How to make money on beautiful domains. Transaction guarantor Garant.PRO = safe transaction

Almost everyone who is connected with working on the Internet sooner or later has the question “Where can I buy a website with income at a good price and on excellent conditions? This is not surprising, because in our time on the World Wide Web people are actively making money on websites and domain names.

We offer you a whole auction of sites! We will tell you where and how to buy a ready-made website inexpensively. We will also consider which domain exchange is the most optimal. Here and now you will find everything about where you can buy or sell a domain name and whether it’s worth doing it at all. With our help, you will quickly figure out which website exchange with income is best suited for you. Before we begin to understand the issues of buying/selling domain names and websites, let’s consider the reasons for the actions.

Who needs to sell ready-made websites or domains and why?

The first and probably the only reason why people are interested in where they can sell a website with income is the quick profit that can be made right away. In fact, buyers themselves strive to make money using websites. The latter count on the long-term income that the purchased promoted site can generate. The resources that we plan to consider are perfect for those who want to learn how to sell a website on the Internet in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus or Kazakhstan.

Several popular and simple portals

How much can you sell a website for or buy a website with TIC and PR? Which domain name exchange is considered the most reliable? We will begin to answer these questions gradually and with the simplest exchange sites with income. They provide an excellent opportunity to buy a ready-made website with good traffic in Ukraine, Russia and virtually throughout the CIS.

So, you can buy or sell a profitable website on the following resources:

  1. is a popular multifunctional Internet resource analyzer that will help you easily and quickly sell a website without a domain without any problems. On this resource you can analyze the internal and external indicators of the site. The resource has been operating on the Internet for more than 10 years. Over the years, the site has evolved and provided its customers with more options. Today, here you can sell a website quickly in Kazakhstan or Russia, as well as buy a website online in Ukraine in just a few clicks.
  2. – this resource will help you buy a turnkey website. Anyone who wants to sell a resource in Belarus or other CIS countries can also turn here for help. The resource allows you to buy a website cheaply and in the shortest possible time. Among other things, there is a wide range of additional features here.
  3. - here you will find a wide selection of sites and domains on various topics. The resource will allow you to buy a well-promoted website, and the domain name exchange will give you the opportunity to purchase the most optimal option.

We reviewed one of the well-known, but not the best, resources where you can buy or sell a domain name or buy a website cheaply in Kazakhstan and throughout the CIS. Selling ready-made websites or domain names is not an easy task. It is important to find a proven and reliable resource that will tell you what and how to do. In addition to the options listed above, there are 2 more proven and reliable resources - Telderi and Flippa. Each of these resources is worthy of special attention and I decided to specifically leave them for later, since these resources stand out from the total number and provide advanced services. It is important to note that both resources are popular and trusted by many experienced users. Therefore, we will pay much more attention to these resources and try to consider all the strong and not so strong sides.

Telderi – auction of websites and domain names

The first and most important thing you need to know about this domain and website exchange is that it is developed by one of the most famous companies, Mirafox. Now those who want to sell a site will not have any problems. Telderi provides excellent opportunities for both parties and quite convenient functionality.

This is one of the best platforms where you can sell a website with income or buy a ready-made resource inexpensively. The exchange provides the opportunity for secure transactions, which provides guarantees for both buyers and sellers. Over the entire existence of the resource, more than 20 thousand transactions have been carried out. Each of them was accompanied by Telderi representatives. Now you can buy or sell a profitable website safely and with guarantees. Telderi cooperates with trusted domain registrars, which also allows us to guarantee the positive success of the transaction.

via this link.

The Telderi exchange offers the opportunity to evaluate the value of your website without prior registration. To do this you need to follow this link.

For everyone who wants to buy a turnkey website or domain name, Telderi provides:

  • unique guarantees for quick re-registration of a domain or website;
  • a huge selection of different thematic resources for purchase;
  • you receive detailed information about the product.

Those who want to sell a website or domain also receive a number of benefits:

  • Now you can easily and quickly attract the largest number of buyers;
  • a successful transaction is guaranteed;
  • A website auction allows you to sell a website without a domain or with one.

