Disable front panel jack detection windows 7. Front soundbar not working

Few users of modern devices do not know how to connect headphones to a computer, but not everyone can solve the problems that arise when connecting. Consider some of the nuances of connecting and setting up headphones for their high-quality work on various operating systems Oh.

Connecting headphones to a computer is not a difficult task, but sometimes there are difficulties directly when setting up the equipment. Almost all PC models have sound card. It can be built into the motherboard, or you need to connect to it through a special connector. In any case, the gadget can be connected either to the back of the computer or to the front (if there are appropriate sockets).

By looking at the figure below, you can understand how to connect headphones with a microphone to your computer.

The headset output is always green, and the microphone input is always pink.. Since gadget plugs are also colored in the appropriate colors, it is very difficult to make a mistake and insert them into other connectors. It is required to insert the green plug into the green socket, and the pink plug, respectively, into the pink one. In the pink socket, you can connect both a microphone from headphones and a third-party microphone to the computer. After that, the connected equipment is configured using a special software(in Windows 10, as well as in versions 8 and 7, the setup should take place in automatic mode).

On a laptop, gadgets are connected in the same way. The manufacturer may place connectors on front panel device or on the left.

Headset jacks are sometimes made tight on laptops to increase their lifespan. Therefore, do not be afraid that the plug does not fit well into the socket.

It should be noted that it is the headset plugs designed for computers that are color-coded if a microphone is provided on the headphones. The plugs of the rest of the headset have no difference in colors. There is a headset, for example, for phone, which has not 2 plugs, but one, in which the contacts for the microphone and audio channels are combined. It clearly shows 3 strips separating the contacts. Two contacts are used for connecting audio channels, and one for a microphone.

New laptop models have combination socket, to which you can connect headphones with a microphone that have one plug.

A special marking is placed near such a connector. If there is no such socket, but there are 2 standard ones, then such a headset can be connected via special adapter.

Thus, it becomes clear how to connect headphones from your phone to your computer. Headphones on the front panel are connected according to the same principle: if there is a microphone on the headphones, then it is connected to the pink jack, and the audio channels to the green one.

Connecting the headset to a PC

Now you know how to connect headphones to your computer. But this action is not enough for the gadget to work properly, although most often it immediately starts working, and nothing needs to be configured. But there are times when the connected gadgets do not work, so you need to take some action.

Connecting a headset on Windows 7

Before setting up the headphones on a Windows 7 computer, you need to connect them on the back or front panel of the device to the appropriate connectors (you already know how to connect it correctly). Then you need to start playing the music file. If there is sound in the headset, then the connection can be considered completed. If there is no sound, do the following in the headphones on the computer (this instruction is also suitable for setting up the gadget on a laptop).

The above settings can also be applied to the Windows 10 (Windows 10) operating system if you do not know how to turn on the gadget directly in it.

Microphone setup

Before using the microphone in Windows 7 or 8, as well as in Windows 10, it must be configured.

There are also headphones with a microphone that can be connected to a computer via a USB connector. In most cases, after connecting them, the configuration occurs automatically.

The new operating system from Microsoft is good. Compared to previous versions, Windows 10 is faster and more stable. You quickly get used to the good, so users react painfully to new problems with this OS. One of these troubles is the lack of sound in the headphones after installing or updating the operating system. Usually the reason lies in the damage or incompatibility of drivers, so you should not blame the developers of the new OS. Let's take a look at how to set up your headphones on your Windows 10 PC and bring music back to your headset speakers.

Checking the physical connection settings

Sometimes no special action is taken to eliminate the problem. It is worth checking the primary causes of the problem - perhaps the solution lies on the surface.

Attention! After installing the chipset software, reinstall the audio driver.

Ways to set up headphones

There are two methods for setting up the headphones.

Driver update

This is the main way. 90% of all audio playback problems are due to a problematic driver package.

Configuring the Realtek Manager

If driver updates did not help, go to the second method.

  1. Lack of codecs for playing music files High Quality. You can download them.
  2. Physical damage to connectors or sound card. In this case, you must contact the service center.

