Meizu M2 Note smartphone firmware. Meizu M2 Note Firmware Update and Russification

When buying a Meizu smartphone, users often receive a non-Russian device with a dozen unknown Chinese applications. Today we will tell you how to install international firmware with Russian using the example of Meizu M2 Note.

Meizu smartphone firmware

There are five types of firmware for Meizu: Unicom (U) and China Mobile (C) - carrier versions designed for China, YunOS (Y) - a version developed jointly with Alibaba also for the Chinese market, Universal (A) - universal firmware suitable for for all countries, it can be installed instead of all the previous ones, and finally International (I) - the international version, it is with this firmware that Meizu smartphones are officially delivered to the markets of Russia and Ukraine.

As you understand, the last option is what interests us. The international firmware contains Russian and Ukrainian languages, Google services are installed out of the box and there is no pre-installed Chinese software in it. But here's the problem - if you "roll" it instead of any other version, we will get the "Firmware corrupt" error. From our instructions, you will learn what actions you need to perform to prevent this from happening.

The whole process can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Install A firmware via Recovery;
  2. We get root rights and change the ID using a special script;
  3. Install I firmware via Recovery.

Looking ahead, I want to say that the second point will be the most difficult to complete. In general, I will not torment you any more, let's get started!

1. Install A Firmware

9. Scroll down and click on "System privileges".

10. Check the box next to "Accept" and click "OK".

11. Enter the password for your Flyme account and click on "OK" again.

13. Now you need to download 3 files from our website and transfer them to Meizu in the root folder:

  • SuperSU Application APK | Download
  • Terminal Emulator APK for Android | Download
  • Script file "" | Download

14. Open the "Documents" file manager and run the installation of SuperSU and Terminal Emulator for Android one by one.

The system will warn you that the ability to install applications from unknown sources is blocked by default. Simply click on "Settings" and you will enable this option.

Then just click on "Install".

15. So we installed 2 new applications that we need to run the "" script.

16. We go into SuperSU and see a notification about the need to update the SU binary file. Click "Continue".

17. On the next tab, select "Normal".

19. The installation process will begin. Wait a bit, it lasts about a minute.

20. At the end, you will receive a message that the process was completed successfully. Click OK.

If the message “Installation failed” appears on the screen, try again.

21. Now open Terminal Emulator and after the dollar sign type:


And press "Enter".

22. The Superuser prompt will appear. Grant the application root access by clicking on "Grant".

23. Remember the file? It should be in the root folder on your smartphone. If so, then in the terminal emulator, enter.

In this article, you will learn how to flash a Meizu smartphone from a Chinese version to an international one.

Buyers who have purchased a smartphone from Meizu very often face the problem of the lack of Russification of the interface, and at the same time with a bunch of unnecessary Chinese applications.

Therefore, today we will tell you how to Russify your smartphone and install international firmware on it.

So, before starting flashing your device, you need to find out what firmware is installed on your smartphone, since there are five types of firmware on Meizu smartphones:

  • Unicom (U)- firmware version, which is intended for users of the Chinese state, due to the presence of only the Chinese language.
  • China Mobile (C)- the operator version of the firmware, which is also intended for users of the Chinese state, since there is only Chinese.
  • YunOS (Y)- This version of the firmware was produced jointly with the Internet giant Alibaba, it is also intended for users of the Chinese state.
  • Universal (A)- a universal firmware version that is suitable for all countries of the world, due to the presence of almost all languages, including Russian, English and Ukrainian.
  • International (I)- the most suitable firmware version, it is with this firmware that all smartphones and tablets from Meizu are delivered to the territory of Russia and Ukraine.

Of course, that we are interested in the firmware version International (I). Because it is in this firmware that everything is worked out to the smallest particles, with regards to Russification.

It is worth noting what if you want to try flashing the firmware version from YunOS (Y) to International (I), That you won't be able to do it, in connection with which you will get "Firmware corrupt" error.

But don't be discouraged, because now we will tell you how to get around this error, and finally completely Russify your smartphone.

How to install firmware International (I)?

So let's break it down step by step to understand the whole flashing procedure:

  • Install Universal (A) firmware via Recovery
  • We get the necessary ROOT rights and special access, and also change the ID using a special script
  • Install the International (I) firmware via Recovery

I would like to warn which is the heaviest of all, here is second point.

