The computer does not see the ssd. Why is the SSD not detected in the BIOS? Incorrect SATA mode or completely disabled

The computer does not see the SSD— a solid-state drive, compared to a hard drive, has such advantages as a high level of performance and reliability, low power consumption, lack of noise, and much more. Therefore, more and more users are choosing SSD as their system one. When connecting such a drive, you may find that it is not detected by the system or is not even displayed in the BIOS. This may look like a missing disk in Explorer, Windows settings, or in the BIOS boot selection list.

Causes of SSD connection problems

Problems with displaying the SSD in the system can occur for reasons such as a missing drive letter or initialization, the presence of hidden partitions, and a file system incompatible with Windows. At the same time, this may occur due to incorrect BIOS settings and physical damage to the disk itself or one of the connection elements between the motherboard and the SSD.

Reason 1: The disk is not initialized

It often happens that The computer does not see the SSD drive and is not initialized when connected to a computer and, as a result, it is not visible in the system. The solution is to perform the procedure manually according to the following algorithm.

    1. Press “Win+R” simultaneously and enter compmgmt.msc in the window that appears. Then click "OK".
    2. A window will open where you should click “Disk Management”.
    3. Right-click on the desired drive and select “Initialize disk” in the menu that opens.

    Next, make sure that the “Disk 1” field is checked, and place a marker next to the item that mentions MBR or GPT. “Master Boot Record” is compatible with all versions of Windows, but if you plan to use only current releases of this OS, it is better to select “Table with GUID partitions”.

    5. After completing the procedure, you should create a new partition. To do this, click on the disk and select “Create simple volume”.
    6. The “New Volume Creation Wizard” will open, in which we click “Next”.
    7. Then you need to indicate the size. You can leave the default value, which is the maximum disk size, or select a smaller value. After making the necessary changes, click “Next”.
    8. In the next window, agree with the proposed volume letter option and click “Next”. If desired, you can assign another letter, the main thing is that it does not coincide with the existing one.
    9. Next you need to perform formatting. Leave the recommended values ​​in the “File system” and “Volume label” fields and, in addition, enable the “Quick format” option.
    10. Click “Done”.

As a result, the disk should appear in the system.

Reason 2: Missing drive letter

Sometimes an SSD does not have a letter and therefore does not appear in Explorer. In this case, you need to assign a letter to it.

    1. Go to Disk Management by repeating steps 1-2 above. Right-click on the SSD and select “Change drive letter or drive path.”
    2. In the window that appears, click on “Change”.
    3. Select a drive letter from the list, and then click “OK.”

After this, the specified information storage device is recognized by the OS, and standard operations can be performed with it.

Reason 3: Missing partitions

If the purchased drive is not new and has already been used for a long time, it may also not appear in My Computer. The reason for this may be damage to the system file or MBR table due to a crash, infection by a virus file, improper operation, etc. In this case, the SSD is displayed in “Disk Management”, but its status is “Not initialized”. In this case, it is usually recommended to perform initialization, but due to the risk of data loss, it is still not worth doing this.

In addition, a situation is also possible in which the drive is displayed as one unallocated area. Creating a new volume as usual may also result in data loss. The solution here may be to restore the partition. To do this, you need certain knowledge and software, for example, MiniTool Partition Wizard, which has the appropriate option.

    1. Launch MiniTool Partition Wizard, and then select “Partition Recovery” from the “Check Disk” menu after specifying the target SSD. Alternatively, you can right-click on the disk and select the item of the same name.
    2. Next, you need to select the SSD scanning range. There are three options available: "Full Disk", "Unallocated Space" and "Specified Range". In the first case, the search is performed across the entire disk, in the second - only on free space, in the third - on certain sectors. Leave “Full Disk” and click “Next”.
    3. The next window offers two scanning mode options to choose from. The first - "Quick Scan" - recovers hidden or deleted partitions that are contiguous, and the second - "Full Scan" - scans every sector of a specified range on the SSD.
    4. After scanning the disk, all found partitions are displayed as a list in the results window. Select all the required ones and click “Finish”.
    5. Next, confirm the restoration operation by clicking on “Apply”. After this, all partitions on the SSD will appear in Explorer.

