How to make “Yandex” the start page in “Mazil”? Set “Yandex” as the start page. How to make Yandex the start page in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, IE Make Yandex the start page of the guy

Most browsers have a start page. Users choose the most familiar and convenient search engine for this purpose. Yandex is popular in Russia. That's why users make it their start page. The main thing is to set up your computer correctly.

Sometimes the user does not like the default start page set in the browser. Therefore we have to change it. One option is to make Yandex the start page. Then it will be much more convenient to search for the information you need.

The start page is the site that loads every time you launch your default browser. It also opens when the user presses the Home button or the Alt+Home or Ctrl+Space key combination. In this capacity, users usually use:

  • frequently viewed sites;
  • email;
  • lists of resources;
  • news feeds;
  • search engines;
  • antivirus resources;
  • online translators;
  • SMS sending services.

Thanks to such pages, it is easier for the average person to use the Internet. There are also special pages containing links to popular resources. They are built into bootloaders, for example, Chrome or Opera.

However, the home page is an excellent target for viruses that introduce advertising or pornography instead. Therefore, competent users install antiviruses. Then virtual reality will be comfortable and relatively safe.

Automatic setting method

If the user does not want to use Google, it is better to replace the start page with Yandex. Automatic replacement is carried out in three stages. They are simple:

  • the computer owner follows the link;
  • now you need to find and download an application that will automatically configure the search engine;
  • the user launches the downloaded application.

How to make Yandex the start page in different browsers?

Many computer owners install several browsers on their favorite laptops or desktop PCs. Therefore, the owner often prefers that each bootloader on his device produces different start pages. This problem is solved by manual configuration, which is performed differently for different browsers.

The newest (tenth and eleventh) versions of Internet Explorer are configured in the same way as those known from Windows 98. However, they are compatible only with new versions of Windows - 7, 8, 8.1, 10. To make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer, you need to do four simple steps.

  1. Click the “Settings” button in the upper right corner and select the “Internet Options” menu.
  2. Enter the desired home page address. Sometimes there are several of them, for example, Yandex and Google.
  3. In the "Startup" menu, check the "Start from Home Page" option.
  4. Now you can click OK!

Microsoft Edge

The Edge bootloader for the latest version of Windows uses Microsoft's MSN search engine. However, it is rarely used in the Russian Federation, unlike Google, Yandex or They are more comfortable for Internet surfing. Here's how to make Yandex the start page in this downloader.

  1. Go to the bootloader settings by clicking on the three dots at the top right.
  2. Select the "Options" menu.
  3. Open the “Show in a new Microsoft Edge window” option and check “Specific page or pages.”
  4. Delete with a cross.
  5. Enter the Yandex URL.

In Chrome, setting up Yandex is even easier. The whole process consists of three steps. Let's list them.

  1. Open the bootloader menu and select the item called “Settings”.
  2. In the browser settings, find the “Appearance” section and check the “Show Home page button” option.
  3. Now look at the address of your existing home site and select “Change” by entering the address

After this, Yandex turns into a home site. But to open it you have to press a button in the shape of a house. And to start automatically you need to do the following.

  1. In the upper right menu of the bootloader, select “Settings”.
  2. In the “Start group”, check the “Next pages” item.
  3. Select the “Add” link and enter the Yandex address in the appropriate line.
  4. Set Yandex as the main (default) search engine using the “Search” section.
  5. Close the settings page.

The reconfiguration is now complete. It is important to remember that in this search engine the home page is opened by pressing the Alt + Home button combination. It also makes the user's life easier.

Mozilla Firefox

It is not difficult to make Yandex the starting site in Mozilla. The main thing is the user's attentiveness. The default page changes as follows.

  1. The user searches for “Settings” in the bootloader menu and opens the “Basic” tab.
  2. The owner of the computer opens the item “When Firefox starts” and “Show home page”.
  3. In the field called “Home Page” enter
  4. The owner of the gadget clicks OK.

The home page in MoZilla Firefox is now configured. If the laptop is cleaned of viruses, everything will start functioning. To go to the start page, press Alt + Home.


In Opera, setting up a home site is easy. There is a standard algorithm. Let's bring him.

  1. Open the Opera bootloader menu.
  2. Find "Tools" and select "General Settings".
  3. Select the "Basic" tab, find the field called "At startup" and "Start from home page".
  4. Select the “Home” option and write the address
  5. You can click OK.

