Gpedit msc Russian version. What to do if the Local Group Policy Editor does not start - gpedit or secpol cannot be found

The gpedit.msc component is an important OS utility. Its operation may malfunction and the user receives an error - gpedit.msc not found in Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10. You need to figure out how to fix the existing problems.

The local group policy editor gpedit.msc and secpol.msc is standard means operating system Windows, while the console operates in Russian. It is a flexible tool for configuring the OS. With it you can carry out account management, allow and prohibit certain operations. It is worth noting that the Group Policy Editor is installed on Windows 10 Professional, Windows 7 Enterprise and higher. The developers did not build it in in the initial versions.

The same problem occurs among users of earlier operating systems, such as Windows XP. In it, a similarity to gpedit.msc is secpol.msc, representing « Local politics security” and built into older versions of the system.

You can select a few reasons, for which these utilities are missing:

It is important to know that the method of troubleshooting will directly depend on what caused the problem.

How to open group policies gpedit.msc

There are several ways to launch the editor. The first option involves using the utility " Execute", the second is launching the software through search.

Launch through the utility " Execute»:

For Windows versions 7 startup steps will be identical.

The second way is to using search Windows:

In order to find out where this utility is located, you need to do the following algorithm of actions:

Thus, the Windows OS Policy Editor is located at the following path: C:\Windows\System32.

Installing Group Policy Editor

If you cannot find gpedit.msc in Windows 7, 8, 10, you can use installing a special patch. It is worth noting that the installer has an English interface. Therefore, before installing the editor, you should try other methods that will help resolve the error.

Preparation and installation

Important, before installing the patch, be sure to create restore point system, in order to avoid failures in the operation of the OS. If the point is not created, you cannot roll back to the previous system settings.

First, let's figure out how to install on 32-bit Windows:

Installation features on x64 systems

In turn, in a 64-bit system installation process the patch will be slightly different:

Thanks to the action performed, the utility should be launched. If this does not happen, you will need to perform the following operations.

Additional actions:

MMS error when opening gpedit.msc

This error most often occurs to the user when the account name contains several characters or spaces, for example, “Admin_PC”. When you run the utility, the window will display the information “MMC Management Console cannot create the snap-in.”

To solve the problem you need to do the following actions:

Other Possible Problems

In addition to the above, for the editor to work correctly, you must install latest version software component ". NET Framework" If this software was previously installed, you need to enable it.

Enable ".NET Framework" can be done as follows:

Transferring a component from another system

For users of Windows 8.1 and 10, there is a suitable method for transferring the utility from another system.

To transfer you will need following tools:

  • OS distribution downloaded from the official Microsoft website;
  • MediaCreationTool utility and Far Manager 3.

Disable UAC control

Before the process starts must be disabled Account Control:

Transfer process

Component migration procedure:

Copying from the GPBAK catalog

This method is best suited if the editor files have been damaged or deleted. The advantage of this option is that the risk of rendering the system inoperable is minimal. It is worth noting, however, that this the method is not guaranteed positive result.

  • you need to open explorer, enter the command in the line "%WinDir%\System32\GPBAK"(for a 32-bit system) and "%WinDir%\SysWOW64\GPBAK"(for 64);
  • in the directory, select all the files, click on them “RMB” and “ Copy»;
  • V address bar browser in the path to the directory, click “ Windows", in the section we look for the folder " System32", copy files with replacement;
  • Next you should restart your computer.

Checking the integrity of files

This method involves using the command line, using the command to scan and restore damaged files.

Integrity is checked as follows (for Win10):

System Restore

It is best to create a restore point before installing any files (especially system files). If changes made will not have the best effect on the operation of the OS, you can try to restore the previous settings.

Creating a point for Win10 and 8.1:

If installing the “gpedit” component causes system failures during OS operation, you can roll back to the previous settings.

For Windows 10 and 8.1 A rollback to previous parameters will be carried out like this:

ForWindows 7 The recovery will look like this:

  • “Start”, in the list of programs select “ Standard»;
  • click on the utility “ System Restore»;
  • in the window click " Further» and select the desired point from the proposed list;
  • We start the process of restoring Windows files and settings.

