Error Reboot and select boot device proper: causes, fixes. What to do with the error reboot and select proper boot device and press a key? What to do if the computer says reboot

The appearance of a message on the monitor screen containing the words Reboot and select proper boot device completely confuses many users. Starting the operating system turns out to be impossible. But why? Next, it is proposed to consider the essence of this computer failure and apply several simple solutions to fix it. But to use them, you initially need to know, at least approximately, what actually caused such an unpleasant failure.

Reboot and select proper boot error?

Actually, the very nature of the error must be considered from the point of view of a purely technical translation of the message that appears.

In this case, it suggests restarting the computer and selecting the correct boot device. In general, the appearance of such a message indicates that starting the OS from the hard drive is impossible. By the way, the second line in the message suggests inserting bootable media and starting from it. Here you should understand that there are many interesting tools on recovery disks that allow you to fix such problems (for example, the command line). But first things first.

Possible reasons for the error

But why does a situation arise when a notification appears with the text Reboot and select proper boot device? In the simplest and most banal case, this can only be due to the fact that the user installed it for a removable device, and during the restart simply forgot to remove it from the drive or port. But the problems don't stop there.

Among the most common reasons for the appearance of the Reboot and select proper boot device message are the following:

  • lost settings of the primary system (BIOS/UEFI);
  • errors or damage to the hard drive;
  • malfunction of the system bootloader;
  • penetration of viruses into the system;
  • power supply malfunction, etc.

BIOS settings and system boot options

The first step is to check the BIOS settings. In this case, the question of restoring the system boot after checking the installed components is to specify the hard drive as the first device.

This is done in the Boot section, where a line is selected that contains in the description something like Boot device priority or Boot sequence. Here you just need to put the hard drive in first place or use the PageUp/PageDown selection keys on the first line. It goes without saying that after this the set parameters must be saved (F10 + Y).

However, even after this, the new parameters may, as they say, “fly off”. On desktop computers, when booting, the line Reboot and select proper boot device appears again. Why?

The problem may be that the CMOS battery, which is located on the motherboard and is responsible for storing the set BIOS parameters when the terminal is turned off, has expired. Conclusion: the battery just needs to be replaced. Indirectly, the reason may be damage to the power supply or power surges. Here you will have to either try to replace the unit or install an additional voltage stabilizer.

The laptop may display Reboot and select proper boot device for a completely different reason. Very often this is due to the presence of a primary UEFI system rather than a BIOS, when the user simply does not have time to use the key combination to enter the settings interface. You will have to try to press the desired combination in time, but sometimes the inscription disappears, after which you can log in, use the power settings and uncheck the fast boot option.

The system writes “Reboot and select proper boot device”: issues with the performance of the hard drive

In some cases, when starting the boot, you can use the F9 or F10 keys, which help bring up the boot menu and select the desired disk or device. But this method is suitable for a one-time start. But if the problem is specifically in the hard drive, and the Reboot and select proper boot device line appears constantly, you will have to take drastic measures.

Errors on the disk are not the worst thing. You can check the hard drive and correct its condition from the command line when starting from the recovery disk (chkdsk /r/f/x/). But what to do if the failures are not software, but physical in nature?

You will have to check it taking into account surface testing. For this, one of the good tools is the disk utility Hiren’s Boot CD. A console program can also be used for checking, but its use can only be justified if the hard drive begins to “crumble.” But the first utility instantly fixes failed clusters and sectors.

Bootloader corruption

Finally, another problem may be that the hard drive has damage to the boot area and the boot tool itself.

Here you need to use the command line again when starting from removable media (usually it is called through the combination Shift + F10).

The three commands shown in the image above are used to restore. The first two are mandatory, the third - if they did not give the desired result when the computer system was restarted.

The situation with the boot loader malfunctioning may also be associated with the influence of certain types of virus threats (in this case, the Reboot and select proper boot device start line may also appear).

But you need to deal with such things exclusively with the help of programs with the general name Rescue Disk, which are written to removable media (optical disks or USB drives), and booting is carried out from them (naturally, setting such devices as priority ones for starting in the BIOS ).