Now Yandex is the start page in your opera! This search engine will automatically launch when the user opens the browser. All is ready!

At this point, all the steps necessary to make Yandex the start page in Opera have been completed - now the Yandex website will open automatically every time you start the browser.


In this browser, you also start changing the main site from “Settings” and the “Basic” tab. Now you need to find New windows open with and select Home page. In the address field you should write

Sometimes you can't change your home page. One of the causes of trouble is computer viruses. Usually, in this case, Webalta becomes the main site in each browser. To fix the problem, you need to check the shortcuts. This is done as follows.

  1. The owner of the laptop clicks with the mouse (right key) on the shortcut and looks at “Properties”.
  2. Now you need to pay attention to the “Object” field - there may be an indication of Webalt. You just need to delete it and click OK.

In most cases, such an algorithm eliminates the problem. However, sometimes you have to turn to professional programmers. They will carefully check the gadget for viruses and make the necessary settings for Google, Opera or Mozilla.


Setting up Yandex as a starting site is easy in any modern browser. The main condition is to carefully read the instructions on the Internet and make sure there are no viruses on your computer. The schemes are similar for different loaders, so even a novice user can cope with this task.

If you have long dreamed of making Yandex your home page, but you don’t get around to it, or you don’t know how to do it, this article is for you.

By the way, what happens when Yandex is set as the start page? When you click the browser icon, the Search Engine web page automatically opens.

Knowing how to set a particular web page as your home page is useful. You can always make the page you are interested in the starting page and not waste extra time. We decided to take Yandex as an example, since this search engine is recognized as the most used in Russia.

The algorithm for setting the home page is approximately the same for most browsers.

We will take a detailed look at how to make the start page for:

  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • Opera;
  • Google Chrome;
  • Internet Explorer;
  • Yandex Browser;
  • Safari.

Yandex main page in Mozilla Firefox

To make the Yandex page the main one in Mazil Firefox, follow these steps:

As you can see, making Yandex your home page on Mazil is quite simple.

In addition, Mazila provides a unique option - to make Yandex search the default home page. Searching for information in a search engine with these settings is much easier: visited sites are displayed automatically.

How to make Yandex the default home page?

  • open the browser and go to “Settings”;
  • find the “Default Browser” block;
  • find the button “make Yandex the default browser”;
  • click “Ok”.

Yandex main page in Opera

The interfaces of most browsers are similar to each other, so installing the start page on Opera will be similar to installing it on Mazil.

How to make Yandex the only start page for Opera:

Yandex home page in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is an excellent browser that is rapidly gaining popularity among Internet users. It features a simple and pleasant interface, understandable even to a child.

Setting up the start page on Google Chrome will be slightly different from the algorithms already discussed. This is due to the fact that this browser is young and new developments are used for it.

However, there is nothing complicated if you know the specific algorithm:

You can also make “Yandex mail” the main page in Google. When you open your browser, you will see a page with Yandex Mail. Many RuNet users have several email accounts. For example, one mailbox is intended for work correspondence, and the other is for communication with friends.

Another convenient addition to Google Chrome is visual bookmarks. They help you navigate to pages you are interested in in one click.

Tabs are small thumbnails of frequently visited pages. In the settings, you can change their number, color, general background, and also delete or add new bookmarks.

Their main advantage is saving a person’s time.

The user probably wanted to install Yandex virtual tabs in Chrome. We remind you that this option is available for Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Let's look at how to add a virtual bookmarks option using Google Chrome as an example:

Yandex visual bookmarks are one of the most popular tools among users. This is not surprising, since they are useful, convenient and are constantly updated by the developers.

Video: How to make Yandex your start page

Yandex main page in Internet Explorer

The Internet Explorer browser has a wide variety of versions installed on laptops or PCs with Windows.
We will look at how to make Yandex the home page for new versions of Internet Explorer - 10 and 11. The algorithm for installing the home page for earlier versions of the browser is similar to the instructions we provided.

Algorithm for setting the home page for Internet Explorer:

If you are the owner of Internet Explorer 9 (or another, earlier version of the browser) and you are unable to install the main page, then write about your problems to the official website. The request will go to competent people who will answer as soon as possible how to fix the problem.

Yandex main page in Yandex browser

The Yandex browser interface is similar to the Chrome interface, since both were made on the same engine.

