The keyboard does not print but all the lights are on. The keyboard on the computer does not work: what to do, reasons

Laptop keyboard not working? This cannot be said to be a typical situation for modern technology; this is a rather rare breakdown of laptops. And if in the case of a PC you don’t even have to figure out the cause of the breakdown, simply replacing one keyboard with another, then in the case of a laptop things are much more complicated, because its keyboard is an integral part of a single integral structure. What could be the reasons for the breakdown of a laptop keyboard, what consequences can presumably be expected, how to get out of a situation when you urgently need to enter text on a laptop that is not working - we will consider all these questions below.

1. Is there a blacklist of laptop models that are prone to keyboard failure?

Before we begin to directly consider the problem of a broken laptop keyboard, a few words about whether it is possible to prevent the occurrence of such a situation. Is there a kind of black list of laptops - specific models, products from a specific manufacturer, which in practice would prove their tendency to cause keyboard failure? No. There are no models on the computer market that are prone to this particular breakdown in practice. A laptop keyboard from any manufacturer can fail. Moreover, this applies to both flagship models and budget ones.

2. Possible reasons for laptop keyboard failure

Before taking your laptop to a service center, you can try to figure out on your own why the laptop keyboard is not working. And if this is a software failure or problems with the keyboard cable, your attempts may be successful, and you will save on the services of a service center. So let's get started.

2.1. Software glitch

The reason the laptop keyboard fails may be due to errors in the Windows operating system itself. As a rule, this happens when the drivers fail. You can check this in the BIOS. To enter the BIOS, restart the laptop and hold down the Del key. In some laptop models, the F1 or F2 buttons may be used to enter the BIOS. This point can be clarified in the laptop manufacturer's instructions. If the keyboard works in the BIOS itself, you can boot Windows in safe mode to further test whether the keyboard works without drivers and with a minimum set of system services.

You can get into the safe mode of Windows XP, Vista, 7 using the F8 key, which must be held while the system boots. A boot mode selection menu will appear, where you must select to boot in safe mode without drivers. In the case of Windows 8/8.1, entering the system's safe mode is somewhat different; some preliminary system settings are required. Follow the path:

“Control Panel” - “Administration” - “System Configuration”.

In the “Downloads” tab, set the value to “Safe Mode”, click “Apply”, “OK” and reboot. After rebooting you will be in safe mode.

You can return the settings to their previous state in the same way by removing the “Safe Mode” value.

So, you have entered Windows Safe Mode. Check the functionality of your laptop keyboard. If the laptop keyboard works in safe mode, then the problem lies in the drivers. If the keyboard does not work in Windows safe mode, but the BIOS responds to input, most likely the problem is in the operating system itself.

After returning to normal Windows operation, proceed to install or update drivers.

Download and install the driver pack. This is a special type of software designed to select drivers for specific hardware components of a computer device. Having scanned the laptop and determined the drivers necessary for installation, the driver packs automatically remove their installers from their database and carry out the installation. Driver packs on the Internet can be found in the form of a DVD with an existing driver database, but it is much easier to quickly download and install the driver pack software client, which, after scanning, will download from the Internet only the necessary drivers in the latest, most current version.

DriverPack Solution, Slim Drivers– client programs for these driver packs can be downloaded absolutely free on the Internet. These are the top two among driver packs; they are popular among users because they are free and have a regularly updated driver database. Use the driver pack to scan your laptop and install (or update) the drivers that the program indicates.

You can install or update drivers without using driver packs. Download them manually from the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop model.

If the work of installing or updating your laptop drivers does not solve the problem with the keyboard not working, you can try reinstalling Windows itself. For example, Windows XP is today an outdated operating system, and perhaps by installing Windows 7 or 8/8.1 the problem with the keyboard not working will disappear.

2.2. Pressed out or oxidized contacts of the keyboard cable

If you have been using a laptop for a long time, perhaps the problem of the keyboard not working lies in the oxidized or pressed contacts of its cable. To check this option and attempt to solve the problem, the laptop will have to be disassembled. If this is your first time disassembling a laptop yourself, use the instructions from the manufacturer. Instructions for many device models can be downloaded on the Internet in electronic form, in particular, on the official website of the same manufacturer. You can also watch video tutorials on how to properly disassemble a laptop on YouTube or other resources.

Having reached the keyboard cable, disconnect it by sticking it out of the connector and carefully inspect it. If you see obvious damage upon inspection, then this is the reason for the laptop keyboard not working. And you can solve it by replacing the cable.

If everything is in order with the keyboard cable, wipe its contacts with an ear swab moistened with alcohol, or use a regular eraser. After cleaning, insert the keyboard cable back and test.

