Is it possible to upgrade Windows 8 to 10? Is it worth upgrading?

Are you looking for how to properly upgrade Windows 8 to Windows 10!? Then you've come to the right place.

Read about how to do this correctly in our review.

To update or not to update - that is the question?

According to data provided by Net Applications, the most popular OS today is still Windows 7.

The eighth version was only slightly ahead of the once popular Windows XP, which ranks 3rd in the ranking.

But things are completely different with Windows 10 in just 2 months (!) it was able to take 5th place, which is quite good compared to the previous release from Microsoft.
Why is the new OS so popular?

Apparently, the developers tried to follow the rule of the golden mean, taking the best from the two previous releases - the convenience of the seventh version and the creativity of the eighth version.

For example, changes affected the Start menu, the style of which the user chooses from personal preferences - classic/modern.

After opening, the application does not occupy the entire screen (as on a tablet), but takes on the classic look that most PC users are accustomed to.

You can simultaneously place up to 4 applications on the desktop, and their size will be automatically scaled by the system. Running applications are now highlighted as in Windows 7.

By using a mode that is very similar to Hibernation mode, Windows 10 can boot faster compared to previous versions.

Important! Also important is the fact that the “ten” has more complete driver support than the “seven”.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning two OS reinstallation functions that are not present in Windows 7: using the Refresh function, you can save all data by deleting all operating system and application settings.

The Reset functions are complemented by Refresh, allowing you to delete, incl. and user data.

Main support for the "Seven" ended in January 2015, so the user will no longer see any functional changes in the system.

Extended support, during which security updates will be released, will last until January 2020.

For those who are hesitant in making a decision, we will say that after the update you will have 30 days during which you can roll back to the previous version - the main condition is not to delete the Windows.old directory.

Ways to upgrade Windows 7 and 8 to Windows 10

Please note that the free update is only possible within a year from the release of Windows 10.

There are 2 ways in which you can perform the update:

  • “Update Center” - this method allows you to save personal data, user settings and compatible programs.
    If an update occurs for Windows 7, desktop widgets, standard games, Media Center will be removed, and analogues will be loaded instead.
  • Download the Windows 10 image from the official Microsoft website.

A significant disadvantage of the first method is the fact that the update will be performed after some time, and not immediately.

The fact is that millions of users around the world are going through the update process, and the company’s servers from which the download occurs have a limited resource, so you have to wait for notification.

This period can vary depending on your luck, from several days to several weeks.

On the other hand, this approach has an advantage for lazy or inexperienced users who do not want or cannot speed up the update process.

The second method allows you to start updating immediately after downloading the disk image and burning it to a flash drive or DVD.

Read about how to install Windows 10 using this method in our next article.

Updating Windows 7 and 8 to Windows 10 via Update Center

Step 1. Make sure you have all the latest Windows updates installed. Open the “Control Panel” utility and go to the “Windows Update” section.
On the left, click on the “Settings” link and make sure that the options shown in the picture below are checked:

Step 2. Open the “Get Windows 10” application icon, which is located near the system tray.

Step 3. We go through the application menu, answering questions and filling out the required fields. During the process, a report will be generated whether Windows 10 will work on this computer or not, as well as a list of devices with which problems may arise.

Step 4. We reserve the update.

Step 5. If several days have passed after the above operations and the update has not arrived, we will try to speed up this process. In a command prompt opened with administrator rights, run the command wuauclt.exe /updatenow.

Step 6. Open Windows Update again. Within a fairly short time, usually no more than 20 minutes after executing the command, the Windows 10 boot process should begin, which on average lasts about an hour.

Step 7 After downloading, the installation process will automatically begin. Installation takes about 10-15 minutes.

The installation of the system ends with a couple of dialogues in which you need to once again confirm the seriousness of your intentions, and if for some reason you change your mind at this step, you can return everything back.

After this, the system offers to postpone the update for a while or perform the installation now.

Whichever option is selected, the system will reboot to configure the hardware (this will take about 20 minutes).

After installation, the OS is prepared to start and very soon the black screen will replace the welcome screen. Congratulations, you have updated your system to Windows 10!

