How to put an additional password on your computer. How to set a password on a Computer? - A simple solution

Greetings, friends. will be the topic of our today's episode. This article can also be used if you were looking for information how to put a password on a computer.

Surely each of you has thought about the issue of protecting your information. So, now we will set a password on our computer in two operating systems, Windows XP and Window 7. In the last issue, I talked about.

Set a password

If you work in an office or similar place where there are a lot of computers and people, then there is probably important and valuable information there. There are several ways to protect it, one of them is to set a password on required file, document, folder, or the entire computer as a whole.

In this article we will look in detail at all the details of how to quickly and correctly set a password on a computer. Perhaps in the future I will publish information on how to set a password for a specific file or folder.

There are people who know how to set a password on a computer, but there are also those who do not know it. I decided to publish this article especially for them. Not everyone likes to read; for some, it is easier or more enjoyable to absorb material in video format. For those, I posted two video lessons on how to do this.

If you want to protect your computer from viruses, I recommend installing a good antivirus, for example.

Well, let's start setting a password on the computer.

How to set a password on a computer in Windows XP

This is a simple procedure that anyone can do using these recommendations.

As usual, the first thing, of course, is to turn on our computer. Go to the Start menu.

Go to the Control Panel. Find User Accounts.

All users who are on this computer appear in front of us. In my case, there are two of them, User and Guest, but there is also a third Administrator account, which can be hidden, keep this in mind.

Here you can change your account, create a new one, and change user logins.

In order to set a password, you need to select the desired account under which you work on this computer and simply click on it.

In this example I go to User, yours may be something different. For example User, your name or any other name. In the next window we have the option to change the name, create a password, change the image, change the account type and more.

We go to the Create a password for your account tab. If you cannot think of a password, then use the training tips - Create a secure password.

Here you need to enter a new password and confirm it.

There is an option to create a password hint, which you can use if you suddenly lose or forget your password.

After you have come up with a password and entered it into the password confirmation, you need to click on the Create password button.

In the next window we will be asked to make our files and folders personal. If you do not want other people who use this computer to have access to your documents, then you can block access to them. To do this, click Yes, make them private.

If you want to remove the password, then you must also go to Accounts users, select the desired account and click on the delete password tab.

Well, that’s basically the whole simple procedure for setting a password for your computer in the Windows XP operating system. I also recommend watching a short video lesson. If you have forgotten, lost, or simply cannot remember your computer password, you can use the article.

How to set a password on a Windows XP computer

Creating a password in Windows 7

This instruction is almost no different from how to set a password on Windows XP, the only thing is that the interface (appearance) is slightly different.

Go to Start >>> Control Panel.

Go to User Accounts and Family Safety.

Click on User Accounts or Change Windows Password.

Go to Create your account password.

We write a new password and confirm it.

You can also write a password hint.

In order to change your password, you need to click on Change your password.

If you want to remove your password, go to Remove your password.

Well, it’s not difficult, really, you just need to know where to go and what to change.

How to set a password on Windows computer 7

A few words in conclusion

Today I showed you how to set a password on a computer in two operating systems: Windows XP and Windows 7. I advise you to set strong passwords to protect your information.

Perhaps you have or have any questions related to setting a password on your computer, you can ask them below in the comments to this article, or also use the form with me.

Thank you for reading me on

Necessity. But first, let’s answer the question - why do you need a password on a PC and when can it come in handy? What can he protect us from?

If you install it on Windows 7, it can protect you from many troubles:

  • will not allow someone else, without knowing the code for the operating system, to use your computer.
  • needed for the security of your personal or business information located on hard drives when you are not around.
  • will limit the time your children spend on the computer while you are not at home.
  • serves as the first step in protecting your machine from viruses.

Installing it will undoubtedly be useful.

How to place it correctly

Or a laptop with Windows 7 installed is not at all difficult using a user account. As a rule, almost all home machines and devices from small companies that are not concerned about information security use only one user account. It usually has your name and gives you full administrator rights. of this computer. Thus, if we turn on a computer or laptop and log in under this account, we will be able to view all the files on the disk, documents, photos. And not only look, but also delete. It also gives all rights to install and remove any programs. Both useful and not very useful. It is on this main account that we will provide protection for you in such a way that when you turn on the device without entering a password, you will not be able to access data, install or delete the application.


So, put a password on operating system Windows 7 of your PC is a snap. To do this, you need to perform certain actions in the sequence listed below.

First you need to click the “Start Menu” button (the check mark on the button in the left corner at the bottom of the desktop), then go to the “Control Panel” menu item. In the future, for brevity, this sequence of actions will be written as follows: “Start Menu - Control Panel -...”

A window with control panel elements will open; we will need to change its appearance a little. To do this, in the right corner of the folder you need to change the display type in the “View” item from “Category” to “small icons”.

The Windows window view has changed to full, listing all control panel elements.

We need the item “User Accounts” - look for it and go in by clicking on it once.

A user account management window will open, which is called “User Accounts”. Here we need to select the “Create a password for your account” link.

This step is one of the most important. You need to come up with a set of characters. To be more secure, it should be difficult for humans or malware to pick up. It is better if capital letters, numbers and special characters are used along with lowercase letters. For example, "Got5%4". The more symbols, the more reliable, but don’t get too carried away - usually 8-10 symbols are enough. It should be noted that passwords like “123” or “qwerty” and the like can only protect against a child, and not for long. In the future, he will definitely pick it up and use your computer uncontrollably. Moreover, a simple password will not protect against intruders or malware.

