Where to enter the license key for. Where to activate a social card? Legislative regulation of the issue

Windows 7 is still wildly popular among users, despite its age. And the question of its activation is one of the most important aspects when working with the system. You will have to either buy a license key or use special programs- activators. Everything is clear with purchasing a license key, so let’s talk about free alternatives. Let's see how to activate Windows 7 using various activators, or postpone it for a month in a legal way.

This is the easiest way to obtain a license, which can be used even by a novice user. And most importantly - it's free. Let's look at the 3 most popular activators and find out how to use them. We will provide download links only to the main one; the rest can be easily found in search engines.

KMS Auto

The simplest and most reliable way. All actions are done exactly the same as activation. The unpacking password is 123.

Don't forget to add the file to your antivirus exclusions!

One of the most famous activators is Windows program Loader, which injects a special code into the system that tells it every time it starts that the activation was successful. Let's see how it works:

  1. Download Windows Loader and run it with administrator rights.
  2. Pay attention to the circle next to the program name - it should be green. If it is red or yellow, then you need to hover over it and see what needs to be done (usually you need to close the browser or, for example, Total Commander).
  3. If everything is fine, click the “Install” button and then restart your computer.

This completes the activation. If you suddenly want to stop using the license key, run Windows Loader again and click the “Uninstall” button.

This activation method is illegal, so its use is not recommended by Microsoft specialists. But let's face it, Windows Loader has helped hundreds of thousands of users resolve licensing issues, so you have nothing to fear.

After launch, the following window will appear:

  1. Download and run the activator.
  2. In the main window of the utility, click the “Activate” button on the button that is highlighted.
  3. When a message appears indicating that the operation was successful, restart your computer.

If this activator worked normally, you can safely install updates without fear that it will crash.

After the computer restarts, the operating system selection window will appear. Two boot options will appear - Windows 7 (not activated version) and Windows 7 Loader XE (activated version). Select the second line and boot - the system will be activated.

So you don't have to choose the right operating system every time

  1. Right-click on the “Computer” icon and select “Properties”.
  2. Follow this link " Extra options systems" in the menu on the left.
  3. In the "Boot and Recovery" field, click the "Options" button.
  4. Uncheck “Display a list of operating systems” and select “Windows 7 Loader XE” in the line above. Save your changes.
    After completing these steps, the activated version of the system will load automatically, without waiting and without your choice. By the way, the presence of two entries in boot menu does not mean that you have two operating systems installed. This activator made changes to the boot.ini file.


RemoveWAT works in all versions of Windows, but after using it you must disable it automatic update(which is highly undesirable). Use it only if previous activators did not help you:

  1. Launch the program.
  2. Click "Remove WAT" in the utility window.
  3. Wait for the activation process to complete and restart your computer.

Now, to prevent activation from failing, you need to disable automatic system updates:

How to do it

  1. Go to “Control Panel”.
  2. Go to Update Center.
  3. Click on the “Settings” link in the menu on the left.
  4. Select the "Don't check for updates" option.
  5. Save the changes by clicking "Ok".

In principle, you can set the parameters so that the system will look for updates, but you will make decisions about installing them personally. You just have to figure out what update the next authentication file carries.

Delayed activation

In all Microsoft products, including Windows 7, has a delayed activation feature. Let's see how to activate Windows 7 using deferral via the command line.

  1. Launch Command Prompt with administrator rights.
  2. Enter the command


    And press Enter.

  1. Restart your computer after receiving a message indicating that the activation operation was successful.

Please note that the deferment procedure must be carried out on the penultimate or last day of activation. In total, Windows 7 deferral can be used 3 times. By simple calculations we determine that in the end you will have 120 days of free use. After 4 months (the first is a trial period, then 3 delays), you will have to decide again how to activate the system.