Instead of a total

In general, only the main possible reasons why starting the operating system is impossible were mentioned here. Unfortunately, it is impossible to immediately say what was the primary source of the failure and what solution to apply to correct the situation. You'll have to act, as they say, at random. But, if we approach the issue purely from practical reasons, you should first check the parameters of the primary BIOS system, the state of the hard drive and restore (or even overwrite) the boot record. Perhaps such actions will help.

If none of the above methods work, then you will have to change the hard drive, since critical errors can be associated solely with the fact that it has begun to fail. There is nothing you can do about it, and, of course, it is completely naive to hope for the use of the HDD Regenerator program. No matter how good it is, it is simply not able to eliminate absolutely all problems with the hard drive.

Hello everyone, today I will tell you how to solve the insert boot media error while loading the operating system, in my case it was Windows 8.1. Let's look at all the reasons for this problem and how to prevent them. I would like to note that this problem can affect absolutely everyone, no one is immune from it and it doesn’t matter whether you have a laptop or a personal computer, whether you use an SSD drive or just a HDD, although the latter are much more prone to error due to their device, but about everything below.

What does insert boot media mean?

Here you don’t need to have a huge knowledge of the English language to understand that your computer simply has nothing to boot from; it simply doesn’t see the hard drive on which your operating system is installed. This problem dates back to Windows 7; during my time as an administrator, I encountered it very often after an abnormal shutdown of computers. This, of course, is not such a hemorrhoid as a black screen in Windows, but it also makes you waste time.

  • See if you have a flash drive inserted, if so, remove it, and don’t forget to correct the boot order, more on that below.
  • The most common cause of the Reboot and Select proper Boot device or insert Boot Media in selected Boot device error is the incorrect boot order in the BIOS, if there are several hard drives or a sticking out flash drive. The solution is to restore the correct boot order of devices in the BIOS. As a result, booting from the desired disk and no insert boot media error.

Your BIOS can be either old or new UEFI, see in detail how to set the required HDD in the Boot Device Priority item.

or UEFI, look in the BIOS Features section, in the Boot Options item (the last item may be located in a different place, but the boot order is set there).

  • Check the Sata and power connections inside your system unit to see if anything has come loose, and try to plug it into another port if there is one.
  • There may be a problem with the battery on the motherboard, which was discharged, which ultimately led to the BIOS reset.

Windows bootloader is damaged

The insert boot media error also happens very often, especially if there was a shutdown due to a power surge, what should I do, restore it correctly. There are two options:

I described in detail how to do both, check out the links above.

HDD is broken

Well, the worst thing is physical damage. There's nothing you can do about it; in most cases, it's 100% data loss and replacing the hard drive. The insert boot media error will already require a fresh installation of Windows. Before diagnosing a disk, you can try connecting it to another computer or portable box, or check it with the Victoria utility to see its condition and the number of bad blocks.

Sometimes when you try to turn on the computer, the following text appears: Reboot and select proper boot device or Insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key. Nothing happens and the operating system does not load.

Now we will tell you what to do in such a situation.

1. Remove all removable storage media

In many cases, an incredibly simple method helps. Turn off your computer (regardless of whether it is a laptop or a PC, hold down the power button) and remove all flash drives, external hard drives from it, if there is anything in the drive, remove that too.

After this, turn on your device again. Everything should work, and if not, move on.

By the way, if this method really worked, look for the problem in your removable storage device. Try putting it in another computer and see if it causes the same problems. If it does, it’s better to simply format it - this way you will at least try to bring the drive back to life.

After that, put the bootable media first in the queue. This is done in the BIOS (we talked about this above).

After downloading, a list of available tools will open. Among them is the familiar Dr.Web CureIt utility, which does an excellent job of finding and treating any virus threats without installation.

Rice. No. 2. Dr.Web CureIt in LiveUSB

4. If all else fails

This means the problem is in the hardware. It may lie in the failure of the BIOS battery, a malfunction of the power supply, and a number of other reasons.