That's all. Now you know how to set up your headphones in Windows 10 and diagnose what is causing the problem.

Headphones are a necessary device that is actively used when connected to a computer. This is not surprising, since the use of headphones can significantly expand its functionality. With a microphone, such a device will become indispensable when communicating on Skype or other communication services. Headphones are equally useful for those who regularly play computer games online, as they allow you to stay in touch with your game mates.

Even the standard function for headphones - playing music - deserves attention from users, especially if it is not possible to listen to music using speakers, because of the risk of disturbing someone.

Briefly about connectors and outputs

The design of most computer models provides for the presence of a sound card. As a rule, it is a sound card built into the motherboard, or connected separately. To connect headphones with a microphone, your computer or laptop must have two outputs: one for sending sound to the headphones, the other for the microphone.

As a rule, headphone outputs are marked in green, while microphone outputs are marked in pink, but it is not uncommon for the connection to occur linearly. Computer panels are usually marked with symbols that will help you not to make a mistake in which connector to insert.

Headphones that are used on computers, or rather their plugs, are also marked with the colors indicated above. This significantly distinguishes them from ordinary headphones for music players, since there is no mention of any marking.

Another difference between computer headphones is their durability. Thanks to the longer and thicker cable, these headphones can last much longer than usual, and besides, they are more comfortable to use.

To connect the headphones, it is enough to correctly insert them into the computer connectors: the green plug into the green connector, the pink plug into the pink connector. After that, the headphones are configured using a special program.

Connecting headphones on laptops is carried out in an absolutely identical way. As a rule, the headphone and microphone jacks are located either on the left side of the laptop or on the front panel located opposite the user. By the way, if the headphones do not easily fit into the laptop connector, you should not think that they do not fit. Most manufacturers specifically make headphone jacks tighter in their products so that they last longer.

Newer laptop models have combo jacks that connect headphones with a microphone. They may not be marked with the colors above, but there are symbols next to the connectors that will help you navigate where the correct connector is located.

Connecting headphones to a computer

After you have inserted the headphone plugs into the appropriate jacks on your computer, you need to check if they work. In most cases, after this procedure, the sound is already played in the headphones, and therefore the headphones do not require further adjustment.

However, there are cases that even after the correct connection of the headphones and the computer, the sound does not appear. In this case, do the following:

1. Check if the headphones themselves work. The problem may lie in their inoperability. To check, it is recommended to use any working device with a headphone output: TV, MP3 player, video player, tablet.

2. Another reason why connected headphones do not reproduce sound is the lack of necessary drivers. In order to check for drivers, you need to enable any sound file on your computer through the speakers. If the speakers work, then the drivers on your computer are installed, and the problem lies elsewhere.

If there are no drivers on your computer, you should go to "Device Manager" through the control panel.

Next, find the lines "Sound devices" and "Audio Outputs and Audio Inputs". Opposite them should not be marks in the form of exclamation marks or crosses. If you see such symbols opposite the indicated lines, you need to reinstall the drivers on your computer.

3. If you made sure that everything is normal with the drivers and headphones on your computer, it may be that the volume on the computer is set to the minimum. In order to fix this, you need to find the speaker icon in the lower right corner. By clicking on it, a mixer will appear on the screen, allowing you to control the sound level.

You can also check if the sound is set to a minimum in "Control Panel" In chapter "Sound", link "Volume Adjustment".

It is also worth noting that with the help of indicators that are displayed in the sound mixer, you can determine whether sound is being played by the computer. If no sound file is played, the mixer does not move.

For those who use headphones with a microphone, it is also useful to know that you can track the operation of the microphone in the tab "record", which is located in the section "Sound" in the control panel.

If, after performing these steps, the sound in the headphones on your computer does not work, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible reasons for the lack of sound. In addition, the reason for the lack of sound may be a malfunction of the sound card, and then the computer will need the help of a specialist.

