We will find out what can be done from an old uninterruptible power supply from a computer. Uninterruptible power supply (UPS): disposal rules Do-it-yourself inverter 12 220 from UPS

The Metal+ company offers its customers in Moscow the acceptance of UPS batteries, the price of which is higher than the average price in the capital. We have a network of collection points, trained specialists, equipped vehicles for the removal of batteries and favorable conditions for customers.

Why is it profitable to hand over the battery from the UPS

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) batteries are considered one of the safest off-grid chemical power sources and are used to protect professional and household equipment. personal computers from strong voltage fluctuations in the network. Their durability is 3-5 years, depending on the intensity and operating conditions.

Once a battery reaches its end of life, it becomes dangerous (lead-acid filling) but cannot simply be thrown into a landfill or kept at home. It is necessary to dispose of it, and the owner is faced with the question of how to properly and quickly return the battery from the uninterruptible power supply?

UPS batteries are accepted by special companies that have the necessary permits, trained specialists and recycling experience. In the capital of the Russian Federation, Metal + is ready to offer you such a service, which:

  • conducts acceptance of used batteries from an uninterruptible power supply on the basis of its collection points;
  • helps to quickly take out and dispose of the battery in accordance with the requirements of regulatory organizations;
  • protect the environment and health of workers;
  • avoid severe environmental penalties.

The purchase of batteries is beneficial for processing companies that extract chemically pure non-ferrous metals from batteries (the cost is 50% lower than new ones). Therefore, the prices for UPSs are quite high, and you have the opportunity to conveniently and without problems get rid of a dangerous battery, and also make money on it!

Conditions for accepting batteries

If you decide where to take the battery from the UPS in Moscow, contact Metal +, whose specialists accept any UPS models on favorable terms. We offer two delivery options:

  • Pickup at the battery collection point in Moscow, where you can deliver the batteries yourself. The points work seven days a week, are equipped with accurate scales and containers for storing batteries, and make settlements for customers on the spot.
  • Delivery by our specially equipped transport from any point of the capital and MO. Transport is completed with mobile scales.

Depends on:

    • weights and capacities;
  • type (polyethylene/polypropylene) and body condition;
  • non-ferrous metal content;
  • the volume of the delivered metal (wholesale is always more expensive).

We accept batteries from uninterruptible power supplies at a price of 70 rubles / kg, which is higher than the average for the capital (you can study the prices in our price list on the website). We can also calculate the preliminary cost of scrap metal during a phone call.

Our reception points offer:

  • work without days off;
  • accurate weighing of metal volume;
  • fast processing of batteries for UPS in a specialized workshop;
  • correct disposal;
  • settlement on the spot / at the expense of the customer.

When ordering Metal+ transport for UPS removal, you can count on prepared trucks, accurate weighing, fast and complete settlement and removal without your participation.

Options for the export of batteries and the form of calculation can be clarified with our managers when ordering the service.

Where to rent in Moscow

Handing over the battery to Metal+ means:

  • any advice on the purchase of scrap metal;
  • a network of reception centers in all districts of Moscow;
  • pickup/export of scrap;
  • any form of payment on the spot;
  • high prices and discounts for wholesale;
  • contract for the provision of services for regular customers.

Many PC users have old, end-of-life UPSs in stock. Their most common cause of disability is the failure of the batteries. Since replacement with new batteries is unprofitable, and sometimes simply impossible due to the lack of analogues, these devices simply lie idle or are thrown into the trash.

But you can give a second life to the UPS by making it a very useful device - an inverter that converts 12 in the car's on-board network into the 220 V necessary for some appliances. Moreover, the factory version of the inverter will cost a lot of money, otherwise you will save money and make the right thing out of the trash.

So, the first thing to do is to remove the old, leaking batteries. They are quite simply dismantled by removing the bottom cover and disconnecting the power wires. If there are traces of leaked electrolyte, we clean the case from oxidation crystals.

Such an operation will ensure the elimination of further leakage of acid, as well as significantly lighten the weight of the apparatus.

Changing the wiring diagram

Uninterruptible power supplies differ in design, but they have the same principle of operation - to convert the voltage of 12 V to 220 V. That is, in each model there is a board with an electronic voltage converter. He is what we need. But there is one condition, it must be working.

Since the devices that will be connected to this device have a standard 220 V plug, it is necessary to install a regular household socket for flush wiring on the side or rear panel. We solder the output wires from the 220 V converter to it, which previously fit the special three-pronged plugs on the rear panel of the UPS.