If gpedit.msc still does not work, move on to the next step.

Virus check

If an error appears when running “gpedit.msc”, you should first check your computer for virus activity. You can scan your system using an antivirus " WindowsDefender", which is installed on the system by default. But its signature databases in most cases cannot recognize some threats. It is best to use the utility " Dr.Web CureIt».

The process looks like in the following way:

Group Policy Editor (Gpedit.msc) is a special mmc console that allows you to manage various system parameters by editing predefined settings - policies (there is a whole section dedicated to it on the website). If you dig deeper, then essentially the gpedit.msc editor is just an interface for managing Windows registry settings, i.e. any policy change leads to a change in one or another key in Windows registry 7. There are even special correspondence tables between group policy settings and settings in the registry. They are called “ Group Policy Settings Reference for Windows and Windows Server“( Those. All the settings that are set using the gpedit graphical console can be set manually by finding the required registry key in this table.

However, the Group Policy Management Console is available only in “older” versions of the OS - Windows edition 7 Ultimate, Professional and Enterprise. If you type the gpedit.msc command in Windows 7 Home Premium, Home Basic or Starter, an error will appear stating that the command was not found. Those. There is no group policy editor in these versions.

So is it possible to install Group Policy Editor?gpedit inWindows 7Home? Fortunately yes (though not trivially)!

To install gpedit.msc in Windows 7 Home we need a special patch (unofficial). You can download it.

Unpack and run the installation file with administrator rights. Installation is carried out in wizard mode and is extremely simple.

If you are using a 64-bit version of Windows Home or Starter, after installing the patch you must additionally copy the following objects from the C:\windows\SysWOW64 directory to the C:\Windows\System32 directory:

  • GroupPolicy folder
  • GroupPolicyUsers folder
  • gpedit.msc file

After installing the update, you will need to restart your computer and try running the gpedit.msc command. If everything goes well, the desired Group Policy Editor console should open.

To configure some Windows Services you need a group policy editor gpedit.msc. It is available in Ultimate, Professional and Enterprise builds. But in other assemblies it may not be, for example, in the basic, starting one. And when you open the editor, a window appears with the inscription: “Cannot find gredit.msc, check that the entered name is correct.”

To use the Group Policy Editor, you do not need to upgrade Windows to a version with the required component. For this you can use special program.

Enabling gpedit.msc

Before installing the utility, it should be noted that it is not Microsoft product, therefore, the user installs it at his own peril and risk; the company is not responsible for unforeseen problems and failures in the system, and accordingly, if something happens, support will not be able to help.

So, if you still decide to install the program, then follow the link and download the archive.

Next, extract it to any folder using 7-ZIP or WinRAR. After which you should have an installation file called setup.exe. Double click the mouse to launch it.

The program interface, although English language, but it won't be too difficult to figure it out. Click “Next” and that’s it, the installation process takes place almost without your intervention. When installation is complete, click Finish.

Next, if you have a 64-bit system, open the Windows folder on your local drive C, then select “SysWOW64” and copy the “GroupPolicy”, “GroupPolicyUsers” folders and the gpedit.msc file from it. Go back to the Windows folder and find System32 in it. You need to paste the copied files into it.

Important! If you have 32-bit Windows, you don’t need to copy anything.

After making all the changes, restart your computer for them to take effect and try launching the Group Policy Editor. This can be done via command line by pressing +R and entering gpedit.msc in the field.

Possible problems

When you launch the Group Policy Editor, you may receive a message that “Management Console cannot create the snap-in.” Basically, the error may appear because the name Windows user contains several words.

To fix this, you need to re-run the application installation file and before clicking on Finish, open local disk C, go to the Windows folder, then open Temp, and then gpedit.

Now you need to edit the batch file. Select it depending on the bit size of your system. If you have 32-bit Windows, then right-click on the file named x86 and select “Edit”. With the 64-bit version, the steps are the same, only you need to select a file called x64.