STAGE 1. Install the firmware Universal (A)

  • First of all, you need to download the official current firmware version Universal (A), and you can do it on official ""
  • Recovery
  • Recovery Recovery.

  • and then click the button Start

STAGE 2. We get the necessary ROOT rights and special access, and also change the ID using a special script

Let's summarize briefly. So, on the first point, we installed the Universal (A) firmware on your Meizu smartphone. As a result, you may notice that there is now a welcome screen when you start your phone.

Well, let's continue!

  • Here we need to choose English (United States), then press the button Next.

Now you need to connect to your wireless Wi-Fi access point in order to continue the procedure, for which we press the button OK.

  • After that, you need to find your network WLAN, and then connect to it by simply entering the password in the appropriate field.

  • It is advisable to immediately log into the service account flyme not to do it in the future, as it will be possible to completely forget about it.

  • Of course, if you do not have an account on the Flyme service, then you need to immediately register it by simply clicking on the button Register.

  • Now you need to fill in all the required fields to register on the service flyme.

  • After the registration was successful, you will be offered automatic data synchronization with other services, but you can skip this, for which just click on the button Skip, and then Next.

  • Now you just have to press the button "Complete", after which you will have an account on the Flyme service.

Well, we figured out the registration on the Flyme service, now our task is to get ROOT rights and special access.

  • So, for this you need to go to "Personalization"
  • Here you need to select a subsection "Accounts"

  • After that, you need to click on the item "My Flyme"

  • Since we previously logged into our account, we can watch it, but we need to click on it

  • After that, you will be taken to the section "User Center", in which you need to scroll down, and then enter the subsection "System Privileges"

  • Here you need to check the box next to the inscription "Accept", then press OK

  • The system will ask for a password for your Flyme account, so you need to enter it and then press again OK

  • Now after your smartphone reboots, you will get the necessary ROOT rights and special access

Well, it's time to download the necessary files, which later will need to be transferred to the root folder of your smartphone.

  • application apk SuperSU- you can download from here
  • application apk Terminal Emulator for Android- you can download from here
  • Special script ""- you can download from here

After you have downloaded these files and transferred them to the root folder of your smartphone, you need to open the file manager and go to the folder Documents and then run the files one by one "SuperSU" And Terminal Emulator for Android.

  • Default, for security purposes, the system will warn you that you are opening an unknown file, which, first of all, may be malicious, but we know that it is free of viruses, so we click on the inscription "Settings".

  • Here we click on the inscription Install.

  • Now your smartphone has two necessary applications installed that will allow you to open the script "".
  • After that you need to run the program SuperSU, when it starts you will see a pop-up notification that there is an update to the SU binary, so you need to click "Continue".

  • Here we select the mode "Normal".

  • Now you will be asked to grant rights to the program itself, for which you must click on the inscription "Allow".

  • After that, the installation process will begin, you just have to wait about 2-3 minutes.

  • When the installation is completed, you will receive a message about successful installation, for which we press OK.

If the installation did not complete correctly, then you will receive a message with the inscription "Installation failed". In this case, you need to try this procedure again.

  • Now you need to run the program terminal emulator, and after the icon «$» enter value "su" and then press Enter.

  • You will receive a rights request "superuser", for which you need to click on the inscription Grant.

  • So, now we need to run the script itself "", for which you simply enter the value in the Terminal Emulator application "sh /sdcard/".

  • After you have entered the command, you need to press the button "Enter", then the device will reboot with the already changed ID.

STAGE 3. Install the International (I) firmware via Recovery

  • Now you need to download the official current firmware version International (I), and you can do it on official Meizu website. The name of the firmware will be "", of course, you want to rename it, but it is strictly forbidden to do this, you also cannot unzip this file.
  • After the firmware has loaded, you need to turn off the phone.
  • Now, when the phone is completely turned off, you must hold and hold the power button in conjunction with the button to increase the volume. you need to do this even before the phone starts, after starting, you can release them.
  • You probably noticed that you got into some unknown black menu, and this menu is called Recovery.
  • After that, you need to connect your smartphone to a computer or laptop using a USB interface.
  • Your PC should recognize the smartphone as Recovery, you also need to transfer the same firmware to the device Recovery.

  • Now an image with clouds on a blue background should appear on your smartphone, where you two checkboxes are required and then click the button Start, after that the device will start flashing.