In the first and second cases, the wires are soldered to those that went to the UPS battery. It is very important to observe the polarity of the connection. The red wire is positive and the black wire is negative.

Both in the auto network and in the UPS, these colors must match. It is best, of course, to check the polarity with a multimeter to be sure.

This connection scheme provides for instant operation of the device when it is connected. If you want to turn it on through a toggle switch or a machine, then simply break the “plus” in the wire coming from the car’s battery and connect one wire to the input and the other to the output of the machine mounted on the UPS case. This cuts off the power to the inverter when needed.

Subtleties at work

It should be understood that such a device will not produce much power. Usually. it is no more than 150 W, but this is quite enough to connect a small TV, laptop and other low-current equipment.

Why is the car battery not charging from the charger

Why Dispose of Your Old UPS

Everyone should be aware that an end-of-life battery is hazardous waste that can harm the environment and human health. The substances that make up the UPS (uninterruptible power supply) are extremely dangerous and poisonous. Such a device, once in a landfill, releases toxic components into the soil and water, poisoning everything around. Lead is a particular hazard. This metal slows down the growth of plants and also causes serious diseases in animals and humans.

Anyone can use a UPS, but few know how to dispose of it

That is why it is important to properly dispose of the device. Just throwing the battery in a landfill, and even more so, storing it at home or in the garage will not be enough. It is necessary to hand over the battery to a collection point so that experienced employees dispose of it in accordance with all safety rules.

UPS recycling benefits

By handing over the old power source to the collection point, you can:

  • It is safe to get rid of unnecessary things;
  • Ability to protect the environment;
  • Provide industrial enterprises with material (all delivered UPSs end up in processing plants, where lead and plastic are extracted from them, and new devices are made);
  • Get a decent reward for every battery sent for recycling.

What is UPS

General information

A UPS is an uninterruptible power supply that can supply power to other appliances when there is no power from the mains.

They are often used in offices where unplanned shutdown of computers is unacceptable due to the risk of losing important data, as well as in everyday life. In addition, uninterruptible power supplies are also used in other systems, for example, in server networks. In general, the UPS creates the necessary conditions in order to maintain the operability of devices in the event of power outages, safely store data and turn off equipment.

The life of the UPS is 3-5 years, after which the device must be disposed of at the nearest collection point.

After seven years of use, any UPS must be disposed of

Device and types of uninterruptible power supplies

UPSs typically contain metals such as nickel, iron, antimony, cadmium, copper, and lead. The main element of the UPS is the battery. It is she who accumulates the necessary energy.

UPS batteries are divided into 3 main groups:

  • Lead;
  • Nickel-cadmium (alkaline). They are mainly used in trains, subways, wagons, elevators;
  • Gel. They are used in the arrangement of residential autonomous power systems.

About reception points, who they are, why they need it

Where to take the old UPS

Today you have several options to rent an uninterruptible power supply. First, go to an auto parts store. Some car dealerships are engaged in buying up failed batteries, including UPS. However, check in advance whether such a device is accepted.

Secondly, you can take the battery to a specialized collection point for batteries or scrap metal. At the moment, there are such organizations in every city. This option is much more profitable from the point of view of profit, since in acceptance prices for old UPSs are usually higher than in car dealerships.

How to choose a pickup point

To find a collection point, you can use search engine our site:

To view the collection points in your city, click the "Select Recycling and City" button located on the right and select your city. You will be able to get acquainted with the prices, addresses, telephones, and on the basis of this, choose the acceptance that suits you best.

Attempts to revive the UPS do not always lead to the desired result.

UPS Acceptance Rules

When you go to a collection point to recycle your UPS, please consider the following requirements:

  • The device must be unassembled and without damage;
  • It is advisable to wipe the device from the outside of dust and dirt;
  • When transporting, make sure that the UPS is not dropped or damaged.

Preparing the IPB for delivery: careful packaging will help protect against damage

You do not need to bring any documents with you when you return the battery. Cash reward is paid immediately after the employees of the collection point inspect the UPS, evaluate its model and quality.

Prices for receiving uninterruptible power supplies

The cost of a used UPS may vary depending on the city and the point of collection, so it is better to call several acceptances in advance and choose the one where the price is the highest. On average, a standard uninterruptible power supply is taken at 53-58 rubles per kilogram.

UPS (uninterruptible power supply) - a device that supplies a specific system with electric current in cases where there is no power in the main network. Such batteries are used in various equipment and technology. Most often they can be seen in offices, stationary power systems and server rooms. Essentially, UPS creates the minimum necessary conditions to keep devices running during power outages.

