cool photos and see familiar places from a new angle. After all, you can even spy with a camera!

  • quadcopter without camera suitable for learning how to operate a drone, because piloting is a whole science, and at the same time controlling a drone and monitoring the filming process is very difficult for a beginner;
  • quadcopter with built-in or complete camera– a great option for most users. The quality of photos and videos is not very high, but acceptable for amateur photography. Drones with good built-in cameras with high quality shooting have also begun to appear on sale;
  • quadcopter with the ability to install a camera– an option that is suitable for users who want to build their own copter. Many drones are designed to accommodate GoPro cameras, but since most action cameras have almost identical parameters, it will be possible to install an action camera from another manufacturer on the drone. Pay attention to the carrying capacity of a particular model, because it depends on whether you can attach a DSLR camera or just a light action camera.

The ability to stream video online depends either on the drone itself (if the camera is built-in) or on the camera.

Range, duration and flight speed

The average flight time for most amateur copters is 8-15 minutes. There are models that can fly and about 30 minutes, but these are expensive professional devices. Some gadgets support the ability to install additional batteries, but it is important that the drone can withstand the weight of the batteries and have the appropriate hardware capabilities. If the installed battery capacity is small, The best option is to buy several spare batteries and use them one after another.

Flight range depends on the characteristics of the device and many other factors. On average, this figure is 200-500 meters, but there are models that fly to 5000 m.

Which quadcopter to choose for racing? Definitely the one that accelerates to 90 km/h (25 m/s) or more. Such models are lightweight (about 0.9 kg), made of durable materials and have high maneuverability.


The quadcopter can be controlled in one of two ways:

  • using a smartphone or tablet with the application installed;
  • using a special control panel.

Smartphone control is carried out thanks to Wi-Fi, which imposes significant restrictions. The drone will be able to fly away from you exactly as far as the range of the Wi-Fi signal allows, which is several tens of meters. But controlling the drone in this way is very easy: a few finger movements on the touch screen, and the drone flies in one direction or another, gains altitude or takes a photo.

Remote Control more difficult to handle, but allows the drone to fly decent distances. The remote control can have from 4 to 10 channels: the more there are, the wider the functionality of the transmitter. The remote control is often used in conjunction with a smartphone, which displays images from the drone.


An important point when choosing a quadcopter is the type of motors. Brushed motors They are inexpensive, but have low power, and overheat during operation. Brushless motors They are more expensive, but they also last longer, do not overheat, have high wear resistance and performance, and are installed only on large drones.

What else to consider when choosing a drone?

When choosing a suitable model, also pay attention to the following parameters:

  • readiness to work. If you don’t want to bother, it’s better to take a drone RTF, Ready To Fly. It is sold fully assembled, the user just needs to install the battery, figure out the controls and start flying. There are models that still require some work to assemble. Which quadcopter is better to choose is up to you to decide - if you have design acumen, the desire to assemble the device yourself and give it the appropriate qualities, then it is better to take ARF(Almost Ready to Fly) or BNF(Bind-N-Fly). For the smart ones, there are even devices for which you can write the firmware yourself;
  • screw protection. The simplest option is rims; more expensive models have an overload protection system. If the copter suddenly falls to the ground, the motors will immediately stop working to avoid damage;
  • FPV – first person view, the ability to transmit images in real time to a remote control with a screen or to a smartphone;
  • automatic flight mode– an interesting feature that will be useful for beginners and will demonstrate all the capabilities of unmanned flights;
  • return home– another useful addition. Once you press the appropriate button, the drone will return to the point from which it began its flight;
  • operator tracking mode.

Finally, we note that to avoid dangerous situations, it is better to keep the drone in sight and carefully monitor the broadcast - this will help to avoid collisions with power lines, birds and buildings.

TOP 9 best quadcopters

Syma X8HG

In terms of price-quality ratio, this is one of the most interesting offers on the market. Cost of the device about 110$, like a budget smartphone, but it allows you to fully enjoy the latest technology. Controlled by quadcopter via control panel, range – 70 m. A 2000 mAh battery will last for 7 minutes flight, it will take 200 minutes to charge the battery. This is the case when it is better to take several spare batteries at once.

External camera, included, has resolution 8 MP. You shouldn't expect high quality shooting, but photos and videos come out quite acceptable. If desired, you can attach another camera and get better footage. The model boasts good build quality, a nice design and backlighting. There is a built-in barometer so the drone can easily hover at a certain altitude. The downside is that a more or less strong wind can blow the copter away, but the propellers are protected, so it can easily survive most falls.