2.3. Microcontroller failure or liquid spilled on laptop

If the reason for the laptop keyboard not working is a burnt out microcontroller or spilled liquid, in this case you cannot do without the services of a service center. It is impossible to thoroughly determine which hardware components of the laptop are faulty and solder them at home (of course, if you are not a specialist).

When liquid is spilled on a laptop, if it gets on the board, over time this leads to oxidation of the contacts. As a result, the keyboard completely fails. If you accidentally spill liquid on your laptop, immediately turn it off, remove the battery, and dry it with a hairdryer on a gentle hair-drying setting. If your hair dryer model has a cold air button, use only cold air. This is necessary in order to, if not prevent, then at least slow down the process of oxidation of contacts, microcircuits and boards.

3. I urgently need to enter text on a laptop with a non-working keyboard – what should I do?

Your laptop keyboard isn't working and you urgently need to send a message. Or even to download the same driver pack from the Internet, you will need to enter its name into a search engine. What to do in such a situation?

3.1. Windows virtual keyboard

Windows OS has built-in functionality that emulates a physical keyboard - this is the standard On-Screen Keyboard application. Click the “Start” button, select “Accessibility”, and here – “On-screen keyboard”.

Click the desired keys with your mouse to enter characters. The Windows on-screen keyboard has an “Options” button; when you click it, you can make some settings to customize the application for yourself.

Windows 8/8.1 OS, in addition to the standard On-Screen Keyboard application, has an alternative in a slightly different format. This is a special touch keyboard for tablets and laptops with a touch screen - a smoothly sliding window with large buttons so that they can be easily reached with your finger. If Windows 8/8.1 is installed on your laptop, open the content menu on the Windows taskbar and select “Properties”.

The “Taskbar Properties” menu will open, go to the “Toolbars” tab and check the “Touch Keyboard” option.

3.2. USB keyboard

If we are talking about speedy typing of a test, of course, you can’t do much with the on-screen keyboard. You can connect a physical USB keyboard through the laptop's USB port.

3.3. Bluetooth keyboard

A Bluetooth keyboard is a physical keyboard that can be connected to a laptop via a Bluetooth module. Almost all modern laptop models are equipped with this module.

The keyboard is the main tool for entering information, without which working on a computer is impossible. Most often, for this device to work flawlessly, you just need to connect it to your computer, and it will install all the necessary drivers automatically. This happens in most cases, but not always. There are situations when, when you connect a keyboard to a USB or PS/2 connector, it is not detected on the computer and does not show any signs of operation - the indicators do not light up and the buttons do not work. In this article, we offer instructions on what to do if the keyboard on your computer does not work.

We recommend reading:

Connecting the keyboard to the computer is as simple as possible - just insert its wire into the corresponding connector on the motherboard, and after that the device will start working. There are wireless keyboards, the radio receiver of which is inserted into a USB connector, after which the device works if the distance between the transmitter and the device is maintained.

Due to the simplicity of the process of connecting a computer, we can conclude that there are only 2 reasons why the keyboard does not work on the computer:

  • Mechanical. There may be problems with the keyboard itself or the wire that connects it to the motherboard. The cause of the malfunction may also be a broken connector on the motherboard.
  • Software. Keyboard drivers are installed automatically, but failures can occur during the installation of any software, and this situation is no exception. In addition, problems may occur not at the operating system level, but in the BIOS, where the appropriate settings for the keyboard are disabled.

Depending on which connector the keyboard is connected to the computer, we offer different options for solving problems that arise.

What to do if the keyboard does not work on the computer via USB protocol

The most common interface for connecting a keyboard to a computer is USB. The speed of information transfer from a peripheral device to the computer is sufficient, both via the USB 2.0 protocol and via USB 3.0, so there is no difference in which connector the keyboard is connected to.

If the USB keyboard does not work when you turn on the computer, you need to do the following:

It's worth noting that users with a keyboard connected to the motherboard via USB may have trouble getting into the BIOS on the computer's boot screen if they are using an older version of the underlying software. In this case, you need to find a keyboard with a PS/2 connector or use the appropriate adapter.

What to do if the keyboard does not work on your computer using the PS/2 protocol

Keyboard manufacturers are trying to move away from the PS/2 connector, abandoning it in favor of USB. It is very difficult to find a keyboard with a PS/2 connector on sale, but if you come across such peripherals and it does not work when loading Windows, most likely the problem is related to the drivers. To make the keyboard work, you need to do the following:

It is worth noting that a similar problem with keyboards connected via the PS/2 protocol most often occurs due to an error when installing the i8042prt.sys or kbdclass.sys driver.

