Why does Lena Miro have abortions? Instagram account of Lena Miro (miss tramell) Same Miro

Julia Vysotskaya became Woman of the Year according to Glamor magazine. The phrase “Yulia Vysotskaya” vaguely tells us something only because when Yulia was 22 years old, she hooked up with director Andron Konchalovsky, who was 58 years old at that time.

The “Nobody” girl and the grandfather-director met in the elevator, had lunch together, and the next day Konchalovsky invited Yulia to fly to Turkey. Julia agreed.((

Since then, Andron, who is already 79 years old, has been trying to mold the faceless Yulia into an actress or at least a beautiful woman.

Photo: Cyberspace & Time

So far no success.

This is what composer Eduard Artemyev, who wrote music for many of Konchalovsky’s films, says about Vysotskaya:

“Of course, Konchalovsky “made” her. I remember Vysotskaya as a very young student, when she first appeared in his life, she was plump, a little shy, always smiling. Her husband made her lose weight, was involved in her education - he bought Yulia courses in Los Angeles , under his influence she learned English, French, Italian."

Well, in general, yes: smiling, a bit plump. I would add: greyish.

Photo: Social networks

Especially in contrast with Konchalovsky’s other wives:

Photo: Ruskino.ru(

All that Yulia is capable of is to look like a cleaning lady and jump around the kitchen like a mad ladle, clogging up the airwaves of TV channels.

Photo: lichnosti.net

And this is Glamor magazine's Woman of the Year.

However, nothing surprising.

This is what those who read Glamor look like:

Photo: Social networks

And this is the editor-in-chief of the magazine:

Photo: the Fashion Spot

Guests of the award:

Photo: life.ru

Couple of the Year according to Glamor magazine:

Photo: life.ru

I look at all this and think: “And why, in fact, is the magazine called Glamor? Why isn’t it called Bydlo?”

Well, we don’t have glamor in our country and never have. There is a collective farm. There are cattle. And glamor - no, it didn’t happen b.

I learned about blogger Elena Miro (Mironenko in the world) relatively recently. I came across an announcement of her article on Instagram, from where I already followed the link to Lifejournal (LJ). I note that Elena uses Instagram only to advertise her main blog. Miro specializes in secular gossip, which he presents in a very aggressive and downright boorish manner. But first things first.

So, Elena Mironenko. 36 years old, unmarried, no children. Usually he presents himself as a writer or a journalist, but in fact he is neither one nor the other. Elena has been actively involved in sports for quite a number of years; she considers her figure to be the main achievement in life. As well as silicone breasts, which he very often shows off to his readers.

Mironenko is the author of several books on fitness and weight loss. Opinions about her literary abilities vary. Some people consider them to be very mediocre and based on “shock therapy”. Some people claim that Miro’s books helped them. I can’t say anything here - I haven’t read it.

Of course, Miro’s main brainchild is her scandalous LiveJournal blog. All publications in them can be divided into 3 main groups:

1. Social gossip

2. Materials about weight loss

3. About yourself and your friends.

As for the discussion of various media personalities, here Miro immediately began to act according to the principle of being as yellow and black as possible. Everyone gets it - from Olga Buzova to Anna Netrebko. She doesn’t disdain Western stars either. For example, I saw several posts from her about Monica Bellucci. Miro calls her a village woman, whom even in her youth “they didn’t really want.” Also among her “victims” are Pamella Anderson, Duchess Kate, Heidi Klum and many others.

From Russian show business, Miro especially “loves” Olga Buzova and Ksenia Sobchak. There was one very interesting post about the latter. When Sobchak was expecting a child, Miro wrote that the father was not Ksenia’s husband Maxim Vitorgan, but some other person. Our valiant yellow media are not asleep and this information has gone viral on the Internet. According to Miro, Sobchak was seriously excited about this topic. It's funny to you? Then let's move on.

The next category is fitness and weight loss. The column, which began with seemingly advice and motivation for a healthy lifestyle, came down to one thesis: the main thing in this life is to have a size XS. Anything more for Miro is already a reason for malicious ridicule.

As an argument, she describes the life of Leonardo DiCaprio, who only dates thin models. I don’t know, maybe Miro has been preparing to meet him all these years? But I’m afraid that in addition to his figure, DiCaprio also pays attention to his age. So, his current passion is only 23 years old.

In general, the theme of fat people and the reflections on female beauty that cling to it run like a red line through all of Miro’s materials. I will even say more, it already looks like an obsession. Elena never tires of talking about her beauty and sexuality. For example, there was a funny (in my opinion) post about how two 16-year-old boys allegedly fell for her. Everyone rode in the elevator together. And when she left, she heard their admiring voices. As one subscriber wrote: people need legends.