For $90 you can buy a similar model - Syma X8C. The flight duration is the same, but the camera is worse - 2 megapixels.

DJI Phantom 4

This quadcopter with camera suitable for professionals, and it costs a decent amount. Behind 1350$ the user receives a quadcopter weighing 1.38 kg, which can fly on a single charge 28 minutes. Model in flight accelerates to 20 m/s, maximum speed when climbing – 6 m/s. Great racing quadcopter! The drone received an impressive set of sensors: GPS, altitude sensor, optical sensor, magnetometer, ultrasonic sensor and accelerometer. All this provides the model with high accuracy of orientation in space. Among the “goodies” is the presence autopilot, return home and follow operator function.

Control is carried out via remote control, operating range – 3500 m. The remote control displays the image that falls within the copter’s field of view. The external camera is included and has a resolution 12 MP and 94 degree viewing angle. The camera position can be controlled remotely, thanks to the three-axis gimbal, the image is qualitatively stabilized. The drone has several flight modes, including beginner mode, sports mode, object tracking mode and many others. The kit includes, among other things, a memory card.

The shooting quality is excellent, the drone body is strong. We can talk about the advantages of this device for a long time; there are no shortcomings as such, except that the range in dense urban areas is less than the declared 3500 m, and in the field and in the forest it is naturally higher. This is one of the best quadcopters with camera on the market.

Xiaomi Mi Drone 4K

Xiaomi has decided to get involved in all areas of gadget production. Xiaomi Mi Drone 4K is a nice, stylish drone that has characteristics close to professional devices, and is not as expensive as its competitors. You can buy the device for approximately 640$ and enjoy long flights and high quality shooting. So what do we get for our money?

The drone weighs 1.38 g, the built-in batteries are enough for 27 minutes flight, charging time – 90 minutes. Well, it's a good start. Maximum flight altitude 120 meters, range – 2000 meters, control is carried out via radio channel. This copter can accelerate up to 18 m/s, There is autopilot and return home function. One of the obvious advantages of the gadget is the presence of a brushless motor. In addition, the model has a good set of sensors for precise orientation in space. Shoots built-in 12 MP camera excellent, has a viewing angle of 94 degrees, and thanks to the suspension the picture is perfectly stabilized. After the release of its first drone, Xiaomi Mi Drone, the company did serious work on bugs and released a quite decent device that can be compared with DJI Phantom 3SE. In terms of price/quality ratio, this is perhaps the best quadcopter, and the camera is also up to par.

DJI Phantom 4 PRO

We warn you right away, this is one of the most expensive copters on the market, but it’s worth the money. Such a device is bought by people who know exactly why they need a drone. The unit weighs almost 1.4 kg, and the built-in 5870 mAh battery is enough for 30 minutes flights. The quadcopter can develop speed up to 20 m/s, equipped with a brushless motor and a full set of all possible sensors to ensure flight accuracy.

The included camera shoots with resolution 20 MP: is it worth saying that the result is at the highest level? 84 degree viewing angle, video can be viewed in real time. Range – 3500 m, in the city, naturally, less, the picture can be displayed on the remote control. There is a mode following the operator, autopilot, return home and even gesture control mode. The drone's equipment is extensive, and its functionality is even greater. An excellent thing for professionals, however, the price of the drone is steep - about 2100$.

DJI Spark

This is a more budget solution from the same manufacturer. DJI is a leader in the drone market, all of its devices are of the highest quality, and the price depends only on the set of functions. This model is a good option for those who already have an idea about drones and want an advanced toy.

The device weighs 300 g and gains flight speed is 13.9 m/s and can fly for 16 minutes(charges 80 minutes), maximum range – 500 m. Got the gadget brushless motors, can be controlled both via a radio channel and via Wi-Fi using a smartphone; in the latter case, the flight range is very limited - up to 100 m. The camera is already built into the body and has a resolution 12 megapixels, and a viewing angle of almost 82 degrees. You can broadcast video; the camera position is stabilized by a gimbal with two axes. The drone can track a specific object, has a facial recognition function and gesture control, and these are not all the possibilities. Spare propellers are included in the kit. The quality of shooting, stability of operation, assembly - all this is excellent and corresponds to professional-level devices, the only disadvantages are the short flight duration and long charging time. Price – about $540.

