What kind of batteries can be recharged? How to charge a car battery How to find out if the battery can be charged.

The car battery is charged using special chargers. To properly carry out this process, you need to know the type of car battery, its characteristics, as well as choose the right type of charger.

Car battery device

Most vehicles have lead-acid batteries. The design consists of six jars, which are placed in an insulating case made of material. For the case, a special plastic is selected that is resistant to sulfuric acid.

The jars are connected in series. They contain positive and negative electrodes, which by design are lead grids covered with an active mass. The electrodes are placed in an electrolyte. Over time, during operation, the plates fail, which leads to a decrease in battery capacity. The smaller the capacity, the faster the battery discharges.

Battery types

There are two types of batteries.

  1. Serviced.
  2. Maintenance free.

In serviced batteries, jars have lids that you can unscrew yourself. In such batteries, it is possible to check the electrolyte level, its quality and, if necessary, it is possible to add it. But on your own, without having the experience of this procedure, it is not recommended to do this. All operations to check the quality of the electrolyte, its level and topping up should be entrusted to a specialist. This work is not expensive at a price, but in some cases it can revive the battery.

There are no caps in maintenance-free batteries, it is completely one-piece. Its repair and resuscitation are not possible.

Also, motorists often add distilled water to the battery, thereby diluting the electrolyte. You can do this, but only if necessary. If you unscrew the caps on the jars, the electrolyte level will be visible, if it is below the electrodes, then you need to top up. The level should be the same in all six jars.

Do not add water or electrolyte to the battery yourself. Before doing this, you should measure the quality of the electrolyte with a special device. But if you still decide to add water, then add only distilled water and in small portions.

Charger types

According to the type of charge, the devices are divided into:

  1. Charger with constant voltage. In these chargers, the charge voltage is constant, and the current can be adjusted using the regulator.
  2. Charger with constant current. In such devices, the current strength is constant, and the voltage is changed by the regulator. Using this charge, you can fully charge the battery, but you need to carefully monitor the process. If used for a long time, the electrolyte may boil, and this may cause the battery to short out and even catch fire.
  3. Automatic (combined). These modern chargers first charge the battery with a constant constant current at a varying voltage, but then, with the gradual charging of the battery, the voltage is fixed, and the current gradually decreases. When the battery is fully charged, the device will automatically turn off.

There are several ways to check the battery status.

  1. With a standard tester. The tester is put into the voltmeter mode and the voltage is measured with the car turned off. If this procedure is done with the engine running, you will know if the generator is charging. The voltage when the car is off should be close to 12 V.
  2. load coil. By design, it is a resistance of 0.018 - 0.020 ohms with a voltmeter connected in parallel. This unit is connected for 5 - 7 seconds and then readings are taken from the voltmeter.
  3. By the indicator on the battery. On some types of batteries, a hydrometric indicator is installed, which is a small peephole. In this eye, the colors of the indicator change. If the color is green, then the battery is charged. If it is white, the battery needs to be charged, and if it is dark, the charge is at a minimum and electrolyte may need to be topped up.

You can find out about how the car happens in the detailed material of our specialist.

When is battery charging necessary?

Since the car generator is not able to fully charge the battery, but only by 60%, it is recommended to charge the battery at least once a season, before the cold weather. You should also monitor the readings of the hydrometric indicator, if any.

The first sign that the battery needs to be charged is when the car is started. If the starter spins quickly, then everything is normal. If it is slow and the rotation speed seems to be attenuation, this indicates a small charge.

What to watch out for and precautions

Since the battery uses sulfuric acid, you need to be careful and follow safety precautions. Charging should be done in a ventilated non-residential area at an ambient temperature of +10 degrees Celsius.

The question is often asked, is it possible to charge the battery without removing it? Yes, you can. But at positive temperatures. If you charge at minus, the charging efficiency decreases. In addition, when the battery is in the cold for a long time, the electrolyte may freeze slightly. That is why the battery should be brought into a warm room, where it will “thaw out” and only then start charging.

Preparing the battery for charging, removing from the car

Before charging, it is advisable to wipe the battery with a soda solution, this will make it possible to remove acid residues from the surface. The solution is simple to prepare: one tablespoon of soda in a glass of water. If the solution begins to hiss when wiped, then acid residues are present.

After removing the battery from the car, you need to unscrew the caps from the jars and put them on top. This will allow the electrolyte to evaporate when heated and not splash out of the jars. You should also check the electrolyte level.

