League of legends update. How to fix the error when updating League of Legends? Main features of the update

/ How to fix the error when updating League of Legends?

How to fix the error when updating League of Legends?


League of Legends update error can occur when the program that checks files and updates your version of the game cannot update itself or does not have the appropriate access rights. Thus, the program itself stops loading on a certain file, after clicking on the “play” button, nothing happens, the following error may appear on the screen: “0001: mod.rds.cmrds has an undefined dependency: lib.clientlibrds”.

In order to solve this problem, you need to disable your antivirus. Then you need to run a forced re-installation of the update. This can be done in two ways, here is the first one:
- open the Riot Games folder (C:/Riot Games/League of Legends);
- open the folder C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases\(latest version number)
- delete files: releasemanifest, S_OK
- open the Deploy folder and remove the following folders and files from it:
- lib (folder)
- META-INF (folder)
- mod (folder)
- lolclient.exe (file)
- lolclient.swf (file)
- locale.properties (file)
- then restart the game

League of Legends update error, second troubleshooting method:
- Find and delete the following folder: C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_launcher;
- restart the game.

In some cases, problems with the update installer occur when some game files have become corrupted. You can try to fix these files like this:
- launch the game;
- click on the gear in the upper right part of the dialog box;
- click on “fix”;
- wait until the program makes the necessary corrections.

access_time August 8, 2018 account_circle Ashenveil remove_red_eye 1059

  • This year, Riot is focusing on reworking old champions rather than creating new ones.
  • Nuno will be changed next. The developers decided to keep his ultimate ability Absolute Zero and Absorption [Q], because that is what he is known for among players. But other abilities will be changed.
  • Ezreal, although a fairly old champion, has remained virtually unchanged over the years and continues to be one of the most popular heroes in the game. Therefore, Riot decided only to update his appearance and voice acting, and also work on Essence Distortion [W], because now this skill interacts quite poorly with the rest of the champion’s mechanics. Otherwise, Ezreal will mechanically remain the same shooter, tied to the use of skillshots.
  • Kayle and Morgana will also receive an update. If we talk about Morgana, she is still a strong pick who is also making progress on the professional stage. Therefore, Riot will only focus on her passive ability and Tormented Earth [W], but Kayle is awaiting a full-scale rework that will affect all of the angel’s abilities. At the same time, the developers want to preserve the idea of ​​​​a hybrid champion, capable of fighting both in close combat and in long-range combat at the beginning of the game, and then becoming exclusively a character who deals huge damage from a distance.
  • In addition, the developers published the first teaser of the new champion, and he will appear only after another “bright magician”.

The IOC President is not interested in the appearance of e-sports at the Olympics

IOC President Thomas Bach, in an interview with Associated Prees, expressed his opinion on the inclusion of e-sports in the Olympic Games. It turned out that he was not interested in such a development of events, because in his opinion, games that are dedicated to the murder of opponents violate Olympic values, which means they have no place at the Olympics.

Sony ends support for PlayStation 2

If you are one of the proud owners of a PlayStation 2 console, then on August 31st you lost your last opportunity to take your console to Sony for repairs. The fact is that the Japanese giant announced the closure of the PlayStation Clinic service, which was engaged in the repair and restoration of PS2. This step means a complete cessation of support for the legendary console.

We're likely to see a board game based on Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is based on the tabletop RPG Cyberpunk 2020, created by Mike Pondsmith. Moreover, Mike actively helps in the development of CD Projekt RED studio, acting as a consultant. Naturally, fans of the setting had a logical question - is Mike going to transfer the updated Cyberpunk 2077 setting to paper and tables. The answer is simple - most likely yes.

The developers of Phantom Brigade have joined forces with the creators of Crypt of the Necrodancer

Brace Yourself Games has announced the acquisition of Tetragon Works. The former are well known for their unusual project Crypt of the Necrodancer, while the latter are currently developing the game Phantom Brigade - a turn-based strategy in the XCOM style with huge controllable mechs. What will come of this? Future will tell.

Battlefield 1 - Get the Premium Pass for free

DICE studio announced that from September 11 to 18, everyone will be able to get a free Premium Pass for the shooter Battlefield 1 into their collection. This offer includes all the released add-ons for the game - They Shall Not Pass, In the Name of the Tsar, Turning Tides and Apocalypse and will allow you to spend long hours on new battlefields.

Welcome to the update with the second set of changes aimed at the World Cup, which begins next week! You are probably wondering why there are so few edits, since it contained as many as 23 changes. This time we won't be nerfing heroes that were popular with the pros, but instead will be bringing other champions up to their level to help keep the former at bay. We don't want to ruin all the players' efforts to prepare for the biggest tournament of the year, we just want to give them more options to choose from. We'll be focusing on champions who could use some extra power in the competitive scene and have room for buffs in the games of those who haven't yet reached the pro level. If this results in someone being too strong, we will make further changes.