In this article we have to understand an important question: why does the keyboard not print? This phenomenon is not as rare as we would like. But you shouldn't be afraid of him. Problems are resolved without any problems. And only in some situations it is necessary to make a lot of effort to improve the functioning of the computer component. But for what reasons might the keyboard refuse to work? And what to do in this or that case?

Connector damage

The first case does not occur very often, but it does occur. Especially on older computers. For laptops, this situation is relevant only when we are talking about a separately connected keyboard.

What is it about? Why doesn't the keyboard print? The problem may lie in the equipment connector. It sometimes breaks or gets damaged. In this situation, the keyboard cannot be connected. If you are using an older model (PS/2 socket), it is advisable to change the hardware to USB. Or connect the device to another connector. You can also try to repair the nests. But this technique will not provide a long-term guarantee of the device’s operation.


Why doesn't the keyboard print? The next, more common reason is the lack of drivers for especially if we are talking about a multifunctional device with a large number of additional buttons. If the device refuses to work, it is recommended that you first reinstall the drivers for it. Or update them.

Typically, keyboards come with a disk with the appropriate software. Next And if the reason lay precisely in the drivers, then everything starts to work. You can optionally turn the device off and on after logging into the operating system. But everything is not always as simple as it seems. After all, a computer is a device that can present various surprises. And fixing them is not always easy or simple. So what other options for the development of events can be identified?


Why doesn't the keyboard print? This question sooner or later begins to concern almost every user. This is especially true for those who do not monitor the computer and its components at all. The keyboard does not print some letters? What to do? If we are talking about a device that has been working properly for at least a month, we can only advise one thing - cleaning the component.

The keyboard is a device that can get clogged. Dust, food debris, crumbs - all this remains between the buttons. And we are talking about laptops and desktop computers. Therefore, all keyboards need to be cleaned from time to time. At least once a year. Or as needed. It is also recommended not to eat in front of the monitor. This technique will allow you to avoid clogging the connected device again. By the way, this problem is the most common scenario.

Now it’s clear why the keyboard doesn’t print. Just pay attention to the fact that you should not clean it yourself. Especially if we are talking about a novice user. And even more so, it is not recommended to clean the laptop keyboard yourself. It is better to take the input device to a service center. Almost everywhere offers keyboard cleaning services. In just a few hours, you can fix the problem that has overtaken the user. After cleaning, the keyboard will work at full capacity.


But these are not all options for the development of events. Sometimes it happens that the keyboard prints the wrong letters. And in this situation it is very difficult to find an explanation for what is happening. After all, the device actually works. Just not the way it should be. There is only one reason that letters print numbers or not what is needed. This is an incorrect assembly of the device. If you disassemble the keyboard, you will notice that each button has its own mechanism. The computer receives a signal from a certain key and prints a particular character. For the convenience of the user, these mechanisms are labeled as buttons on the keyboard. If the latter are swapped, it appears that the device is printing the wrong characters.

Therefore, in this situation there is only one solution - to assemble the keyboard correctly. That is, place the mechanisms located under each key in the desired order. Doing this on your own is very problematic. Therefore, it is best to take the gadget to a service center. If you don’t want to think again about why the keyboard doesn’t print, you shouldn’t wipe and wash this component yourself. Often, problems with incorrect placement of buttons occur precisely after cleaning them yourself. Not the most dangerous, but not a very pleasant moment either.

Incorrect assembly

Keyboard buttons not working? What should I do? First of all, don't panic. Secondly, analyze your recent actions with this device. In most cases, the user himself becomes the culprit of problems with components connected to the computer. What to do if If the user tried to figure out the device on his own, it is recommended to immediately take it to a service center.

The cause is incorrect assembly of the input device. Most likely, when the user tried to assemble the keyboard, an important contact came loose somewhere. This is not uncommon and should be kept in mind. You can fix this problem yourself. But users point out that in inept hands the keyboard will never work. Unless it is completely broken. And craftsmen usually manage to disassemble the device the first time and assemble it so that it works fully and without interruptions.


What to do if the keyboard does not print? Much depends on the situation. If we are not talking about a new device, then the above scenarios may well be the reason for the failure of the component to work. But what to do when the conversation is about the keyboard you just bought? If all the drivers have been installed, the problem most likely has only one cause - a defect. And here only a complete replacement of the keyboard will help. It is recommended that you immediately contact the store where you purchased the device. There it will be possible to make an exchange. Otherwise, you will have to buy a new gadget.


What to do if the keyboard doesn't work? You need to find out why the connected device refused to perform its functions. In fact, only in rare cases do users experience serious incidents as the cause. Much more often, all problems can be solved on your own.

