How to make stickers with your own hands on VK. How to make stickers for Telegram yourself

Three years ago, the VKontakte network introduced the function of sending stickers. This is an expanded, more beautiful and artistic version of emoticons. They express different emotions, contain different phrases and situations, such as good night wishes, greetings, and so on.

The user can send them in private messages to any interlocutor, reply with them in comments (a text message and a sticker cannot be added to one comment). They're cute, fun, and come in sets with a clear theme.

These could be cats, dogs, cartoon characters, funny caricatures of historical or media figures. The variety is great and new sets are often released to celebrate the latest event or meme.

Stickers can be:

  • get it for free (the store contains standard, free sets);
  • buy in the store, choosing from the available offers (price for 2017 - 63 rubles for a set of 16 stickers);
  • give stickers to a friend at the same price;
  • create your own set.

Let’s dwell in more detail on the last point, since with the rest everything is intuitive and shown in the VK interface.

But you should immediately take into account that there are many people interested and all works undergo strict moderation. Therefore, there is no guarantee of success, even if everything is done correctly.

Before you start working on your own stickers, remember the main rules, if violated, your work will not pass moderation:

How to create stickers

Having dealt with the rules and organizational issues, the most important stage begins - creating stickers. In one article, it is hardly possible to give step-by-step instructions on how to create the best character so that it brings the creator a lot of money and some fame. In principle, there are no clear rules here. All you need is inspiration and a well-chosen concept. But we will still answer a few questions:

Which tool to use to create stickers

There are many available. Both paid programs and free software. There are also special online image generators where you can create decent work. But the best solution for professional artists and designers is still Adobe Photoshop.

The latest version is expensive, but if you carefully study its capabilities, you will have clear advantages:

  • a huge number of internal drawing and image processing tools;
  • many different plugins and additional extensions (paid and free) that allow you to delve into a specific area of ​​editing graphic extensions;
  • large collections of hours-long video lessons on Youtube and other sources that will help you learn everything, even from scratch, if you show enough interest and patience.

Having mastered the work in Photoshop, you will create works at a professional level, and they will be head and shoulders above the quality in comparison with the works of authors who use simple online tools and small free software.

How to learn to draw stickers for VK

Things are pretty much the same here. If you type in the query How to draw stickers for VK on YouTube, a lot of videos will appear - guides from artists. They often use Photoshop. It is not necessary to repeat all their actions exactly, but watching such videos will definitely help you understand the general direction for action.

How do I know if people will like my stickers?

If you think that your idea is too unusual and there are doubts about its quality, then first upload stickers to those sites where they are not moderated. Try adding your stickers to Telegram. Anyone can offer their own option there. See if they are popular. If you manage to promote them there, then feel free to go conquer VK.

Making a set of stickers in Telegram is very easy, it's free and doesn't require any special knowledge. If you have graphics editing skills, they may come in handy. For example, make the background of the sticker transparent or add an inscription in a beautiful font, this will add presentability. But, this is a matter of taste. In this case, the size of the picture, in any case, will need to be adjusted to the standard, and here you can’t do without an editor.

How to create stickers in Telegram

To create, you can use both the computer and mobile versions of the messenger, but it is still more convenient to use a computer, since it allows you to use full-fledged graphic editors (GIMP, Photoshop or even Paint). But even using only your mobile device, you can make a great set of stickers.

You will have to use the editor, not only for the beauty of the future sticker, but to change its size.

Images must be 512 by 512 pixels (one side may be smaller), in PNG format and no larger than 350 kb in size.

In order to create stickers ourselves, we need a special bot @stickers, which has the following list of control commands:

  1. /newpack- creates a new collection of stickers;
  2. /addsticker- adds a sticker to the set;
  3. /delsticker- removes a sticker from the set;
  4. /ordersticker- rearrange;
  5. /cancel– cancellation

Having opened the bot, you need to launch it by clicking on Start.

It's better to start with the team /newpack, it will help create a new set; you can call it in two ways:

  1. Type on the keyboard (all commands begin with the symbol / ). Just start typing the command and prompts will immediately appear.
  2. Click on the team name.

Pictures for a set must be of a certain size, one side must be 512 pixels, the other cannot be smaller. If you add a white stroke and shadow, the sticker will look much better.

You need to send the picture as a file; to do this, uncheck the Compress image.

The next step is to choose which emoji will suit this sticker.

By analogy, add the rest of the pictures, when finished, type the command /publish.

You can always add or remove stickers to an already created set.

At the last step, all that remains is to indicate a short address in Latin letters, and the set is ready.

All that remains is to add the newly created sticker pack to your Telegram; to do this, follow the link that the bot created to distribute your creativity.

How to make Telegram stickers on your phone

First, go to the @stickers bot chat and send a command /newpack, and write a title for your collection.