But Miro is completely captivated by her fantasies. For some reason he thinks he looks 10 years younger. This is not true, she looks her age, maybe minus a couple of years.

Miro's contemptuous attitude towards fat women causes great resonance among readers. It is clear that the average Russian woman is by no means skinny. That’s what Miro is counting on, scandals, holivar under her posts - this is what she created her blog for. If they regularly made fun of her like I do, then the miss trammel project would not have existed for long and would hardly have made it to the top of LiveJournal. But Lena is a skilled troll and provocateur.

Miro has materials about “girlfriends”. Well, again, she will never be friends with fat people, only with thin ones. Or how her friends’ children adore her because she is always sincere. In general, there is no point in continuing. Lena's imagination is overflowing. And I don’t think she had at least one real friend in her life, because no one likes such anger and bile.

You are probably asking if there is anyone about whom Miro speaks positively. Yes, I have. This is Melania Trump. It’s clear that she’s an interesting woman, she had her breasts done, her face reshaped with plastic surgery, her husband is a billionaire, and now he’s also the president. Miro's unfulfilled dream😂

Miro periodically talks about marriage and children in his posts. But here it is clear that no one is asking our “beauty” to marry, we need to justify ourselves somehow. Therefore, she talks about how she saw a nursing home for the rich in the USA. The old women live in complete contentment, drinking champagne on the beach. This is what Miro wants someday too. I just want to say: Lena, you have no luck😈! Well, unless of course you rob a bank😃

I want to talk about Miro’s attitude towards his own subscribers. Here the whole set of “ladies” comes into play - getting personal, insults, ridicule. In short, everything she uses against famous secular characters. If she doesn't like something, she immediately blocks the reader. So, she blocked me simply for having a different opinion. Miro really doesn’t like calm, reasoned conclusions against her posts; she has nothing to answer to such ones.

Lena Miro is the last person on LiveJournal with whom I would like to quarrel. Because - tell me whatever comes to your mind - but by and large she is doing absolutely correctly oriented work. That is why Miro has the right to make mistakes too.
For example, with Anna Netrebko, Lena... somehow didn’t work out very well. Now I will explain why.
I once took part in a talk show, where for some reason the upcoming weight loss of Teona Kontridze was discussed. Do you know such a singer? She sang in musicals and now continues to sing, but I suspect that this singer is clearly not for 86% of the population. What can I say? Better watch it once!

But now she is so bright and cheerful. And then, seven or eight years ago, on the show, there was an unhappy woman in front of us. Her eyes full of pleading said everything about her inescapable grief. What then happened to Theona?