The domain name exchange guarantees 100% results to each participant in the transaction:

If necessary, Telderi specialists will provide full consultation and tell you how much you can sell your site for and how to do it safely.

Flippa – sale and purchase of English-language resources

If you need to buy a ready-made website with good traffic, but English speaking, you won’t have to search for long. Flippa is considered a popular, proven, reliable and professional resource today. This is one of the best domain name and website exchanges in the English-speaking world. There is a wide range of resources available here, allowing you to find the most suitable option.

Among the advantages, one can highlight the fact that the sale of a website with income here is carried out with its full description. On the resource in the “product card” you can view all the important information: traffic, income level, sources, various additional information. All data is presented in easy-to-learn graphs.

You can register or just see what the Telderi exchange presents itself by going to this link

We would like to highlight the excellent search functionality when purchasing a website online. Now you can set all the necessary parameters, so you can quickly buy a website from Tits and PR. In general, Flippa is literally indispensable for studying new trends and popular topics, especially in English-speaking spaces.

Buy or sell a website that generates profit: is it worth doing?

Why is website auction so popular? Who needs a domain exchange? The decision to buy a promoted website will help you get excellent passive income. Starting to make money on Internet resources is not so easy. Any thematic portal needs to be brought to mind and developed. He will demand maximum attention from you, like a small child. But it is not always possible to devote enough time to develop a resource. This is why selling ready-made websites is popular.

We have already talked about where you can buy a website with income, and now let’s look at why this solution is the most optimal and profitable.

In general, there are 2 main advantages from purchasing a turnkey website:

  1. First of all, the important thing is that you can immediately start making a profit from your purchase. Buying a ready-made website inexpensively is quite possible. Such resources literally immediately begin to bring the first profit and completely pay for themselves in a short time. You don’t have to spend effort and money on promoting the portal. You can buy a ready-made website with good traffic, which guarantees quick income.
  2. You save significant time and effort. An exchange of sites with income allows you to purchase a ready-made resource on the desired topic.

Among the advantages, one can highlight the fact that you can immediately create a full-fledged network of sites. Developing each resource separately, you will spend a lot of time. Using the exchange, you can quickly buy a website online.

Using the same domain name exchange and portals, you can sell your website quickly. Over time, the creators of Internet resources learn to effectively make money from their knowledge. We discussed above where you can sell a website with income. The advantages of this event include the speed of the process and the possibility of bidding. If we are talking about resource auctions, you will be able to evaluate and set the initial cost of the portal, and everyone will be able to participate in the auction. This way you get the opportunity to increase the initial cost of the site. If you want to sell a website, quickly register on thematic resources, study them and add your lots.

What you need to know and how to buy a website cheaply

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with a short guide to purchasing online resources. You can easily read about how to sell a website on the Internet on exchanges, but what to consider when purchasing is not so easy to find.

Familiarize yourself with the basic and priority rules:

  1. Pay special attention to studying website traffic. Even if you have excellent statistics, study where exactly the traffic is coming from. Most of it should be from search engines. There are a large number of services that allow.
  2. Remember about simple rule that the full cost of a business is determined based on its annual income. Sometimes there are exceptions.
  3. A blitz price is not always a reason to agree. Take an active part in the bidding. This will save money, but purchase good resources.
  4. Strive to buy a site with TIC and PR indicators (what is this). Although these indicators now have almost no effect on the site (especially PR), their presence shows that the site is not “naked” and it has some kind of history in the link profile.
  5. Don’t forget that sellers will certainly throw out resource profitability indicators. You can automatically minus 10-20% of the indicated indicators. Check the income from contextual advertising exchanges.
  6. Please check links to this site carefully. The quality of links, their dynamics, anchor list, outgoing links - all this is very important in the long term, so as not to fall under and.
  7. Check out the expense items. If you are buying an information resource that has a lot of articles, ask for the contact information of the person who writes them.

We tried to answer as much as possible where you can buy or sell a domain name and website on favorable terms. They also provided basic information for making the right choice. Everything else depends entirely on you. The exchanges will help you (as the seller) determine how much the site can be sold for.