To know detailed information about the license, including the available number of deferments, using the command:

cscript %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -dlv

cscript %windir%\system32\slmgr. vbs-dlv

If the deferments are over, you can install Windows 7 again and use the system for another 120 days for free. Another way is to create a system recovery image and then use it to roll back to a state four months ago. However, both of these methods are not convenient, since they imply reinstallation (restoration) of the system, leading to the removal installed programs and loss of some files.

What to do to prevent Windows 7 activation from failing

The main disadvantage of using activators is the possible blocking of the license after the next system update. Microsoft specialists are doing everything to ensure that users buy activation keys rather than use free programs to obtain a license. This is manifested in the creation of special updates for Windows 7 that verify system authenticity.

Despite the fact that the description of all activators states that the system passes authentication without problems after using them, in reality everything is not so rosy. For example, many users experienced that after installing the KV971033 update, activation failed. To avoid getting into a similar situation, you just need to delete the authentication file that comes into Windows 7 with the KV971033 update. To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Go to the "Uninstall a program" section.
  3. Click on the “View installed updates” link in the left menu.
  4. Look for security update number KV971033.
  5. If you find the line you want, select it and click “Delete”.

Your system will no longer be checked for authenticity, and therefore activation will not fail.

By the way, many antiviruses perceive activators as malicious applications. There is nothing surprising about this - just disable the protection for a while to activate the system and add the program to the antivirus exceptions.

Attention! This manual is provided for informational purposes only. Using activators is illegal!

The modern gaming market is slowly beginning to move into an interactive universe, and discs are already beginning to slowly disappear. Therefore, it is worth considering that now the exchange element is the unique keys that developers supply their product with. Thanks to them, players can access the product, receive support and restore lost game projects. But thanks modern system Steam players got rid of many problems, and now all they need to do is simply enter the resulting set of characters and receive their product. True, many users begin to have a question: how to enter the key in Steam? Not everyone has switched to this system yet and is experiencing some difficulty. Fortunately, this is not so difficult to do.

What is the key?

Before we get into it, it's worth understanding what this code is. Interactive keys are a unique set of characters and numbers that allow you to access the product. Thanks to them, developers can save on publishing their game project; in addition, it is much more convenient to track and support their development. Gradually, absolutely all companies are switching to this operating principle; it is more convenient and economical. The good news is that the users themselves support this initiative.

What can he give?

What can a Steam digital key give? At the moment, it allows you to get an interactive product, that is, a game project. If you win, buy or find a key to the game, be sure to use it in the Steam digital store. If it fits, then you will receive a game project that will forever remain in your game library. But it is worth considering that this service is now fully supported, so in the future you will be able to receive other products for these keys: various cards, things for games and much more. The main thing is to know how to enter the key in Steam, but first you still need to get it.

How to get it?

Knowing how well the gaming industry is developing, it is worth considering that it attracts a lot of attention from specialized media, sponsors and attracts many other companies. All of them are interested in cooperation and promotion, so they are actively involved in product distribution, sponsorship and support. Distribution of Steam keys occurs quite often. You can watch various mini-competitions in in social networks or on the developers' websites. In addition, the keys are sometimes stored in the box with the purchase of some accessories for your computer, so you should be careful and make purchases during promotions.

How to activate it?

How to enter the key in Steam? The answer to this question is quite simple, and the procedure itself will not take you much time. After you have received the coveted key, you need to go to the Steam program, go to the “Games” tab, then go to “Activate Steam”. In the window that opens, you will first need to click on the “Next” button, and then enter the key itself. After this, the key will be checked and activated, and in a few minutes the game will appear in your library.

Virtual keys for interactive entertainment products are a simple and convenient way to get the game you want. Thanks to this system, you can always restore a lost product, easily use services that are related to the project itself, and, most interestingly, the key will be assigned to you and no one will be able to steal, change or change it. Play games, have fun and try to use the keys correctly, never tell anyone about them, keep them secret, otherwise someone may activate the game project before you, and you will have no way to prove that you are right. Be careful!