However, there are differences, so the installation of the main page in Yandex will be slightly different - the Russian company has made its own changes:

The Russian company's browser provides the ability to select several start pages. Your most visited websites will be automatically added.

Similar to Google Chrome's virtual bookmarks, this browser supports a tile panel with visited sites. It is possible to delete unnecessary sites and add new ones. This is done through the “Settings” – “Add” buttons.

For people who do not like dubious sites, the Russian giant has developed a special version of the browser - family Yandex. You can safely allow your children to access the computer - unnecessary information and suspicious sites are strictly filtered.

It is difficult to say which browser is better: Google Chrome or the Yandex browser. Both are quite convenient and easy to use.

Yandex main page in Safari

Safari is a young browser developed for Apple products.
All advanced users of iPads, iPhones and MacBooks know about the simplicity of the Apple browser.

Setting your home page in Safari is very simple:

What to do if you can’t make Yandex your start page

Sometimes this situation happens: you follow the instructions, but do not achieve the desired result. It’s especially annoying when you can’t make an easy installation or update on your computer.

If you are unable to set the browser home page through the settings, then there are other ways:

  • download the program “”;
  • clean your computer using an antivirus. Try to set the home page again;
  • if all these methods do not work, then contact the support service of your operating system: specifically describe what error the program gives, do not hesitate to add explanatory screenshots.

Follow through. Once you understand how to set the start page, you will not only save personal time, but also become an advanced computer user.

This article was written to expand the user's knowledge about the computer. Now you know how to set the home page in the browser and set up visual bookmarks. These tools are convenient, save time, and turn you into an advanced Internet user.

Yandex is one of the most popular search engines, which enjoys particular fame among the Russian-speaking population. It is not surprising that many people are interested in how they can successfully install Yandex as the start page in the browser they are using. In reality, no complex or specific moments in the implementation of this idea can be noted.

Features of Yandex

The developers of the Yandex search engine are trying to create a convenient and intuitive product for use. In addition to the search engine, the developers also created . The main page of the resource immediately contains a significant amount of useful and relevant information, selected taking into account the locality.

Yandex includes the following sections of information:

  • news feeds;
  • weather forecasts;
  • Mailbox.

In each case, you can quickly find exactly what is of real interest to users of the Russian version of the search engine.

How to set Yandex as the main one?

If you are interested in how to make Yandex the start page of the mozilla firefox browser, you can note that the setup process is as easy and straightforward as possible.

  1. In the very top left corner, click on Mozilla, calling up the browser context menu.
  2. After this, you need to double-click on “Settings” and open the “Basic” tab.
  3. The inscription “When Firefox starts” deserves attention. In order for Yandex to load from the very beginning, you should select the “Show home page” item, where the necessary information will be specified.
  4. In the “Home Page” field you need to write It is through this link that you can download the desired search engine in the shortest possible time.

So, the setup process pleases with ease and efficiency, so you still need to use it taking into account your existing needs.

Benefits of the solution

The Yandex search engine has received numerous awards, which confirm the worthy results of the developers.

Search engine advantages:

  • free to use;
  • high level of security;
  • speed of use;
  • unlimited customization options taking into account the personal preferences of users;
  • convenient structure;
  • elegant appearance;

Yandex is a well-known search engine that has already managed to find a large number of admirers. Each user notes a high level of functionality, fast and convenient search for information on the Internet. It is these opportunities that contribute to the growth of Yandex's popularity.

The Internet is something that has become an integral part of the life of a modern PC user. People of different ages work and relax on the Internet. For surfing, specialized applications are used - browsers. There are a lot of them, each with its own characteristics and disadvantages. One of the most popular Internet browsers is Mozilla Firefox. Visually, this software is significantly different from other browsers. And therefore it is not always clear how to work with it. Next, we’ll try to figure out how to make “Yandex” the start page in Mozilla. Is it even possible to cope with the task at hand?

Possibility of making adjustments

Some browsers make it very difficult to configure any controls. Some Internet browsers do not allow you to edit the home page.

Fortunately, Mozilla does not suffer from such problems. Each user can adjust the home page data at any time in just a minute. The main thing is to know how to act correctly.

How to make Yandex the start page in Mozilla? Let's look at this problem.

Standard solution

Let's consider the simplest option. It is used most often by users. This technique can be considered a direct instruction for installing a home page in the browser mentioned earlier.