We tried to cover the topic of buying websites on the Internet as briefly as possible, highlighting only the most important points. If you have any ideas, wishes or comments, write in the comments.

From easy ways making money on the Internet making money on domains is simple and fast in terms of profitability. Includes buying and selling domain names. Nowadays, there are already a large number of people who undergo these operations.


About the importance and cost of domain names

It doesn't take too much technical knowledge and skill to register a domain, just a little originality and imagination to create a name for a domain that is not yet on the Internet. In addition, such a domain should be created with not just an original name, but also be popular among users.

Before the domain consciousness is carried out marketing research on the Internet and find out what is popular and how popular. After directly creating the domain, you need to put it up for sale on an exchange on the Internet.

Selling and buying domain names is a good solution for making money on the Internet, which is equivalent to real estate transactions - investing in future profits. It will be surprising to you that a good domain will cost the same as an apartment.

To build a serious chain, you need to constantly purchase domains.
The number of domains in your portfolio is an opportunity to earn more.

Why are domains profitable?

Domain spaces and territories on the Internet are comparable to plots of land that are put up for sale piece by piece.

Domains in each territory, similar in properties to land plots, are decreasing in number every day. Naturally, new zones and areas are being created, but domain names in old territories have a much higher cost.

For example, in zone several years ago there were no free domains that had four-letter combinations in the name. Owning such a .com domain was an advantage, and their price on the secondary market rose greatly.

If today you register a domain with a more or less relevant and harmonious name, then tomorrow it will become more expensive. Let's consider the reasons for such events:

  • if the domain territory is over free place to register new domains;
  • there is no longer a way to create the same domain in this zone;
  • More senior domains receive more loyalty;
  • if at least one site was listed under the domain, then, in any case, its traffic will be zero, and thus it is possible to calculate profitability with the participation of parking (domain parking) or placement of contextual advertising;
  • If a website or project with an already established target audience is under the roof of a domain, then the cost of such a domain increases significantly.

It is a misconception that only euphonious domain names are sold, this is not true. There have been multiple cases where domains with names like Marketingtoday have been sold - not the shortest option, but they were bought for $1.5 million.

Active Internet users (we do not include Internet businessmen and Internet specialists) register several domains, often this number reaches several dozen.

They act on the principle of “maybe it will come in handy,” and in the end they turn out to be right. Domains can be contributed to a partner business as an investment, a contribution, can be given to friends and acquaintances, new projects can be opened on the platform, and they also sell well.

Even if the cost of one domain per year is $10-15, and you have 20 such domains, you spend $3,000 on maintenance over 10 years. If parking is placed correctly for everyone, then in this case the income will exceed the costs by an order of magnitude.

And if you are going to sell one for at least a few thousand dollars, then the super income will cover all the waste, and you won’t have to do anything.

Why are domains being bought up?

Websites and domains are the TOP 1 products that are bought and sold effortlessly. Some owners get rid of unnecessary things - unsuccessful projects, while other webmasters buy them back and make a profit from them.

But there are cases when a user bought a domain, created a semblance of a website on it and conveniently forgot it due to everyday affairs, or decided to return to unfinished work later and again sclerosis and interest in other matters took over. In this case, the domain registration may expire. But it will not disappear immediately and you will not be able to register it again.

The disappearance of a domain name is labor-intensive and includes several stages, each subsequent one more complicated than the previous one.

First, the domain name parking step starts. Files are deleted from the domain. As a result, it turns out that the resources located on the domain cease to operate, and parking pages appear in their place. Thus, this picture appears to us as a catalog of links.

In the situation with forgotten or abandoned domains, there is the concept of “registration deferment”, which lasts 40 days. This occurs if the domain is not renewed before the end of its expiration date. All the time during these 40 days the domain is on the commercial parking page. This page is temporary and shows the status of the domain name, namely that it has already expired. And all kinds of resources or messages that belong to the domain cease to function.

