Ready-made minecraft builds 1.7 10. FTB Infinity Evolved - hardcore techno-magic build with quests

FTB Infinity Evolved- a popular techno-magic build from the FTB team. A versatile collection in which you will find everything from construction to magic, from technology to automation. Thanks to quests and recipes specially modified for them, you will be interested in developing in all directions, and will combine all the mods, taking the most from them best items you can do creative things that give you a huge advantage in survival!

The game has two modesNormal And Expert. In expert mode, unlike normal mode, the recipes have been changed to more complex ones, and complex crafting of creative items has been added. The quest book is designed for use only in expert mode, so it is recommended to immediately switch to expert mode. This can be done by entering the command in the chat - “/ftb_mode set expert”. If you want to go back to Normal mode - “/ftb_mode set normal”

Thanks to the large number of mods (about 170 mods), the build is quite demanding, but what if your computer cannot run this build? It is for this purpose that I optimized this assembly, which will be significantly use less random access memory ! Just 3GB of RAM on your computer will be enough and you will be able to play on this build.

More about the optimized version

It is recommended to install the optimized version if your computer cannot run pure Infinity Evolved. The optimized build has some shortcomings and errors that do not greatly affect the game, so if you have good computer, then install the regular version.


  • Forge replaced with optimized MCForkage-1.7.10-1.7
  • Changed the configuration file of the ProjectRed mod
  • The game uses RAM on average 900-1300 MB
  • It is recommended to allocate 2048 MB of RAM to the game
  • World backups will be made every 30 minutes. (Backups folder)
  • ComputerCraft mod not working due to MCForkage
  • The default mode is set to Expert (Return to Normal mode – “/ftb_mode set normal”)


  • Hats (Demanding mod)
  • HatStand (Doesn't work without Hats)
  • Decocraft (Demanding mod)
  • CustomMainMenu (Useless mod)
  • ResourceLoader (Useless mod)
  • Fastcraft (Conflicts with MCForkage)


  • Mod SmoothFont (Smooth Russian font)

Translated into Russian:

  • Avaritia (by LeoganPro)
  • FTBLib (by LeoganPro)
  • FTBUtilities (by LeoganPro)
  • EnderTech (by LeoganPro)
  • Runic Dungeons (by LeoganPro)
  • Springboards (by LeoganPro)

Changes in the original version


  • Texture pack Faithful 32×32 (+84 mods)

Translated into Russian:

  • Avaritia (by LeoganPro)
  • FTBLib (by LeoganPro)
  • FTBUtilities (by LeoganPro)
  • Draconic Evolution (by TimeConqueror)
  • EnderTech (by LeoganPro)
  • Immersive Integration (by LeoganPro)
  • Runic Dungeons (by LeoganPro)
  • Springboards (by LeoganPro)
  • TCInventoryScan (by LeoganPro)
  • Thaumic Exploration (by Abadon & Vernaya)


Open/Close list


  1. Advanced Solar Panels – solar panels for the Industrial Craft 2 mod.
  2. Applied Energistics - item storage, circuit automation and much more...
  3. Big Reactors are multi-unit RF energy generators.
  4. Buildcraft – pipes, quarry, robots, builders.
  5. Draconic Evolution – new powerful tools, armor, vehicles and various elements.
  6. Ender Tech - healing and charging panels, a tool that replaces blocks, and an Ender reservoir that stores a large amount of liquid.
  7. EnderIO – machines, generators for the production of RF energy, devices for remote access to objects, pipes for transportation and tanks for storing objects, liquids, energy, as well as wires for transmitting redstone signals.
  8. Extra Cells – an add-on for Applied Energistics that adds new, much more capacious hard disks, as well as new mechanisms.
  9. Extra Utilities - many different useful and interesting mechanisms, tools, blocks, etc.
  10. Gravitation Suite – Gravity Chest, Multi-Satchel, Improved Diamond Tools, Vajra.
  11. Immersive Engineering mechanisms, multi-block structures, hanging wires, conveyors and much more...
  12. Immersive Integration integration of Immersive Engineering with other modifications.
  13. IndustrialCraft 2 - a lot of mechanisms, tools, armor.
  14. MineFactory Reloaded – Mechanisms, conveyors, automation, farms and much more.
  15. Nuclear Control - allows you to create a control and monitoring system for your nuclear reactors.
  16. Project Red ores, new structures, mechanisms, redstone wires, gates, lights and much more
  17. Railcraft rails, bogies, trolleys, mechanisms, multi-block structures, etc.
  18. Redstone Arsenal – redstone flux tools and armor
  19. RFtools – many mechanisms, tools, creation of new worlds, etc.
  20. Simply Jetpacks – jet packs powered by RF energy.
  21. Solar Expansion – solar panels that generate RF energy.
  22. Steve’s Carts 2 – create your own carts for lumberjacks, miners, farmers, etc.
  23. Thermal Expansion - new mechanics for processing resources, organizing automatic production, new resources, their processors, as well as energy and devices for its generation and storage.
  24. Tinker's Construct - any tools or weapons made from anything, metal smelting and much more.