The useful life of the battery for uninterruptible power supplies is 3-5 years, after which the device is replaced with a new one. Batteries should not be disposed of in a landfill, as they begin to release toxic substances into the ground and air as they decompose. You can help the environment and make good money if you hand over the batteries of our company. We accept UPS batteries at the highest prices in Moscow and the Moscow region. The list of services provided and the current price of scrap metal can be found in the relevant sections of the site.

Our prices for batteries

UPS battery applications

The main component of an uninterruptible power supply is the battery. It is able to accumulate, store and spend energy in case of emergency. They include various non-ferrous metals. Usually it is lead, iron and copper, but in a number of devices nickel, cadmium and antimony are used. It turns out that it is profitable to hand over the battery at a specialized collection point.

All existing types of UPS batteries are divided into 3 main groups:

  • Lead. Are applied to the device of independent and reserve systems with standard and alternative energy sources.
  • Nickel-cadmium (alkaline). Batteries of this type are used in various highly specialized equipment and machines: trains, subways, cars, elevators.
  • Gel. The average service life of such batteries reaches 10 years due to the implementation of the redistribution of hydrogen and oxygen. The devices are distinguished by increased safety, are stable under powerful discharges, are explosion-proof and have a wide range of operating temperatures. These factors have led to the widespread use of gel batteries in the arrangement of residential autonomous power systems.

In addition to the battery from the UPS, our company can hand over other types of batteries: automotive, traction, in hard rubber cases.

Conditions for accepting batteries

To sell batteries as scrap, the following conditions must be met:

  • We accept batteries without visible damage in non-separable form. When assessing the cost of scrap, the weight of non-metallic inserts is not taken into account.
  • Lead and nickel-cadmium appliances should have minimal blockage.
  • Alkaline batteries must be empty - no acid.

Preparing batteries for delivery is not difficult. If you have any difficulties, just call us for qualified advice.

Why dispose of old batteries?

The substances contained in UPS batteries cause irreparable harm to nature. Such devices have a second class of danger, but at the same time, dozens of batteries end up in landfills every day. Toxic components accumulate in the ground, then seep into the water and evaporate into the air. Animals and plants become carriers of serious diseases, the risk of infection of the population increases.

Our company gives you the opportunity to consciously treat the problem of environmental pollution. Everyone has the right to take unwanted batteries to our specialized collection points and get good money for it.

Convenient disposal of used batteries

Our company buys UPS batteries at the best prices in Moscow and the surrounding area. In addition, we provide a number of related services that allow you to get rid of old scrap as quickly and comfortably as possible. We are engaged in:

  • export of scrap metal;
  • dismantling of old metal structures;
  • dismantling of cars and engines.

Sale of batteries is another of our activities, so if you want to sell the old one and immediately buy a new battery, then just give us a call.

With this post, I begin a story about a series of upgrades that my Volga has undergone recently. Today we will talk about how to get a relatively powerful source of 220V electricity in a car, and, in fact, with zero investment.

Situations when it is required to have the voltage of the city electrical network in the car occur quite often. For example, for work, I occasionally need to transport live fish over long distances, and I need to connect oxygen compressors somewhere. Plus, for a long time there was an idea to organize a full-fledged navigational place for long hauls, and this requires connecting a laptop. Then, in the future, there are plans to assemble a refrigeration unit for transporting fish in the heat, the donor for which will be an old refrigerator powered by a 220V network. Well, the little things - often you don’t even expect when and why you need apartment electricity in the car, so it’s better that it always be.

Of course, today you can buy various kinds of inverters, as they say, for every taste and budget, but those devices that I had to deal with had two significant drawbacks. First of all, it is a low maximum power. Say, the most common inverters, included in the light and do not require special installation on the car, have a maximum load of about 150W. Slightly more advanced modules that require a standard installation still rarely reach the 300W mark, and they are more expensive. The second important drawback is the quality of the electrical sine wave produced by the inverter. It is clear that when converting from direct current to alternating current, the sinusoid is modulated artificially, but the quality of this modulation is different for different devices. In the same inverter connected to the cigarette lighter (which I had until now), the nature of the sinusoid is far from optimal, as a result, when connecting a laptop, its adapter was very hot, which, in theory, could lead to a breakdown of an expensive unit. It is possible, of course, that inverters of the highest price category are devoid of the shortcomings voiced, but they have another, no less significant, minus - the price. Personally, I am not ready to give the cost of a set of winter tires for an inverter.