The owner is notified of such a situation through an informative letter to the personal email under which the bottom domain name is registered. It is indicated that he has one last chance to renew the domain within 40 days. Otherwise, after this period has expired, the domain will be removed from the database.
In such cases experienced users They organize a hunt for this kind of forgotten thing.

They are convinced that a domain at this level is profitable and will bring much more profit than they will spend on purchase and promotion. The main indicator of the ICS website is the site quality index. Yandex assigns this indicator and it consists of the following components:

  • quantity external links to this site;
  • proximity of sites on the subject that link to it;
  • quantity and quality of articles (not exact);
  • level of traffic from search and other sources;
  • authority, quality and reputation of these sites.

Everything is proportional here: higher-quality sites in all respects receive a high IQ.

It is a characteristic and indicative element in determining the economic profitability and potential in the future and authority in the present among the Russian-speaking population of the Internet.

On Russian link exchanges, the price of a trading item is directly proportional to the number of ICS and other indicators: the more there are, the higher the cost of the link in the article, the higher the quality of the site, the higher the cost of the press release.
The benefits of purchasing a domain with metrics are:

  • you have the opportunity to quickly monetize the site from the very beginning of the domain’s existence;
  • the presence of this indicator allows you to exchange links and participate in the link trading system;
  • if the site on the domain is of high quality, then advertisers will come with orders to place information on the page of your recently created project;
  • Also, the presence of “bulky” domains frees you from the need to promote a site from scratch and increase the indicator, since in some zones the expansion process is expensive, due to competition and high prices for links.

It is believed that buying a domain is equal to speculative tricks. Repurchase or resale of a domain name is like blackmail - bought at a wholesale price, sold at a price higher than the retail price. But even such frauds are beneficial to both parties to the purchase and sale.
But, despite the advantages of purchasing a vacant domain, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • there is a need to maintain indicators at the level at which this indicator was when purchasing the domain name;
  • the main thing is to be able to choose domains;
  • 85% of domains released at auction provide no value.

How much can you earn from domains?

There are several ways to use domains to make money, and one of them is parking. If you have a group of domains and not all of them are used and functioning to their full potential, then it is better to give preference to parking rather than leaving the domain idle. This way, at least you can pay for fixed expenses without much effort: registration, renewal, hosting, and if you’re lucky, you can also receive additional income.

But not all domains will be the best option for parking. There are 3 types of domain names for successful parking:

  • domain names must consist of keywords;
  • should be the names of generally accepted and frequently used phrases;
  • should be similar to the erroneous (typographical) name of known network resources.

Income from domain parking directly depends on the number of visitors. But in this case, you shouldn’t look only at regular traffic; you can also look at the number of domains.

Now let’s calculate the income from parking: statistics show that for 1000 unique user transitions, a domain owner can earn about $10. As we can see, the income is insignificant, but it is better than nothing.
Domain owners can also replenish (and in many cases enrich) their wallets through the mistakes of Internet users.

They may spell the name incorrectly. search engine such as Google or Yandex may forget to put a period after the triple “double”, they may make a mistake with the name of even the most famous Microsoft company. Domain owners take advantage of this incredible traffic and earn pretty decent money, since the cost of such domains can range from $15,000 to several million dollars.

If until the last moment you made money only from advertising, then most likely your income is equal to several dollars with a successfully created domain. But if you are seriously thinking about selling a domain name, then it proportionally depends on the consonance and needs of the clients.

Also, you should not focus only on the domestic market, you also need to focus on foreign buyers, because in Runet, for example, the cost of one click on advertising from a domain varies from 2.5 to 5 cents, while the cost of this indicator in European countries reaches 0.1 -0.2 dollars. And it turns out that the average price of a domain is 3-5 thousand dollars. So don't sell yourself short!

You can also rent out your domain. If you are sure that the domain name is popular, catchy and original, then you can receive an average of 200 euros per month for rent. But there are cases when a domain name sounds like “the best car” from French and brings the owner 150 euros per day; a Dutch domain brings a happy webmaster 15,000 euros per month.

TOP 4 verified domain auctions


This is the top 1 auction that sells free 3rd level domains, as well as .SU domains. Additionally, the master registers for new owners.