Why doesn't the keyboard print? The whole point may be that the device is incompatible with the operating system. This problem appeared quite recently. Most often, users who have Windows 10 encounter this problem. With this operating system, older models do not experience a similar problem. Yes, the keyboard also has its own minimum requirements. And you should pay attention to them. Because you will either have to change the device eventually, or reinstall the operating system to one compatible with the gadget.


Keyboard buttons not working? Has this device stopped working at all? If all of the above cases do not apply, you can think about the last, rarest scenario - infection of the operating system. Viruses are the main enemies of the stable operation of computers. They can affect not only software, but also connected devices. For example, under their negative influence, the keyboard either does not print, or displays the wrong characters, or it even enters several letters/numbers per press.

There are two ways out: reinstalling the operating system from scratch or treating the computer for the corresponding infection. In the first case, you will have to completely format the hard drive, and only then reinstall the OS. And the second option, as a rule, does not turn out to be effective enough. For this reason, it is recommended to save all data and reinstall the operating system on your computer. This way the virus will disappear 100%.

Date of publication: 05/10/2012

There are many reasons why your keyboard may not work well or may not show any signs of life at all. First, you need to immediately determine the root cause of such a breakdown: software or hardware. In simple terms, either the keyboard itself is faulty, or the problem lies in the Windows settings.

So, in order...

The keyboard works, but some keys do not work well (stick, do not respond to pressure, etc.).

The reason is usually simple - the keyboard is dirty.

You need to disassemble the keyboard and clean it. It doesn’t matter what kind of keyboard you have (usb, standard, wireless, built into the laptop). Turn the keyboard over and unscrew a few screws. Here you will see that under each button there is a rubber pad. Sometimes it happens that the lining breaks or “slips” out of place.- as a result, the corresponding key does not work. Then you just put everything in its place.

The key buttons can be wiped with anything, any cleaning agent. But it’s better not to touch the translucent film and everything else. By the way, so as not to get confused later about where each key should be, take a photo of your keyboard in advance. Of course, you can then find your keyboard model on the Internet and arrange the keys. But, still, it is much more convenient to take a photo of your keyboard. Some even number the keys in pencil to avoid confusion later. After “cleaning”, arrange the keys in their places, place the rubber pads (they can be placed in any order - they are all the same). The work is painstaking, but the result will be a perfectly working keyboard.

Plug problem

If you have a classic keyboard (with a round purple plug), then sometimes it happens that the small legs of the plug can bend.

In general, this type of connector is called PS/2. Purple is for the keyboard, green is for the mouse. If you forcefully try to insert the plug, the legs may bend. Then you need to take tweezers (or small pliers) and straighten all the legs.

USB keyboard

This is a regular keyboard, but it is connected not to the PS/2 connector, but to the USB connector.

If such a keyboard does not work when connected, then the problem most likely lies in the BIOS settings (SETUP). When you start the computer, press Del (or F6, everyone has different keys).

And since you can’t use the mouse in the bios settings, a reasonable question arises: “How can I press Del at startup, and how will I configure the bios if my keyboard doesn’t work???!” The problem can be solved simply - go to your neighbor and ask him for a keyboard for 5 minutes :)

Wireless keyboard

I’ll ask you a stupid question: “Have you charged your keyboard?”
Surprisingly, the battery usually just runs out and people forget to recharge it.

And it also happens that Windows simply cannot install drivers for your wireless keyboard. Then search for drivers on the Internet manually.


It happens that some newly installed program unknowingly corrupts the keyboard drivers. If you have Windows 7 installed, then driver problems should not bother you. The system itself installs and restores drivers. Usually, you just need to restart your computer.

But there are times when the driver has become corrupted, or the new driver does not work well. In such cases, you can proceed in two ways. First, restore the system to the day when the keyboard worked properly. Secondly, you can go to the device manager and update the drivers, or view their properties by looking at the diagnostics.

Keys do not work in a certain program or game

You should find the program or game settings and look at the key assignments. In general, study the settings. In games, as a rule, keys can be reassigned. And in programs, look at the list of hot keys.

Some other tips

If, when you turn on the computer, it makes three long beeps (beep, sound), this means that you have inserted the keyboard incorrectly. Simply pull out the plug and reinsert.

If the keyboard suddenly does not work, first of all, check it on other computers. If you only have one computer (usually everyone does), then go to your neighbor and check the keyboard on his computer.

Sometimes it happens that the mouse (computer) starts to work poorly - it jams and freezes. The mouse will constantly seem to be disconnected and connected (at the same time, the computer will beep when the device is connected). Due to the fact that the computer will constantly recheck the input devices connected to it, the keyboard will also begin to work poorly. Then just pull out the mouse and recheck the keyboard.