How to make "Yandex" the start page in Mozilla Firefox? To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Open the Mozilla main menu. To do this, click on the button located to the right of the address bar. On it the user will see several horizontal stripes.
  2. Click on the "Settings" line.
  3. Go to the "Basic" section.
  4. Select the "Show home page" menu.
  5. In the specially designated field write
  6. Confirm the operation.

Now it’s clear how to make “Yandex” the start page in Mozilla Firefox. This is the simplest solution. And every modern user can use it. Especially if he doesn’t want to think about other options for solving the problem.

Using bookmarks

There are several other methods for bringing your idea to life. How to make “Yandex” the start page in Mozilla? If the user carefully studied the previously proposed algorithm of actions, he may have noticed that the “Home Page” menu has different navigation buttons. They can be used to customize the control you are learning.

How to make a Yandex start page in Mozilla? The following manipulations can help in solving this problem:

  1. Open the Yandex page in the browser.
  2. Click on the button with the star icon. It is located in the address bar log.
  3. Confirm the procedure.
  4. Open Mozilla Settings.
  5. Go to the "General" block.
  6. Check the box next to "Use home page".
  7. Click on the "Use bookmark..." button.
  8. Select the bookmark with the Yandex address in the menu that appears.

As soon as the user confirms the actions, the task will be solved. The home page will be changed. In the same way, you can set any bookmarks on the start pages.

Current page

Do you need to make the Yandex home page the starting page in Mozilla? Then users can be offered another interesting scenario. It is used extremely rarely, but it does occur.

If we imagine the procedure step by step, it will look something like this:

  1. Open the Yandex page in an Internet browser. It is necessary to leave only one tab with the corresponding site. This refers to a web service installed as a home service.
  2. Go to your browser's "Settings".
  3. Click on the "Use current page..." button.
  4. Select the "Show home page" menu item. It is advisable to click on this line in advance.

Once all of the above steps are behind you, the user will be able to enjoy the results achieved. We fully figured out how in Mozilla make "Yandex" the start page.

Yandex's conclusion is a non-standard technique

The last method is to set the parameters for displaying the start page in the Internet browser. The thing is that in Mozilla the user can display, when starting the browser, pages opened in the previous session.

This is exactly what you can use. How? It is proposed to make “Yandex” the start page in “Mozilla” in this way:

  1. Open in the browser. It is recommended to leave only this page.
  2. Go to the main menu of your Internet browser and go to “Settings”.
  3. Select "Show windows last closed".

That's all. How to make Yandex the start page in Mozilla?

Now answering this question will no longer cause any trouble.

Yandex is a popular company known for its cutting-edge products. It is not at all surprising that after each launch of the browser, users immediately go to the Yandex main page. Read on to learn how to set Yandex as the start page in the Mazile Internet browser.

It is convenient for active users of the Yandex search engine to get to a page supplemented with the services of this company when launching their browser. Therefore, they are interested in how to configure Firefox so that they can immediately get to the page. There are two ways to do this.

Method 1: Browser Settings

The easiest way to change your home page in Firefox is to use the settings menu. We have already talked about this process in more detail in our other article at the link below.

Method 2: Link on the main page

  1. Some users find it more convenient not to change the home page, constantly rewriting the search engine address, but to install the add-on in the browser with the start page. It can be disabled and deleted at any time if the home page needs to be changed. The obvious advantage of this method is that after it is disabled/deleted, the current home page will resume its work and will not need to be reassigned.
  2. Go to . Click on the link in the upper left corner.
  3. "Make a homepage" Firefox will display a security warning asking you to install an extension from Yandex. Click.
  4. "Allow" A list of rights that Yandex requests will appear. Click.
  5. "Add" The notification window can be closed by clicking.
  6. Now in the settings, in the section "Homepage", there will be a message stating that this parameter is controlled by the newly installed extension. Until it is disabled or removed, the user will not be able to manually change the home page.
  7. Please note that to launch the Yandex page you must have the setting "When Firefox starts" > "Show home page".
  8. The add-on is removed and disabled in the usual way, via "Menu" > "Extras">tab "Extensions".

This method is more time-consuming, but it is useful if for some reason it is not possible to install the home page using the usual method or there is no desire to replace the current home page with a new address.

Now, to check the success of the actions taken, simply restart the browser, after which Firefox will automatically begin redirecting to the previously specified page.