It can be determined by eye. If all plates are completely immersed in the electrolyte by 0.5 cm, then the level is normal. It is also worth paying attention to the levels in neighboring jars, they should be the same everywhere. If the level is too low, you can add distilled water.

If the battery is maintenance-free (that is, there are no caps), we ignore this procedure.

Charger connection

Observe the polarity when connecting the charger. The positive terminal of the charger must be connected to the positive terminal (“+”) on the battery. We connect the negative of the charger to the negative (“-”). Reversing the polarity will cause a short circuit and damage the charger and battery. Therefore, you should be careful. The terminals are marked on both the battery and the charger.

On most chargers, the positive terminal is painted red, and the negative terminal is black.

Charging duration, process control

It is recommended to charge the battery with low currents, this will enable all plates to evenly distribute the charge, and the electrolyte does not overheat. Use the current should not exceed 1/10 of the battery capacity. It is indicated on the case and is indicated by "A / hour".

If the charger is automatic and does not have control levers, then it is impossible to make your own settings. Typically, such devices are equipped with indicator lamps indicating at what stage the battery is charging. When fully charged, the green light will turn on.

If an ammeter is built into the charger, then charging will be considered completed when the arrow of the device is set to zero.

The time directly depends on the strength of the charging current. If the battery needs to be charged urgently, it is possible to carry out the process using high currents, but this reduces the battery life. If there is no hurry, then charge with small currents. With such a charge, usually, the process does not take more than 8 hours.

Watch the electrolyte, if it starts to boil, reduce the current.

Completion of charging, installation of the battery on the car

At the end of charging, disconnect the charging wires, tighten the caps on the jars and wipe the battery with soda solution again. When charging, electrolyte droplets evaporate from the jars and settle on the case. If the electrolyte is not removed from the surface, current leakage through the case may occur and the battery will quickly be discharged. This problem is very common, as 80% of motorists simply do not know this. The electrolyte on the body is not particularly visible, it lies in a thin film, but this is enough for the current to pass through the body of the device.

When connecting, pay attention to the condition of the terminals and their tight pressing to the battery terminals. They should not be oxidized and should fit snugly.

How to charge a car battery when not charging

If the charger is not available, and you need to charge it urgently, you can use the following methods:

  1. Using a portable charger. It resembles a small battery, the charge of which is enough to start the engine.
  2. Assemble a homemade charger if you have the necessary items on hand. This requires a diode bridge, a resistor, a multimeter and a light bulb, as well as some knowledge of electrical engineering and the skill of working with a soldering iron.
  3. If the battery does not show signs of life in the cold, it should be removed and brought into a warm room for 30 minutes. The electrolyte will heat up and you will be able to start the car.
  4. Use a laptop charger. At the output, it gives out 18 V. In series, you need to insert a light bulb from the headlight into the circuit, it will play the role of a resistor. Then the current will not exceed 2 A, but it will take about 20 hours to fully charge the battery in this way.


When charging the battery, use all the tips that were given above and do not forget about safety precautions. Protect your eyes from getting acid from the battery there, wash your hands thoroughly after contact with caps and jars on the battery. Charge should be in a warm room with good ventilation, in the absence of children. Choose a charger only from trusted brands, based on the characteristics of your battery, and then it will serve you faithfully for a long time.

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In this article, we will answer the burning question of our customers, is it possible to charge conventional batteries.

So, let's have a little theory. What is the difference between a battery and an accumulator? The chemical reaction in the battery is irreversible, they are most often alkaline. In the battery, the reaction is reversible, they are acidic and nickel-cadmium, if modern. From the definition itself, it can be seen that the chemical reaction in the battery is irreversible, chemicals and elements are produced and are not restored.

What is the little secret? In power supplies of old models, or of low quality, not all substances that are filled in at the factory are involved in the reaction. Why? ... As a result of battery operation, chemical compounds with dielectric properties, salts, oxides are formed on conductive elements, which, in simple terms, prevent the passage of electric current in the circuit. Therefore, the formation of a crust of salts and oxides, powerful dielectrics, is the main cause of battery failure. Often, in many battery models, forty to seventy percent of the chemicals do not even react.
In the Soviet Union, well-known physicists and chemists solved the problem of regeneration (recovery) of batteries and batteries. The methodology and principles of the main solutions are based on "passing" a high electric current through the battery. As a result of the passage of high currents, crusts of dielectrics (salts and oxides) were destroyed. The contacts were cleaned and the reaction continued. It is important to understand that in this way the efficiency increased, but the battery was not charged in any way.