Upgrading from Windows 8 to Windows 10

The release of Windows 10, which successfully took place on July 29, 2015, allowed PC users around the world to immediately try this new product. The easiest way to do this was for Windows 8 users. All they had to do was reserve the update and wait for it to download

Upgrade to Windows 10 using updates.

This method differs from others in that it requires minimal effort from you, but in return it requires more time. Everything is quite simple, check whether automatic installation of updates is enabled, if it is disabled, enable it. Then all you have to do is wait until the Windows icon appears in the taskbar.

By clicking on it, reserve the update by clicking the "Reserve free update" button.

If you wish, you can indicate your e-mail so that after your computer is ready you will be notified by letter.

At the end, a window will open asking you to wait; the wait may take several days.

Once your computer is ready, a message will appear. Click on it.

In the window that opens, click the "Continue" button.

You must then accept the license agreement.

The Windows 10 download process will begin.

After this, preparations for upgrading to Windows 10 will begin; the only thing that is required from you is consent to the installation.

All subsequent steps depend little on the update methods and are described.

Upgrade Windows7/8.1 to Windows 10 using Windows 10 Installation Media Creation Tool.

Unlike the first method, there is no need to wait until your computer is scanned and the necessary files are downloaded; you can upgrade to Windows 10 much faster.

This method involves using a Microsoft tool - Windows 10 Installation Media Creation Tool. To do this, first of all you need download it from the official website , select the version of the operating system that is installed on your computer/laptop.

Run the downloaded file

Select "Upgrade this PC now."

After this, the standard procedure for upgrading to Windows 10 will begin, little different from the method you chose; you can familiarize yourself with it.

Upgrade to Windows 10 using a boot image.

The advantage of this method is that you minimize downloading from the Internet, and unlike the first method, you do not need to wait for file downloads.

For this method you will first need download Windows 10 ISO image . Unzip the downloaded archive and run the installer file SETUP.EXE.

The first step will be to download and install updates; if you wish, you can skip this item (if, for example, you have limited Internet access).

Upgrade process to Windows 10.

If your OS (Windows 7, Windows 8.1) has been activated, then this step will be skipped, otherwise you will need to enter the key. If you don't have one, but want to install Windows 10 for evaluation purposes, you can use installation keys. Do not confuse them with an activation key, since these keys will only allow you to upgrade to Windows 10, but will not activate it after installation.

Windows10 installation keys:

Windows 10 Home - TX9XD-98N7V-6WMQ6-BX7FG-H8Q99
Windows 10 Home N - 3KHY7-WNT83-DGQKR-F7HPR-844BM
Windows 10 Home Single Language - 7HNRX-D7KGG-3K4RQ-4WPJ4-YTDFH
Windows 10 Home Country Specific - PVMJN-6DFY6-9CCP6-7BKTT-D3WVR

Windows 10 Professional - W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX
Windows 10 Professional N - MH37W-N47XK-V7XM9-C7227-GCQG9

Windows 10 Education - NW6C2-QMPVW-D7KKK-3GKT6-VCFB2
Windows 10 Education N - 2WH4N-8QGBV-H22JP-CT43Q-MDWWJ

Windows 10 Enterprise - NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43
Windows 10 Enterprise N - DPH2V-TTNVB-4X9Q3-TJR4H-KHJW4

Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB - WNMTR-4C88C-JK8YV-HQ7T2-76DF9
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB N - 2F77B-TNFGY-69QQF-B8YKP-D69TJ

Then you must agree to the licensing terms.

Next, you need to select which of the components you want to transfer; if all, then you can simply click “Next”. If you want to select only some components, click Change selected components to save and select the required conditions.

After this update Windows.

As a result of the update, a welcome window should open, click “Next”.

After this, you need to select system options. If you want to leave the default values, click "Use standard settings", if you want to change the configuration, click "Customize settings" and change the appropriate items.

A few minutes of preparation.

And the result is an updated OS to Windows 10.

As a result, you will receive Windows10 with all programs and files.

If you are not satisfied with Windows 10 in any way, within 30 days you can always

According to Microsoft, the last opportunity to upgrade to Windows 10 for free was 07/29/2016. But this does not mean that obtaining “ten” by a legal method (not by downloading copyright distributions in the form of assemblies with an activated version of the OS) is impossible.

