Why are there clicks and no calls? Yandex Direct doesn't sell? Then we go to you! Go to Metrica and find the report

This is perhaps the most common problem for those who use contextual advertising in Yandex Direct or Google AdWords.

The problem manifests itself in the fact that money for advertising is “flying away”, clicks are coming, but there are no calls (orders, sales, leads).

What’s most interesting is that the presence of this problem has nothing to do with who set up the advertising and created the website/landing page. Be it a business owner, freelancer or studio from the TOP search engines or Special Placements.

We are often approached with this problem; we analyze each project and identify essentially the same problems from project to project.

Read the article to the end and you will find out what causes this problem and what to do to solve it.

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What tasks does each advertising element solve?

First you need to figure out which element of the advertising involved is responsible for what.

  • contextual advertising,
  • landing page (landing page or website page),
  • offer (your proposal).

Let's look at each one in order...

IMPORTANT! We consider the ideal situation when we deal exclusively with our target audience! Because if we chose the wrong target audience, then the reason for failure, first of all, will be precisely this!

The task of contextual advertising

Prominent representatives are Yandex Direct and Google AdWords. They solve the problem of “reaching out” to representatives of your target audience (target audience, potential clients) and showing them your advertisement. If they are attracted to your ad, they will click on it and go to your landing page.

Landing page task

The task is to continue the advertisement that the person clicked on, present the company and its main offer (offer), involve in studying the page, close all key objections, build trust, show the assortment, lead to the main or intermediate conversion.

Offer— in fact, we will not separate it from the landing page, because is presented specifically on it and enhances it.

Main conversion- for example, “Call a designer or measurer”, “Calculate an estimate”, “Request a wholesale price list”, etc.

Intermediate conversion- this is a secondary, alternative action that a person can easily perform if he is not ready for the main action. For example, “Download a free PDF brochure on a hot topic,” etc.

If everything is done correctly, each block is worked out in detail, then some people will perform the main target action, the other part will perform an intermediate, alternative action!

Subsequently, it will be necessary to work with those who completed the alternative action in order to bring them to the main conversion.

If, however, the page is made poorly and does not “resonate” with representatives of the target audience, or contains broken forms or a phone number, then it is utopian to hope for results...

6 causes of the problem and their solution

Great! Got this sorted out...

Now let’s move on to the specific issues causing the “Clicks, No Calls” problem.

Reason 1: Untargeted keywords

The very first and simplest thing you need to look at is the report on the search phrases that visitors use to go to your site from Yandex Direct.

We go to Metrica and find the report:

Where to find it in Yandex.Metrica: Reports - Standard reports - Sources - Direct summary.

Below are screenshots from the Metrica report from real projects with terrible advertising campaigns (this is every second project).

Example 1. The company deals with “custom kitchens in Nizhny Novgorod”. Phrases for which there should be no impressions and clicks and no money should be spent are underlined.

Example 2. Firms are engaged in “renovation of apartments in Moscow.” We see an abundance of non-target phrases in advertising.

Example 3. Online store of tights. The advertising campaign has not been worked out and the ad leading to the MAIN page contains requests for specific types of tights, although there should be separate ads for them. Then the picture would be radically different.

Reason 2. The landing page does not match the advertisement

The problem occurs very often when ads are created from a template, cover various queries, and the landing page does not change.

Be sure to create your own page for each global ad group with similar requests. Or use the multilanding functionality (substituting content depending on requests).

Example. An advertisement for “renovating a room of 20 sq.m.,” and a landing page about the construction of turnkey country houses.

What to do: We create separate landing pages for independent groups of queries that answer these queries. If a person is looking for renovation of a room of 20 sq.m. - show him a page with prices and examples of renovation work for rooms of 20 sq.m. or minus these key phrases to cut off the non-target audience when approaching the site.

Reason 3. Undeveloped landing pages tailored to user needs

If everything is in order with the previous points, then look for a problem in the landing page (landing page or website).

Use Yandex Metrics tools:

  • Heat maps,
  • Web viewer.

What to do: regularly analyze user behavior on pages, build hypotheses, refine, supplement, etc.

For this, Metrics will not be enough; at least a simple CRM is needed). But still, Metrica will give you food for thought.

Where to find it in Yandex.Metrica: Reports - Standard reports - Audience - Geography.

We disable time intervals during which very few applications arrive or do not arrive at all.

