Where can you find Daedra armor in Skyrim? Daedric armor in Skyrim

Daedric armor is the strongest armor in the game, and Daedric weapons are... you guessed it right, the most powerful. The required blacksmithing level is 90 (don't forget to upgrade the branch), the required ingredients are a Daedra heart and ebony ingots. This guide focuses on three problems that arise when creating this wonderful full set: how to reach level 90 in blacksmithing, where to dig for hearts and ebony ore.

The first question already dealt with the creation of dragon armor: we simply buy the entire set of iron ingots and strips of leather from the blacksmith and make many (very many) simple daggers (we wait 2 days and repeat the procedure). Then things get a little more complicated.

Where to get the heart of Daedra

A short and unnecessary introduction: the heart of the Daedra is a very rare ingredient, there is no special quest for it and you can only stumble upon it through scientific poking. And it was not for nothing that I noticed that this is an ingredient. This means that it can be accidentally eaten or brewed into a potion. Be carefull!

The Daedra themselves died a long time ago, so do not think that you will have to fight with them. So, let's begin.

The most profitable Daedric place is the quest “Shards of Past Glory”, in which we get the Razor of Mehrunes (I wrote about this). The quest is designed for somewhere around level 25-30 (although you can run earlier if you are confident in your abilities). In fact, there is nothing difficult about it, besides a few “leader types” that will force you to run away and heal after the first hit. We take the quest itself in Dawnstar (location below), from Sila Vesul, in the museum by the lake.

Guide to creating a Daedric set

Guide to creating a Daedric set

The goal of the quest is to collect the fragments of this razor. There are 3 of them in total, and they are scattered throughout Skyrim. The first fragment (handle) is in Morthal, here you won’t have to fight (just one rat will hold the handle, so you’ll have to have a heart-to-heart talk with it).

Guide to creating a Daedric set

Guide to creating a Daedric set

The second place is Old Woman's Rock, and getting there is not easy. Well, it’s relatively difficult, but the marker will still lead you in the right direction. Your enemy is Draskua, he will definitely be on the top of the mountain, he is the bearer of the cherished heart.

Guide to creating a Daedric set

Guide to creating a Daedric set

The third fragment is the Cracked Tusk. There is no heart here, so we use the Veni-Vidi-Vici tactic.

Guide to creating a Daedric set

Guide to creating a Daedric set

The next hearts will meet you in the Sanctuary of Mehrunes Dagon (after you take the fragments to Sil and he orders you to go to this very sanctuary). Having reached our destination, we listen to blah blah blah, and then kill Sil on the orders of some evil spirit. Then we make sure that the evil spirit is really evil, and we kill the two Dremora Kinvirs who ran out of the building.

Guide to creating a Daedric set

Guide to creating a Daedric set

These dremora are the bearers of the sought-after hearts. We remove the key from one and go inside the sanctuary. There are two more dremora... Veni Vidi Vici! Total - 4 hearts, and one from Drascula. There are also ebony ingots in this sanctuary (in the chest on the left). We'll need them too, let's take them.

The next quest is Azura's Star. We run to the statue of Azura (photo below), receive the task and go on it to Winterhold, to the Frozen Hearth, to the magician Nelasar.

Guide to creating a Daedric set

Guide to creating a Daedric set

Guide to creating a Daedric set

Guide to creating a Daedric set

We have a heart-to-heart talk with him, run to the dungeon indicated by him and begin clearing (warning - there are a lot of necromancer magicians). Azura's Star is on a skeleton that sits majestically on a throne at the end of the path.

Guide to creating a Daedric set

Guide to creating a Daedric set

Wait... at the end of the road? No, no, you still have a battle inside the stone, with another gang of magicians (now they are fiery).

Guide to creating a Daedric set

Guide to creating a Daedric set

There you will find a trio of desired hearts. In the quest you have to choose a side: this affects which souls the star will absorb. But we didn’t take the quest for the sake of the star, right?

Another way to get a heart is to level up Alchemy to level 25 and hope that someone will have this ingredient on sale. The chance is slim, but it is there. By unverified information, the alchemist from Falkthrit still sells the heart.

In a short article, WHERE to find Daedric armor in Skyrim, you will learn a little about the armor itself, where and how you can quickly get the entire set, as well as a couple of tricks with which you can get the entire set without much effort.

Daedric armor- one of the types of heavy armor, which, along with others, has a significant level of protection; with the right level of improvement, it has a base protection higher than that of dragon shell armor.

An interesting point when creating the entire set is that you will need catalysts in the form of ebony equipment and Daedra hearts. That is, if you want to create a Daedric cuirass, you will need an ebony cuirass + a Daedric heart.