  1. Baubles – a new slot for rings with effects
  2. Blood Magic - blood magic is a secret art that uses blood to gain power.
  3. Botania - many mystical flowers that generate and use Mana
  4. Forbidden Magic addon for ThaumCraft, will add new aspects, shards, tools and enchantments.
  5. Magic Bees is an addon for the ThaumCraft and Forestry mods, it will add new frames, hives, bees, and magic-related effects
  6. Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning – scan things with a thaumometer right in your inventory!
  7. Thaumcraft NEI Plugin – see crafts from ThaumCraft in NEI
  8. Thaumcraft – Will add a bunch of magical stuff: aspects, studies, tools, blocks, etc.
  9. Thaumic Energistics – combines 2 mods, ThaumCraft and Applied Energistics
  10. Thaumic Exploration - several useful devices, armor, enchantments.
  11. Thaumic Tinkerer – new knobs, mechanisms, magic and secret research called “Ichor”
  12. Witchery – will add witch paraphernalia and new unusual mobs:

Transportation, storage

  1. LogisticsPipes a mod created to automate various systems. Allows you to create automatic sorting and processing of resources, set up automatic crafting systems, create automatic warehouses
  2. EnderStorage - an end chest that will have different stored inventory depending on the color code set on it.
  3. IronChests – improved chests made from various materials such as metals, diamonds and obsidian.
  4. JABBA are large chests that can be upgraded and can hold a huge number of items placed in one block.
  5. Steve's Factory Manager - interaction with inventories.
  6. Storage Drawers – new types of stack storage boxes
  7. Storage Drawers: Misc Pack addon for Storage Drawers, will add boxes made from wood from other mods.
  8. Translocators are mechanisms for transporting objects and liquids.
  9. Funky Locomotion improved piston system
  10. Thermal Dynamics – pipes for transporting RF energy, objects and liquids
  11. Wireless Redstone CBE wireless control of various things, mechanisms and even mobs using redstone.


  1. Fastcraft - optimization. Reduces memory consumption, uses more optimized algorithms.
  2. FastLeafDecay – rapid disappearance of foliage
  3. FTBTweaks - makes it possible to configure the server while being right in the game.
  4. FTBUtilities - a system of guides, friends, backup, warps, private territory and much more!
  5. Inventory Tweaks – inventory sorting
  6. Journey Map is a mod that shows a map of your world not only in the game, but also in the browser. The map has very flexible settings, from displaying the player and mobs on the map to displaying various caves.
  7. Morpheus – skip the night with a large online presence
  8. NEI Addons – support for crafts from mods
  9. NEI Integration – support for crafts from mods
  10. Not Enough Items – will add a graphical interface with which you can change the game mode, time, as well as get any block in the game and see its recipe.
  11. – will allow you to find out what mobs drop, at what height ores appear, etc.
  12. OpenBlocks – adds various useful and fun blocks
  13. TiC Tooltips – displays information on tools from the Tinker’s Construct mod
  14. Waila Harvestability – will supplement the tips with information about which tools are best to break a block, an object, cause damage to a mob, etc.
  15. Waila – will add a tooltip in the game with information about the block or mob you are looking at
  16. Wawla – even more information about blocks and mobs!


