Creating and changing partitions. File system selection

Section breaks are used to separate and format documents. For example, you can divide a document into parts or chapters with different formatting, such as columns, headers, and page borders.

Add a section break

Types of Section Breaks

Using breaks between sections opens up endless possibilities for designing your document. Experiment and try out different uses of section breaks to see what works best for you.

Inserting a Section Break

Inserting a column break in a section

You can add columns to a section. For example, you can insert a section break on the current page and split part of the page into two columns.

1. Single column section

2. Section with two columns

    Click Page layout _gt_ columns, and then select the number of columns you want.

Tips for using columns with section breaks

A section break is like a fence that restricts column formatting. If you remove a section break, the text above it will become part of the section that was below the break and will be formatted accordingly.

Take a look at the example above. If you remove the section break between the first and second sections, the entire document will be formatted as two columns because that is the formatting below the section break.

You can use sections to change other formatting options on different pages of your document, including the following:

Inserting a Section Break

You can use section breaks to change the layout and formatting of pages in a document. For example, you can fit part of a one-column page into two columns. You can divide chapters in a document so that the page number for each chapter starts at 1. You can also create a different header or footer for a section of the document.

1. Single column section

2. Section with two columns

Note: There are many standard page layout options available in the Microsoft Office Word 2007 page template collection. For example, you can add a one-column page and a two-column section by selecting the appropriate layout from the template gallery From next page.

Types of Section Breaks

Section breaks allow you to change the layout or format of part of a document. You can configure the following settings:

    Paper size and orientation

    Printer paper source

    Page Borders

    Align text vertically on a page

    Headers and footers

  • Pagination

    Line numbering

    Footnotes and endnotes


    • A section break determines the formatting of text in the previous section. Removing a section break also removes text formatting in the section before it. This text becomes part of the next section and takes on appropriate formatting. For example, if you divide a document into chapters using section breaks, and then remove the section break at the beginning of Chapter 2, Chapters 1 and 2 will be combined into one section with the formatting set for Chapter 2.

      The section break that determines the formatting of the last part of the document is not displayed. To change document formatting, click the last paragraph of the document.

Examples of section breaks

The examples below show the types of section breaks that can be inserted. (In each figure, the double dotted line indicates a section break.)

To start a new section from the next page, select the command From next page. This type of section break is useful when you want to start a new chapter.

To start a new section on the same page, select the command On the current page. This type of section break is used to change formatting on a page, such as changing the number of columns.

Sections in Word allow you to create a document within a document. For example, if there is a desire or need to place contents, explanatory notes and appendices in a text document, then they will require different headers and footers.

Word section break for different headers and footers

The fact is that the headers and footers contain frames, stamps, main and additional inscriptions presented for the preparation of text documents of design and working documentation in accordance with GOST 21.1101-2013. The graphs of the main and additional inscriptions will be different for the content, explanatory note and appendices, and therefore it will be necessary to make different headers and footers in the document. To solve this problem, Word provides a special tool - Section. A section is understood as a part of a document for which it is possible to individually customize its design.

Section breaks in Word. Miscellaneous headers and footers

Healthy. This article is devoted to how to make headers and footers in a document that has one section.

So, I think, having done a little practical work, there will be more benefit than from describing the functions of the buttons, and you will learn how to make section breaks in Word and different headers and footers.

Now in order:

1. Download the prepared file, click .

2. Open the document, with the design of the first and subsequent pages taking into account the requirements for text documents.

3. By double-clicking the left mouse button on the title block stamp, proceed to editing the footer. Or go to the top menu feed Insert → Footer → Edit Footer.

4. For clarity, on the first and second pages, change the inscription with the site to “Contents”.

5. Close the editing window by double-clicking in the sheet area, or by clicking the "Close Header and Footer Window" button on the "Design" tab.

6. Place the cursor at the end of the text on the last page and insert a section break from the next page by going Page Layout → Breaks → Next Page.

7. Thus, you have divided the document into two sections, the first will be used for the content, and the second section for the explanatory note. Place the cursor on the last page and go to the header and footer editing mode ().