Among the advantages noted:

  • big choice;
  • relatively low prices;
  • the administration checks the released names;
  • performing registration.

Auction REG.RU

The REG.RU service sells domain names for websites, first checking the compliance of the published information with real data and traffic sources.
The purchase application is completed in the following way:

  • The client registers on the auction website.
  • The appropriate option is selected from the list.
  • The “BUY” button is pressed.
  • Fill out an application with personal information.
  • The DNS server is selected and indicated in the appropriate form.
  • The purchase is paid according to the details provided by the company administration.


The company where you can buy a domain and register it is Webnames. Here is a group of advantages:

  • The service serves 500,000 names.
  • Names are registered in the national and international zone.
  • Free DNS support.
  • Provides clients with a number of additional services.


Many people, when searching for a domain for a website, give preference to Godaddy - an auction with a large number of options and top-level service.

Among the features clients note:

  • prices;
  • constant updating of lists;
  • registration of a vacant domain;
  • Additional services.

In conclusion, the domain business, if you can call it that, is not only profitable, but also a democratic one, because even schoolchildren and retirees who have realized that the Internet is a great place to get real money can do it!
Evaluation of the method -

How to make money on domains, how to avoid problems with the law when buying or selling a domain, how much money you need to start earning, we will answer these questions, consider the main methods, and analyze the pros and cons of each.

There are two fundamental and fundamentally different methods of making money on domains, which in turn are divided into specific methods.

  1. Purchase and further monetization or sale of a domain.
  2. Organizing a business selling domains by becoming a partner of one of the registrars.

Not a single method allows you to make money on domains without investments, but the minimum amount to start can be only 100 rubles. This is how much it costs to register an unoccupied domain name. Let's look at each method and answer the question of how to select, buy and make money on domains.

First, we will look at the main ways to make money on domains, then we will talk about domain name resellers, and at the end of the article we will look at the purchasing methods themselves.

Purchasing domains for the purpose of subsequent sale (speculation) is the most accessible and common way to make money by reselling domains. This is not surprising; the same principle applies in ordinary market relations - buy cheaper and sell more expensive. The complexities of the domain resale scheme are the same as in speculative offline sales:

  • Find a domain that will be of interest to a potential buyer.
  • Where to buy cheaper.
  • To whom to sell at a higher price?

How to choose a domain and where to buy is described below in the article. There are several ways to sell an existing domain:

  1. Display in a store or auction (exchange).
  2. Post on the website information about the sale of the domain, with contact information.
  3. Contact a potential buyer (for example, searching for interested parties on forums).

You determine the starting price yourself, based on logic. I recommend completing resale transactions through transaction guarantors, for example This is an additional expense, but this way you will protect yourself from possible problems with non-payment or domain hijacking.

Stores, exchanges and domain auctions:

Earning money from domain parking

Domain parking, in simple terms, registering a domain and placing a sat stub on it, a redirect to the main site or advertising.
From the point of view of earning money, domain parking is the purchase of domains that are consonant with well-known site names, or the purchase of domains that continue to receive traffic (drop domains) and placing advertising on them.

Until a buyer is found, the resource operates at a loss, annual domain renewal, and possibly payment for hosting. During downtime, the best solution is domain parking. It is much cheaper and brings in a regular income. It is enough to find a provider with such an offer.

If we consider this method as the main one, then for these purposes we choose domain names with typos of known website addresses or dropped domains. Advertising is placed on such domains. And the domain owner will receive a certain percentage of profits, clicks or impressions.

People who decide to make extra money by selling beautiful Internet addresses resort to this technique quite rarely. Earning money from domain parking is needed as a temporary solution to reduce costs.

  • - domain parking service
  • - free domain parking

Domain rental

In this case, the monetization scheme will differ from the previous ones. Renting out a domain brings good and constant income. In this case, the tenant places his website or stub on your resource.

Domain rental is used in a couple of cases:

  1. Your domain is exclusive and has a very high purchase price.
  2. The tenant does not want to reveal his information.

There are no ready-made platforms for renting domains; as a rule, everything is decided individually.