Connecting headphones and speakers to the computer in parallel

It is not uncommon for a computer to have only one connector for connecting both speakers and headphones. Obviously, constantly changing devices is not very convenient, especially since over time this wears out the connector, and it will work worse. One way to solve the problem is to connect the headphones to the speakers, which in turn are connected to the computer. However, this solution is only suitable for regular headphones that do not have a microphone.

The best solution to the problem is to connect headphones and speakers in parallel to the same computer connector. This method is quite convenient, since the sound will work both in speakers and headphones, and at the moment when you need only headphones to work, you can easily turn off the speakers with the corresponding button.

This method is only possible with a special splitter, which can be purchased at a radio or cable store. The cost of such a cord is in the range of 100-150 rubles.

Related video connecting speakers and headphones at the same time for Windows 7

How to connect headphones with a microphone

It has already been mentioned above that headphones with a microphone are specially marked and have two plugs - one green (headphones) and the second pink (directly microphone). This marking is present on most models of headphones with a microphone, and is necessary precisely so that the user can easily connect them to a computer device.

As a rule, it looks like this:

First of all, you need to insert the headphone plug into the corresponding socket in the computer panel, and do the same with the microphone plug. After you have installed the headphone plugs into the appropriate connectors on your computer, you need to do the following:

1. For Windows XP users: go to the control panel, select the item "Sounds and Audio Devices", select item "Speech"

2. For Windows 7 users: go to the control panel, go to the section "Sound" and choose an option "Playback".

If your headphones are connected to the computer correctly, then there should be green marks opposite the corresponding lines. Here you can configure the headphones in the relevant sections.

USB works, the "rear" connector (on the motherboard) plays sound, but the front panel is silent. It’s not convenient to climb under the table every time, so by trial and error I found all the possible reasons why the sound might not work!

The reasons,

Diagram of the front panel connector on the motherboard

There are 2 audio standards:

AC"97 (short for Audio Codec "97) is an audio codec standard created in 1997. This standard is commonly used in motherboards, modems, sound cards, and chassis with front panel audio output. AC"97 supports sampling rates of 96 kHz when using 20-bit stereo resolution and 48 kHz when using 20-bit stereo for multi-channel recording and playback. In 2004, AC"97 was replaced by Intel® High Definition Audio (HD Audio) technology.

HD Audio

The sound may not work because there is simply no driver for your sound card. Or the software on your audio device is not installed correctly.

Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Sound ->

Realtek HD Manager --> Socket Settings -->

Recently I collected all my hardware in a new building. The case is equipped with a front panel with USB outputs, microphone and headphone jacks. But here's the problem: sound on front panel not working! USB works, the "rear" connector (on the motherboard) plays sound, but the front panel is silent. It’s not convenient to climb under the table every time, so I found everything through trial and error possible reasons Why can't sound work?

The reasons, Why can't sound work?

If the sound on the front panel of the case does not work, there may be several reasons for this and, accordingly, solutions:

Solution 1: Check if the front panel connector is properly connected to the motherboard.

There are 2 audio standards:

AC"97 (short for Audio Codec "97) is an audio codec standard created in 1997. This standard is commonly used in motherboards, modems, sound cards, and cases with front-panel audio output. AC"97 supports sampling rates of 96 kHz when using 20-bit stereo resolution and 48 kHz when using 20-bit stereo for multi-channel recording and playback. In 2004, AC"97 was replaced by Intel® High Definition Audio (HD Audio) technology.

HD Audio
The Intel® High Definition Audio audio subsystem is based on a specification released by Intel in 2004 to enable more channels to be played at higher audio quality than was possible with integrated audio codecs such as AC"97. HD Audio based hardware , support 192 kHz/32-bit sound quality in dual channel and 96 kHz/32-bit sound quality in multi-channel (up to 8 channels).

Microsoft Windows Vista only supports High Definition acoustic peripherals (such as front panel audio solutions).

Solution 2: Update your sound driver.

Download the driver from the official website of realtek, or the manufacturer of your motherboard.
You can also use the program automatic update drivers.

The sound may not work because there is simply no driver for your sound card. Or the software on your audio device is not installed correctly.

Solution 3: Properly configure the software (driver) for your audio device.