The solution was found in using the board from an old uninterruptible power supply (hereinafter referred to as UPS). In general, I have already written about how I successfully used car battery for a UPS at home (), and now the opposite idea arose - to use a UPS in a car. Fortunately, I just had a broken UPS - it did not see the connection to the network (i.e., it did not charge the battery and did not pass the mains current to consumers), but it perfectly converted 12V DC to 220V AC, while having peak power of 800W. Exactly what is needed!

True, if you decide to follow in my footsteps and make a car inverter from a UPS, then do not forget to take into account one point - many modern uninterruptible power supplies have a shutdown timer that is hard-wired into the board. Such devices, after a certain operating time (say, after 15 minutes), are turned off, regardless of the battery charge level. They are not suitable for use as a car inverter. But I was lucky, I didn’t have a UPS of the first freshness, and when it was produced, then, probably, the shutdown timer had not yet gained popularity (I don’t remember the exact model, but CyberPower).

And so, for starters, you should throw away the body of the device - it will not be needed, because it is planned to install a stationary socket mounted in the passenger compartment. Getting into the car, you need to solve two main problems - where to get power from and where to place the inverter. I'll tell you about solving these issues using the example of my Volga.

To begin with, I began to solve the issue of power, even asked on the thematic forum, but opinions were divided there - some insisted on connecting such a load directly to the battery, while others allowed connection to the steering column. It is clear that it is more reliable to connect to the battery, but I really did not want to drill a hole into the engine compartment. At the same time, the wire, in fact, directly from the battery, goes to the ignition switch, and this is convenient, but the downside is that this wire has an insufficient diameter to provide such power. In addition, I planned to bring seat heating to the same line.

But, in the end, I figured out all the options, and still decided to connect to the ignition switch, only by supplying the connection with a fuse not for 70A, as it should be for the load, but for 40A, i.e., for the load that the on-board network is designed for " Volga". This solution will slightly reduce the maximum allowable power of the inverter, but I don’t have the task of using it at 100% (the load, at least according to the plans, should not exceed 400W, and this will rarely happen). In any case, I don’t risk a fire in the car - the borate network is designed for 40A, and the fuse will not let a large load through.

Connection through a fuse under the steering block (in the photo, during the tests, a 20A fuse was used).

Now, when it became clear what to connect the inverter to, it remains to solve the second question - where to put it. The board there is quite impressive, it should stand not far from the control panel (because I didn’t want to bother with lengthening two dozen small wires). At the same time, it was necessary to place the socket on the side of the seat of the passenger-navigator.

Then I remembered that on the Volga with the ZMZ-406 engine, to the right of the passenger's foot, behind the door, under the "pot-bellied" plastic lining, there is an ECU. But I have a car with a Chrysler engine, and its “brain” is under the hood, but that same “pot-bellied” pad is still present. It would be logical to think that it is empty under it, and there is enough space there to locate the entire inverter unit. In short, I unscrewed this overlay, and there really is emptiness - I was lucky!

Now I figured out how the inverter nodes would be located (and there are, in fact, three of them - a socket, a control board and a conversion board), outlined this location, and began to melt holes with a hot knife on the burner.

Plastic plate with socket and control unit installed on it.

True, the weather left much to be desired, pouring rain, so I had to pull the army OZK between the door and the roof, and turn on the burner already under such shelter.

Here's a makeshift shelter from the rain

After the socket and the control board have taken their places, it remains to install the inverter board itself on the back of the plastic panel. But this is no longer difficult.

Inverter assembly on the back side of the panel.

Now it remains to connect to the power supply and put the plastic cover in place. Plus I used the same one that I spoke about above, and I took the minus from the case from the nearest reliable connection. Collected everything, checked - it works!

View of the 220V socket in the seat of the passenger-navigator

At the same time, the system, of course, is not always on (so as not to put a load on the on-board network when it is not necessary). I kept the regular UPS control system, with all the indications - it not only informs about the state of the inverter, but also allows you to turn it on and off as needed.

From a close distance, the control board and socket are visible.

But just in case, I didn’t turn off the sound signal about the operation of the inverter - a soft squeak once a minute or two (I don’t remember exactly) doesn’t really bother me, but the chances of accidentally leaving the device on and landing the battery will drop sharply.

Well, actually, everything is on the sim - now I always have a powerful and high-quality source of alternating current 220V in my car. In the next post, we'll talk about how to modernize and improve the climate control unit on the Volga.