It is important to understand that the method by which the batteries were regenerated is fundamentally different from the solutions on which household chargers are built.

In modern expensive batteries, manufacturers are struggling with the problem of salt formation as much as possible. After all, the amount of chemicals that are poured into the battery cannot be increased. Therefore, the design and the most complete use of reagents affect the duration of the battery. Here, regeneration gives a lesser effect, because salts are almost not formed and the reagent is produced by 90 percent, they cannot be restored

What happens if you charge a battery (battery) in a standard conventional household charger? When a reverse current is passed, the element will begin to heat up, regeneration processes will begin, the effect of which depends on the volume of the remaining reagents and the amount of salts formed. This process must be controlled, and the batteries should not be heated above 40 C. In other words, if they become hot, we stop the charging process. The time duration should not exceed 15 minutes. This regeneration will extend battery life by 5-10 minutes.

Under no circumstances should batteries be left in the charger for a long time. With prolonged charging, the alkali will begin to boil, gases will begin to be released inside. Batteries will swell in an hour, swell, chemicals, bubbles and stink will begin to come out of the cracks. After two or three hours, if the case is strong enough and holds the contents inside, an explosion will occur and the alkali will scatter around the apartment.

The answer to the question is it possible to charge conventional batteries - No!!! Better buy batteries. In addition, in our company you can at wholesale prices with home delivery. I hope this article was useful to you.

1. Recharging secondary batteries (accumulators) must be carried out only in the charger that is intended for this!

The ideal option is when charging is specially selected for battery current sources in the store.

2. Fast recharging (30 minutes - 2 hours) with modern powerful chargers is not supported by all types of batteries. The slower the energy charge is delivered, the better.

3. Before starting recharging, it is important to carefully read all enclosed operating manuals and instructions in advance.

Moreover, such instructions should be attached to both the charger and direct batteries.

4. Any new or stale rechargeable battery must be subjected to the so-called "training". In fact, “training” is 3-4 full “discharge / charge” cycles.

Those. new rechargeable batteries must be recharged to the maximum and discharged to the lowest possible level (in this case, the battery charge should not be displayed “to zero”).

If your charger is really of high quality, then the “training” function is pre-installed in it. Such a charger is able to independently carry out the “training” process by selecting the appropriate option in the menu (read the instructions for the charger).

If the “training” option is not provided in the memory, this process will have to be performed manually, controlling all its stages. Three or four complete cycles (automatic or manual) will be sufficient.

5. When recharging batteries, it is important to monitor the temperature of the batteries. This indicator (temperature) should not exceed 55 degrees Celsius (to the touch - strong heating).

An important nuance!

IMPORTANT: modern "smart" and programmable chargers that carry out a "fast" charge of batteries are able to automatically monitor the temperature of the rechargeable elements, turning on the overheating protection system in time!

The battery should be warm, but not "boil", which can lead to electrolyte leakage.

Those. after inserting the batteries into the cheapest charger, temperature control must be done manually, periodically checking the heating level with the back of the hand.

6. If the rechargeable battery has passed the “training”, it can be recharged without waiting for the “going to zero”. In this case, it is worth talking about partial recharging during operation.

When working with lithium batteries, it is worth knowing that recharging is a natural procedure for them. And even storage of lithium batteries is carried out in a fully charged form.

Partial recharging is insurance against caking battery chemistry!

7. No between Nickel Cadmium and Nickel Metal Hydride battery chargers. Older models of Ni-Cd chargers are quite suitable for modern Ni-MH batteries, despite the fact that the duration of the power supply will increase slightly.

As for recharging Ni-Cd secondary current sources in a Ni-MH specification charger, this is possible, but undesirable. high charger currents can reduce the life of older battery models.

At the same time, old chargers are unlikely to be able to supply a modern battery with the required reserve sooner than in 3-4 hours.

In the modern world, there are many devices and rechargeable batteries - this is already a necessity. While some change one battery after another, others simply charge the battery. In order for the product to last as long as possible, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for charging, operating and selecting them in accordance with the requirements of the devices.