If you haven’t decided to upgrade to ten in a year and are still using the classic “seven” or Windows 8.1, don’t be disheartened that even for the home version of the operating system you will have to pay up to ten thousand rubles, and the corporate and professional version is plus several thousand. Enterprising users have found a loophole that allows them to get Windows 10 without violating current legislation.

Before the upgrade

Before deciding to upgrade to Windows for free, you need to know exactly what you are changing to. On the one hand, innovation, constant support and improvement of the OS are good. Imagine that a new version of an everyday editor, modeling or editing program has been released for Windows 8–10, or that a game that has just appeared online requires DirectX 12, and your device runs on Windows 7 (DirectX 12 only supports 10).

But many problems with compatibility between drivers and old applications have not been resolved. And the installation of the updates themselves on the “top ten” often ends with a search for methods to solve the problem that arose during the update.

Despite the cessation of support for the free upgrade to Windows 10, the key for Windows 7–8 is still valid during a clean installation, allowing you to get a licensed Windows 10. But the method may stop working tomorrow, so you shouldn’t count on it.

How to get a “ten” for free for people with disabilities

Shortly after the end of support for the free transition to a new operating system, information appeared on the Microsoft resource that people who need tools called “Accessibility Features” (this includes, for example, a screen magnifier and a virtual keyboard) have the opportunity to get Windows 10 for free and at any time. time.

The program is unlimited and in theory is designed for users who use special devices to help them work at the computer. Before clicking on the “Update Now” icon, it is recommended to check the compatibility of your equipment with the “ten”.

The most interesting thing about this point is the absence of any checks whether the user actually has limitations or whether he or she is using special technologies.

After clicking on the button to start the update immediately, the download of an exe file called Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant will begin. It is located at:

To perform it and subsequently upgrade the system, you must have a license installed on a Windows 7/8 PC.

The downloaded edition of "ten" will be "normal", and even the accessibility function in it is not activated after installation and is turned on manually if necessary.

For people who upgraded to “ten” during support for the free installation of the new operating system (before 07/29/2016), but uninstalled it, you can install ten from scratch. In this case, under the request form for entering a license key, you must answer “I don’t have a key.” After the first launch, in the case of an active Internet connection, the system will automatically activate using a unique code generated based on the computer hardware.

How to get Windows 10 without paying for a license key

The method presented here does not always work after the program for free receipt of “ten” is closed, but it’s definitely worth a try, because there are no other opportunities to take advantage of the new OS without breaking the law. Its meaning is as follows: before the completion of the free distribution project for “tens” (until 07/29/2016), it was necessary to install Windows 10, and then roll back the system to the previous OS (“seven” or “eight”). The main thing is that the operating system is activated at this stage. In this case, the license key will be assigned to the current hardware of your computer and will be valid indefinitely.

By assigning a license key to your own computer, you can perform a clean installation of Windows 10 without a key, asking the installer to perform activation when you first connect to the global network.

Since there is no information on the Internet about the expiration date of the license obtained in this way, one should rely on the integrity of Microsoft management, considering the validity of the key unlimited. And it will be relevant for any edition of the “ten” even after the free update period expires.

Keep in mind that the recommendations given are only valid until July 29, 2016. After this date, problems with the provided update option may occur. And taking into account the fact that rolling back to Windows 7/8 is not always successful, you should resort to this option of getting Windows 10 as a last resort.

Useful information

Due to the fact that restoring (rolling back) Windows 10 to a previous version very often does not complete properly, before attempting to get an update, you should definitely back up Windows 10 - create a full archive of the operating system. The more preferred method among users is to create a full image of the system partition, for example, using True Image from Acronis. This option will allow you to quickly restore the system in case of any problems during its update.

And in situations where there is no system image or backup copy, you can always reinstall the operating system using bootable media with its distribution. Users often forget that it is possible to exploit a hidden recovery image if it exists.

The release of Microsoft's new operating system is the result of the work of many people. It takes a lot of resources to develop and debug a new version of Windows. It is not surprising that the operating system costs a lot of money. So it came as a surprise when Microsoft announced that you could upgrade your previous version of Windows to Windows 10 for free.

Is it possible to upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 10

The Windows 8 operating system does not have a direct upgrade option to Windows 10. The fact is that this system was replaced by the Windows 8.1 version, developing and finalizing the changes in the main version. If you haven't updated Windows 8, you should do so before upgrading to Windows 10.