Again, you need to compare Metrics data with data from CRM, but basic things can be learned from the corresponding Metrics report.

Where to find it in Yandex.Metrica: Reports - Standard reports - Audience - Attendance by time of day.

We disable devices from which there are many clicks and no requests.

Where to find it in Yandex.Metrica: Reports - Standard reports - Technologies - Devices (in “Grouping” select “Technologies-Device-Device Models”.

As a summary

You must understand that the number of requests depends on many factors, in particular, on the portfolio of work (if you don’t like the work, there will be no requests), the naturalness of the reviews (text reviews with photos no longer work, either video or audio reviews are needed), etc. d.

What I mean is that there is no “magic pill”. To get clients from the Internet, you need to analyze and work on a project, clearly understand your target audience, their real needs, desires, and expectations.

I will be glad to answer your questions in the comments!

Download ( PDF report with screenshots and videos) to increase the number of orders from Yandex.Direct by at least 30% with the same budget in 7 simple sequential steps!

How to find out what's going on?

The reasons may be different, but they all fit into one concept - significant gaps were made in the preparation of site materials, and possibly in its design.
Namely, your Internet project:

■ is promoted by ineffective search queries.
■ not well optimized.
■ does not inspire confidence among visitors.
■ positions in search results are not high enough and do not “catch” customers.

Search queries are not optimally selected.

The Internet, as an advertising tool, works with different effectiveness for different topics and commercial areas. Many website owners do not know that when ordering promotion from professionals, you can request a forecast of future resource traffic and even the number of calls from end clients from the site.

There are general formulas that allow you to calculate the future of a project if it is successfully promoted. Moreover, specialists who have been working in the website promotion market for a long time have their own statistical data in a number of areas and extensive experience in selecting actually working search queries.

If such an analysis was carried out initially, then the client clearly understands what can be expected and what the cost of website promotion is worth concluding an agreement with.

Upon closer examination, it becomes clear that this is no longer similar to the “top ten” (TOP10). Here we have many more links:

  • 3 special advertising placements at the top of search results;
  • 9 advertising placements to the right of the search results;
  • 1 advertising flash banner to the right of the search results;
  • Link to search for pictures or videos on the right;
  • The search results itself are 10 positions.

Intuitively, visitors are distributed from top to bottom, gradually dissipating as they find suitable sites and services. Previously, there were only 10 offers for a query on the first page of a search engine, but now we see what is real positions in commercial search results increased to more than 20. Add to this the inset blocks that contain information either from Yandex maps or from Yandex Market, which appear in the search results for many queries, and the picture will become completely obvious.

As a result, almost any on-demand output no longer fits in height on the screens of modern monitors.

As a consequence, a completely logical conclusion- even for the highest-frequency queries, not many visitors reach the end of the first dozen pages.

Those who are in first place in search results actually end up fourth (after special advertising), while those who are in ninth place are almost twenties.

What can you do here?

Properly setting the goals of an advertising company – “to be in the top ten” – is already too little in modern conditions. There are no more ten left. You must either strive to be in the top three sites, or focus on traffic promotion.

It’s curious, but you can’t deceive the client here - even if you honestly fulfill the contract and promote the site to the first page, you can face the customer’s dissatisfaction. There are not enough real clicks from the last places to consider the advertising campaign successful. This is especially felt if there were a small number of requests for promotion.

Pavel Lomakin

P Let's look at the client's path to the Internet through contextual advertising.

P The first thing the client does is enter a query into a search engine on the Internet and see your ad, then following your ad he goes to your website. Is this your first time hearing about this? Then learn what contextual advertising is.

N on the website, the client makes an order or call, depending on the selected action, the client either pays for the order on the website, or the manager sells him a service or product - a sale occurs. This path is very important because... the problems start from here.

M Many clicks – few sales.


  • incorrect keyword (for example, using too broad queries, such as “iphone” instead of “buy iphone 6 space gray in Novosibirsk”);
  • “minus words” are not added - these are the words with which your ad should not be displayed when asked.
  • the site page does not correspond to the topic of the ad - if you are advertising a specific model or a certain type of product, be sure to control that when the user clicks on your ad, he goes to the page with this particular type of product, because a large number of people will not search the site on all pages for the desired product (it’s very easy to set up - take the desired page of the site that corresponds to the ad, copy the link from the address bar and paste it into the ad in the “link to site” field);
  • problems with the site - if you do not have Metrica installed and Yandex does not notify you about problems with the site, then some problems may arise with the site (for example, you forgot to pay for hosting or you made a mistake when writing the site address in the ad, so you need to check by clicking on the desired ad in your advertising campaign and going to the site; during such a transition, funds are not debited);
  • problems with the manager - often many managers are not motivated to sell a lot and sometimes do not even answer the call or turn off the phone, so clients, without getting through, go to competitors (you can record a voice message on the answering machine asking them to leave their contact information).