Windows 7 activation failed - No problem! If your Windows 7 activation failed, your trial period has expired, or you simply don’t know how to activate Windows 7, there is a very simple and reliable method, and it’s absolutely free. At the moment, there are enough methods for activating the seven, among which specially written programs, such as the Windows 7 maximum activator, occupy a special place. Using them is quite trivial and the Windows 7 activation process follows an algorithm in several stages. Typically, activating Windows 7 takes no more than five minutes, and when using some activators, even less than a minute. As a rule, most people want everything at once, so many will be most interested in the Windows 7 maximum activator; why do we need stripped-down Windows when there is freely available maximum version with all the bells and whistles. It’s easier to activate Windows 7 Ultimate using the same techniques and use the operating system without restrictions. To download the Windows 7 maximum activator, you need to disable the antivirus, because any activator is essentially a crack, and naturally the Windows developers made sure that their product was sold and not used for free, which is why the most famous Windows 7 activators are included in antivirus blacklists. In order to successfully activate Windows 7 and subsequently not lose activation, you must correctly perform manipulations for each individual activator. Read the descriptions carefully and remember that failure to follow the instructions for installing activators for Windows 7 will not solve the activation issue or may even disrupt the operation of the system, for which all responsibility rests with you.

Windows Loader Activator by Daz

One of those few programs that everyone should have in stock for a rainy day. Windows user 7. Windows Loader allows you to activate almost any edition of the operating system with the click of one button Windows systems 7 - from Starter Edition to advanced Windows versions 7 Ultimate and Enterprise, including 32 and 64 bit platforms.
Download activator Windows Loader by Daz 2.2.1. Detailed instructions .

Video instructions for activation

Please also pay attention to this: in the descriptions of many activators there is often a promise that the system will be verified for authenticity and the activation will not fail. Yes, this is true, but not entirely, the fact is that Microsoft is constantly monitoring new ways to bypass legal activation, and improving its products to detect such facts. Specifically: its “important” security update for Windows KV971033. This is the license authentication (activation) file. So if today your OS easily passes all authentication checks, then tomorrow after the next update KB971033, your Windows 7 activation may well fail. Well, here we come to what needs to be done to ensure that Activation never fails:
To do this, go to the uninstall programs window:
Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features. At the top left, click on “view installed updates”:
In the next window we look for installed update KV971033, if it exists, click on it with the mouse (select it) and click on “delete” at the top.
In principle, that’s it, you can run the activator you selected and downloaded for Windows 7. But in order to ensure that the activation of Windows 7 never fails, you need to do the following (either before activation or after activation, it makes no difference):
Option 1: You can disable updates altogether in Windows Update, then activation will certainly NEVER fail. Or at least turn off automatic updates: center Windows updates> customize settings > and select "download updates, but I decide whether to install them." Then, when installing updates, you need to monitor and prevent the installation of KB971033. To prevent the support center from bothering you with messages about disabled updates, check the “do not notify” box.
Option 2: If the system prompts you to install updates (the command “download updates should be pre-installed, but the decision to install is made by me”), or go to the update center yourself, start searching for new updates, then select the KV971033 update, right-click on it, select in the context menu "Hide update" option.
All! Update Center will ignore the unfortunate update. You can set the command to install updates automatically in the update center.

In the next window:

How to check activation.

Computer > System Properties (top). At the bottom of the window there should be an inscription: Windows activation completed:

Activating Windows 7 without activator and entering keys

A very interesting method in which Windows 7 is activated without using an activator and without entering keys. This approach allows you to extend the trial of use operating system up to 120 days, which allows you to gain time for searching and entering a license key, a suitable activator or purchasing genuine Windows 7. This method is relevant for activating Windows 7 of any version and is recommended for use on OSes whose 30-day trial period has not expired, in Otherwise, you will still need to enter a license key for Windows 7 or use activators.
It is known that after Windows installations 7 works in evaluation mode (trial), which lasts for 30 days, so it would be advisable to activate Windows 7 without entering keys at the end of the trial period, for example on the penultimate day.