8. Important point! Press the "Same as in the previous section" button in the top menu.

10. Go to the next page, the easiest way is to press the Ctrl+Enter key combination. Please note that the header inscription of the second section remains “Contents”.

11. Finish editing the inscription in the second section by doing. I remind you of the importance of pressing the “Same as in the previous section” button, otherwise the changes will apply to both the first and second sections in Word.

This is how the use of sections allows you to create a document with different page designs in one file.

How to remove sections in Word

I would like to pay special attention to how to remove (delete) sections in Word. The sequence of actions is important here, otherwise the result of the design of the section pages will spoil your mood.

Deleting a section in Word is done like this:

1. Enable the display of hidden symbols by clicking the corresponding button on the main tab of the top menu.

2. Find in the document the inscription “Section break (from the next page) and delete it. To delete, place the cursor in front of the inscription and press the Delete key.

Important! Removing partitions occurs from bottom to top, i.e. if there are two sections in the document, the last one will be deleted, but the page formatting will be transferred from the last section.

To correctly save the design of the pages of the first section, do the following before deleting:

Set the orientation of the pages of the second section as in the first.

Make the second section headers and footers as in the first. To do this, go to editing mode and hold down the corresponding button (see). Be careful, this must be done for the header and footer of both pages, if the first one is special.

Interesting. For complete happiness, page numbering is not enough, read how to do this.

Just as when installing a new copy of Windows, you need to think about partitioning the hard drive in advance. There are a few things you should know about the partitions that are required when installing Ubuntu Linux. Installing Ubuntu requires at least two partitions: one for the operating system itself - denoted by "/" and called "root" (root partition), and the second for virtual memory (for swap files) - called "swap". There is also a third section - Home, created at will; basic application settings and user files will be stored on it.

Hard disk partitions

Chapter- part of the long-term memory of a hard drive or flash drive, allocated for ease of use, and consisting of adjacent blocks. One storage device can have multiple partitions.

Creating partitions on various types of modern drives is almost always provided for (although, for example, it was impossible to create several partitions on floppy disks that are no longer in use). However, in Windows, from a flash drive with several partitions, only the first of them will be accessible (in Windows, flash drives are considered to be analogous to a floppy disk, not a hard drive).

Benefits of using multiple partitions

Allocating several partitions on one hard drive provides the following advantages:

    On one physical hard drive, you can store information in different file systems, or in the same file systems, but with different cluster sizes (for example, it is advantageous to store large files - for example, video - separately from small ones, and set a larger cluster size for storing large files );

    It is possible to separate user information from operating system files;

    You can install multiple operating systems on one hard drive;

    Manipulations on one file system do not affect other file systems.

Hard disk partition table

There are several types of hard drive partition tables. The most common one at the moment is an IBM-PC compatible partition table, which is part of the master boot record (MBR). The MBR is located in the first (zero) physical sector of the hard disk. However, recently the GPT table (GUID Partition Table) has begun to be used more and more often. If your disk has a GPT partition table, then you do not need to worry about the number of partitions (in GPT, by default, space is reserved for 128 partitions) and deal with the types of partitions (in GPT, all partitions are primary). If you have an MBR partition, then this article provides a detailed description of such disk partitioning.

Structure of a partitioned disk (MBR)

    Information about the placement of partitions on a hard drive is stored in the partition table, which is part of the master boot record (MBR).

    The section can be either primary, or expanded.

    The first sector of each primary partition contains the boot sector, which is responsible for loading the operating system from this partition. Information about which partition will be used to boot the operating system is also recorded in the master boot record.

    The MBR allocates 64 bytes for the partition table. Each entry takes 16 bytes. Thus, a total of no more than 4 partitions can be created on the hard drive. When the MBR framework was developed, this was considered sufficient. However, later it was introduced extended section, in which you can register several logical sections.

    According to the rules extended section can be only one. Thus, in the maximum configuration, three primary and one extended section containing several logical.