This may seem unfair, since Windows 7 has the ability to be upgraded to Windows 10, despite the fact that it is an older version of the operating system. This is due to the fact that Windows 8.1 is not so much a new operating system as an improved version of the previous one.

Upgrading Windows 8 to Windows 8.1

Let's figure out how to make this upgrade for the next one - to Windows 10. Perform the following steps:

The system has been successfully updated to Windows 8.1 and is ready to upgrade to Windows 10.

Upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10

Until July 29, 2016, the upgrade was available free of charge to all Windows 8.1 users. Users were pleasantly surprised by this. But due to intrusive notifications about the possibility of updating, many were dissatisfied. Now the official option for a free update is no longer available, and you can only purchase the Windows 10 operating system at full price. The price of the home version of this operating system is more than eight thousand rubles. For users who are not ready to pay such a sum, Microsoft has left a loophole that makes it possible to upgrade Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 for free.

Free update after July 29, 2016

Even though the free upgrade option was disabled as promised, the offer is still valid for people with disabilities. Microsoft does not require any proof, so everyone can use this update method, even if they are not entitled to it due to their social status. This is done as follows:

  1. Open the promotion section on the official Microsoft website and download a special utility. It will be used to update. To download the utility, click "Update Now".
  2. After downloading, make sure that your version of Windows is correct and that the operating system itself is activated.
  3. Run the downloaded utility, read and accept the terms of the license agreement.
  4. The computer's compatibility with Windows 10 will be checked. It is enough that your system has 2 gigabytes of RAM installed and sufficient hard drive space. The requirements for the central processor are negligible. Click Next.
  5. The utility will begin loading the operating system onto your computer. Wait for it to finish. Downloading may take a long time (depending on internet speed).
  6. As soon as the download of the operating system is completed, scanning of the downloaded files will begin. This is necessary so that during installation there are no problems if one of the files does not download completely due to network outages. Wait until the scan is completed.
  7. The installation procedure for the new operating system will begin. All this time you can continue to work at the computer.
  8. A notification appears asking you to restart your computer. You will have half an hour to complete the current work on the device. If you want to delay the final stage of installation, you can click Restart later.
  9. Once the system is restarted, the final installation phase will begin. Wait for the process to complete.
  10. A notification will appear indicating that the process has completed, and the new Windows 10 operating system will launch to perform initial system settings.

Of course, Microsoft developers are aware of the possibility of “unfair” updates. However, they benefit if people use their product even when they are not willing to pay for it. After all, profit comes from software sales and internal purchases of applications for the new operating system.

Video: free update after July 29, 2016

Now you know how to upgrade Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 completely free of charge. Use this knowledge if you want to upgrade to the latest operating system from Microsoft.

After January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates and will no longer provide technical support for Windows 7. To ensure your PC continues to be serviced and protected with monthly security updates, you have the option of a free upgrade to Windows 10.

For Windows 7 and 8.1 users, the planned one-year free upgrade period to Windows 10 officially ended on July 29, 2016.

Immediately after this date, Microsoft launched a site designed for users with disabilities using assistive technologies for Windows. However, it also stopped working on January 16, 2018. However, with the help of the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant utility, which is still available for download from official servers, anyone can still upgrade to Windows 10 for free.

A phased update to Windows 10 November 2019 Update (version 1909) is currently available.

To take advantage of the free update offer, you must follow these steps:

1. For a hassle-free installation, you must install all the latest updates for your current system.

2. Download a special version of the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant utility, with which you can check your computer’s compatibility and update your Windows 7 SP1 or 8.1 operating system for free.

3. Launch the utility and follow the onscreen instructions.

4. The update may take from one to several hours depending on your computer configuration and Internet connection speed. Once the update is complete, the OS will be installed Windows 10 (version 1709).

5. Check system activation. Press Windows key + I to open the application Options, and go to Update & Security > Activation.

You can see other ways to update to the latest version of Windows 10 in the article:

Windows 10 can be activated using product keys from Windows 7 and 8.1.

If you are the owner of the key for the OEM version of Windows 7 or 8.1, then upon execution you will be able to go through the activation procedure in the application Settings > Update & Security > Activation > Change Product Key.
