What can be removed on YouTube for beginners. What video to shoot for YouTube (YouTube) for a beginner Where does Lyroy take topics for

Any novice blogger who decides to start creating and promoting his YouTube channel in the first place may face a shortage of topics and ideas for his future videos. What to write down and how, in what sequence, what will “shoot” and what will not - these and other questions can become a real “headache” for a future blogger. After numerous letters from users, I decided to help beginners and tell you what you can shoot on a YouTube channel for beginners, what topics may be relevant, and how to open them correctly.

How to start making videos on YouTube

The whole process of finding an idea can be divided into several main stages:

1. Collection of information on currently popular topics. in a simple way searching for a topic is watching videos that are gaining popularity, getting to know their topics, design, and authors. Based on what you have watched and analyzed, you can try to shoot your own video (for example, as a reaction to one of the popular videos), and get your first viewers, commentators and subscribers.

Nowadays, the Russian-speaking segment is dominated by such bloggers as Ivan Rudskoy (Ivangai), Yuri Yaniv, Maxim Golopolosov (the famous show "+100500"), Yuri Morozilka (Frost), Olei Breina and other authors whose videos you can find on YouTube. I recommend studying how the authors build their video, how they behave in the frame, work on what effects they use, and so on, learning from the best is always useful.

For example, I propose to enjoy a fresh video from Ivan Rudsky (Ivangai).

2. Generate ideas. Throw all possible topics for your videos in a notebook, everything that comes to mind, even initially “crazy”. After the list of ideas has been created, think carefully about each of the topics you have written down. It may happen that some initially awkward topic may have a good potential for growing the popularity of your channel.

3. Write a detailed script for your video. Imagine in advance what the plot of your video is, what you will talk about and what to show, what effects can be applied here, inserts from other videos, and so on. You will need to design your channel, and for this you need to make or download .

Popular YouTube Custom Video Types

There are the following types of custom videos that you can use to promote your channel:

YouTube Video Recording Ideas (Beginners List)

When creating videos, you should remember that your videos should be interesting not only for you. They should be of interest to other users, and if possible have a good level of uniqueness (try to say or show something bright and new).

At the same time, it is quite important that you yourself “burn” with the theme of your video, so that you are interested in what you are talking about and showing. The emotional involvement of a person in the results of his work is a good bonus that contributes to the success of the individual in the chosen field of activity.

For example, you can look at one of the following topics on which you can make a video on YouTube:

Women's theme

  • Makeup;
  • Outfits (for different seasons, your style);
  • Your cosmetics collection;
  • My boyfriend;
  • Your first cosmetic;
  • Cooking (how to cook any treats);
  • your decorations;
  • your hair care;
  • your skin care;
  • Taking the perfect selfie
  • My fitness and so on.

Men's ideas

  • rocking chair;
  • My car;
  • My girlfriend (my girls);
  • Challenges;
  • My vacation;
  • My hunt;
  • My fishing;
  • Political topics;
  • Sports (football, hockey, etc.).

General directions for making videos

  • Travels;
  • How to start making videos;
  • How to spend the summer;
  • My plans;
  • How to take the perfect selfie;
  • School life;
  • University life;
  • Computer games;
  • Interesting books;
  • Pranks;
  • Favorite sites;
  • Tasty food;
  • Favorite restaurant, etc.


In this article, I have considered what you can shoot on YouTube for those who start this activity, and what topics you should pay attention to when creating your video. If you have not previously had the experience of recording videos on YouTube, then you can try to shoot a video on any current topic and evaluate how much you like the process itself. At the same time, remember that success is, first of all, 90% sweat and only a little luck. The road will be mastered by the walking one.

Before you shoot and post your first videos on Youtube, you need to decide on the topic of the channel itself. In this article, we will consider in detail the question of which themes for Youtube channels are the most popular.

Most often, humorous topics and gaming channels are found in the tops of YouTube, as well as videos about politics and news - they collect the most views and monetize very well through advertising.

Of course, at first you will have to spend a sufficient amount of time and, possibly, money (if you want to gain an audience faster), but then it will more than pay off. You can develop a successful project, which over time will become your main source of income.

  • 1 The first step to a successful Youtube project
  • 2 The chosen theme must be tested
  • 3 3 most popular topics on YouTube that collect the most traffic
    • 3.1 Everyone loves to neigh - the theme of "Humor and Satire"
    • 3.2 Teach me how to live - the subject of educational videos and life hacks
    • 3.3 Are you for Putin or against? Another Evergreen Topic - Public Activities and Politics
  • 4 What other topics are in demand on YouTube?