If sound is not working on Windows 7, try the following:
Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Sound -> Digital Audio select default.

Realtek HD Manager --> Connector Options --> check the box next to "Disable front panel jack detection"

Check the box to disable front panel jack detection.

4. Other solutions:

BIOS setup

In BIOS "e, you can try to enable AC" 97 instead of HD Audio, or vice versa.

Replacing (soldering) the front panel

You can try to directly connect the audio output to the motherboard.

motherboard pinout (from Intel, usually standard)

The pinout for each case manufacturer is different, so see them on the manufacturer's websites.

Alternatively, find a front panel from another manufacturer :)

Change case

As a radical way - to change the body to another manufacturer. On Thermaltake cases, the sound on the front panel always works! Confirmed by practice.

Since the introduction of Windows 7, almost all users have had problems with no sound from speakers or headphones on the front audio panel, and the microphone does not work.

It is quite convenient for users to connect headphones or a microphone in front, for example, to communicate via Skype. At the same time, there is no need to flatter under the computer and look in the back of the system unit, among the heaps of wires, for a headphone jack, pulling out the main speakers. Yes, and sometimes the length of the wire may not be enough for the headphones to connect them from the back of the computer.
As a result, the front panel remains an indispensable addition to the computer.

The lack of sound on the front panel can be for a number of reasons:

  • The front panel is not connected to the motherboard.
  • The sound card driver is not configured (for Windows 7, 8, 10).
  • Audio driver not installed.
  • The audio driver is not compatible with the sound card.

Connecting the front soundbar to the motherboard

We open the side cover of the system unit and look for the front (front) panel connector on the motherboard - Fig.1.

Figure 1 - Connector for connecting the front audio panel

Pay attention to the absence of one pin in the connector (marked with a red small square).

Similarly, the soundbar cable plug is also missing one hole - Fig. 2

Figure 2 - Front panel plug. Red square indicates no hole

This is done so that it is impossible to connect the panel incorrectly. Be careful when connecting the connector, orienting it correctly, according to Figures 1 and 2, so as not to bend the connector pins.

So. We have plugged in.

We connect the headphones to the panel. Turn on your favorite song. The player is playing. But there is still no sound.

Setting up an audio driver using the example of the manufacturer Realtek HD

If there is no sound from behind, then the driver is simply not installed in the system or is damaged (for example, due to viruses).
How to find out the company and version of the driver will be described below.

If the sound is present at the back, but not at the front, then we configure the driver.

NOTE: In the operating room Windows system XP there were no sound problems on the front panel. The sound card driver did not have to be configured.

Opening the sound card manager Fig. 3.

Figure 3 - Realtec HD Manager (brown speaker)

A large window appears Fig.4, in which, according to the arrow, click on the icon.

Figure 4 - Click on the yellow icon

Then we get to another small window, where we put a tick as in Fig.5.

Figure 5 - check the box as shown

Congratulations!!! Now our panel is working.

Setting up the sound driver using the example of a VIA sound card

Setting up the VIA audio driver is almost the same as setting up the Realtek HD driver. It's just that the front panel settings in the program interface are located a little differently.

Opening the sound card software Fig.6.

Figure 6 — Window of the VIA sound card settings program

Click on the icon indicated by the arrow in Fig. 6, and get into the window, where, according to Fig. 7, install the switch.

Figure 7 - Select the item that is marked with orange highlight

The front panel audio settings have been successfully completed. Plug in your headphones and enjoy the sound.

If there is no Realtek HD Manager or VIA. What to do?

The absence of the program "Realtek HD Manager" or VIA, is, if your computer has installed unofficial version audio drivers.

Often when Windows installation 7 sound driver, on many models of motherboards, is automatically selected by the operating system and is compatible with the sound chip. But at the same time, the settings program itself (Fig. 4 and 6) is not installed. In this case, front panel adjustment cannot be made. At the same time, all ports in the rear panel work fine.

In order to download the right driver for your sound card, we need to find out the manufacturer of the sound chip and its model.
This can be done using the Everest program.

Download the program as shown in Fig. eight.