This should help solve the problem, but in a situation where there is no necessary knowledge and the necessary data is on the disk, it is better to turn to professionals.

Reason 4: Hidden section

Sometimes an SSD is not visible in Windows due to the presence of a hidden partition. This is possible if the user has hidden the volume using third-party software to prevent access to the data. The solution is to restore the partition using disk software. The same MiniTool Partition Wizard copes well with this task.

    1. After launching the application, right-click on the target disk and select "Unhide Partition". The same function is launched by selecting the line of the same name in the menu on the left.
    2. Then assign a letter to this section and click “OK”.

After this, the hidden sections will appear in Explorer.

Reason 5: Unsupported file system

If, after following the steps above, the SSD still does not appear in Explorer, the drive's file system may be different from the FAT32 or NTFS that Windows works with. Typically, such a drive appears in the disk manager as a “RAW” area. To fix the problem, you need to follow the following algorithm.

    1. Launch Disk Management by repeating steps 1-2 from the instructions above. Next, click on the required partition and select the “Delete volume” line.
    2. Confirm the deletion by clicking “Yes”.
    3. As you can see, the volume status has changed to “Free”.

Reason 6: Problems with BIOS and hardware

There are four main reasons why the BIOS does not detect the presence of an internal SSD.

SATA is disabled or has the wrong mode

    1. To enable it, go to the BIOS and activate the advanced settings display mode. To do this, click on the “Advanced” button or press “F7”. In the example below, all actions are shown for the UEFI GUI.
    2. Confirm the entry by clicking “OK”.
    3. Next, find Built-in Device Configuration in the “Advanced” tab.
    6. If there is still a problem with the connection, you can try switching the SATA mode from AHCI to IDE or vice versa. To do this, you should first go to the “SATA Configuration” section, located in the “Advanced” tab.

Incorrect BIOS settings

The BIOS will also not recognize the drive if the settings are incorrect. This can be easily checked by the system date - if it does not correspond to the true one, this indicates a failure. To eliminate it, you need to reset and return to standard settings according to the sequence of actions below.

    1. Disconnect your PC from the network.
    2. Open the system unit and find a jumper on the motherboard labeled “CLRTC”. It is usually located near the battery

    Data cable is faulty

    The BIOS will also not detect the SSD if the CATA cable is damaged. In this case, you need to check all connections between the motherboard and the SSD. It is advisable not to allow any bends or pinching of the cable when laying. All this can lead to damage to the wires inside the insulation, although externally the material may look normal. If there is any doubt about the condition of the cable, it is better to replace it. When connecting SATA devices, Seagate recommends using cables less than 1 meter in length. Longer ones can sometimes fall out of the connectors, so be sure to check that they are firmly connected to the SATA ports.

    Failed SSD

    If after carrying out the above procedures the disk is still not shown in the BIOS, most likely there is a manufacturing defect or physical damage to the device. Here you need to contact a computer repair shop or SSD supplier, first making sure that there is a warranty.


    In this article, we looked at the reasons for the absence of a solid-state drive in the system or in the BIOS when it is connected. The source of such a problem can be either the condition of the disk or cable, or various software glitches and incorrect settings. Before proceeding with the fix using one of the listed methods, it is recommended to check all connections between the SSD and the motherboard and try replacing the SATA cable.

    The computer does not see the SSD drive after connecting

A new SSD was installed in the computer, but Windows 7 does not see it. Let us immediately clarify that it is detected correctly in the BIOS, i.e. The problem is related only to the operating system.

Just a few words about the SSD - this is the Kingston UV400 SUV400S37 480 GB. It is supposed to be used to install programs.

If you go to the “My Computer” folder, the list displays four drives - system drive “C” (128 GB Kingmax solid-state drive) and three local drives physically located on a Toshiba HDD with a capacity of 2 TB.