The picture must be sent by selecting “Send as files” in the menu so that the bot perceives it as a file.

ICQ and jabber are a thing of the past with their classic emoticons. Nowadays, social networks and instant messengers are trending, with sets of stickers built into them. Let's talk about how to do their stickers in Telegram yourself, including from your phone.

Don't miss the bonus method at the end of the article

How to make stickers in Telegram using a bot

So, what if you want something exclusive in terms of stickers? There are two options: order them from designers or create them yourself.If you chose the second option, then we’ll figure out how to make stickers in Telegram.

First let's talk about the assistant bot, and then how make a sticker pack without special skills.

Creating your own stickers and masks in Telegram is simple. The @Stickers bot will do all the work for you.

The main thing is to take into account the requirements of the program:

  • Size.

It is better if the selected illustration fits into the size 512x512. If the drawing is not square, then you need to make sure that at least one side must be 512 pixels.

  • Format.

Telegram bot only accepts png.

  • Copyright.

Don't pull random pictures from the Internet. To make stickers, choose options with a license for use or browse photo stocks.

Here are a few more conditions that will simplify the task:

  • Add a white stroke and shadows.
  • You need to make a transparent background.
  • Upload the image via the application on your PC (it doesn't matter whether it's , macOS or ) or using the web version.

Interesting: when processing your own future sticker, it is advisable to use Photoshop, because Telegram sends a high-quality PSD template for a sample. The bot will give it to you.

How to create your own stickers and masks in Telegram

So, we have drawn the image. There's only one thing left to do - tie it up intelligent conversation with a bot:

Type /start to start;

Add a request to make masks - /newmasks or a set of stickers - /newpack;

We give a name to our creative work;

Upload photoshopped material;

We configure: for the sticker we select the equivalent Telegram emoji, and for the mask we indicate the location on the face;

Let's come up with a short name.


The @Stickers robot will help not only in creating packs, but also in managing them and tracking statistics

What else can a robot do?

The program can not only create, but also edit. Using the table, we will collect several proven codes for those who like to experiment:

If you want to find out which miniatures are the most popular or how much more popular a certain set is than another, open a dialogue with the robot in Telegram: /start. We'll have to do a little interrogation:

/stats Statistics for a single sticker in Telegram
/top Top stickers
/packstats Sticker set statistics
/packtop Top sets
/topbypack Top stickers in the set
/packusagetop Statistics on the use of your sets

The easiest and fastest way to make stickers in Telegram from your phone

This method is relevant for those who really want to make their own stickers for Telegram, but does not own graphic editors.

Using your smartphone, you can create an unlimited number of Telegram stickers!

So what you need:

  • Go to the App Store or Google Play;
  • Enter “stickers for Telegram” or “Stickers for Telegram” into the search bar.

These special programs operate on a similar principle. You need to upload a picture to the application, and then the program will tell you how to erase the background and save the finished result.

You can convey your emotions on VK not only using standard emoticons. Stickers - small pictures that reflect the user’s mood - will help expand the emotional range of statements. Sticker packs first appeared in 2014 and have been expanding ever since. There are paid and free options. You can also create such an individual set and still make good money from it.

Why create your own stickers in VK?

This activity can be regarded as entertainment. But in fact, it can become a stable source of income. Many graphic designers, animators and artists strive to develop a series of their own stickers. This activity requires considerable knowledge and skills.

In order for VKontakte to agree to the placement of new pictures - emoticons - on its Internet space, a number of requirements must be met:

  1. Stickers must be original; any repetition with existing pictures will be regarded as plagiarism.
  2. You must come up with at least 5 stickers with one active character.
  3. Join the official group on VK and don’t leave.

If these conditions seem surmountable, then you can begin to create your brainchild.

The procedure for creating stickers in VK

There are two ways to create stickers in VK. The first is to use a special graphics program with which you can draw the necessary picture. There are many free programs. The most popular is Adobe Photoshop. It allows you to draw exactly the desired sticker.

The second is to create a sketch yourself and send it for moderation. This is the option that the VKontakte administration considers more acceptable. This does not mean that software options will be biased. But it is hand-drawn drawings that are considered more valuable, real, and revealing.

To obtain consent from VK, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions when developing individual stickers:

  • The PDF format must be selected;
  • size should be 512x512 pixels;
  • use an original character that is not in the Sticker Store or in other projects;
  • the first trial set of drawings should be based on one character;
  • It is desirable that the sticker does not contain excessive small details. This visually burdens the image and distracts from the main idea that the character should convey;
  • You cannot use famous personalities, characters, cartoon characters, etc. as heroes. This is a direct violation of copyright.

Once the stickers are designed, they need to be submitted for review. This can be done through the official VKontakte group:

  • select “Suggest news”;
  • indicate a description and attach stickers;
  • send for moderation.