Armor design in Skyrim slightly modified(compared to Oblivion), but the entire “demonic” image remained in place. Also, many players will notice that at night, when wearing a full set, the armor will glow red, but this does not affect the detection of the main character by enemies.

Since Daedric armor is very popular among players, the problem remains, where can I find her, because, in fact, after the closing of the Oblivion gates, the Daedra no longer exists in the physical world, they remained on the other side of the gates. But thanks to the Daedra Princes, you can meet them while completing quests.

A complete set of Daedric armor consists of:

  • armor
  • boots
  • gloves

So, let's now find out where you can find Daedric armor in Skyrim

  1. If you have not developed the Blacksmithing skill, then when reaching level 48 you can find pieces of armor randomly while completing quests or traveling around the world. To find enchanted Daedric armor pieces, you need to be level 49.
  2. If downloading a level is a little difficult for you, then there is an option to pass quest Black Book, which must be taken from Neloth in Soltsheim (the Dragonborn add-on and at least hero level 10 are required).
  3. After completing a similar quest Black Book: Untold Legends, during completion you will have the opportunity to obtain the “black market” skill, with which you can call Dremora merchant, with everything you need for purchase.
  4. Also a budget option may be to use Atronach forges, which is located in Midden, which is under the College of Witherhold. You will gain access to the forge after completing the main quest of the College of Mages, more precisely after obtaining the Eye of Magnus. Then, near the forge, you will find a book that says that to use it you will need recipes that can be found all over the world.

Video Skyrim - Creating Daedric Armor in the Atronach Smith

Video Skyrim - Getting a full set of Daedric armor

That's all the tricks with which, without any cheats or using console commands, you can get the entire set of Daedric armor.

Daedric armor is rightfully considered one of the best sets of heavy armor. Unlike dragon plate armor, Daedric warrior sets appear in almost every Elder Scrolls series.

The Daedric set consists of five elements: Daedric armor, boots, helmet, shield and gloves. There are also variations of Daedric weapons. As an example, let's try to figure out where to find Daedric armor in Skyrim.

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Search and purchase of a kit

Without special crafting, elements of a set (“set”) can be obtained in the game when a character reaches level 48 - items drop from enemies, and are also found in chests, etc.

If you have a character of a lower level, there is a way to obtain a daeric set when completing certain quests. For example, the most commonly used method is:

  • You need to take the “Black Book” quest from Neloth in Soltsheim (available in the Dragonborn add-on);
  • Complete an assignment related to the Black Book in the Apocrypha location;
  • After completing the quest “Black Book: Untold Legends”, you can select the “Black Market” ability - this gives the player the opportunity to briefly summon and make trade deals with a Dremora merchant;
  • The entire set of Daedric armor is purchased from this NPC.


In addition to quests and the drop of armor from defeated enemies, in Skyrim there is the opportunity to create or enchant a Daedric set on your own, having mastered the blacksmith or magic craft.

In order to create Daedric armor using the blacksmithing skill, you need:

  • Raise your skill to a level of at least 90;
  • Upgrade the corresponding skill in the skill tree;
  • Collect materials “Daedra hearts”, “ebony ingots” and “leather strips”;
  • Create the required piece of armor at any forge.

It is worth noting that it is best to drink a “blacksmith’s potion” before forging - this will improve the characteristics of the created item by almost a quarter.

Atronarch Forge

The Atronarch Forge is a device located in Midden, deep beneath the College of Winterhold. Crafting armor here is a great alternative for those characters who have not mastered Blacksmithing.

In order to create a kit, you need:

  • Gain access to the Forge (for example, by completing the main quest of the College of Winterhold);
  • Get the necessary ingredients: Sigil Stone, Daedra Heart, Centurion Generator Core, Black Soul Stone (can be empty);
  • Place these elements in the box, and also add an item from the Ebony Set there (i.e., if you need to create a Daedric helmet, you need to put the Ebony Helmet);
  • Press the lever.

It should be remembered that to obtain the Sigil Stone you need a Sorcery skill of at least 90.

Defense is one of the most important parameters of a character in, in addition, armor largely determines the appearance of the character. What's the balance between security and attractiveness? Is the protection rate important? How much does it reduce damage taken?

This guide covers everything you need to know about armor in Skyrim. It will be useful to anyone who is looking for better protection - both in quantitative terms and in terms of appearance. Guide for all versions of the game, including .

Maximum armor level

In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim there is such a thing as a maximum defense rating. It is 567, and this is the highest level of armor that can be obtained without resorting to the use of mods.

