After restoring windows 7. Windows System Restore

One of the most painful questions for users is how to restore the Windows 7 system. It is this topic that I want to devote my article today. Why does Windows crash? In fact, the range of reasons is quite high: from driver errors to incorrect user operation.

Personally, I advise all users to immediately make a backup copy of their operating system, just in case. Windows has special programs for this. In this article, I will show you several ways to restore the system, for example, when the F8 key does not open a special recovery program.

Usually, in case of problems with Windows, it is enough to press F8 at the initial stage of starting the computer to launch a special recovery application. In this case, you will be presented with several options for starting the system, among which you need to select “Troubleshoot computer problems.”

After this, a window will appear in front of you where you can launch the system restore tool. For a better understanding, pay attention to this screenshot.

I would especially like to note this fact: during the installation of the Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate operating systems, the recovery environment partition is always created automatically and is located in the root of the drive (C:) in the Recovery folder.

If you pay attention, you will see in the Disk Management window a special, hidden partition of the hard drive. Its volume is 100 MB, and it is intended to store boot configuration files (BCD) and the system bootloader (bootmgr file).

How to find it? Simple enough, follow this route:

Computer – Management – ​​Disk Management.

If you delete this partition, the system will not boot. So be careful.

In case F8 does not work, you need to use the Windows installation disk. In this case, before installing Windows, use the “System Restore” function.

In front of you you will see a window with system recovery.

Look carefully at the screenshot. Do you see another hidden partition of 9.02 GB? This is the system recovery partition, which contains the factory settings of my laptop. Naturally, yours has a different size.

Treat it with caution too. It is through this that you can restore Windows 7. Therefore, do not delete this partition under any circumstances.

So let's get started. Select Startup Repair. The system now identifies errors and malfunctions that prevent normal startup.

During the search process, the system will notify you of errors and offer to correct them.

System Restore will allow you to go back some time, i.e. to the previous restore point where all settings were saved.

Another great way to restore a Windows 7 system is to restore a system image.

It will restore the system even if the installation disk is missing or the hidden settings partition is deleted. This method is suitable for cases when the operating system does not load and additional boot options are not offered.

In this case, you need to do the following. After installing Windows 7, create a backup image of Windows 7 on your hard drive using the System Image Restore function. Treasure this image like the apple of your eye. Also create a Windows 7 Recovery Disk (I’ll write about this below) to use the System Image in case Additional boot options do not open.

Follow the following route:

Start – Control Panel – Backing up computer data.

Select the local drive where the system archive will be saved. It is better if it is a separate disk on which the operating system is not installed.

By default, the data archiving program selects the partition with the Windows 7 operating system. If you want, you can add Local disks for archiving, just make sure that there is enough free space for this.

Finally, click “Archive”.

The archive can be expanded and be sure to copy it to a disk or flash drive so that you have a backup option. Below I will show you clearly how to open the archive.

Use the latest system image created.

When the system is restored, all data from the local disk will disappear. Therefore, first copy important documents to disk.

When you restore the system from a disk, pay attention to the bit size of the system and the disk: a 32-bit recovery disk is for 32-bit Windows 7, and a 64-bit disk is for 64-bit Windows 7.

Now open Back up your computer again.

Select "Create a system repair disc", insert the DVD into the drive, and click

When you need to restore the system from a disk, simply insert it into the drive and change the boot priority in the BIOS, i.e. Select the task: “Set the computer to start from the disk in the drive,” and not from the hard drive.

Here's how to restore Windows 7 using the System Repair Disk.

  1. Insert the disc into the drive and restart the computer.
  2. Set the BIOS to boot from the drive. The System Recovery Options program will launch.
  3. Press Enter as soon as possible before the prompt to boot from disk disappears.

If you encounter problems, try Restoring your computer using a previously created operating system image.

And finally, here are a few tips for restoring Windows 7: memory diagnostics - checks the system memory for errors, and using the Command Line - you can delete files that prevent Windows 7 from loading.

Now you know how to restore a Windows 7 system and you can do it yourself and absolutely free! Please ask questions in the comments. I wish you all good luck and goodness!

Operating system failures occur for various reasons: incorrect installation of drivers and applications, computer viruses, hardware problems. Let's figure out how to start restoring the Windows 7 operating system in different ways. These methods are divided into two categories: with and without using the Windows 7 recovery environment.

Windows 7 Recovery Environment

Windows Recovery Environment, which means “Windows Recovery Environment”, provides the recovery tools we need. Further in the text we will use the abbreviation Windows Recovery Environment - WinRE.

Let's try to access WinRE tools:

The absence of an option in the Advanced Boot Options menu is a sign that there is no WinRE Windows 7 environment on your system drive. The reason is the removal of the protected hard drive partition that is created for WinRE when installing Windows.

In this case, select one of the download options:

  • from the Windows 7 distribution;
  • from a recovery disk created on another work computer.