Sometimes renting a domain means registering a domain, since in fact you are renting it for a year and if you don’t renew it, it can go into the wrong hands.

Domain reseller

Essentially, this is buying domains at a wholesale price and selling them at a retail price. The domain reseller enters into an agreement to cooperate with the address element registrar and can enjoy favorable prices for the purchase of names, as well as act as a representative of an accredited entity. The profit from the price list difference will largely depend on the activity of the person who chose this option earnings.

If you want to become a domain reseller, here is one of the programs “Affiliate Program
reselling domains and services."

Domaining - selection and purchase of a domain to make money

Before you sell, rent, or start making money parking domains, you need to buy this very domain. This whole procedure is called domaining.

Registering a new domain

This method involves using your existing experience and ability to identify trends and select consonant names.

Trends that may be gaining popularity include:

  • goods;
  • series;
  • events;
  • people, etc.

In addition to trends, you can search for available domains based on the following points:

  • Short (4-5 letter) domains.
  • Geographic (country, city, place in the city) domains.
  • Industry domains (,,

Buying a domain for a trend

A new device has entered the market, an event is being planned, or a TV series is being prepared. Example:

  • Hoverboards
  • Spinners
  • Olympics 2026
  • Game of Thrones Season 8
  • Yuri Gagarin

And as a result, domains could look like this:

  • (domain free at the time of writing)
  • (domain free at the time of writing)
  • (domain free at the time of writing)

When choosing a domain, assume who might be potentially interested in it, look at similar already registered domains. Find out what sites they were registered under (online stores, information sites). And is there a possible demand for them?

Advice. How to buy trending domains?

  • You should buy several domains at once using all possible spellings.
  • When selecting a domain, focus on those who could buy it.
  • Domain selection and purchase can be done.
  • Check domain history.
  • The domain must not violate copyright, otherwise it may be taken away from you and you may be fined. Read more about this in the chapter on Cybersquatting.

Drop domain registration

Drop domains are domains with history that are free for registration. Previously, there was a site on such a domain, but the site owner did not dare to renew it (forgot, blocked, or for other reasons).

Dropped domains are of interest primarily to SEO specialists. A properly selected released domain can receive traffic and have links to itself. Both of these usually give quick results when creating a new site on a drop domain or restoring an old site from (a service that stores information about what used to be on the domain).

There are services that allow you to track released domains and already released domains.

  • - purchase of vacant domains.
  • - purchase of freed domains.
  • - domain monitoring
  • - domains with history.
  • - list of released domains.
  • is a service for checking the status of a website.
  • - list of dropped domains and domain hijacking services.

Advice. How to buy drop domains?

  • Before purchasing, check the domain history (,,
  • Not only the characteristics of the domain are important, but also the topic, or rather the demand for the topic.
  • Buying drop domains is, first of all, the ability to find dropped domains and monitor those that are released. And then an assessment of the possible price for which the domain can be sold.

Buying domains at auctions

Making money at a domain auction is also possible if you know that you can sell for more than you buy. Purchasing domains at auctions requires sufficient funds, which can be hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Most of the interesting variations are already up for auction. Exchanges and domain stores offer many domain names; it is possible to buy a name and not for little money. Making money at an auction involves the risk of spending more on a domain than it might be worth. But the right name can sometimes be considered as a tool for saving money.

There are many domain auctions on the Internet, but you should choose only proven ones with a large number of reviews. Little-known auctions may turn out to be scams.

Here is an example of verified auctions:

  • - domain name auction.
  • - domains being released in auction format.

Carefully! Scam - auction of antique domains

Many are trying to find easy money on “antique domains”. Most often, such sites have many tempting offers without complex legal implications. If you have heard about good earnings on antique domains, then the whole truth about them can be found on the forums.

For the most part, making money on antique domains is a scam. Scammers primarily rely on the inexperience of newcomers who decided to try their luck in new job. The amount of losses usually amounts to 250-1000 rubles, for which a person is unlikely to run to court to sort it out. But thanks to such mistakes, charlatans make good money.


Cyberscotting is a way to make money by registering domains containing brand names and then selling them to the copyright holder or other interested parties.