The system disk and three local disks (outlined in red) are displayed. There is no new SSD in the list

Step 1. Click on the Start button and paste into the search field diskmgmt.msc- after the program is found, click on its link.

Step 2. After launching the Disk Management program, it immediately shows that a new disk has appeared and offers to initialize it. It is possible to choose a section style from two options:

  • Master Boot Record (MBR)
  • Table with GUID partitions (GPT - GUID Partition Table)

Let's not get into technical details - the default is Master Boot Record (MBR) and we just click OK.

We don’t change anything - just click OK

Step 3. The utility shows that all free disk space is not allocated. Right-click on the disk name and select the command from the context menu Create a simple volume.

Select the command “Create a simple volume”

After this, the Create Simple Volumes Wizard will start.

Step 4. The wizard allows you to specify the size of the volume to be created. In this particular case, the SSD will only have one logical drive, so the volume will use all available space.

Since the SSD was not intended to be divided into logical disks, the size of a simple volume is equal to the maximum size

Step 5. Assign a drive letter. You can use any option available in the drop-down list.

To immediately set a certain semantic load, you can select the letters S - the first letter of the SSD

Step 6. Before formatting a disk using NTFS, you can specify the volume label. In a specific case, we register an SSD so that it is immediately clear what kind of drive it is.

Step 7 That's all, actually. You can view information about the created disks and click Finish.

All you have to do is click “Finish”

Now all that remains is to go to My Computer and make sure that Windows sees the installed SSD.

Still have questions? Ask them in the comments.

When connecting an SSD drive, the computer may not only work incorrectly with it, but may not even detect it in the BIOS. To resolve this issue, you need to configure some of its parameters.

The main reason why the computer does not see the SSD drive is an incompatible file system with the installed version of Windows. In addition, the reason may be the absence of a disk name, an error in starting its initialization process, hidden partitions, and others.

If, when connected, the SSD disk is not perceived by the computer, you must manually carry out the initialization process itself. To do this, the user needs to open the command line through the “Start” menu or press the “Win ​​+ R” key combination. Next, enter the command “compmgmt.msc” and apply the operation.

In the list of drives, you need to select the SSD drive and call the context menu. In the list of operations you need to select “Initialize disk”.

The user will be presented with an initialization menu where parameters can be changed if necessary. In all other cases, all values ​​should be left at default.

Once the procedure is successful, you can begin creating volumes. To do this, select the disk again, call up the context menu by clicking the second mouse button and select “Create a simple volume”.

After applying this operation, the “Create a New Volume Wizard” will open. Click on the next button and indicate the size that will be used for the file system. The operating system assigns the maximum allowed size by default, but you can change it if necessary.

For correct operation of the system and the SSD disk, you must assign a letter to it, but keep in mind that this letter must be different from the name of existing disks. By default, the system automatically assigns an available letter, but the user can always change it.

After setting the disk name, it should be formatted. To do this, in the partition formatting menu, you need to select the file system, cluster size, volume label and check the box next to the “Quick format” function. Then we move on to the next step.

Once the formatting procedure is successfully completed, you can complete the process of creating a new volume and click on the “Finish” button.

If the disk is connected correctly, but the system does not display it, the reason may be that the disk name is missing. To correct this situation, you need to go to the “Disk Management” tab, as already described above.”

Then you need to select the connected drive, call up the context menu using the second mouse button and select “Change drive letter or drive path.”

As soon as the procedure is applied, the disk will begin to be displayed correctly in the system and will become available to the user.

If the disk was previously used on another computer, it may not appear in “My Computer” when connected to another. The reason for this may be physical damage, errors in system files, tables, viruses, and so on.

Also, the disk may appear in the “Disk Management” menu, but be “Unallocated Area” in the system. Formatting and creating new volumes can lead to complete loss of data on the disk memory.

To avoid this, you should use special software to restore partitions and restore the functionality of the SSD drive itself. For example, you can use "


“Never trust a computer that you can’t throw out the window.”
Steve Wozniak

Two months ago I installed an SSD drive in my laptop. It worked great, but last week it suddenly died due to cell depletion (I believe). This article is about how it happened and what I did wrong.