There are also cases when the mouse and keyboard cannot work at the same time. This happens EXTREMELY rarely, but it can happen. Somehow, some mouse models are simply incompatible with some keyboard models(?!). I personally encountered such a case only once. Usually you can fool the computer in this case. You need to find the mouse or keyboard in the registry and assign different names to them. Sometimes this helps... For the same reason, joysticks (gamepads) may sometimes not work in games. For example, the game allows you to use gamepads only from Microsoft, and the rest simply do not work. Then you need to find your gamepad in the registry and rename it to Microsoft.

If the keyboard does not work, and you still need to find something on the Internet (for example: drivers for the keyboard), then you can use the on-screen keyboard.

That's all. Ask questions - I will be happy to answer them.
Thank you for your attention!

Latest tips from the Computers & Internet section:

Council comments:

It turned out that the keyboard and mouse were incompatible. I switched the mouse to another port, all the letters on the keyboard worked. I suffered for a month

When you connect a USB mouse to a laptop - it works, add a USB keyboard - only the keyboard works, the mouse stops responding.

Hello. I can’t install Enable in the BIOS because it doesn’t exist there. There are only disable and ani kay. what to do? When rebooting, it creates 1 beep and the button goes out when it exits to the desktop. and the keyboard doesn't work.

Thank you! I received an answer, but the fact of the matter is that they didn’t give me any connectors for the USB, what is my solution!?

I bought a LOGITESH mouse and keyboard a long time ago without wires, only with a battery compartment, and since then it has been a dead weight and I don’t know what to do!?

Robert, the kit should include USB connectors. You insert them into the USB ports, and turn on the power on the keyboard and mouse (the switch is usually at the bottom). Then go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Hardware” - “Add a device”.

I can't find the answer; I bought a non-wired keyboard and mouse in a store without instructions, which only have compartments for Logitesh batteries without chips!? I DON'T KNOW how to use it!!! What to do!?

Another thing may be with the keyboard (I know from my own experience) sometimes the bolts are loose on the back and because of this not all the keys work) I tightened it up and everything is fine))

hit the keyboard a couple of times in the laptop the keys do not work: n, g, r, o, t, b what to do

I just bought a wireless keyboard for the Vivacase 10" tablet, universal for 10" for Android with a case, but some keys from the first row of letters QWER YUIOP T do not work, CAPS LOCK alternately... The keys are flat, but you can pick them up with a thin strip of cardboard... Can I “pick them out” and have a look? if it doesn't break... maybe it's nonsense. What could be the reason, how can I fix it myself?

When I turn on the computer, the keyboard starts working, and when I turn it on, the computer stupidly stops working. What should I do? Help me!!

On a laptop, the s, z, and space buttons sometimes stop working. Either they work or they don’t. The laptop is not flooded or dropped. What could cause such keyboard failures?

oh night, I really need help, I have Windows 7 Home Premium, we updated it to 10, but it didn’t work, we rolled back to 7 as indicated in the settings and the keyboard doesn’t work, when I try to enter the bios it shows a safe mode, safe with loading network drivers ,secure with command line support, Boot log entry, enable low resolution video mode (640/480), last known known configuration, debug mode, disable automatic reboot on system failure, disable mandatory driver signature verification, normal Windows boot. When entering the first three modes, the keyboard still does not work, as I understand it, during the rollback there were problems with the keyboard drivers, how can I fix this if the disk drive of a laptop (Toshiba Satellite) does not work

I have to press several times until the action appears on the screen, but now I’m typing everything fine, and when I started the text I pressed the letters 5-6 times. how to fix this. costs 10

If on a laptop the keyboard does not work (partially) and the on-screen keyboard works, can we assume that the keyboard controller is working (in other words, the on-screen keyboard uses the keyboard controller in its work or not

While the stationary physical keyboard does not work, you can still type on the online keyboard ladonnik 5 (hybrida). It is similar to YTSUKEN, but more convenient. On it you can print both in Western European languages ​​and in Slavic and Asian (CIS) languages.

the keyboard is working, the old computer was broken (the video card was broken), I recently changed the video card, I turn on everything, but the keyboard does not work, all ports and the keyboard are working, to turn on the computer it says (press enter), as I understand it on the keyboard, but as if it shows no signs of life, although working?

Probably, each of us has encountered a similar situation: you turned on the computer, are trying to enter text on the keyboard or switch from one window to another, but the keys do not respond to pressing, and the device itself does not show any signs of life. What causes this behavior of the device? Why doesn't the keyboard on my computer or laptop work? And how to fix it? Let's consider what the reasons may be.