P Here's a solution to this problem:

  1. Clarify the keyword and add negative words.
  2. Remove unclickable and incorrect keywords.
  3. Link each ad to the corresponding page (no need to link different ads only to the main page).
  4. Check the site.
  5. Check the manager: create a speech script - a text according to which the manager must respond to the client: greeting, introduction, company name, standard answers to questions, etc. (you can ask friends or family to make several orders within two days to check the manager’s work).

M Few clicks – few sales.

IN what could be the following problem:

  • - a very pressing problem for many types of goods. For example, scooters, snowboards, seasonal clothing, etc. I already wrote how to check seasonality.
  • low demand on the Internet for your services, this very often happens in many regions and business niches. Or, for example, there is no point in launching advertising in a city with a population of at least 300-500k people. Firstly, this cannot always be done using GEO targeting settings, and secondly, in small towns people are not used to buying something in their city via the Internet, since everything is within walking distance.
  • a small number of advertisements in the campaign - an advertising campaign should be composed of the maximum number of advertisements, both indirect and direct; if this is not done, there will be no customers and there will be low sales. As a rule, each request has its own individual advertisement.
  • problems with the ad text (the ad is either faceless, does not match the keyword, or is unrealistic). I recommend that you carefully read the 7 methods.
  • low placement position, this happens when the advertiser does not want to pay the price per click that is relevant for the auction and wants minimal traffic in low positions. Yes, this is possible, but keep in mind that you may not get sales. I still recommend achieving high positions and then optimizing your campaign costs.
  • a small number of requests for the niche;
  • incorrectly selected.

P Here's a solution to this problem:

  1. Check the number of requests in the current period according to the article I cited above. If it’s not the season, then launch some promotions on the site, or use other channels to attract customers.
  2. Add ads to the campaign if there are few of them. — add new indirect directions.
  3. Raise your ad position.
  4. Add a campaign for YAN (independent management for different types of sites - disable impressions on search)
  5. Choose more keywords.

M Many clicks - few calls.

IN what's the problem?

T There may be hidden problems, both purely technical problems and problems related to marketing and the sales page, there may be, carefully study these errors.

  • The phone doesn't work;
  • error in contact information;
  • The order form (cart) does not work. There was one funny incident in my practice. We launched the advertisement and it cost about 5,000 rubles. and about 1000 clicks but not a single sale was made or at least some hint of conversion. I rushed to look for problems on my side in the created campaign. I checked everything and didn’t find anything wrong, the campaign worked, the traffic was pure and interested - there were less than 20% failures on the site. Duration of stay on the site is 1.5 minutes or more. I only found out what was wrong when I carefully looked at the actions of users in Webvisor. It turns out that all the products on the website indicated that the product was out of stock. I went to the store’s page on VKontakte and found several fair questions from users: “why advertise if the product is out of stock?” That’s it. Be careful!
  • contact information is “hidden” on the site (the phone number must be indicated in the site header);
  • problems with the manager.

P Here's a solution to this problem:

  1. Check your phone.
  2. Check contacts on the website.
  3. Check with the sales department.
  4. Use additional services and triggers for !

conclusions: Direct, Adwords, etc. only creates a stream of interested customers if used correctly, but they don’t sell anything! Advertising is a pointer to potential clients that what they need is here. The storefront is your website, the sellers are your managers or your website. Remember this. Pure traffic and high conversion for you!



Such situation. There is a website http://toyoter.ru/ for the sale of Toyters - a cool car for hunting, fishing, off-road, it will crawl out of any swamp. Expensive - from 1.8 million.

The advertisement ran from January 20, 2017 to the present day. The keywords and targets used were: off-road vehicles, SUVs, Toyota SUVs, jeeps, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, cars for hunting and fishing. Target (Rusya) according to the words: hunting for wolf, bear, deer, etc. (except for little things - duck, wild boar), off-road racing, off-road, safari and some other words.