We came up with it and entered it twice the same way to confirm and put it, repeating it in the appropriate input fields. If you wish, you can enter a hint for it, but you should not write it there explicitly, especially since Windows 7 itself will not allow you to do this. After you write everything, click the “Create password” button and now you can finally set it.

Now your PC user account is under good protection - a password has been set, about which the corresponding message “Password protected” is displayed. Now you can either change it or delete it completely. Further, every time you turn on, when booting Windows 7, the system will require you to enter the required characters; without this, you will not be able to log in to the system under your account.

That's it, a password has been set for your Windows 7 computer.

Setting a password on your computer helps protect confidential information. For example, in all organizations its presence on computers is a mandatory security requirement. Setting a password on your computer yourself is a very simple procedure, but before installing it, try to come up with a password that is easy to remember, but difficult to guess. This issue was discussed in the previously published article “”. Now let's look at how to protect your computer with a password using Windows 7 as an example, as the most common operating system at the time of writing.

Setting a password on your computer

If your PC is not password protected and there is a need to set one, then set it to prevent unauthorized access to your beloved computer. For this:

If you forget your password, Windows displays the hint you specified when you entered your password. Don't forget that it can be seen by anyone with access to your computer. Therefore, if everyone knows that you live in Moscow, and your hint is displayed as “ My favorite city", it will be of little use.

The password you set is case sensitive, so when entering it when Windows boots, be sure to respect the case in which the password was set. Otherwise, the system simply will not accept it and it will be impossible to log into your account.

Changing and deleting your password

The created password can be changed at any time. To do this, click on the link “ Changing your password” displayed in the Make changes to your user account window. You can also change your account name by selecting the " Change your account name».

Today we will learn how to set a password on a computer where the Windows 7 operating system is installed.

In what cases might this be needed? Completely different.

So, for example, to limit the people who can sit at a given computer, or for the security of information that is on hard drives, or to prevent children from sitting at a PC for several hours while their parents are not at home, and so on.

We will bet computer password in Windows 7 using your account. Usually there is one account on the computer with your name and it gives all administrator rights. That is, if we turn on the computer and log in as an administrator, then we can view all files, install, remove programs, and so on. You need to set a password for this main account and when you turn it on you will need to enter it, otherwise you will not be able to access the data.

Video: Put a password on your computer

How to set a password for an account in Windows 7

To do this you need to do a few simple steps. Let's get started.

Let's go to " Start - Control Panel».

In the window that opens, in the right corner of the folder, change View from “Category" to "Small icons".

Now in the same folder we look for the item “ user accounts" Let's go there.

We come up with a password and enter it twice in the appropriate forms; we can also enter a password hint. There you can write what exactly this password is associated with, so that if you suddenly forget it, it will remind you. Once everything is ready, click the “Create password” button.

As we can see, we now have an account Password protected, and it became possible to either delete the password or change it.

Now, when we turn on the computer, when the system boots, Windows 7 will require us to enter a password, otherwise the system will not start.

After setting a password for your account try restarting your computer. I got this window where I need to enter my password:

With these simple steps you can put a password on your computer with the operating systemWindows 7. In the next lesson we will look at how to set a password on a computer with installed Windows system XP.

For now, that’s all I have, and if you have already figured out the topic of passwords in Windows 7, now I recommend reading the article: “ “! I wrote this article just a couple of days ago. See you!

Very often among users personal computers there is a need to put a barrier on access to them. So that no one can get to your personal data, look at your photos, documents, go online, or even start the operating system. To do this, you need to know the password for the computer when you turn it on. Both at home, so that members of the household do not get into it, and at work, so that curious colleagues cannot harm you or make fun of you.

You should immediately take into account that there are two main ways to set a password on your computer when you turn it on. One of them, simpler, is intended to ensure the safety of home devices, the second, more serious, is intended for those at work. Let's briefly consider both options.

At in a simple way follow the following path: “Start” - “Settings” - “Control Panel”. Next, go to accounts and their changes section. And as a specific user we create a password. That's all. We figured out how to set a password on your computer when you turn it on. There was nothing difficult about it.

When solving our problem on a work PC, it is advisable to use BIOS settings for greater reliability of protection. So let's begin. In the process of switching on

computer go to BIOS. U different devices it happens in different ways. Most often, you need to press the network button and hold down the Del key. If this option does not work, try holding Esc, F1 or F11. As a last resort, refer to the instructions for your device.

Then, using the BIOS Setting Password or Security, go to the User Password item. Next: Bios Features Setup, select the Security Options option, and then System. Return to the Security tab again, go to Supervisor Password and enter another code here. To solve the question of how to set a password on the computer when turning it on, all that remains is to save all the changes made and leave the BIOS. We perform the Save and exit setup item and answer: Yes.

After that, launch the operating system and give the command “Start” - “Run”. It is necessary to perform a very important step in which it is necessary to set the encryption key for the passwords themselves and do this so that it is necessarily saved on the local device. Very important: in the “Open” field, use your keyboard to type syskey and be sure to confirm the service.

We update and check the box next to Passwod Startup, then to confirm, enter the password again in another field. At the end of the process, which helps us find out, when turning it on, we log in to the System Generated password, check the Store Startup Key locally and confirm all our actions by pressing the OK key.

Finally, a couple of tips/recommendations. To make the real meaning of all this, come up with a password that is as complex as possible, and not your wife’s date of birth. It should contain randomly placed letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. And remember it or write it down so that you don’t have serious problems if something happens. If you forget your password, with the second option of creating it, you may lose all the information on the device.

To solve the problem of how to set a password, you can use third-party utilities, for example, WinLock, Homesoft Key, Outpost, DeviceLock Me, NVD Monitor, AdjustCD and some others. They will do most of the work themselves, requiring minimal participation from you.
