Why doesn't the screen flip on the iPad and how to turn on auto-rotate? Screen auto-rotation does not work on Android device Where auto-rotate on iPad.

Users are used to the fact that if you flip the iPad itself, its screen also flips. It is very convenient and allows you to use the gadget from any position. But often the screen rotation function stops working normally, which causes a lot of inconvenience.

From this material, you will learn the causes of such troubles with the iPad, as well as ways to change the screen orientation on Apple tablets.

1 This option is disabled in the gadget settings. It doesn't matter if it was done by accident or on purpose, but the coup will no longer work. Therefore, if a problem occurs, the first thing to look at is the settings menu. And for this you need to make a swipe, starting from the bottom of the display to the very top. 2 The switch on the panel has been turned off. If you have an iPad generation 3 or 4, there is a switch on the body of your device. It is located on the side, on the right side of the device, slightly above the volume control buttons. Depending on how the switch is configured, it may prevent the display from rotating or mute the sound. So if you're having trouble with screen rotation on your iPad, try repositioning this item. To do this, you just need to turn it in the other direction. Rotating the element will activate the display flip function. 3 The gadget is frozen or malfunctioning. If you carefully followed everything that was described above, and the iPad display still does not rotate, some software is probably frozen. To solve this problem, you need to reboot the device. To do this, click on the power button and do not release it until the iPad shutdown button appears. After that, turn off the gadget and turn it on again. Sometimes such a simple operation solves all problems.

After this action, the control center will appear. Here you will see the most important features and you can enable or disable any of them. Including, here you will find a button to deactivate the rotation of the display. It is depicted as a lock with a round arrow. If the function has been disabled, the button will glow red. To activate an option, simply click on this button. Its image will turn gray, and the display rotation will work as usual.

Note also that the gadget control section consists of 2 screens, indicated by dots. The settings we need are located in the first. The included tablet must be configured in this section.

If you don't want the named element to prevent the display from rotating on the iPad, set it to mute. For this purpose, go to the main settings of the gadget and find the switch block on the side of the panel. Here you can deactivate sound settings.

But if none of the above methods worked and the rotation doesn't work, there might be a serious problem with the iPad itself. Only contacting a repair shop will help here. An experienced craftsman must first carry out diagnostics, completely disassembling the case, and then decide on the repair or complete replacement of any element.

It is not recommended to disassemble the device at home. Only in exceptional cases, when the breakdown is not serious, and you have experience in such cases. Remember that all parts of the gadget are very fragile, and any careless action can lead to their breakage. Then not only will you not fix the problem, but you could break your iPad, requiring costly repairs.

We also recall that disassembling the iPad case is more difficult than the iPhone. You will need special tools, and you will also have to deal with the heating of the device. So it's better not to take risks and take the device to a professional.

Screen Rotation in iPad: Lock

Consider the opposite situation, when the rotation function needs to be disabled, and not unlocked. And let's start discussing the situation with outdated iPad models (3 and 4). Many users are still actively using iPad 3 or 4 versions, so this issue is relevant for them. Often such troubles arise for owners of mini versions.

We note right away that this process in old gadgets is a little more complicated than in iPads running on OS 7.

So, how to block screen rotation and turn off the rotation function? What to do in such a situation?

Some users, having purchased a used Apple tablet of an outdated version (2,3,4), try to twist it in different directions so that the display turns over. But their actions do not achieve results. It turns out that the display unlock button on the iPad 2 is located on the multitasking panel (in the bottom dock). And to access it, you need to double-click on "Home" or apply a gesture with 4 fingers up. After opening the dock, you need to swipe the icons from the left side to the right.

Having done all of the above, the user will be taken to an additional section, where he will find a button called iPad Orientation Lock. You need to click on it, after which the picture with the lock will disappear in the dock and on the status bar. The display will now begin to rotate. As for the red button at the bottom left, it's KillBackground.