And she gave birth to two children in a row. And she recovered. And she fell into the hands of dietitians, who told her: “Now we’ll make you thin, otherwise you’re like a cow and therefore unhappy!” and dragged to the show. You have to be so self-confident!
In the studio, on a large screen, they showed filming in her apartment: a ruthless “doctor” was throwing cheeses, breads, good dairy products, meat and, it seems, even walnuts out of the refrigerator and out of the life of a normal Georgian woman. I left her a limp sprig of lettuce and said “this is how you will eat now.”
And here sits an upset, unhappy, literally heartbroken young woman who talks about how she fell in love, how she gave birth to children, but there was no wedding! And now her man is quite ready to get married, but she doesn’t want to be a “fat bride”, she wants to regain the figure that she had at 17 years old - they say, that figure is much better suited for wearing a wedding dress. And only then is she ready to “get married.”
Well, they said a lot of things there. Do you know what these talk shows are? Everyone is in a hurry to show their face on TV, and to do this you need to open your mouth and say something, or even better, interrupt others.
Finally it was my turn. I understood that I was going to speak without money, the authors of the program would still cut out my speech or distort it beyond recognition. But I said:
- What happened, Theona? Have you recovered? What a surprise! Here are women sitting in the studio, many of them having probably given birth. Ask them: did you get better after giving birth? Everyone gets better, this is the law of nature! And you did the most important thing in your life - gave birth to two children. So what now that you have become fuller than you were? Look at you! You still have thin wrists and ankles, you probably move as easily as before, the fire burns in you, you are still the same Teona Kontridze! Live in peace! You are a very pretty, bright woman! If the weight goes away, good, but if not, then so what? And fat women are just as happy as thin women are unhappy!
I also wanted to tell her that, for example, my wife, when she gave birth to our two older children at the age of 21-23, very quickly got back into shape after giving birth. And when she gave birth to her youngest daughter in her fourth decade, she remained plump for quite a long time. So what? Now everything is in perfect order and without any self-torture. It’s just that when a woman is over thirty, the processes of returning to her previous weight occur more slowly than when a woman is in her twenties.
But they didn’t let me speak any longer, because the main character of that program, the “doctor”-nutritionist, intervened in the dispute. I put the word doctor in quotation marks because in Russia there is not a single medical university that would train specialists in this field. Therefore, all these nutritionists are essentially amateur performances, often illiterate and irresponsible.
But to hell with them, with nutritionists. Do you know what Theona told me at the end of the program? She didn’t even know my name, but she addressed me through the microphone:
- Man, over there... yes, you! And thank you very much.
Now I think, did she really listen to me right then? She listened and lives, sings, dances and feels (I sincerely hope) a happy woman? Happy, beautiful, desirable?
Teona, if you are reading this text now, then listen. Now it’s my turn to tell you again. You are one of the most desirable. You are a welcome guest in my home, I want my palms to burn with applause after your songs. They’ll say to me: “Stalik, the beauty contest in full force wants to meet you!”, and I’ll answer them: “I choose Teona!” Because Theon is much more interesting to me than two dozen pairs of long legs and skinny asses.
Now, Theona, don't be offended by what I say next. Your colleague Anna Netrebko is the woman for whom I and millions of other men are willing to pay thousands of euros for the joy of seeing and hearing. That's how much they pay - tickets to her concerts are extremely expensive.
And now Lena Miro - listen. It’s great that if Anna met nutritionists and fitness trainers on her life’s journey, she brushed them aside the way one brushes away flies in the summer heat in Kuban. Yes, we probably met! But she laughed and continues to live and work, live and sing on! And he lives a great life, God grant everyone such a happy creative life! I am sure that a good mood is much more important for her creativity than a well-shaped ass - after all, she is a singer, for her the soul and vocal cords are the most important parts of the body. I also know for sure that many men will agree with me - even today she is damn, just excessively pretty!
By the way, about the photographs with which you illustrated your post. One was taken just before she gave birth to her son, and the other after the birth. And I was at her concert when she was already quite heavily pregnant. Do you know what happened during the concert? She kicked off her shoes and danced! And it was a wonderful sight, honestly.
Not long ago I was at another concert of hers. Here's a video. A funny episode happened there when Yusif Eyvazov - her husband - gives an opera singing lesson to Nikolai Baskov.

And watch another episode when Anna walks between the rows and sings. I was sitting just so well that she passed thirty centimeters from me. Here it is - the queen is coming. This very beautiful and talented woman excites me simply by simply passing by. And tens, hundreds of owners of skinny asses and silicone tits will pass by - who will care? Yes, only fools and cretins. Because if nothing is attached to a skinny ass - no intelligence, no talent, not even a kind heart - then it is just a commodity. And you can always buy the goods - if you wish! That's why you pass by such women as if you pass by a jewelry store window - but who, by and large, needs these trinkets?

In order for men to pass by a woman with a beautiful figure with at least the same excitement as they would pass by a sports car or a powerful motorcycle, it is very desirable that beauty by fictitious standards be accompanied by something else. And Anna Netrebko has this “something” in abundance. And Teona Kontridze has enough. But there are women who lack intelligence, talent - oh well, talent, oh well, the spark of God - at least a sparkle in their eyes.

In general, girls, listen to me - I’m already 55 years old, I understand you women. Does a figure walk into a stencil drawn by someone? Congratulations! It doesn’t go away, but you feel good, you are loved and you have someone to love? Congratulations twice! And if you are talented, if you attract men not only with secondary sexual characteristics, then congratulations three times.

And only in one case should obesity be a concern - if you also feel unwell and doctors confirm that this is a consequence of obesity. That's all! Remember that real men love real women, not 90/60/90!

Yes, and finally. Tell me, in your opinion, who lives a full life - Anna Netrebko or those unfortunate women who are permanently “losing weight”?

Today's name Lena Miro I guess I'm just lazy, I haven't heard of it. The girl confidently occupies a leadership position among the most popular and scandalous personalities of the modern RuNet. A successful fitness blogger and writer, Lena Miro has recently gained not only a huge number of fans, but also enemies.

Biographical information

The real name of the blogger known as Lena Miro is Elena Mironenko. She comes from the Belgorod region from the city of Stary Oskol. Lena gave birth here in 1981 on June 24th. Little is known about her childhood and parents, as Lena prefers not to share such information.

Lena has a higher education - she studied at Voronezh University and received a diploma as a translator-linguist there. Also the girl finished Cambridge College of Learning . This became possible because she lived in the UK for some time. In particular, in 2003 she co-organized a disco in London, created specifically for Russian-speaking Baltic emigrants in England. Upon arrival in Russia, she worked for some time as a translator, then became actively involved in literary creativity.