The first step to a successful project on Youtube

To become popular youtube blogger, you need to think through all the details and try not to miss a single detail. One of the highest priority tasks at the first stage is the choice of a topic.

The number of views directly depends on the direction of the channel, in other words, on the video of what subject you will upload there. The ability to recognize the needs of users will help you significantly increase the number of subscribers.

The topic is very important! Many YouTubers tried to run channels “about everything”, believing that you should not drive yourself into the framework of a certain topic, but in practice this does not work!

Only famous media people can afford to run a “a little about everything” channel (their channels will have subscribers anyway) and, perhaps, some charismatic individuals who have a talent for making funny videos about everything. But this is the exception that only proves the rule.

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The chosen theme must be tested

How to do it:

  1. Go to the Wordstat service from Yandex and see the number of queries on your topic per month. If there are several thousand, the topic is popular.
  2. Look for similar videos on YouTube. See how many subscribers the channel has, how often videos are posted, what “chips” the channel owners use.
  3. Honestly answer yourself the question, is the topic interesting to you personally? Are you familiar with it? It is much easier to achieve success if you are on fire with this idea. For example, if you are a fitness trainer, then it will be much easier for you to run a channel about fitness than to re-learn a new topic.

And keep in mind that payment for advertising also depends on the subject of your channel. Business topics are paid much higher than humor. But if you don’t understand anything in business, but you are perfectly able to play funny scenes, it’s better to choose something for which the soul lies and has the ability.

Top 3 Topics on YouTube That Get the Most Traffic

Let's look at the most popular topics on YouTube

Everyone loves to neigh - the theme of "Humor and Satire"

According to statistics, almost 60% of users watch funny and tricky videos. Yes, the lion's share of content on YouTube is entertaining. To create a similar topic on your own, it will be enough mobile phone with a camera that can capture funny moments in real life.

Sometimes such a video, albeit not of the best quality, can gain hundreds of thousands of views on your youtube channel, which will increase popularity and attract advertisers.

A good example is a young Ukrainian blogger EeOneGuy, or Ivangay, which has 12 million subscribers on YouTube. Many are trying to understand the secret of the popularity of this YouTuber, wondering why his videos are gaining so many views - because there is nothing special there? Apparently, Ivangay simply managed to understand the needs of his target audience (mostly young people and teenagers) and give what they are interested in, and natural charisma helped him gain such wild popularity, becoming the number one YouTuber among all Russian-speaking bloggers.

Looking closely at the list most popular bloggers on youtube, it will become clear that most of them are engaged in humorous topics or run channels dedicated to let's play. The same applies to top Russian-speaking bloggers. A lot of popular topics for videos on YouTube are somehow related to humor.

One of the most popular comedy video formats is a set of short videos combined into one video. You don't even have to install expensive software in order to cut and glue several videos with jokes into one: the built-in Youtube video editor is enough for this.

Other options - sketches, sketches, humorous songs, vlogs. Before you finally make your choice, watch the most popular videos on the channels SlivkiShow, AdamThomasMoran, BrianMaps, This is good. Determine what is most popular with viewers, which videos get the most likes - and try to make something similar, but at the same time unique.

Teach me to live - the subject of educational videos and life hacks

Many users watch YouTube videos on how to do this or that operation. You just need to record everything on camera, dictate the text, put the video on YouTube - and you will be able to attract a certain circle of users.

The most popular in this direction are:

  • computer theme(refilling cartridges, disassembling a laptop, working with a particular program, setting up a watch with GPS),
  • construction(installation of equipment, installation of household appliances, finishing work), etc.

Of the purely “feminine” topics, we can distinguish:

  • Culinary channels
  • Beauty channels
  • “Mom” channels dedicated to children
  • needlewomen channels

Write step by step instructions(for example, how to bake a cake, or how to remove makeup) and shoot a video! People will watch and repeat after you, and you will receive money from views. If you choose the keywords for the video, design the title and make the right description, you will attract regular traffic from search engines.

It is desirable that the actions taken are accompanied by voice prompts. If you are unable to do all the work, it is better to ask one of your friends or even hire someone to help shoot the video (the same applies to voice guidance). Most likely, you will have to spend money, but these investments will more than pay off in the foreseeable future.

Another good option is earning tutorial videos. If you know how to make money online, tell us about it and make a video. Such videos are always popular, because a huge number of users are concerned about finding additional sources of income.