  • During the process of installing the firmware on your smartphone, you may notice that the Flyme firmware will be checked first, and only then the installation of the firmware itself will begin, here you just have to remain calm and patient.

  • After the installation of the International (I) firmware is completed, your smartphone will reboot. Now you can see what the smartphone interface looks like without any Chinese garbage.

Summing up, we would like to note that installing and flashing other versions on a Meizu smartphone is not difficult, and therefore even a beginner will figure it out here.

Video: Meizu M2 Note - we make an international version from the Chinese version, change the ID and firmware

During this year, I was very pleased with my phone, the only thing I wanted was a better camera (although it sometimes gave good results when using third-party software), otherwise an excellent and inexpensive device.

I was literally happy every day of using it - a powerful battery, a beautiful and bright screen, a lot of space for applications (the microSD card was gathering dust idle).

A year has passed and the time has come for the child to give a better phone, so I decided to buy myself something newer, preferably inexpensive and good, and give Meizu as a gift.

I chose for a long time, oh .. I digressed from our topic, in general, I bought myself a new one, and I decided to reflash Meise M2 Note to international firmware in order to get a Russian interface.

The flashing was slowly stretched out for several days. And I decided to describe the pitfalls that I encountered when flashing, which will save you time if you suddenly have questions.

1. Very important! Alarm, attention!
Save, write down the password from your Flyme account!
Without this password, you will not be able to quickly and easily root your phone.

A year ago, I wrote down my password and imagine my surprise when now I enter the password and it doesn't work! I've tried this and that, and it doesn't work. I started to restore, it doesn’t work, I started reading manuals and forums.

For example, a person bought a phone, gave it to his daughter, and she clicked something, set a password to enter the phone. I forgot my password, I can't unlock my phone! I need a flash password, but I don't have one.

Another story, a man bought a second-hand Meise, wanted to change it, and without a password for a fly account, you can’t even make a hard reset! Some people sent photos of the phone, box, scans of checks and store warranties, and only after that, within two weeks, the Chinese sent a link to change the password.

I repeat, the password from the Flyme account is very important, save it and enter a real, working mail so that you can recover your password.

I managed to recover the password via mail, not the first time and I had to tinker, but everything is in order, it worked out.

2. I copied all the necessary information to the computer and made a hard reset of the phone.

3. By default, international firmware is not installed on the Chinese version of the phone, in order to “deceive” the firmware, we need to change the identifier (ID) of our device.

- Attention is important -
On the latest version of the Chinese firmware (at the time of the firmware it was, I could not rearrange the official international firmware Flyme

I even installed the newest test version of Flyme, went through the steps to get root, change ID, update to G. It didn’t work, I tried some other version. But everything was useless, when updating to the international version, a Firmware corrupt error popped up.

How to defeat Firmware corrupt Meizu?

I got an idea, what if you do not upgrade the version of the Chinese firmware, but lower it.

4. I installed Flyme version, it installed without problems (with Meizu firmware).

In order to install the Meizu firmware, we either download the firmware to the root of the phone's disk or do it according to the second method, I did it this way, it seemed easier to me.

5. Steps to install a new firmware, or rather, you can use the old one, in general, how to install another version of Flyme (let's call this item 5 and make sub-items):

5.1. We turn off the phone.
5.2. We press the volume up and power button and hold until the phone starts, after that you can release the buttons.
5.3. We connect the phone to the computer via a USB cable.
5.4. A new Recovery disk will appear on the computer, copy the archive file with firmware directly into it
5.5. After the file is completely copied, check both items - System upgrade and Clear data and the right button to start the process.
5.6. If the firmware verification process was successful, then the firmware starts and it lasts about 20 minutes.

After flashing, select English, connect Wi-Fi, log into your Flyme account and continue the process of preparing to install the international version of Flyme.

6. We need to activate the root rights on the phone, sorry I didn’t save the screenshots step by step as I did, but there’s nothing complicated, turn on the checkbox in the settings and reboot.

7. Download files from the archive to the phone -

8. Install SuperSU (eu.chainfire.supersu.apk)

The system will warn you that the ability to install applications from unknown sources is blocked by default.

Just click on "Settings" and then Install.

9. Install Terminal Emulator for Android (jackpal.androidterm.apk)

These programs can be found in the market, but if you are too lazy to install and enter the market (after all, it is not in the Chinese firmware by default), then you can simply install it from apk.