Of course, to achieve this figure you need to wear a full set of armor. At the same time, Skyrim has bonuses when wearing armor elements from the same set: +25 for body armor, helmet, gloves and boots. There is no bonus for the shield. Total +100, which is very good.

How exactly does defense level affect damage received? There is a balance in the game between protection and actual damage reduction. If the character's defense is 567, then physical damage received is reduced by 80%.

Thus, when wearing the best armor in the game, the character will receive only 20% of the damage, that is, only a fifth of the physical damage dealt.

How to increase defense using magic

If the character does not yet have the necessary items to achieve maximum protection or, according to the player’s plan, should not wear a full set of armor, he can use magic.

The best option is the Dragonhide spell. It provides maximum protection for 30 seconds, that is, it increases the protection rate to 567 and due to this reduces physical damage inflicted on the character by 80%. This spell is very useful for magicians who cannot afford heavy luggage.

Of course, Dragon Skin is one of the two best spells from the school of Change. To master it, you will have to develop the corresponding skill. Therefore, for some time the character will be able to effectively use simplified versions of this spell:

  • Oakflesh;
  • Stoneflesh;
  • Ironflesh;
  • Enbonyflesh.

Interestingly, the effect of these spells can be greatly enhanced if the Alteration skill is not high enough. To do this, you need to use skill enhancement potions. They are quite rare and expensive, but with some skill, an experienced alchemist will be able to provide himself with a good supply of such “flasks”.

How to increase your defense using crafting

There are several skills in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim that allow you to craft and upgrade items. This process in games is usually called “crafting” (from the English word “Craft”). Here are three crafting skills:

  • Alchemy;
  • Smithing;
  • Enchanting.

As mentioned above, alchemy can be used to increase knowledge of the school of Change, which in turn enhances the effect of spells that increase armor.

Blacksmithing allows you to forge almost any set of armor in Skyrim, but the most best items require a high level of skill. Ideally, you should have level 100 Smithing, level 100 Light or Heavy Armor (depending on what you want to forge), and complete the Unfathomable Depths quest to get the Ancient Knowledge talent.

The latter accelerates the development of Blacksmithing and gives a bonus of 15% armor when wearing a full set of Dwemer armor.

Enchanting is another useful skill that makes it easier to achieve maximum defense. Everything is very simple here: each item worn on the character must be enchanted with the same Fortify Smithing effect. It is important to understand that enchantments are applied not only to elements of armor, but also to clothing and jewelry (rings, amulets).

If a character has reached the maximum defense level (567), then further increasing this indicator does not make any sense, since the percentage of reduction in physical damage received, in principle, cannot be higher than 80%. Alas, that's the game.

The best light armor in Skyrim

Light armor is very convenient for characters who want to find a middle ground between mobility and protection. They do not take up much space in your inventory and do not interfere with the use of stealth. Of course, light armor is almost always inferior in effectiveness to heavy armor, but this is the price for the advantages mentioned above.

To get more protection from Light Armor, you should improve the corresponding skill to 100 as early as possible. In principle, it grows on its own if you use light armor, but development can be accelerated by reading books and paying teachers for lessons. The higher the skill, the more armor any armor set will provide.

If we talk about specific sets, then in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim there are 2 most valuable sets: Nightgale Armor and Dragonscale Armor.

Nightingale armor. A magical set of light armor that increases Stamina and improves damage dealt with One-Handed weapons. Nightingale armor can only be obtained as a reward for completing the last mission of the Thieves Guild - “Trinity Restored”.

At maximum upgrade, full Nightingale armor increases stamina by 40, improves cold resistance by 50%, and adds 25% additional damage to all attacks with one-handed weapons.

But that is not all. Nightingale armor is useful to any thief: it improves the effectiveness of Sneaking, makes Lockpicking easier by 25% and reduces the cost of Illusion spells by 17%.

Dragonscale Armor. In terms of its protection indicators, this light armor is the best in its class. It is the easiest way to achieve the maximum level of protection. Plus she looks really cool.

You can get dragon scale armor only through crafting. In this case, you will need the following resources: dragon scales (“drops out” only from killed dragons), iron ingots, strips of leather. You will also need to raise your Blacksmithing skill to 100 and unlock the Dragon Armor perk.

The best heavy armor in Skyrim

Due to the fact that the game has a defense threshold, there is no fundamental difference between light and heavy armor, since in the end everything will be the same: 567 defense and an 80% reduction in physical damage. However, heavy armor allows you to reach the maximum faster, and also leaves room for experimentation with incomplete sets.

As with light armor, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has 2 sets of armor that can be considered the most effective: Daedric Armor and Ahzidal's Armor.