In general, the idea is to teach for free something that you are good at doing yourself. It doesn’t matter if it’s something from the field of beauty (how to paint eyebrows correctly, how to do makeup correctly, etc.), or you start teaching a foreign language to those who wish, or tucking a blanket into a duvet cover.

No need to think that everyone already knows and can do it! Sometimes videos with very simple, at first glance, life hacks are gaining wild popularity.

You will never know for sure how many views your video might get until you shoot it and put it on YouTube! Dare!

Are you for Putin or against? Another Evergreen Topic - Public Activities and Politics

Politics is a traditionally popular topic. At the same time, it is worth noting that in this area you can find a few promoted youtube channels, but they all have a fabulous income and hundreds of thousands of views.

3 ways to get quality content on political and social topics:

  • Interview well-known public and political figures (and they can be on a regional scale).
  • Conduct social polls.
  • Create a video through editing, accompanying it with analytical conclusions (this also includes maintaining your own blog).

If you are interested in politics, you are familiar with this topic and want to convey your position to a large number of people, YouTube can be an ideal platform for you.

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What other topics are in demand on YouTube?

In fact, there are a lot of interesting and popular topics:

  • Instructions for passing various games and cheat codes for them. The so-called let's plays are especially popular. By the way, the most popular video blogger in the world, PewDiwPie, with over 56 million subscribers, runs a channel with let's play.
  • Create a music video from multiple live recordings
  • Spying on unpacking - unpacking children's toys, unpacking parcels with goods from China, etc.
  • Emergencies and Incidents
  • All sorts of cute animals and children
  • Book Review

Here are 6 cool ideas on how to make a video on YouTube so that it quickly becomes popular.

The most important thing is that a new interesting video of good quality appears on your YouTube channel regularly (at least 2 times a week), and you devote time to development. In this case, subscribers will definitely find you, followed by advertisers, and you will be able to earn decent money.

Remember YouTube rules: do not use someone else's content, because in this case your channel can be blocked or monetization disabled!

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Kim Ahan

Entrepreneur, investor
Co-founder of 6 companies
Author of a blog with an audience of over 400,000 people

Many asked questions about how you can make money on YouTube. Almost everyone who is at least a little familiar with the Internet and ways to make money online knows that you can make very good money by posting videos on your own channel.

Everyone who decides to create and promote their own channel on YouTube asks the archival question “what exactly should be shown on the channel?”. This is where the problem with choosing an interesting idea for the channel appears. “What to shoot?”, “How to do it?” and a lot of similar questions arise before a novice video blogger. In this article, we will try to deal with these important questions.

Where to start

Actually, the whole process can be conditionally divided into some main stages.

  1. The first and most important step will be to find the most popular topic at this stage. The easiest way to understand what topic is trending right now is to watch videos that are currently gaining popularity. Based on what you see and after a thorough analysis, you need to start shooting your own video. It should be understood here that you can shoot not only a video on a popular topic, but also a video with your reaction to this topic after watching a popular video. That is, simply express your opinion about someone else's channel. This is the easiest option. It will be more difficult to shoot your own video with an interesting script on a trending topic.
  2. Idea creation. At first, when you just thought about your channel, get a special notebook in which you can enter absolutely all ideas regarding the topic for a video blog. Even if some of the topics you first seem absolutely stupid. Then, when you have accumulated enough ideas, sit down and think carefully about each of them.

    Perhaps it is those very stupid ideas that will turn out to be the most promising.

  3. Write a detailed script for shooting your video. Think over in advance the main concept of the video, the introduction, the main part and the ending. You may want to insert some pieces from other videos, yours or someone else's.
  4. Think about the design of your channel. Perhaps this will be a short introduction that will anticipate each of your videos and become your calling card.

Video types

Almost all videos on the YouTube channel can be divided into several types:

  • video review, as a rule, videos of this type talk about functionality various things;
  • training video, which includes various instructions and stories on how to use this or that thing, program, toy, technique, etc.;
  • video blog or vlog, this video is a video diary in which the author tells and shows how he spends the day, travels, cooks, and the like;
  • “let's play” or let's play, such a video is actually watching a game played by the author, usually accompanied by author's comments;
  • various staged video, this is a video playing various anecdotes, situations or even excerpts from various works;
  • videos in the form of interviews are usually shot by those who can boast of acquaintances among famous personalities;
  • show videos for shooting such videos, you usually need a high-quality script and the ability of the director, as a rule, one cannot shoot such videos alone.