GoPro Karma

Great professional quadcopter, on which you can install a GoPro camera. The drone can fly for 20 minutes, requires 60 minutes to charge, has a gimbal stabilizer, FPV function, brushless motor, control range of 1000 m, maximum speed of 15 m/s. Control panel with touch screen. The price of the drone seems a little high ( 1300$ ), but the quality of the device is high, because when GoPro gets down to business, it turns out really cool.

Syma X5HW

We move into the category of more budget devices. This baby weighs 107 g, costs $50 and would be a great toy for any child or adult. The model is easy to learn and, for its price, is quite functional. The drone has screw protection in the form of rims, height sensor and 0.3 MP complete camera, the ability to broadcast video in real time. The kit includes a control panel, flight range – 50 m. There is a Headless mode, which will be very useful for beginners and will allow the gadget to fly in the direction that the user has previously set on the remote control.

You shouldn’t expect anything supernatural from a 0.3 MP camera; its presence is rather a pleasant bonus. Flight duration – 6 minutes, it will take 130 minutes to charge the battery - this is a minus of cheap drones. The kit comes with a set of spare propellers; in addition, it is better to take a spare battery. Users note the ease of use, but complain that strong winds can blow the drone away.

Hubsan X4 FPV Brushless H501S Standard Edition

In the inexpensive category, this is another one of the most interesting, functional and best quadcopters. The model is equipped with a durable and reliable brushless motor, can fly away from the user to distance 300 m, equipped with a GPS module. The built-in camera writes HDvideo at 17 fps. The battery lasts for 20 minutes flight, the device can develop speed up to 20 m/s, so it is suitable for those who are looking for a racing quadcopter. The gadget weighs 410 g, the minus is a long charge time, 150 minutes. Let's count it as a plus price of 230$, good shooting quality and the presence of a lot of interesting modes, such as tracking the subject and returning home. Users complain about the not very well calibrated compass, but despite this, they note that this drone is one of the best in its price category and is suitable for those who want to start learning to “fly” on more serious models than palm-sized copters .

Hubsan is a serious manufacturer that strives to become a leader in the radio-controlled equipment market. If your budget is limited, then you can pay attention to the model Hubsan X4 Desire FPV H502S. Is she worth it? 140$ , has brushed motors, GPS, 200 m range, built-in 2 MP camera and FPV, return home and follow the operator function. An excellent device for your money.

Syma X12 Nano Explorers

This is an option for those who want to learn how to fly a drone, but do not want to use various simulators. For 20$ You are getting mini quadcopter with radio control and without camera. For flying around the apartment - just right. Control range – 20 m, operating time – 8 minutes, takes 60 minutes to charge . Spare propellers included. An excellent toy for a child and many parents.

Today, a copter is both a cool toy and a powerful professional tool. Just imagine what cool photos and videos you can get and what a great time you can have if you have even the simplest drone at your disposal!

Types of quadcopters: Technically, the main differences between quadcopters are the balance of weight and maneuverability and, most importantly, the purpose of its use.

For newbies Quadcopters are divided into:

  1. purchased - branded (or not branded), ready to fly - “take it out of the box and fly” (RTF - ready to fly);
  2. purchased kits - “assemble and fly” (ARF);
  3. purchased kits - a “kit” for assembly without radio control.

1. Branded quadcopters- convenient because when taken out of the box it is ready to start. The copter is configured, calibrated, the battery has its fixed place, the center of gravity is not shifted. The only negative is the high price, as well as the high price of spare parts and batteries. A “full-fledged” model is usually equipped with a camera on a stabilization gimbal, of course, the video is broadcast “to the ground”, it has the ability to navigate using GPS (or Glonass) to fly along given points, routes, and return to the launch site (autopilot). The broadcast video also contains data on altitude, speed, “way home”, battery level, flight duration forecast, etc.

The main one of the most popular brands today is DJI:

But there are other brands: Walkera

There are many brands:

2. Assembly kit(ARF - almost ready to fly) - set " almost ready to fly" is a partially assembled or partially connected model. The expression "Partially" varies from the fact that it is necessary to purchase a set of radio control equipment and install a receiver, to a completely ready one - install propellers, landing "legs", a camera mount (if necessary or if yes) and in flight. Don’t forget that everything on board must be securely fastened, especially the heavy battery. This type of kit is usually cheaper than beautiful ready-made branded multicopters, they look something like this:

3. Kit for assembly (KIT)- usually such a kit includes only the essentials: frame, engines, ESC motor rotation controller, propellers (plus a spare pair) and various small items for installation. Such kits are not sold with an FPV kit, i.e. with a camera and transmitter to receive real-time video on the ground, because installation of such equipment requires "a little" knowledge and "minimal" qualifications in the field of antennas and wave theory.