How does the moderation stage work?

The Vkontakte administration must check the graphics of the images, their originality and relevance. This will take several days. To have a better chance of getting approval, it is better to send stickers not in an archive, but in the form of a document.

If you like the drawings, but there are additional requirements, the author may be asked to modify his material.

There is no need to remind yourself with constant messages in the community. When the work is checked and a verdict is made, the administration will notify you by sending a personal message.

Secrets of success when developing new stickers

Several useful recommendations will help you achieve success when creating new stickers in VK:

  1. The main thing is to choose a worthy character. It must be original, interesting, relevant and carry some kind of semantic load, convey a message.
  2. You need to think ahead of time whether the hero has a future, how he will develop further if he is approved.
  3. There is no need to take other people's works and existing images as a basis. They will only distract and reduce the uniqueness of your own idea.
  4. The main task is to convey emotions. If a character is beautiful but emotionless, then he is useless.
  5. The image will be small, so you need to draw it so that it is complete and not overloaded with unnecessary details.

To get a chance to show yourself and your work, you need to keep an eye on competitions. They regularly take place on the social network Vkontakte and have a serious budget. Talented artists and animators can get the opportunity to realize themselves and earn a good amount of money. The main thing is to approach your work responsibly and professionally.

Dedicated messaging programs have been around for decades. The need to somehow convey one’s emotions arose at the dawn of their existence. At first, emoticons were a set of special characters that could mean a smile, a wink, a kiss, or something else. Over time, the technical capabilities of instant messengers grew, and the need arose for better transmission of emotions. Graphic pictures began to appear, and the so-called emoji - small pictures - gained enormous popularity. Over time, more and more such pictures began to appear, but again, after a few years, they ceased to satisfy the growing needs of messenger users.

And then stickers came out. In Russian, for a long time they were called stickers. These are also graphic files, but of a larger size. Essentially, this is a cross between traditional emoji and full-fledged images downloaded from the Internet. They often depict various cartoon or popular movie characters. Today on the Internet you can download a huge number of sets of stickers that can convey a huge variety of emotions and feelings.

The Telegram messenger also supports sticker sets. But the most important feature of this application, unlike its competitors, is that you can get involved in their creation even without any special experience. You just need to upload the necessary pictures on the Internet, carry out the simplest processing using a graphics editor, and then use a special bot to create a set of stickers that can be shared with other Telegram users.

In today's material we will take a detailed look at how to make stickers for Telegram. You will learn what requirements apply to the images used, as well as how you can prepare pictures to create a set of stickers.

What are the requirements for drawings? Since we will be using a special bot, it has set a number of restrictions:

  • The file format must be PNG only;
  • the resolution must be exactly 512x512, neither a pixel more nor a pixel less;
  • The file size should not exceed 350 kilobytes.

It would seem that there are few restrictions, but such pictures in their pure form are not always easy to find. Let's look at how they can be prepared.

Preparing images

To download pictures in the required size, you can set the appropriate parameters in the image search in Yandex and Google. To do this, enter the desired query, then in the search settings set the file resolution to 512x512. For example, in Google these parameters can be entered in the “Tools” section, and in Yandex - in the “Size” field directly below the search bar.

If you can’t find a picture of the right size, use any graphics editor program. This can be either standard Paint or more advanced Photoshop. In addition, there are many online editors with a basic set of functions. If you're using Windows 10, the photo viewer app has a built-in editor that lets you crop a photo to the size you want. Before this, you need to set the aspect ratio to “square”.

If you have some graphic design and computer drawing skills, you can draw the stickers yourself.

Don't forget that the file must be saved in PNG format. In Photoshop, select the “Save for Web” function. Copy all the created images into one folder to make them easier to find later.

Create a sticker pack

Let's look at how to create stickers directly through the messenger menu. After all the pictures are prepared and saved in one folder on your computer, you can start creating stickers in Telegram. Please note that the developers advise performing this operation on the computer version of the program. So let's get started.

You can't just remove a sticker from a set. To perform this operation, you will need to use the services of the @Stickers bot.

  1. Use the /delsticker command to initiate the deletion process.
  2. Next, the robot will offer to select a sticker pack from the list of saved ones. By clicking the Select button, select the set in which you want to remove the extra sticker, and then send the sticker itself.
  3. You will immediately receive a response that the sticker has been deleted; within an hour it will disappear for all users.

If you want to delete the entire set, use the /delpack command. After you select a sticker pack, the robot will ask you to send a message “Yes, delete this pack.”


Absolutely every user can create their own stickers in the Telegram messenger, even if they do not have the skills to use special drawing programs. With the help of a special bot, you can turn absolutely any picture into a sticker. In the comments, share links to your own sets of stickers in Telegram.