The cybersquatter finds a company in advance, under which he borrows possible profitable combinations from the registrar, in order to then offer them to the owner. On the one hand, real income is expected, and on the other, legal troubles may arise. Russian legislation has an article for the illegal use of a registered trademark. So cybersquatting is a liability.

Any business has its pros and cons. Cybersquatting can bring huge profits if the domain name interests the buyer so much that he is willing to shell out any money. Cybersquatting also has disadvantages when the costs of maintaining registered elements exceed the income.

The risk is high, but in the history of cybersquatting companies, there are very few cases where owners have sued over the use of their patented mark. In reality, it is easier for the heads of concerns to buy a domain name from a cyberscotter than to get involved in a lawsuit. The fight against cybersquatting continues, and therefore legislation is being finalized to protect the companies being created.

If you decide to start cybersquatting and are wondering where to start? First, identify the cybersquatting target. But do not forget about responsibility before the law.


Typesquatting is the registration of domain names that are similar in spelling to the addresses of popular sites, counting on the error of some users.

This type is used not only for domain resale, but also for advertising promotion. By registering domain names that are similar to well-known sites, but with a typo. Users end up on a fictitious website, where they see posts promoting a particular product. Currently, commercials bring in good income.

Even more interesting

Cybersquatting is the purchase or registration of domain names for the purpose of further resale. Translated from English, it means “domain capture”. With a competent approach to business, a cybersquatter has a chance to build his own business, which will bring good profits.

To begin with, a domain name is purchased from a seller - a registrar or on a special exchange, and then resold for a high price. The point is to have time to take a successful domain and sell it for good money.

It is unlikely that domains like will be in demand, but or will be of interest to many webmasters. Since users often misspell website addresses, owners of similar domain names receive good traffic to their resources.

How to search for domains for resale?

  • Your own ingenuity and imagination. You can go through known resources and try to check available domains by changing one or two characters ( typosquatting), for example, –, –, or register the same name in another domain zone: ru, com, рф, etc. You can also use areas of other steps, but their resale value will be several times lower.
  • Domain interception, i.e. re-registration of known addresses that were forgotten to renew. This method is often used by experienced cybersquatters. The fact is that upon registration, a domain name is transferred to its owner only for temporary use, for no longer than one year, then within a month there is an opportunity to renew it. There are often cases when the owner simply forgets to renew the term of use of the domain name, which is where it works savvy cybersquatter, registering it in his name and reselling the address to the former owner is already more expensive, or is looking for another buyer.

Benefits of making money by reselling domains

Tips for those who want to make money by reselling domains

  • New domains must be registered only through verified registrars, for example,, 2domains, (for Ukraine). Otherwise, you can give money, and after a while you discover that the domain belongs to a completely different person;
  • When selecting a domain, it is best to use verification services search queries By keywords. Short phrases for high-frequency user requests are an ideal domain that will collect decent traffic;
  • The procedure for transferring a domain to a new owner requires re-registration with certified documents from a notary. When registering, you should find out about the availability of a faster re-registration procedure. Some registrars simplify this procedure. To do this, the owner will need to write consent for the remote transfer of rights to manage the domain;
  • With the development of the Internet, there are new zones for domain name registration. Experienced cybersquatters take advantage of this and occupy similar profitable addresses in all zones at once;
  • To purchase attractive release addresses, you can use special services. Such auctions are held on and ru-center.

Financial prospects of cybersquatting

The domain reselling business is commercially attractive. It is worth remembering only the grandiose transactions of addresses that were once successfully registered.

For example, the domain, which was received by its first owner absolutely free, back in the 90s, was sold for 14 million US currency! This is the undisputed leader in the top of the most expensive resold domains.

Impressive sums were also received for the sale of:

  • – 7 million;
  • – 3.5 million;
  • – 3.25 million;
  • – 3 million.

And this is only a small part of successfully completed transactions. In RuNet, of course, the amounts are not so large compared to foreign ones, but here too there are leaders.

For example, was bought for 250 thousand dollars, cost 92 thousand US dollars, and for the new owner had to pay 80.6 thousand dollars.

