Display the Home button on the iPhone and iPad screen. What is Assistive Touch and how to use it? Bringing the home button to the iPhone screen

The redesigned lock screen is the most requested feature in iOS 10. Now you no longer have to press the sleep button/wake button or "Home" to unlock your iPhone. Just pick up your smartphone to wake up the lock screen - thanks to the function « ».

Swipe gesture "Unlock" is now history. Just click on the button "Home" to unlock your iPhone. While I initially found the "Press the Home button to open" feature a little weird, I've grown to like the feature.

Note: This feature only works on devices equipped with Touch ID, such as iPhone 5s or later, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2 or iPad mini 3.

However, if you don't like this feature, you can disable it. Even better, you can keep unlocking your device using your Touch ID-enrolled fingerprint the same way as before. Want to know how it works? Then let's get started!

How to disable on iPhone andiPad mode "Press the Home button to open" iniOS10

Step 1. First of all, launch the Settings app on your iPhone → Select General.

Step 3. Scroll down and select " Home».

Step 4. Finally, turn on the " Opening with a finger".

How to enable "Press Home to Unlock" mode iniOS10

If you want to use a new way to unlock your iPhone, simply follow the steps above and in the last step, turn off the " Opening with a finger".

From time to time, the main button of mobile devices on iOS becomes less responsive - it starts to work with some delay or stops working at all. In most cases, this is due to a software failure and restoring its functionality is not difficult. It happens that after several years of active use, the Home button mechanism wears out and more serious intervention is needed.

Be that as it may, you can revive iOS devices without contacting specialists at a service center. There are four ways to fix the broken Home button problem on iPhone and iPad.

Method 1: Software calibration

Sometimes the main button of the iPhone and iPad smartphone becomes less responsive and starts to work with some delay. If this is due to a software failure, then it is necessary to perform a calibration procedure.

To do this, you need to open any standard application, such as weather or stocks. Then, press and hold the power button of your iOS device until the power bar appears. Now you need to hold Home until the bar disappears and the running application is unloaded from memory. After this, the Home button will work as expected.

Method 2: Adjust the position of the dock connector

In situations where the Home button on the iPhone and iPad stops responding to presses, a little trick will help, for which you will need a standard 30-pin cord. First, you need to place the plug into the iPhone connector, and then put your finger under the plug and gently press it from the bottom up. After this, all you have to do is click on Home. Now you can remove the cord and check the operation of the device.

Method 3: Use WD-40 spray.

You can restore the functioning of the worn-out Home button mechanism in the iPhone and iPad using the WD-40 aerosol known among car enthusiasts (or simply “Vedashka”). This product is used in the weapons and aerospace industries, aviation, and electromechanical production.

The spray is also used at home, the “Vedashka” eliminates the creaking of doors, it can be used to lubricate bicycle parts, locks, etc. WD-40 is also suitable in the case of an iPhone - just spray the product on the non-working Home button, and then make 5-10 quick clicks. As a rule, it comes to life and begins to respond to pressure again.

Method 4: Software duplication

If the three previous methods did not work, apparently, the button is really broken and specialist intervention is required here. Until you contact a workshop for repairs, you can take advantage of the software duplication function built into the iOS operating system.

To do this, go to Settings -> General -> Universal Access and turn on Assistive Touch by clicking the switch at the top of the screen. Now click the circle that appears on the screen and in the window that appears, click “Home”. Once you close settings, you can call this button at any time to return to the main screen.

In this case, this is a temporary solution that will allow you to use your iPhone and iPad even with a broken Home button.

Ruslan Panfilov writes to us

I've been using my 4 for over a year and a half now. There were no complaints, everything worked like a Swiss watch. However, just recently the lock key broke, and this added a little inconvenience. Although the phone's display only reacts to finger pressure, it lived its own life in the pocket of its pants - it went into different programs, called people, and the like. And the iPhone battery drained much faster, since the phone was almost always with the display on. The auto-lock function helped a little in this situation, but waiting one minute for the phone to go into sleep mode was annoying, to put it mildly.

Of course, everyone understands that in such cases you need to contact a service center, but at that time I was at the dacha, and the nearest equipment repair service was 130 km away from me. And then one fine evening, a girl I know who has virtually no knowledge of iOS, explained to me how to lock the phone screen instantly, without any physical keys. At first I thought that a girl who doesn’t understand anything about the iOS operating system can hardly teach a person who knows almost everything about Apple and its products, but I was wrong. All you need to do to lock your phone with a few taps is to activate the AssistiveTouch feature (Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> AssistiveTouch).

After this, a small button appears on the screen, which is located on top of the desktop and moves freely along all edges of the display. By pressing this key, the Assistive Touch menu opens, in which you can not only lock the phone, but also adjust the phone volume, press the Home button, and so on. And this is also very useful when the above physical buttons do not work.

Sometimes iPhone and iPad users need a virtual home button. This button is called Assistive Touch. As a supporting element of iOS, it often comes to the rescue when the physical Home button or any other button fails.