Purposes and Applications of Quadcopters:

    1. An “empty” quadcopter with a camera for “calm flights”;
    2. fpv quadcopter is the same as the first one. FPV is first person view - first person view, i.e. You see an image while standing on the ground, as if you were flying a quadcopter;
    3. quadcopter with camera for “fast flights” - Racing drone;
    4. quadcopter for transporting goods;

1. “Calm flight” - this means that you simply fly - no tricks, no upside down turns and do not exceed a speed of 70 km/h. “Empty” means that it does not contain anything unnecessary (i.e. no video, GPS, camera, etc.). Keep in mind that on an “Empty” quadcopter it is possible to perform various tricks if there is a power reserve.

An example of a “crazy ride” on a copter, but the video shows a high-speed drone.

2. A quadcopter with a camera for first-person flight - differs from a regular “empty” one in that it carries on board a video transmitter, a heading camera, a GPS module, an OSD (on screen display) system for overlaying data on altitude, speed, and batteries on the video transmitted to the ground. There may also be a brushless gimbal and a camera for aerial photography. These components greatly increase the weight of the aircraft, resulting in loss of maneuverability and increased energy consumption.



and transmitter

OSD module

Video Glasses

OSD on video
GPS module
Video helmet

3. Racing drone - A racing drone is a copter about 250 mm in size, with high-speed engines and small propellers allowing it to reach speeds of over 100 km/h. It can be equipped with a “lightweight” FPV kit: a weak video transmitter without a housing to reduce weight, a heading camera, no OSD and GPS because The purpose of this device is to develop high speed and maintain maneuverability.

For advanced pilots The classification of quadrocopters is based on the balance of the weight of the aircraft and the propeller group used. The heavier the copter, the larger the propellers. The larger the size of the propeller and the smaller its pitch, the more economical the battery consumption, but maneuverability is lost. The more we increase the propeller pitch, it returns maneuverability, but increases energy consumption. The smaller the propeller size, the higher the maximum speed, the maneuverability increases, but the energy savings are lost.

The size of the installed propeller is limited by the size of the quadcopter frame, so there are generally accepted standards for frame sizes. The frame is measured diagonally in millimeters - the distance between the axles of the engines is measured. There are the following popular sizes on sale: 250, 330, 350, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 800. I can say that for the 450 frame the maximum propeller is 12 inches, so depending on the purpose of using the quadcopter (namely quad ) propeller group can vary:

Total weight 1500 g - 2200 g - 12x6 propeller - engine of sufficient power and speed 700-900 KV - 4S power supply

Total weight 1000 g - 1500 g - propeller 12x4.5 - engine of sufficient power and speed 700-900 KV - 3S power supply - economical, low maximum speed, long time when hovering

Total weight 1000 g - 1500 g - propeller 10x5 - engine of sufficient power and speed 700-900 KV - power supply 4S - maneuverable

Heavy quadcopter as a rule, it is not made maneuverable because maneuverability requires significant power from the battery. Heavy is considered to be a weight of 2.5 kg and above; such an aircraft is built from 4 - 6 - 8 engines, the more engines the more stable it is in flight. It is customary to choose multi-pole, low-speed motors for such copters (300 - 500 kV), the price of such motors is much higher, but the energy consumption is significantly lower (not every regulator is suitable for multi-pole motors), power supply is 4S - 5S -6S. Frame from 800 millimeters (maximum distance between engine axles). Propellers 15" and larger.

Average quadcopter , frame size 300 - 550 millimeters, usually calculated for a weight of 1 kg to 2.5 kg, combines maneuverability and load capacity, within its framework. Engines with a speed of 650 - 1000 kV are powered by 3S-4S.

Small copter - on the foreign Internet it is often called Racing Copter. Frame size 250 mm. Weight 0.5 - 0.8 kg. Has high maneuverability. Motors with a speed of 2200 kV are powered by 2S-3S. High speeds and small propellers allow the copter to accelerate over 120 km/h. You can find races and competitions on similar copters in the forest on the Internet.

Mini quadcopter is a small, palm-sized or palm-sized, multi-rotor aircraft with a short range. Designed for launching indoors, hall, room.