Instructions for activating Windows 7 without an activator and entering keys:
Launch the “Start” menu and enter the command “cmd” in the query field, right-click on the icon of the found program and select “Run as administrator”, after which you should start the interpreter command line, i.e. black window.
In the window that opens, you need to enter one of two commands: rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows or slmgr.vbs /rearm then confirm by pressing the “Enter” key and restart the computer.

If after a reboot you see a reset trial in the properties, then you did everything right. You can repeat this procedure for activating Windows 7 without an activator and entering keys, or rather extend the trial, four times. To obtain a licensed copy of Windows 7, this method will not work, which means that there is a need to use keys or activators, one of the most promising of which is the Windows 7 Loader eXtreme Edition activator, as well as activators from Daz and Khazar.

Lists of keys for Windows 7

If for some reason your computer brand is not on the list, but you know that you have, for example, Windows 7 Ultimate installed, then feel free to use the keys for Windows 7 Ultimate.

Keys for Windows 7 ULTIMATE (OEM-8992662)
342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27 – DELL
MHFPT-8C8M2-V9488-FGM44-2C9T3 – HP
2WX6M-X2HKM-86X8X-2QD44-F3FGJ – ?????
78FPJ-C8Q77-QV7B8-9MH3V-XXBTK – ?????

Windows 7 ULTIMATE E key (OEM-8992662)

Keys for Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL (OEM-8992671)
74T2M-DKDBC-788W3-H689G-6P6GT – HP
2QGXM-V9W9W-6Q7MR-64C4X-R26CV – LG ?
BV4Y4-DVXDT-3FC64-X2QR7-DW82M – ?????
6FWJ7-TDRCV-BYTP3-JWB98-9J64J – ?????
862R9-99CD6-DD6WM-GHDG2-Y8M37 – ?????
7QY32-TQCBJ-G7MC8-Y4PGF-7TGB8 – ?????
CRYGF-JG347-QPJKH-BR82M-3MQP3 – ?????
7MB39-TFBVT-9KJKK-6G7H4-66Y7W – ?????

Key for Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL E (OEM-8992671)

Keys for Windows 7 HOME BASIC (OEM-8992752)
82P6X-KGH24-FCPXC-XQKC9-74KC8 – KSystems
2TY7W-H4DD4-MB62F-BD9C3-88TM6 – MSI

Keys for Windows 7 HOME PREMIUM (OEM-8992687)
4FG99-BC3HD-73CQT-WMF7J-3Q6C9 – HP
2XPWB-Q64BJ-W8CT3-WJTWT-4DQ99 – ?????
TTJQ7-4PFJC-6JFJ8-B22VD-VXW88 – ?????
GFDW7-7T4B9-VB8W7-TTHRM-JG2KB – ?????
7K377-DVP2Q-YGWJG-3M3G7-RBCDP – ?????
BVQFP-FKQGV-J82F3-2JTVV-733D2 – ?????
76QPJ-99DMC-MW43P-8JKHY-6YMRQ – ?????

Key for Windows 7 HOME PREMIUM E (OEM-8992687)

Keys for Windows 7 STARTER (OEM-8992752) (OEM-8992707)
4HGWK-KHT8C-J2KCF-F3PVF-44PD4 – ?????
32TF3-PT6YV-V6GCK-RR8GM-VM4QG – ?????
6HKDD-HMKWQ-74YC4-2B8C3-MPG6R – ?????

Key for Windows 7 STARTER E (OEM-8993706)

As many gamers know, you can not only buy games in the Steam digital store, but also link them to your account by activating a special key. For many people this method is more convenient. The problem is that not all users know where to enter the key in Steam. This article is dedicated to this issue.

Why are keys needed?