Description of the environment

  • User: Web developer. That is, such things as virtual machines, eclipse, and frequent updates of repositories are in use.
  • OS: Gentoo. That is, the world is often “reassembled.”
  • FS: ext4. That is, a journal is being written.

So, the story begins in April, when I finally got around to copying the partitions to a 64GB SSD broom, purchased back in September. I deliberately do not tell the manufacturer and model, because I haven’t really figured out what happened yet, and it doesn’t really matter.

What did I do to make it work longer?

Of course, I studied numerous publications on how to take care of SSD drives. And this is what I did:
  • Put noatime for partitions, so that when accessing a file, the record of the last access time is not updated.
  • I increased the RAM to maximum and disabled swap.
I didn’t do anything else, because I believed that the computer should serve the user, and not vice versa, and unnecessary dancing with a tambourine is wrong.


Three days before the fall, I became concerned with the question: how do I know how much happiness I have? I tried the utility smartmontools, but it displayed incorrect information. I had to download Datasheet and write a patch for them.
After writing the patch, I dug up one interesting parameter: average_number_of_erases/maximum_number_of_erases = 35000/45000. But after reading that MLC cells can only withstand 10,000 cycles, I decided that these parameters do not mean exactly what I think they mean, and I gave up on them.

Chronicle of the Fall

Suddenly, inexplicable things began to happen while working, for example, new programs did not start. Out of curiosity, I looked at that same S.M.A.R.T. parameter, it was already 37000/50000 (+2000/5000 in three days). It was no longer possible to restart; the file system of the main partition could not be read.
I started from the compact and started checking. The check showed a lot of broken nodes. During the repair process, the utility began testing for bad sectors and marking them. It all ended the next day with the following result: 60GB of 64GB were marked as bad.
Note: In SSD hard drives, a cell is considered broken if new information cannot be written there. Reading from such a cell will still be possible. Using this, run the utility badblocks in read-only mode, it is unlikely to find anything.

I decided to run the flashing utility, because it not only flashes, but also reformats the disk. The utility started formatting, groaned and reported that the reasonable permissible number of bad sectors had been exceeded, and that there were failures, so it was not possible to complete the formatting.
After this, the disk began to be identified as a disk with a very strange name, model number and size of 4GB. And, in the future, no one sees it except for specialized utilities.
I wrote a letter in support of the manufacturer. They recommended that I reflash it, and if it doesn’t work, then return it to the seller. The warranty is still 2 years old, so I'll give it a try.
I conclude this section with thanks to Steve Wozniak, who taught me how to make periodic backups.

What happened

To be honest, I don’t know myself. I assume the following: S.M.A.R.T. I didn’t lie and the cells were really worn out (this is indirectly confirmed by the backup that I made two days before the fall; when unpacking it showed that the creation dates of some files had been reset). And when checking for bad sectors, the disk controller simply allowed all cells to be marked as bad, in which the permissible number of write cycles was exceeded.

What to do if you have an SSD

Install Windows 7, everything is optimized for such disks as much as possible. Also install a lot of RAM.
Most likely, only those computers that will be immediately sold with SSD are optimized.
Install 9.0. Read tips for Linux, think about what you can do with them.
  • Install kernel 2.6.33, which has optimization for such disks in the form of the TRIM command.
  • Increase memory so you can safely disable swap.
  • Set for mounted partitions noatime.
  • Used a copy-on-write file system or an unjournaled file system (such as ext2).
    At the moment, copy-on-write FS is quite difficult to use. ZFS currently only works through FUSE. And nilfs and btrfs swear when mounting that their format has not yet been finalized.
  • Turn on NOOP IO Scheduler it will allow you not to perform unnecessary useless actions for the SSD.
  • Conceptually correct, but it will not help the disk much - transferring temporary files to tmpfs.
  • For systems that write intensively to the log, it should be stored in a different location. This is mainly true for servers for which the log server can be raised without any problems.
  • Get S.M.A.R.T. utilities that correctly display the state of the SSD disk, so that you can periodically monitor the disk.
  • Just spare the disk. And for the gentushniks, this additionally means not “reassembling the world.”