If you don’t find a block button in the additional section, there should be a mute button instead. In such a situation, you need to do the following. First, change the state of the switch on the iPad case. An icon will appear on the screen and above the volume buttons, signaling that the orientation is unlocked. And again, we have achieved the activation of the display rotation function on the iPad.

Note that the switch located on the side can be adjusted, and this is done in the corresponding menu. You need to enter the main settings and select this item. There you can set the value of orientation lock or mute. Depending on your actions, the button for the additional lower dock will also change. In no time, you can easily turn on the display rotation option and turn off the screen flip function. In the latter case, the screen will stop responding to changes in the position of the device itself.

Customize iPad Screen Rotation in iOS 7

If the user decides to update the firmware of his iPad to version 7, it will be even easier to get to the display rotation control buttons. Now they are located in the menu of the control section. This also applies to the iPad Air tablet model.

And the named panel, in turn, is located at the very bottom of the screen. You need to swipe from bottom to top, and this section will appear. Here you can easily find the iPad screen rotation lock button. In a situation where the screen does not rotate, this element must be activated. The configured device will now work perfectly, and the display will exactly repeat the movements of the gadget itself.

If such an element is not found in the section, carefully read the instructions above again. It tells how to deal with a similar situation on the iPad, how to enable the screen rotation option.

iPad won't flip screen: Conclusion

I must say that the iPhone also has an option to block the rotation of the display. But, unlike the iPad, owners of mobile gadgets are much less likely to encounter violations of this function. Although, this is probably due to the fact that tablet users come in handy with this feature more often.

It is not known for what reason, but often on the iPad the display completely refuses to turn over. In this case, the user does everything right, looks for the right button and activates the flip option. But the screen still does not respond. In such a situation, it remains only to use a system restart - sometimes this action solves the problem. Others may be advised to reflash the device and completely erase all past settings. The third will be helped only by a service that brings the accelerometer of the gadget back to life.

In a difficult situation, when nothing helps, you can try using the item in the Physiology and Motor Skills section with the name AssistiveTouch. After opening it, a virtual button will appear on the display. By clicking on it, you can call up the option to change the display orientation. Thus, the user will be able to change the position of the screen forcibly.

Now you know all the ways to enable screen rotation on iPad. We also hope that the article helped you understand the main reasons why the iPad does not flip the display. Setting up the screen rotation feature on Apple tablets, as you can see, is not an easy task. But you can still customize the iPad screen, even if it's locked or disabled. And do not forget that auto-rotate the screen is a very useful feature.

The Windows operating system has a function screen flip. It can be useful if you have a non-standard monitor position, lying down (with a laptop), using multiple screens or projectors. This article presents several ways expand the image on a personal computer.


To flip the Windows desktop, you must use the combination Ctrl + Alt + arrow. In this case, the lower part of the screen will "look" in the direction of the pressed arrow key. That is, if you need to rotate the screen 180 degrees, use the up arrow. This is the easiest way - no need to open any settings menus.

It is this combination that causes the image to flip randomly. Remember it and try to avoid accidental clicks.

Hotkey support for rotation can be disabled in your driver settings. There is no easy way to activate it using standard Windows tools. Typically, this feature works on laptops and netbooks, but is not available on desktop computers.

Windows desktop settings

If hotkeys are disabled on your PC, or you don't currently have access to a keyboard, you can use an alternative method. The orientation of the image on the monitor can be changed through the settings desktop. Follow instructions:

This method universal- it is suitable for both laptops and desktop PCs, and also works with video cards from any manufacturer (including integrated ones).

Driver Configurations

Manufacturers of modern video cards include their drivers in their packages special applications for easy device setup. With these utilities, users also have the option to rotate the image. This guide describes the sequence of actions for video cards NVIDIA. Do the following:

For video cards from other manufacturers, the sequence of actions will be approximately the same.

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Screen auto-rotate is a hot feature for Android users who prefer to enjoy watching videos and photos in the most comfortable way. In this aspect, this kind of questions very often arise: “Auto-rotation of the screen stopped working, disappeared, how to fix it?”.

