Mail for 1 0 minutes. Email address generator

Often on the Internet there are sites where the user is forced to register. For example, to get a link to a file. As a rule, such sites are visited once, to obtain some information, and after that, the user once and for all forgets about the existence of the resource.

But the user’s E-Mail address remains forever in the database. Since, most often when registering, we indicate the main addresses. Then, after some time, tons of spam begin to arrive in our mailboxes.

To rid themselves of spam, some people create separate mailboxes. Especially for spam. And they act wisely! But, it will be easier and faster to use temporary email.

Currently, there are more than enough services on the Internet that will provide you with a temporary mailing address for free. We offer you 3 sevistas to receive temporary email, which, in our opinion, are the simplest and most convenient to use!

Temporary email services.

2) The peculiarity of this service is that the E-Mail address is provided without any time restrictions. The temporary box can live indefinitely until the page is refreshed. If you need access to previously created mailboxes, then in this case there is a “Restore access” button. The service also provides the ability to transfer from a temporary mailbox to a real one. It will be useful if you want to shine a real box.

3) A temporary box is provided for 10 minutes. If this time is not enough, then you can extend the time at any time as much as required. But, the maximum lifetime of the box is limited to 30 days. Log in through your social network and access the settings page. You will be able to create up to ten temporary boxes. The main difference from the first two services is that here you can not only receive, but also send mail to any address!

Choose the most suitable service for yourself and use temporary email; this will help protect your real mailbox from heaps of spam and unnecessary garbage.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Why and when might temporary mail be needed?

Well, for example, on the Internet, most online services and sites that require registration (forums, blogs, social networks, various communities, etc.) as a personal identifier still require you to specify an Email address (usually at they send him a letter with a link or code to confirm that he belongs to you).

Is the situation familiar? Many people indicate their main mailbox when registering, and then are forced (as, for example, I do) to sort through tons in search of something important among it. Someone starts for registration, which is a good solution.

But you can also use the services of temporary e-mail, to receive a mailbox in which no need to waste time on this. This is especially true if you are forced to register anywhere on the network, when you do not plan to use the created account in the future.

This business may look like a mirror to the main Email address or like independent mailboxes, but working for a limited time (for example, there is a temporary mail for ten minutes, several hours or several days).

10 services for creating temporary Email addresses

In fact, disposable mail can be used in dozens of other cases, for example, when you want to send a message to someone anonymously. Or during some kind of Internet voting, when in order to avoid cheating there is a link to a mailbox, and here disposable mail will come in handy (for those who want to bypass this restriction).

Let's move straight from theory to practice and see how it all actually works. Let’s touch it and draw conclusions about whether it’s worth it and what exactly makes sense to adopt.

  1. anonymous disposable mail. A temporary email address is generated automatically when you go to the main page of this service. You can see it and copy it in the upper left part of the page.

    The interface is Russian-language and intuitive (more similar to an email service than others). If you don’t like the default mailbox option, you can choose the name and domain zone for it yourself by clicking on the “Change” button from the left menu.

    The received email lasts for about an hour. If you no longer need the box, you can delete it.

    They also have browser plugins for Chrome/Opera and an Android application.

  2. Discard Email— a one-time Email service that allows you to choose not only any name for the mailbox, but also select a domain (what comes after) from a dozen options.

    Although the service is bourgeois, it has the ability to switch to a Russian interface. As far as I understand, mail is stored in it for up to 30 days, and files up to ten megabytes in size can be attached to incoming letters.

  3.— offers to create a mailbox by automatically generating an address, or choosing the name of your future mailbox.

    The service allows you to select a domain from a list; domains are regularly added and updated. The service supports a Russian-language interface. Letters are stored for 60 minutes, and the mailbox itself lives until the session changes or you delete it.

  4.— one of the most serious and functional temporary mail services. There are essentially no time limits, but if you reload the page, a new one-time Email will open. However, a “Restore access” button has appeared for logging into previously created mailboxes.

    You can also configure the forwarding of correspondence to your main Email so that you always have access to correspondence received in this one-time mailbox. If you wish, you can create a new mailbox with the name you need and the ability to choose one of three domain zones. Overall, amazing service.

  5. GetAirMail— after clicking on the “Get Temporary Email” button, your temporary (for the next 24 hours) Email address will be automatically generated, which you can copy at the top of the page that opens. And just below, the contents of this box will be checked at ten-second intervals. Actually, that's all.
  6. Guerrillamail— not a very user-friendly interface, but you can get used to it. The name for the mailbox is generated automatically, but you can change it to your own and select the appropriate domain, i.e. the ending of the email that comes after the @.