10. We start SuperSU, the program will ask several questions, we answer the first CONTINUE, the second NORMAL, then Allow. SuperSu is installed in about a minute.

At the end of the installation, there should be an OK and REBOOT message, click OK, if Installation failed, then try the installation again. I had this and the second time it was delivered successfully.

11. Run Terminal Emulator and write in the console

sh /sdcard/

If there is an error and the file is not found, try the command

sh / storage/ emulated/ 0 /

sh /storage/emulated/0/

When the script is executed, the lines will flash and the phone will reboot.

13. A file with the system information of the phone should appear at the root of the phone - proinfo.img, it is advisable to save it somewhere else, it may be needed sometime in the future.

14. If everything went well and the phone ID has changed, then we start flashing the international version of G, following the instructions from point 5.

The official version of Flyme, I downloaded from .

The international version of G successfully installed and I enjoyed the updated Meizu M2 Note.

By the way, in version there is no Google services, but they are very easy to install there, I think you will figure it out after such a flashing process it will be easy

Added: 04/29/2017
If for some reason you cannot log into your Flyme account, then you need to recover your password if you have access to email or unlink your account from your phone.

M575 to a new firmware (Flyme OS version).

Thanks to the care of the manufacturer, Meizu phones are very difficult to kill when flashing, the system always first checks the firmware for compatibility and errors. Therefore, you can safely experiment with the firmware of your meizu mx5. If you managed to ruin your smartphone, do not panic, you will only need to unlock the bootloader. And in order to prevent the state of the brick, you do not need to try to flash something in fastboot mode.

And so we proceed to the process of flashing Meizu MX5.
There are several ways to flash the official Flyme OS, I will tell you about the simplest and most convenient in my opinion.

And so first download the desired firmware. Please note that only firmware with the index "A", "U", "C" can be installed on the Meizu MX5 m575m phone, any firmware on the Meizu MX5 m575h phone, that is, "G", "I", "A", "U", "C"

"G" (aka "I") - international firmware, there is a Russian language and a minimum of Chinese
"U" and "C" - completely Chinese firmware, without Russian and support for 3G and 4G
"A" - Chinese firmware, without Russian, but with 3G and 4G support

Download firmware for Meizu MX5 m575 with index A - Flyme , Flyme

Download firmware for Meizu MX5 m575 with index G - Flyme , Flyme

Then, without fail, we charge our smartphone to at least 60%, so that there is no chance

Turn off your Meizu MX5 smartphone and on the switched off phone hold down the "power" and "volume +" buttons, after the logo appears, release the power button while continuing to hold the addition of sound, until the recovery menu appears .

Once in Recovery Meizu MX5, you will see only two items and two buttons. The first item is responsible for directly flashing the device, while the second item is clearing all data on the phone. For the correct firmware of the smartphone, you need to check both boxes, as in the photo above.

Then, using the supplied cable, connect the Meizu MX5 phone (without leaving the recovery mode) to your PC (the operating system does not matter), the phone is recognized as a USB drive and a folder called Recovery will open automatically. In this folder, copy the previously downloaded firmware in the “” format.

When the copy is complete, disconnect your phone from the PC and click the Start button. The process of checking the firmware file will start and only after a successful check will the installation process begin. Usually Meizu MX5 firmware takes 5 - 10 minutes, after which the smartphone will reboot on its own and be ready for use.

Installing international firmware "G" on the Chinese version of Meizu MX5 "A".

Phone ID replacement, which turns a Chinese device into an international one,
after which you can install "G" firmware on it through native Recovery.

For this method, you need to get Root superuser rights, you can get root on any firmware in the phone settings (item "Flyme Account")

Download the archive and extract the script file from it, then copy to the internal memory of the phone.

Installs a terminal emulator from the market, write “code” in it


  • wait for symbol $ will change to #
  • then write

    sh /sdcard/ or sh /storage/emulated/0/

What the script does:

  • back up the old ID to the phone's memory.
  • replaces ID.
  • restarts the phone.
  • Added ID check. If the ID is Chinese, then a message about this is displayed, a replacement is made and the phone is rebooted. If the ID is international, then a message about it is displayed, but the replacement is not performed
  • Changed backup file name to devinfo_backup_YYYY-MM-DD.img

After that, on this Meizu MX5 smartphone, you can install international firmware with the “G” index, for example