For a novice video blogger, we can recommend that you start filming your journey. If you are planning a trip, just shoot the most interesting moments and put these videos online. If your journey turns out to be interesting, then you will immediately have a lot of subscribers.

Everyone who blogs sooner or later faces the challenge of finding fresh ideas for new content. In this post, I will provide over 100 ideas for YouTube vlogs.

The success of a YouTube channel is directly related to the quality and frequency of content posted. The more often you post videos to your blog, the more "alive" it looks in the eyes of your subscribers. But, sticking to the plan of regular publications is not always possible. For example, if you do not have ideas and inspiration. In this post, I will provide more 100 video ideas for youtube, using which you can fill your channel with fresh content.

Idea #1 - a few facts about you, your brand or your business

Surely you have seen posts on YouTube with titles like "10 facts about me", or "50 reasons to use the InstaPlus service". With the right approach to such video material, you will significantly increase the loyalty of subscribers by making yourself or your brand recognizable.

Idea #2 - a review of a movie, book, concert, dish, program, app, gadget.....

Something new is constantly happening in our lives: we buy a new car, we read a new book, we watch a new movie. Tell your followers about your experience. I am sure that for many of them your review will be an excellent recommendation.

Idea #3 - instructional video

If you maintain a thematic blog dedicated to your hobby, work or business, then among your subscribers there will be those who are engaged in the same activities as you. Record educational videos on how you solve complex problems that arise in front of you.

Idea #4 - Unpacking Your Purchases

People are interested in what others use. This is especially true for women. Show your followers what you have purchased. Whether it's new clothes or new smartphone, I'm sure many will like this video, and you will get a lot of questions related to your purchase.

Idea #5 - a funny incident from your life

Curiosities from real life is one of the favorite topics for people. Perhaps you yourself listen with interest to the ridiculous stories that happen to people you know. If something funny happened to you, then you should prepare a video about this.

All of us step on a rake placed on our life path. All of us make mistakes. If you have experiences in your experience that you regret that you didn’t do otherwise, talk about it and give your subscribers good advice.

Idea #7 - life hacks that you use in work and everyday life

Do you use any gadgets or tricks to solve your problems? Tell your followers about it. Even a simple and understandable trick for you, with the help of which you solve some of your problems, may not be obvious to someone. It is likely that among the subscribers there will be those who will offer a more effective life hack that will greatly simplify your life.

Idea #8 - motivational video

Tell us how you deal with doubts and continue working after failures. Motivate and charge your subscribers with vital energy. Encourage everyone to stand up and start working.

Idea #9 - let's play

Show your followers how you play a video game. It doesn’t matter if you like video games or not, all the same, such content promises to revive your audience. Try to choose the most popular games for recording. So you will attract not only your subscribers, but also fans of this game.

Idea #10 - top funny photos in your photo album

Do you have funny, interesting, beautiful and funny photos in your photo album? Then it's time to make mega-positive content. Make a top of your funniest photos and show them to your followers.

Idea #11 - Your Phobias

Idea #12 - for the first time

The point of a video is to show you doing something for the first time. For example, you can skate, bungee jump, ride a hoverboard, eat an exotic dish, ride a roller coaster, and so on.

Idea #13 - Replay a scene from a movie

Did you see an interesting scene in the movie? Write down your version and give it to your subscribers for criticism. Let them appreciate your acting talent.

Idea #14 - sing a song

The ability to sing and play musical instruments gives you the ability to create cool content. Record a video with your own performance of popular songs and let your subscribers appreciate your talent.

Idea #15 - Your Sports Workouts

If you play sports, then your subscribers may be interested in your training process or your training program. Show how, when, where and with whom you train. This can also include morning jogging or a bike ride.

Idea #16 - funny joke or anecdote

If you witness a funny anecdote or thing, or if it comes to your mind by chance, be sure to write it down. They will make excellent positive material. No need for extra decorations and pathos, just tell a fresh anecdote so that it is funny.

Idea #17 - trends

Idea #18 - instructions for use

If you are good at any complex device, then you can record one or more videos, in the content of which you will show how to use this device.

Idea #19 - your opinion on current events

Your opinion can be meaningful to your followers. Record a video where you talk about your views on current events.

Idea #20 - video greetings on the occasion of the holidays

Don't miss the opportunity to get closer to your subscribers. Record video greetings, but make sure that your feed does not consist of continuous video greetings.

Idea #21 - answer subscribers' questions

Your subscribers may have questions for you. Do not leave them unattended and periodically record video responses to the best of them.