Figure 8 - Downloading Everest

This is a portable version that does not require installation. Open the downloaded archive and run the everest.exe application. The program window will appear. 9, in which you can learn a lot of useful and interesting things about the hardware of your computer.

Figure 9 - Everest program interface

But we are still interested in how to find out the model of our sound card.

We do everything as in Fig 9 - open the "Multimedia" item, and then the "PCI/PnP Audio" sub-item. If you see a blank window in this sub-item, then select the "HD Audio" sub-item.

On the right side of the program we see a list of sound devices. It may differ for you both in quantity (there may be only one sound device) and in name.

We are interested in the device marked as in Fig. 9 - Realtek ALC 888. This is our sound card. It is on it that we will look for the desired driver, according to the name.

On the Internet, by searching for Realtek ALC 888, or for example Realtek662, depending on what sound card you have, you can find a driver for it with a settings program.

In order not to look for a driver for a specific model, I give you a link to the universal audio driver installer, which is suitable for almost all models of Realtek sound chips.

If you are the owner of a VIA sound card, you can download the driver with the program for this audio card on this site.

Connecting the front panel to an additional sound card, using the example of ASUS Xonar DX 7.1

Figure 10 - Sound card ASUS Xonar DX 7.1

Owners of optional sound cards, such as ASUS XONAR or Creative, can also connect the front panel, customize it and enjoy high quality sound in games, movies or listening to music.
If you have a front panel connected to the motherboard, then you need to disconnect its plug and connect it to a similar sound card connector (in our example, ASUS XONAR DX 7.1) - Fig. eleven.

Figure 11 — Front panel connector for ASUS Xonar DX 7.1 sound card

Connect the plug to the connector in the same way as in the motherboard and also orient their pins with the holes.

Figure 13 - Application for sound settings, as well as the front panel

The sound settings program will open in front of us Fig. fourteen.

Figure 14 - Setting the sound for headphones

Expand the "Analog input" list and select FP headphones.

  • Please, explain why, after reinstalling Windows 7, I have a Realtek sound card, I installed the sound drivers from the motherboard CD, the Realtek manager is installed and there is sound in the operating system. But I connect the headphones to the front panel and there is no sound, before reinstalling the operating system there was sound. George.
  • Letter #2 Answer this question, I recently reset my BIOS settings to default (default) and now I have front soundbar not working, on the network they say it is necessary to install the Realtek manager, but I never had it, so it's something else, probably in the BIOS settings. Anton.
  • Letter #3 Why do I have no sound in headphones in windows 7 when connecting them to the front panel? Realtek sound card. On one of the forums on the Internet, I was advised to go to Playback Devices and just turn on the headphones, but I can’t do it, because they say High Definition Audio device Not connected and if you right-click on them, then such a menu will appear and as you can see they can be Disabled, not Enabled. I also read on one site that you need to go to Start-> Control Panel-> Sound - on the tabs Playback or Record select the correct device and click Default, but that doesn't help either. Kristina.

Front soundbar not working

This article, friends, is suitable for both the Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows XP operating systems, if there is a difference, I will definitely show you where.
Answer to the first question. Let's deal with the non-working front soundbar, firstly in most cases, you must have Realtek manager installed for it to work. If you have it installed, then there should be its icon on the taskbar,

if it's not there, go to Start - Control Panel- Realtek Dispatcher. On Windows 7

if it is missing there too, try to find it in the folder

C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA RtHDVCpl.exe file and run it, you should see the main Realtek Manager window, if you don't have a Realtek folder in the C:\Program Files folder, then you need to download the updated driver for your sound card on the Realtek website and install it as to do this is written in detail in our article.
When you launch the Realtek Manager in Windows 7, click the Speakers button, then click on the yellow folder in the upper right corner and a window will appear Connector options,

see warning If front panel jack detection does not work properly, check this box next to Disable front panel jack detection, put a tick on this item and click OK.

After these steps, the front soundbar should work.
In the Windows XP operating system, the Realtek Manager looks a little different, but the essence is the same. Click with the left mouse on the button with a wrench

and in the window that appears, check the box Disable front panel jack detection and OK,

the front soundbar should work.