Once you have access to WinRE, you can try to restore Windows 7 using environment tools.

Method #1: Last Known Good Configuration

The simplest method is based on the fact that the system stores information about the last successful boot of the computer.

If you cannot return Windows to a working state using method No. 1, move on to method No. 2.

Method number 2. WinRE: startup recovery

In this mode, faults that interfere with normal loading of the OS are analyzed. To start the mode you need to go to select the option. The following window will appear, in which we click the first item:

Startup Repair in System Recovery Options automatically fixes problems that prevent Windows from starting

If problems are found in the boot parameters, you need to confirm the need to make corrections by pressing the button Fix and restart.

Method No. 3. WinRE: System Restore

This method allows you to “roll back” the system to the time when it worked normally by selecting one of the restore points. But first these “points” must be created.

A recovery point is a kind of “snapshot” of the working environment at a certain point in time. Only Windows system and software settings are included in the records of this point. User files (documents, images, music files) are not saved in recordings.

Such points are created automatically by the operating system every 7 days. The user can create this point independently. It is recommended to do this before starting work that you are not sure will be completed successfully: installing unknown software or drivers. If the job fails, a restore point will allow you to return Windows to its original state.

Does Windows create restore points?

In order for Windows to automatically create points, the System Protection function must be enabled for the system disk.

Create a restore point yourself

Now, in the event of an unsuccessful installation of Photoshop, we can “roll back” the system to this point.

Performing a rollback

Method number 4. WinRE: image recovery

This is a data recovery mode from a backup copy. Let's try to create it.

Create an archive copy of the system

Restoring the system from an archived copy

We hope our tips will help you restore Windows 7. If you still have any questions, you may find the answers here:

Users often experience situations when, due to the installation of a certain driver, utility, or virus infection, the OS begins to slow down terribly or does not function at all. Thanks to the program's recovery option, system files can be restored to normal. In this way, you will be able to avoid the lengthy process of fixing breakdowns. In some cases, the issue can be resolved only by delving into the BIOS system; in others, simpler tools, for example, a boot disk, will help. To understand how to restore Windows 7, spending a minimum of time, study this material to the end!

The easiest recovery option is a system rollback

Experts identify a number of methods by which the OS can be restored to its correct state. The list looks like this:

  • system backup (backup);
  • applying the last known known good system configuration;
  • a disk with system installation files or using safe mode (non-standard mechanism);
  • standard “System Restore” mechanism.

Last Known Good Configuration

This is the most basic way to restore Windows 7. To do this, you need to boot through safe mode (the computer is restarted, and at the stage of turning on the OS, press F8). The window that appears in front of you will list different download options. The “Last Known Good Configuration” section will help you by selecting it and pressing Enter.

The section is needed so that the user can boot the PC using the latest, adequately working parameters. Often, with the help of such simple manipulations, it is possible to restore driver settings and system registry data. The function helps when the OS cannot be loaded in standard mode due to incorrect changes.

Recovering from Safe Mode

First you need to go to Windows safe mode (F8 key). After waiting until the machine boots up completely, go to “Start” - “Search” and look for the “System Restore” program. All that remains is to select a point and confirm the decision. We'll talk about what a restore point is later.

If the method helped, then at the last stage the computer will reboot on its own, and then restore its operation in the mode that is familiar to you.

Boot disk

The method is great for those who have an original disk with Windows 7 OS on hand. It will help restore the system when even safe mode does not help. Let's look at the procedure:

  • press F8 to switch to safe mode;
  • select “Troubleshoot your computer” and then “System recovery options”;
  • insert the disk, boot from it (read below how to do this);
  • select a language, go to the “System Restore” section in the “Windows Installation” window.

After these simple manipulations, you will be taken to the section with Windows 7 recovery options, where you can return everything to its place by selecting the correct point.

Boot priority in BIOS

The boot order allows the computer to understand which device to boot the OS from. Having chosen the order, the user can boot from different media: from a flash drive, disk, over the network.

So, to change the order, you first need to go into the BIOS system. Most often, this requires pressing F2 or Del. You need to press it when a message like “Press Del (F2) to access the BIOS” appears on the screen.

On some machines, other combinations are used: Ctrl+Alt+Esc, F1, or just Esc.

Once in the BIOS, you need to go to the Boot tab. Transitions between menu items are performed using the left and right keys. The decision is confirmed by pressing the Enter key.

Next, it is important to find the Boot Device Priority item. Now all that remains is to select the order of devices by changing them by pressing the “-” and “+” buttons. Having set the necessary parameters, it is important to save the changes and leave the BIOS (Save & Exit tab).

Restoring using backup

If you have previously created a system image, then the method will be truly life-saving. Find the backup and do the following:

  • connect a flash drive with backup;
  • select “Recovery” in the “Control Panel” menu (opens through “Start” in safe mode);
  • Restart Windows 7.