  1. AgriCraft - farming tools and plants that you can cross and monitor their mutation.
  2. Forestry – Breeding bees, trees, butterflies. Automatic farms and much more.
  3. Gendustry - mechanisms for genetic manipulation of bees, butterflies and trees.
  4. HarvestCraft - a large number of different products and tools for cooking.
  5. Binnie's Mods - many new species of bees, trees, and flower breeding.

Here's another one Minecraft 1.7.10 build with shaders, on which mods were also installed (50 mods). This build put an emphasis on realism. And therefore we considered it necessary to install 12 shader packs at once. And for variety, there are about 50 mods for the game Minecraft 1.7 10. I hope you like the Minecraft 1.7.10 assembly with shaders, and you won’t forget to say “Thank you!”

Not a complete list of mods, only 15 out of 50 mods. There are also shaders, there are 12 packs in total.

1. DamageIndicatorsMod - health indicators of mobs and monsters
2. 3D Furnace - 3D stove
3. bspkrscore - core for the mod
4. MC Forge - nothing without it
5. ArmorStatusHUD - find out how long an ax, pickaxe, etc. has left to live. and so on.
6. Backpacks - backpacks!
7. Inventory Tweaks - inventory assistant!
8. More Player Models - choose what kind of mob to be or make yourself a beard!
9. OptiFine - more FPS
10. Parachute - parachute!
11. Tree Capitator - cut down a tree completely!
12. iChynUtil - Additional kernel
13. ShadersModCore - mod for shaders
14. Mob-Amputation - Cut mobs into pieces.
15. BackTools - Carry a weapon on your back

Download Minecraft 1.7.10 assembly with shaders (50 mods)

Download the assembly minecraft 1.7.10 with shaders from Y.Disk (Size: 506.2 MB)

How to install an assembly with shaders

  1. Download the assembly
  2. Open %appdata%/.minecraft
  3. Transfer the contents of the archive to .minecraft with replacement.
  4. Ready!

Minecraft is a wonderful and very interesting game in which you can find many adventures. The main feature of the game is its expandability. You can easily install several mods and the game will be even more exciting. But what if you install not just one, but many at once? Like, 200 pieces! You just won't recognize the games. She will change completely and will draw you back into her mysterious world with more greater strength! Interested? Then download minecraft for free with mods (200 mods) from our website and go in search of adventure! But what if there are too many mods and it’s difficult to deal with them? I recommend downloading to get comfortable with the add-ons and only then move on to no more modifications.

What mods are included in the build?

Please note that depending on the version of the game, the composition of the modifications may change slightly, but, in general, there will be no changes.

Have you read all the add-ons? After installing the assembly, you will have new ores, you will be able to create new mechanisms, build nuclear power plants, shoot from real small arms, explore new biomes, build large cities and even get acquainted with alien life. Agree, this is very cool and these features will add only 15-20 mods to you. If you include the rest in the list, then I'm afraid you'll be reading until the morning.

Download minecraft - 200 mods

The assembly can be downloaded either in the usual way or via torrent, but, unfortunately, the torrent will have low speed, so I recommend downloading Minecraft with 200 mods via the clouds:

Download minecraft 1.7.10 with mods (200 mods):

Download minecraft 1.7.2 with mods (200 mods):

Download minecraft 1.6.4 with mods (200 mods):

How to install a build with 200 mods?

  1. You must download the Minecraft assembly (200 mods) to your computer.
  2. Go to the main drive (C:), then to the folder User->%Username%->AppData->Roaming.
  3. Unpack the archive into this directory.
  4. Afterwards you can launch and play. The assembly should start without crashes or other problems.