First you need to understand how the screen rotation option works. To do this, your device has a built-in motion sensor called an accelerometer. If this device fails for one reason or another, the screen freezes in one position and does not change it anymore. However, in most cases, this kind of problem occurs due to software failures.

If your screen has stopped rotating or just doesn't work well, we advise you to refer to the tips below to fix the problem.

Step 1: Make sure the auto-rotate feature is enabled on your android smartphone

If the screen does not rotate automatically, check if the auto-rotate option is enabled. You can do this in the following two ways:

  1. Call the quick control panel by swiping the top line of the screen down;
  2. In the main menu of the device, go to the "Settings" menu.

If you are sure that the function is enabled, but the screen still does not rotate, you should proceed to the next step.

Step 2: What to do if the auto-rotate feature is enabled but not working

If the function still does not work after the first step, turn off the device completely for 10-15 minutes, remove the battery. After the specified time, turn on the mobile phone again.

If the above course of action did not help set up the screen rotation, you should return to the factory settings. This method is very radical, because. a factory reset will erase all information stored on the device. To avoid deleting your important files, move them to an SD card.

If none of the proposed methods could help in solving the problem, you must contact the service center, because. there is a possibility of damage to the accelerometer.

How to fix screen rotation on Android?

To set up fixing a certain position of the screen, there is a program such as "Rotation control". This application has a convenient intuitive interface, all its features are in plain sight and allow you to change the position of the screen with one click.

I ran into a problem: the auto-rotation of the screen shifts unadapted applications, after which everything freezes, and you have to go to the settings, dodge, it's inconvenient in general. I did not quickly find an adequate and understandable solution in the windows interface. Unfortunately, there is no physical button either, so I decided to study the problem and here are a few ways:

Five ways to turn off screen auto-rotation:

When you open the Charms Bar (Win + I), you will see a screen brightness control, which also has an auto-rotate lock button. The problem is that not all devices support the function, if it does not exist, we move on.

② screen settings, right click on the screen, uncheck or check.

③ Using the keyboard. If you connect a keyboard to the tablet, then turning off auto-rotation is even easier: press Win + O on the keyboard in the English layout and that's it. Unfortunately, this method is also not universal, since it does not work on all tablets.

④ We are looking for a physical button on the tablet, it is quite possible that it is hidden.

⑤ The most versatile and will definitely suit everyone, although a bit complicated. Disable auto-rotate through the registry. Launch the Run application (Win + R) and enter the familiar and beloved there

execute (Win+R)


registry editor

On the right side of the parameter enable, right-click the context menu and select Modify.

Often there are situations when it is preferable for the user to disable automatic screen rotation on the tablet (remember at least the joke about the photo sent upside down). The same applies to happy owners of Windows 8 tablets. Taking into account the fact that the option to disable auto-rotate varies from tablet to tablet, we present several ways to disable it, including the universal one through the registry.

Charm Bar

When you open the Charms Bar (Win + I), you will see a screen brightness control, which also has an auto-rotate lock button.

The problem is that in some cases this button is missing on the regulator. If this is the case for you, then move on.

Using the keyboard

If you connect a keyboard to the tablet, then turning off auto-rotate is even easier: press Win + O on the keyboard and that's it. Unfortunately, this method is also not universal, since it does not work on all tablets.

Screen setup

Also, auto-rotate the display can be disabled in the screen settings.

We are looking for a button on the tablet itself

It is possible that somewhere on your tablet there is a button specifically designed to block the automatic rotation of the display.

Universal way

This method will work on any tablet. Disable auto-rotate through the Windows registry. We launch the Run application (Win + R) and enter the familiar and beloved regedit there.

Let's go this way:


On the right side, you will see an option named Enable. We call the context menu on this parameter and select Modify.

We are looking for the Value data field and change its value to "0". Click OK and enjoy.