What batteries can be recharged

Only rechargeable batteries may be charged if this is indicated on the case. It is forbidden to insert the most common models into the memory, no matter what type they are - AA or smaller.

Battery AA NiСd

If you violate the safety rules, then be prepared for:

  • Nothing will happen, then you can be attributed to the lucky ones;
  • The battery will hiss and deteriorate;
  • Possible overheating, fire and even explosion;
  • Short circuit in the network.

Depending on the materials, batteries are of the following types:

  1. Nickel metal hydride;
  2. Nickel Cadmium ;
  3. Nickel zinc ;
  4. Lithium ion;
  5. Lithium polymer.

The nickel-cadmium battery has a memory effect, so it needs to be fully discharged and recharged. Nickel-metal hydride also has a memory effect, but it is minimized.

Rechargeable batteries have standard sizes similar to classic models:

  • Little finger (AAA)
  • Finger (AA).
  • Thumbelina type C.
  • Barrel or D battery.
  • Crown or Corundum.
  • 1/2 AA.
  • Large square.

These sizes can be both batteries and accumulators because of this it is very important not to confuse. It is worth noting that there are no button-type batteries, with the exception of a limited edition for hearing aids.

There are also Li-Ion batteries of the following sizes, and they can be charged:

DesignationHeight, mmDiameter, mmVoltage, V
10180 18 10 3,7
10280 28 10 3,7
10440 (AAA)44 10 3,7
14250 25 14 3,7
14500 (AA)50 14 3,7
15270 27 15 3,7
16340 34.5 17 3,7
17500 50 17 3,7
17670 67 17 3,7
18500 50 18 3,7
18650 65 18 3,7
22650 type B65 22 3,7
25500 type C50 25 3,7
26650 65 26 3,7
32600 type D61 34 3,7

The type of battery is selected for specific devices. Cameras are suitable for AA, but some toys require a barrel. The most popular are still 10440 and AAA.

Battery capacity can be different from 150 mAh to 6000 mAh. The larger the capacity, the more expensive the device. The capacitance value is indicated on the case in capital letters. The larger the capacity, the longer the device can work.

Why You Can't Charge Regular Batteries

Disposable cells have a completely different principle of operation - ions flow from the electrolyte to the electrodes. Over time, their supply dries up, then the battery runs out. If you pass current through a conventional model, then the recovery process simply will not happen. For example, during operation of manganese-zinc batteries, the zinc electrode will dissolve.

Batteries are designed so that the indicators of electrolytes and electrodes can be returned to the original version. When such a battery is connected to a charger, oxygen and hydrogen ions are converted from the electrolyte. The reduction process begins, where hydrogen acts as a catalyst for the conversion of the cathode into lead, and oxygen - the anode into lead dioxide.

How to tell if it's a battery or an accumulator

Before buying, you should know a few nuances that will allow you to identify ordinary batteries from rechargeable ones:

  1. Pay attention to the inscription on the case. If there is a capacity, then this is a battery, it is indicated in mah (milliamps) per hour. The higher this indicator, the longer it will last.
  2. If there is an inscription rechargeable on the case, then it is rechargeable. If the inscription sounds like do not recharge, then recharging is prohibited.
  3. Pay attention to the cost of the product. Regular batteries are cheaper than rechargeable batteries. The price directly depends on the power indicators and recharge cycles.
  4. Rechargeable batteries have a greater margin of safety. They serve for a long time, charge gradually, but conventional batteries cease to function when connected to more powerful devices.
  5. The battery boasts a voltage of ~ 1.5 V, but the battery - ~ 1.2v, ~ 3.7v. The crown in both cases will have 9 volts.
  6. If the marking on the case contains the letters: R, CR, LR and FR, then this is a battery.
  7. If the marking on the case contains: NiCd, Ni-MH, Ni-Zn, HR, ZR, KR, li-ion or li-pol, then this is a battery.

Following simple points, everyone can determine for themselves the necessary batteries.

In the picture on the left is the battery, as it says on the case: 850 mAh, rechargeable and nickel metal hydride. On the right is the battery, since only Alkaline (Alkaline) is written on it.

How to properly charge a battery

  1. Before charging at home, read the instructions for the device and recommendations from the manufacturer.
  2. Modern batteries do not have a memory effect, so there is no need to build up the battery. Except nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries.
  3. Observe temperature regime Do not insert into the charger at temperatures below 5 degrees and above 50 degrees Celsius.
  4. Choose a charger specifically for batteries, it's good if this was done right away. Keep in mind, the slower the energy charge is applied, the better.
  5. Do not leave the battery in the charger for more than a day. If they are not charged, then it makes no sense to continue.