I advise you to look:

Minecraft itself is good, but over time it gets boring. To diversify the gameplay, people collect sets of mods (assemblies). Minecraft 1.7.10, this is latest version minecraft, which does not have serious performance problems with a large number of mods, so we’ll talk about it.

The most famous places where builds are now published are FTB and Twitch launchers. This is where you need to look for everything mentioned below, unless otherwise stated. Both launchers are initially designed for licensed Minecraft, which can be purchased. "Free" minecraft theme.

Technomagic assemblies

Agrarian Skies 2

Build page on Curseforge, build author - JadedCat, Build was developed from 2014 to 2016 and is not currently in development.

The main feature of the build is the quest book on the HQM mod. This is one of the first successful builds that became successful precisely thanks to quests. When the player started to get lost and didn’t know what to do during the assembly, they could open the book and start doing some things for the quests. The assembly is a skyblock, that is, we are developing starting from a small island in the void. The general direction of the assembly is rather magical; technical mods are present, but not the main ones.

The assembly is good, but I do not recommend it to beginners in Thaumcraft. Initially, it is better to master this mod in the normal world, and not on the skyblock. Plus, the book does not always explain where to get this or that item in Thaumcraft. Otherwise, this is a very good modpack, recommended for familiarization.

FTB Infinity Evolved

Build page on Curse. Developed by the authors of the FTB launcher. It has been under development since the beginning of 2015 and recently there have been regular updates.

The main feature of the assembly is the first popular assembly, which has built mods within itself in some progression. Now you can’t just craft something from mod C, because it is made on a machine from mod B, and it requires resources from mod A. This build does not have its own quest system, but because of the progression you still don’t get lost in it. The second feature is that it was this build that popularized the addition of creative cheating things to end-game content, when the player already has everything. But these things have a purpose and crafting them becomes a real challenge.

Well, yes, this build has two game modes, normal and expert. The features described above apply only to expert mode. In normal mode, the assembly is only suitable as an introduction to mods for beginners. To activate the game mode, after creating the world, you need to enter the command in the chat: /ftb_mode set expert

The assembly is technomagical. Main tech mods: Buildcraft, IndustrialCraft, Forestry, Minefactory Reloaded, Thermal Expansion, Big Reactors, Applied Energistics, Immersive Engineering, Tinker Construct, Ender IO, RF Tools, Draconic Evolution. The main four magic mods are present in full: Blood Magic, Botania, Thaumcraft, Witchery.

I've almost completed the assembly, basically done everything except the creative items themselves. Problems with FPS prevented me from completing the assembly, which could have been solved, but I became somehow lazy.

FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock

Build page on Curse. Developed by the authors of the FTB launcher. In development since mid-2016 and there have been recent updates.

In general, it’s the same as FTB Infinity Evolved, but in skyblock format. The mode here is immediately expert, so the assembly is not suitable for beginners. Plus the mod stack is slightly different, some things were added, others were removed. For example, creating worlds from RF Tools is not available. There are also some nice trophies in this build, yes.

I haven’t played this build myself, but I have a good idea of ​​what it’s about, because I played a related one and saw streams on this one. Not a bad choice if you have mastered the main set of mods and want to add freshness and complexity to an already understandable gameplay.

Project Ozone 2: Reloaded

Build page on Curse. Authors CazadorSniper, Aristotle and others. Developed since mid-2016, there have been recent updates.

The main feature of the build is rethinking the value of resources. The assembly has very cheating methods for other assemblies to obtain resources, but the requirements also become higher. In the end, we generally get access to Project E, which allows you to buy almost any item for EMC, which will have to be generated in huge quantities.

The assembly can be played both in the normal world, on a skyblock, and in an intermediate version, when our entire world consists of islands flying in the void.

The build has three game modes. Normal mode, where the crafts are standard and which, of course, is uninteresting. Titan mod, where the mods are interconnected and crafting is complicated, and Kappa mod, which is even more complicated than the previous one in terms of crafting. The commands are respectively: /ftb_mode set titan and /ftb_mode set kappa

According to the mods, the assembly is a hodgepodge. There are technical, magical and adventure ones.