Fitness in the life of Lena Miro

Sports have always occupied one of the most important places in Lena Miro’s life. The owner of a toned, luxurious figure, Lena actively promotes fitness in her books and blogs. It is precisely the sporting achievements that have made the popular Miro famous in wide circles today.. Despite the criticism, she actively shares advice with her followers, showing off numerous photos of her muscular figure as a result.

Lena, without any embarrassment, declares that in today’s time being fat is a shame. Therefore, he always gives practical advice to those who want to get their figure in order. For those who want to quickly lose weight through exercise, she recommends cardio exercises, which must be done on an empty stomach in the morning. Elena is against working out in the gym with heavy weights, as she considers them detrimental to a feminine figure.

As for nutrition, Lena is just as categorical here. She considers drying to be the best way to get rid of fat and excess fluid (* at the same time warns that drying has a negative impact on the condition of the skin). Lena Miro is also a supporter of a healthy diet with a predominance of protein foods.

Bloglife of Lena Miro

In 2010, Lena Miro began blogging on LiveJournal. After a short period of time, it became very popular, primarily among those who wanted to lose weight or build up their figure. Over time, Lena began to write on a variety of and, first of all, scandalous topics.

Her writing style is always bold and direct, and her blog posts often resonate with the public. Lena most often raises popular topics and is not afraid to express her opinion in a rather harsh manner.

What makes many of her opinions especially piquant is the fact that she is an active member of the party "United Russia" and a supporter of V.V. Putin’s policies. However, despite frequent criticism, the popularity of the blog does not fade. In 2013, he had more than 11,000 subscribers. At the same time, Lena herself was awarded the title "Antihero LiveJournal."

In addition to LiveJournal, Lena Miro actively communicates on Instagram ( icon-instagram /lenamyro/) Twitter( icon-twitter /LenaMyro), Facebook ( icon-facebook /lena.myro.5) In contact with ( icon-vk /lena.miro) and YouTube( icon-youtube /FitnessLenaMiro) . Not a bad set, right?

Literary creativity

As Lena herself admits, she only needed the blog for promotion his first book “Malvina and the Cattle”. Then, from the pen of a young and self-confident writer, books such as “ School: Childhood is over», « Two mojitos in the rain», « School: entertaining physics/Werewolf with a pointer" Almost all books are autobiographical to one degree or another. In addition, Lena Miro is the author of the book “ I was fat too", where he gives weight loss experiments based on his own experience.

Personal life

Scandalous blogger Lena Miro prefers not to talk about her personal life. But sometimes some information slips through on her blog. For example, she wrote about her millionaire husband named Zabelin. However, fellow bloggers proved that this was just Lena’s invention, and in fact she is the friend and live-in partner of journalist Andrei Shmarov. The news was given special piquancy by the fact that Shmarov is much older than his girlfriend.

Julia Vysotskaya became Woman of the Year according to Glamor magazine. The phrase “Yulia Vysotskaya” vaguely tells us something only because when Yulia was 22 years old, she hooked up with director Andron Konchalovsky, who was 58 years old at that time.

The “Nobody” girl and the grandfather-director met in the elevator, had lunch together, and the next day Konchalovsky invited Yulia to fly to Turkey. Julia agreed.((

Since then, Andron, who is already 79 years old, has been trying to mold the faceless Yulia into an actress or at least a beautiful woman.

Photo: Cyberspace & Time

So far no success.

This is what composer Eduard Artemyev, who wrote music for many of Konchalovsky’s films, says about Vysotskaya:

“Of course, Konchalovsky “made” her. I remember Vysotskaya as a very young student, when she first appeared in his life, she was plump, a little shy, always smiling. Her husband made her lose weight, was involved in her education - he bought Yulia courses in Los Angeles , under his influence she learned English, French, Italian."

Well, in general, yes: smiling, a bit plump. I would add: greyish.

Photo: Social networks

Especially in contrast with Konchalovsky’s other wives:

Photo: Ruskino.ru(

All that Yulia is capable of is to look like a cleaning lady and jump around the kitchen like a mad ladle, clogging up the airwaves of TV channels.

Photo: lichnosti.net

And this is Glamor magazine's Woman of the Year.

However, nothing surprising.

This is what those who read Glamor look like:

Photo: Social networks

And this is the editor-in-chief of the magazine:

Photo: the Fashion Spot

Guests of the award:

Photo: life.ru

Couple of the Year according to Glamor magazine:

Photo: life.ru

I look at all this and think: “And why, in fact, is the magazine called Glamor? Why isn’t it called Bydlo?”

Well, we don’t have glamor in our country and never have. There is a collective farm. There are cattle. And glamor - no, it didn’t happen b.