We can also press the button Additional settings devices in this window and adjust everything as we need, for example, mark the item - . This means that when headphones are connected to the front soundbar, the speakers connected to the motherboard at the back will immediately turn off.

On Windows 7

Now I am answering the second letter. It happens friends that the drivers for the sound card are installed and the sound is present in the system, but the front sound bar does not work, there are usually two reasons for this.

Firstly: your front sound panel works according to the slightly outdated AC "97 standard and the cable coming from it is connected to the connector on the motherboard AAFP analog audio front panel ( designed specifically for connecting front panel audio connectors).

  • Note: AC'97 is an outdated standard audio codec, it can be said that it is a veteran, it was developed by Intel in 1997, it is used in motherboards, as well as cases with a front panel audio solution. But the sound subsystem built into your motherboard works according to a newer standard - High Definition Audio or HD Audio. because of this, the front soundbar may not work. Intel High Definition Audio is a relatively new specification for audio codecs developed by Intel in 2004, featuring improved digital audio quality, more channels, and higher bandwidth compared to AC"97.
You can solve this problem using BIOS, it is there that you can set the principle of operation of the front sound panel. There are usually two options: default HD Audio and more.
Reboot and go into the BIOS. Go to Advanced, then Onboard Devices Configuration

and finally the option responsible for the front sound panel Front panel type, it can also be called like this:
Front Panel Support Type , High Definition Front Panel Audio, Legacy Front Panel Audio, it is by default in the HD Audio position,

move it to the position, save the changed settings and exit the BIOS. After the reboot, the front soundbar should work.

Also, if your front panel works in HD Audio, then in the BIOS you need to switch it from position to HD Audio. In any case, experiment.
Friends, if you connect the AC "97 front soundbar to the AAFP connector on the High Definition Audio specification motherboard,

Then everything will work fine for you, only in some cases, when connecting headphones to the front sound panel, in sound speakers sound won't turn off, even if you disable the item in the Realtek dispatcher settings Mute rear output device when front headphone output device is connected.

All this is due to the fact that the manufacturers of the front sound panel use a simplified wiring diagram for the cable and outputs of the AC97 front panel.
There are two ways out here, the first is to solder (not so easy), the second is to buy a new case, with support for the front HD Audio soundbar, and if you purchase a new computer, check everything with the seller, do not be surprised if, when buying a new system unit in a non-specialized supermarket, you will encounter complete ignorance of consultants in this matter.
Well, the last thing to check if the front soundbar does not work for you is whether it is connected to the motherboard with a cable, sometimes it is simply forgotten to be connected when assembling the computer, as in this screenshot.

The AC "97 front sound panel cable was forgotten to be connected to the AAFP analog audio front panel connector on the motherboard.

Well, to Christina from the third letter we established new version drivers from the official site and set up the front soundbar in the Realtek manager, everything is written in our article How to install sound driver in detail.

Hello. The front panel with USB and audio outputs is one of the most important parts of a computer for modern user. Why? Well, think for yourself, it’s not so easy to insert a USB flash drive into the USB port, which is located on the back of the case, then you take the drive with the wrong side, then you just can’t get into the port, in general, some inconvenience.

With sound, of course, everything is simpler, but sometimes the connected headphones lack the same length of the cord, which is so necessary for a comfortable location behind the workplace. And here everything is at hand, you need to connect a USB flash drive, please, or maybe headphones or a microphone, also no problem. Although, what I'm telling you, you yourself are probably well aware of these big and fat pluses of the front panel.

What am I leading to? The thing is that sometimes on some computers this panel works only half. That is, they only work USB ports, but for some reason there is no sound, this applies to both the connected headphones and the microphone. As a result, exactly the inconveniences that I mentioned in a few sentences above are created.

Therefore, now we will try to find the reason why the sound does not work when headphones are connected on the front panel and fix it to restore the full functionality of our panel.