If it is impossible to boot the system, then you can use the backup only by booting through safe mode (F8) and selecting the “Restore system image” item.

When installing an image via safe mode, it is important to select the “Advanced recovery methods” options, and there find the option to use a system image. The computer will prompt you to back up, you can skip this point and just reboot. If you leave the recovery settings at their defaults, Windows will recover after a reboot.

System Recovery Options window

It doesn’t matter which method you used to restore the OS, you will go to this window. There are a number of functions here that are important to know about:

memory diagnostics Windows - by selecting this item, the computer will check the system memory for errors;

System Restore- returning Windows to a period when there were no defects;

startup recovery- analyzes defects through which the usual system boot cannot take place;

command line- the ability to delete files that prevent the system from booting;

system image recovery- allows you to resume normal operation of the OS from a previously prepared copy.

After going to “System Restore,” a new window will appear with a message stating that “System Rollback” will help fix all current problems. Click Next and select a point.

Restore point

A correctly functioning OS creates such points without your help, this happens every 7 days. They are also created when updating drivers or installing software components. Such points can be set manually if desired. Need to:

  • save and close all files;
  • go to “Start” - “Search programs and files”, where enter “Create”;
  • go to “Create a restore point”;
  • click “Create” in the “System Protection” window;
  • describe the name of the point so that you can find it in the future.

After selecting a description to identify the point, the creation process will begin, after its completion the system will issue a corresponding notification.

Return to factory settings

If it was not possible to achieve a clear result, then you need to “reset” to the original settings. This option is used on laptops. It is very controversial, because all data on the machine will be lost. In addition, the method can be implemented if there is a hidden volume on the hard drive (provided from the factory). You can find out whether such a volume exists by clicking on the “Computer” shortcut and selecting “Management” - “Disk Management”.

To return Windows to factory settings, you need to hold down a certain key (the algorithm is different for each device model).

Here is the list of keys:

  • for MSI laptops - hold down the F3 button at startup;
  • Samsung - F4;
  • ASUS - F9;
  • Acer - Alt+F10 (hold);
  • Toshiba - F8;
  • HP, LG - F11;
  • Dell - Ctrl+F11.


Restoring Windows 7 is not difficult. One of the methods presented here will certainly help restore the system to its correct state. This is the use of the last known good configuration, recovery via safe mode, boot disk and backup. Extreme measures are to reinstall Windows again or roll back to the initial settings, but you will lose data on the disk where the OS used to be.

The method is suitable if the system is stable starts And included the function of creating points without user intervention or there is a backup collected by the system itself.
To start the process, you need to open a special software utility. To run it, use the instructions:

In the window that opens select drive protected against data loss. Usually the volume on which the OS is directly installed is selected.

Afterwards, you need to press the button "Recovery…"

A program will open to restore the previous state of the OS. Click the button " Further" and we see a menu that requires select a point recovery. The menu presents those that were created by the operating system itself.

To see all available rollback points, check the box " Show other restore points»

We follow further instructions and agree with reboot system and the fact that it will be impossible to cancel the restoration in the future. System will reboot and there will be a rollback.

It should be remembered that after the rollback the password, which was in use at the time. To avoid problems with logging in, make sure you have utility password reset. When will it happen return OS to the previous state, the previous points will disappear, but a new one will appear, created immediately before the reset attempt.

Returning original settings

If items recovery are missing, or returning to previous states did not help, then you should try returning the PC to factory condition.

Often, most Windows laptops have this option, regardless of the version; instructions can be found from the manufacturer.

If you are the owner stationary PC with Windows 7 installed, then the method is unlikely to work, since usually in this case the OS requires a disk.

For the newest Windows starting from the eighth version, you can use the following algorithm:

Open the menu " Options" - Go to the section " Update and Security» — « Restore your computer to its original state» → Button « Begin»

System rollback using disk

This option is suitable if the operating system categorically refuses to start. The disk can be almost any external data storage, even a USB flash drive.

For creation recovery media you will need to go to control Panel and in the category " system and safety» select the item « Backing up computer data". After that, click on the inscription “ Create a recovery disk". In the new window, select the drive you want to use, then click " Create disk».

Now you will always have the opportunity to fix a system problem without resorting to a complete reinstallation.

Creating an image

This method is also suitable for those who have lost the ability to start the OS, important honors this option from the previous one is that using full image disk, absolutely all user settings, files and applications are restored. Recommended make an image at a time when the PC has all the basic drivers and programs, but no unnecessary software.

To create an image, follow the same instructions as described in the previous method. Only at the last stage should you follow the link “ Creating a system image«.

In the window that opens offered select a location to save the image. The typical save location is DVD, as it can be used if the hard drive is damaged, which is quite convenient. The best way is to write to network storage, it would be better to use this particular point, since in this case, the probability of losing the image will be reduced to zero.

The recovery itself begins in the following way when the computer is rebooted: “ Diagnostics» — « Extra options» — « Restoring a system image».