Next you need to find the lines that contain the username and put them in quotes. For example, if before modification the line was icacls %WinDir%\SysWOW64\gpedit.dll /grant:r username:f , then as a result of modification it should look like icacls %WinDir%\SysWOW64\gpedit.dll /grant:r “ username”:f .

Now you can run gpedit.msc.

If, as a result of all the completed operations, an error about the impossibility of creating a snap-in still occurs, then you can try to solve this problem by creating a new account with administrator rights, only the name must consist of a single word.

Login using the one you just created. account and run the installation of the utility again. After installation is complete, restart your computer and log in using your regular account. After this, you need to delete the new user’s account and you can use the group policy editor gpedit.msc.

Read how to restore operation if gpedit.msc is not found on Windows 7 and 10. All the reasons for the error and instructions on how to restore it and not get a virus. For the first time, the Group Policy Editor (gpedit) received an operational Windows system 7, but then the developers discovered that it is compatible with modern versions operating system. This editor is a necessary thing, but most often ordinary users do not have to deal with it.

Interestingly, gpedit, by its operating principle and essence, is only a copy of the standard registry editor regedit. It is important to know that changes made using the Group Policy Editor in the standard registry editor cannot be undone. Before using any utilities to edit the registry, you must create backups to restore the operating system.

If gpedit msc is not found, Windows will need to be reconfigured or repaired. Before doing this, you need to log into the administrator account and find the cause of the failure. It could be:

  • lack of a necessary component in the system;
  • operating system failure;
  • activity of viruses.

There are different ways to restore the functionality of the Group Policy Editor.

Virus check

The first thing you need to do when the Group Policy Editor previously worked for you, but has now stopped, is to scan for viruses. Many users do not install antivirus utilities on their computer, since they often have to pay for them. Therefore, their operating systems are not protected and are exposed to viruses.

You can perform a one-time virus scan using free utilities: or a similar program from Kaspersky Lab. You can download them to a flash drive and check the system directly from it. After removing the viruses, try running gpedit again; if it was only the activity of malicious code, the editor will start working.

Restore your system if gpedit.msc is not found

This option is suitable if you are sure that the editor previously worked, but has now stopped. First, you should save all the files you have worked with recently on a third-party storage device, otherwise they will be lost after the rollback.

If you or the system itself automatically saved restore points, you can return to the OS version before the error appeared: “gpedit msc not found Windows 7.” You must act according to the instructions:

  1. Through the Start menu, go to the standard and then utility programs directory. In the list, find the System Restore utility.
  2. Next, you need to follow the prompts of the setup wizard. Get to the step of selecting a restore point.
  3. In the window where you can select a file to download, check the box next to the line “Show other restore points”.
  4. From the list that appears, select the restore point when the Group Policy Editor was definitely working.

This option is suitable for serious operating system failures, as well as after severe damage to files.

Installing the gpedit.msc editor

If the previous two methods did not work for you or did not fix the gpedit.msc W indows error, then you need to download this tool and install it on your computer again. You can download the necessary utility only from the official Microsoft website.

You can try to find gpedit.msc in Russian, but it is best not to take risks, there is a high probability that you will download a virus or hidden malicious code.

After starting the installation, you need to follow the instructions (we will present them in more detail so that even a novice user can cope with them):

  1. The first window is a welcome one, immediately click on the Next button.
  2. The next window presents the program that you want to install on your computer, there click on Install.
  3. After this, the installation will be carried out automatically, you just need to wait. This stage will not take much time.
  4. In the next step, Windows will register the editor and check for the files needed for it to work. Often at this stage a message appears that the system lacks the NET Framework library. In this case, you will have two options: the system will offer to download and install this component, or skip this step. Choose the first option. This window will already be in Russian.
  5. Wait for the system to boot necessary files and install them. Now you need to click “Close” in the window, and then click on the Finish button in the editor loading window.

If you have a 32-bit system, then no problems will arise - after this procedure, you can immediately start using the editor. But what if gpedit msc is not found in Windows 10 64 bit? We will analyze it using this system as an example, as it is the most complex; if you have version 7 of the OS, then you need to act in the same way.