Questions for the habra community

  • Is it really possible to kill MLC cells in 2 months? Of course, I understand that I didn’t spare the disk, but I didn’t do anything supernatural, I just worked as usual.
  • Is this a warranty case?

UPD: The disk I had was Transcend TS64GSSD25S-M.
UPD2: There are very good reviews in the comments about Intel and SAMSUNG SSDs. In addition, people are surprised how you can kill an SSD with a broom so quickly. Believe me, I was perplexed in exactly the same way. However, it is possible that this is a hastily tailored SSD series and can be killed quickly.
UPD3: In the comments and

Do you want to connect an additional hard drive to your computer, but the system does not see it?
If you buy a new computer or laptop, then the hard drive is displayed there, but if you buy the hard drive separately, then it is not visible to the system.
Not everyone knows that the hard drive is formatted, and only after that it becomes visible.
This article will tell you how to format a new hard drive.

Checking if everything is ready

1. Connect the hard drive.
As you can see, the power is connected and the sata cable is also connected.

(Picture 1)

2. Check if Windows sees the hard drive.
We open “My Computer” and see that there is no hard drive.
In the figure below we see only one hard drive on which the Windows operating system is installed.

(Figure 2)

Formatting the hard drive: creating two logical drives

1. Go to the control panel.

If you have Windows 7, then click “Start / Control Panel”.
In Windows 8, in the My Computer window, on the “Computer” tab, click the “Open Control Panel” button.

(Figure 3)

(Figure 4)

3. In the next window, click “Create and format hard disk partitions.”

(Figure 5)

4. The Disk Management window appears and a message asks you to choose how we will use the hard drive.
Click “OK”, selecting “Master Boot Record” so that you can install Windows on this hard drive.

click - ok

(Figure 6)

5. Move the cursor to the lower right corner of the “Disk Management” window and when the cursor changes and becomes multi-directional arrows, press the left mouse button and drag it down.
This way we increase the window size.
With all the contents of the window available, you can now see that there is only one 118.90GB drive at the top of the window
At the bottom of the window we see a 931.51GB (1 terabyte) hard drive, which is currently not visible by the system, since its capacity is not allocated.

(Figure 7)

6. Move the cursor to the strip indicating the disk and right-click. In the context menu, select “Create a simple volume”.

(Figure 8)

7. After clicking, the “Create a Simple Volume Wizard” window appears. Here we click the “Next” button.

(Figure 9)

8. In the next window, enter the size of the future logical drive and click “Next”.

In the figure below we see the hard drive capacity is 953857 MB. If we want to divide the hard drive in half, then 953857/2 and it turns out that we need to enter the number 476928 MB into the form. If we want hard drive C to be 300GB, then we need to enter the number in megabytes 300*1024 = 307200 MB.
We will later create another logical drive in the remaining free space.

(Figure 10)

9. We give the system the right to select a drive letter and click “Next”.

(Figure 11)

10. In the next window, we also leave everything as the system selected and click “Next”.

There is no need to change the file system, since your operating system works with the NTFS file system.

(Figure 12)

11. To close the window with information about the completion of creating the first logical drive, click the “Finish” button.

button - done

(Figure 13)

12. We return again to the “Disk Management” window, which we opened in step 3 and did not close.
Here we again move the cursor over the free space on the strip indicating the new hard drive and right-click to bring up the context menu.
Select “Create simple volume”.

(Figure 14)

13. The window of the Simple Volume Creation Wizard, with which we are already familiar, appears.
We repeat steps 6 - 7 in the window the number you need will be entered indicating the entire remaining volume - 10.
In general, it is easy to see that you just need to click “Next” and “Done”.

14. After creating the second logical drive, simply close the “Disk Management” window.
If a reboot is required in Windows 7, then reboot the computer.

15. Check the visibility of the hard drive.
Open “My Computer” and see two more logical drives that we created.

(Figure 15)

If you have questions, doubts or something remains unclear, write in the comments.