Types of sections

Primary (main) section

The primary partition must be on a physical disk. This partition always contains either one file system or other logical partitions. A physical disk can have up to four primary partitions. Some older operating systems - for example, MS-DOS and Windows - could only be installed on the primary partition.

Extended and Logical Partitions

A partition table can contain no more than 4 primary partitions, which is why extended partitions were invented. You can create multiple logical partitions on an extended partition. Logical partitions are arranged in a chain where information about the first logical partition is stored in the MBR, and information about the subsequent one is stored in the first sector of the logical partition. This chain allows (in theory) to create an unlimited number of partitions, but (in practice) the number of logical partitions is limited by utilities and, usually, more than 10 logical partitions cannot be created.

It is important to note that some versions of Windows cannot boot from a logical partition (a primary partition is required), while for Linux there is no difference in the type of partitions - Linux boots and works with partitions completely regardless of their type (primary or logical).

File system selection

Like Windows, Linux has seen several different file systems in its life. Ubuntu "understands" Windows file systems, but will not install on them. Ubuntu can immediately write to and read from FAT16, FAT32 and VFAT and NTFS partitions. However, Windows cannot handle Linux file systems, and you will have to transfer files to and from Windows from the Ubuntu operating system.

In addition to the familiar Windows file systems, you can choose a few that you may not be familiar with. Among such file systems is ext4. Ext4 is currently one of the most suitable file systems for the desktop system. The ext3 and ext2 file systems are rarely used now: ext3 is a slightly older version of ext4, and has no advantages over ext4, and ext2 does not have journaling, without which it will be difficult to recover data in the event of a system failure. File systems BTRFS, XFS, ReiserFS, Reiser4, JFS, etc. can also be used, but they should be chosen based on an understanding of the features of these FS (it’s worth reading a little about different FS to make the right choice). The "swap" partition is for virtual memory only and, unlike other file systems, it does not require a mount point.

Mount points

Linux does not assign letters to each drive and partition like Windows and DOS. Instead, you must set a mount point for each disk and partition. Linux works on the principle of a hierarchical directory tree, where the root directory ( /) is the main mount point, which includes all others by default. Unlike Windows, in Linux all used disk partitions are mounted in subdirectories of the root, and not as separate devices (C:, D: ...).

For example, in /home All your personal files are stored. If you want to place this data on a separate partition from the root, then create a new partition and set the mount point to /home. This can be done for any subdirectory. During installation, Ubuntu provides the option to set the following mount points: /boot(bootloader and kernel headers), /dev(drivers and devices), /home(user files), /opt(additional software), /srv(system services) /tmp(temporary files), /usr(applications), /usr/local(data available to all users) and /var(server spool and logs). Also, during installation, you can create your own mount points with arbitrary names.

For a typical desktop system, there is no point in dedicating its own partitions for /dev, /opt, /srv, /tmp, /usr/local And /var. If you plan to run more than two operating systems or use root partition encryption, you may need a separate partition for /boot. Sometimes it's also worth creating a section for /usr, but only if you already have a clear idea of ​​how much space the applications will take up. It is advisable to create a separate section for /home. This will provide you with additional convenience when updating and reinstalling the system.

At a minimum, you can limit yourself to only two sections: “root” and “swap”, then /boot, /home, /usr and all the rest will simply be stored in the root partition ( /).

File system structure

Partition size for file system root

A freshly installed Ubuntu system takes up 4-6 GB of disk space, however, with active use (installing a large number of programs, increasing the program cache, etc.) or malfunctions occur, which leads to an increase in the volume of folders with system logs ( /var/log) you may need more disk space, so you need to allocate a 10-15GB partition for the root of the file system.

Partition size for /home

Section with folder /home usually they give up all the remaining space if Ubuntu will be the only system on the PC and all multimedia data will be stored in it, or, if installed next to Windows, they allocate a separate partition in the format NTFS for multimedia data, and the section for /home make it minimal only for storing configuration files.

Moving the /home folder to a new partition after installation

Often there is a desire to fix an incorrectly partitioned hard drive when installing Ubuntu. In this case, it becomes necessary to move the /home folder to a separate partition of the hard drive. Below is a quick guide to completing this task.