The prospects are good, and with expansion domain zones For registrations, earning opportunities only increase. The main thing is to have time to get an attractive domain, or better yet dozens of such addresses, and sooner or later there will definitely be buyers for them.

Resale of domain names It’s far from a new, but also not entirely ancient way of making money on the Internet. Cybersquatting, as it is also called domain resale, is considered quite a profitable business. Having parked a sought-after domain, after some time you can sell it for many times more, which will cover all costs.

With the growing popularity of the World Wide Web, today both large and small businesses have their own website on the Internet. All webinars, conferences and trainings say the same thing: “if your business is not on the Internet, it has no future.” Hence the demand for new domain zones, creative names, and name buyouts.

The essence of domain resale

The idea is simple: track and purchase domains that have become vacant for some reason, or occupy (buy) those that are consonant with the names of large companies, and sooner or later they will be needed.

The job of reselling domains is suitable even for a beginner. It is based on a fairly simple principle of action, the main thing is:

  • Ability to competently negotiate sales.
  • Have a small amount of finance to purchase the first batch of addresses.
  • Have basic skills in purchasing, parking, or renting domains.

Secondary knowledge includes the concepts of “Titz”, “PR”, “DMOZ”, “Yandex.Catalogue”, “hosting”, what NS and DNS domains are. Designation and brief description These concepts are easy to find and study on the Internet, the information is in the public domain.

Why track already taken domain names?

For the most ridiculous reasons, even large companies sometimes do not renew their lease, although the company itself is not yet planning to close. Sometimes the person entrusted with overseeing the renewal did not have time, forgot, elementary negligence or the habit of doing everything at the last moment triggered. And now you have a chance to register it in your name and then resell the domain to the same company, but for different money.

The fact is that the site address where the resource is found on the Internet is purchased by the project owner for only one year, after which it must be renewed. It should be noted that domains in the “ru” zone cost on average about 190 rubles. After a year, one month is given to register for subsequent use. If ownership is not paid for during this period, any user has the right to purchase and register the domain name.

Experienced cybersquatters can make good money by registering a domain in their name on time. Some may think such actions are illegal, but in fact everything is within the law and does not entail any violations.

Another reason is when the site closes altogether. If it had a good, short and competent name from an SEO point of view, it is also worth registering it in your name because, as they say, “a holy place is never empty.”

Features of making money by reselling domains

It is worth remembering that not every domain has value, and not every one can be resold at a profit. Some domains will not be in demand. For example, a site address such as does not have much weight. But the domain, which consists of a high-frequency request, will already have a six-figure amount.

Here is a real example of how someone made good money from this kind of resale. Before 2009 social network VKontakte had the domain, and in September of the same year, following foreign trends, it acquired the domain name The most interesting thing is that this domain has already been occupied since 1997 and various Internet garbage was posted on it. The amount of the transaction was naturally not disclosed, but I dare to assume that the amount was substantial.

So, we see that keywords as well as internet trends are of great importance in determining the value.
To make money from reselling domains as effective and profitable as possible, you should adhere to certain rules.

1. You should not tell the domain seller for what purposes you are interested and want to purchase it. If he finds out the true goal (that this resource will be resold in the future), he will promptly raise the price for it, which will subsequently affect profits.

2. When acting as an intermediary, you should not disclose who the buyer is. This may affect the price of the domain, or the seller may decide to refuse cooperation altogether.

If you managed to buy a domain with the parameters described above for a hundred rubles, you can sell it for a thousand. Attaching a site of several pages can significantly increase the cost. Later, the domain can be sold together with the resource, and in addition, you can earn a good amount on the site itself, in the process of selling the domain. After all, the purchased domain can be resold within a year, starting from the first month.

There are also domains on which there is a one-page website with information about the sale and a form for sending your offer.

Summarize. Making money by reselling domains is a lucrative business. Requires low costs, although this depends more on the scope of the activity; Relatively little knowledge and time to acquire it; Patience, because you don’t always know when you will be able to resell a domain.

For my part, I wish you successful earnings.