This tool is used in such cases as:

  1. The owner of the gadget is a person with disabilities;
  2. A problem occurs with any button on the body (in most cases, similar incidents occur with the Home button);
  3. After repairing the physical button, the owner of an iPhone or iPad already uses Assistive Touch out of habit;
  4. Some people put a virtual “Home” button on the screen for convenience; others prefer to quickly go to the Control Center this way or use it to softly reboot the system; here it’s a matter of taste;
  5. There are cases when the user uses a virtual button in order to avoid wear and tear on regular buttons.

How to install a home button on the iPhone screen

Installing a virtual Home button does not take much time. The following instructions must be followed, which include:

  1. Go to the “Settings” menu, then select “General”, then go to “Universal access”;

  1. Select the Assistive Touch item and turn on the virtual button using the slider, which will light up green;

  1. Now the shortcut we need has appeared on the screen, which will allow us to use all the necessary functions. Assistive Touch also allows you to move the button to a convenient location on the iPhone screen.

How to use Assistive Touch? Which iPhone models support this feature?

The system allows you to customize the home button in iPhone versions from 3gs to iPhone X.

When the Home button is activated, you should become familiar with its basic functionality. In rest mode it is translucent, and when dragged it becomes noticeably darker, thereby allowing the user not to pay attention to it at moments when it is not needed.

If you click on Assistive Touch, a window will appear with all its functionality, from which you can select the most necessary ones.

How to remove the virtual Home button from the iPhone or iPad screen

Sometimes the user of an Apple gadget can get confused and, instead of disabling this function in the settings menu, decides to completely reset the settings or even flash iOS. To disable the Home button, you will need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the “Settings” menu, select “General”;
  2. Select “Universal Access,” then “Assistive Touch,” and then disable this function using the slider, which will turn gray when deactivated.

The iPhone is the iconic smartphone of the current generation. These phones are in great demand among people all over the world. But you need to know how to handle this gadget. The Home button plays a huge role in controlling the device. Sometimes it refuses to work or starts to "glitch". At such moments, you can display the faulty element on the screen and use a graphical interpretation instead of a physical one. It is very comfortable. Especially if there is a suspicion that the device is broken. Next we will talk about how to “Home” from the iPhone screen and display it on the display. Anyone can cope with the assigned tasks!

About the Home Button

But first, a little about the mentioned control. Why do we need a Home button? And is it really necessary to display it on the screen and remove it from it?

The Home button is used extremely actively. This is one of the most useful smartphone controls from Apple. The button has a huge number of applications. They mainly depend on the operating system you are using.

Most often, the Home button is needed for:

  • unlocking a mobile phone;
  • quickly exit programs, applications or games;
  • voice control of the device (especially in the latest iOS).

How to remove the Home button from the screen of an iPhone 4 or any other if necessary? What needs to be done to initially display it? This will be discussed further below.

Output on display

Initially, the Home button on Apple gadgets is not displayed on the screen. In order for it to appear on the display, you need to resort to the help of a specialized service. It is included in the standard iOS applications.

The AssistiveTouch service is responsible for displaying the Home button on the screen. It is on every modern Apple phone or tablet. It is with its help that you can figure out how to remove the Home button from the iPhone screen.

It is suggested to display Home as follows:

  1. Open Settings on iPhone.
  2. Go to the "General/Basic" - "Universal Access" section.
  3. Select the AssistiveTouch menu item.
  4. Move the slider so that the green area next to it lights up.

You can exit the smartphone settings. After these steps, a graphical interpretation of the Home button will appear on the screen. It can be placed in any convenient place and used for its intended purpose instead of a physical control element built into the gadget.

Removing a button

There's really nothing difficult about getting Home on the display. How to remove the Home button from the iPhone screen? Every owner of an Apple phone can do this.

It is not difficult to guess that in general, enabling and disabling the option under study is done in approximately the same way. Accordingly, you will need to work with AssistiveTouch.

To get rid of the Home button on the display, you need to:

  1. Turn on iPhone.
  2. Go to the "Settings" - "General" menu.
  3. Click on "Universal Access" - AssistiveTouch.
  4. Turn the switch to the "Off" position. At the same time, the green indicator next to it should disappear. It is usually painted white.

This is where all the action ends. You can exit Settings and continue using your mobile phone without the Home button on the display.


It is proposed to end on this note. From now on, it’s clear how to remove the Home button from the screen of an iPhone 5 or any other Apple device.

All modern Apple devices have AssistiveTouch. It is with its help that the “Home” button is displayed and configured on the display. Every iPhone owner can figure out how this service works in a few minutes.

Along with the Home button, the following options are displayed on the display:

  • notification center;
  • device functions;
  • Siri;
  • "User".

It is noted that without them it will not be possible to display “Home” on the screen. Exactly the same as removing it from the display. This is about all that can be said about bringing a control called Home to the screen and removing it from there.