  7. Incognito Mail- by going to this URL you will need to come up with a login (or get a generated version) and become a “caliph for an hour” with a temporary mailbox like [email protected] and a lifetime of just one hour (you can, if necessary, extend it to a full hour ). At the same time, it is possible to respond to incoming letters, which may be important for some.
  8. MailForSpam— from the name it is obvious that this mail is intended for receiving spam. She, so to speak, is ready to take the fire upon herself, especially since this is not very expensive for the owners, because letters are stored there for a very limited time and are deleted as needed for free space on the server (this can happen several times a day or just once per month).

    The interface, by the way, can be switched to Russian, but even without this, in my opinion, it is the height of brevity. Just enter your desired login and click on “Login” to view your incoming emails. What could be simpler?

  9. MailInator— no more than ten messages (each weighing no more than 120 KB) can be stored in this temporary mailbox at a time, and all existing attachments to letters are deleted. To start working with it, just enter the desired mailbox name and click on the “Check it” button:

    As a result, a page with the contents of your new Email will open, where incoming letters will be stored for several hours. You can view them and write a response if you wish.

  10. MinteMail- a fairly simple service where you don’t even need to enter anything. Immediately after clicking on the specified link, you will see an automatically generated temporary Email in the upper right corner. Copy it, and without closing the page, register (or why else did you need a temporary anonymous email address with a lifetime of three hours) so that after waiting a little you will see the message that has arrived there.

8 free one-time anonymous mail services

3 temporary mail services with recipient substitution

Well, in conclusion, I would like to give a few more examples of services that allow you to replace the contents of the fields of the recipient or the email address from which the message is sent. It’s difficult for me to immediately imagine situations when this might be needed, but at least you will know where to look if such a situation suddenly arises (you can add this publication to your browser bookmarks just in case - I added it).

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Have you ever thought about why disposable tableware has become almost as widespread as reusable tableware - ceramic, silver, aluminum, etc.? Because it is indispensable in solving certain everyday problems: lunch in the office, impromptu party, picnic, etc.

What about email for 10 minutes? Also a very useful tool in some cases. Temporary addresses are indispensable when necessary:

  • hide your real mailbox when registering on any website or forum;
  • send an anonymous message by e-mail;
  • organize temporary forwarding to your current e-mail;
  • quickly (without registration) and free of charge receive a fictitious (temporary) mailbox address.

So, let's take a closer look at the most popular services on the Internet that provide email for certain periods of time.

When you open the main page, it automatically displays an e-mail for 10 minutes (its “life” timer is displayed above the address).

To transfer an email domain name to another site, click the “Copy…” button and then move the cursor to the place (field, form) where you want to paste the email and press the “Ctrl+V” key combination.

All correspondence that comes to the ten-minute mail will be displayed in the “Inbox” section. In approximately the same format as in other email services: indicating the addressee, the title of the letter and the time of receipt.

At any time, you can extend the existence of the newly created e-mail for another 10 minutes or destroy it and create a new mailbox. If no action is taken by the user, after ten minutes the mail is destroyed automatically.

Advice! After the mailbox is destroyed, it can be returned using the “Recovery...” option under the message “... was destroyed.”

The online service has a minimalistic design. The panel contains only two control buttons:

  • "copy address"- transfer the generated email to the clipboard for pasting on a third-party resource;
  • "reset timer"- extend the validity period of the box, set the timer again to 10 minutes.

Plus, 10MinuteMail supports a multilingual interface. To select a language, open the drop-down menu in the site header.

The service with the original name “crazy mail” differs favorably from its analogues in that it allows you not only to receive incoming letters, but also to send messages to any e-mail. To enter the corresponding section of correspondence, just click “Inbox” or “Outbox”.

You can delete received messages. Also in the control panel you will find the “Refresh” button; after clicking it, the page reloads, saving the received data.

To extend the operation of the mailbox on Crazymailing, in the vertical panel on the left, under the inscription “Need more time,” click the “+10 min.” button as necessary. or “+30 min.”

If you want to organize the forwarding of letters to a real (with password) mailbox from a temporary one or quickly change ten-minute emails, register for the service. Authorized users are provided with more advanced functionality.

Russian-language service with a user-friendly interface. The generated address is displayed immediately after the page is loaded in the header.

Mail management is carried out using the side menu:

  • “Copy” - copies the e-mail address to the clipboard;
  • “Refresh” - refreshing the page;
  • “Change” - creating an e-mail with the desired address. In the form that opens, the user sets a login and selects a domain name from the drop-down list;
  • “Delete” - destroys the box.

They also have convenient plugins for Google Chrome and Opera, an application for Android and iOS.

Positioned as a powerful anti-spam tool. Performs temporary forwarding from a temporary mailbox to a permanent mail account.

