Download different GIF categories. Animated gif pictures and cards

Beautiful postcards, animation pictures for guests and blogs!

The best cards with congratulations in verse, animated pictures with inscriptions for any holiday and for every day for guest books, blogs, comments, forums and diaries. Greeting cards at all times are the main element of all holidays and memorable events accompanying the main moments in the life of each of us. Happy birthday and holiday greetings, gifts, warm words are an integral part of any celebration. Using a postcard, you can express in writing the most important feelings that people can experience for each other: gratitude, friendliness, attention, sensitivity, respect, love. And the original artistic design of this message is recognized to help create the appropriate mood.

Life is organized in such a way that various holidays and celebrations play a huge role in our daily life. It is not for nothing that the Almighty created a week with seven days, six of which are reserved for knowledge and hard work, and the seventh for rest. Therefore, in life you need to relax as much as possible during the holidays and enjoy every day. On this site we have collected the most attractive and original greeting animations for Happy Birthday, February 23, March 8, Easter, May 9, New Year, Christmas, as well as various greetings and daily GIF animations for all occasions.

If you want to congratulate your friends and loved ones on their holiday, wish them a great mood, don’t waste time looking for the right words, just choose a suitable card and send it via e-mail or send a link to a social network.
Below are the latest images added to the site. All animations, brilliant greeting cards with inscriptions, gif animations can be downloaded and sent as guest cards to your friends absolutely free. New animated cards and pictures appear every day! To add a GIF image to a blog, guest book or post, copy the html or BB code and paste it completely - the animated GIF image will appear in your message. To view the animation, click on the picture or title above it!

You can download the most beautiful cards with wishes for free and use them to congratulate friends, parents, work colleagues, your family, husband or wife on any holiday or upcoming event. The collection is constantly expanding, new GIF images are being added. Here you will find unique congratulations and can truly surprise and delight your loved ones.

Here you will find any GIFs that interest you. Use the site search or menu categories to find the collection you need. You can send our GIFs to a friend, post them on a forum or blog, or in a group on social networks. They have many uses that are only limited by your imagination.

It will be easy for you to find the GIF you need

Our collections of GIF animations are divided into categories. Each collection contains at least 100 GIFs. You will not leave us without the necessary animated picture. We are constantly working on the site, updating old collections and creating new ones. Rest assured: you are downloading the best that is on the Internet if you find it on our website.

Fast loading of the site and images

A special feature of our site is that we do not load GIFs immediately as soon as you land on the page. To speed up loading, we upload a static image, and we invite you to click on it if you like its description. Click with the mouse or press with your finger - and the GIF loads instantly. You only see what you want to see.

acegif is easy for people around the world to interact with!

The language of gifs is understandable to any person, no matter where in the world he lives. That's why we created an online resource in 15 of the most popular languages ​​spoken by humanity. These include English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Swedish, Dutch, Spanish, Danish, Czech, Norwegian, Portuguese and Polish.

All rights reserved.

Beautiful animation for blogs, guests and comments Download free, without registration greeting animated pictures and cards

Beautiful animation for blogs, guests and comments

In our age of rapidly developing Internet industry, with the development social networks, blogs, forums, such a phenomenon as animated pictures has firmly entered our world. Such pictures have a number of advantages over a still image; they shine, shimmer in different colors and imitate various movements, such as animation of rain, snow, running water, sun glare, etc. Such amazing effects are obtained due to the fact that the picture actually consists of several frames that alternate in a certain order, like in cinema, so you get something like a small video that is repeated over and over again. Officially, this format is called GIF, but people call such images differently, for example, animation, gif, sparkle, or simply live picture. Animations are especially popular on holidays, and if you need to congratulate someone on any holiday or birthday, then best solution can not found. On weekdays, with a brilliant flickering animation you can wish a great mood for the morning, afternoon, evening, night, say goodbye to a person or beautifully confess your love.

Here you can download cards, gif pictures with congratulations, wishes and simply beautiful animation for free
Welcome to the site of free holiday cards! The site is entirely dedicated to animated greeting pictures. You can download all GIFs absolutely free of charge or insert them into a comment, blog, forum, guest book or website using special codes or . Such codes are widely used for comments, on forums, blogs, since they do not load the server where the site with your page is located. Using the codes is very simple, you just need to copy the code itself, or , and paste it entirely onto your page or into a message or comment. We invite authors of animated pictures and postcards to exhibit their works.

    Pictures - Angel Day. Name day You are not only the creation of God, you are not a product of the earth, -
    A man creates you from his spiritual beauty.
    Agent X 84 Likes +0

Beautiful animation for blogs, guests and comments Download free, without registration greeting animated pictures and cards

Beautiful animation for blogs, guests and comments

In our age of rapidly developing Internet industry, with the development of social networks, blogs, forums, such a phenomenon as animated pictures has firmly entered our world. Such pictures have a number of advantages over a still image; they shine, shimmer in different colors and imitate various movements, such as animation of rain, snow, running water, sun glare, etc. Such amazing effects are obtained due to the fact that the picture actually consists of several frames that alternate in a certain order, like in cinema, so you get something like a small video that is repeated over and over again. Officially, this format is called GIF, but people call such images differently, for example, animation, gif, sparkle, or just a live picture. Animations are especially popular on holidays, and if you need to congratulate someone on any holiday or birthday, you can’t find a better solution. On weekdays, with a brilliant flickering animation you can wish a great mood for the morning, afternoon, evening, night, say goodbye to a person or beautifully confess your love.

Here you can download cards, gif pictures with congratulations, wishes and simply beautiful animation for free
Welcome to the site of free holiday cards! The site is entirely dedicated to animated greeting pictures. You can download all GIFs absolutely free of charge or insert them into a comment, blog, forum, guest book or website using special codes or . Such codes are widely used for comments, on forums, blogs, since they do not load the server where the site with your page is located. Using the codes is very simple, you just need to copy the code itself, or , and paste it entirely onto your page or into a message or comment. We invite authors of animated pictures and postcards to exhibit their works.

    Pictures - Palm Sunday Congratulations on a good bright holiday, Palm Sunday! Let, together with the fragrant willow, blossom in your hearts... T-Yocky 1321 Likes +12