Daedric armor. This set of equipment has a very high armor value, in fact it is the best armor in Skyrim, if you do not take into account the content of official add-ons. She also looks very impressive.

Daedric armor can be forged from ebony ingots, Daedra Hearts and Leather Strips. To do this, you need to have a developed Blacksmithing skill (at least 90) and an open perk with the appropriate name.

Armor of Azidal. Can be obtained by completing the mission “Excavation” (Unearthed). The armor has several very useful enchantments. First of all, it gives a chance that opponents attacking the player character will be paralyzed. Conjuration and rune spells cost 25% more but have increased range.

And if you attach 4 items from the set to Dovahkiin at once, he will receive an increase of 10 points to his Enchantment skill.

How to forge the best armor in Skyrim

Not all armor sets can be crafted. For example, Nightingale armor and Azidal's set can only be obtained by completing certain tasks. An experienced blacksmith does not necessarily need to go through them, because he can get maximum protection without leaving the forge.

Daedric Armor (Heavy Armor):

  • perk “Daedric armor”;
  • Level 90 Blacksmithing;
  • 10 leather strips;
  • 17 Ebony Ingot;
  • 5 Daedra hearts.

Dragon Plate Armor (Heavy Armor):

  • perk “Dragon Armor”;
  • Level 100 Blacksmithing;
  • 6 Dragon Scales;
  • 6 Dragon Bone;
  • 10 leather strips.

Draconic Scale Armor (Light Armor):

  • perk “Dragon Armor”;
  • Level 100 Blacksmithing;
  • 14 dragon scales;
  • 4 leathers (Leather);
  • 2 iron ingots (Iron Ingot).

Leather strips can be cut from leather at a special workbench or purchased from merchants (average price - 3 gold per piece). Iron ingots are available for about 7 coins from the very beginning of the game, and Ebony ingots are available only after reaching level 27 (cost approximately 150 gold).

Most quick way get a lot of Daedra hearts - clear the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon in the White Coast area (The Pale).

Dragon scales and bones can only be obtained in one way - by killing dragons. Fortunately, there are definitely no problems with them in Skyrim.

Daedric armor is perhaps the most valuable piece of equipment in Skyrim when it comes to heavy armor. Despite the fact that their defense values ​​depend on your character's ability to wear heavy armor (like all other types of equipment that depend on skills), they have the highest base defense rate.

Even dragon armor cannot compare in strength to Daedric armor.

When wearing a full set, the character becomes like a demon, due to the fact that many parts of the armor are created from raw ebony. It is worth recognizing that in addition to its wide functional range, this armor set is also quite impressive and impressive with its unusual design.

In addition to the obvious advantages, Daedric armor has hidden functions:

1. If you use the entire armor set on your journey, your ability to intimidate your opponent in dialogues increases dramatically.
2. Despite its considerable weight, Daedric armor compensates for its massiveness with the abilities it gives to the player character.
3. If the player uses special potions (or console commands), affecting the “blacksmithing” parameter, increasing it to 130%, Dovahkiin clad in this armor will become practically invulnerable.

Pieces of Daedric armor begin to be encountered by the player after he reaches level 48. When your level “passes” 49, you will come across both ordinary and enchanted Daedric items.

You can also buy the set from a Dremora merchant, but in this case you must have mastered the “Black Market” talent.

But how to make Daedric armor in Skyrim with your own hands without using the services of merchants and a long-term search?

As is often the case in this game, there are several ways to create Daedra armor.

Method one (for “blacksmiths”).

In order to forge this magnificent armor at the forge, you need a character with a Smithing stat of at least level 90 and the Daedric Armor ability.

Material to create:

- Daedra hearts (you can buy them from alchemists, or you can also get them from the corpses of dremora).
- Skin stripes
- Ebony ingots

Method two (for magicians)

Those players who did not choose the path of a warrior and became a magician, as a rule, did not go deeper into leveling up their blacksmithing skills, but studied magical abilities.

How to make Daedric armor in Skyrim as a mage?

To do this, you will need the abilities of the Atronach Forge (you will gain access to it after completing the quest “Ritual Spell of Witchcraft”).

In order to forge Daedric armor using magic, you will need:

- Sigil Stone
- Daedra Hearts
- Suitable ebony gear
- Centurion generator core
- Black soul stone (regardless of its fullness)

By choosing one of these methods, you will have at your disposal a most valuable set of armor, which is almost impossible to find equal. However, such a thing, in the name of at least some kind of balance, has its drawbacks. For example, the Sentinels of Stendarr will begin to attack you. One type of this armor drives representatives of this faction into a real frenzy. Also, if you use the dragon cry “thunder call”, the damage will spread not only to opponents, but also to you.