This is actually extremely awkward compared to others as it requires an excess of finger movement. Another standard is Dvorak. In addition, there are two other standards created for those who only need to enter one hand. Now check out some keyboards that might make you spend hours admiring the store window.

They usually have additional features over regular keyboards. You'll notice in the photo that there's also a mouse on the back of the touchpad-style peripheral. Anyone looking for practicality will want to have it. The keyboard below looks strange, but it makes the eyes of many gamers and graphics players sparkle because their keys are fully customizable not only in the function of the keys, but also in the position they occupy. You can literally put the keys wherever you want and assign them any function.

Mechanical damage

The simplest explanation is mechanical damage to the keyboard. Perhaps you recently spilled coffee or sweet tea on it, accidentally dropped it, pulled the wire, etc., and then conveniently forgot about it. In this case, all you have to do is disassemble the device and try to fix it yourself, or contact a service center. The second option is preferable, especially when it comes to a laptop keyboard. If you cannot bring the keyboard back to life, you will have to purchase a new input device.

Do your friends watch what you type and call you a “photographer”? It has both wired and wireless options and is available in Brazil. But it doesn't stop there, as the keys can be customized to display symbols for tools, commands, programs, or even images you've taken. Maybe in Portuguese we could have a keyboard that would better suit our needs and cause less pain in the hands of those who use the equipment for long hours on end?

Why hasn't a single keyboard manufacturer in Brazil proposed changing the standard to make life easier for users until today? With so much success in software interfaces, to make it easier for the user because the keyboard is stopped in time?

Lost contact

Sometimes keyboard problems are caused by the device not being properly connected to the computer. Check whether the plug fits tightly into the socket on the system unit and whether the fragile parts of the connector are bent. If necessary, carefully straighten them with tweezers and try connecting the keyboard again.

If you use a wireless keyboard, it's worth checking to see if its battery is dead. Very often the problem disappears without a trace as soon as the power source is replaced.

Feel free to give your answers and explain your theories using the feedback system. If your keyboard is no longer working, there are a few things you can check to resolve the issue. Depending on your situation, you can try one of the following options: First, you should identify two important factors in this troubleshooting solution.

Your keyboard no longer works

The problem occurred while typing, or you noticed it immediately after starting your computer. Apart from an extreme situation such as spilling water on the keyboard, the answer to this question is important in identifying the problem. If you notice that your keyboard has stopped working after downloading or, check the connection to your keyboard and make sure it is locked properly. You can reboot again.

No corresponding driver

Why does the keyboard on the computer not work if the contact is not broken and the device itself is not damaged?

Perhaps the system simply cannot find the driver for the device. In this case, you need to update your computer software.

You can do this manually by visiting the website of your keyboard manufacturer.

What keyboard are you using?

Turn off your desktop computer and check if it is working. Also check the batteries, it may be time to change them. Wireless receivers have a signal scan button, press the button to transmit the signal and the light should start flashing. Once this happens, find the key on your keyboard to receive the signal sent by the receiver and flow with each other.

In some ways, these keyboards are more reliable because there are no drivers to install from the operating system. If it stops working while using the operating system, in most cases the problem is not caused by the keyboard. Check if your mouse is moving slowly? Do the same for each application that is not responding. You can also try this for any type of keyboard.

  • Be patient and wait until the operating system finishes.
  • On the Application tab, select all and click End Task.
  • A confirmation window will appear asking you to stop it.
  • Click "End Task" again and wait for it to complete.
To determine the status of your keyboard, you can follow the last step.

Manual driver update

  • go to the official website of the manufacturer;
  • find the appropriate section, select your device model;
  • download the archive and unpack it. Sometimes the driver has its own automatic installer, in which case you will just need to click “Run file”;
  • if there is no automatic program, launch “Device Manager”;
  • select “Update drivers”, in the dialog that opens, select manual search, enter the path to the folder in which you unpacked the archive;
  • After installation, reboot the computer.

There is another way to update drivers. It is often recommended on thematic forums when a participant does not know why the keyboard does not work on a Windows 7 computer or other OS. You won't have to look for manufacturers' websites, but you will need to install additional programs to update drivers. For example, Driver Genius Professional or Driver Checker. These utilities are paid, but if you wish, you can find a replacement for them among free software (DriverMax Free, etc.).

If your keyboard no longer works, but you have a good second known keyboard with the same connection type, replace the correct keyboard with the incorrect one and see if it works. You can also try connecting the incorrect keyboard to another computer and determine if the keyboard is broken.