It's no secret that Steam regularly holds various promotions, during which you can purchase this or that game at a very competitive price. It is not necessary to link it to your account. You can simply save the game as a key, and then, after some time, resell it at a small markup. It is on this principle that trading is carried out on all kinds of gaming resources that offer goods at prices lower than on Steam itself.

In addition, you can give gifts to your friends. Just tell the person you want to please the key. As soon as the user activates it, the game will be linked to the account and will be available without any restrictions.

Activating a key on a PC

So, you have acquired a key and want to activate it. First, let's look at how to do this on a PC, since this method is used most often:

  • The first thing you need to do is download and install the Steam client on your computer (assuming you haven't already done so).
  • Next you should create account(again, if you don’t have it yet) and log in using it in the client.
  • Now find the Steam icon in the right corner of the taskbar and right-click on it.
  • Select the "Library" section. This is exactly the place where it is most convenient to enter the game key in Steam. There are other options, but they are more confusing.

All you have to do is click on the “Add” button in the lower left corner of the Steam working window, select “Activate”, and then enter the key in the line that appears. If everything is done correctly, in a couple of minutes the game will be linked to your account and its installation will begin.

Activation on a smartphone

It happens that you urgently need to link a game to your account, but you don’t have a computer or access to Steam at hand. Where to enter the key in this case? Your smartphone will come to the rescue. More precisely, this can be done in a special Android application called Ice Client: Steam Trading. First of all, download and install it, and then do the following:

After this you need to wait a little. You will see a message on the screen indicating that the key has been successfully activated. This completes work with the application.

And activation of a student’s social card is necessary to confirm the status of a social card for the transport application.

The student's social card must be activated within 30 days from the moment of its receipt. You can activate the card in the same personal account, from which the application for the issue of a student’s social card was submitted.

If the card is not activated within the specified period, it will be blocked. To unblock, you must contact the Passenger Transport Agency of the Moscow Metro (Contacts can be found at: mosmetro.ru/payment/agency).

Activating a student's social card

As already mentioned, after receiving a student’s Social Card, it must be activated. The envelope with the card contains very detailed instructions, including card activation. Activation of the card is necessary in order for the transport application to become available on the card.

To activate a NEW student’s social card (the compulsory health insurance policy number is indicated on the back of the card), you must enter the following data:

An example of such an input: 964390778411000000011112277

To activate an OLD-style student social card, you must:

  • enter all the characters that are indicated under the magnetic tape.

Example: 964390001234567891200001277

How to start using a student's social card in Moscow

To start using a social card for transport for a Moscow student, it can be activated at the ticket office of any metro station.

In order to use ground transport, you must go to a Mosgortrans kiosk. It can be found at a trolleybus or bus stop. You can also find out the addresses of such activation services on the Internet.

Once the required terminal has been found to activate the student’s social card, you need to:

    insert it into the card reader of the device,

    then you need to follow the system instructions on the terminal screen.

As soon as the student’s social card is activated and the system reports this, it will be possible to top up the student’s social card personal account and use the card for various purposes provided for by its functionality.

If the owner of the student’s social card does not live in Moscow

If the owner of a student’s social card does not live in Moscow, but, for example, in Novosibirsk, the student’s social card will have to be activated every six months through Kvartoplat terminals.

You can also find them at metro stations and stops of various ground transport. To carry out the activation process, you need to insert a social card into the device and in the menu that opens, select the item: “Top up the card.” You must deposit at least fifty rubles into the student’s social card account.

After activation is completed, you can use the social card for its intended purpose. Messages about the need for reactivation are usually announced in advance at metro stations.

It must be borne in mind that in some cities, for example, in Chelyabinsk, such student social cards are already issued activated and ready for use.

To obtain accurate information on the procedure for activating a student social card in your region, contact the local institution that issued this means of payment and identification to you when visiting educational institution and its infrastructure units: reading room, library, canteen, etc.