In the “Email address:” field, enter your current email address. In “Life span”, set the validity period of temporary mail (1 hour, 1 month). And then click the “Create your disposable...” button.

You can indicate the address received on the server in the registration forms. Messages through it will be sent to your email within the specified time. This way you will get rid of receiving advertising mailings and messages from the services where you registered. After the expiration date, the temporary mailbox will be destroyed, and forwarding to a permanent email will no longer be performed.

Use temporary E-mails! With them it is much more convenient and safer to relax and work on the Internet!

A temporary or one-time mailbox is an email address intended for one-time use. Another advantage is that no registration is required.
Why do you need a temporary email? An active Internet user often has to register on some resource just to gain access to information, download a file or leave a comment. In these cases, you are required to provide your E-mail address. But this is not always advisable, because The mailbox address can be used for spam mailing or simply hacked, with subsequent unpleasant consequences - most often the theft of confidential data. Of course, you can create a separate mailbox, but again, you will need to register and spend time on it.

In this situation, using temporary mail helps and your main mailbox will remain safe and will not be exposed.

It is worth saying that you should not use temporary mailboxes on those sites that you plan to constantly use and receive important information from there.

There are quite a lot of similar resources on the Internet that allocate a mailbox for a while. The validity period of the box can be from several days to several minutes, with the possibility of extension.– when switching to the service, a temporary email address is automatically generated.

The ability to send emails is not provided and is not planned due to the high risk of spam, as stated in the site description. You can delete your mailbox yourself at any time using a special button on the main page. Messages and data stored on the service are deleted after 1 hour. The lifetime of the box itself is not limited. Attachments in letters can be downloaded. Russian interface is present. The service also has nice additions in the form of browser plugins and mobile applications.

10 Minute Mail– a popular service of disposable E-mail addresses.

It has a Russian interface and provides a mailbox for ten minutes. If desired, the time can be extended. Upon expiration, the temporary E-mail will self-destruct. The advantage of this service is that it is very easy to use; it allows you not only to receive letters, but also to respond to them. There is a countdown timer showing the time until the mailbox self-destructs.

Yopmail– a service of disposable email addresses with a Russian interface.

Temporary email addresses of your choice are instantly created. Messages are stored for eight days. Sending emails from this service is prohibited.

Discard.Email– a service of disposable email addresses that allows you to choose any name and domain of an email address.

The service is foreign with the ability to support the Russian language. Sending emails from this service is permitted. Mail is stored for up to 30 days.

Crazymailing– a free service for creating temporary email addresses.

When you go to the site, an email address is automatically generated, which is valid for 10 minutes with the possibility of extension. It is possible to write and send letters. Russian language is supported.

P.S. There are many such services on the Internet. The sites presented in the article are very easy to use, and most importantly, they support the Russian language. But you can find other similar services on the network, with more advanced functions.

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What is a website?

the site is a service for the so-called temporary email box, trash or fake email address. The service was founded in 2004, then under the name and later Thus, the site is one of the oldest services for disposable, trash and fake email addresses on the Internet, and also the most unique due to its! Speed ​​and reliability are the main criteria for the site, which, thanks to the careful construction of the service and its own mail server, allow you to use functions such as using your own domains!

What is a one-time email?

A one-time email is used when you do not want to provide your personal email to unknown and unreliable services. After all, if you indicate your personal email, most likely they will start sending you unnecessary mailings and spam - but no one needs this! Do you want to register on a site that is unfamiliar to you and looks unreliable, but you are still interested in visiting it? This is the most typical situation for using a temporary or one-time email. A one-time email should be used only for private purposes, not as the main email, but only temporary, since all emails will be automatically deleted after some time. In addition, one-time email domains are often blacklisted, but compared to other services, the site has a clear advantage, since it regularly provides new domains - mainly through communities.

Overview of all functions

Optimal for computers, tablets and smartphones!

30 days of availability!
. 30 days. Of course, you can delete them manually.

Text and HTML emails with file attachments!
the site easily receives text and HTML emails, even with file attachments.

Many Internet Domains Available!
! New domains are added every week.

Use your own domain!
This is the most important function! Do you have a domain that you no longer need? You can even choose whether you want to make your domain public or private! For more information follow the link

Lots of features!
the site allows you to forward, reply, print and even save emails as EML files.
In addition, you can write and send emails yourself!

Password protection!
All one-time emails on domains with a PW extension can be protected with a password.

Spam protection for every mailbox!
the site creates a personal blacklist for each email address. Using a blacklist you can hide unwanted emails.

RSS and ATOM channels!
To quickly receive notifications about incoming emails, the site provides RSS and ATOM feeds for each password-protected mailbox.

Save your email address in bookmarks!
To get quick access to your one-time email, the site allows you to save your email as a bookmark in your web browser.

More informations?