We're also releasing a bunch of visual and audio enhancements for some legacy champions. Now it will be more pleasant for you not only to play, but also to watch the games of the tournament.

Let's talk about everything in more detail.

Richard "MapleNectar" Henkel Paul "RiotAether" Perscheid

Main features of the update

Additional changes

Balance update from 09/26/2018


Due to a bug that appeared in update 8.18, Fiora's buff turned out to be ineffective, so we are increasing the numerical indicators of the passive skill.




The passive effect's burn damage rate from maximum health has been increased. Skill power has been reduced.

Liandry has a fairly obvious purpose - this item should be taken when you have periodic damage and control in your skill set, or when the enemies have too strong a team. Many champions already meet the first condition, but they could cope better with Torment tanks. We're increasing the burn damage from max health to address this issue, but reducing the item's ability power to curb its explosive power.



Periodic damage to targets whose movement is not limited 1% of maximum health per second1.5% of maximum health per second.

Welcome to update 8.20. Its main feature is the reworking of the most daring, stylish, gifted, athletic, famous and attractive LoL researcher Ezreal (quoted from his words)! Gameplay-wise, it's changed less than the other updated champions, but you'll now look a lot better as you unleash one targeted skill after another and collect bounties. And you still don't need a card.*

*Please do not take these words literally and do not forget about the minimap.

Otherwise, this update will not bring any surprises - we have finished preparing for the World Championship and are now working on the pre-season. We're nerfing some early and mid-game damage sources, as well as Nami and Sion, who have been steadfastly refusing to die lately.

That's all! Continue to strive for new heights in ranked games and watch the World Championship!

Paul "Aether" Perscheid

Main features of the update


new Essence Warp [W]

Ezreal fires an orb that attaches to the first champion or object hit. When the sphere is hit by a skill or basic attack, it explodes. If the sphere explodes from the skill, Ezreal restores his mana.

DAMAGE 75/120/165/210/255 magic damage.

DAMAGE RATIO 60% bonus attack damage + 70% ability power.

RANGE 1150 (same as Mystic Shot [Q]) .

RECHARGE 12 seconds.



MANA RECOVERY WHEN EXPLOSING FROM A SKILL 60 plus the cost of the skill that exploded the Essence Distortion sphere.

OBJECTS Orb of Essence Warp attaches to champions, epic monsters, towers, inhibitors, and the nexus.

Mystic Shot [Q]


Magic Shift [E]

new ENTITY ATTRACTION Magic Shift now prioritizes targets affected by Essence Warp.

Aimed Volley [R]


Overwhelming Magic (Passive Skill)

ICON No balance or mechanic changes. We've added this skill here so you can admire the new icon!

The cooldown time of Phantom Rush [R] has been increased at low levels of the skill.

Ahri is too susceptible to the snowball effect and can easily turn early advantages into quick wins, so we're reducing how often she uses R's Spectral Rush in lane. This should give the enemy mid laner more time to recover and his team more opportunities to punish Ahri while she is unable to charge.

Phantom Rush [R]

COOLDOWN 110/95/80 seconds ⇒ 130/105/80 seconds

The damage of the enhanced Whiplash [E] has been reduced at low skill levels. Last Kiss's damage has been reduced.

Evelynn kills enemies too easily without Seduction, especially in the early and mid game.

Whip Strike [E]

DAMAGE OF ENHANCED SKILL 95/115/135/155/175 ⇒ 75/100/125/150/175 .

Last Kiss [R]

DAMAGE 150/275/400 ⇒ 125/250/375

EXECUTION DAMAGE 300/550/800 ⇒ 250/500/750

Hail of Blades no longer applies to Jhin's first basic attack.

Don't let the "Bug Fix" tag fool you - this is a targeted nerf to Jin with Hail of Blades. The bonus attack speed increases both Jin's attack power and the movement speed he gains from critical hits. While other champions barely noticed that Hail of Blades increased the bonus speed of their first basic attack by 75-125%, Jhin really benefited from this bug.

Whisper (passive skill)

BUG FIX Hail of Blades no longer applies to Jhin's first basic attack (the one that triggers the rune). It still applies correctly to subsequent basic attacks. Now the rune works the same as for other champions.

Tahm swallows a minion, neutral monster, or allied champion for 4 seconds. If the target of the swallow is an enemy champion, the duration is halved. If Tahm swallows an enemy or allied champion, his movement speed is reduced by 95%. After some time, Taam can spit out the victim in his stomach. Allied champions can escape from its jaws early. Enemy champions take 60/105/150/195/240 + (9/10/11/12/13% of target's maximum health) + (2% per 100 AP) magic damage when spat. If Taam spits out a minion or neutral monster, when it collides with the first target, it deals 100/135/170/205/240 + (0.6*AP) magic damage over the area. Enemies that are spat out are stunned for 0.25 seconds.

When applied to an enemy, the cooldown of the skill is halved.

When Tahm Kench swallows an enemy champion, he regains half of the mana spent.