Troubleshooting Wireless Keyboards

If some keys on your keyboard work but not all, follow the steps below as appropriate for your situation. The eject button mechanism starts after a short delay to avoid accidental use. Press and hold until the eject icon appears on the screen.

Viruses attacked

Sometimes input devices are blocked by malware. If you don’t know why the keyboard on your laptop or computer, and along with it the touchpad and mouse, don’t work, then the problem is most likely due to a virus infection of the system. What to do in this case?

and how can I fix it? Forgot your computer password? Don't worry - in our article you will find information on how to restore it.

Check your system with an antivirus as soon as possible. If the antivirus did not detect a potential threat or is simply disabled, use additional utilities. The Dr.Web CureIt! program is very effective in such situations. You can download this anti-virus utility on the official website of the Dr.Web laboratory. The program is free for treating home computers. The most important advantage of the utility is its high reliability: the program will work even if a virus tries to turn off the computer during the scanning process and block it.

Common problems with keyboard customization software

You may have configured a setting that changes the behavior of the keys. If the "Speak selected text when you press a key" option is activated, deactivate it or click "Change" to select a different key. If it is activated, you must hold the keys longer than usual for the action. In the Accessibility area, click Mouse and Trackpad. Make sure "Enable Mouse Keys" is turned off. If enabled, pressing the number buttons moves the pointer rather than the number. In the Keyboard panel, select Input Methods. Make sure the correct keyboard type is selected.

Problems with keyboard functionality such as calculator, sound or brightness settings

  • In the Accessibility area, click Speech on the Left.
  • Make sure the "Enable slow keys" option is disabled.
To get the latest version, click.

You can also recommend the development of Kaspersky studio, AVZ. Like Dr.Web CureIt!, the program is free. Updated regularly. It has several settings options, which allows you to most effectively identify not only viruses and spyware, but also possible system vulnerabilities. Quickly eliminates “computer infection” and gives many useful recommendations.

Identify your keyboard in this list or search in the search bar. Once you have identified your keyboard, tap or click on it to go to the download page. During installation, you may need to restart your computer one or more times. If you log in as a member of a guest group during the installation process, an error may occur.

Some computer manufacturers come with pre-installed keyboard customization software tailored to the keyboard that came with your computer.

  • Unplug your keyboard, then plug it back in.
  • If you are using a wireless keyboard, check your wireless connection.
If your device is supported, try the following.

The keyboard is simply not connected in the BIOS

Finally, the last reason for the “lifelessness” of the device is the lack of connection in the BIOS. This case is typical for netbooks and laptops, i.e. devices with a built-in keyboard. How to fix the situation?

Very simple. Turn off the computer, then turn it on again. Before the operating system starts loading, we load the BIOS. Typically you will need to click the Delete button to do this, but there may be other options. Sometimes the BIOS is activated by pressing the F2 or F8 keys (depending on the computer manufacturer). The hint at the bottom of the screen (if there is one) can help you determine which button to press.

Try the following tips. Some key commands require the installation of a specific program, such as an email program, web browser, media player, instant messenger program, or graphics editing program. Shortcut keys may not work as expected if you press a modifier key at the same time. If the correct program is not installed, you can still use the key by reassigning it.

If you have two wireless receivers connected to your computer and you press the same key on your wireless keyboard, you may see double characters on your screen. Some keys are designed to repeat when pressed and held. The following buttons can be repeated: previous, next, previous track, next track, volume, volume, zoom, zoom.

Then we find a tab in the BIOS that lists all input/output devices. Select the item called “USB Controller” and set the mode to “Enabled”. Go to the “USB Keyboard Setup” item and repeat the operation, setting the mode to “Enabled”. Then we confirm saving the changes and exit the BIOS. Reboot and test the keyboard.

Where are the standard function keys?

These keys are located on the top row of the keyboard. On some keyboard models they are tactile.

"Print" button. the screen doesn't work

If you hold down the Gadgets key, all open windows will be transparent, allowing you to see the gadgets on your desktop. In other versions or themes, when you press or hold the Gadgets button, you view the desktop. "Print" button. screen copies the screen image to the clipboard. . On some keyboards, the My Favorites keys are secondary.

Sometimes the BIOS does not support USB keyboards. In this case, it is better to entrust the computer setup to professionals from the service center, since it is necessary to reinstall the BIOS. Doing this on your own is quite difficult.