It is best to take your laptop or PC to a repair shop where professionals will take care of it. It will be especially good if the warranty is still valid.

Hello, Alexey here! Have you turned on your computer and see this strange message on the black screen? What to do? There is a solution to the problem; in this release I have collected the most common boot-related diagnostic messages. These problems often arise after serious failures, and of course, first of all, you need to establish the cause of the error.

The insidious thing is that “yesterday evening everything was fine,” but today... I’ll give an example from life. On some not new computers updated to Windows 10, I encountered this problem. It is easy to treat. I turn off the power to the computer, unplug the power cord, count to ten, and turn everything back on. The system boots as usual.

But this is the simplest case. If, for example, you transferred a system unit, check first. If the problem persists, then read on.

Remember that the causes of such failures are different and in each chapter I will describe one of the methods for eliminating problems. And all these methods can be used in turn in each case if the previous one does not help. So, by the method of elimination we will achieve the result.

Insert Boot media in selected boot device and press a key, causes of error

Here's the first problem. Translated into Russian, this message means “Connect a boot disk, or select a boot device and press any key.” If there have been no problems with the operating system before, you may need to check the BIOS settings.

More precisely, from which device the computer is currently instructed to boot. But first, we try to eliminate the cause of the failure; we check the condition of the battery on the motherboard.

Carefully remove the battery using a needle or thin blade. - it must be at least 3 v. Replace the battery with a fresh one. Locate (often near the battery socket) on the motherboard the CMOS reset jumper (the current settings of your BIOS)...

Remove the plastic jumper and close the contacts (just in case) with a flat screwdriver, put the jumper in place. You have just reset your motherboard to factory settings. Insert the new battery into place.

Important! All operations are performed with the power of the system unit turned off. The power cable from the power supply must be disconnected. The location of the jumper can be determined from the passport of the motherboard or on the manufacturer’s website by model.

No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key how to fix the error

This message in translation means "there is no boot device, insert a boot disk and press any key." Now that we have made sure that we have a known good battery, the settings have been reset to factory settings - we reboot the computer.

If the problem persists, check the BIOS settings. To do this (depending on the motherboard model), after turning on the system unit, press the Del or F2 keys:

We will need to first check whether the computer “sees” the connected hard drive. It's simple. On computers with UEFI, the BIOS menu looks different, and you can see what we need in the “boot menu”:

All you need to do is make sure that the name and brand of the hard drive (HDD) installed in the computer is displayed there:...

... and that this hard drive is first in the boot queue, and not a flash drive, another hard drive or CD/DVD.

Reboot the computer. Is the problem still there? - Let’s study further!

Disk boot failure insert system disk and press enter solutions for Windows7, Windows10

The following message tells us that “The boot disk is damaged, install the system disk and press ENTER.” The disk is visible, but the boot record is damaged. This is perhaps the most difficult case, because you need to establish the cause of such a failure. Most often, the boot record itself is damaged.

But it happens that the partition table on the disk becomes damaged. I only had this exact incident twice. After treatment, both the section and the recording were restored. So I'll start with this rare case. A disk after such damage may have a RAW file system. If you can see this, then you have that very rare case.

There is no way to do this without additional funds. You will need the Acronis Disk Director program, which is included with the rescue disks. You need to download it and make a bootable USB flash drive or disk. Then launch Acronis Recovery Expert. Let's watch a short video on this program:

If everything is in order with the file system, we will continue to look for the cause. Do you notice any unusual, uniform knocking noises when the hard drive is operating? Does it take longer to load than usual? Then try first to disinfect the disk with a program or. It makes sense to first check and cure bad sectors; This may be the reason for the damage to the boot record.

After checking, we try to boot; Perhaps the system will then restore the bootloader itself. If this does not happen - . Let's move on to the next chapter.

Boot from cd/dvd disk boot failure insert system disk and press enter, what should I do?