Creating a separate partition


Based on experience in everyday work, the system does not require more than 1 GB of RAM, which means if you have 4 or more GB of RAM installed, then SWAP is not needed for swapping purposes

Let's consider ,how to make active content in word. To make a table of contents in Word , you need to create a document structure - assign a style to the headings. How to do this, see the article “ Word document structure."
For example, let's take a piece of text located on two pages.How to make a contents page in Word.
To make a table of contents before the text and there is no blank page, you need to insert a blank page. For more information, see the article "Word Insert Bookmark".We place the cursor at the top of the empty page, our table of contents will be here.
Creating a table of contents in Word.
Now on the “Links” tab, click the “Table of Contents” button and select “Table of Contents” - “Auto-assembled table of contents”. The following dialog box will appear.
Be sure to check the box next to the “Hyperlinks instead of page numbers” dialog box.
If we click the “Options” button, we can configure the table of contents parameters. In our example, we have two levels of headings.
Click "OK" and the "Table of Contents Options" window will close, then click "OK" and the "Table of Contents" dialog box will close. The following table of contents appeared.

We sign it, you can edit it, move lines, etc.
How to go from the table of contents to the desired page in Word.
To go to the desired section of the text, in the table of contents we direct cursor to the desired section, press the “Ctrl” button, hold it down and click the cursor with the left mouse. That's it, we have moved into the text to the section we have chosen.
Update content in Word.
Right-click on the table of contents.
Select “Update Field” from the dialog box, select “Update Entirely”, and click OK.”It turned out this way, the “Fourth” section was added.

For another way to make a table of contents in Word, see the article “How to make a table of contents in Word.”But in such a table of contents, it may take longer to get to the desired place in the document.
How do you go from any Word page to the table of contents?You will find out the answer to this question in the article "".
In Word, you can create documents or perform certain actions automatically in large quantities using data from other documents.For example, we take address data from an Excel table and sign a lot of envelopes, write a lot of letters, but the names in the letters are automatically written differently - according to our list.
You can create a catalog, telephone directory - do not write down manually, but take data from another document. Read about all this and more in the article “Word Mailings Bookmark”.

From this instruction you will learn how to manage sections and categories in the “File Directory” module.

The instructions contain the following steps:

Directory Structure Overview

The File Catalog module allows you to create a two-level category structure. Sections are used as the first level, categories as the second. Categories are intended for thematic grouping of files added to the directory. Sections are intended for thematic grouping of categories.

Here's what the structure of the File Directory module might look like:

Go to “Modules” / “File Directory” / “Categories”:

If you have not created categories before, you will have only one category, “My Files.”

Important! Adding files to a directory is impossible if there are no categories. Therefore, sections alone are not enough to publish materials.

How to add a section

On the “Modules” / “File Directory” / “Categories” page, click on the “Add Section” button:

The Add Section window will appear:

After filling in the information about the section, click on the “Add” button, and the section will appear in the list:

Important! Once a section is created, it cannot be “turned” into a category.

How to add a category

On the “Modules” / “File Directory” / “Categories” page, click on the “Add category” button:

The Add Category window will appear:

You will need to provide the following information:

After specifying the information, click on the “Add” button. If a category has been added to a section, in the line opposite it you will see that the number in the “Subcategories” column has increased:

To go to a section's category, click on the section's name. A page will open on which all the categories in the section will be presented. In this case, the full path to the categories can be found under the heading:

Important! Once a category is created, it cannot be “turned” into a section.

How to change or delete a category/section

On the "Modules" / "File Directory" / "Categories" page, mark the category or section you want change, and click on the “Change” button:

An editing window will appear:

Correct the information and click on the “Save” button. Immediately after this, the changes will take effect and will be visible on the site.

For removal category or section, mark them in the list and click on the “Delete” button:

Confirm the action:

How to organize categories and sections

Go to the "Modules" / "File Directory" / "Categories" page. In the list of categories, drag the icon and move the section or category up/down:

After moving, release the mouse button and the changes will take effect.