There can be only two exact reasons for this malfunction:

The standby key puts the computer into power management mode only if the computer supports power management and power management is enabled. If it is not activated, this button does not work. It cannot be reassigned. You can resume work by doing one of the following:

  • Press the wait key.
  • Press the standard key on your keyboard.
  • Move the mouse.
  • Quickly press the power button on your computer.
If you are unable to wake up your computer using one of these methods, you may have a problem. See the documentation that came with your computer, or contact your computer manufacturer. To exit sleep mode, press the power button on your computer. Once installed, most browsers can be installed as default. You may have to manually reassign the Home key to the browser you have installed. Click the button you want to reassign the wizard to, click Open a program, web page, or file, click Unassigned, enter the path to your internet browser or click Browse to find it, and then click Back to save changes.
  • Then click it again.
  • Restart your computer and press the Home key.
The Mail Key Reassignment Wizard contains a list of supported email programs installed on your computer.
  • hardware (in the case when the device itself or the port to which it was connected failed);
  • software (failure to load the required driver).

If the keyboard fails, then there are only 2 ways: replace it with a working one or repair it.

  1. To begin with, of course, you can try restarting your computer. It is possible that after a reboot it will work again.
  2. If rebooting does not help, then you can use the keyboard with the mouse (it should function fine).

In this article you can learn how to change your name on YouTube.

Causes of problems and solutions

If the program does not appear after a few minutes, restart your computer and check again. If you haven't used an email program on this computer, run the program twice and sign in to your email service each time. Click the key you want to reassign, click Open a program, web page, or file, click Unassigned, enter the path to your email program or click Browse to find it, and then click Back to save changes . With some email programs, you may need to update your settings to save your email password. During installation, most media players can be installed by default.

By following, you can easily connect your PS3 joystick to your PC!

Step by step steps to fix the problem:

  • Start button -> then Settings -> after Control Panel -> System;
  • click System Properties -> then Hardware -> Device Manager;
  • in the window called “Device Manager”, select the large yellow circle with a black exclamation mark;
  • select Action -> then Delete from the menu;
  • in the “Device Removal Confirmation” window, you need to authorize the removal of the keyboard by clicking OK;
  • close Device Manager;
  • in the window called System Properties, on the Hardware tab, you need to click the Install Hardware button;
  • in the window that opens called Hardware Installation Wizard, click Next;
  • after a short search for the equipment, your keyboard should be “found” (the Num Lock indicator will turn on);
  • After these steps, the Changing system parameters window should appear with the message “Installation of new devices is complete.”
  • The last action will be to click Finish in the Add Hardware Wizard window.
➤ New: When I found the way, at first I didn’t believe it was possible. We suggest you try again with another woman.

What should be the action if several or one button stops working?

If some keys on your keyboard stop working, it is quite possible that the keyboard driver requires updating or is missing altogether.

Keyboard doesn't work in game

You may have to manually reassign the media key to your installed media player. Click the button you want to reassign, click Open Program, Web Page, or File, click Unassigned, enter the path to your media playback program or click Browse to find it, and then click Back to save changes. Restart your computer and press the Media key. . On some laptops, when you press the "Screen" key, you zoom in.

My Favorites buttons do not affect a file or webpage when held down

Macro photography

If there is no button on the external keyboard. If the problem is resolved, you should check your keyboard for repair. If some of the keys on the laptop's built-in keyboard do not work. These buttons operate with a slight delay to avoid an immediate response if they are accidentally pressed.
  • When you play online, you will not be able to save or run macros.
  • Disconnect and reconnect your keyboard.
  • Make sure the connector is fully inserted into the door.
  • Try to hold the key for a long time.
He may have accidentally set a setting that changes how your keyboard works.

If you purchased a software disc in the same package as the keyboard, you should use it when reinstalling the necessary drivers.

Otherwise, follow the instructions to update the drivers.

  1. To get started, click the Start button and select Keyboard, Control Panel, and Hardware and Sound.
  2. In the Hardware window, you need to find the keyboard you are using and double-click on it.
  3. Then on the Driver tab you need to click Update and follow all the instructions.
  4. Answer yes to the pop-up prompt to restart your computer.
➤ Secrets: If you don’t know if it has cooled down, read our unique article.

What to do if the computer keyboard and mouse do not work?

Why doesn't the keyboard and mouse work on my laptop? - This is another, fairly common malfunction, which happens quite often in the event of an unexpected failure in a south bridge laptop.

Very often the south bridge burns out in such a way that absolutely everything in the computer works except these above-mentioned devices.

But sometimes it happens that the laptop stops turning on altogether, or stops responding to the power button, precisely when the same south bridge in it burns out.

➤ This is cool: You still don’t know - it’s simple.

Probably, each of us has encountered a similar situation: you turned on the computer, are trying to enter text on the keyboard or switch from one window to another, but the keys do not respond to pressing...