If you have scratches on the bottom surface (like in the picture), you can try sanding it with a soft cloth and GOI paste. If you have emery, buy a felt circle. I don’t recommend it on a table, because the main thing is that there are no scratches on the opaque layer; If there are scratches, the disc can be thrown away. While grinding on the table, I threw away some of the discs... Sometimes lubricating the disc with brilliant green helps, but so that the disc does not turn green. 🙂 Helpful 🙂

This error occurs even when the CD-DVD drive fails - now fewer and fewer computers are equipped with these devices, as time goes on. Therefore, it is better to install the operating system. Installation time on your computer is noticeably shorter.

Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media on a Windows 10 laptop

"Reboot and select the correct boot device or insert boot media." The “ten” has its own built-in functionality for boot recovery. Use it first, and then try the methods described above if it doesn’t work.

Disc periodically if signs of brakes appear. To fix the problem, you should have an installation disk or, better yet, a USB flash drive with Windows 10 on hand. We set up booting from a flash drive, go to “system restore”.

We need to select “startup recovery mode”. If the boot record is damaged, the system automatically restores it using its standard means. Unless the disk itself or the partition table is damaged, as we have already discussed.

If that doesn't help, I have another detailed article. Read, adopt!

The error “Reboot and Select proper Boot device” when turning on the computer indicates an inability to find the boot record on the connected media. There may be several reasons for this, as well as remedies for the problem.

Translation of the phrase “Reboot and select proper boot device”

The error text literally translates as: “Reboot and select a working boot device.” You will not be able to ignore the message; the operating system will not start. What caused the error? There may be several reasons for this:

  • the hard drive is faulty;
  • The boot record of the operating system is damaged;
  • the hard drive is not connected to the computer;
  • in the BIOS settings there is an incorrect priority for selecting devices from which to boot.
  • How to resolve the error

    First of all, you need to make sure that the PC has a hard drive and the operating system is installed on it. It is quite possible that the BIOS is set to a mode in which connected media (USB, CD\DVD) are loaded first, but the computer simply does not find the OS loader on these devices. This can be corrected by temporarily removing all third-party media. Then you need to restart the computer using the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination.

    If this does not work, then you must manually select the device on which the operating system was installed. This can be done through the boot media selection menu. You can easily access it by pressing the F9 key at the time of diagnosing the motherboard (a second after pressing the power button on the system unit).

    On some motherboards, you can enter the boot device selection menu via F11 or F12. This information is indicated at the time the manufacturer's logo is displayed.

    In the menu that appears, you must select the “Hard Drive” item, which indicates the hard drive, and then press the Enter key. If you need to boot from a CD or flash drive, then these items are selected accordingly.

    To avoid having to perform this procedure every time you start your computer, you need to set the priority for selecting devices from which Windows will boot. This is done in the BIOS settings. You can enter it by pressing the Del key while diagnosing the motherboard. There you will need to find the “Boot Device” item and assign the hard drive as priority.

    Hardware problem

    An error when starting a PC can also be caused by physical damage to the hard drive. In rare cases, signal transmission through the loop is simply disrupted. If you cannot fix these faults yourself or you do not have the experience to do so, you should seek help from specialists. However, the ability to boot from CD\DVD and USB devices remains.

    Windows bootloader corruption

    Boot record corruption in Windows environment occurs for the following reasons:

  • physical wear and tear of the hard drive;
  • an emergency shutdown of the computer was performed;
  • the integrity of the OS was damaged due to the activity of virus applications.
  • All this can be resolved by the only method - restoring the boot record using the Windows installation disk. To solve the problem, you need to boot from the required media (via the F9 menu) and select “System Restore”.

    Here you need to select “System Restore”

    In the window that appears, select “Startup Repair” and follow the OS prompts.

    Select “Startup Repair”

    If, after selecting Startup Repair, an error occurs or the system indicates that it cannot find a copy of Windows on your hard drive, you will not be able to fix the problem. Reinstallation of Windows will be required.

    How to deal with the problem: video hint

    How to prevent it from happening again

    You can prevent the “Reboot and Select proper Boot device” error by not using the “emergency shutdown” unnecessarily. You will also need to promptly replace the BIOS battery. If its voltage drops to a critical level, the BIOS settings will be reset to the factory state.