Features of installing the editor on 64-bit systems

After the main installation stage on such systems, it is necessary to make additional changes in the settings. You need:

  1. Through “Computer”, open the SysWOW 64 folder on drive C (it is located in the Windows directory).
  2. You need to find the folders in it: GroupPolicy and GroupPolicyUsers, as well as the msc file. While holding down the Ctrl key, select these objects, and then use context menu or hotkey Ctrl + C to copy them.
  3. Return to the Windows folder and go to the System 32 directory, and then use the Ctrl + V keys to paste the copied objects. You can also click on free space right-click and select “Paste” from the drop-down list.

These simple manipulations will help you configure a 64-bit system to use the Group Policy Editor.

You can call this tool on versions 7 and 10 of the operating system using a single instruction. To do this, first open the “Run” window using the Win + R buttons and enter the command gpedit .msc into the line. This activation method works on all OS versions, regardless of their architecture. An alternative to this launch option is to call the tool through the Start menu search.

What should I do if after installation the tool still gives an error?

If the PC user profile contains several words in the name, then a program error may occur due to this. We correct the situation according to the instructions:

  1. Download and install gpedit msc Windows 10 or 7. Just in the last window, do not click the Finish button, but instead go to the directory system disk, find the Temp folder in the Windows directory. Among the directories of other programs, find Gpedit, and in it there is an x86 or x64 file with the bat extension.
  2. Right-click on this file and select the “Edit” option from the list that appears.
  3. The contents of this file will open in Notepad. You need to teach the system to recognize the second word in the username. To do this, click on the word “Edit” in the program menu and click on the “Replace” option.
  4. The replacement settings menu will appear in front of you. You need to indicate in the “What” field: %username%:f, and in the “What” line: “%username%”:f. Just one quotation mark will fix a program malfunction. After filling in the fields, click on the “Replace All” button and close the settings window.
  5. Now all you have to do is save the changes using the “File” menu.
  6. The last step of the setup is to run the x86 or x64 file as an administrator (via the right-click menu). Only then click the Finish button in the installation menu.

Now try launching Group Policy Editor again. If the problem was in the username, it will be fixed.

Reinstalling the operating system

If none of the described methods helped you, then you can do the whole thing. It is best to resort to this method when problems with the editor are not the only ones on your computer. It is best to install an OS edition no lower than Professional, then the necessary tool will be included in it.

Now you know where to download gpedit.msc or 7, as well as how to install or activate it correctly. You can solve any problems with this program using the instructions described. Share this information with your friends so they can use the editor without restrictions. If you have any difficulties setting up or downloading, ask questions in the comments.

Download GPEDIT.msc for Windows 10 - this is the first thought that comes to mind when for the first time in a user’s life they encounter the error “GPEDIT.msc will not be found.” You will learn what to do in such a situation in this article. But the option is to download the GPEDIT.msc file, this is not the only way to fix this error. There are others best options combat this problem. Windows 10 is not the first version of the system in which this error occurs. The problem literally migrated to Windows 10 from earlier versions of the OS.

GPEDIT.msc error - what to do

GPEDIT.msc is a system file that is responsible for group policy. The file is extremely necessary, but almost all users encounter an error when interacting with this file for the first time in their lives. Typically, Windows 10 will throw an error like:
  • File GPEDIT.msc not found;
  • GPEDIT.msc is not responding, try again;
  • And other errors;

If you encounter a similar problem, then you need to download not GPEDIT.msc, but a special utility that will allow you to fix this problem. Let us warn you right away, this program is an unofficial solution, but it is the only one simple option, how to resolve the GPEDIT.msc error. This page provides a link to the official website of the developer. Recently, the utility was adapted for the Windows 10 version.
After you download the Group Policy editing program on Windows 10, you need to watch the following video, it will tell you and show you how to configure the GPEDIT.msc file so that the problem goes away:

It turns out that you do not need to download GPEDIT.msc for Windows 10, you need to download a special program that will allow you to configure this file in the correct way. Please note that this error only appears on the Windows 10 Home version. Therefore, one of the options to fix this problem is to upgrade your OS version to professional. In this version, this file is present initially. And even if you download, a utility that usually helps in such cases, you still will not be able to solve the problem.