Important! When charging, the battery will heat up, this is normal, but it should not be very hot, if it seems to you that it overheats very much in the charger, then stop the procedure.

Battery 18650

How long does it take to charge batteries

To correctly determine the battery charge time, use the standard formula:

X (hours) = 1.4 * Y (mAh) / Z (mA), where 1, 4 - the coefficient is used, because not all the current goes into the battery charge, you can call it a discount on heat transfer.

Part of the current turns into heat, so the battery overheats.

If the capacity is 2400 mAh, while the current of the charger is 150, then according to the formula it turns out: 1.4 * 2400 / 150 = 22.4

It will take up to 22 and a half hours to charge a 2400 mAh battery with an incoming charge of 150 mAh. Some chargers do not detect the battery charge, the voltage is constantly applied, even if the battery is already fully charged. This approach can harm the battery by shortening its useful life or causing it to fail due to overheating.

In order to simplify your life, it is recommended to use modern smart chargers that are equipped with a charge indicator. They can provide information on how many milliamps (mA) were transferred to the battery, and since the capacity is indicated on the case, a simple subtraction method can be used to find out how much the battery is charged. Also, after charging is complete, the device will turn itself off.

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Many people know that portable power sources are rechargeable and ordinary. It is believed that if the batteries knock on the wall or change their shape a little, then you can extend their service life by several hours. And this is the absolute truth. However, there are other proven and original ways to charge the battery with your own hands at home.

How to know if it can be recharged

The battery differs from an ordinary battery in capacity - mAh. Often the manufacturer makes this inscription in large letters. The higher this value, the longer the battery will last.

If upon purchase you saw the inscription "do not recharge", then the element not rechargeable. Another difference is cost. Rechargeable devices cost much more than ordinary energy cells. Moreover, the cost is formed from recharging cycles and power.

It is noteworthy that craftsmen have learned to charge ordinary devices. To do this, they came up with a lot of ways.

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that only alkaline (alkaline) elements can be recharged on their own. Salt ones are not suitable for this. In addition, recharging them can be dangerous and lead to to very undesirable consequences: explosion, electrolyte splashing into the eyes, etc.

Charging can be done in different ways. Therefore, you do not need to throw away the device immediately after it has become unusable.

Use of special devices

There are many dedicated charging devices on the market today, such as the Battery Wizard. With the help of such a device, you can charge ordinary finger devices several times. Consumers speak of this device as a profitable and economical purchase.

For recharging, the batteries are placed inside a special design, which can have a different shape: square, rectangular, round, etc.

Then the device is connected to the mains 220 V. After the elements become slightly warm, they need to be pull out immediately. If overheating occurs, it will lead to sad consequences.

It is better to buy special rechargeable batteries and a charger in the kit. Also pay attention to the manufacturer.

Danger of charging batteries

A large number of companies produce galvanic cells. You can buy them at any electronic goods and household equipment store. The composition of finger batteries contains caustic alkali. In a confined space, with the passage of an electric current, the device can easily explode.

If the battery easily survived the charge / discharge cycle, then its capacity will decrease significantly during subsequent recharging. In addition, electrolyte often begins to flow, which can cause damage to the device installed in the battery.

Is it possible to extend the service life

Ordinary salt-type batteries do not function very well in cold and hot weather. Therefore, it is better not to use them in such weather conditions. The electrolyte inside is converted to gas or freezes, which adversely affects its conductivity.

A discharged battery will last a little longer if its case lightly crush with pliers. But this must be done as carefully as possible to prevent damage.

Reagents often clump into small lumps that prevent a stable reaction. inside the battery. In order to facilitate the process, you can tap the AA battery on some solid surface. This will add about 6-7 percent of power to the element.

You should also pay attention to the fact that alkaline devices tend to self-discharge. Therefore, when buying take into account the date of manufacture. Old items will quickly become unusable.

To achieve maximum battery life, you should not install different types in one device. The same applies to the installation of new elements to the old ones. It's best to always have an extra set on hand. When one loses its charge, it can be quickly and easily replaced. In this case, you will not need to think about whether the batteries can be charged.