About 6,000 rubles were spent, 468 clicks and not a single call (according to complaints from a friend who owns the site).

View depth up to 2 pages. There were also zero visits (but not very many of them), and there were those who crawled around the site. But there are no calls or requests

I ask for help: do you think the situation is adequate for such a topic or not? What should be the budget to get a call? Why do clients come in and not call? I understand when there are some wrong requests, but there were also requests for target words, quite a lot - there were no requests.

An acquaintance demands calls, and I, as a person who understands direct mail, but does not understand this topic (expensive off-road cars), cannot give him any arguments



Such situation. There is a website http://toyoter.ru/ for the sale of Toyters - a cool car for hunting, fishing, off-road, it will crawl out of any swamp. Expensive - from 1.8 million.

The advertisement ran from January 20, 2017 to the present day. The keywords and targets used were: off-road vehicles, SUVs, Toyota SUVs, jeeps, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, cars for hunting and fishing. Target (Rusya) according to the words: hunting for wolf, bear, deer, etc. (except for little things - duck, wild boar), off-road racing, off-road, safari and some other words.

About 6,000 rubles were spent, 468 clicks and not a single call (according to complaints from a friend who owns the site).

View depth up to 2 pages. There were also zero visits (but not very many of them), and there were those who crawled around the site. But there are no calls or requests

I ask for help: do you think the situation is adequate for such a topic or not? What should be the budget to get a call? Why do clients come in and not call? I understand when there are some wrong requests, but there were also requests for target words, quite a lot - there were no requests.

An acquaintance demands calls, and I, as a person who understands direct mail, but does not understand this topic (expensive off-road cars), cannot give him any arguments



Such situation. There is a website http://toyoter.ru/ for the sale of Toyters - a cool car for hunting, fishing, off-road, it will crawl out of any swamp. Expensive - from 1.8 million.

The advertisement ran from January 20, 2017 to the present day. The keywords and targets used were: off-road vehicles, SUVs, Toyota SUVs, jeeps, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, cars for hunting and fishing. Target (Rusya) according to the words: hunting for wolf, bear, deer, etc. (except for little things - duck, wild boar), off-road racing, off-road, safari and some other words.

About 6,000 rubles were spent, 468 clicks and not a single call (according to complaints from a friend who owns the site).

View depth up to 2 pages. There were also zero visits (but not very many of them), and there were those who crawled around the site. But there are no calls or requests

I ask for help: do you think the situation is adequate for such a topic or not? What should be the budget to get a call? Why do clients come in and not call? I understand when there are some wrong requests, but there were also requests for target words, quite a lot - there were no requests.

An acquaintance demands calls, and I, as a person who understands direct mail, but does not understand this topic (expensive off-road cars), cannot give him any arguments


Such situation. There is a website http://toyoter.ru/ for the sale of Toyters - a cool car for hunting, fishing, off-road, it will crawl out of any swamp. Expensive - from 1.8 million.

The advertisement ran from January 20, 2017 to the present day. The keywords and targets used were: off-road vehicles, SUVs, Toyota SUVs, jeeps, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, cars for hunting and fishing. Target (Rusya) according to the words: hunting for wolf, bear, deer, etc. (except for little things - duck, wild boar), off-road racing, off-road, safari and some other words.

About 6,000 rubles were spent, 468 clicks and not a single call (according to complaints from a friend who owns the site).

View depth up to 2 pages. There were also zero visits (but not very many of them), and there were those who crawled around the site. But there are no calls or requests

I ask for help: do you think the situation is adequate for such a topic or not? What should be the budget to get a call? Why do clients come in and not call? I understand when there are some wrong requests, but there were also requests for target words, quite a lot - there were no requests.

An acquaintance demands calls, and I, as a person who understands direct mail, but does not understand this topic (expensive off-road cars), cannot give him any arguments

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There are clicks, but there are no calls

View depth up to 2 pages. There were also zero visits (but not very many of them), and there were those who crawled around the site. But there are no calls or requests

I ask for help: do you think the situation is adequate for such a topic or not? What should be the budget to get a call? Why do clients come in and not call? I understand when there are some wrong requests, but there were also requests for target words, quite a lot - there were no requests.

An acquaintance demands calls, and I, as a person who understands direct mail, but does not understand this topic (expensive off-road cars), cannot give him any arguments