Diagnosing why the sound on the front panel does not work

So, the first conclusion can be drawn immediately. If the USBs are working, then the panel itself is working. Of course, there is a small chance that the port for connecting the headset and microphone burned out right away, but this happens very rarely.

Well, first of all, we connect headphones or speakers to the green connector, which is located on the back of the case and check if there is sound. If not, then you need to download the sound driver for your audio device and reinstall it (). If, on the contrary, everything is in order, we immediately proceed to the next step.

Another reason why the sound on the front panel may not work is that it is not connected correctly or not connected at all. In this case, we read and follow all the recommendations that I gave in that article.

There is one more thing, the connection connectors can be separated one by one, which may affect the correct connection. In this case, you will have to look for a manual for working with the motherboard and, using the examples in the form of a picture, connect in the same order. If so, let me know in the comments how I can help.

So, the panel is connected, or if everything has already been connected, move on. First, I will give an example for Windows XP. We go to the "Control Panel" and find the sound settings "Sound and audio devices". Having opened them, go to the "Audio" tab, where from the list of devices used by default, select "HD Audio" (or Realtek AC97).

But, this choice may depend on which connector you connected to the motherboard. If it was AC 97, then you need to select the same driver, if with the HD Audio signature, then select the driver with this name accordingly.

If there was only one connector when connecting, then most likely it is HD Audio, therefore, in the example, I will use it. We do the same in the lower field, selecting the main device for recording and clicking "OK" to close the window.

In Windows 7, everything is simpler, here the driver is selected automatically, mainly Realtek HD AUDIO.

Having selected the necessary firewood, we start restarting the computer and after that, we try to enter the BIOS using the keys " F2" or " DEL". Going to the tab " Advanced» select the item « Onboard Device Configuration". In the menu that opens, by going to the item " High Definition Audio» set the value « Enabled", And in the next line "" select " HD Audio» ( or AC97, if it was selected in the Windows settings), that is we have installed the same driver in the system.

The main principle of all this customization is that the same type of software is selected in Windows and in Windows. Well, if it is different, then you yourself already understand that a system conflict will occur as a result of which there is a problem with no sound on the front panel.

I also note that if you do not have these items in the BIOS, this means that you do not need to configure anything in it. In such cases, if the sound on the front panel does not work, check again whether the selected driver is suitable for your sound device and whether the connectors on the motherboard are connected correctly.

Well, summing up, I want to say that if you set the same driver in both cases, everything will work as it should. Also, sometimes this setting can fly along with the system time due to the fact that the battery that supports them runs out in the computer during the PC off mode. If anything, you can find out how to replace it here, with all the details and examples in the form of pictures.

Sound does not work on the front panel, fixes

Very often, some Windows 7 users, as well as users of other operating systems of this family, after reinstalling Windows, face the problem of the front soundbar not working. Although it worked before reinstalling the system.

In this article, we will look at a set of specific actions that will help enable sound outputs on the front panel of the system unit using Windows 7 as an example.

Reasons why the front soundbar might not work?

This problem usually occurs in two situations:

  • Sound driver not installed (Realtek, IDT, VIA);
  • In the BIOS settings, the front panel output type is not correct.

So, the first thing you need to do is install the motherboard on your computer, go to the official website of the manufacturer and download the sound card driver from there.

Download driver for Asus motherboard from the official site

Then install it, restart the PC and check if the outputs on the front panel of the system unit are working.

If not, then reboot again and (UEFI).

Here you need to look for the “Front Panel Type” option. Depending on the BIOS version, it may be located on the Advanced tab in the section Onboard Device Configuration or I/O Device Configuration.

Front Panel Type option in UEFI

This parameter must be set to " AC97“.

Front Panel Type option in BIOS

If after that the sound on the front panel still does not work, then you need to open the sound settings. This is usually the orange speaker icon next to the clock.

Sound driver icon in system tray

Here, by clicking on the gear, the folder icon or the button with the image of a wrench, we transfer the front panel mode to AC97.

This setting must be disabled

Also note that the "Disable front panel jack detection" checkbox is unchecked.

Switching the front panel type to AC97

Entering advanced sound driver settings