The assembly is not for everyone, but if you have already played the other assemblies from this article and want some kind of challenge, then you can try it. I tried to master it twice in Kappa mode, but both times I couldn’t. There is a quest book, but it raises a lot of questions rather than helps in progress.

The Ferret Business

Build page on the FTB forum. Author: Caigan. In development since early 2015.

The assembly is suitable as the first one for getting acquainted with mods, because it does not have any sudden complications in the gameplay. A small feature of the build can be called the store and quests for the supply of resources, but no one is stopping you from neglecting them in general and just mastering mods. Quest book available. The assembly is technomagical.

I haven’t played this build myself, but I’ve seen quite a few streams on it and it plays nicely, which is why it’s mentioned here.

Gregtech based builds

Gregtech is a separate large industrial mod that is compatible with almost anything, but if the assembly revolves around it, then it becomes dramatically more complex and slower. Now the current version of the mod is 5.09.xx from BloodAsp. Discussion - , Gihab - . It is these assemblies that will be discussed.

Infitech 2

Build page on the FTB forum. Posted by JasonMcRay. In development almost since mid-2014. Unfortunately, development has been stopped and the assembly does not contain at least two important gregtech updates, new circuits and new chemistry. Further lag from current version will increase.

I won’t say that the assembly has some kind of feature, it’s just the first most modified assembly where gregtech is the central mod, which is why it gained some fame. Quest book on HQM available. It works as a good guide for getting into infotech. Plus, the modpack developer has written excellent books on multi-block machines that you can craft and read right in the game.

The assembly is almost entirely technical, the only magic here is Thaumcraft and that’s because it has very good integration with gregtech.

I played this build quite a lot, and got to the point of thermonuclear reactors. It's good, but I probably don't recommend playing it because it's not updated.

Perfect Industrial Assembly

Assembly site. There is also an official

Vanilla Minecraft always lacked a certain scope for me. Everything is kind of small-town, you’re spinning around in your own sandbox, solving local problems. But I always wanted adventure and greatness. This is where the new epic collection of mods for , which includes about 50 mods, comes in handy. There is everything here, travel, adventure, a bunch of new monsters, various ruins and castles, treasures, new vehicles and weapons. Everything you need for someone who doesn’t want to sit still and wants to try to conquer the world in an epic adventure. All mods are necessarily checked for compatibility, there are no conflicts.

Main mods included in the build

  • - core for all mods,
  • - increases FPS, and also adds a bunch of new settings,
  • Shaders - shaders,
  • – one more core,
  • – everyone knows what it is, crafting recipes, all things, etc., complete crafting management and more,
  • - core for mods,
  • - mod increases FPS,
  • – things hang on the back,
  • LevelUp - character leveling system,
  • — will allow you not to get confused in your inventory/chests, will allow you to keep them in order,
  • — this mod adds a mob health indicator to the game,
  • - minimap,
  • Treasure – find a treasure, good and big
  • - will allow you to become a real wizard in the world of Minecraft (Global magic mod),
  • Skyline – build an airship and more,
  • AirCraft is an analogue of Skyline Mod, only with other features,
  • SAO new interface in the style of classic RPGs,
  • RWG – new biomes (in standard world generation),
  • – ruins,
  • — mobs, but far from primitive ones,
  • – mod for Pirates,
  • Nodal Mechanics is a rather interesting addon for ThaumCraft 4,
  • New Dungeons - new epic dungeons,
  • – adds a lot of animals (Global mod),
  • – similar to the previous mod, only there are a lot of other animals,
  • Kingdoms of The Overworld - will add new mobs and bosses to Minecraft, blocks will appear for quickly creating houses, and new dungeons will be generated in the world,
  • Dungeon Pack – even more dungeons and dungeons,
  • Draconic Evolution - new tools, armor, magic, control over weather and time, etc. (Global mod),
  • BiblioCraft – new pieces of furniture and decorations for the home,
  • – recycling of old dungeons,
  • – medieval weapons,