Idea #22 - Interview an interesting person for your subscribers

If you know the audience of your YouTube channel well, then you probably know who could be interesting and useful to your subscribers. Record a video with an unusual interview.

Idea #23 - Prank

Everyone really likes to watch the reaction of people who find themselves in an awkward position. Play a prank on one of your buddies. Perhaps you will get a masterpiece video with sincere emotions. And this is greatly appreciated.

Idea #24 - reporting from the epicenter

When you go to an event (a concert, a youth gathering, a rock festival, etc.), which many people dream of attending, do not forget to take your camera. Collect material and show your subscribers a report from the very epicenter.

Idea #25 - poll on interesting questions

If you have interesting questions related to the topic of your channel, then run outside to make content. Ask questions to passers-by and select the top ten interesting answers.

Idea #26 - a review of places where you like to spend time

Tell your followers where, when and with whom you spend your time. Make an overview of the places you visit regularly. Take a tour for your followers. Perhaps one of them dreams of getting into the place that has become commonplace for you.

Idea #27 - review the contents of your smartphone

Show subscribers the programs and applications that you use. Tell us what problems from your life are solved with the help of these programs and applications. Perhaps one of your subscribers will tell you a more effective solution.

Idea #28 - Overview of your library

In this video, you can talk about the books you've read and the ones you're about to read. Justify your choice. Recommend the best books from your library to your subscribers.

Idea #29 - Overview of the channels, profiles and social media groups you follow

Surely you will find idols among bloggers, politicians, show business stars and so on. Share with your followers information about who in social networks you follow.

Idea #30 - an overview of interesting places in your city

If you spend a lot of time visiting various interesting places in your city, then you have the opportunity to make good video reviews. Take pictures of the places you visit and tell your followers about them.


What theme to choose for YouTube?

  • Video blogs. When choosing vlog topics you will need to remove your personal life. You take a video camera and record the events of your day on it. Don't forget that users love to look at what they don't have in their lives.

    Therefore, you need to record interesting events, for example, a walk with friends around the metropolis at night or a visit to an unusual place.

    Your earnings will directly depend on the large number of views. You can also embed company ads in your video. This will bring you a good income.

  • Let's play. This theme is optimal for fans of computer games. You can combine business with pleasure. You will need to complete famous video games while accompanying game process with your comments.

    In order to create high-quality content in this area, you need to have a great sense of humor and a modern PC. Video game walkthroughs are not well paid by advertisers.

    This is due to the fact that the target audience of let's plays are schoolchildren, students, whose solvency is at a low level.

  • News. News analysts shoot a video on camera, where they express their opinion about an event.

    Some do not record videos, but broadcast, discussing the news with users in real time.

    For news channels, the number of views is growing spontaneously. If something interesting happens in the world, there will be a lot of views, and vice versa.

    Therefore, the income from such channels cannot be called stable. In addition, a blogger must be well versed in the political situation in the world.

  • Covers. If you love music and know how to play some musical instrument, you can record covers of famous songs.

    However, such videos are not as popular as the previous topics. By the way, you can create covers using special programs.

  • Culinary theme. You need to shoot on camera how you cook exotic or traditional dishes, set the table. The basic rule of food bloggers is that recipes should be simple.

    Especially popular are dishes that take ten to fifteen minutes to prepare.

    A good way to make money on a cooking channel is to advertise products from certain manufacturers in videos.

    The target audience of such channels is housewives, whose solvency is at an average level.

  • Beauty blog. This theme is suitable only for girls. You need to review cosmetics, share the secrets of their use, talk about new fashion and current trends.

    On such a channel, you can make great money if you review cosmetics from well-known manufacturers that pay good money for advertising.

  • Sports theme. This theme is not for everyone. You need to have an athletic body so that users believe in the effectiveness of training.

    Bloggers talk about different exercises, give training recommendations, review sports nutrition.

    An additional way to make money on the "sports" channel is to advertise sports nutrition from popular manufacturers.

    The target audience is people of any gender and age. In view of this, the number of views greatly affects the earnings of a blogger.

  • Car themes. A very profitable topic, as the target audience is adults with earnings that allow them to buy their own car.

    The blogger of the “automobile” channel shoots test drives of various cars on camera, talks about troubleshooting methods. You need to be well versed in the car and their device.

The hardest part for a blogger posting their videos on YouTube is after creating a channel.

Self-advertising your own channel often turns out to be ineffective, since one person simply does not have enough resources for this.
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In order to find out how much a youtube channel earns, you do not need to have a higher education and have special skills. What is more profitable clicks or views? We will answer this question in...
